

Zutaten für 4 Personen:
Für die Gnocchi:
• 550 g Bio-Kartoffeln (mehlige Sorte)
• 20 g Butter
• 20 g Basilikumblätter
• 90 g Mehl Type 550
• 1 Ei
• 1 TL Salz
• etwas frisch geriebene Muskatnuss
• etwas schwarzen Pfeffer aus der Mühle
• etwas Weizengries für die Arbeitsfläche
• 50 g Butter zum Braten
Für das Pesto:
• 60 g Pinienkerne
• 30 g Basilikumblätter
• 30 g Parmesan
• 130 ml natives Olivenöl
• 2 TL frischer Zitronensaft
• 1 Knoblauchzehe
• Salz
• frischer schwarzer Pfeffer aus der Mühle
• 50 g Parmesan zum dekorieren
For the gnocchi, wash the potatoes and boil in their skins for 20 minutes. In the
meantime, lightly brown the butter in a pan and set aside. Preheat the oven to 120
°C. Drain and peel the potatoes, halve lengthways and place on a baking tray. Then
put in the oven for 10 minutes to dry out. Next, press the warm potatoes through a
potato ricer. Wash and drain the basil and place in a tall blender with the butter, egg,
salt and spices and blend to a fine purée. Add the green sauce to the potatoes and
mix to a soft dough with the flour. Sprinkle the semolina on a baking sheet. Halve the
dough and shape into two rolls (diameter about 3 cm). Cut the rolls into 1 cm-thick
slices. Press a fork into the gnocchi. Boil the gnocchi in 2 batches in boiling salted
water. The gnocchi are ready when they rise to the surface. Remove and drain through
a sieve. Then leave them to cool on an oiled baking sheet. This means they will keep
their shape much better when they are reheated, and the gnocchi can also easily be
prepared in advance if you are expecting guests. Heat some butter in a frying pan and
cook the gnocchi in two batches.
For the pesto, wash and drain the basil leaves. Then blend to a fine purée with the
other ingredients in a tall blender.
Serve the gnocchi on heated places with a large spoonful of pesto, sprinkle them with
Parmesan shavings and garnish with basil leaves.