Construction Vehicle Vibration and Ride Comfort


Construction Vehicle Vibration and Ride Comfort
Construction Vehicle
Vibration and Ride Comfort
Project funding:
Initial situation:
The project ‘Construction Vehicle Vibra-
The construction vehicle operators are exposed to the high amplitude Whole-
tion and Ride Comfort’ is a fundamental
Body Vibrations (WBVs), induced by the road unevenness and the vibrating com-
research project of the Chair of Design
ponents on the vehicles, such as the motor. The exposure to the WBVs causes the
in Mechanical Engineering (Lehrstuhl für
ride discomfort and health problems, such as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs),
Konstruktion im Maschinen-und Appa-
degeneration of the spine and the low back pain (LBP). Additionally, the vehicle
ratebau, KIMA). This project is partly
vibrations play an important role in the driving safety and operational stability.
funded by the VOLVO Construction Equipment Germany GmbH, in Konz.
Solution approach:
The purpose of this project is to evaluate the construction vehicle vibration effect
on human beings and improve the ride comfort. The vehicle vibration intensity
is dependent on various factors, especially the vehicle type, speed, the vehicle
task and the road surface. Vibration standards specify several vibration evaluation methods. For the vibrations of a special vehicle, the most suitable method
should be identified to evaluate their effect on human beings. Suspension systems are used on the vehicles to isolate the vibrations. In order to improve the
ride comfort, the suspension systems should be optimized.
Zentrum für Nutzfahrzeugtechnologie
Project partner
Research method:
The vibration accelerations are measured on different types of construction vehicles when they are driven in their special working situations on different roads.
The effect of these vibrations on human health and ride comfort is evaluated
according to the vibration standards. The MBS model including cab, cab suspension system, seat and seat suspension system is built in the MBS software
ADAMS, which is used to optimize the cab and seat suspension systems. After
the optimal parameters of suspension systems are identified by simulation, the
optimized suspension systems are validated on the vibration test rig and on the
real vehicles.
The suspension systems of the construction vehicles are optimized to improve
the ride comfort. Then the WBVs have a lower risk, and the operators can spend a
longer time on their work or they can drive the vehicles at a higher speed. Even-
tually, the work efficiency will be improved.
Technische Universität
Lehrstuhl für Konstruktion
im Maschinen-und Apparatebau
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Christian Schindler
Gebäude 42
67663 Kaiserslautern
Tel.: +49 (0)631 205-3221
Fax.: +49 (0)631 205-3730
M.Sc. Xiaojing Zhao
Tel.: +49 (0)631 205-3041
E-Mail: [email protected]
Zentrum für Nutzfahrzeugtechnologie