Universitätsmedizin Göttingen Zentrum Anatomie - Gepris


Universitätsmedizin Göttingen Zentrum Anatomie - Gepris
Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Zentrum Anatomie
Abteilung Neuroanatomie
Kreuzbergring 36
37075 Göttingen
+49 551 39-7051
+49 551 39-7052
[email protected]
Research Grants
Current projects
Chromatin regulation by BAF complex controls cortical astrogenesis
(Applicant Tuoc, Ph.D., Tran Cong )
Spatial and temporal precision of stimulus representation and processing in a
highly disorganized cortex
(Applicant Staiger, Jochen Ferdinand )
A study of the entire multi-subunit BAF (mSWI/SNF) complex loss in global
epigenetic regulation of cerebral cortex development
(Applicant Tuoc, Ph.D., Tran Cong )
Completed projects
Connexin expression, neuronal survival and vulnerability in the developing and
adult nigrostriatal system of mice deficient for FGF-2, FGF-5 either alone or in
(Applicant Reuss, Bernhard )
Wege und Umwege durch kortikale Kolumnen - Analyse der Natur und Plastizität
der Repräsentation von taktilen Reizen in den topologischen Karten des primären
somatosensorischen Kortex
(Applicant Staiger, Jochen Ferdinand )
Konnektivität im Barrel-Kortex: Morphologische und funktionelle Untersuchungen
zur Struktur der modularen Organisation des somatosensorischen Kortex
(Applicant Staiger, Jochen Ferdinand )
Synaptic connections of GABAergic interneurons mediating local, feedforward or
feedback inhibition in a cortical column
(Applicant Staiger, Jochen Ferdinand )
Research Units
Completed projects
Three-dimensional analysis and quantification of dye-labeled cortical neurons by
(Applicant Staiger, Jochen Ferdinand )
Research Fellowships
Current projects
Molecular Identity and Development of Layer IV Thalamorecipient Neurons in the
Normal and Disorganized Neocortex
(Applicant Wagener, Robin )
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
The role of cortical GABAergic interneurons in pathway-specific control of sensory
information processing
(Project leader Staiger, Jochen Ferdinand )
Completed projects
Synaptische Reorganisation im Bulbus Olfactorius in Vitro
(Project leader Rickmann, Michael ; Wolff, Joachim Rudolf )
Synaptische Re-Organisation im Bulbus Olfactorius erwachsener Ratten
(Project leader Wolff, Joachim Rudolf )
Regulationsmechanismen des Auf-, Um- und Abbaus von Synapsen
(Project leader Wolff, Joachim Rudolf )
Topographic maps and their synaptic circuits in modular and nonmodular
(disorganized) rodent barrel cortex
(Project leader Hennig, Jürgen ; Staiger, Jochen Ferdinand )
Integration of afferent sensory and cortical input by identified neurons of the rodent
somatosensory cortex
(Project leader Lampl, Ilan ; Staiger, Jochen Ferdinand )
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Aufrechtes Zweiphotonenmikroskop für die Intravitalmikroskopie
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 632: Neuroscience: Neuroplasticity Research
(Spokesperson Paulus, Walter )
GEPRIS is a project of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Contact GEPRIS at http://www.dfg.de/gepris
(c) 1999 - 2017 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (http://www.dfg.de)

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