ANNuAl REpoRt 2012 - Universität Luxemburg


ANNuAl REpoRt 2012 - Universität Luxemburg
Integrative Research Unit on Social
and Individual Development
Annual Report 2012
A propos d’INSIDE
Un changement social accéléré ainsi qu’une globalisation économique posent d’énormes défis
au Luxembourg et à l’Europe. Que ce soit les changements économiques et culturels, la migration et le multilinguisme, le stress et les maladies de civilisation, le vieillissement de la population ou les changements dans le monde du travail : Les particuliers, les familles et la société se
voient confrontés à un environnement en évolution permanente.
L’unité de recherche INSIDE de l’Université du Luxembourg concentre ses recherches sur
les effets du changement social tant au niveau de l’individu que de la société. Le but de
ces recherches est de promouvoir un développement social durable et la cohésion sociale.
Pour ce faire, INSIDE exploite une approche interdisciplinaire innovante, en réunissant des
chercheurs de différentes disciplines des sciences sociales.
Rapid social change and economic globalization represent enormous challenges to Luxembourg and Europe. Be it economic and cultural changes, migration and multilingualism,
stress and civilization diseases, population ageing, as well as changes in work life – the
individual, the family and the society as a whole have to adapt to changing living conditions.
The research unit INSIDE at the University of Luxembourg studies the effects of social
change at the individual and macro-social level. Comprehensive goal of these endeavours
is the promotion of sustainable social development and social cohesion. In doing so INSIDE
follows an innovative interdisciplinary approach uniting scholars from different yet complementary social science backgrounds.
Der rapide soziale Wandel und die wirtschaftliche Globalisierung stellen Luxemburg wie ganz
Europa vor enorme Herausforderungen. Ob ökonomische und kulturelle Veränderungen, Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit, Stress und Zivilisationserkrankungen, Alterung der Gesellschaft oder Veränderungen in der Arbeitswelt: Menschen, Familien und die Gesellschaft als
Ganzes müssen sich auf Rahmenbedingungen einstellen, die sich immer schneller ändern.
Die Forschungsgruppe INSIDE an der Universität Luxemburg erforscht die Effekte des sozialen Wandels auf der Ebene des Individuums und der Gesellschaft. Zielsetzung der Forschung
ist es, eine nachhaltige soziale Entwicklung und den sozialen Zusammenhalt zu fördern.
INSIDE verfolgt dazu einen innovativen interdisziplinären Ansatz, in dem Wissenschaftler
verschiedener sozialwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen zusammenarbeiten.
Table of content
— Editorial — Generation triad — Pain – a question of medicine, biology, and philosophy — Understanding parents better to make family work more effective — Research domain “Psychosocial Stress and Health” — Attentional bias to food cues in binge eating disorders — Research domain “Generations and Life Span Development” — How do care policies change their ideas of early childhood? — Research domain “Processes and Systems of Social Regulation” — Being family caregivers of stroke survivors: contribution of the health capability concept — INSIDE staff at a glance — Research facilities: The Clinical Psychophysiology Laboratory — PhD defences and theses
— Research and postdoc projects — Congresses, workshops, lectures, and teaching — Publications in 2012
— —
Dieter Ferring
Head of Unit
Helmut Willems
Deputy Head of Unit
Chère lectrice, cher lecteur,
2012 fut une année laborieuse mais également couronnée de succès: 41 projets de recherche (y compris les
projets postdoc) ont été réalisés (dont plusieurs sont
encore en cours), 33 thèses de doctorat accompagnées
(dont deux ont pu être finalisées), 157 publications scientifiques élaborées ainsi que, entre autres, deux congrès
et neuf ateliers internationaux et une série de cours magistraux organisés.
Le développement des laboratoires du domaine de recherche « Clinical and Health Psychology » a progressé de
telle sorte que de nouvelles formes de diagnostic fonctionnel et physiologique sont dorénavant possibles. La recherche au niveau du recensement de la population a avancé d’un grand pas. Ceci vaut également pour les rapports
sociaux sur la petite enfance et la jeunesse, ainsi que sur
les conditions de vie des personnes âgées au Luxembourg.
Le professeur Louis Chauvel a pu implanter depuis l’été
2012 son programme de recherche « Social inequality within
the national, European and international context ». Suite
au recrutement en 2012 d’un candidat pour une chaire en
sciences économiques dans le cadre de ce programme,
la recherche sur l’aspect économique pourra démarrer en
2013 et ainsi compléter les travaux de Louis Chauvel. Mais
l’unité INSIDE aimerait encore intensifier ses recherches
sur le développement social, notamment dans les domaines
de l’entrepreunariat social et du management social.
Le Rapport Annuel 2012 vous présente nos domaines
de recherche, quelques-uns de nos projets ainsi que
quelques-uns de nos chercheurs et chercheuses. En
conclusion, nous aimerions remercier tous les collègues
de l’unité - tant au niveau administratif que scientifique
- pour leur investissement et engagement.
Nous vous souhaitons bonne lecture.
Dear reader,
2012 has been a busy and successful year for INSIDE: A
total of 41 research projects (including postdoc projects)
and 33 PhD theses have been elaborated (most of the
projects and theses are still running). Members of the unit
published a total of 157 academic publications, organised,
amongst others, two international congresses, nine international workshops as well as one lecture series in 2012.
Further major achievements in 2012 concern the development of the laboratories in Clinical and Health Psychology
that render interesting new possibilities of functional and
physiological diagnosis. Scientific social reporting defines
a further area of significant achievements: research on
the Luxembourg population census, early childhood and
youth development as well as the life situation of older
adults has significantly advanced in 2012.
Professor Louis Chauvel implements his research programme on “Social Inequality within the national, European and international context” since summer 2012 together with his team. A Professor of Economics recruited
in November 2012 will join the unit and contribute to research on social inequality out of an economic perspective. Last but not least, the unit will enlarge its research
focus on social development by applying for new resources
in the domains of social business and social management.
The Annual Report 2012 gives an overview of our research domains and presents some of our projects and
researchers. Our thanks go to all the colleagues from the
unit - both at the administrative as well as the academic
level - for their dedicated work.
We wish you pleasure in reading this report.
Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,
2012 war ein arbeitsintensives und erfolgreiches Jahr für
INSIDE: 41 (zum Teil noch laufende) Forschungsprojekte
(inklusive Postdoc-Projekte) wurden durchgeführt, 33
Dissertationen bearbeitet (wobei 2 abgeschlossen werden
konnten), 157 wissenschaftliche Publikationen verfasst
und u.a. zwei internationale Kongresse, neun internationale Workshops sowie eine Vorlesungsreihe organisiert.
Die sachliche und personale Ausstattung der Labors im
Forschungsbereich „Clinical and Health Psychology“ konnte verbessert werden. Damit ergeben sich neue Möglichkeiten der funktionalen und physiologischen Diagnostik.
Die Sozialberichterstattung wurde ebenfalls vorangetrieben: entsprechende Forschungen im Rahmen der Volkszählung, der frühen Kindheit und Jugend, der Lebenssituation der älteren Bevölkerung machten große Fortschritte.
Schließlich hat Professor Louis Chauvel seit Sommer
2012 damit begonnen, sein Forschungsprogramm „Social
Inequality within the national, European and international
context“ mit seinem Team zu implementieren. Die Forschungsarbeiten von Louis Chauvel werden 2013 um eine
ökonomische Perspektive erweitert, da im November 2012
eine Professur für Wirtschaftswissenschaften erfolgreich
besetzt werden konnte. INSIDE wird im kommenden Jahr
seine Forschung im Bereich der Sozialentwicklung weiter
ausbauen, insbesondere in den Bereichen der Sozialwirtschaft und des sozialen Managements.
Der Jahresbericht 2012 stellt Ihnen unsere Forschungsbereiche sowie ausgewählte Forschungsprojekte und deren Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler näher vor.
Abschließend möchten wir uns bei allen Kolleginnen und
Kollegen - aus dem administrativen und wissenschaftlichen Bereich - für Ihr großes Engagement bedanken.
Wir wünschen Ihnen eine gute Lektüre.
Generation triad
Dr Isabelle Albert is a family person. “At home, we always
used to be three generations sitting together around the
lunch table,” says the developmental and family psychologist. “Growing up, much time was spent not only with my
parents but also my grandparents - and these are some of
my fondest memories.” However, when several generations
are living in close quarters, things don’t always run smoothly. Instead of living together, sometimes people are merely
living alongside each other - or even against each other.
How do these different kinds of family relationships come
about? What are their effects on individual family members? How do they inform the development of values among
the younger generation? Set against the background of a
key societal development - migration - these are a few of
the questions that Isabelle Albert deals with as a scientist.
As head of her own research project (whose acronym, IRMA,
is short for “Intergenerational Relations in Light of Migration and Ageing”), Albert will examine these questions starting in 2013. Funding for Albert’s research will be provided by
Luxembourg’s Fonds National de la Recherche.
So explain to us what all this is about, Ms Albert. “The
goal is to start an intercultural comparison and figure
out how relationships, values, and different generations’
identity constructs differ between Portuguese immigrant
families and Luxembourgian families.” The study’s focus
will be on two generations: those who are at the doorstep
of retirement and their adult children. “Many in the first
generation of Portuguese families who arrived in Luxembourg in the late 60s and early 70s are now at that
age where they are starting to ask themselves what they
want their retirement years to look like,” Isabelle Albert
explains. “At the same time, we still know comparatively
little about successful strategies or specific needs of immigrant families in this particular stage of life.”
Families are dynamic entities whose members continue to
evolve over time and in which different generations tend to
influence each other. To capture this dynamic, ideally one
should be able to follow and interview families over the
course of many years. According to Dr Albert, this is a real
challenge as funding for long-term research projects is rare.
“Which is why, at any given point, we interview several generations within the families at the same time. In the process, we learn about how family members view themselves
- in other words, the identity constructs that are in place -,
how they negotiate their relationships with other members
of the family, and how values differ between generations.”
Isabelle Albert is interested in topics ranging from how
family is viewed to how people see themselves. “The older
generation often has this tendency to cling to more conventional precepts about roles within the family and mutual intergenerational duties and responsibilities. By contrast, the younger generations tend to be less focused
on family and instead are much more individualistic.” According to the scientist, this realization does not really
come as a surprise. “It is only natural for generations to
disagree in terms of their attitudes. The younger ones
are finding themselves confronted with very different
kinds of challenges, say in their professional lives - as
they struggle to adjust to them, their values no longer
conform to those held by the older generation.”
Yet existing analyses and inter-family comparisons have
shown that the generations are much more closely interconnected than some would have you believe. “Whether
someone’s attitudes and believes are basically progressive or conservative is something that is passed along
from grandparents to their children and grandchildren,”
explains Isabelle Albert. In other words, if intergenerational differences in opinions do arise, they are often
relative. In a conservative family, the argument is about
nuances regarding basic conservative attitudes, and the
opposite holds true in progressive families.
According to Isabelle Albert, “conflicts can also be important for a child’s developing sense of identity. They
help the child distance him or herself from the parents.
But they are also important for bonding - if they are constructive.” Bonding that can last for decades - until the
parents are old and the children themselves have become adults.
Which brings us full circle to IRMA, Isabelle Albert’s latest research endeavour. “In the Portuguese immigrant families, before
they embark on their retirement, parents often ask themselves
where they would prefer to spend the evening of their lives: in
Luxembourg - their adopted home - or Portugal - their former
home. Or just maybe divide their time between the two countries.” Just as they get to a point in their lives where they have
more time to spend helping their grown-up children with things
like taking care of the grandchildren and when, potentially, they
are starting to depend to a greater extent upon the support of
their children, the geographic distance between the generations
might thus become greater.
The parents’ relationship to their grown-up children depends
on the way the generations view themselves, which values and
expectations they have, and the role that they assign to each
other in all this. Are the children required to assist their elderly
parents? If so, in what way? How will this affect the relationships
and each individual’s well-being? And are there notable differences between immigrant and Luxembourgian families? These
are a few of the questions that are quickly gathering momentum
in our ageing society. There exists a pressing need for a scientific analysis as it is intended by IRMA so that the process can
be closely tracked, difficulties identified early on, and assistance
programs implemented before societal destruction sets in.
Isabelle Albert
INSIDE scientist Dr Isabelle Albert’s project, Intergenerational Relations in the Light of
Migration and Ageing, probes identity constructs, values, and intergenerational relations in Luxembourgian and Portuguese families.
Pain – a question
and philosophy
“Pain is a very complex phenomenon - and we are still in the very
early stages of understanding it.” As he is saying this, the scientist emanates resolve and optimism. His eyes sparkle whenever
he talks about his research; the story he tells is forever interspersed by short bursts of laughter, and despite its innumerable
facets, a solid hour later, the researcher has indeed managed to
conjure up a vivid mental image. The man of the hour is Fernand
Anton, INSIDE scientist and Professor of Psychobiology at the
University of Luxembourg.
Until a few decades ago, the field of medicine used to regard
pain as an exclusive physiological phenomenon. If, using standard
diagnostic tools, physicians were unable to pinpoint a somatic
cause for the pain their patients were reporting with, they naturally assumed that the affected individuals must be imagining
their suffering. “Today we know better,” says Anton. “These
people are actually really sick, and, of course, their pain is real.”
Thanks in part to modern-day imaging tools like functional magnetic resonance tomography, it is possible to document that in
the case of the kind of pain that at first glance appears to not
be of an organic nature, there are real pain perception processes
taking place in the brain.
What causes this pain? How can we help patients who are experiencing chronic pain? How might we be able to prevent it from developing in the first place? These are some of the questions that
occupy Fernand Anton. The scientist who is engaged in basic science research focuses on probing the cause of things in his work
Fernand Anton
INSIDE pain researcher Fernand Anton studies stress-related
mechanisms underlying enhanced pain sensitivity and chronic
pain. His goal is to contribute to a more holistic understanding
of pain across different scientific disciplines and across cultures.
of medicine, biology,
- without ever losing sight of clinical issues throughout
his career. One of the causes for intensifying pain states
or making them become chronic can be traced back to
stress. “Stress affects the endocrine system,” explains
Anton. “For example, during times of stress, cortisol
levels go up - and they normalize again as soon as the
stressor is removed.” Under certain circumstances, this
cortisol release system breaks down. In approximately 15
percent of people who are exposed to short intermittent
and intensive, or long periods of stress, cortisol levels become permanently depressed.
But cortisol is not only a stress hormone, it is also an
inhibitor of the inflammatory response. If the body’s cortisol concentration drops too low, certain immunocompetent cells in neural tissue called glial cells release inflammatory mediators. One of Anton’s hypotheses is that
these substances act to sensitize those nerve cells that
are in charge of processing of pain sensations. This can
be documented when you take a look at the cells’ physiology: They increase their release of signaling substances
or widen their connection with other nerve cells. “Those
affected by this are more sensitive to pain or they experience a constant sensation of pain even if the initial trigger of the pain has long since been removed,” says Anton.
The number of people who are suffering like this is probably much greater than has previously been thought. “In
the past, we completely underestimated the gravity of the
stress experience prior to and immediately following birth
and how it fits into the whole picture without really understanding the long-term consequences for these individuals’ pain experience,” says Anton. As such, until a few
years ago, any medical procedures on premature infants
were typically performed with no (or with inadequate) anesthesia - because everyone thought that these children
were incapable of feeling any pain. The pain that these
infants did in fact suffer in these instances represented
an enormous stressor as well as their being isolated from
their mother in an incubator.
Today, based on results from animal experiments, pain researchers are only beginning to grasp the long-term consequences of this type of stress suffered at such an early
age. Along with their colleagues from Strasbourg, Anton
and his team regularly separated neonate rats from their
mothers for a brief period of time - an enormous stressor for the animals. According to Anton, “we were able to
demonstrate that the nerve pathways for pain detection
and processing in young rats develop more slowly. The
inhibitory mechanisms that normally suppress pain also
don’t develop appropriately.” The outcome? Adult animals
were more prone to developing chronic pain. The same is
likely true for humans as well.
In other words, different types of pain have a considerable sphere of influence, and much of it is still unknown.
But to Fernand Anton, this wasn’t quite enough complexity so he has gone ahead and added yet another layer by
starting a research project that was initiated by Dr Smadar Bustan, a philosopher. “Pain is a phenomenon that is
greatly informed by the culture we live in.” Take Japan for
instance: “Unlike us Western Europeans, the Japanese
don’t use adjectives like stinging, throbbing, or burning
to describe pain. In Japanese culture, pain plays a minor
role; it is viewed as a natural part of life that must be
endured, and thus it is mostly described in poetic terms.”
In pain research, an important observation is that pain
and pain-related suffering are not discussed in the same
terms everywhere. So if the goal is to communicate
across country and cultural boundaries, this is virtually
impossible for lack of a standardized vocabulary. Which
is why Anton and his group are working on arriving at a
more holistic understanding of pain in the context of an
international project with joint funding provided by Luxembourg’s Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) and
the German Research Foundation (DFG). Neuroscience,
psychology, and philosophy are all interconnected in this
research. “At this point, we are pretty much done with the
preparation stage,” says Anton. Finding common ground
between the ways in which the different disciplines view
and talk about pain has been a major challenge: “Even
if pain researchers from different backgrounds communicate with each other, the terminology is still very
different.” In other words, this kind of interdisciplinary
approach is both a challenge and a prerequisite for understanding pain - so that ultimately we would be able
to help people who are dealing with pain on a daily basis.
Understanding parents better
family work more effective
Over the last few decades, child protective services have
undergone several sweeping changes. As recently as the
mid-1900’s, it was not uncommon for children to be removed from their families if the parents were considered
unfit to raise them. This form of intervention was often
traumatic for the child and could seriously damage family
relationships. By contrast, the new face of child protective services is one of child and family assistance. The
philosophy is that, if at all possible, even in difficult situations, children should remain with their parents and help
should be provided to the family so that they may get a
handle on the problem.
How do parents view their job of raising kids and the
burden of their own living conditions? This is the fundamental question which prompted the study Dujardin
is currently conducting as part of her PhD research. Her
approach is steeped in the concept of family resilience positive family development in the face of adversity. “The
question remains whether or not an attitude change on
the part of the experts - away from the idea of protecting
and towards one of helping people help themselves - ultimately translates into family assistance being viewed
more favorably by families who are in trouble and who
could benefit from these programs.”
Certain difficulties seem to be persisting even though,
overall, the development has been a positive one. The
parents have to want to take advantage of the help that
is available to them. In some cases, this works rather well.
“In others, professionals who are working with the families are up against a general lack of cooperativity, even
animosity,” explains Céline Dujardin, education scientist
and a PhD candidate at the INSIDE research unit.
Dujardin is investigating experiences and developments
from the point of view of parents who already have some
history with family assistance. The ultimate goal is to
use these insights to coin action perspectives for use
in assistance programs. To this end, the junior scientist
plans to conduct formal interviews with parents that will
form the basis for a qualitative survey. “In some cases,
my interview partners will already have experience with
assistance from when they themselves were children or
teenagers. Their past impressions will have informed their
current attitude towards available offerings.” It is equally
important to examine the influence of the present family
situation - the level of education, the job and the social
In the social sciences, the method used by Dujardin is
known as a “life history”. Scientists focus on certain life
stages - in this case the parenthood stage - to look into
the family’s experiences, potential difficulties and their
resolutions as worked out by the parents themselves or
with the help of a third party. “Following each interview,
I take down a detailed account of the hour-or-so-long
conversation, outlining each parent’s development - with
the birth of the child as the point of reference - and how
the event was personally relevant to them,” explains Dujardin. In a second step, the story is anonymized and subsequently assigned a construct consisting of theoretical
indicators like vulnerability or resilience.
The last step is interpretation, during which empathy for the
parents’ situation is developed. Céline Dujardin is hoping to
find answers to a number of questions that are keeping her
up at night. “Is what we know really that which constitutes
the parents’ situation? Which of the known elements could
er to make
be confirmed? What are some of the elements that we have not
been paying close enough attention to? And what insights can be
gleaned from such an empirical investigation?”
Dujardin is hopeful that by finding the answers to these questions, she will be doing her part to better integrate the parents’
perspective into family work. “Only once we understand why
mothers and fathers act the way they do in certain situations
- like the ones typically witnessed by family services personnel can we begin to customize the offerings in a meaningful way and
up their acceptance. We should also try to change the communication patterns that go along with it so that we might actually
win the parents over and get them to want to take advantage of
the assistance that is available to them.” When viewed in this
light, Dujardin’s work becomes a kind of “assistance for family
assistance” - so that the latter is better equipped to supporting these children and their families - working together with the
parents rather than working against them.
Céline Dujardin
As part of her doctoral work, INSIDE researcher Céline Dujardin
is looking to incorporate the parents’ perspective more strongly
into family assistance programs.
Research domain
“Psychosocial Stress and Health”
Coordinator: Fernand Anton
Social development and the resulting changes in the social environment constitute challenges requiring the individual
to continuously adapt to behavioural, physiological and psychological levels. Difficulties or breakdown in adaptation
contribute to ill health, e.g. chronic physical conditions and mental disorders. These disorders pose a major challenge
in terms of individual suffering and economic costs for society. Therefore, this research investigates the interactions
between social change and health across all age groups. Research within this domain focuses on:
Stress, Pain, and Pain Modulation
Head: Fernand Anton
This research group has a main interest in the impact of stress and altered stress hormone levels (adrenocortical reactivity) on the development and maintenance of enhanced pain sensitivity. For this purpose, complementary psychophysical/psychophysiological experimental and clinical studies in humans, as well as neurobiological and behavioural
experiments in animal models, are performed. Additionally, more recently initiated psychophysiological research activities are devoted to endogenous pain control systems and their dependence on psychological processes like classical
conditioning, expectancies, and placebo-related effects.
Health Promotion and Aggression Prevention
Head: Georges Steffgen
The main purpose of this research group concerns the development of new methods in measurement and assessment
of anger (regulation) and aggression, the design of new programmes for health promotion, anger management and aggressive behaviour, as well as the analysis of the associations between affective-emotional processes and aggressive
behaviour. Research focuses on health promotion, psychological causes and consequences of violence (bullying, cyber
bullying) in schools, aggression (harassment) at the workplace, and media violence.
Self-Regulation and Health
Head: Claus Vögele
Why do people act contrarily to their intentions or feel out of control? Where is the right balance between control and
relaxation? What factors determine self-regulatory strength, i.e. the ability to inhibit impulses, to make decisions, to
persist at difficult tasks, and to regulate emotions? Can self-regulation be trained? These are just a few questions
that are currently being investigated in the research group “Self-Regulation and Health”.
2012: > 16 research projects > 1 postdoc project > 16 PhD theses
Starting 2013: > 3 research projects
Academic staff: > 3 professors > 1 associate professor > 1 senior lecturer
Zoé van Dyck, Luxembourger
> Bachelor of Science in Psychology > Master of Science
in Clinical Psychology and
Health Psychology > Junior
Researcher in the research
group “Psychosocial Stress
and Health” > PhD Supervisor:
Claus Vögele
Zoé van Dyck
Attentional bias to food cues in binge eating disorders
Why do some people have difficulties resisting the temptations of appetising food, while others are able to refrain from
eating when confronted with cookies or chips? How is eating behaviour related to the way we perceive bodily signals,
e.g. hunger and satiety? And how do these processes differ between people with an eating disorder, those who are
overweight, or lean and healthy? These are some of the questions I am addressing within my PhD project.
My research interests focus on binge eating disorder, a common eating disorder that is characterised by periods of excessive out-of-control overeating. Unlike bulimia nervosa, there are no attempts to “make up” for the binges through
vomiting, fasting, or exercising. As a consequence, the afflicted individuals are often overweight or even obese.
I am investigating how people with regular episodes of overeating attend to appetising food compared to healthy individuals, and how these attentional processes are influenced by dieting. For this purpose, participants are shown pairs
of pictures (high-calorie food vs. neutral), while their eye movements are recorded as a direct measure of attention.
Visual attention can be divided into two components: initial orientation and attention maintenance. A bias in initial
orientation occurs when individuals direct their initial gaze more often to the food items relative to the neutral pictures, reflecting automatic attention to the food pictures. Subsequently, participants either maintain their attention
to food stimuli or avoid them; avoidance may occur if individuals are attempting to suppress their desire to eat. I am
investigating if individuals with a binge eating disorder, compared to healthy individuals, show increased attentional
bias for food cues compared to healthy individuals.
In addition, I am examining the important question of whether altered attention to (external) food stimuli in individuals
with binge eating disorder is related to difficulties in discriminating (internal) sensations related to hunger and satiety.
Persons with eating behaviour problems often alternate between periods of food restriction and excessive food intake.
This may impair the perception of hunger and satiety signals, which normally enables people to decide when to begin
eating and when to stop eating, thus resulting in a disordered eating pattern characterized by overeating even if not
hungry, but prompted by the sight or smell of food, social occasions, etc.
Research domain
“Generations and Life Span Development”
Coordinator: Helmut Willems
Globalisation, international migration, technological progress and demographic change have an impact on structures and
resources of European societies; this subsequently affects social and educational contexts, employment and work, as
well as health provision and care. The construction of developmental contexts in childhood and youth, the importance of
training and learning across the life span, family development, living conditions in old age as well as technology and ageing,
and the solidarity between generations have thus become main research topics. Research within this domain focuses on:
Early Childhood: Education and Care
Head: Michael-Sebastian Honig
The research activities are related to the early phase of human life by examining its institutionalisation in informal and
formalised generational relations through basic and applied study designs. Thereby a focal point lies in accompanying
and observing the changing structures and practices of early education and care in the context of the day care reform
in Luxemburg. On a macro-sociological level, the focus is on the impact of non-familial care and pre-school education
on children’s living conditions in Luxembourg (social monitoring). On a micro-sociological level, everyday routines of
care and education are studied following the principles of ethnographic fieldwork (educational ethnography). The aim
of these research activities is to contribute to the development of a qualified system of education and care in Luxembourg (research and development).
Youth Research: Contexts and Structures of Growing-Up
Head: Helmut Willems
The research activities investigate the situation of young people from an interdisciplinary perspective with a multi-methodological approach. The main objective is to generate knowledge and evidence on the structural, attitudinal, and behavioural
aspects of young people in Luxembourg. The focus is on issues such as school-to-work transition, social engagement,
citizenship, migration, leisure activities and identity. An international comparative perspective, a strong connectedness
to the national context, and an on-going dialogue with youth policy and youth work characterize the research activities.
Ageing and Life Span Development
Head: Dieter Ferring
As humans age very differently, the position of the research group “Ageing and Life Span Development” is that ageing
can only be understood by a life span perspective that focuses on different generations involved in this process. The
research group’s approach considers the interplay of individual biogenetic configurations, personal lifestyles and habits, as well as the specific social and cultural contexts in which ageing takes place. Research thus aims at a profound
understanding of contributing factors to active and healthy ageing on the one hand and dependence and need for care
on the other hand - both at the individual and social level.
2012: > 18 research projects > 1 postdoc project > 13 PhD theses > 1 PhD defence
Starting 2013: > 6 research projects > 1 postdoc project > 1 PhD these
Academic staff: > 3 professors > 2 associate professorS
Christian Haag, German > Diplom-Pädagoge, PhD
> PhD Defence: 23 November 2012 - PhD Supervisor: Michael-Sebastian Honig > Research Associate in the research group “Early Childhood:
Education and Care” (since December 2012)
Christian Haag
How do care policies change their ideas of early childhood?
A study of the childcare policy reform in Luxembourg
My PhD thesis focused on Luxembourg’s social policy and law with regard to early childhood education and care for the
last 25 years. The project began with the notion that policy implicitly uses conceptions of early childhood and mental
constructions of how young children should grow up. Moreover, it was assumed that these mental constructions and
ideas undergo a fundamental change in light of the social, cultural and political developments in Europe such as transformations of family forms and labour markets as well as welfare state change and restructuring. Implicit conceptions
of childhood, thus, become increasingly embedded in rationales in which the care of young children is oriented to the
labour market and the childcare market. My thesis analysed this nexus with reference to the policy in Luxembourg in
three consecutive and layered phases.
My analysis identified three differing and layered conceptions of childhood. The 1990s are dominated by traditional
ideas of the young child in domestic care in an intimate relationship with the non-working mother corresponding to
the German notion of “häuslich betreutes Kleinkind”. Around the turn of the century, this idea is overlaid by the idea
of the young child of employed parents which is looked after outside the private sphere (i.e., “betreutes Kleinkind
erwerbstätiger Eltern”). Here, the main political rationales are based, not on the situation of young children, but on
the occupational and personal circumstances of parents and their support by means of childcare. In the late 2000s, an
entirely new idea of early childhood emerges in social policy and legislation with regard to young children’s care. For the
first time, the law strengthens the independent societal status of children conferring the right of care and education
to the legally individualised young child (i.e., “rechtlich individualisiertes Kleinkind”).
My analysis additionally showed that, paradoxically, these very different constructions of young children and the corresponding ideas of early childhood currently pertain simultaneously. Therefore, the diversity and multi-layered nature
of ideas shape the contemporary everyday life of young children in Luxembourg. Thus a very important question for
further research is: “How is the daily routine of children patterned by the fundamental transformations of early childhood education and care?” This question will be addressed by the forthcoming research of the INSIDE research group
“Early Childhood: Education and Care”.
Research domain
“Processes and Systems of
Social Regulation”
Coordinator: Ulla Peters
Social change affects models of social justice and social inclusion, most notably in groups that are already vulnerable.
The empowerment and quality of life of these groups constitute a dominant area of concern and an interdisciplinary
field of research. Within this context the distribution of resources, social inequality and especially the treatment of
vulnerable groups (e.g. children and young people in care, persons with special needs, the elderly) represent current
and future research questions and challenges. Research within this domain focuses on:
Social Inclusion
Head: Ulla Peters
Social inclusion and exclusion represent processes that contribute significantly to social cohesion and social welfare as
well as to individual well-being. Especially, so-called risk groups like long-term unemployed, youth from broken homes
and/or without sufficient training, or people with special needs face several challenges in an achievement-oriented society. Structures and interventions at the individual and social level shape processes of social inclusion as well as their
underlying social policies thus representing the significant research domains of the research group “Social Inclusion”.
Social Inequality – Sociology
Head: Louis Chauvel
This research domain is part of the ProSocial research agenda which is financed by a PEARL grant of the Luxembourg’s
Fonds National de la Recherche to the internationally recognized Professor Louis Chauvel. PEARL is designed to promote
strategic development in specific areas of importance to Luxembourg, and the ProSocial programme will study social inequality and distribution of wealth in the national, European and international context. Prof. Chauvel’s contribution, though
covering different and complementary disciplinary perspectives, will focus on the macro-sociological analysis.
Social Inequality – Economics
Head: N.N.
The economic analysis of social inequality represents the complementary section of the sociological research programme. The position holder was recruited in 2012 and is expected to start working in spring 2013. The research agenda
will comprise economic dynamics underlying social inequality and their links with individual well-being and social welfare.
2012: > 6 research projects > 2 PhD theses > 1 PhD defence
Starting 2013: > 4 research projects > 2 PhD theses
Academic staff: > 2 professors > 4 associate professor > 4 senior lecturers
Barbara Bucki, French > Master
professionnel de Psychologie de
la Santé et Psychologie Clinique
> Doctoral Candidate (FNR’s
AFR PhD Grant) > PhD Supervisor: Michèle Baumann – PhD
Co-Supervisor: Elisabeth Spitz,
Université de Lorraine, Metz
Barbara Bucki
Being family caregivers of stroke survivors: contribution of the
health capability concept
My research aims to better understand the caregiving role in light of the concept of health capability (HC). A first step
was to compare the theoretical domains of HC with those explored in a Luxembourgish survey among family caregivers of survivors who live, two years post-stroke, at home. A second was to clarify the respective role of internal and
external factors, which intervene in family caregivers’ HC. Three dimensions were selected from the previous survey:
appraisal of the caregiving situation, social support, and general health perceptions.
Male and female appraisal levels of the caregiving situation were similar. However, female caregivers were more likely
to report feeling tired and unfairly overburdened by care responsibilities, as well as unable to relax. Factors of vulnerability were the increase of household responsibilities, lack of family support, and constant disruptions in the schedule;
whereas using home care services favoured women caregivers’ health capability. The overall appraisal of the caregiving situation was also linked with external conditions such as satisfaction with the quality of information delivered
by professionals, and sensory state of the survivor. Several psychosocial repercussions of stroke were disharmonious
between caregivers and their patients. Family caregivers tended to overestimate changes in their couple and in the
patients’ character, but underestimated patients’ feelings of shame and undervaluation.
In the same way, I will analyse the determinants of caregivers’ perceived health. My findings show that family caregivers’ lifestyle can be considered as a health risk situation. It will be crucial to identify internal resources that reinforce
caregivers’ ability to maintain their health. To increase the comprehension of HC, I will interview family caregivers about
their self-efficacy, optimism, motivation, and attitudes about health.
INSIDE staff at a glance
Dr Isabelle Albert / Dr Marie-Emmanuelle Amara / Dr Fernand Anton (Professor) / Dr Michèle Baumann (Associate
Professor) / Dr Werner Becker (Associate Professor) / Charles Berg (Associate Professor) / Sandra Biewers-Grimm /
Dr Thomas Boll / Sabine Bollig / Elisabeth Bourkel / Petra Böwen / Jessica Brensing-Kubern / Barbara Bucki / Dr Smadar Bustan / Cristina Campillo Costoya / Dr Louis Chauvel (Professor) / Jean Philippe Pierre Decieux / Sabine Demazy /
Céline Dujardin / Dr Elisabeth Engelberg / Dr Dieter Ferring (Professor, Head of Unit) / Dr Cathy Fiatte / Yvonne Fricke /
Dr Christian Haag / Claude Haas / Dr Ulrike Hanesch / Christian Happ / Andreas Heinen / Dr Andreas Heinz / Katrin Hillebrand / Dr Michael-Sebastian Honig (Professor) / Julia Jäger / Patrice Joachim / Dr Pierre-Eric Juif / Senad Karavdic
/ Dr Ute Karl (Associate Professor) / Nicole Knoblauch / Diane Kohl / Etienne Le Bihan / Glenn-Marie Le Coz / Dr Anja
Leist / Dr Arthur Limbach-Reich (Associate Professor) / Annika Lutz / Dr Sybilla Mayer / Dr André Melzer / Christiane
Meyers / Marianne Milmeister / Paul Milmeister / Elke Murdock / Dr Sascha Neumann / Dr Gunnthora Olafsdottir / Dr
Ulla Peters (Associate Professor) / Andreia Pinto Costa / Dr Sophie Recchia / Dr Gerhard Reese / Dr Gabrijela Reljic
/ Caroline Residori / Christiane Reuter / Silke Rost / Romain Sahr / Violetta Schaan / Raymonde Scheuren / Charel
Schmit / Guy Schmit / Oliver Schnoor / Dr Martin Schröder / Dr André Schulz / Claudia Seele-Stresow / Dr Fransje
Smits / Dr Georges Steffgen (Professor, Vice-Dean of the FLSHASE) / Dr Stefan Sütterlin / Jessica Tapp / Dr Marian
van der Meulen / Zoé van Dyck / Dr Claus Vögele (Professor) / Sara Volterrani / Christiane Weis / Dr Helmut Willems
(Professor, Deputy Head of Unit) / Dr Simone Witzmann / Jean-Claude Zeimet / Vivien Zell
Professor Louis Chauvel joined the research unit in 2012. His studies focus on social inequalities in the Luxembourg,
European, and international context and are financed through the FNR Programme PEARL (Excellence Award for
Research in Luxembourg). Before joining INSIDE in 2012, Dr Chauvel was Professor of Sociology and Director of Graduate Studies in Sociology at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po, Paris). He was also Invited Professor at the
Columbia University (New York City) in 2011 and 2012.
Petra Böwen joined the unit as senior lecturer.
The following researchers joined the unit in 2012 too: Sabine Bollig / Dr Andreas Heinz / Katrin Hillebrand / Julia Jäger /
Dr Gunnthora Olafsdottir / Dr André Schulz / Dr Simone Witzmann
INSIDE welcomes the following PhD students: Cristina Campillo Costoya / Jean Philippe Pierre Decieux / Andreia Pinto
Costa / Silke Rost / Violetta Schaan
Finally, new technical and administrative staff was hired: Sabine Demazy / Dr Cathy Fiatte / Senad Karavdic / Nicole
Dr Elisabeth Engelberg, Yvonne Fricke, Dr Pierre-Eric Juif, Dr Sybilla Mayer, Dr Sophie Recchia, Caroline Residori, Charel
Schmit, and Guy Schmit left the unit and took over new positions and responsibilities. Associate Professor Charles
Berg retired. Their contribution to the research unit is highly appreciated.
> 81 staff members 2012 > 11 nationalities
Disciplinary backgrounds: > psychology > sociology > social work > social pedagogy
> educational sciences > biology > philosophy > (business) economics, and geography
> 8 professors > 7 associate professors > 5 senior lecturers
André Schulz, German > Diplom-Psychologe, PhD > Lab Administrator of the Clinical Psychophysiology Laboratory and
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
in the research group “Psychosocial Stress and Health”
André Schulz
Research facilities: The Clinical Psychophysiology Laboratory
Psychologists aim to understand the thought process, feeling and behaviour of people. One popular way of increasing
understanding of these mental processes is to investigate brain activity. Nevertheless, the brain is not the only relevant
organ for psychology. For instance, when people are stressed, they not only feel uncomfortable and perhaps anxious
(which can be linked to activity in certain brain areas); they may also perceive a faster, stronger heart rate or experience nausea or stomach ache. This example shows that organs other than the brain, such as the cardiovascular system
(heart, blood vessels) or the gastrointestinal system (stomach, bowel), also play an important role in psychology. Thus,
psychologists now view mind and body as one entity rather than two independent systems (mind-body-dualism).
It is a challenging objective to observe internal bodily organ functions from outside of the body. Fortunately, all human
tissue consists of cells: cell activity produces small electrical currents, which can be measured non-invasively from the
skin surface via electrodes. Since the amount of electricity is extremely small (several microvolts = 1/1.000.000 of a
volt), all electrical signals must be amplified by certain devices before recorded by computer. Our Clinical Psychophysiology Laboratory (CLIPSLAB) comprises such bio-amplifiers for different organs, such as the brain (=electroencephalography/EEG), the heart (=electrocardiography/ECG), the stomach (=electrogastrography/EGG), or specific muscles
(=electromyography/EMG). We aim to improve our understanding of psychological and physiological processes, which
contribute to health and disease. One of our research foci concerns the question how brain processes interact with
mechanisms elsewhere in the body (peripheral responses) under certain conditions, such as acute or chronic stress, or
in patients with body-related mental disorders (e.g., eating disorders, medically unexplained symptoms, pain). Our aim
is to identify risk and protective factors for mental disorders, and to improve therapy programmes by training patients
to control particular body functions (=biofeedback).
PhD Defences and theses
PhD Defences
Doctoral Candidate
Sybilla Mayer
Lieux de prostitution: une analyse sociologique de la prostitution de rue à Luxembourg
Philippe Combessie,
Université Paris X
Christian Haag
Wandel und Differenzierung von Kindheit
als Re-Institutionalisierung? Eine Analyse
der Reformpolitik zur Kleinkindbetreuung in
MichaelSebastian Honig
Ongoing PhD Theses
Doctoral Candidate
Working Title
Jörg Bidinger
Lay theories about neurodegenerative diseases
Dieter Ferring
Jannika Borlinghaus
Attachment style and vagal-cardiac control
Claus Vögele
Elisabeth Bourkel
Interkulturelle Kommunikation und interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Gesundheitsversorgung einer alternden
Dieter Ferring
Jessica Brensing-Kubern
Umweltpsychologische Unterstützung der Planung des
Energie-Monitoring-Konzeptes für Belval Energy
Georges Steffgen
Barbara Bucki
"Health Capability" des aidants informels deux ans
après l'AVC de leur proche
Michèle Baumann
Cristina Campillo-Costoya
Effects of biofeedback on emotional instability in
patients after stroke
Claus Vögele
Jean Philippe Pierre
Die Entwicklung eines europäischen Indikatorensets im
Bereich der Jugendforschung: Theoretische Konzepte,
methodologische Herausforderungen und praktische
Relevanz in Luxemburg
Helmut Willems
Céline Dujardin
Parentalité en précarité et résilience familiale
Dieter Ferring
Christian Happ
Mediengewalt und Empathie
Ulrich Wagner,
Karen Hellhammer
Efficacy of psychobiological diagnostics in somatoform
Fernand Anton
Christian Lamy
Die Berufseingangsphase im Lehrerberuf in Luxemburg:
Herausforderungen, Bewältigung und Ressourcen
Helmut Willems
Glenn-Marie Le Coz
Enhancement and prolongation of neuropathic pain by
stress and altered stress hormone levels: behavioural
and neurobiological studies
Fernand Anton
Annika Lutz
Neurophysiological correlates of body image disturbance in anorexia nervosa
Claus Vögele
Adrian Meule
Regulation of emotions and behavioural inhibition in
relation of eating disorders
Andrea Kübler,
Universität Würzburg
Elke Murdock
The process of national identity formation in the
Luxembourg context
Dieter Ferring
Alain Origer
L'usage de drogues illicites au Grand-Duché de
Luxembourg et ses déterminants
sociodémographiques, culturels et économiques
Michèle Baumann
Elisabeth Spitz,
Université de
Lorraine, Metz
Georges Steffgen
Claus Vögele
Nadine Pax
Wohnen und Autonomie im Alter: Zur differentiellen
Gestaltung von Lebens- und Wohnräumen
Dieter Ferring
Andreia Pinto Costa
Emotion regulation in autism spectrum disorder:
social influence, cognitive performance, and
executive attention role
Georges Steffgen
Eric Planta
Vergleichende Studie zum Einfluss der
Unterrichtsmethode auf die Sprachkompetenz
Werner Becker
Silke Rost
Self-regulation and pain - Psychological processes
in endogenous analgesia
Claus Vögele
Violetta Schaan
Psychophysical and psychophysiological characterization of experimentally induced pain processing and of
pain related suffering - an interdisciplinary approach
Fernand Anton
Claude Scheuer
Untersuchung motorischer Basisqualifikationen
bei luxemburgischen Kindern im Grundschulalter Versuch einer analytischen Bestandsaufnahme und
Lehrerkompetenz als Einflussfaktor auf frühkindliche
motorische Entwicklung
Werner Becker
Raymonde Scheuren
Conditioning of heterotopic noxious counterstimulation
induced hypoalgesia
Fernand Anton
Loretta Schulte
Neurofeedback training for the improvement of
university students' academic performance
Claus Vögele
Claudia Seele-Stresow
Doing difference in the early years: An ethnographic
research on dealing with cultural and linguistic diversity
in early childcare settings
Marie-Paule Theisen
Zur Wirksamkeit von "mindfulness" auf Glück und
Lebensqualität im Alter
Dieter Ferring
Zoé van Dyck
Attentional bias to food cues in binge eating disorders
Claus Vögele
Nico Weißmann
Schulische Integration von Migranten durch Sport
Werner Becker
Slawomir Wojniusz
Prepubertal gonadotropin-releasing hormone
analog treatment and its effects on behavioural
and psychological processes
Ira Haraldsen,
University of Oslo
Jean-Claude Zeimet
Jugendszenen in Luxemburg: Eine empirische Studie
zur Szenestruktur, zum Engagement und den Motiven
von Jugendlichen in Szenekernen am Beispiel der LAN-,
Techno- und Parkourszene
Helmut Willems
Vivien Zell
Modulation de la transmission de l'information
nociceptive spinale par l'axe hypothalamohypophysaire-adrénocortical: Implication des
glucocorticoides circulants
Pascal Darbon,
Université de
Claus Vögele
Fernand Anton
PhD Theses Starting 2013
Doctoral Candidate
Working Title
Juliane Lessing
Coping with cancer in old age - a mixed methods approach
Dieter Ferring
Valentina Ponomarenko
Social trauma and scarring effects in the transition to retirement
Louis Chauvel
Tereza Wennerholm
Inequality, overeducation, and the comparative mutations of fertility
Louis Chauvel
Lux-mental health: Feasibility study on mental health problems and needs observed by
health and social professionals in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Betreuungswirklichkeit und Bildungswirklichkeit - Die Pädagogik der Maison Relais
Biographies and transnational social support networks of older migrants in Luxembourg a pilot study
Employability and bachelor in social and educative science
Preventing violence and aggressive behaviour in children and adolescents using interactive
media instruments
Emotion regulation and decision-making: Self-regulation in practice
Self-regulation and pain - psychological factors of endogenous analgesia
Social responsibility as a strategic concept of prevention work - opportunities and limitations of promoting an intergenerational dialogue by networking
Michèle Baumann
Michael-Sebastian Honig
Ute Karl
Arthur Limbach-Reich
Georges Steffgen
Claus Vögele
Claus Vögele
Helmut Willems
Project Staff
Andreas Heinen, Christiane Meyers
Jugendbericht 2015
Nationaler Bildungsrahmenplan "Assurance qualité des Maisons de Jeunes"
Research-based analysis and monitoring of the youth in action
Subjektive Erfahrungen der Jugendlichen mit Übergangsmaßnahmen
Recensement de la population 2011
Helmut Willems
Helmut Willems
Helmut Willems
Helmut Willems
Helmut Willems, Dieter
Ferring, Georges Steffgen
Virtual coach reaches out to me
Pilot study on measurement employability of alumni at Luxembourg University in three
higher education studies
Cyberbullying: Coping with negative and enhancing positive use of new technologies in
relationships in educational settings
EU-Kids Online III
Cognitive enhancement training for sucessful rehabilitation after stroke
Multifactorial evidence based approach using behavioural models in understanding and
promoting fun, healthy food, play and policy for the prevention of obesity in early childhood
Dieter Ferring
Arthur Limbach-Reich
Georges Steffgen
Georges Steffgen, André
Claus Vögele
Claus Vögele
Cristina Campillo-Costoya, Simone
Andreia da Costa
Marie-Emmanuelle Amara
Gabrijela Reljic
Project Staff
Andreas Heinz
Sandra Biewers-Grimm
Andreas Heinen, Patrice Joachim,
Christiane Meyers
Andreas Heinen, Paul Milmeister
Social inequality within the national, European and international context - sociological part
Louis Chauvel
Project Staff
Martin Schröder, Fransje Smits
Smadar Bustan, Violetta Schaan
Gesellschaftskritik und Protest
Helmut Willems
Health in old age: A study on the interplay of economic and individual influences
Breathing spaces: Relating to nature in the everyday and its connections to health and
Anja Leist
Gunnthora Olafsdottir
Social inequality within the national, European and international context - economic part
Attentional processing of food and body cues in eating disorders
Epigenetic effects of early life adverse events on adult pathology
Claus Vögele
Claus Vögele
Project Name
Intergenerational relations in the light of migration and ageing
Project Leader
Isabelle Albert
Postdoc Project - Start in 2013
EU survey on public safety
Biographies and transnational social support networks of older migrants in Luxembourg
Ute Karl
Helmut Willems, Dieter
Ferring, Georges Steffgen
Doing quality in commercial childcare
Michael-Sebastian Honig
Parcours d'intégration de jeunes issus de l'immigration
Children in the Luxembourgian daycare system
Michael-Sebastian Honig
Plan Communal Jeunesse Schuttrange
Framing age
Dieter Ferring
Helmut Willems
Monitoring and dynamics of health status through the risk factors for cardiovascular disease
Michèle Baumann
Helmut Willems
Project Name
Capital employabilité des étudiants des masters et des diplômés primo-accédant à l'emploi:
relations avec la satisfaction au travail et la qualité de vie, évolution et évaluation de
l'efficacité d'ateliers CAPJOB
Principal Investigator
Michèle Baumann
Research Projects - Start in 2013
Project Name
Project Leader
Ongoing Postdoc Projects
Dieter Ferring
Supervisor INSIDE
Andreas Heinen, Christiane Meyers
Andreas Heinen
Sascha Neumann
Sabine Bollig,
Sascha Neumann,
Oliver Schnoor
Etienne Le Bihan
Etienne Le Bihan
Project Staff (if known)
Claus Vögele
Dieter Ferring
Supervisor INSIDE
Professor Jaan Valsiner,
Clark University, USA
Mentor abroad
Dr Jonathan David Turner, project coordinator, CRP Santé;
Professor Hartmut
Schächinger, international
co-funding partner,
Universität Trier
Ministère de la Famille et de
Professor Tanja Betz,
Goethe University Frankfurt;
Professor Ilona Ostner, Georg
August University, Göttingen;
Professor Johanna
Mierendorff, Martin Luther
University Halle-Wittenberg
Associate Professor Benoît
Majerus, project coordinator at
the University of Luxembourg
Dr Anastase Tchicaya, project
coordinator, CEPS INSTEAD Social Science Research
Professor Paul Cloke,
University of Exeter, UK
Professor Johan P. Mackenbach, Erasmus Medical Center
Supervisor - Collaborating Institution
Analyse des Effizienzforschungsansatzes Deep Impact für Out-Of-Home Werbekampagnen durch Erfassen impliziter Informationen
Translation of "Implicit Does it Better" as part of the expert contribution to the "Analyse des Effizienzforschungsansatzes Deep Impact für Out-Of-Home
Werbekampagnen durch Erfassen impliziter Informationen"
André Melzer
André Melzer
Professor Wolfgang Kühnel,
Hochschule für Wirtschaft
und Recht Berlin
LIS - Cross National Data
Center in Luxembourg
Professor Herta Flor, international co-funding partner,
Universität Heidelberg
Harokopio University Athens,
coordinating institution,
consortium of 15 partners
Professor Andrea Kübler, project coordinator, Universität
Würzburg, consortium of 7
Professor Sonia Livingstone,
project coordinator, London
School of Economics, consortium of 27 partners
Professor Peter K. Smith,
project coordinator, Goldsmith
College, University of London,
consortium of 28 partners
Institut Universitaire International Luxembourg (IUIL)
Dr Reiner Wichert, project coordinator, Fraunhofer Institut
für Graphische Datenverarbeitung Darmstadt, consortium
of 9 partners
Dr Hans-Werner Bedersdorfer,
Universität des Saarlandes;
Professor Patrick Baranger,
Université Nancy-Metz;
Professor F. Guillaume,
Université de Liège
amongst others, University of
Professor Dietrich Kurz,
Bielefeld University, Germany
Professor Fernand Anton,
University of Luxembourg
Professor Brad J. Bushman,
Ohio State University, USA
Associate Professor Christel
Baltes-Löhr, University of
Regionale Sozialzenter
Norden, Luxembourg
Project Name
Katrin Hillebrand
Project Staff
Dr Pascal Darbon, University
of Strasbourg, France
Principal Investigator
Projects funded by private company
Project Name
Principal Investigator
Project funded by the Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben
Project Name
Pain and suffering: From philosophical concepts to psychobiological and neuroscientific
Principal Investigator
Fernand Anton
Projects funded by the Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
Project Name
University of the Greater Region - A Saar-Lor-Lux-Wall-initiative to deepen the interregional cooperation in teacher training - interregional cooperative university of teacher training
and educational sciences
Principal Investigator
Werner Becker
Projects funded by the European Commission
Christiane Meyers
Die empirische Beschreibung der NEET (not in education, employment, or training)
Problematik in Luxemburg - eine Sekundäranalyse vorhandener Daten
Christian Happ
Diane Kohl
André Melzer
Helmut Willems
Evaluation des cours MySecureIT
Georges Steffgen
Julia Jäger
CQT - climat, qualité, travail
Accompagnement et évaluation du processus de l'implémentation des standards de qualité
dans le domaine de l'acceuil avec hébergement d'enfants, d'adolescents et de jeunes adultes
Ulla Peters
IT Security - An empirical study on the willingness of people to communicate personal data
Stereotype Geschlechterrollen in den Medien
André Melzer
Christian Haag, Sascha Neumann
Georges Steffgen
Wissenschaftliche Begleitung von Entwicklung und Sicherung der pädagogischen
Qualität der nationalen Kinderbetreuung
Michael-Sebastian Honig
Sandra Biewers-Grimm
Marianne Milmeister
Georges Steffgen
Evaluation des Projekts "Qualitätssicherung und Qualitätskontrolle in der Arbeit der Jugendhäuser in Luxemburg"
Charles Berg (until
31.05.2012), Helmut Willems
(since 01.06.2012)
Andreas Heinen, Christiane Meyers
Plan communal Jeunesse Mersch
European knowledge centre for youth policy
NEET (not in education, employment, or training) in Luxemburg: Explorative Studie
Charles Berg
Charles Berg
Physical education and language development
Werner Becker
Charles Berg (until
31.05.2012), Helmut Willems
(since 01.06.2012)
Paul Milmeister
Motorische Basisqualifikationen luxemburgischer SchülerInnen im Alter von 6 bis 8 Jahren
Werner Becker
Romain Sahr
Project Name
Project Staff
Sandra Biewers-Grimm,
Patrice Joachim, Caroline Residori
Silke Rost
Stefan Sütterlin
Christian Happ
Elisabeth Engelberg
Sabine Bollig, Sascha Neumann,
Oliver Schnoor
Senad Karavdic
Ulrike Hanesch, Glenn-Marie le
Coz, Jessica Tapp/Cathy Fiatte,
Vivien Zell
Principal Investigator
Projects funded by Luxembourg Ministries or National Institutions
Project Name
Stress, biochemical mediators and nonciceptive processing
Principal Investigator
Fernand Anton
Projects funded by the University of Luxembourg
Research and postdoc projects
Ongoing Research Projects
Since 2007
Funding Scheme
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
- CORE 2012 Programme - Junior Track
Funded by
Service Central de la Statistique et des
Etudes économiques (STATEC)
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
- INTER Programme for the Promotion of
International Cooperation - FNR/DFG
University of Luxembourg - Internal Call
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg Programme "Excellence Award for Research in
Luxembourg" (PEARL)
University of Luxembourg - Internal Call
University of Luxembourg - Internal Call
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
- CORE 2012 Programme
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
- CORE 2012 Programme
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
- CORE 2012 Programme
University of Luxembourg - Internal Call
Funded by
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
- Aide à la Formation-Recherche - Postdoc
European Commission - European Reserach
Area in Ageing 2 - Future Leaders of Ageing
Research (FLARE)
Funded by
Ströer Media Deutschland GmbH, Köln
Ströer Media Deutschland GmbH, Köln
Funded by
Bundesprogramm "Initiative Demokratie
Funding Scheme
Programme "Excellence Award for Research
in Luxembourg" (PEARL)
INTER Programme for the Promotion of
International Cooperation - FNR/DFG
Funding Scheme
Seventh Framework Programme
Seventh Framework Programme
Seventh Framework Programme
Seventh Framework Programme
Fonds Social Européen (FSE)
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
Joint Programme
Interreg-IV A
Funding Scheme
Service Central de la Statistique et des
Etudes économiques (STATEC)
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration Service National de la Jeunesse
Ministère de l'Economie et du Commerce
extérieur, SMILE g.i.e.
Chambre des Salariés Luxembourg
Ministère de l'Economie et du Commerce
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de l'Egalité des chances
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de l'Education nationale et de la
Formation professionnelle - SCRIPT
Ministère de l'Education nationale et de la
Formation professionnelle - SCRIPT
Ministry/National Institution
Internal Call, Centre de Prévention des
Toxicomanies, Luxembourg
Internal Call
Internal Call
Internal Call
Internal Call
Research Unit INSIDE
Internal Call
Internal Call
Internal Call
Lux-mental health: Feasibility study on mental health problems and needs observed by
health and social professionals in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
Betreuungswirklichkeit und Bildungswirklichkeit - Die Pädagogik der Maison Relais
Biographies and transnational social support networks of older migrants in Luxembourg a pilot study
Employability and bachelor in social and educative science
Preventing violence and aggressive behaviour in children and adolescents using interactive
media instruments
Emotion regulation and decision-making: Self-regulation in practice
Self-regulation and pain - psychological factors of endogenous analgesia
Social responsibility as a strategic concept of prevention work - opportunities and limitations of promoting an intergenerational dialogue by networking
Michèle Baumann
Michael-Sebastian Honig
Ute Karl
Arthur Limbach-Reich
Georges Steffgen
Claus Vögele
Claus Vögele
Helmut Willems
Project Staff
Andreas Heinen, Christiane Meyers
Jugendbericht 2015
Nationaler Bildungsrahmenplan "Assurance qualité des Maisons de Jeunes"
Research-based analysis and monitoring of the youth in action
Subjektive Erfahrungen der Jugendlichen mit Übergangsmaßnahmen
Recensement de la population 2011
Helmut Willems
Helmut Willems
Helmut Willems
Helmut Willems
Helmut Willems, Dieter
Ferring, Georges Steffgen
Virtual coach reaches out to me
Pilot study on measurement employability of alumni at Luxembourg University in three
higher education studies
Cyberbullying: Coping with negative and enhancing positive use of new technologies in
relationships in educational settings
EU-Kids Online III
Cognitive enhancement training for sucessful rehabilitation after stroke
Multifactorial evidence based approach using behavioural models in understanding and
promoting fun, healthy food, play and policy for the prevention of obesity in early childhood
Dieter Ferring
Arthur Limbach-Reich
Georges Steffgen
Georges Steffgen, André
Claus Vögele
Claus Vögele
Cristina Campillo-Costoya, Simone
Andreia da Costa
Marie-Emmanuelle Amara
Gabrijela Reljic
Project Staff
Andreas Heinz
Sandra Biewers-Grimm
Andreas Heinen, Patrice Joachim,
Christiane Meyers
Andreas Heinen, Paul Milmeister
Social inequality within the national, European and international context - sociological part
Louis Chauvel
Project Staff
Martin Schröder, Fransje Smits
Smadar Bustan, Violetta Schaan
Gesellschaftskritik und Protest
Helmut Willems
Health in old age: A study on the interplay of economic and individual influences
Breathing spaces: Relating to nature in the everyday and its connections to health and
Anja Leist
Gunnthora Olafsdottir
Social inequality within the national, European and international context - economic part
Attentional processing of food and body cues in eating disorders
Epigenetic effects of early life adverse events on adult pathology
Claus Vögele
Claus Vögele
Project Name
Intergenerational relations in the light of migration and ageing
Project Leader
Isabelle Albert
Postdoc Project - Start in 2013
EU survey on public safety
Biographies and transnational social support networks of older migrants in Luxembourg
Ute Karl
Helmut Willems, Dieter
Ferring, Georges Steffgen
Doing quality in commercial childcare
Michael-Sebastian Honig
Parcours d'intégration de jeunes issus de l'immigration
Children in the Luxembourgian daycare system
Michael-Sebastian Honig
Plan Communal Jeunesse Schuttrange
Framing age
Dieter Ferring
Helmut Willems
Monitoring and dynamics of health status through the risk factors for cardiovascular disease
Michèle Baumann
Helmut Willems
Project Name
Capital employabilité des étudiants des masters et des diplômés primo-accédant à l'emploi:
relations avec la satisfaction au travail et la qualité de vie, évolution et évaluation de
l'efficacité d'ateliers CAPJOB
Principal Investigator
Michèle Baumann
Research Projects - Start in 2013
Project Name
Project Leader
Ongoing Postdoc Projects
Dieter Ferring
Supervisor INSIDE
Andreas Heinen, Christiane Meyers
Andreas Heinen
Sascha Neumann
Sabine Bollig,
Sascha Neumann,
Oliver Schnoor
Etienne Le Bihan
Etienne Le Bihan
Project Staff (if known)
Claus Vögele
Dieter Ferring
Supervisor INSIDE
Professor Jaan Valsiner,
Clark University, USA
Mentor abroad
Dr Jonathan David Turner, project coordinator, CRP Santé;
Professor Hartmut
Schächinger, international
co-funding partner,
Universität Trier
Ministère de la Famille et de
Professor Tanja Betz,
Goethe University Frankfurt;
Professor Ilona Ostner, Georg
August University, Göttingen;
Professor Johanna
Mierendorff, Martin Luther
University Halle-Wittenberg
Associate Professor Benoît
Majerus, project coordinator at
the University of Luxembourg
Dr Anastase Tchicaya, project
coordinator, CEPS INSTEAD Social Science Research
Professor Paul Cloke,
University of Exeter, UK
Professor Johan P. Mackenbach, Erasmus Medical Center
Supervisor - Collaborating Institution
Analyse des Effizienzforschungsansatzes Deep Impact für Out-Of-Home Werbekampagnen durch Erfassen impliziter Informationen
Translation of "Implicit Does it Better" as part of the expert contribution to the "Analyse des Effizienzforschungsansatzes Deep Impact für Out-Of-Home
Werbekampagnen durch Erfassen impliziter Informationen"
André Melzer
André Melzer
Professor Wolfgang Kühnel,
Hochschule für Wirtschaft
und Recht Berlin
LIS - Cross National Data
Center in Luxembourg
Professor Herta Flor, international co-funding partner,
Universität Heidelberg
Harokopio University Athens,
coordinating institution,
consortium of 15 partners
Professor Andrea Kübler, project coordinator, Universität
Würzburg, consortium of 7
Professor Sonia Livingstone,
project coordinator, London
School of Economics, consortium of 27 partners
Professor Peter K. Smith,
project coordinator, Goldsmith
College, University of London,
consortium of 28 partners
Institut Universitaire International Luxembourg (IUIL)
Dr Reiner Wichert, project coordinator, Fraunhofer Institut
für Graphische Datenverarbeitung Darmstadt, consortium
of 9 partners
Dr Hans-Werner Bedersdorfer,
Universität des Saarlandes;
Professor Patrick Baranger,
Université Nancy-Metz;
Professor F. Guillaume,
Université de Liège
amongst others, University of
Professor Dietrich Kurz,
Bielefeld University, Germany
Professor Fernand Anton,
University of Luxembourg
Professor Brad J. Bushman,
Ohio State University, USA
Associate Professor Christel
Baltes-Löhr, University of
Regionale Sozialzenter
Norden, Luxembourg
Project Name
Katrin Hillebrand
Project Staff
Dr Pascal Darbon, University
of Strasbourg, France
Principal Investigator
Projects funded by private company
Project Name
Principal Investigator
Project funded by the Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben
Project Name
Pain and suffering: From philosophical concepts to psychobiological and neuroscientific
Principal Investigator
Fernand Anton
Projects funded by the Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
Project Name
University of the Greater Region - A Saar-Lor-Lux-Wall-initiative to deepen the interregional cooperation in teacher training - interregional cooperative university of teacher training
and educational sciences
Principal Investigator
Werner Becker
Projects funded by the European Commission
Christiane Meyers
Die empirische Beschreibung der NEET (not in education, employment, or training)
Problematik in Luxemburg - eine Sekundäranalyse vorhandener Daten
Christian Happ
Diane Kohl
André Melzer
Helmut Willems
Evaluation des cours MySecureIT
Georges Steffgen
Julia Jäger
CQT - climat, qualité, travail
Accompagnement et évaluation du processus de l'implémentation des standards de qualité
dans le domaine de l'acceuil avec hébergement d'enfants, d'adolescents et de jeunes adultes
Ulla Peters
IT Security - An empirical study on the willingness of people to communicate personal data
Stereotype Geschlechterrollen in den Medien
André Melzer
Christian Haag, Sascha Neumann
Georges Steffgen
Wissenschaftliche Begleitung von Entwicklung und Sicherung der pädagogischen
Qualität der nationalen Kinderbetreuung
Michael-Sebastian Honig
Sandra Biewers-Grimm
Marianne Milmeister
Georges Steffgen
Evaluation des Projekts "Qualitätssicherung und Qualitätskontrolle in der Arbeit der Jugendhäuser in Luxemburg"
Charles Berg (until
31.05.2012), Helmut Willems
(since 01.06.2012)
Andreas Heinen, Christiane Meyers
Plan communal Jeunesse Mersch
European knowledge centre for youth policy
NEET (not in education, employment, or training) in Luxemburg: Explorative Studie
Charles Berg
Charles Berg
Physical education and language development
Werner Becker
Charles Berg (until
31.05.2012), Helmut Willems
(since 01.06.2012)
Paul Milmeister
Motorische Basisqualifikationen luxemburgischer SchülerInnen im Alter von 6 bis 8 Jahren
Werner Becker
Romain Sahr
Project Name
Project Staff
Sandra Biewers-Grimm,
Patrice Joachim, Caroline Residori
Silke Rost
Stefan Sütterlin
Christian Happ
Elisabeth Engelberg
Sabine Bollig, Sascha Neumann,
Oliver Schnoor
Senad Karavdic
Ulrike Hanesch, Glenn-Marie le
Coz, Jessica Tapp/Cathy Fiatte,
Vivien Zell
Principal Investigator
Projects funded by Luxembourg Ministries or National Institutions
Project Name
Stress, biochemical mediators and nonciceptive processing
Principal Investigator
Fernand Anton
Projects funded by the University of Luxembourg
Research and postdoc projects
Ongoing Research Projects
Since 2007
Funding Scheme
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
- CORE 2012 Programme - Junior Track
Funded by
Service Central de la Statistique et des
Etudes économiques (STATEC)
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
- INTER Programme for the Promotion of
International Cooperation - FNR/DFG
University of Luxembourg - Internal Call
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg Programme "Excellence Award for Research in
Luxembourg" (PEARL)
University of Luxembourg - Internal Call
University of Luxembourg - Internal Call
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
- CORE 2012 Programme
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
- CORE 2012 Programme
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
- CORE 2012 Programme
University of Luxembourg - Internal Call
Funded by
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
- Aide à la Formation-Recherche - Postdoc
European Commission - European Reserach
Area in Ageing 2 - Future Leaders of Ageing
Research (FLARE)
Funded by
Ströer Media Deutschland GmbH, Köln
Ströer Media Deutschland GmbH, Köln
Funded by
Bundesprogramm "Initiative Demokratie
Funding Scheme
Programme "Excellence Award for Research
in Luxembourg" (PEARL)
INTER Programme for the Promotion of
International Cooperation - FNR/DFG
Funding Scheme
Seventh Framework Programme
Seventh Framework Programme
Seventh Framework Programme
Seventh Framework Programme
Fonds Social Européen (FSE)
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
Joint Programme
Interreg-IV A
Funding Scheme
Service Central de la Statistique et des
Etudes économiques (STATEC)
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration Service National de la Jeunesse
Ministère de l'Economie et du Commerce
extérieur, SMILE g.i.e.
Chambre des Salariés Luxembourg
Ministère de l'Economie et du Commerce
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de l'Egalité des chances
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration
Ministère de l'Education nationale et de la
Formation professionnelle - SCRIPT
Ministère de l'Education nationale et de la
Formation professionnelle - SCRIPT
Ministry/National Institution
Internal Call, Centre de Prévention des
Toxicomanies, Luxembourg
Internal Call
Internal Call
Internal Call
Internal Call
Research Unit INSIDE
Internal Call
Internal Call
Internal Call
Congresses, workshops, lectures,
and teaching
International Congresses
17-19 May
30. Symposium der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und
Claus Vögele
Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Psychologie (DGPs)
Abbaye de
17-21 July
XXth World Meeting of the International Society for Research
on Aggression (ISRA)
Georges Steffgen, André
University of
International Workshops
12 Apr
University of the Greater Region - A Saar-Lor-Lux-Wall-Initiative
to deepen the interregional cooperation in Teacher Training
Werner Becker
Château de
19-20 Apr
Expertengespräch: Ein Ansatz für motorische
Basisqualifikationen für 8jährige Kinder in Luxemburg
Werner Becker
Château de
14 May
Workshop on Neuro- and Biofeedback: the NeXus System
Claus Vögele, Simone Witzmann
1-2 June
European Workshop on Healthy and Active Ageing
Dieter Ferring
Château de Schengen
15-17 July
XVII. Workshop "Aggression" of German-speaking aggression
researchers - Main topic: Agression and violence in children
and adolescents
Georges Steffgen,
André Melzer,
Christian Happ
University of
8-9 Nov
Internationaler Publikationsworkshop "Rationalitäten des
Ute Karl
University of
29 Nov
Santé mentale - Qualité de vie et environnements intérieurs
de travail
Michèle Baumann
Banque et Caisse
d'Epargne de l'Etat,
3-4 Dec
Forum AEF 2012: Arbeit mit der Herkunftsfamilie Verbindungen, Bindungen und Bündnisse
Ulla Peters
Centre Culturel Prince
Henri, Walferdange
6 Dec
Praxis-Fall-Labor in der Jugendhilfe - Workshop zum Thema
"Aide à l'enfance et à la famille"
Ulla Peters, Caritas Jeunes et
Familles, Luxembourg
University of
Lecture Series
Ageing, Migration and Transnational Ways of Living International and Luxembourg Perspectives
Ute Karl
University of
The INSIDE team contributes to the following educational and training programmes:
Bachelor en Sciences de l'Education (professional)
Bachelor en Sciences Sociales et Educatives (professional)
Bachelor en Psychologie (academic)
Master en Gérontologie (professional)
Master in Psychology: Evaluation and Assessment (academic)
Master in Coaching and Management (professional)
Authored books
01 Amara, Marie-Emmanuelle; & Baumann, Michèle (2012).
L’Europe Universitaire. - L’identité étudiante face à
l’employabilité. Belgique, Louvain la Neuve: Academia
L’Harmattan, ISBN: 978-2-8061-0061-0.
02 Décieux, Jean Philippe Pierre (2012). Modeeffekte bei
Onlineumfragen - Ein multivariater Methodenvergleich
unter Zuhilfenahme eines Propensity Score Matchings.
München: Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft. ISBN: 9783869246345.
03 Fried, Lilian ; Dippelhofer-Stiem, Barbara ; Honig, MichaelSebastian; & Liegle, Ludwig (2012). Pädagogik der frühen
Kindheit. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Verlag. ISBN: 978-3407-34211-9.
04 Grimm, Sandra ; Residori, Caroline ; Joachim, Patrice ; Décieux, Jean Philippe Pierre ; & Willems, Helmut (2012). Lokale
Netzwerkbildung als strategisches Konzept in der Prävention: Evaluation einer Sensibilisierungskampagne zum Alkoholkonsum im Jugendalter. VS-Verlag: Wiesbaden. ISBN:
05 Jacob, Rüdiger; Heinz, Andreas; & Müller, Carl-Heinz (2012).
Berufsmonitoring Medizinstudenten - Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Befragung. Köln: Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung. ISBN: 978-3-7691-3513-8.
06 Karl, Ute; Böhringer, Daniela; Müller, Hermann; Schröer,
Wolfgang; & Wolff, Stephan (2012). Den Fall bearbeitbar
halten. Gespräche in Jobcentern U 25. Verlag Barbara Budrich. ISBN: 978-3-86649-451-0.
Edited books
01 Behnken, Imbke & Honig, Michael-Sebastian (2012). Martha Muchow, Hans Heinrich Muchow: „Der Lebensraum des
Großstadtkindes“. Neuausgabe. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz
Juventa Verlag. ISBN: 987-3-7799-1544-6.
02 Dollinger, Bernd; Kessl, Fabian; Neumann, Sascha & Sandermann, Philipp (Eds.) (2012). Gesellschaftsbilder Sozialer
Arbeit. Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Bielefeld: transcript. ISBN:
Friebertshäuser, Barbara; Kelle, Helga; Boller, Heike; Bollig, 03
Sabine; Huf, Christina; Langer, Antje; Ott, Marion; & Richter,
Sophia (2012). Feld und Theorie - Herausforderungen erziehungswissenschaftlicher Ethnographie. Opladen: Barbara
Budrich Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-86649-463-3.
Book chapters
Becker, Werner; & Planta, Eric (2012). Pedagogy of Preven- 01
tion as an Element of Pedagogy. In J. Vasickova & B. Antala
(Eds.), Professionals and Volunteers in Physical Education
(pp. 13 – 23). Bratislava: END. Bratislava 2012.
Böhringer, Daniela; & Karl, Ute (2012). “Jetzt muss ich 02
nochmal ganz kurz blöd ausbremsen”. - Die Herstellung
von Plänen in der institutionellen Kommunikation im Jobcenter. In J. Mansel, & K. Speck (Eds.), Jugend und Arbeit.
Empirische Bestandsaufnahme und Analysen (193 – 210).
Weinheim/Basel: Juventa.
Bollig, Sabine & Kelle, Helga (2012): Vergleichen und Kon- 03
trastieren. Zur analytischen Konstruktion von Feldern und
Vergleichsobjekten in der ethnographischen Forschung.
Friebertshäuser, Barbara, Kelle, Helga, Boller, Heike, Bollig,
Sabine, Huf, Chistina, Langer, Antje, Ott, Marion & Richter, Sophia (Eds.): Feld und Theorie. Herausforderungen
erziehungswissenschaftlicher Ethnographie (pp. 201-216).
Opladen: Barbara Budrich Verlag ISBN: 978-3-86649-463-3.
Bollig, Sabine & Schulz, Marc (2012): Die Aufführung des 04
Beobachtens. Eine praxisanalytische Skizze zu Praktiken
der Bildungsbeobachtung in Kindertageseinrichtungen. In
Hebenstreit-Müller, S. & Müller, B. (Eds.): Beobachtungen
in der Frühpädagogik (pp. 89-103). Berlin: Verlag Das Netz
ISBN: 978-3-86892-054-3.
Honig, Michael-Sebastian (2012). Die frühe Kindheit als He- 05
rausforderung der Kindheitsforschung. In R. Braches-Czyrek, Ch. Röhner & Heinz Sünker (Eds.), Kindheiten. Gesellschaften. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur Kindheitsforschung
(S. 81-95). Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Barbara Budrich Verlag.
ISBN 978-3-86649-428-2.
06 Honig, Michael-Sebastian (2012). Kinder und Sexualität.
Der Beitrag der childhood studies. In I. Quindeau & Brumlik,
M. (Eds.), Kindliche Sexualität (pp.45-59). Weinheim und
Basel: Beltz Juventa. ISBN 9787-3-7799-1552-2.
07 Honig, Michael-Sebastian (2012). Kind. In K.-P. Horn; H.
Kemnitz; W. Marotzki & U. Sandfuchs (Eds.): Klinkhardt
Lexikon Erziehungswissenschaft. Drei Bände, Bd. 2 (pp.
177-178). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt/utb. ISBN 978-3-82528468-8.
08 Karl, Ute (2012). Theater mit alten Menschen. In C. Nix, D.
Sachers, & M. Streisand (Eds.), Theater der Zeit – Lektionen, Bd. 5: Theaterpädagogik (pp. 216 – 221). Berlin: Theater der Zeit, Berlin 2012.
09 Karl, Ute (2012). Vergeschlechtliche Kategorisierungen und
ihre praktischen Zwecke. In U. Karl, D. Böhringer, H. Müller,
W. Schröer, & S. Wolff, Den Fall bearbeitbar halten. Gespräche in Jobcentern mit jungen Menschen (pp. 154-184). Verlag Barbara Budrich. ISBN: 978-3-86649-451-0.
10 Karl, Ute; Müller, Hermann; & Wolff, Stephan (2012). Praktiken der (Nicht)-Sanktionierung. In U. Karl, D. Böhringer, H.
Müller, W. Schröer, & S. Wolff, Den Fall bearbeitbar halten.
Gespräche in Jobcentern mit jungen Menschen (pp. 154184). Verlag Barbara Budrich. ISBN: 978-3-86649-451-0.
11 Lamprecht, Juliane & Neumann, Sascha (2012): Das Geheimnis „guter“ Praxis. Qualitative Evaluationsforschung im
sozialpädagogischen Feld. In A. Heimgartner; U. Loch, U &
S. Sting (Eds.): Empirische Forschung in der Sozialen Arbeit:
Methoden und methodologische Herausforderungen (pp.
249-263). Münster: LIT. ISBN: 978-3643503596.
12 Neumann, Sascha (2012). Beobachtungsverhältnisse. Feldtheoretische Erkundungen zu einer Empirie des Pädagogischen. In: S. Bernhard & C. Schmidt-Wellenburg (Eds.):
Feldanalyse als Forschungsprogramm (pp. 221-242). Wiesbaden: VS. ISBN: 978-3531178714.
13 Neumann, Sascha (2012). Kindheit und soziale Ungleichheit.
Perspektiven einer erziehungswissenschaftlichen Kindheitsforschung. In S. Siebholz; E. Schneider & S. Busse (Eds.):
Prozesse sozialer Ungleichheit (pp. 141-151). Wiesbaden: VS.
ISBN: 978-3531182360.
Neumann, Sascha (2012). Teilnehmende Objektivierung unter 14
Anwesenden. Zum Verhältnis von Ethnographie und Feldtheorie in der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Forschung. In B. Friebertshäuser; H. Kelle; H. Boller; S. Bollig; C. Huf; A. Langer; M.
Ott & S. Richter (Eds.): Feld und Theorie - Herausforderungen
erziehungswissenschaftlicher Ethnographie. Opladen: Barbara Budrich Verlag (pp. 57-70). ISBN: 978-3-86649-463-3.
Neumann, Sascha (2012). Unkritisch kritisch. Über die (Un-) 15
möglichkeit einer Theorie Sozialer Arbeit als Kritik. In J. Hartmann & B. Hünersdorf (Eds.): Was ist und wozu betreiben
wir Kritik in der Sozialen Arbeit? Disziplinäre und interdisziplinäre Diskurse (pp. 129-146). Wiesbaden: VS. ISBN: 9783531180991.
Neumann, Sascha (2012). Wirklichkeit und Möglichkeit. 16
Theorie Sozialer Arbeit als Kritik der Gesellschaft. In Gesellschaftsbilder Sozialer Arbeit. Eine Bestandsaufnahme (pp.
13-40). Bielefeld: transcript. ISBN: 978-3837616934.
Neumann, Sascha & Sandermann, Philipp (2012). Gesell- 17
schaft mittlerer Reichweite. Alltag, Lebensweltorientierung
und Soziale Arbeit. In B. Dollinger; F. Kessl; S. Neumann &
P. Sandermann (Eds.): Gesellschaftsbilder Sozialer Arbeit.
Eine Bestandsaufnahme (pp. 41-64). Bielefeld: transcript.
ISBN: 978-3837616934.
Steffgen, G. & Recchia, S. (2012). La violence à l’école 18
s’explique-t-elle par l’environnement scolaire? En pratique :
Présentation du programme de prévention : « Les élèves apprennent le courage civique ». In B. Galand, C. Carra & M. Verhoeven (Eds.), Prévenir les violences à l’école (pp. 111 - 122).
Paris: PUF.
Tesch-Römer, Clemens; & Albert, Isabelle (2012). Soziali- 19
sation. In W. Schneider, & U. Lindenberger (Eds.), Entwicklungspsychologie (pp. 137-158). Weinheim Basel: Beltz Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-621-27768-6.
Editor of refereed conference
Vögele, C. (Hrsg.) (2012). 30. Symposium Klinische Psycho- 01
logie und Psychotherapie der DGPs Fachgruppe Klinische
Psychologie und Psychotherapie. The mind-body connection. Abstractband des Symposiums. INSIDE Research Report, ISBN: 978-2-87971-820-0.
Publications in refereed
conference proceedings
01 Amara, Marie-Emmanuelle; & Limbach-Reich, Arthur (2012).
Intégration des cursus des travailleurs sociaux à l’Université
du Luxembourg : perceptions d’employeurs et d’étudiants.
Livre des résumés XIXè Congrès International des Sociologues
de Langue Française. Rabat, Maroc, July 2nd – 6th, pp. 148.
02 Amara, Marie-Emmanuelle; & Baumann, Michèle (2012).
Reviews about University from Freshmen in Social Sciences: What to Remember for European Policies. Proceedings
of the 40th World Congress of the International Institute of
Sociology. New-Delhi, India, February 16th-19th, pp. 49.
03 Baumann, Michèle; Chau, Kénora; Kabuth, Bernhard; &
Chau, Nearkasen (2012). Suicide behaviors and role of family
characteristics, school difficulties, unhealthy behaviors, and
mental health among multi-cultural students. Proceedings
of the 40th World Congress of the International Institute of
Sociology. New - Delhi, India, February 16th-19th, pp. 64.
04 Baumann, Michèle; Couffignal, Sophie; Lurbe-Puerto, Kàtia;
& Chau, Nearkasen (2012). What is the value of keeping patients at home if informal caregivers become exhausted to the
detriment of their own life satisfaction? Proceedings of the
Second ISA Forum of Sociology: Social Justice and Democratization. Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1st – 4th, pp. 138.
05 Bucki, Barbara; & Baumann, Michèle (2012). Pour aller audelà des incertitudes épistémologiques : une validation de
cohérence entre des données existantes et le construit théorique du concept de « health capability » adapté aux aidants
familiaux. Livre des résumés XIXè Congrès International des
Sociologues de Langue. Rabat, Maroc, July 2nd – 6th, pp. 370.
06 Chau, Kénora; Baumann, Michèle; Kabuth, Bernhard; &
Chau, Nearkasen (2012). Failure of school project: the role
of social, material, behavioural, physical and mental resources among multi-cultural students. Proceedings of the 40th
World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology.
New - Delhi, India, February 16th-19t, pp. 65.
07 Chau, Kénora; Baumann, Michèle; Kabuth, Bernhard; &
Chau, Nearkasen (2012). Gender disparities of depressive
mood and roles of family factors, school difficulty, violence,
and unhealthy behaviours among adolescents. Proceedings
of the Second ISA Forum of Sociology: Social Justice and
Democratization. Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1st – 4th,
pp. 256-257.
08 Chau, Kénora; Baumann, Michèle; Kabuth, Bernhard; & Chau,
Nearkasen (2012). Gender disparities of depressive mood
and roles of family factors, school difficulty, violence, and
unhealthy behaviours among adolescents. Proceedings of the
Second ISA Forum of Sociology: Social Justice and Democratization. Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1st – 4th, pp. 303.
Chau, Nearkasen; Chau, Kénora; Baumann, Michèle; & Ka- 09
buth, Bernhard (2012). Do relative socioeconomic deprivations impact on subjective health-related quality of life
and behaviors among adolescents? Proceedings of the 40th
World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology.
New - Delhi, India, February 16th-19th, 2012, pp. 55.
Karl, Ute: AG “Bildungsprozesse im Lebensverlauf – theo- 10
retische und empirische Zugänge aus sozialpädagogischer
Perspektive” (mit Maren Zeller) (Arbeitsgruppe beim DGFEKongress in Osnabrück 12.-14.3.2012). In: Erziehungswissenschaftliche Grenzgänge, 23. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, Osnabrück 2012, p. 102.
Karl, Ute & Peters, Ulla (2012): What is context in research? 11
– Epistemological and methodological perspectives for
international research (Workshop at the 2nd European
Conference For Social Work Research 22nd - 24th March,
2012, Basel, Switzerland). In: Social work research in local,
national and international contexts: the challenges of comparison and generalization – Book of Abstracts, pp. 80–81.
Karl, Ute (2012). Rationalities of transition – Rationalities in 12
Transition. (Paper presentation at 10th annual TiSSA Plenum
August 27 to 29, 2012, Bukarest/Romania).
Larrá y Ramírez, Mauro; Schulz, André; Naumann, Ewald; & 13
Schächinger, Hartmut (2012). Stress und Gedächtniskonsolidierung: Verbessert Stress die Erinnerung an den emotionalen Ausdruck von Gesichtern? Tagungsband Psychologie
und Gehirn Jena 2012, pp. 140-141.
Limbach-Reich, Arthur (2012). Qualitätskontrolle der Aus- 14
bildung zum Bachelor in Sozialer Arbeit: Zwischen Beschäftigungsfähigkeit (Employability) und Berufsbefähigung
(competence). 23. Kongress der DGfE Erziehungswissenschaftliche Grenzgänge, DGfE (Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Erziehungswissenschaft), pp. 147- 147.
Limbach-Reich, Arthur (2012). Social Work Education: From 15
Employability to Readiness to Practice. Book of Abstracts
2nd European Conference for Social Work Research, ECSWR, pp. 42.
16 Limbach-Reich, Arthur; Engelberg, Elisabeth; & Amara,
Marie-Emmanuelle (2012). Evaluation de la préparation aux
pratiques professionnelles des Bacheliers en Sciences Sociales et Educatives au Luxembourg. Sommaire colloque international de l’ADMEE-Europe: L’évaluation des compétences
en milieu scolaire et en milieu professionnel, ADMEE (Association pour le Développement des Méthodologies d’Évaluation
en Éducation). Luxembourg, January 11th - 13th, pp. 137-137.
Schulz, André; & Schächinger, Hartmut (2012). Evidence 24
that stress effects on interoception depend on attentional
factors. The mind-body connection. Abstractband des 30.
Symposiums Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, p.
85. ISBN: 978-2-87971-820-0.
17 Limbach-Reich, Arthur; Engelberg, Elisabeth; & Peters, Ulla
(2012). Fields of struggling for inclusion: gaps of participation
challenging social work. - Human Rights and disability. International Conference on Social Work Social Development. Action and Impact. Stockholm, Sweden July, 8th - 12th, pp. 138.
Van Dyck, Zoé; Bellwald, Laura; Dremmel, Daniela; Munsch, 26
Simone; & Hilbert, Anja (2012). Eating disturbances in
childhood and early adolescence: Screening in the general
population. Psychology & Health, 27 (Supp1), 39 – 40. ISSN:
18 Lutz, A., & Vögele, C. Psychophysiologische und behaviorale Korrelate unkontrollierten Essens bei gezügelten Essern [Psychophysiological and behavioural correlates of
uncontrolled eating in restrained eaters]. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Essstörungen e.V. (DGESS). 3. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Essstörungen. Hannover, 23.-25.02.2012. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2012. Doc12dgess027.
DOI: 10.3205/12dgess027.
Wölk, Julian; Schulz, Stefan M.; Sütterlin, Stefan; Koch, 27
Stefan; Pauli, Paul; & Vögele, Claus (2012). Interozeptionsund Regulationsfähigkeit moderieren implizites Lernen in
der Iowa Gambling Task bei Patienten mit Panikstörung. Abstractband des 30. Symposiums Klinische Psychologie und
Psychotherapie (S.85-86). ISBN: 978-2-87971-820-0.
Publications in
refereed journals
19 Lutz, Annika & Vögele, Claus (2012). Hands-off the cookiejar: success and failure in the self-regulation of eating behaviour. Psychology & Health, 27 (Supp 1), pp. 20-20, ISSN:
Albert, Isabelle; & Ferring, Dieter (2012). Intergenerational 01
value transmission within the family and the role of emotional relationship quality. Family Science, Routledge, 1-19.
ISSN: 1942-4620.
20 Lutz, Annika; Herbert, Cornelia & Vögele, Claus (2012).
Who’s that girl? Körperbild, Selbsterkennung und Selbstkonzept bei jungen Frauen mit und ohne Essstörungsrisiko.
Abstractband des 30. Symposiums Klinische Psychologie
und Psychotherapie, S. 68. ISBN: 978-2-87971-820-0.
Baumann M, Couffignal S.; & Le Bihan E. (2012). Life satis- 02
faction two-years after stroke onset: the effects of gender,
occupational status, memory function and quality of life
among stroke patients (Newsqol) and their family caregivers (Whoqol-bref) in Luxembourg. BMC Neurology 2012,
12, 105- 116.
21 Mayer, Sibylla. (2012). Apprendre les terrains des autres.
Proceedings of the Colloque international Ethnographies
plurielles 3. Les premiers pas en ethnographie, Société
d’Ethnologie Française, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre,
France, 17-18 décembre 2012, p. 23.
22 Mayer, Sibylla (2012). Définition et redéfinition d’un problème public. La prostitution dans les débats parlementaires
luxembourgeois des années 1990. Proceedings of the XIXe
Congrès international des sociologues de Langue Française,
« Penser l’incertain », Rabat (Maroc), July 2nd – 6th, p. 181.
23 Saetta, Sébastien (2012). Dans quel cas préconiser une
injonction ou une obligation de soins? Histoire d’une recommandation de bonne pratique et enjeux autour de sa
formulation. Proceedings of the XIXe Congrès international
des sociologues de Langue Française, « Penser l’incertain »,
Rabat (Maroc), July 2nd – 6th, p.143.
Schulz, André; Schächinger, Hartmut (2012). Stress effects 25
on interoception crucially depend on attentional factors.
Tagungsband Psychologie und Gehirn Jena 2012, p. 125.
Baumann, Michèle; Lurbe-Puerto, Kàtia; & Bucki, Barbara 03
(2012). Harmonie et divergences des couples sur les répercussions familiales et sociales après la survenue d’un accident
vasculaire cérébral. Sociology & Social Work, 5(1), 155-173.
Baumann, Michèle; Lurbe-Puerto, Kàtia; Leandro, Maria 04
Engracia; & Chau, Nearkasen (2012). Life satisfaction of
two-year post-stroke survivors: effects of socioeconomic
factors, motor impairment, Newcastle Stroke-specific Quality of Life leisure and World health Organization quality of
Life-bref of informal caregivers in Luxembourg and a rural
area in Portugal. Cerebrovascular Diseases, 33, 219-230.
Becker, Werner & Malané, Gaston (2012). The general sport 05
motor function ability of Luxembourgian pupils – An analogy between legends and facts. International Journal of
Physical Education – A Review Publication, 4, 23 – 33.
06 Becker, Werner (2012). Rezension zu Jan Erhorn „Dem
Bewegungsmangel auf der Spur“. Zu den schulischen und
außerschulischen Bewegungsprogrammen von Grundschulkindern. Eine pädagogische Ethnographie. In Socialnet.rezensionen/ISSN 2190-9245. 13515 php. pp. 1 – 10.
07 Becker, Werner (2012). Rezension zu Simone Janda „Das
Integrationspotential des Sports am Beispiel des Rollstuhlbasketballs. In Socialnet.rezensionen/ISSN 21990-9245.
14443 php. pp. 1 – 6.
08 Bertsch, Katja; Hagemann, Dirk; Naumann, Ewald; Schächinger, Hartmut; & Schulz, André (2012). Stability of Heart
Rate Variability Indices Reflecting Parasympathetic Activity.
Psychophysiology, 49(5), 672-682.
09 Böhringer, Daniela; & Karl, Ute (2012). Gestalt und Gestaltung von Gesprächen in Jobcentern und der Berufsberatung. Neue Praxis, 42(2), 274 – 293.
10 Bollig, Sabine, Kelle, Helga & Seehaus, Rhea (2012). (Erziehungs-)objekte beim Kinderarzt. Zur Materialität von
Erziehung in Kindervorsorgeuntersuchungen. Zeitschrift für
Pädagogik, 58. Beiheft, pp. 218-237.
11 Bollig, Sabine; & Neumann, Sascha (2012). Die Erfahrung
des Außerordentlichen. Fremdheit/Vertrautheit als methodisches Differential einer Ethnographie pädagogischer
Ordnungen. Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung, 12(2).
Barbara Budrich Verlag. ISSN: 1438-8324.
12 Bourkel, Elisabeth; & Ferring, Dieter (2012). Doctor’s view
on doctor-patient-communication in a multilingual and
multicultural setting, Psychology & Health, 27(1), 1-357.
13 Bourkel, Elisabeth; Ferring, Dieter; & Weber, Germain
(2012). Perceived rights of and social distance to people
with Alzheimers disease. GeroPsych – The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry, 25, 25-32.
14 Bucki, Barbara; Baumann, Michèle; & Spitz, Elisabeth
(2012). Patient-caregiver differences and dyad concordance towards psychosocial impacts of stroke. Psychology & Health, 27(1), 14.
15 Bucki, Barbara; Leandro, Maria Engracia; Spitz, Elisabeth;
& Baumann, Michèle (2012). Which Caregiving esteem for
which Gender? Psychology & Health, 27(1), 170-171.
16 Bucki, Barbara; Spitz, Elisabeth; & Baumann, Michèle
(2012). Prendre soin des personnes après AVC : réactions
émotionnelles des aidants informels hommes et femmes.
Santé publique, 24(2), 143-156.
Chau, Kénora; Baumann, Michèle; Kabuth, Bernhard; Chau, 17
Nearkasen (2012). School difficulties and role of social, material, behavioural, physical and mental resources among
multi-cultural students. BMC Public Health, 12, 453-464.
Chauvel, Louis (2012). Les raisons de la peur: les classes 18
moyennes sont-elles protégées par la crise? Les notes de
l’OFCE, n°18/26, pp.1-16.
Engelberg, Elisabeth; & Limbach-Reich, Arthur (2012). The 19
social professions in Luxembourg: prior to and beyond the Bologna reform. (Country perspectives). European Journal of Social Work, 15(2), 275-279. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.
Engelberg, Elisabeth; Limbach-Reich, Arthur; Maus, Fried- 20
rich; & Mayrhofer, Helmma (2012). The sum should be greater than its parts: Why comparable social work curricula
under the Bologna system? International Social Work, 1-7.
London: sage publications.
Ferring, Dieter & Lang, Frieder R. (2012). Editorial: Geropsy- 21
chology across Europe. Geropsych – The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry, 25, 112.
Gibis, Bernhard; Heinz, Andreas; Jacob, Rüdiger; & Müller, 22
Carl-Heinz (2012). The Career Expectations of Medical Students: Findings of a Nationwide Survey in Germany. Deutsches Ärzteblatt Int, 109(18), 327-332. Deutscher Ärzteverlag. ISSN: 1866-0452.
Gibson, E. Leigh; Wildgruber, Andreas; Kreichauf, Susan- 23
ne; Vögele, Claus; Nixon, Catherine A.; Douthwaite, Wayne;
Moore, Helen J.; Manios, Yannis; & Summerbell, Carolyn D.
(2012). On behalf of the ToyBox-study group: A narrative
review of psychological and educational strategies applied
to young children’s eating behaviours aimed at reducing obesity risk. Obesity Reviews, 85 – 95.
Gollwitzer, M. & Melzer, A. (2012). Macbeth and the joy- 24
stick: Evidence for moral cleansing after playing a violent
video game. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48,
1356-1360, doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2012.07.001.
Haas, Claude (2012). Social work and quality management: 25
A critical approach, Homeless in Europe. The Magazine of
the European Federation of National Organisations working
with the Homeless, 1, 8 - 9.
Heinz, Andreas; & Jacob, Rüdiger (2012). Medizinstudenten 26
und ihre Berufsperspektiven - In welcher Facharztrichtung,
wo und wie wollen sie arbeiten? Bundesgesundheitsblatt,
55(2), 245-253. Springer-Verlag. ISSN: 1436-9990.
27 Herbert, Cornelia; & Sütterlin, Stefan. (2012). Do not respond! Doing the think/no-think and go/no-go task concurrently leads to memory impairment of unpleasant items
during later recall. Frontiers in Psychology, 3(269), 1-6.
28 Honig, Michael-Sebastian (2012). Julia Gillen and Catherine
Ann Cameron (Eds): International Perspectives on Early Childhood Research: A Day in the Life. Childhood, pp. 280-282.
29 Honig, Michael-Sebastian (2012). Hans Rudolf Leu / Anna
von Behr, Anna (Hrsg.): Forschung und Praxis der Frühpädagogik. Profiwissen für die Arbeit mit Kindern von 0 – 3
Jahren. Frühe Bildung, pp. 58-59.
30 Juif, Pierre-Eric; Anton, Fernand; & Hanesch, Ulrike (2012).
Pain behavior and spinal cell activation due to carrageenaninduced inflammation in two inbred rat strains with differential hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity. Physiology and Behavior, 105(4), 901-908.
31 Karl, U. (2012). Imagined communities und imagined families in der sozialen Unterstützungsforschung am Schnittpunkt von Migrations- und Alternsforschung. Soziale Passagen. Journal für Empirie und Theorie der Sozialen Arbeit,
4(2), pp. 203–216.
Karl, Ute (2012). Intergenerationelles Lernen, Bildungsprozesse und politische Pädagogik. Journal für politische Bildung, 2(2), 8-15.
Karl, Ute; Müller, Hermann;& Wolff, Stephan (2011): Gekonnte Strenge im Sozialstaat. Praktiken der (Nicht-)Sanktionierung in Jobcentern, Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie,
vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 101-128.
Karl, Ute (2011): Vergeschlechtlichte Kategorisierungen im
Umgang mit institutionellen Handlungsherausforderungen
am Beispiel von Gesprächen in Jobcentern, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-52.
Kaufmann, Tobias; Vögele, Claus; Sütterlin, Stefan; Lukito,
Steve; & Kübler, Andrea (2012). Effects of resting heart
rate variability on performance in the P300 brain-computer
interface. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 83(3),
336-341. Elsevier. ISSN: 0167-8760.
Kranz, Thorsten M.; Ekawardhani, Savira; Lin, Michelle K.;
Witzmann, Simone R.; Streit, Fabian; Schuelter, Ulrike;
Bauer, Hans; Henseler, Darja; Turner, Jonathan D.; Muller,
Claude P.; Reif, Andreas; Schote, Andrea B.; & Meyer, Jobst
(2012). The chromosome 15q14 locus for bipolar disorder
and schizophrenia: Is C15orf53 a major candidate gene?
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46(11), 1414-1420.
Kreichauf, Susanne; Wildgruber, Andreas; Krombholz, Heinz; 37
Gibson, E. Leigh; Vögele, Claus; Nixon, Catherine A.; Douthwaite, Wayne; Moore, Helen J.; Manios, Yannis; & Summerbell,
Carolyn D. (2012). On behalf of the ToyBox-study group: Critical narrative review to identify educational strategies promoting physical activity in preschool. Obesity Reviews, 96-105.
Leist, Anja K.; & Müller, Daniela (2012). Humor types show 38
different patterns of self-regulation, self-esteem, and
well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies, Online First, 1-19.
Leist, Anja K.; Avendano, Mauricio; van Lenthe, Frank J.; 39
Glymour, M. Maria; & Mackenbach, Johan P. (2012). Type
and duration of working-life non-employment spells predict
cognitive function in old age. Gerontologist, 52(1), 676-677.
ISSN: 0016-9013.
Leist, Anja K.; Reljic, Gabrijela; & Ferring, Dieter (2012). So- 40
cial media use in old age: User profiles, effects, best practices. Gerontologist, 52(1), 563-564. ISSN: 0016-9013.
Limbach-Reich, Arthur; & Engelberg, Elisabeth (2012). The 41
social professions in Luxembourg: prior to and beyond the
Bologna reform. European Journal of Social Work, 15(2),
275-279. DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2012.687082. Routledge:
Taylor & Francis Group.
Lonner, Walter J.; & Murdock, Elke (2012). Introductory 42
Psychology Texts and the Inclusion of Culture. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 11(1), 1-17.
Lurbe-Puerto, Kàtia; Leandro, Maria Engracia; & Baumann, 43
Michèle (2012). Experiences of caregiving, satisfaction of
life and social repercussions among family caregivers, two
years post-stroke. Social Work in Health Care, 51, 725-742.
Meule, Adrian; Freund, Rebecca; Skirde, Ann Kathrin; Vö- 44
gele, Claus; & Kübler, Andrea (2012). Heart rate variability
biofeedback reduces food cravings in high food cravers.
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 37(4), 241-251.
Meule, Adrian; Lutz, Annika; Vögele, Claus; & Kübler, And- 45
rea (2012). Women with elevated food addiction symptoms
show accelerated reactions, but no impaired inhibitory control, in response to pictures of high-calorie food-cues. Eating Behaviors, 13(4), 423-428.
Meule, Adrian; Lutz, Annika; Vögele, Claus; & Kübler, And- 46
rea (2012). Self-reported dieting success is associated with
cardiac autonomic regulation in current dieters. Appetite,
59(2), 494-498.
Meule, Adrian; Skirde, Ann Kathrin; Freund, Rebecca; Vöge- 47
le, Claus; & Kübler, Andrea (2012). High-calorie food-cues
impair working memory performance in high and low food
cravers. Appetite, 59, 264 – 269.
48 Meule, Adrian; Vögele, Claus; & Kübler, Andrea (2012).
Deutsche Übersetzung und Validierung der Yale Food Addiction Scale - German translation and validation of the Yale
Food Addiction Scale. Diagnostica, 58, 115-126.
49 Meule, Adrian; Vögele, Claus; & Kübler, Andrea (2012). Restrained eating is related to accelerated reaction to high
caloric foods and cardiac autonomic dysregulation. Appetite, 58, 638-44.
50 Michaux, Gilles; Magerl, Walter; Anton, Fernand; & Treede,
Rolf-Detlef (2012). Experimental characterization of the effects of acute stresslike doses of hydrocortisone in human
neurogenic hyperalgesia models. Pain, 153(2), 901-908.
51 Muuraiskangas, Salla; Leist, Anja; Braun, Andreas; Klauss,
Kerstin; Reolofsma, Peter; Wichert, Reiner; Klein, Peter; &
Ferring, Dieter (2012). V2me: Evaluating the first steps in
mobile friendship coaching. Journal of Ambient Intelligence
and Smart Environments, 1 - 15.
52 Neumann, Sascha (2012). Pädagogisierung und Verdinglichung. Beobachtungen zur Materialität der Frühpädagogik.
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 58. Beiheft, pp. 168-184.
53 Neumann, Sascha (2012). Some Children are More Different
Than Others. Language Practices in Luxembourgian Nurseries. Qualitative Research Journal (QRJ), 12(2), 183-192.
54 Nixon, Catherine A.; Moore, Helen J.; Douthwaite, Wayne;
Gibson, E. Leigh; Vögele, Claus; Kreichauf, Susanne; Wildgruber, Andreas; Manios, Yannis; & Summerbell, Carolyn D.
(2012). On behalf of the ToyBox-study group: A systematic
review to identify behavioural models underpinning schoolbased interventions in pre-primary and primary settings for
the prevention of obesity in children aged 4-6 years. Obesity
Reviews, 106-117.
55 Origer, Alain (2012). Prevalence of problem drug use and injecting drug use in Luxembourg: a longitudinal and methodological perspective. European Addiction Research, 7(18),
pp. 288-296.
56 Reese, Gerhard (2012). When authoritarians protect the
earth – authoritarian submission and pro-environmental beliefs: A pilot study in Germany. Ecopsychology, 4, 232-236.
57 Reese, Gerhard; Berthold, Anne; & Steffens, Melanie C.
(2012). We are the world – and they are not: Prototypicality
for the world community, legitimacy, and responses to global inequality. Political Psychology, 33, 683-700.
Roeser, Karolin; Obergfell, Friederike; Meule, Adrian; Vöge- 58
le, Claus; Schlarb, Angelika; & Kübler, Andrea: Of larks and
hearts – morningness/eveningness, heart rate variability
and cardiovascular stress response at different times of
the day. Physiology & Behavior, 106(2), 151-157.
Saetta, Sébastien. (2012). L’expertise psychiatrique dans 59
les affaires criminelles. Entre humanisme répressif et défense sociale de type managérial. Les Cahiers de la Justice,
3, pp. 105-120.
Schnoor, Oliver (2012). Early Childhood Studies as Vocal 60
Studies: Examining the social practices of ‘giving voice to
children’s voices’ in a crèche. Childhood: A journal of global
child research. DOI: 10.1177/0907568212466902.
Schröder, Martin (2012). How moral arguments influ- 61
ence economic decisions and organizational legitimacy
– the case of offshoring production. Organization. DOI
Schröder, Martin (2012). Should I stay or should I go? 62
How moral arguments influence decisions about offshoring production. Economic and Industrial Democracy.
Seele, Claudia (2012). Ethnicity and Early Childhood: An 63
Ethnographic Approach to Children’s Ethnifying Practices
in Peer Interactions at Preschool. International Journal of
Early Childhood, 44(3), pp. 307-325.
Sorg, Sonja; Vögele, Claus; Furka, Nadine; & Meyer, An- 64
drea H. (2012). Perseverative thinking in depression and
anxiety. Frontiers in Personality Science and Individual
Differences, 3, 20-24.
Summerbell, Carolyn; Moore, Helen; Vögele, Claus; Kreich- 65
auf, Susanne; Wildgruber, Andreas; Manios, Yannis; Douthwaite, Wayne; Nixon, Catherine; & Gibson, E. Leigh (2012).
Evidence-based recommendations for the development of
obesity prevention programs targeted at preschool children, Obesity Reviews, 129-132.
Sütterlin, Stefan; Paap, Muirne C.S.; Babic, Stana; Kübler, 66
Andrea; & Vögele, Claus (2012). Rumination and age: some
things get better. Journal of Aging Research, 267327, 1-10.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation. ISSN: 2090-2212.
Steffgen, G., Recchia, S., & Viechtbauer, W. (2012). The Link 67
between school climate and violence in school: A meta-analytic review. Aggression and Violent Behavior. http://dx.doi.
68 Steffgen, G., Recchia, S., & Kinnen, D. (2012). Aviophobia:
evaluation of a treatment program reducing the anxiety of
flying. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 16, 48-49.
Happ, C., Volkert, L. R., Melzer, A. & Steffgen, G. (2012). IT 03
Security. An empirical study on the willingness of people to
communicate personal data. Research report. Luxembourg:
Université du Luxembourg, INSIDE.
69 Van der Meulen, Marian; Allali, Gilles; Rieger, Sebastian W;
Assal, Fred; & Vuilleumier, Patrik (2012). The influence of
individual motor imagery ability on cerebral recruitment
during gait imagery. Human Brain Mapping. DOI: 10.1002/
Heinz, Andreas; Thill, Germaine; & Peltier, François (2012). 04
Die räumliche Verteilung der Bevölkerung. In S. Allegrezza,
D. Ferring, H. Willems, & P. Zahlen (Eds.), Recensement de la
population 2011 - Premiers résultats, no. 3 (pp. 1-4).
70 Van der Meulen, Marian; Lederrey, Cecile; Rieger, Sebastian W; Van Assche, Mitsouko; Schwartz, Sophie; Vuilleumier,
Patrik; & Assal, Fred (2012). Associative and semantic memory deficits in amnestic MCI as revealed by fMRI. Cognitive
and Behavioral Neurology, 25 (4), 195-215.
71 Vögele, Claus; Christ, Oliver; & Spaderna, Heike (2012). Cardiac threat appraisal and depression after first myocardial
infarction, Frontiers in Psychology. Psychology for Clinical
Settings (Special Issue on Psychocardiology), 3(365), 1-12.
72 Vossbeck-Elsebusch, Anne N.; Steinigeweg, Katrin; Vögele,
Claus; & Gerlach, Alexander L. (2012). Does disgust increase parasympathetic activation in individuals with a history
of fainting? A psychophysiological analysis of disgust stimuli with and without blood-injection- injury association.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26(8), 849-858.
73 Witzmann, Simone R.; Turner, Jonathan D.; Mériaux, Sophie
B.; Meijer, Onno C.; & Muller, Claude P. (2012). Epigenetic
regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor promoter 1 7 in
adult rats. Epigenetics, 7(11), 1290-1301.
Other scientific publications
01 Allegrezza, Serge; Ferring, Dieter; Willems, Helmut; & Zahlen, Paul (2012). Recensement de la population 2011. Statec;
University of Luxembourg. ISBN: 0.
02 Chauvel, Louis (2012). “APCD: Stata module for estimating
age-period-cohort effects with detrended coefficients”,
STATA Statistical Software component, Boston College Department of Economics, number S457440, software including working paper.
Heinz, Andreas; Thill, Germaine; & Peltier, Françis (2012). La 05
population par nationalité (1). In S. Allegrezza, D. Ferring, H.
Willems, & P. Zahlen (Eds.), Recensement de la population
2011 - Premiers résultats, no. 4 (pp. 1-4).
Heinz, Andreas; Thill, Germaine; & Peltier, François (2012). 06
La population par nationalité (2). In S. Allegrezza, D. Ferring, H. Willems, & P. Zahlen (Eds.), Recensement de la population 2011 - Premiers résultats, no. 5 (pp. 1-4).
Heinz, Andreas; Thill, Germaine; & Peltier, François (2012). 07
Erwerbstätigkeit und Nichterwerbstätigkeit. In S. Allegrezza, D. Ferring, H. Willems, & P. Zahlen (Eds.), Recensement
de la population 2011 - Premiers résultats, no. 6 (pp. 1-4).
Heinz, Andreas; Thill, Germaine; & Peltier, François (2012). 08
Entwicklung der Erwerbstätigkeit nach Alter, Geschlecht
und Nationalität, 2001 - 2011. In S. Allegrezza, D. Ferring, H.
Willems, & P. Zahlen (Eds.), Recensement de la population
2011 - Premiers résultats, no. 7 (pp. 1-4).
Honig, Michael-Sebastian & Neumann, Sascha (Eds.) (2012). 09
(Doing) Ethnography in Early Childhood Education and Care.
Proceedings of an International Colloquium at the University
of Luxembourg. INSIDE Research Reports. Luxembourg: Université du Luxembourg. ISBN 978-2-87971-822-4.
Meier, I., Happ, C. & Steffgen, G. (2012). Evaluation der 10
Schulung „BEE SECURE for schools“ Research report. Luxembourg: Université du Luxembourg, INSIDE.
Melzer, A. & Ly, T. T. (2012). Implicit does it better! Impli- 11
cit and explicit measures in Advertising Effect Research.
Survey of the literature. Luxembourg: Université du Luxembourg, INSIDE.
Milmeister, Paul & Berg, Charles (2012). NEETs in Luxem- 12
burg: Explorative Studie zu Konzept und Phänomenen, mit
Einschätzungen von Akteuren aus dem Jugendbereich. Universität Luxemburg: Luxemburg. ISBN: 978-2-87971-823-1.
13 Schnoor, Oliver & Seele, Claudia (2012): A Child’s Dropout
and a Nursery’s Secondary Adjustment – Linking Longitudinal, Organizational, and Institutional Ethnography in
ECEC. In Honig, Michael-Sebastian & Neumann Sascha
(Eds.), (Doing) Ethnography in Early Childhood Education
and Care. Proceedings of an International Colloquium at the
University of Luxembourg (pp. 53-72). INSIDE Research Report. Luxembourg: Université du Luxembourg.
14 Willems, Helmut; Heinen, Andreas; Meyers, Christiane
(2012). Between endangered integration and political disillusion: The situation of young people in Europe. Report for
the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. Council of Europe: Strasbourg.
Non-scientific publications
01 Becker, Werner (2012). Der Kompetenzbereich “Kleine
Spiele und Große Sportspiele gestalten“ im Rahmen des
neuen Lehrplans der Grundschulen in den Zyklen 1 – 4. Ministère de l’Education nationale et de la Formation professionnelle. SCRIPT, 1 – 11.
02 Becker, Werner (2012). Prévention, Régénération, Réhabilitation. Prix Santé en entreprise. Almanach 2007 – 2012. Le
Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Ministère
de la Santé. (pp. 58 – 60).
Honig, Michael-Sebastian; & Haag, Christian (2012). Wer be- 07
treut unsere Kinder? Zahlen und Entwicklungen im Überblick.
Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur, 322, 30-32.
Karl, Ute & Rupp, Lisa (2012). Forschendes Lernen im Ba- 08
chelorstudiengang Sozial- und Erziehungswissenschaften
(BSSE) – Überlegungen mit Blick auf das Europäische Jahr
für aktives Altern und Solidarität zwischen den Generationen (2012). In: archiv fir sozial aarbecht, bildung an erzéiung
34(123), S. 51–52.
Limbach-Reich, Arthur (2012). Die UN-BRK ist in Luxem- 09
burg angekommen. Packen wir’s an! archiv fir sozial aarbecht, bildung an erzéiung anciennement ance-bulletin,
33(124), 1-1.
Limbach-Reich, Arthur (2012). La formation des professi- 10
onnels du secteur socio-éducatif à l’Université du Luxembourg: Bachelor en sciences sociales et éducatives. - Neue
Wege zur Inklusion, APEMH (Association des Parents
d’Enfants Mentalement Handicapés). Rapport d’activité
2012, APEMH, pp. 1-2.
Neumann, Sascha (2012). Wie kann Forschung Praxis ver- 11
ändern? Der Beitrag ethnographischen Wissens zur Qualitätsentwicklung in der Kindertagesbetreuung. Forum für
Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur, 322, 35-37.
03 Bourkel, E. (2012). Wahrgenommene Rechte von Menschen
mit Alzheimer. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie in Luxemburg, Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur, 318, 44-46.
Neumann, Sascha; Schnoor, Oliver; & Seele, Claudia (2012). 12
Von Vielfalt zu Verschiedenheit: Mehrsprachigkeit und
Sprachförderung in luxemburgischen Kindertageseinrichtungen. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur, 322, 41-43.
04 Chauvel, Louis (2012). Niveau d’éducation: le Luxembourg estil vraiment aussi mauvais? Luxemburger Wort, 17.09.2012.
Peters, Ulla (2012). Zum Forum AEF 2011. Krisen und Kri- 13
senintervention. ARC_Bulletin,122, 24-25.
05 Ferring, D. (2012). Die Würde des Menschen ist (un)antastbar. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur, 318, 28.
Schnoor, Oliver (2012). Was sagen die Jüngsten? – Institu- 14
tionelle Betreuung der 0 bis 3-Jährigen. Forum für Politik,
Gesellschaft und Kultur, 322, 38-40.
06 Ferring, D. (2012). Menschen in informeller Pflege. Zwischen Recht und Rechtfertigung. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur, 318, 41-43.
INSIDE – Integrative Research Unit on Social and Individual Development
University of Luxembourg
Campus Walferdange
Route de Diekirch
L-7220 Walferdange
Contact: [email protected]
Christiane Reuter & Dieter Ferring
Michel Brumat
Conceptual Advice and Text (pp. 6-11):
scienceRELATIONS, Hannover/Berlin, Germany

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