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Departamento de Reprodução Animal
(1981 – 2007)
Estação Zootécnica Nacional
Departamento de Reprodução Animal – Ex-INIA
Citações aos trabalhos publicados (1981-2007)
Trabalhos Citados e Referências
Horta AEM (1981). Acção do acetil-salicilato de lisina sobre a expulsão da placenta em bovinos.
[Action of lysine acetil-salycilate on placental expulsion in cattle]. Rev. Port. Ciênc. Veter., 76:
o Récueil de Médecine Vétérinaire, 158 (3): 323, 1982
o Infertilidade feminina de origem orgânica. A.J.B. Cristina Alves. Texto de Apoio ao Curso de
Directores de Sub-Centros de IA. Ministério da Agricultura Comércio e Pescas, Divulgação da
Direcção Regional de Agricultura do Algarve - CDICT, Faro. 54 pag. 1982
o Recent biochemical findings from studies into genesis and prevention of incarcerated placenta in
cattle (1984). KOLB E. Monatshefte Fur Veterinarmedizin 39 (10): 325-330 1984
o Non-délivrance chez la vache. Donnés nouvelles à propos d'une enquête épidemiologique. F. Badinand,
A. Sensenbrenner, Le Point Vétérinaire, 16: 13-26, 1984
o Facteurs prédisposants de la non-délivrance: synthèse des observations dans deux élevages INRA.
Michelle Chassagne, M. Brochart, Bull. Tech. CRZV, INRA, nº 62: 5-11, 1985
o Retained placenta in the cow - prevention by sodium selenite (1985). Vallet, A. Recueil de Medicine
Veterinaire, 161 (5): 431-435 1985
o La rétention placentaire chez la vache. Obsérvations dans deux troupeaux experimentaux de l'INRA.
M. Chantelles, Thèse de 3ème Cycle à l'Université de Clermont II, 1985
o Prostaglandin-F2-alpha and prostacyclin imbalance in cows with placental retention - new findings.
HORTA AEM, CHASSAGNE M, BROCHART M. Annales de Recherches Veterinaires, 17 (4): 395-400
o On the importance of steroids and prostaglandins for the expulsion of the placenta in cattle.
Zdunczyk, S, Janowski, T. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 96(3):143-146. 1989
o Acides gras polyinsaturés alimentaires et eicosanoides - Pathologie comparée. M. Brochart, Sciences
Veterinaires Medecine Comparee, 94(1): 37-51 (1992)
o The role of selenium compounds, vitamin E and other factors in the prevention of retained placenta:
a review. Kolb E, Seehawer J. Tierarztliche Umschau, 57(12):666-672. 2002
11 cits
2. Horta AEM e Costa CMSG (1982). Sincronização do ciclo reprodutivo num rebanho de vacas holandoportuguesas com PGF2alfa. Rev. Port. Ciênc. Veter., 77: 215-230. [Reproductive cycle
synchronization in a portuguese dairy herd with PGF2alpha]
o Horta AEM, Costa CMSG, Robalo Silva J e Rios Vasques M (1986). Possibility of reducing the
luteolytic dose of cloprostenol in cyclic dairy cows. Theriogenology, 25: 291- 301
1 cit
3. Horta AEM (1984). A summary of studies concerning the effects of prostaglandin synthesis
inhibition, PGE2 and PGF2alpha, on the expulsion of placenta and myometrial activity in the cow.
de Urbana, Illinois-USA, Vol. I - Abstracts p. 413, Vol.II. (Brief Communications), p. 413.
o Non-délivrance chez la vache. Donnés nouvelles à propos d'une enquête épidemiologique. F. Badinand,
A. Sensenbrenner, Le Point Vétérinaire, 16: 13-26, 1984
o Corpus luteum activity and prostaglandin levels after parturition in cows with retained fetal
membranes. P. Matton, V. Adelakoun, J. Dufour, Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 67:21-26, 1987
o Physiopathology and therapeutics of the puerperal uterus in dairy-cows - survey of basic and clinical
research. Vaillancourt, D. Canadian Veterinary Journal-Revue Veterinaire Canadienne, 28(6):330-337.
o Blood-levels of prostaglandin metabolites (PGFM, PGEM) after parturition in cows with and without
retained placenta considering spontaneous calving and dystocia. Heuwieser, W, Hoppen, HO, Grunert,
E. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A-Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin Reihe A-Physiology
Pathology Clinical Medicine, 39(7):509-514. 1992
o A dystocia and caesarean section model to characterize uteroplacental prostaglandin concentrations
associated with retained placenta in dairy cattle. W. Heuwieser, E. Grunert and H.-O. Hoppen,
Theriogenology, 40(1):159-166. 1993
o Role of eicosanoids in the regulation of the periparturient period in cattle. M. Kankofer and M.
Hoedemaker, Reprod. Dom. Anim., 28:49-57. 1993
o Maternal and fetal prostaglandin concentrations during late gestation in dairy-cattle. Heuwieser, W,
Grunert, E, Hoppen, HO. Prostaglandins, 45(1):35-46. 1993
o Activity of placental 15-hydroxy-prostaglandin dehydrogenase in cows with and without retained
fetal membranes. Kankofer, M., Hoedemaker, M., Schoon, H-A., Grunert, E., Theriogenology, 42(8):
1311-1322. 1994
o The analysis of fatty acid content and phospholipase A2 activity in placenta of cows with and without
retained fetal membranes. Kankofer, M., Wierciñski, J., Kêdzierski, W., Mierzyñski, R., J. Vet. Med.
CLINICAL MEDICINE, 43: 459-465. 1996
o Prostaglandins, leukotrienes and uterine subinvolution in the cow. Slama, H. Recueil De Medecine
Veterinaire, 172(7-8):369-381. 1996
o Activity of placental glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase in cows with and without
retained fetal membranes. Kankofer, M, Podolak, M, Fidecki, M, Gondek, T. Placenta, 17(8):591-594.
o Feldstudie zur Überprüfung der klinischen Wirksamkeit von Prostaglandin F2a als Ergänzung zu einer
konventionellen Therapie der Retentio secundinarum bei Milchkühen. [Evaluation of prostaglandin
F2alpha in addition to a conventional treatment of retained placenta in dairy cows] Anja Kurth.
Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Veterinärmedizin an der Freien
Universität Berlin, 2001
o Historia de la Reproducción Animal (History of Animal Reproduction). Miguel Abad Gavin. Proceedings
of III Congresso Iberico de Reproduçao Animal, Federação Ibérica de Reprodução Animal (SPRAAERA), pp. 11-22. Porto, 2001
o Prostaglandin F-2 alpha, E-2 and I-2 release during the puerperal period in cow: endocrine data and
therapeutic perspectives. Slama H, Tainturier D, Bencharif D, Chemli J, Zaiem I. Revue de Medecine
Veterinaire, 153(7):487-498. 2002
14 cits
4. Horta AEM (1984). Efeito das prostaglandinas E2 e F2alfa sobre a retenção placentária induzida pelo
acetil-salicilato de lisina em vacas leiteiras. Estudo da motilidade uterina. Zootechnia, 33: 39-48.
[Effect of prostaglandins E2 and F2alpha on placental retention induced by lysine acetil-salycilate in
dairy cows]
o Prostaglandin-F2-alpha and prostacyclin imbalance in cows with placental retention - new findings.
HORTA AEM, CHASSAGNE M, BROCHART M. Annales de Recherches Veterinaires, 17 (4): 395-400
o Prevention of the retained fetal membrane syndrome (retained placenta) during induced calving in
dairy cattle. T.S. Gross, W.F. Williams, T.W. Moreland, Theriogenology, 26(3):365-370. 1986.
o Bovine placental prostaglandin synthesis in vitro as it relates to placental separation. T.S. Gross,
W.F. Williams, J.E. Manspeaker, G.S. Lewis, E. Russek-Cohen, Prostaglandins, Vol 34(6):903-917.
o Components of the diet in the dry period as risk-factors for placental retention in french dairy
herds. Barnouin, J, Chassagne, M. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 8(4):231-240. 1990
o An etiologic hypothesis for the nutrition-induced association between retained placenta and milk
fever in the dairy-cow. Barnouin, J, Chassagne, M. Annales de Recherches Veterinaires, 22(4):331343. 1991
o Arachidonic-acid metabolism by bovine placental tissue during the last month of pregnancy.
Hoedemaker, M, Weston, PG, Wagner, WC. Prostaglandins, 41(1): 75-84. 1991
o Circulating PgF2a and nutritional parameters at parturition in dairy cows with and without retained
placenta: A relation to prepartum diet. M. Chassagne and J. Barnouin, Theriogenology, 38(3):407-418.
o Expulsion des enveloppes foetales et eicosanoides: cas de la retention placentaire. Chassagne M.
Sciences Veterinaires Medecine Comparee, 94(1): 53-59 (1992)
o The effect of inhibition of prostaglandin F2-alpha synthesis on placental expulsion in the ewe. M.
Chassagne and J. Barnouin, Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 57(2): 95-98. 1993
o Metabolism of arachidonic-acid by caruncular and allantochorionic tissues in cows with retained fetal
membranes (RFM). Slama, H, Vaillancourt, D, Goff, AK. Prostaglandins, 45(1): 57-75. 1993
o Control of in vitro prostaglandin F2a and E2 synthesis by caruncular and allantochorionic tissues
from cows that calved normally and those with retained fetal membranes. H. Slama, D. Vaillancourt
and A.K. Goff. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 11(2): 175-185. 1994
o Bovine retained placenta: Aetiology, pathogenesis and economic loss. Laven RA, Peters AR. Veterinary
Record, 139 (19): 465-471 NOV 9. 1996
o Influence of linoleic/lonolenic acid ratio in the diet of periparturient cattle on plasma concentrations
of PGF2a metabolite and placental retention. Kemp, B., Soede, N.M., Kankofer, M., Bevers, M.,
Taverne, M.A.M., Wensing, Th., Noordhuizen, J.P.T.M., Theriogenology, 49(3): 571-580. 1998
o Pre-parturition profile of steroids and prostaglandin in cows with or without foetal membrane
retention. A Wischral, ITN Verreschi, SB Lima, LF Hayashi and RC Barnabe. Animal Reproduction
Science, 67(3-4):181-188 15 September 2001
o Efeito da aplicação de prostaglandina (PGF2a ) no pós-parto imediato sobre a incidência de retenção
de placenta em vacas de leite. [The effect of Prostaglandin (PGF2a) injection in the early post
partum period on the incidence of retained placenta in dairy cows]. R.M. Santos, J.L.M. Vasconcelos,
A.H. Souza, M. Meneghetti, N. Ferreira Jr.. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., Feb. 2002, vol.54, no.1,
p.29-34. ISSN 0102-0935.
15 cits
5. Mascarenhas RD, Rios Vasques MI, Horta AEM, Robalo Silva J e Vaz Portugal A (1986). Seasonal
variation in the ovarian activity of beef cows, assessed by monitoring progesterone concentrations.
Anim. Reprod. Sci., 10: 251-259.
o Puberty in heifers: A Review. C. Moran, J. F. Quirke and J. F. Roche. Animal Reproduction Science,
Volume 18(1-3):167-182. 1989
o Seasonal variations in characteristics of estrous cycles in pubertal Brahman heifers. R. C.
Stahringer, D. A. Neuendorff and R. D. Randel. Theriogenology, Volume 34(2): 407-415. 1990
o Characterization of progesterone profiles in post-partum beef cows. I. Blasco and R. Revilla, 12th
Int. Cong. Anim. Reprod., Vol 1: 27-29. 1992
o Effect of season (Autumn vs Spring) on post-partum anoestrus in beef cows managed under mountain
conditions. R. Revilla, I. Blasco and L. San Juan, 12th Int. Cong. Anim. Reprod., Vol 4: 2090-2092.
o Influencia del manejo sobre la reproducción del ganado bovino explotado en zonas extensivas. R.
Revilla, Publicações do 5º Simp. Int. Reprod. Anim., SPRA, Vol 1:170-185. 1993
o Situação actual da transferência de embriões em Portugal. L.F. Lopes da Costa, Proc. 7as Jornadas
Internacionales de Reproducción Animal, p. 155-163 (1994)
o Manejo de la reproducción de las razas bovinas autóctonas mantenidas en diferentes sistemas de
producción. R. Revilla. I Congresso Ibérico de Reprodução Animal, SPRA-AERA, Vol 1:66-85. 1997
o Efecto de la condición corporal al parto y sus cambios en la lactancia sobre el comportamiento
reproductivo posparto de vacas cebú en la región oriente del estado de Yucatán, México. ROGER
de Colima, Mexico. pp 79. 2000
o Influence of Puerperal Uterine Infection on Uterine Involution and Postpartum Ovarian Activity in
Dairy Cows. Mateus L.; Lopes da Costa L.; Bernardo F.; Robalo Silva J. Reproduction in Domestic
Animals, February 2002, vol. 37, iss. 1, pp. 31-35
9 cits
6. Horta AEM, Costa CMSG, Robalo Silva J e Rios Vasques M (1986). Possibility of reducing the
luteolytic dose of cloprostenol in cyclic dairy cows. Theriogenology, 25: 291- 301
o Doses of prostaglandin analogue "Cloprostenol" by intravulvo-mucosal (IVSM) injections effective
for the induction of oestrus in goats. F.O.K. Mgongo, Animal Reproduction Science, 14:139-146, 1987.
o Estrus synchronization in Holstein cows using reduced doses of prostaglandin F2. M. J. GarciaWinder and J. Gallegos-Sánchez. Theriogenology, Volume 36(2): 191-199. 1991
o The use of lower doses of the prostaglandin analogue, cloprostenol, for oestrus synchronization in
heifers. R. H. Alvarez, C. F. Meirelles, G. M. B. Ambrosano, J. V. Oliveira and J. R. Pozzi. Animal
Reproduction Science, 25(2): 93-96. 1991
o Luteolytic failure of a reduced dose of prostaglandin F2 alpha injected in the vulvar submucosa of
Holstein heiffers. A. Canizal, L. Zarco and V. Lima, 12th Int. Cong. Anim. Reprod., HagueNetherlands, Vol 3: 1109-1111. 1992
o Levels of bPSPB throughout single and twin pregnancies after ai or transfer of IVM/IVF cattle
embryos. VASQUES MI, HORTA AEM, MARQUES CC, et al. Animal Reproduction Science, 38 (4):
279-289 MAY 1995
o Estrus synchronization with lower dose of PGF2a and subsequent fertility in subestrous buffalo.
Chohan, K.R., Theriogenology, 50(7): 1101-1108. 1998.
o Induction of estrus and multiple ovulation by administration of cloprostenol and super-ov through
intra-vulvo submucosal (IVSM) route and embryo transfer in Sahiwal cows. Mishra, UK, Mishra, OP.
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 68(5):450-453. 1998
o Evaluación de la actividad ovárica de bovinos explotados en condiciones tropicales. Héctor C. Soto,
Bernardo H. González B., Marcelo Rossi, Susmira Godoy y Angel Bello. Zootecnia Tropical, 17 (1):3-17
o The ischiorectal fossa: an alternative route for the administration of prostaglandin in cattle. Marcos
G. Colazo, Marcelo F. MartÍnez, John P. Kastelic, Reuben J. Mapletoft, and Terry D. Carruthers. Can
Vet J.; 43 (7): 535–541. July 2002
o The effects of supplementation of urea molasses multinutrient block on the post partum ovarian
activity in dairy cows. Ye Tun Win and Aung Than. Proceedings of the annual research conference
(Livestock and Fisheries Sciences), Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and
Fisheries Sciences, 17 pages. Aug 2002
o Reproductive performance of dairy cows following different estrous synchronization protocols
(2003). Kailasam Murugavel. PhD Thesis, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. 2003
o Perfil de progesterona e intervalo ao estro de receptoras bovinas sincronizadas com doses reduzidas
de cloprostenol [Profile of progesterone and interval to estrus in bovine embryo recipients
synchronized with reduced cloprostenol doses]. MM Gioso; EP Costa; CAC Fernandes; CAA Torres;
GR Carvalho. R. Bras. Zootec. [online]. July/Aug. 2005, vol.34, no.4, p.1181-1187. Available from
World Wide Web . ISSN 1516-3598
o Venous angioarchitecture of the bovine female genital organ. Gioso MM, Costa EP, Fernandes CAC,
Paula TAR, Guimaraes JD. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia 57 (6): 715-719
DEC 2005
o Alternative low doses and routes of administering a prostaglandin F2a analogue to induce luteolysis in
Nelore cows. Cezinande Meira, Valsair Matos Pessoa, João Carlos Pinheiro Ferreira, Gustavo Henrique
M. Araujo, Marilu M. Gioso, Sony Dimas Bicudo, Eunice Oba, Cassia Orlandi. J Vet Sci, 7(4): 387-390.
14 cits
7. Horta AEM, Chassagne M and Brochart M (1986). Prostaglandin F2alpha and prostacyclin imbalance
in cows with placental retention: New findings. Annales de Recherches Vétérinaires, 17: 395-399
o Facteurs prédisposants de la non-délivrance: synthèse des observations dans deux élevages INRA.
Michelle Chassagne, M. Brochart, Bull. Tech. CRZV, INRA, nº 62: 5-11, 1985
o Prevention of placental retention in cows by analog of PGF2-alpha - the luprostiol (Prophylaxie de la
non délivrance chez la vache par un analogue de la PGF2a le luprostiol). D. Tainturier et M. Zaied,
Revue Méd. Vét., 140:899-901. 1989
o Utilization d´un analogue de synthèse de la PGF2a dans la prévention de la non délivrance chez les
femelles bovines. M. Zaied, Thèse de Doctorat en Médicine Vétérinaire, École Nationale de Médecine
Vétérinaire de Sidi Thabet, Tunisie. 1989
o On the importance of steroids and prostaglandins for the expulsion of the placenta in cattle.
Zdunczyk, S, Janowski, T. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 96(3):143-146. 1989
o Components of the diet in the dry period as risk-factors for placental retention in french dairy
herds. Barnouin, J, Chassagne, M. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 8(4):231-240. 1990
o Concentration of arachidonic-acid metabolites in arterial and uterine venous-blood during the last
month of pregnancy in cows. Hoedemaker, M, Weston, PG, Wagner, WC. Reproduction in Domestic
Animals, 26(6):315-317.1991
o Arachidonic-acid metabolism by bovine placental tissue during the last month of pregnancy.
Hoedemaker, M, Weston, PG, Wagner, WC. Prostaglandins, 41(1):75-84. 1991
o Circulating PgF2a and nutritional parameters at parturition in dairy cows with and without retained
placenta: A relation to prepartum diet. M. Chassagne and J. Barnouin, Theriogenology, 38(3):407-418.
o The effects of treatment with cloprostenol or dinoprost within one hour of induced parturition on
the incidence of retained placenta in cattle. Garcia, A, Barth, AD, Mapletoft, RJ. Canadian
Veterinary Journal-Revue Veterinaire Canadienne, 33(3):175-183. 1992
o Acides gras polyinsaturés alimentaires et eicosanoides - Pathologie comparée. M. Brochart, Sciences
Veterinaires Medecine Comparee, 94(1): 37-51 (1992)
o Expulsion des enveloppes foetales et eicosanoides: cas de la retention placentaire. Chassagne M.
Sciences Veterinaires Medecine Comparee, 94(1): 53-59 (1992)
o A clinical trial on the effect of prostaglandin F2a on placental expulsion in dairy cattle after
caesarean section operation. H. Stocker and R.O. Waelchli, Veterinary Record, 132:507-508. 1993
o A dystocia and caesarean section model to characterize uteroplacental prostaglandin concentrations
associated with retained placenta in dairy cattle. W. Heuwieser, E. Grunert and H.-O. Hoppen,
Theriogenology, 40(1):159-166. 1993
o Role of eicosanoids in the regulation of the periparturient period in cattle. M. Kankofer and M.
Hoedemaker, Reprod. Dom. Anim., 28:49-57. 1993
o The effect of inhibition of prostaglandin F2-alpha synthesis on placental expulsion in the ewe. M.
Chassagne and J. Barnouin, Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 57(2): 95-98. 1993
o Metabolism of arachidonic-acid by caruncular and allantochorionic tissues in cows with retained fetal
membranes (RFM). Slama, H, Vaillancourt, D, Goff, AK. Prostaglandins, 45(1):57-75. 1993
o Diseases of the reproductive system. Uterine abnormalities. Retained Placenta. R.S. Youngquist, In:
Large Animal Internal Medicine, Bradford P. Smith, The C.V. Mosby Company, Volume II, Cap 41:
1378-1382. 1993
o Retained placenta. W.R. Threlfall, In: Equine Reproduction, Ed. Angus O. McKinnon & James James L.
Voss, Volume 1 (Horses-Reproduction): 614-621. 1993
o Control of in vitro prostaglandin F2a and E2 synthesis by caruncular and allantochorionic tissues
from cows that calved normally and those with retained fetal membranes. H. Slama, D. Vaillancourt
and A.K. Goff. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 11(2): 175-185. 1994
o Effect of bacterial cell wall and lipopolysaccharide on arachidonic acid metabolism by caruncular and
allantochorionic tissues from cows that calved normally and those that retained fetal membranes.
Slama, H., Vaillancourt, D., Goff, A.K., Theriogenology, 41(4): 923-942. 1994
o Activity of placental 15-hydroxy-prostaglandin dehydrogenase in cows with and without retained
fetal membranes. Kankofer, M., Hoedemaker, M., Schoon, H-A., Grunert, E., Theriogenology, 42(8):
1311-1322. 1994
o Prevention of placental retention by ergometrine plus serotonin in cow. Zaiem, I, Tainturier, D,
Abdelghaffar, T, Chemli, J. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire, 145(6):455-460. 1994.
o Association between neutrophil functions and periparturient disorders in cows. Cai, TQ, Weston, PG,
Lund, LA, Brodie, B, Mckenna, DJ, Wagner, WC. American Journal Of Veterinary Research,
55(7):934-943. 1994
o The analysis of fatty acid content and phospholipase A2 activity in placenta of cows with and without
retained fetal membranes. Kankofer, M., Wierciñski, J., Kêdzierski, W., Mierzyñski, R., J. Vet. Med.
CLINICAL MEDICINE, 43: 459-465. 1996
o Activity of placental glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase in cows with and without
retained fetal membranes. Kankofer, M, Podolak, M, Fidecki, M, Gondek, T. Placenta, 17(8):591-594.
o La rétention placentaire chez la vache: essai de prévention par l’injection d’ergométrine et de
sérotonine. I. Zaiem, D. Tainturier, T. Abdelghaffar et J. Chemli. pp 193-199. in: Reproduction et
Production laitière. Actes des troisièmes Journées scientifiques du Réseau " Biotechnologies
animales " de l'AUF, Rabat (Maroc), 1995, Série: Actualité scientifique, Editeurs: AUF, Année de
publication: 1996, ISBN : 9-9739-7531-6
Treatment of dairy cows at parturition with prostaglandin F-2 alpha or oxytocin for prevention of
retained fetal membranes. Stevens RD, Dinsmore RP. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical
Association, 211 (10): 1280-1284 NOV 15. 1997
Effect of the induction of parturition on arachidonic acid metabolism by caruncular and
allantochorionic tissues in dairy cows. Slama, H, Vaillancourt, D, Goff, AK. Revue de Medecine
Veterinaire, 148(7):613-618. 1997
Enzyme activities in placental tissues from cows with and without retained fetal membranes.
Kankofer, M, Maj, JG. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, 104(1):13-14. 1997
Influence of linoleic/lonolenic acid ratio in the diet of periparturient cattle on plasma concentrations
of PGF2a metabolite and placental retention. Kemp, B., Soede, N.M., Kankofer, M., Bevers, M.,
Taverne, M.A.M., Wensing, Th., Noordhuizen, J.P.T.M., Theriogenology, 49(3): 571-580. 1998
Activity of hyaluronidase in placental tissues from cows with and without retained fetal membranes.
Kankofer M, Wiercinski J, Fidecki M. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A-Zentralblatt fur
Veterinarmedizin Reihe A-Physiology Pathology Clinical Medicine, 45 (6-7): 337-341 SEP. 1998
The histochemical localization of 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase in bovine retained and not
retained placenta. Kankofer, M, Rotkiewicz, T, Jaworska-Adamu, J, Zdunczyk, S. Revue de Medecine
Veterinaire, 149(10):939-942. 1998
Placental proteins from cows with and without retained fetal membranes. The SDS-PAGE analysis.
Maj, JG, Kankofer, M. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire, 149(1):75-80. 1998
Prostaglandin E-2 9-keto reductase from bovine term placenta. M. Kankofer and J. Wierciskib.
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids Volume 61, Issue 1 , July 1999, Pages 29-32
Prostaglandins and post-partum period in cow. Bencharif D, Tainturier D, Slama H, Bruyas JF, Battut
I, Fieni F. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire, 151(5):401-408. 2000
Feldstudie zur Überprüfung der klinischen Wirksamkeit von Prostaglandin F2a als Ergänzung zu einer
konventionellen Therapie der Retentio secundinarum bei Milchkühen. [Evaluation of prostaglandin
F2alpha in addition to a conventional treatment of retained placenta in dairy cows] Anja Kurth.
Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Veterinärmedizin an der Freien
Universität Berlin, 2001.
Antioxidative Defence Mechanisms Against Reactive Oxygen Species in Bovine Retained and NotRetained Placenta: Activity of Glutathione Peroxidase, Glutathione Transferase, Catalase and
Superoxide Dismutase. M. Kankofer. Placenta, Volume 22(5):466-472. May 2001
Efeito da aplicação de prostaglandina (PGF2a ) no pós-parto imediato sobre a incidência de retenção
de placenta em vacas de leite. [The effect of Prostaglandin (PGF2a) injection in the early post
partum period on the incidence of retained placenta in dairy cows]. R.M. Santos, J.L.M. Vasconcelos,
A.H. Souza, M. Meneghetti, N. Ferreira Jr.. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., Feb. 2002, vol.54, no.1,
p.29-34. ISSN 0102-0935.
Bovine Retained Placenta: Hormonal Concentrations in Fetal and Maternal Placenta. M. Takagi, S.
Fujimoto, M. Ohtani, A. Miyamoto, M. P. B. Wijagunawardane, T. J. Acosta, K. Miyazawa and K. Sato,
Placenta, 23(5):429-437. May 2002
Prostaglandin E2 9-keto reductase activity in bovine retained and not retained placenta. M.
Kankofer, J. Wierciskib and H. Zerbec. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids,
Volume 66, Issue 4 , April 2002, Pages 413-417
The role of selenium compounds, vitamin E and other factors in the prevention of retained placenta:
a review. Kolb E, Seehawer J. Tierarztliche Umschau, 57(12): 666-672. 2002
Effects of a single injection of a glucocurticoid during the postpartal period on several
haematological, metabolic and immunological parameters in cows. Kathleen Wittek. Large Animal
Clinic for Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Leipzig, InauguralDissertation, pp 102. 2002
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TOTAL: 219 citações a 54 trabalhos
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- 196 citações em fontes internacionais
- 16 auto-citações
Países de origem dos autores/publicações: Alemanha, Argélia, Argentina, Austrália, Bélgica, Brasil,
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Ex-Departamento de Reprodução Animal (1976-2007)
Vale de Santarém, 30 de Novembro de 2007

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