Material for Children Ministry from the German CE (in German, 2012)


Material for Children Ministry from the German CE (in German, 2012)
Material for Children Ministry from the German CE (in German, 2012)
Books & other Media published by BORN-VERLAG (
Quarterly Journal for Group Leaders
 JUMAT (for age 8-12, 13 lessons in each edition)
Lessons and activities for toddlers:
Von Anfang an
Spielen, staunen und entdecken
 MINISmaximal vol. 1-3
Lessons and activities for age 4-12:
Lasst uns Gott feiern
Einfach feiern (celebrating with children)
Komm mit … wir feiern Kindergottesdienst (Sunday school)
Groß und klein – Voll dabei! (family services)
Spiel das Ding (555 games)
Die Bibel spielen und erleben (Games about Bible stories)
Fragen über Fragen (Bible quiz)
Einfach.Himmlisch.Lecker (Cooking with children)
Devotions for children age 4-10 :
Jesus liebt Kinder
Kinder mittendrin
Lessons and activities for age 8-12:
PLUS1 (family service, activities)
PLUS2 (9 basic topics of the faith)
PLUS3 (stories of 15 persons, Niclaus to Jonny Cash)
Ritter, Helden, Jammerlappen (camp programme for age 8-12)
Bibel hat Biss (discovering the Bible)
Da staunst du (like alpha-course for children)
Jungschar let’s go! (each volume with 40 lessons, activities, devotion)
Vol 1: persons of the Bible
vol 2: Life and deeds of Jesus
vol 3: the OT patriarchs
vol 4: special words and festivals
Ausprobiert – Gott entdeckt (devotions with scientific experiments
Nachtaktiv (8x8 stories and activities for the night)
Videos for Children age 4-12:
Was mit dem Wuschel geschah (the lost sheep)
Jona und sein schwerer Auftrag (Jonah)
Ein kluger Mann (house on the rock)
Klick für Klick (10 Bible stories as powerpoint)
Camp Programmes age 5-12
Am Wochenende zu Gott (8 programmes for weekend camps)
Von Land zu Land (8 days with the apostle Paul)
Freizeitdetektive auf heißer Spur (detectives discovering the gospel of Mark)
Gottes Geheimagend Josef (about Joseph)
Mi-cio (a girl discovers the faith in China, 8 days)
Villa Munterbunt (7 days on basic topics of the faith)
Aufregung im Wikingerlager (a Viking boy comes to Jesus, 8 days)
Auf großer Expedition (expedition of faith, 13 days)
Tour des Glaubens (following Christ is like a cycle tour)
So viele Überraschungen (a week on surprises: David & Goliath, …)
Schatzplan Gottes (discovering God’s treasure, the Bible, 9 days)
Der richtige Kick (9 days about Daniel)
Durch die Wüste (8 days through the desert from Egypt to the Jordan)
Glauben wie Abraham (10 Bible studies about Abraham and ideas for a Bedouin camp)
Colouring books (from age 4)
Meine Bibel wird bunt (24 pages each)
Vol 1: Lord’s prayer
Vol 2: I am-words
Vol 3: 10 commandments
Vol 4: Disciples
Vol 5: Joseph
Vol 6: David
 Gottes bunte Welt (painting by numbers, 16 pages each)
Vol 1: Noah
Vol 2: Nehemia
Vol 3: miracles
Vol 4: Paul
Mein Stall von Bethlehem (Christmas)
Quiz Books (from age 8)
Rätselspaß (16-32 pages each)
Vol 1: Moses
Vol 2: Ruth
Vol 3: Daniel
Vol 4: Eliah
Vol 5: Rebecca
Vol 6: Jonah
Vol 7: Chritsmas
Vol 8: Easter
Ein guter Job für Detektive (Stories and quizes, 64 pages each)
Vol 1:
Vol 2: Matthew
Vol 3: Mark
Vol 4: Luke
Vol 5: John
Creative activities, grafts
Weihnachtliches aus Müll (Christmas decorations made from waste)
Hast du Töne? (building 14 musical instruments)
Feste feiern im Kirchen- und Familienjahr (ideas for celebrating church and family festivals)
BibelKrea (ideas and templates for Bible stories)
Bibelgeschichten von Punt zu Punkt (30 tempates for discovering and colouring Bible stories)
Eine wunderbare Geschichte (Christmas musical)
Das Weihnachts-Erlebnis-Buch (family activites for advent and Christmas)
Nummer Hundert auf Abwegen (musical about the lost sheep)
Background for ministry with children age 3-12
Denk mal (Handbook for children ministry)
Kürbis, Geister, Süßigkeiten (alternatives to Halloween)
Tränen, Trauer, Hoffnungsschimmer (dealing with death and grief)
Glaube@Familie (living faith in the family)
Un(an)fassbar!? (sexual misuse)
Give-aways for Children (free)
Ich glaubs Kids Themen (A3 foldet to A6, with stories, devotion, quiz, poster)
Edition 1: Gewalt (violence)
Edition 2: Wertvoll (you are valueable)
Edition 3: Freunde (friends)
Edition 4: Ostern (Easter)
Edition 5: Halloween
Edition 6: Weihnachten (Christmas)
Kennst du schon… ? (A6, 14 pages, comic, quiz, grafts)
Bischof Nikolaus (Bishop Niclaus)
Martin von Tours
Konstantin von Tischendorf
Margarete Steiff

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