call for abstracts - Institut für Hygiene und Öffentliche Gesundheit der
call for abstracts - Institut für Hygiene und Öffentliche Gesundheit der
50 EUR 60 EUR fee for Welcome Reception and DGHM Social Evening is included. Please provide proof by e-mail to [email protected] or via fax to Conventus +493641 31 16-244, or per mail to Conventus GmbH Keyword: DGHM 2015 • Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1 • 07745 Jena (DE). Workshop „Weiterbildung für Ärzte und MTA“ Member DGHM Non-Member with congress attendance without congress attendance 15 EUR 100 EUR 30 EUR 130 EUR © Universtiy Hospital Münster For detailed information and registration please refer to the conference website Why Münster is on the list of „Historic Highlights of Germany“, can be discovered in the city centre – this is where the heart of the more than 1,200 year old Hanseatic city beats. When walking over the Prinzipalmarkt, one can admire the gables of the old merchants' houses uniting in a magnificent silhouette, while the exclusive shops situated under the galleries invite to stroll along. Just around the corner one can discover the pulse of this city: the weekly market is one of the most beautiful markets in Europe. Among the shades of the impressive Paulus Dom one can find the traditional farmers next to organic producers, the dutch cheese and fish monger next to traders of Italian delicacies. Though the multitude of impressions – Münster still gives space for leisure. Green oasis are just a minute-walk away – or even less by bike in „Germany’s bicycle capital“. At the promenade, in the castle garden or the Aasee, where one can enjoy maritime feeling when watching the sailboats from the terrace. Or even further, when discovering the munsteranian parkland with its dreamy castles surrounded by moats. Back in the lively atmosphere of the city you still have the choice between one of the 30 museums, a guided tour through the city following the tracks of the Anabaptists, a classical opera or a dynamic dance event in the evening, a historic presentation – or even spend a few days more or come back to Münster soon. With special thanks to our main sponsors: Gold Sponsor Becton Dickinson GmbH (Heidelberg/DE) bioMérieux Deutschland GmbH (Nürtingen/DE) Bronze Sponsor Bruker Daltonik GmbH (Bremen/DE) Curetis AG (Holzgerlingen/DE) DiaSorin Deutschland GmbH (Dietzenbach/DE) The following companies will be part of the industrial exhibition: Active Key GmbH & Co. KG (Pegnitz/DE) Analytik Jena AG (Jena/DE) Amplex BioSystems GmbH (Gießen/DE) Asbach Medical Products GmbH (Obrigheim/DE) Axon Lab AG (Reichenbach/DE) bestbion dx GmbH (Cologne/DE) CeMeT GmbH (Tübingen/DE) Curetis AG (Holzgerlingen/DE) DiaSorin Detuschland GmbH (Dietzenbach/DE) DORNER Health IT Solution (Müllheim/DE) Ecolab Deutschland GmbH (Monheim am Rhein/DE) Hain Lifescience GmbH (Nehren/DE) LGC Standards GmbH (Wesel/DE) Mast Diagnostica GmbH (Reinfeld/DE) Referenzinstitut für Bioanalytik (RfB) (Bonn/DE) SARSTEDT AG & Co. (Nümbrecht/DE) sifin diagnostics GmbH (Berlin/DE) TIB Molbiol Syntheselabor GmbH (Berlin/DE) Wet Wipe GmbH (Bad Soden/DE) 67 th Annual Conference of the German Society of Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) e. V. 2015 27–30 September 2015 HALLE MÜNSTERLAND • MÜNSTER/DE Conference Chairs Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h. c. Helge Karch Prof. Dr. med. Georg Peters University of Münster University Hospital Interested companies please contact Conventus GmbH. State at printing: 24 February 2015 CALL FOR ABSTRACTS 2 110 EUR 135 EUR 50 EUR We thank all industrial partners for supporting the 67th Annual Meeting of the DGHM. © Jakob Kamender • | | Bill Branson • wikimedia org 1 95 EUR 120 EUR 40 EUR Surprising discoveries every step and turn – Who expects a hip restaurant in medieval walls? Or the world‘s largest collection of graphics of Picasso behind the façade of a Westphalian court? While one of the last „Türmer“ of Germany is letting his horn sound from the top of the Lamberti church, elite researchers are turning institutes and hospital into a beacon of excellence. One can find jewels of baroque architecture right next to icons of contemporary architecture, with over 60 sculptures which testify the „skulptur projekte“ and turning Münster into a mecca of the international art scene every ten years. A traditional hospitality and cosy atmosphere as well as an exciting club scene or chic in-restaurants-located in the nightlife area at the harbor can be found here. SPONSORS & EXHIBITORS Day Ticket Member DGHM Non-Member Student1,2 (Member DGHM) Student1,2 (Non-Member), MTLA1, VMTA1 WELCOME TO MÜNSTER REGISTRATION | CONFERENCE FEES Early Bird Registration Late Registration (until 31/07/2015) (from 01/08/2015) Member DGHM1 195 EUR 230 EUR Non-Member1 260 EUR 285 EUR Student1,2 (Member DGHM) 60 EUR 70 EUR Student1,2 (Non-Member), MTLA1, VMTA1 80 EUR 95 EUR Thus, please plan to join our society meeting and support science in our field by submitting abstracts in all respective topic areas. Sincerely yours, Helge Karch Institute of Hygiene Georg Peters Institute of Medical Microbiology Deadlines Abstract Submission Early Bird Registration Reviewing Notification of Authors 31 May 2015 31 July 2015 June 2015 July 2015 Awards and Travel Grants The best poster presentations will be appreciated with a poster award. More information as well as requirements for applications for travel scholarships will be published soon on the conference website. Monday • 28 September 2015 Zoonoses (Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites) Lothar Wieler (Berlin/DE) Thorsten Wolff (Berlin/DE) Stefan Schwarz (Neustadt in Holstein/DE) Hospital Hygiene and Public Health Franz Allerberger (Vienna/AT) Robert Skov (Copenhagen/DK) Jean-Christoph Lucet (Paris/FR) Tuesday • 29 September 2015 NGS for Microbial Genomic Surveillance and Beyond: One Technology Fits All Alexander Mellmann (Münster/DE) Sylvain Brisse (Paris/FR) Steve Miller (San Francisco, CA/US) Infection - Toxins, Invasins and Glycosylation Juliane Bubeck-Wardenburg (Chicago, IL/US) Samuel I. Miller (Seattle, WA/US) Diana Karpman (Lund/SE) Venue and Date Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Münsterland Albersloher Weg 32 • 48155 (Münster/DE) 27-30 September 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION We are very happy to welcome you from 27 to 30 of September 2015 in the congress facilities of the Halle Münsterland. A wide range of topics in Microbiology, Hygiene and Infectious Diseases will be addressed. Various aspects from basic research to practical application should be discussed. We expect renowned national and international speakers to present their science in plenary sessions. Focused workshops and poster sessions build up further platforms for fruitful scientific discussions and knowledge exchange. Not least, we invite you to enjoy the beautiful town of Münster and its surroundings. Abstract Topics • Antimicrobial Resistance and Drugs, Infection Prevention • Antimicrobial Resistance in Different Hosts • Cases in Clinical Microbiology (Interactive Session) • Clinical Microbiology and Infectiology • Epidemiology of Zoonotic Pathogens • Eukaryotic Pathogens • Food Microbiology and Hygiene • Gastrointestinal Infections • General and Hospital Hygiene • Host-Microbe Interaction • Infection Immunology • Microbial Pathogenicity • Microbiological Diagnostics • Microbiota, Probiota and Host • Molecular Epidemiology of Microorganisms • National Reference Laboratories and Consiliary Laboratories • NGS Genome Analysis and Bioinformatic Tools • Nosocomial Infections: Outbreaks and Surveillance • Quality Management in Diagnostic Microbiology • Zoonoses Sunday • 27 September 2015 DGHM Lecture Harry L. T. Mobley (Ann Arbor, MI/US) SYMPOSIA, KEY NOTES AND CONFIRMED SPEAKERS On behalf of the board of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology and the scientific committee we kindly invite you to our 67th Annual Meeting in Münster. ABSTRACTS, DATES, AWARDS AND TRAVEL GRANTS WELCOME NOTE Dear colleagues and friends, Abstract Submission We cordially invite you to submit your abstract to the following topics. Abstracts for presentations or posters must be submitted online at and in English only until 31 May 2015.The accepted abstracts will be published by Elsevier Publishing. An abstract will be presented as a talk or poster. A committee will select and award the best posters. Poster presentations will be organised by a scientific committee of the scientific and clinical working groups of the DGHM. Office DGHM Dr. Nicole von Maltzahn Hannover Medical School (MHH) Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1 • 30625 (Hannover/DE) Conference Chairs Helge Karch Georg Peters University of Münster University Hospital Wednesday • 30 September 2015 TLR and Inflammasome N. N. Sergej Nejentsev (Cambrigde/GB) Johannes Roth (Münster/DE) Scientific Committee (Münster/DE) Karsten Becker Joachim Kühn Martina Bielaszewska Stephan Ludwig Inka Daniels-Haardt Alexander Mellmann Ulrich Dobrindt Johannes Müthing Dag Harmsen Johannes Roth Barbara Kahl Christian Rüter Frank Kipp M. Alexander Schmidt Robin Köck Cord Sunderkötter Thorsten Kuczius For more detailed information please refer to CME Points The CME Points are applied for at the Medical Chamber of North Rhine-Westphalia. Conference Organisation and Industrial Exhibition Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH Mr Oliver Ong Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1 • 07745 (Jena/DE) Phone +49 3641 31 16-316 • Fax +49 3641 31 16-243 [email protected] •