Vergleichsarbeiten 2012 8. Jahrgangsstufe (VERA


Vergleichsarbeiten 2012 8. Jahrgangsstufe (VERA
Vergleichsarbeiten 2012
8. Jahrgangsstufe (VERA-8)
Liebe Schülerin, lieber Schüler, in diesem Testheft findest du Aufgaben zum Hör- und
Leseverstehen im Fach Englisch.
Du wirst verschiedene Aufgaben bearbeiten. Einige davon sind leicht, andere sind schwer.
Gib bitte für alle Aufgaben eine Lösung an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Es
können z. B. folgende Arten von Aufgaben vorkommen:
1.) Aufgaben mit Mehrfachauswahl / Multiple-Choice-Tasks
Bei diesem Aufgabentyp werden verschiedene Antwortmöglichkeiten angeboten. Setze bei
diesen Aufgaben ein Häkchen in das Kästchen, das vor der richtigen Antwort steht. Es ist
immer nur eine der Antwortmöglichkeiten richtig.
Wenn du deine Antwort auf eine Frage ändern möchtest, streiche das Kästchen mit deiner
ersten Antwort aus und setze ein Häkchen in das richtige Kästchen, so wie es in dem
Beispiel gezeigt wird.
Read the mini saga. Then tick the correct answer (a, b, c or d).
The Airport
He was running late. Very late! That was the last flight and he didn’t want to spend the
night at the airport. He ran as fast as he could. There were only thirty minutes left.
When he reached the gate his panic turned to a smile – his flight was delayed.
How did the man feel when he found out that his flight was late?
2.) Zuordnungsaufgaben / Multiple-Matching-Tasks
Bei diesem Aufgabentyp ordnest du verschiedene Informationen einander zu und trägst
deine Antworten in eine Tabelle ein. Es ist immer nur eine der Antwortmöglichkeiten
richtig. Bitte schreibe die Buchstaben deutlich und gut erkennbar.
Match each country (0 to 2) with one of the capitals (a to d). You may use each
letter only once. There is one more capital than you need. There is an example
at the beginning (0).
0. France
a) Rome
1. Germany
b) Berlin
2. Italy
c) Madrid
d) Paris
3.) Aufgaben mit Kurzantwort / Short-Answer-Tasks
Bei diesem Aufgabentyp schreibst du deine Antwort auf. Halte dich dabei an die
angegebene Anzahl der Wörter, die du für deine Antwort verwenden darfst.
Read the text. Then answer the question below using 1 to 5 words.
What do you think about the story?
strange, but interesting
4.) Aufgaben mit Satzvervollständigung / Sentence-Completion-Tasks
Hier liest du dir den vorgegebenen Satzanfang durch und vervollständigst ihn mit
mehreren Wörtern.
Complete the sentence in 1 to 5 words.
When people think of Irish culture they probably think of Irish
5.) Aufgaben mit Tabellenvervollständigung / Table-Completion-Tasks
Bei diesem Aufgabentyp ist eine unvollständige Tabelle abgebildet, die du anhand der
Informationen aus dem Text vervollständigen sollst.
Read the text. Then complete the table below in 1 to 5 words/numbers. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
Age group /
Money spent per week
Money spent on
books and magazines
0. all age groups
all age groups
₤ 30.40
7 to 9
6.) Anordnungsaufgaben / Sequencing-Tasks
Bei diesem Aufgabentyp bringst du durcheinandergewürfelte Textteile in die richtige
Reihenfolge und trägst die Lösung in eine Tabelle ein. Es wird immer mindestens ein
Beispiel angegeben. Bitte schreibe die Buchstaben deutlich und gut erkennbar.
Read the paragraphs (a to e) from a short story. Then put them in the correct
order by completing the table below. There is an example at the beginning (0).
7.) Richtig-/Falsch-/Nicht im Text-Aufgaben / True-/False-/Not given-Tasks
Bei diesem Aufgabentyp entscheidest du für einzelne Aussagen, ob sie entsprechend den
Informationen im Text richtig („true“) oder falsch („false“) sind oder ob dazu im Text keine
Informationen gegeben werden („not given“). Setze ein Häkchen in das entsprechende
Read the text. Then decide if the statements are true, false, or not given in the
text. Tick the correct box. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Joe Brown loves hunting bears, but he is getting old, and his eyes are not very good
any more. Many times he almost shot a person instead of a bear.
8.) Textbelegaufgaben / Citing-Tasks
Bei diesem Aufgabentyp gibst du eine Stelle im Text an, die eine vorgegebene Aussage
belegt. Halte dich dabei an die angegebene Anzahl der Wörter, die du für deine Antwort
verwenden darfst.
Read the text. Then copy 1 to 10 words from the text to show that the
statements below are correct. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Words from the text
0. The Boston Marathon is the
oldest annual marathon in the
Boasting of the world’s first yearly
road race…
1. Women have been allowed to
run in the Boston Marathon for
about 40 years.
Es folgen jetzt Aufgaben zum Hörverstehen.
Auf der CD sind die Arbeitsanweisungen und Hörtexte zu den Aufgaben im Testheft. Lies
die Anweisungen und den Aufgabentext sehr genau. Falls Bilder vorhanden sind, schaue
dir auch diese genau an.
Bearbeite die Aufgaben während des Hörens. Wird ein Text zweimal abgespielt, so hast
du nach dem ersten Hören noch 5 bis 20 Sekunden Zeit für die Bearbeitung. Vor dem
zweiten Abspielen hörst du dann einen Piepton.
Schreibe deine Lösung nur in die dafür vorgesehenen Felder. Gib bitte immer eine Lösung
an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Nutze die Zeit nach dem Hören, um deine
Lösungen zu vervollständigen und zu prüfen.
1 Invitation
2 My Job
The lady is a
a) baker.
b) barmaid.
c) cook.
d) waitress.
3 Radio Interview
Listen to an interview at a teen radio station. While listening, complete the
table below in 1 to 5 words/numbers. There is an example at the beginning
You will hear the recording twice.
You will have 20 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your
You now have 30 seconds to look at the task.
audio: © IQB
4 Announcement from Southwest
5 Father and Son
Listen to a dialogue. While listening, complete the sentence below using 1
to 5 words.
You will hear the recording only once.
You will have 10 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your
You now have 10 seconds to look at the task.
audio: © IQB
6 Radio Interview
7 Vanessa
Listen to a telephone conversation. While listening, take notes on what
Vanessa looks like using 1 to 5 words. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
You will hear the recording only once.
You will have 20 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your
You now have 10 seconds to look at the task.
audio: © IQB
8 Conversation
Listen to a conversation. While listening, answer the question below
using 1 to 5 words.
You will hear the recording only once.
You will have 5 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your
You now have 5 seconds to look at the question.
audio: © IQB
Es folgen jetzt Aufgaben zum Leseverstehen.
Im Testheft findest du verschiedene Texte. Lies die Arbeitsanweisungen zu jedem Text
genau durch. Dann lies die Texte so, wie es die jeweilige Aufgabenstellung erfordert, und
bearbeite die Aufgaben.
Schreibe deine Antworten nur in die dafür vorgesehenen Felder. Gib bitte immer eine
Lösung an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Wenn du noch Zeit hast, überprüfe
deine Lösungen.
Du hast für die folgenden Leseaufgaben 20 Minuten Zeit.
9 The Great Wall of China
10 Crocodylus Park
Read the text. Then answer the questions below using 1 to 5 words/
numbers. Write feet, kilos, miles, years, minutes, etc. in your answers
when needed. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Crocodylus Park – Darwin, Northern
Crocodylus Park, just five minutes from
Darwin Airport and 15 minutes from Darwin
city centre, is home to more than a thousand
crocodiles and other wildlife. The crocodiles
range in age and size from 30-centimetre
(12-inch) hatchlings to adults measuring 4.8
metres (16 feet) and weighing half a ton.
Other wildlife at Crocodylus Park include big cats, primates, birds and other
reptiles including hawksbill turtles.
How to get to Crocodylus Park
If driving, check with your Darwin area map. Crocodylus Park is at 815
McMillans Rd, Knuckey Lagoon (opposite the entrance to the Berrimah Police
Centre) overlooking Holmes Jungle Nature Reserve.
If taking public transport, catch the No. 5 bus from Darwin, the No. 5 or 9 bus
from Casuarina, or the No. 9 from Palmerston. The bus stop is about a five
minutes' walk to the Crocodylus Park front entrance.
Crocodylus Park entry prices
Entry to Crocodylus Park costs $25 each for adults, $12.50 for children aged 4
to 16, $65 for a family group. Children below four years old are admitted free.
text: © 2011 Larry Rivera ( Used with permission of About Inc., which can be
found online at All rights reserved.
0. How long does it take from
Darwin city centre to the park?
15 minutes
1. How long is a baby crocodile?
2. How heavy is a full-size crocodile?
3. What is opposite the park?
4. Which buses take you from
Casuarina to the park?
5. How much does a 14-year-old have
to pay to get into the park?
11 Mini Sagas
12 In Jail
13 Bettina
14 Advert
Read the advert. Then tick
the correct answer (a, b, c or d).
Can you help?
Are you able to donate any of the following to the Art Department?
Our stocks are getting low and any donations will be gratefully received. Please
send any donations to the school with your son/daughter to the Art Department.
Many thanks for your help and assistance.
The Art Department
source: Lord Grey News Issue 2, 25th September 2009:
newsletters/lgn2.pdf (11.03.2011)
Es folgen jetzt Aufgaben zum Hörverstehen.
Auf der CD sind die Arbeitsanweisungen und Hörtexte zu den Aufgaben im Testheft. Lies
die Anweisungen und den Aufgabentext sehr genau. Falls Bilder vorhanden sind, schaue
dir auch diese genau an.
Bearbeite die Aufgaben während des Hörens. Wird ein Text zweimal abgespielt, so hast
du nach dem ersten Hören noch 5 bis 20 Sekunden Zeit für die Bearbeitung. Vor dem
zweiten Abspielen hörst du dann einen Piepton.
Schreibe deine Lösung nur in die dafür vorgesehenen Felder. Gib bitte immer eine Lösung
an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Nutze die Zeit nach dem Hören, um deine
Lösungen zu vervollständigen und zu prüfen.
15 Communication
How they communicate
What is good about it
(0) letters
more personal
How people can see
where someone has
sends postcards
16 First Job
17 Green Tips
18 The Ashes
0. Why are many British people more worn out at this time of year?
have spent nights watching TV
1. What are the Ashes?
2. How long can the Ashes last?
3. What is said about the Australian team? (Name one characteristic.)
4. Which team won?
19 India
20 Interview
21 Britishness
Listen to Daniel’s talk on what it means to be British. While listening,
the correct answer (a, b or c). There is an example at the beginning
You will hear the recording only once.
You will have 20 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your
You now have 30 seconds to look at the task.
audio: © IQB
0. British people seem to suffer from a loss of
a) international respect.
b) political influence in the world.
c) national self-image.
Es folgen jetzt Aufgaben zum Leseverstehen.
Im Testheft findest du verschiedene Texte. Lies die Arbeitsanweisungen zu jedem Text
genau durch. Dann lies die Texte so, wie es die jeweilige Aufgabenstellung erfordert, und
bearbeite die Aufgaben.
Schreibe deine Antworten nur in die dafür vorgesehenen Felder. Gib bitte immer eine
Lösung an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Wenn du noch Zeit hast, überprüfe
deine Lösungen.
Du hast für die folgenden Leseaufgaben 20 Minuten Zeit.
22 Mobile Phone Ownership
23 Boom
Read the text about cell phone use among American teenagers. Then
decide if the statements are true, false or not given in the text. Tick
the correct box. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Boom in texts among US teenagers
Texting has become the most popular form of communication among young
people in the US, research indicates.
The study, by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, suggests that texting
has eclipsed mobile phone calls among teenagers for the first time.
More than 30% of teens send more than 100 texts a day, it shows.
Researchers say more payment plans offering unlimited texts have helped to
create the surge in the US, which used to lag other parts of the world.
The study found that two-thirds of teenagers are now more likely to text their
friends than call them on the phone.
Girls on average send or receive more texts than boys – 80 messages per day
compared to 30.
"Texting is now the central hub of communication in the lives of teens today,
and it has really skyrocketed in the last 18 months," said Amanda Lenhart, a coauthor of the report.
The study's authors said teenagers preferred texting to phone calls because it
could be carried out under the noses of parents, teachers or other authority
However, the study found that phone calls are still teenagers' preferred method
for contacting their parents.
source: 'Texting eclipses calling' among US teenagers. (20.04.2010)
0. The study shows that 75% of 12-to
17-year-olds have cell phones.
1. Most US teens prefer phoning to
2. Boys are more active texters than
their female counterparts.
3. Teens love the multimedia
applications their phones provide.
4. Teens like texting because it can
be done secretively.
not given
24 Golden Gate Bridge
Read the text. Then complete the table below using numbers and feet,
kilos, miles, years, minutes, etc. when needed. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
The construction of the Golden Gate Bridge
began on January 5, 1933. The bridge
opened to pedestrian traffic four and one
half years later on May 27, 1937. It opened
with a grand celebration and vehicles were
allowed on the roadway the following day.
The cost of building the bridge was 35.5
million dollars. It is constructed with two
towers, 746 feet (227m) tall, from which two
main cables, 36½ inches (.92 m) in
diameter, are strung. At 50 foot intervals
steel rope hangs from the two cables to
support the concrete roadway and
sidewalks below. The Golden Gate Bridge
is a connecting link on U.S. Highway 101
stretching from Mexico to Canada along the
Pacific Coast. The bridge connects the City
and County of San Francisco to the south
and Marin County and other California
destinations to the north.
source:; picture: (10.03.2006)
Facts about the Golden Gate Bridge
0. Year construction started
1. Year of opening to pedestrian traffic
2. Building costs
3. Number of towers
4. Height of towers
5. Number of main cables
6. Intervals between steel ropes
7. Connecting link on U.S. Highway
25 Northwick Park
Read the sign from a golf club. Then tick
the correct answer (a, b, c or
Dear Walker
Public Right of Way No. 37 (PROW 37)
The definitive route of PROW 37 crosses the golf driving range.
You are absolutely entitled to walk this route.
We are offering (and would strongly recommend) an alternative route which is
safer for walkers as it crosses only one fairway whereas the definitive route
crosses two fairways (and the golf driving range). You have our permission to
walk this alternative route.
The alternative route is 125m longer than the definitive route. At an average
walking speed of 3mph this will add 1½ minutes to your journey.
(At average reading speed it will have taken you 1 minute to read this notice.
Please accept our apologies for delaying you on your journey.)
Golf Club (Westwick Park)
If you have any comments or questions or would like further information please call 090
123456 or call in at reception.
source: (18.03.2010)
The sign says that
a) there is a footpath around the golf course.
b) you are not allowed to walk in this area.
c) there is a less dangerous footpath.
d) you are not allowed to cross the golf course.
26 TV Journal
Read Dana's journal to find out what she has learned during TV Turnoff
Week. Match each day (0 to 6) with one of her statements (a to i). You may
use each statement only once. There are two more statements than you
need. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0. Tuesday, 4:30 pm: I go over to the house of my "little sister" Alejandre,
whom I mentor. But Alejandre wants to watch her favorite show. I am saved
when her mom tells her we won't have time to go to the mall unless her
homework is done first.
1. Wednesday, 6:45 pm: I'm at home with my brother Aaron and my mom.
Aaron always has the TV on during dinner, and it takes convincing to get
him to do otherwise. But I stay strong.
2. Thursday, 10:20 pm: The war in Iraq has started, and I'm in the living room
as my mom turns on the news. I remind her I won't watch TV and I leave the
room. It feels silly to keep my TV turnoff plan when there is breaking news.
But I know that there are other sources for news.
3. Friday, 9:05 am: My first class is biology. The teacher has set up a
television, and turns on a program on the Learning Channel. At first I think
this is breaking my TV turnoff pledge. I discuss it with a friend, and we agree
this does not count.
4. Saturday, 10:00 pm: I'm on a date, and we are not hitting it off. It's still early,
but there is no way I'm going to ask him over to my house for fear of the
painful conversation and horrible silences without TV. The date ends early.
5. Sunday, 11:46 pm: I try to finish the last pages of A Prayer for Owen Meany.
It feels good to finish this 617-page book, especially since I'd written three
essays on it a month ago.
6. Monday, 6:35 pm: It is already my last day without TV and I barely notice the
time. It wasn't that bad after all!
source: Isenberg, Dana: Turning off the tube. A report from the trenches. Young People’s Press, April 17, 2003.
Information isn't only on TV.
Educational TV is allowed.
No TV means no more junk food.
There's more time to read.
It is possible to live without TV.
Parents can help to keep you away from TV.
Even meals can be TV-free.
Boys can be boring without TV.
There's more time for class papers.

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