Dr. Marijon Kayßer


Dr. Marijon Kayßer
Dr. Marijon Kayßer
+49 (0) 69 972 65 60-10
+49 (0) 69 972 65 60-99
E-Mail: [email protected]
Languages: German, English
Dr. Marijon Kayßer, Partner, is a recognized attorney in white-collar cases. Over the
years she has dealt with an extensive number of high-profile cases in all areas of
white collar crime, such as fraud, breach of trust, bribery and corruption,
bankruptcy, tax evasion, insider trading, anti-trust, export control and unfair
competition law. In addition, since many years Marijon Kayßer provides counseling
in the growing field of prevention in criminal law. For numerous German and
International enterprises she had developed compliance programs and had trained
their employees. In her practice for companies affected by white collar crime, she
has extensive experience with investigative and regulatory bodies, in particular in
matters of industrial espionage and product piracy.
Dr. Marijon Kayßer heads the white collar crime group at Klinkert after beginning
her career as an assistant professor at the Frankfurt Institute for Criminal Law and
more than 10 years with Jones Day’s Corporate Criminal Investigations practice.
 Representation of individuals in all stages of a criminal defense matter from
initial investigation to appeal. Defending the client’s rights during investigations
of all prosecuting authorities, including parliamentary committees of enquiry.;
 Representation and defense of companies during investigations. Coordination of
Dr. Marijon Kayßer
parallel civil litigation and forfeiture proceedings; extensive experience in multijurisdictional matters; defending client’s interest during searches and seizures.
Coaching and witness representation; reputation management and press
 Representation of companies affected by white collar crime, initiation and
monitoring of private or public investigations, coordination and advice to related
civil litigation (compensation damages, asset freeze and forfeiture proceedings,
labour law); substantive experience in intellectual property protection;
 Corporate Compliance Advice, weak-point analysis, design or improvement of
compliance plans, implementation of adequate control mechanisms, employee
training, function of an ombudsman (Industries: Pharmaceutical industry,
Chemical industry, Medical devices, Energy, Automotive, IT).
We and our clients want to avoid public attention. And even if publicity was
ineluctable, it is not in our client’s interest to find the matter at our website again.
We therefore abstained from mentioning clients and identifiable matters.
Publications (selected)/Lectures
 Reviews: Dahs, “Handbuch des Strafverteidigers”; Hamm/Lohberger,
“Beck´sches Formularbuch für den Strafverteidiger”; Bockemühl (Hg.),
“Handbuch des Fachanwalts Strafrecht”; Brüssow u. a., “Strafverteidigung in der
Praxis”, StV 2003, in: “Strafverteidiger” 5/03, p. 311 f.;
 “Der Schutz vor Kapitalanlagebetrug reicht nicht aus”, (together with T. Hild) in:
“Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” of February 02, 2002;
 “Im Ausland sind Strafen für Unternehmen bereits üblich”, (together with E. Hild)
in: “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung” of June 25, 1999;
 La insostenible situación del Drecho Penal. Instituto de Ciencias Criminales de
Frankfurt” (ed.), “Área de Derecho Penal de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra” (ed.
española). Sobre el potencial incriminador de los principios limitadores del
Derecho penal. Competencias penales en la cuestión del aborto, Frankfurt 1999,
p. 149 ff.
 “Abtreibung und die Grenzen des Strafrechts”, Berlin 1997
 “Biographie Gustav Radbruch”, in: “Juristenlexikon”, Munich 1995
 “Über das Kriminalisierungspotential strafrechtsbegrenzender Prinzipien”
Institut für Kriminalwissenschaften Frankfurt/Main (Hrsg.). “Vom unmöglichen
Zustand des Strafrechts”, Frankfurt 1995, p. 143 ff.
 “Zivilrecht und Strafrecht - Rechtsordnung und Gerichtswesen”, in “Bürger,
Recht, Staat. Handbuch des öffentlichen Lebens in Deutschland”, 1. edition,
Frankfurt 1992; updated issue Frankfurt 1997
 Dr. Marijon Kayßer has lectured widely on criminal law, criminal proceedings and
their fundamentals at universities and symposia.
Dr. Marijon Kayßer
Memberships/ Appointments
 Member of the German Criminal Defense Lawyers Association „Deutsche
Strafverteidiger”; as a long term member of the board she was a regular
commentator to legislation proposed in the area of criminal and procedural law;
 Member of Deutscher Anwaltverein, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Strafrecht;
 Member of the German-Israeli Lawyers Association;
 Member of WisteV (Association of White-collar-crime Attorneys);
 Member of the German Lawyers Congress;
 Member of the International Association for Legal and Social Philosophy.
 Founding partner of Klinkert (2010);
 Counsel at Jones Day Frankfurt 1999-2009, Responsibility: Corporate Criminal
Investigation s(CCI);
 Member of the Commission for Ethical Questions of the Faculty of Medicine of the
Johann Wolfgang Goethe- University Frankfurt (1997- 2002);
 Elisabeth-Selbert-Award of the State of Hessen for outstanding academic
achievement, 1996;
 PhD. in 1996;
 Research and taught at the Institute for Criminal Law at the University of
Frankfurt, chaired by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Winfried Hassemer, judge and vice
president of the Federal Constitutional Court(1989-1999, with time- out for legal
 Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt (First State Exam, 1989).