Dr Peter Lieb MA


Dr Peter Lieb MA
Dr Peter Lieb MA
Appointment: Senior Lecturer, Special Responsibilities, Department of War Studies, Royal Military Academy
Contact Details
Department of War Studies, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 4PQ
Tel. +44 (0)1276 412241
Principal research interests
The Second World War in Europe, especially France 1940-1944 and the Eastern Front
The First World War, especially Eastern Front and Italian Front
War crimes and atrocities
Historical COIN campaigns, especially German and French school of thought
Mountain Warfare
Principal Publications
Peter Lieb, Vercors 1944. Resistance in the French Alps (Osprey, Oxford, 2012)
Peter Lieb, Wolfram Dornik et al., Die Ukraine: Zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Fremdherrschaft, 1917 bis
1922 (The Ukraine: Between Self-Determination and Foreign Rule, 1917-1922) (Leykam, Graz, 2011)
Peter Lieb, Christian Hartmann et al., Der deutsche Krieg im Osten 1941-1944: Facetten einer
Grenzüberschreitung (The German War in the East 1941-1944: Facets of a Border Crossing) (Oldenbourg
Verlag, Munich, 2009)
Peter Lieb, Konventioneller Krieg oder NS-Weltanschauungskrieg? Kriegführung und Partisanenbekämpfung
in Frankreich 1943/44 (Conventional War or NS-Ideological War? Warfare on the Front and in the Hinterland
in France 1943/44) (Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich, 2007)
Peter Lieb, “Rommel in Normandy”, in Ian W. Beckett, Rommel. A Reappraisal (Pen & Sword, Barnsley,
2013), forthcoming
Peter Lieb, “Guerre Révolutionnaire. Die französische Theorie zur Aufstandsbekämpfung in Algerien 19541962” (Guerre Révolutionnaire. The French COIN theory in Algeria 1954-1962) in Dierk Walter, Christian
Stachelbeck and Tanja Bührer, Imperialkriege (Schöningh, Paderborn, 2011), pp.463-81
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Peter Lieb, “Die Wehrmacht und der ‚Kleine Krieg’: Das Fallbeispiel der 1. Gebirgsdivision auf dem Balkan
1943/44” (Wehrmacht and “Small War”. The Case Study of 1st Mountain Division in the Balkans), in Helmut
R. Hammerich, Uwe Hartmann and Claus von Rosen, in: Jahrbuch Innere Führung 2010, edited by, Milites,
Berlin, 2010, pp.138-46
Peter Lieb, “Wehrmacht et Sipo/SD: Deux Acteurs de la Répression dans le Dauphiné et dans l’Ain. Une
Contribution sur les Facteurs Situationnels et Intentionnels lors de Crimes de Guerre” (Wehrmacht and
Sipo/SD. Two Actors of the Repression in the Dauphiné and Ain. A Contribution to the Situational and
Intentional Factors for War Crimes), in Les Militaires dans la Résistance. Ain – Dauphiné – Savoie 19401944 (Anovi, Avon-les-Roches, 2010), pp.443-66
Peter Lieb, “Few carrots and a lot of Sticks. German Anti-Partisan Warfare in World War Two”, in Daniel
Marston and Carter Malkasian, Counter-Insurgency in Modern Warfare (Osprey, Oxford, 2008), pp.70-90.
Peter Lieb, “’Rücksichtslos ohne Pause angreifen, dabei ritterlich bleiben’. Eskalation und Ermordungen von
Kriegsgefangenen an der Westfront 1944“ (“Attacking Relentlessly, thereby Remaining Gallant“ Escalation
and the Killing of PoWs on the Western Front 1944), in Sönke Neitzel und Daniel Hohrath, Kriegsgreuel. Die
Entgrenzung der Gewalt in kriegerischen Konflikten vom Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert (Schöningh,
Paderborn, 2008), pp.337-52
Peter Lieb, “Aufstandsbekämpfung im strategischen Dilemma. Die deutsche Besatzung in der Ukraine 1918”
(COIN in a Strategic Dilemma. The German Occupation of the Ukraine 1918),
in: Wolfram Dornik and Stefan Karner, Die Besatzung der Ukraine 1918. Historischer Kontext –
Forschungsstand – Wirtschaftliche und soziale Folgen, (Graz, Verein etc, 2008), pp.111-39
Peter Lieb, A Precursor of Modern COIN Operations? The German Occupation of the Ukraine in 1918,
Working Paper, University of Salford 2007
Peter Lieb, “Répression et massacres. L’occupant allemand face à la Résistance française, 1943-1944”
(Repression and Massacres. The German Occupier in face of the French Resistance, 1943-1944), in Gaël
Eismann and Stefan Martens, Occupation et repression militaire allemandes 1939-1945. La politique de
“maintien de l’ordre” en Europe occupée (Editions Autrement, Paris, 2007), pp.169-85
Peter Lieb, La 157e Division de réserve et la lutte contre la Résistance Française dans le Jura et les Alpes
Françaises (The 157th Reserve Division and its Struggle against the French Resistance in the French Jura
and Alps), in Bernard Garnier, Jean-Luc Leleu and Jean Quellien, La Répression en France 1940-1945
(CRHQ, Caen, 2007), pp.289-301
Peter Lieb, “Generalleutnant Harald von Hirschfeld. Eine nationalsozialistische Karriere in der Wehrmacht”
(Harald von Hirschfeld. A National-socialist career in the Wehrmacht), in Christian Hartmann and Rolf-Dieter
Müller, Menschen oder Massen? Zur biographischen Dimension des Zweiten Weltkriegs (Oldenbourg Verlag,
Munich, 2007), pp.24-35.
Peter Lieb, “Suppressing Insurgencies in Comparison: The Germans in the Ukraine, 1918, and the British in
Mesopotamia, 1920”, Small Wars & Insurgencies, Volume 23, 2012, pp.627-47.
Peter Lieb and Robert O. Paxton, “Combien de troupes allemandes pour maintenir l’ordre en France
occupée? (How large was the German Occupation Force in France?), Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’Histoire,
Volume 112, 2011, pp.115-26
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Peter Lieb, “’Die Ausführung der Maßnahme hielt sich anscheinend nicht im Rahmen der gegebenen
Weisung’. Die Suche nach Hergang, Tätern und Motiven des Massakers von Maillé am 25. August 1944”
(“The Execution of the Measure was apparently not within the Scope of the Order Given”. In Search for the
Circumstances, Perpetrators and Motives of the Maillé Massacre on 25th August 1944), Militärgeschichtliche
Zeitschrift 68 (2009), pp.345-78.
Peter Lieb, “Repercussions of Eastern Front Experiences on Anti-Partisan Warfare in France 1943/44”,
Journal of Strategic Studies, Volume 31, 2008, pp.797-823.
Peter Lieb, “Täter aus Überzeugung? Oberst Carl von Andrian und die Judenmorde der 707.
Infanteriedivision 1941/42” (War Criminal of Conviction? Colonel Carl von Andrian and the Killing of Jews
committed by 707th Infantry Division 1941/42), Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, Volume 50, 2002, pp.52357.
Numerous papers and lectures given in recent years at the University of Birmingham, Science Po Paris,
Brunel University London, Université de Grenoble, Glasgow Caledonian University, University of Graz,
University of Innsbruck, Peace Centre Kobarid (Slovenia), University of Würzburg, University of Mainz,
Mountain Warfare School Mittenwald (Germany), Military History Research Office Potsdam (Germany) etc.
Media experience
Dr. Lieb has worked both as consultant and interviewee for several German, British, French and Russian TV
documentaries, all dealing with Second World War topics.
Battlefield Study expertise
Dr. Lieb has extensive experience in planning and delivering battlefield tours/battlefield studies/staff rides for
military and civilian audiences in the following areas: Normandy (1944 campaign); El Alamein (1942);
Vercors (French Alps, COIN campaign, 1944); Isonzo (World War I).
Other information
Board Member of the German Committee for the History of the Second World War
Board Member of the Scientific Council for the project “Vercors Résistant”, France
Member of the Army Records Society (Board member from 2008-2011)
Member of the Arbeitskreis Militärgeschichte, Germany
Part-time lecturer for the University of Reading (Department of Politics and International Relations)
Expert Witness at the District Court Munich II in 2009 in the trial against Josef Scheungraber for the killing of
10 civilians at Falzano di Cortona (Italy), June 1944
Captain (reserve) in the German Bundeswehr (Gebirgsjäger), currently attached as instructor to the Mountain
and Winter Warfare School, Mittenwald (Upper Bavaria)
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1995-2001, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, MA in Modern History, History of Eastern Europe and
Business Studies
1995 and 1997/98, Université de Pau and Université Paris XII (Val-de-Marne)
2001-2005, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Dr.phil. in Modern History
Languages (apart from English)
German (mother tongue)
French (fluent)
Latin (reading skills)
Italian (basic reading skills)
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