tarefão - Einstein


tarefão - Einstein
Colégio Einstein®
A evolução do conhecimento
PROF.:Carol , Thays Regina
DISCIP.: Inglês
7º A(
) C (
Senhores pais,
Neste momento de recuperação/revisão pedimos sua parceria especial no sentido de
ajudar, apoiar e ACOMPANHAR os estudos do aluno para que possamos alcançar grandes
Fiquem atentos para os dados a seguir:
Units: 01, 02, 03, 04
Vocabulary about weather, Clothes, Food an Noun categories
Present Progressive x Simple Present (affirmative , questions and negative)
Has x Have – Physical appearance
There is x There are + countable nouns
Uncountable nouns: some x any
How much x How many …? + quantifiers
Whose…? + Possessive Pronouns
Tenha foco de um atleta em seus
Esta é uma atividade de estudo para aprimorar seus conhecimentos. Faça-a com esmero e
muita atenção.
01-Complete the sentences. Use the Simple Present of the verbs.
a- I don´t like (not like) roller coasters. I get (get) really scared on them.
b- My dad _____________________ not sleep a lot. He only _______________ (need) five or six hours.
c- A: ____________ you ________________ (study) English?
B: Yes, I __________.
d- My dad ______________ (cook) really well, but he says he __________________ (not enjoy) it.
e- A: ______________ your sister _______________ (play) on the school soccer team?
B: No, she ________________.
f- My grandparents _______________________ (not like) travelling. They ________________(prefer) to
stay at home.
g- My brother __________________ (watch) TV all day. He _______________ (not do) anything else.
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02- Circle the correct word.
A evolução do conhecimento
a- We ’s / ’re having dinner.
b- I ’m / ’s watching a soccer game.
c- Adrian and Clare is / are playing tennis.
d- César is danceing / dancing with Mia.
e- Mom and Dad are siting / sitting in the kitchen.
f- It ’re / ’s raining today.
03- Match the verbs (1–8) with the words and phrases (a–h).
1- post
2- do
3- chat
4- send
5- wait
6- babysit
7- get
8- sleep
a text message
in my bed
a comment
your homework
my brother
for the bus
04- Put the words in order to make questions.
1-now / you / babysitting / Are __________________________________________________________ ?
2- sending / Is / an / she / e-mail _________________________________________________________ ?
3- you / playing / Are / basketball / and / Dan _______________________________________________ ?
4- he / riding / horse / Is / a ____________________________________________________________ ?
5- helping / mom / they / Are / their ______________________________________________________ ?
6- is / cooking / now / Dad / What ______________________________________________________ ?
05- Circle the correct short answers for the questions in exercise 4.
1- a- No, I’m not.
2- a- Yes, she is.
3- a- No, we don’t.
4- a- No, he isn’t.
5- a- No, he isn’t.
6- a-In the park.
b- No, you aren’t.
b- Yes, he is.
b- Yes, we are.
b- No, she isn’t.
b- No, they aren’t.
B- Dinner.
06- Rewrite the sentences with the present progressive affirmative ( ), negative ( ), or question (?).
1-Hyun-sin is ice-skating. ( ) ____________________________________________________________ .
2- Sara is writing to a friend. (?) _________________________________________________________ .
3- I’m not reading a book.
( ) _________________________________________________________ .
4- Are Max and Brad sleeping? ( ) _______________________________________________________ .
5- He isn’t going shopping. (?) __________________________________________________________ .
6- They’re wearing jeans. ( ) __________________________________________________________________
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7- Read the e-mail. Then circle the correct words.
A evolução do conhecimento
From: Maria
Date: July 25, 12:35
To: Raku
Subject: Chat
Hi Raku!
How are you? It’s hot and sunny today, and I’m in the park with my friends from high school.
We’re having fun. We’re in the cybercafé next to the lake right now, and I’m writing this e-mail to
I’m sitting between Bella and Tom. Bella is reading her e-mails, and Tom is playing a computer
game. Jane and Pete are sitting on the sofa. Jane is reading a magazine about computers, and
Pete is calling Marc on his cell phone.
Marc and Katia aren’t with us now. They’re having lunch in town. I think they’re having pizza at
Pizzaworld in the shopping mall.
Hope you’re having fun.
Love, Maria
1- Maria is writing to Katia / Raku.
2- Maria and her friends are / aren’t at school right now.
3- Maria, Bella and Tom are using cell phones / computers.
4- Pete is writing / talking to Marc.
5- Katia is in the shopping mall / cybercafé with Marc.
08- Complete the sentences about the weather.
1- It’s h __ t.
5 -It’s sn __ w __ ng.
2- It’s c __ ld.
6- It’s r __ in __ ng.
3- It’s s __ n __ y.
7- It’s cl __ ud __ .
4 - It’s w __ n __ y.
8- It’s s __ or __ y.
09- Read the sentences. Then write SP (simple present) or PP (present progressive).
1- We go to school every day.
2- I’m playing soccer at the moment.
3- She normally goes to bed at ten.
4- We watch TV every Friday evening.
5- He’s reading a magazine now.
6- Is Akio sleeping right now?
10- Put the words in order to make sentences.
1- to / normally / We / go / the / movies - ___________________________________________________ .
2- the / doing / I’m / my / homework / at / moment ______________________________________________ .
3- right / working / in / café / now / She’s / the _______________________________________________ .
4 -every / talks / on / phone / day / She / the _________________________________________________ .
5- soccer / play / They / school / usually / after ______________________________________________ .
6 -wearing / not / cap / today / I’m / a ______________________________________________________ .
Colégio Einstein®
11- Write the words below in the correct column.
A evolução do conhecimento
12- Fill in the blanks with clothes words or physical description words.
1- Jenny is wearing a _____________ today. She isn’t wearing pants.
2- Her dad wears _____________ to read.
3- Her hair is _____________ and _____________ . It isn’t short and straight.
4- Her brother’s eyes are _____________ . They aren’t small.
5- He has a _____________ , but he doesn’t have a beard.
3- Read the phone conversation. Then circle the correct words.
Hi, Carla. What (1) do you do / are you doing at the moment?
Carla: I (2) watch / ’m watching TV, but it’s really boring. (3) Do you watch / Are you watching TV,
No, I’m not. I (4) listen / ’m listening to music right now. I usually (5) play / am playing tennis
after school, but it (6) rains / ’s raining today.
(7) Do you play / Are you playing tennis after school every day?
No, only on Tuesdays. I (8) go / ’m going home the other days.
14- Fill in the blanks with the words below.
doesn’t have (x2)
don’t have
1-Robert doesn’t have straight hair. He _____________ wavy hair.
2-I _____________ short hair. I have long hair.
3-Anna _____________ blond hair. She has red hair.
4- They _____________ green eyes. They don’t have blue eyes.
5-My brother _____________ a beard. He only has a mustache.
__ / 5
15- Fill in the blanks with have, has, is, or are.
1-Emma _____________ tall.
2- She _____________ long, brown hair.
3-Her eyes _____________ dark brown.
4-Her brothers _____________ big, blue eyes.
5-They _____________ blond hair
Colégio Einstein®
16- Read the text about Desmond. Then circle T (True) or F (False).
A evolução do conhecimento
Desmond lives in Durban, South Africa. Durban city is near
the beach, but Desmond doesn’t live near the beach. He
lives with his family in a small house in town.
Desmond normally gets up at 6 a.m. every morning. Then
he goes to school with his brother and two sisters. They
don’t take the bus. They walk.
In Durban, school starts early in the morning. Classes start
at 8 a.m., and they finish at 2 p.m. Desmond has a good
time at school. He studies languages, math, history,
geography, and science. He’s studying English, science, and
math today.
His parents don’t have a computer at home, but they have a
TV, and Desmond has a radio. Desmond listens to British
and American music. He watches American movies, too.
1- Desmond lives in an apartment near the beach. T / F
2- He normally gets up early. T / F
3 - He takes the bus to school with his brother and two sisters. T / F
4 - Today he’s studying history and English. T / F
5- Desmond doesn’t have a computer in his house. T / F
17- Complete the food words.
1- e __ __ s
2- __ ppl __ s
3- b __ n __ n __ s
4- h __ mb __ rg __ rs
5 - Fr __ nch fr __ __ s
6 - t __ m __ t __ __ s
7 - __ an __ o __ s
8- p __ zz __ s
9- s __ us __ ges
10- po __ a __ oes
18- Circle the correct word.
1- There is / are four shirts.
2- There is / are one cell phone.
3- Is / Are there a desk in your room?
4- There isn’t / aren’t any shoes.
5- Are there any strawberries? No, there isn’t / aren’t.
6- There isn’t / aren’t a sweatshirt.
19- Fill in the blanks with the words below.
any (x2)
1- There are ______ pants.
2-There is ______ e-mail.
3-There aren’t ______ dogs.
4-There isn’t ______ a text message.
5-Are there ______ sneakers?
20- Fill in the blanks with is, isn’t, are, and aren’t.
1- There _____________ some magazines.
2-There _____________ any coffee.
3-There _____________ any clean jeans.
4-There _____________ some rice.
Colégio Einstein®
21- Write F (food) or D (drink).
3- pasta
4- soda
A evolução do conhecimento
5- milk
6- bread
7- water
8- cheese
9- salad
10- salt
22- Fill in the blanks with much or many.
1- How _____________ sausages are there?
2- How _____________ food is there?
3- How _____________ money do you have?
4- How _____________ dollars do you have?
5- How _____________ furniture is there?
6- How _____________ desks are there?
23- Circle the correct short answers for the questions in exercise 22.
There are a few sausages.
There are a little sausages.
There’s a little food.
There’s a few food.
I don’t have much money.
I don’t have many money.
I don’t have much dollars.
I don’t have many dollars.
There aren’t any furniture.
There isn’t any furniture.
There’s a lot of desks.
There are a lot of desks.
24- Circle the correct noun category.
1- bed
2- $10
3- watch
4- pizza
baggage / furniture
traffic / money
time / travel
music / food
5- airplane
6- song
7- bag
travel / baggage
food / music
traffic / baggage
time / money
Complete the possessions.
1- s __ ngl __ ss __ s
2- br __ c __ l __ t
3- b __ c __ p __ ck
4- e __ rr __ n __ s
5- b __ l __
6- k __ y r __ n __
26- Put the words in order to make questions. Then check ( ) the correct answer.
1- food / Whose / this / is - Whose food is this
It’s mine.
They’re mine.
Colégio Einstein®
A evolução do conhecimento
2- are / these / keys / Whose ________________________________________________________ ?
It’s hers.
They’re hers.
3- this / Whose / is / money ________________________________________________________ ?
It’s yours.
They’re yours.
4- Whose / these / glasses / are
___________________________________________________ ?
It’s his.
They’re his.
27- Read the dialogue. Then circle the correct words.
Amanda: Hello. Welcome to the show What do you eat? Here’s our reporter, Ben. Whose house are
you at today, Ben?
I’m at the Turners’ house today, Amanda. Mr. and Mrs. Turner have two children, Sarah
and Daniel.
Amanda: And what do the Turners eat? Look in the refrigerator! Is there any fresh food?
There’s a little. There are some bananas, but they’re black. And there’s something green.
Amanda: Is it salad?
No, it isn’t. It’s cheese, and it’s very old.
Amanda: Oh, that’s not good. Is there anything else?
Yes, there are a few sausages.
Amanda: OK. And is there any milk or water?
Well, there is some milk, but it’s strawberry milk. And there are six bottles of soda.
Amanda: Are there any vegetables in the freezer?
Sorry, Amanda. I can see some hamburgers and French fries. But there aren’t any
Amanda: Thank you, Ben.
1- There are four / five people in the Turner family.
2- There are some green / black bananas.
3- There isn’t any cheese / salad.
4- There’s some soda / water.
5-There aren’t any / many vegetables.
28- Translate these words.
a- Belt-____________________
b- Pants-___________________
c- Bald-_____________________
d- Blouse-__________________
e- Skirt-_____________________
f- Gloves-__________________
g- Sunglasses-_________________
h- meal-____________________
i- furniture-__________________
j- keyring-____________________
k- backpack-__________________
l- travel-______________________
m- vacation-__________________
m- baggage-___________________
29- Read the sentences. Then fill in the blanks with weather words.
1- I can’t see the sun today. It’s c_____________ .
2- I’m wearing my hat and T-shirt today. It’s s_____________ .
Colégio Einstein®
3- I’m wearing my sweater today. It’s c_____________ .
A evolução do conhecimento
4- It’s so white and beautiful! It’s s_____________ .
5- I’m taking my umbrella. It’s r_____________ .
6- We can’t go by boat today. It’s s_____________ .
30- Write the verbs to complete the everyday activities.
c __ __ __ online
w __ __ __ for the bus
g __ __ dressed
d __ my homework
p __ __ __ a comment
s __ __ __ a text message
b __ __ __ __ __ __ my sister
s __ __ __ __ in my bed
31- Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Use the present progressive affirmative.
We _______________________________ basketball.
You _______________________________ fast.
Mom and Dad _______________________ breakfast.
Caspar ____________________________ a horse.
She ______________________________ sneakers.
I _________________________________ to my MP3 player.
32- Rewrite the sentences in exercise 1. Use the present progressive negative.
1- ____________________________________________________________________________ .
2- _____________________________________________________________________________ .
3- ______________________________________________________________________________ .
4 -______________________________________________________________________________ .
5 -______________________________________________________________________________ .
6- _______________________________________________________________________________ .
33- Read the questions. Then check ( ) the correct ones or correct the wrong ones. Use the present
1- Is he watch TV? ___________________________________________________________ ?
2- Are they walking to school? ___________________________________________________ ?
3- What she wearing?
_________________________________________________________ ?
4- Is she come? ________________________________________________________________ ?
5- Is he dancing with Martha? _____________________________________________________ ?
6- Where they swim? ____________________________________________________________ ?
Colégio Einstein®
A evolução do conhecimento
34- Rewrite the sentences. Use affirmative ( ), negative ( ), or question (?) forms. Use some and any.
There are some books. ( ) ______________________________________________________ .
There is some coffee. (?) ______________________________________________________ ?
Are there any pens? ( ) ______________________________________________________ .
There is some oil.
( ) ______________________________________________________ .
Is there any cheese? ( ) _____________________________________________________ .
There aren’t any sneakers. (?) ___________________________________________________ ?
35- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of there is / there are. Use affirmative, negative, and question
forms. Use any.
I’m hungry. (1) __________________ food in the refrigerator?
Yes, (2) __________________ .
(3) __________________ eggs?
Yes, (4) __________________ .
(5) __________________ four eggs.
A: What about sausages?
B: No, (6) __________________ sausages. But (7) __________________ some cheese.
A: And milk?
B: Yes, (8) __________________ one bottle.
A: Let’s make a cheese omelet then!
36- Write the Plural for these nouns.
a- box- _______________________
b- glass-______________________
c- strawberry-__________________
d- city-________________________
e- potato-______________________
f- tomato-______________________
g- car-_________________________
h- earring-______________________
i- boy-_________________________
j- wife-___________________________
k- apple-__________________________
l- banana-_________________________
m- mango-________________________
n- fruit-___________________________
o- peach-_________________________
p- table-__________________________
h- sausage-_______________________
i- woman-_________________________
37- Circle the correction option.
a- I have/ has three brothers.
b- We don´t have / doesn´t have a car.
c- Maggie has/ have a new phone.
d- They don´t have/ doesn´t have any money.
e- James don´t have / doesn´t have homework tonight.
f- I don´t have / doesn´t have a pen. Do / Does you have one?
38- Fill in the blanks with the affirmative or negative form of have.
1- I ______________________ short hair. ( )
2- They _________________________ green eyes. ( )
3- Anna _________________________ blond hair. ( )
4- Robert _________________________ wavy hair. ( )
5- You ______________________ blue eyes. . ( )
Colégio Einstein®
39- Fill in the blanks with the affirmative form of have or be.
A evolução do conhecimento
1- Lionel _________________ long dark hair.
2- His hair _________________ very straight. It isn’t wavy.
3- He _________________ a long straight beard, too.
4- Lionel and his brother _________________ tall.
5- Lionel and his wife _________________ glasses.
40- Fill in the blanks with is this or are these. Then write the answer with a possessive pronoun.
1- Whose key ring is mine__________ ?
(my key ring) It’s mine_________ .
2- Whose bags ________________ ?
(their bags) ________________ .
3- Whose money ________________ ?
(her money) ________________ .
4- Whose shoes ________________ ?
(our shoes) ________________ .
41- Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronouns.
1- It’s my book. It’s __________ .
4- It’s David’s belt. It’s __________ .
2- It’s your backpack. It’s __________ .
5- They’re our pens. They’re __________ .
3- They’re Anna’s earrings. They’re
__________ .
6- It’s Li and Kenzo’s dog. It’s __________ .
42- Put the words in the correct column.
beds furniture minutes music songs
_________________ ________________
_________________ ________________
_________________ ________________
Fill in the blanks with the words in exercise 42.
1- How many _________________________ are there on your MP3 player?
2- How much _________________________ is there on your MP3 player?
3- How much _________________________is there before classes start?
4- How many _________________________are there before classes start?
5- How many _________________________are there in the room?
6- How much _________________________is there in the room?
Colégio Einstein®
A evolução do conhecimento
44- Look at the answers for the questions in exercise 42. Circle the correct words.
1- There are a lot / ’s a lot.
4- There are a few / ’s a little.
2- There aren’t many / isn’t much.
5- There aren’t any / isn’t any.
3- There are none / ’s a little.
6- There are a few / ’s none.
45- Circle the correct words.
1- sleep / wear / post on the sofa
5- post / wait / start for the bus
2- babysit / do / chat homework
6- sleep / do / post a comment
3- do / walk / get dressed
7- read / babysit / wait your brother
4- chat / have / wear online
8- send / go / do a text message
46- Match the questions and answers.
1- (
2- (
3- (
4- (
5- (
6- (
) Do you have a pet?
) Does Luis have a cat?
) Do all your friends have smartphones?
)Does your brother have a bike?
) Do you have a lizard?
)Does Suzie have a brother?
a- Yes, they do.
b- Yes, I have a dog.
c- No, he doesn´t.
d- No, She doesn´t, but she has a sister.
e- No, I don´t.
f- Yes, he does. Its name is Mickey.
47- Add ING in these verbs.
a- write -_____________________
b- come- _____________________
c- wait-_______________________
d- chat-_______________________
e- use-_______________________
f- plan-_______________________
g- listen-_____________________
h- rain-_______________________
i- study-____________________
j- swim-____________________
k- fit-_______________________
l – drop-____________________
m- like-_____________________
n- get-______________________
o- dance-___________________
p- do-______________________
48- Fill in the blanks with the present progressive affirmative.
1- I __________________ (play) soccer.
2- You __________________ (dance) with César.
3- They __________________ (swim) right now.
4- It __________________ (snow) today.
5- Sara __________________ (watch) a movie.
6- She __________________ (sit) next to Tomiko.
49- Guess the words.
a- b t l e-_______________________
b- t o b o s -_____________________
c- k e a j c t -____________________
d- w e t s a r e -__________________
e- h i r s t -___________________
f- r t o s s h -__________________
g- s t a n p -___________________
h- a t h -______________________
Colégio Einstein®
50- Use Many or Much.
A evolução do conhecimento
a- How _____________ desks are there in your classroom?
b- My school doesn´t have _______________ computers.
c- How _______________ butter do we need?
d- I don´t have _______________ friends.
e- I don´t have _______________ time before dinner.
f- How ____________ legs does a spider have?
g- How _______________ ice cream is there in the fridge.
"Um mundo novo": slogan dos Jogos Rio 2016.
Mudar o mundo para melhor. E você o que tem feito para isso?
Obs.: Caro aluno, além das atividades que acabou de fazer, sugerimos que estude através de
seus livros e anotações, cadernos, exercícios trabalhados em sala, registros no quadro e na
lousa eletrônica.
Releia as teorias, os conteúdos. Faça pesquisas na internet e em outros livros. Estude
fazendo registros em forma de resumos, resenhas, fichamentos, perguntas e respostas
baseadas no que foi trabalhado em classe.
Aproveite a oportunidade para estudar todos os itens do “Manual: acompanhando a
vida escolar do seu filho!!”, isso fará total diferença nos seus resultados.
TRAGA SUAS DÚVIDAS POR ESCRITO para saná-las em sala de aula. Empenhe-se!
Estude muito!
Conte conosco!
A Coordenação

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