Food and other things


Food and other things
10 yrs
Food and
other things...
EUR 12 € UK 11 £
Andrea Branzi /
Michael Anastassiades /
Carsten Höller /
Marc Held /
Adrian Ghenie /
R. Buckminster Fuller /
Nucleo /
Anton Alvarez /
Emilie Baltz /
Kobe Desramaults /
DAMN°46 magazine / KITCHEN NEWS
A kitchen that tells a story
Designer for LEICHT
Can design improve a familiar daily routine; an ancient and
creative gesture like cooking? Nowadays, many brands and
designers are involved in finding solutions for transforming
an interior setting once taken for granted (at least since
the Frankfurt Kitchen standard) in an aim to re-invent our
conventional vision of conviv
ivium furniture. The new kitchens
point in one direction: light, open modules that are easily
assembled – freestanding units with the possibility to be
repositioned as needed.
German kitchen producer LEICHT has launched a new system for drawers
and pull-outs under the name of Q-Box, a classically modern structure for use
inside drawer units. It combines a framework in light oak with a black mat base
in hard elastic. Several types of element are available, offering an individual, flex
ible solution. “Q-Box results from the desire to create an interior system with its
own distinct charm, which entirely corresponds to the brand in terms of quality.
A system that can nevertheless be produced industrially to ensure that it remains
affordable. Something that consumers find easy to clean and will thus wish to
use daily.
y We
W have selected a top-quality surface material from the automotive
industry and merged this with the natural texture of oak, moulding it so as to
form a transition from the drawer inserts to the wooden separating strips in
the cutlery trays. The technical properties of this synthetic, high-performance
surface material, on the one hand, and the artisanal appearance of wood, on the
other,r,r results in a calm, minimalist look that clearly differentiates between the
oak separators and the carbon-like inserts.”
Designer for Boffi
Among Patricia Urquiola's 2014
projects is her first kitchen for Italian
luxury brand Boffi, called Salinas. Salinas is the beach of my childhood…" says
Urquiola, dreamily,
y "a long sandy beach
with dunes, on the Cantabrian Sea, with
very intense colours all around. The
kitchen in my grandfather's house, over
looking the rocky coastline with green
fields behind, the yellow of the sun, and
the cobalt blue of the ocean."
In this project, the kitchen moves away
from traditional structures and modularity: it's made with a skeleton of tubular metal so that various modules can
be properly combined and generate an
articulated composition to suit all functions. It's a very flexible system that accommodates panels of different colours
and materials. For Urquiola, it serves as "open research
that I hope will help in achieving solutions that are rre
ally made-to-measure. The materials, nearly all of them
environmentally friendly,
y can be chosen in numerous
One can easily setup a fully customisable structure that
customers can conceive by themselves, choosing from
40 available modules. "The Salinas project is based on
the idea of an hidden 'machine': a professional kitchen
with a matte-black metal skeleton that – thanks to a cen
tral, integrated joint to accommodate the hydraulic and
electrical components – doesn't reveal its technicalities."
The surfaces are tactile, being textured with matte cce
ramic, cement, and lava stone, and there is a wooden
chopping board with solid technical movement, for food
Übersetzung aus der englischen Sprache:
Designer for Naber
T ether with Kilian Schindler,r,r Naber,r,r the NordhornTog
based famil
y company specialising in kitchen accessories,
has developed a modular kitchen system. With its flexible
open design, the Concept Kitchen is causing a stir in the
kitchen furniture segment, having been awarded several
design prizes.
"With his notion of the Concept Kitchen, designer Killian Schindler takes up the ideas of an essentially openplan kitchen, structured by modules but co-defined by
the users, who decide how they live in the kitchen and
how best to engage its space. As a leitmotif,f,f the Naber
company chose: the spaceewe define as a kitchen today
occurs where we need it, be it in the office,
the studio, the
living room, an open space, or a corner of the room that
we assign the function of 'kitchen'. It occurs, sallies forth
and takes shape where and how it is needed. We
W thought
about how often we move house during our life
lif time.
What do we take with us? What do we leave behind? The
kitchen always presents a problem, in every move. The
term 'fitted kitchen' already makes it clear that the units
are integrated into the architecture. We
W have designed this
system such that it can be assembled easily and without
the need for tools. In this way,
y the kitchen becomes furni
nture you can simply pick up and take with you. We
W don't
just eat and cook at home, but also at the office, in the
workshop, at exhibitions, or in the garden allotment. For
these mealtimes, however,r,r we don't need all the equip
quiment we pile-up at home. So the Concept Kitchen, rather,r,r
is an alternative to the fitted kitchen. The practical solu
tion for
f a variety of situations and needs."
Designer für Naber
In Zusammenarbeit mit Kilian Schindler hat das in
Nordhorn ansässige und auf Küchenzubehör spezialisierte
Familienunternehmen Naber ein modulares Küchensystem
entwickelt. Die ,Concept Kitchen’ erregt in der Küchenbranche mit ihrem flexiblen und offenen Design viel Aufsehen und
wurde bereits mit zahlreichen Designpreisen ausgezeichnet.
„Mit seiner Vorstellung der Concept Kitchen greift der Designer Kilian Schindler das Konzept einer im Wesentlichen im
offenen Raum gestalteten Küche auf, die mithilfe von Modulen
Struktur erhält, zu deren Definition jedoch die Nutzer in
erheblichem Maße beitragen, die entscheiden, wie sie in der
Küche leben und wie sie den Raum optimal gestalten. Als
Leitmotiv diente Naber dabei der folgende Ansatz: der Raum,
den wir heute als ,Küche’ definieren, ist genau da, wo wir ihn
benötigen - sei es im Büro oder im Studio, im Wohnzimmer,
auf einer freien Fläche oder in einer Ecke des Zimmers, der
wir die Funktion der ,Küche’ zuweisen. Sie erscheint, bewegt
sich und nimmt Gestalt an - und zwar wo und wie wir sie
benötigen. Wir haben darüber nachgedacht, wie oft wir in
unserem Leben umziehen. Was nehmen wir mit ? Was lassen
wir zurück? Die Küche stellt bei jedem Umzug ein Problem
dar. Der Begriff ,Einbauküche’ verdeutlicht bereits, dass die
Bestandteile der Küche in die Architektur integriert sind. Wir
haben dieses System so konzipiert, dass es einfach und ohne
Werkzeug montiert werden kann. Auf diese Weise wird die
Küche zu einem Möbel, das man einfach greifen und mitnehmen kann. Wir essen und kochen nicht nur zuhause, sondern
auch im Büro, in der Werkstatt, bei Messen oder im Garten.
Für diese Mahlzeiten benötigen wir aber nicht die gesamte
Ausstattung, die wir zuhause angehäuft haben. Daher bildet
die Concept Kitchen eher eine Alternative zur Einbauküche.
Die praktische Lösung für zahlreiche Situationen und Bedürfnisse.“

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