welcome to the cathedral


welcome to the cathedral
All Saints Parish
124 Front St. E., Strathroy, Ontario N7G 1Y9
Tel: 519-245-0644 Fax: 519-660-2921
Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.allsaints.rcec.london.on.ca
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Pastoral Team/Staff Phone Directory
Fr. John Pirt, Pastor Ext. 22, [email protected]
Judy Vandenberk, Youth Coordinator Ext 24
Olga Ferreira & Anna Garcia, Office Admin, Dial 0
Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson:
Kathleen Steffler 519-280-4990
Finance Chairperson:
Joe Czernai, 205-2935
Cemetery Board:
Dianne Whiting 519-205-1015
Saturday 5:00p.m. English
Sunday 8:30a.m. 10:00a.m. English
11:30a.m. Portuguese
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 3:45pm to 4:30pm
Sacrament of Baptism
Please call the parish office at 245-0644 to register for
the baptismal class which is held on the 1st Wed of the
month at 7:30pm in St. Angela’s Rm
Sacrament of Marriage
Arrangements to be made 8 months in advance by
appointment with Fr. John Pirt.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
1st Thursday of the month from 8:30am-6:15pm
Jerry Vens, Grand Knight 245-4818
Ed Thuss, Financial Secretary 246-1017 Visit
us at www.kofc7570.ca
Catholic Women’s League, Co-Presidents
Gwen Lamoureux , 519-245-6216
Gwen Waeijen, 519-245-6987
Rose Valenciuk, Memberships 226-272-4945
Trudy Thuss, Religious Articles 245-1303
Weekly Mass Schedule
Monday, March 9th
9:30am OLI School Mass
Josef & Anna Singer – Anna Demaray
Parents & In-laws of Ines Mota
Tuesday, March 10th
10:30am Mass ~ Strathmere Lodge
Margaret Erdely – Pastoral Care Committee
Wilma Kanters – Marinus Kanters
6:30pm Rosary ~ 7:00pm Mass
Frank Kanters – Adriana Kanters
Maria Alice Furtado – Emmanuel Furtado
José Henrique – Alda Henrique
Wednesday, March 11th
8:00am Mass ~ 8:30am Rosary
Margaret Denys – Leona Strybosch
Thursday, March 12th
6:30pm Terço-7:00pm Missa-7:30pm Via Sacra
Hermiterio Santos, Pais, Sogros e Defuntos da
familia – Isabel Santos
Manuel e Carlota Rolica e defuntos da familia –
Maria Antunes
Arthur Arruda –Alzira Catojo, Idalina Garcia e
Marcelina Sousa
Friday, March 13th
9:30am Mass
Joseph Peters – Larry & Olga Peters
Olivia & Angela Aguiar - Nieces
7:00pm Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 14th
8:30am Mass
In Thanksgiving – Margarida Milhomens
9:00-9:30am Adoration with Morning Prayer
DATE (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week)
Lenten Devotions
Stations of the Cross will take
place Friday evenings at
Haverá Via Sacra nas Quintasfeiras durante a quaresma as
7:30 da noite.
Diocesan Prayer Calendar
May we remember in prayer, the priests, deacons,
religious women and men and seminarians of the
Diocese of London. May they be faithful to the charge
given them by the Lord.
Mar 8 – Rev. Frederick Howard-Smith
Mar 9 – Deacon Andre Dedecker
Mar 10 – Mrs. Betty Hompoth, Pastoral Minister
Mar 11 – Mrs. Joan Robinson, Pastoral Worker
Mar 12 – Rev. Gerard Bedard
Mar 13 – Rev. Joseph Kannath
Mar 14 – Mrs. Mary Heath, Pastoral Minister
Heavenly Father may the merits and prayers of our
Blessed Mother Mary, and the angels and saints, be
combined with our prayers. Grant the petitions of our
parishioners, especially those who have asked for our
prayers. Please intercede for their physical, emotional
and spiritual needs. Help us to lighten their burdens and
brighten their days. This we ask in the name of Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
We all love the
name for our
junior choir the
We’d love to have a name that is great for our
YOUTH BAND too so we’re looking for your help!
Email your suggestions to Judy at
[email protected]. Keep it simple so the name
Members of the Youth Band will vote on the names
in the next couple of weeks so don’t delay in getting
your suggestions in!!!
Judy Vandenberk
On Monday, March 9th, Mass will be celebrated
at 9:30am with Our Lady Immaculate School
Staff & Students. This was rescheduled from
Friday, March 6th, due to a Funeral Mass with
visitation. Please also note that this will take
place of the 8:00am morning Mass scheduled on
the Lenten Calendar.
Day of Confessions, March 25
In the season of Lent, as we focus on God’s call to
return to him with all our hearts, we will have the
opportunity to ritualize our desire for change and
renewal. Throughout the diocese on Wednesday,
March 25, very priest in every parish will be
available throughout the entire day to celebrate the
sacrament of penance (reconciliation). Over this
week let us make the journey into the heart of our
relationship with God. Take a long loving look at
the ways God calls you to grow. Take this
challenge and hold it in readiness for the rich
blessing that is manifest in sacrament of penance.
“Do not be afraid to ask God’s forgiveness! He
never tires of forgiving us, like a
father who loves us.” – Pope
Confession times: 9am to 12noon
1:00pm – 4:00pm &
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Dia das Confissões, 25 de Março
No tempo da Quaresma, ao concentrar-mos no
chamamento de Deus para voltar a ele com todo o
nosso coração, teremos a oportunidade de ritualizar
o nosso desejo de mudar e renovar. Na nossa
diocese na quarta-feira, 25 de Março, todos os
sacerdotes em cada paróquia estaráo disponível
durante todo o dia para celebrar o sacramento da
penitência (reconciliação). Durante esta semana,
vamos fazer a viagem ao coração do nosso
relacionamento com Deus. Dê uma olhada as
maneiras em que Deus nos chama a crescer. Faço
este desafio, e mantenha-o em prontidão para as
ricas bênções que se manifesta no sacramento da
penitência."Não tenha medo de pedir perdão a
Deus! Ele não se cansa de nos perdoar, como um
pai que nos ama" ~ Papa Francisco
Horário de Confissões: 9:00 - Meio dia
1:00 - 4:00 da tarde e das 6:00 - 9:00 da noite
SUNDAY (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week)
DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE - Responding to the cry of the
rural poor with the bishops of Brazil
In all places and circumstances, Christians, with the help of their
pastors, are called to hear the cry of the poor. This has been eloquently
stated by the bishops of Brazil: “We wish to take up daily the joys and
hopes, the difficulties and sorrows of the Brazilian people, especially of
those living in the barrios and the countryside – landless, homeless,
lacking food and health care – to the detriment of their rights. Seeing
their poverty, hearing their cries and knowing their sufferings, we are
scandalized because we know that there is enough food for everyone
and that hunger is the result of a poor distribution of goods and income.
– Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, 191
DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE has been working with the Brazilian
bishops for many years to respond to the cry of the poor. Your
generosity helps fund our partnership with their Pastoral Land
Commission, which works to support the rural poor through agricultural
development and land reform. The Share Lent collection for
DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE is on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, March
DESENVOLVIMENTO E PAZ Respondendo ao clamor do pobre
rural com os bispos do Brasil
Em todos os lugares e circunstâncias, os cristãos, com a ajuda de seus
pastores, são chamados a ouvir o grito dos pobres. Este foi
eloquentemente expostas pelos bispos do Brasil: "Queremos aproveitarse diariamente as alegrias e as esperanças, as dificuldades e tristezas do
povo brasileiro, especialmente das pessoas que vivem nos bairros e no
campo - sem-terra, sem-teto, sem comida e cuidados de saúde - em
detrimento dos seus direitos. Vendo sua pobreza, ouvindo seus gritos e
conhecendo os seus sofrimentos, estamos escandalizados porque
sabemos que há comida suficiente para todos e que a fome é o resultado
de uma má distribuição de bens e renda. - O Papa Francis, A alegria do
Evangelho, 191
Desenvolvimento e Paz tem vindo a trabalhar com os bispos do Brasil
por muitos anos para responder ao clamor do pobre. Sua generosidade
ajuda a financiar a nossa parceria com a Comissão Pastoral da Terra,
que trabalha para apoiar os pobres rurais através do desenvolvimento
agrícola e de reforma agrária. A coleção Quaresmal para o
desenvolvimento ea paz será no quinto Domingo da Quaresma, 22 de
All Saints Cemetery Board
Looking for someone to cut
grass for the 2015 season.
Tenders please submit by
March 15, 2015. Please address
all applications to
“All Saints Cemetery Board”
c/o All Saints Parish Office
*Liability Insurance is required; no
less than 2 million
Wedding Anniversary Mass:
Save the Date
Most Reverend Ronald Fabbro,
C.S.B., Bishop of London invites
all Married Couples to celebrate
the Sacrament of Marriage at the
Wedding Anniversary Mass on
Sunday, May 3, 2015, 2:30pm at
St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica,
London, Ontario. More details to
follow at a later date.
This week at All Saints
Monday, March 9
1:00pm K of C Cards,
Columbian Rm
7:30pm K of C Executive, CR
Tuesday, March 10
1:30pm Al-anon, St. Angela’s
7:30pm Church History,
Columbian Rm
8:00pm RCIA, St. Mary’s Rm
Thursday, March 12
6:30pm Senior’s Euchre,
Columbian Rm
7:30pm Liturgy Committee
St. Patrick’s Rm
Please pray for Anna
Tremmel+, wife of Joe
Tremmel of our parish;
Fernanda Mota+,
sister-in-law of Ines Mota of
our parish.
May they and all the faithful
departed, rest in peace.

Documentos relacionados


Newsletter/Bulletin 124 Front St. E., Strathroy, Ontario N7G 1Y9 Tel: 519-245-0644 Fax: 519-660-2921 Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.allsaints.rcec.london.on.ca Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:3...

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Bulletin January 17, 2016

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All Saints Parish - Diocese of London

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welcome to the cathedral

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Bulletin November 22, 2015

Bulletin November 22, 2015 124 Front St. E., Strathroy, Ontario N7G 1Y9 Tel: 519-245-0644 Fax: 519-660-2921 Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.allsaints.rcec.london.on.ca Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:3...

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Newsletter/Bulletin 124 Front St. E., Strathroy, Ontario N7G 1Y9 Tel: 519-245-0644 Fax: 519-660-2921 Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.allsaints.rcec.london.on.ca Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am ...

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Bulletin May 4-8

Bulletin May 4-8 124 Front St. E., Strathroy, Ontario N7G 1Y9 Tel: 519-245-0644 Fax: 519-660-2921 Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.allsaints.rcec.london.on.ca Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:3...

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welcome to the cathedral

welcome to the cathedral Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 3:45pm to 4:30pm Sacrament of Baptism Please call the parish office at 245-0644 to register for the baptismal class which is held on the 1st Wednesday of the m...

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