ENTER.HUB presentation_PFA - LabTec-CS


ENTER.HUB presentation_PFA - LabTec-CS
Thematic Workshop 3. New Technologies - Smart Cities
Lugano, 20-21 February 2014
From ENTER.HUB presentation document:
Focus on:
How to exploit the new technologies for (1) communication,
transmission to users of the potential of the hubs, in terms of transport
connection (real time information) and (2) data recording and
representation useful for the understanding of the hub working and
users needs;
How to develop integrated information and ticketing/payment systems
of the different channels, so increasing the potential of hubs if there is a
low barrier intermodal exchange.
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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Thematic Expert
Pedro Ferraz de Abreu, PhD
[email protected]
FC-UL - Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Prof. Catedrático Convidado
CITIDEP - Centro de Investigação de Tecnologias de Informação
para uma Democracia Participativa / Research Center on
Information Technologies & Participatory Democracy
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
DUSP - Dept. of Urban Studies & Planning
Research Associate
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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Thematic Expert
Pedro Ferraz de Abreu, PhD
[email protected]
PhD: in “Urban and Regional Planning”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT–DUSP)
Thesis: "New Information Technologies in Public Participation: A Challenge to Old Decision-making
Institutional Frameworks"
Master: in “Media Arts & Sciences”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT-Media Lab)
Thesis: “Intelligent Graphic Interface: Capturing rules of human-computer interaction in a knowledge
Licenciatura: in “Engenharia Informática”
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT - U.N.L.)
Bacharelato: in “Electrónica e Telecomunicações”
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (I.S.E.L.)
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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Tânia Fonseca
Timothy Sieber
Luis Rionda
Jorge Edison
Clelia Guinazu
Charlotte DeKock
Valérie Aillaud
Laura Colini
Vesna Dolnicar
Pedro Ferraz de Abreu
www.citidep.pt • www.citidep.net
CITIDEP - Research Center on Information Technologies & Participatory Democracy, 1996-2013
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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4 Universities
Network with
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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4 Universities
Network with
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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Conceptual notes for Lugano
Cities: Creil, Lugano, Rostok
A- Actors/ Stakeholders
B - Stages of ICT uses in Hubs
C - Levels of ICT uses in Hubs
D - Technologies
E - Ethical issues
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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Conceptual notes for Lugano
Cities: Creil, Lugano, Rostok, but also all other partner cities
A- Actors/ Stakeholders
1) Inform and communicate -> users / citizens (1/3)
2) Inform and communicate -> planners / decision makers
B - Stages of ICT uses in hubs
C - Levels of ICT uses in Hubs
D - Technologies
E - Ethical issues
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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Conceptual notes for Lugano
Cities: Creil, Lugano, Rostok, but also all other partner cities
A- Actors/ Stakeholders
B - Stages of ICT uses in hubs
1) During concept, design and planning
2) During implementation
3) During use , maintenance and upgrades
C - Levels of ICT uses in Hubs
D - Technologies
E - Ethical issues
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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Conceptual notes for Lugano
Cities: Creil, Lugano, Rostok, but also all other partner cities
A- Actors/ Stakeholders
B - Stages of ICT uses in hubs
C - Levels of ICT uses in Hubs
1) Basic uses (expected functions)
2) Special uses (special needs)
3) Innovative uses (the dream alive)
D - Technologies
E - Ethical issues
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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Conceptual notes for Lugano
Cities: Creil, Lugano, Rostok, but also all other partner cities
A- Actors/ Stakeholders
B - Stages of ICT uses in hubs
C - Levels of ICT uses in Hubs
D - Technologies
1) Current state-of-art (in place or projected)
2) New ICT driven by needs (users,planners)
3) New ICT dependent of resources available
E - Ethical issues
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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Conceptual notes for Lugano
Cities: Creil, Lugano, Rostok, but also all other partner cities
A- Actors/ Stakeholders
B - Stages of ICT uses in hubs
C - Levels of ICT uses in Hubs
D - Technologies
E - Ethical issues
1) Big Brother risk
2) Balanced agendas (users,planners,decision-makers)
3) Control tools (procedures, regulation) in place
4) ICT for accountability & transparency & auditing
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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Operational notes for Lugano
Cities: Creil, Lugano, Rostok
In your city, in Enter.Hub environment or equivalent,
What are the current uses / know-how / installed components of ICT?
Can you bring a demonstration to Lugano?
What are the projected ICT uses?
What is your vision of a Smart City Enter.Hub?
What are the expectations of enter hub partners
on the Lugano workshop?
Thematic Workshop 3, New Technologies - Smart Cities. 20-21 February 2014
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[email protected]