Jorge Luis Borges Sejarah Aib


Jorge Luis Borges Sejarah Aib
Jorge Luis Borges
Sejarah Aib
Title: Sejarah Aib
Author: Jorge Luis Borges
Format: Paperback
Language: Indonesian
Pages: 150
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 9798451546
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8.3 MB
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In his writing, Borges always combined high seriousness with a wicked sense of fun. Here he
reveals his delight in re-creating (or making up) colorful stories from the Orient, the Islamic
world, and the Wild West, as well as his horrified fascination with knife fights, political and
personal betrayal, and bloodthirsty revenge. Spark-ling with the sheer exuberant pleasure of
story-telling, this collection marked the emergence of an utterly distinctive literary voice.
Insightful reviews
Ian Agadada-Davida: "In matters of grave importance, style, not sincerity, is the vital thing."
Oscar Wilde
Exercises in Style
These stories are fascinating exercises in style.
They effectively document the development of Borges' style at a time when "he was a shy sort
of man who could not bring himself to write short stories, and so amused himself by changing
and distorting (sometimes without aesthetic justification) the stories of other men."
Matter of Fact
As Borges said in an earlier Preface, "the stories are not, nor do they attempt to be,
I assume he meant they weren't concerned with the internal consciousness and motivation of
the characters. Borges was primarily concerned with external facts, in effect, what could be
witnessed or seen by those present.
Only, in relation to writing, an author can help a reader to be vicariously present, and therefore
to become a witness to what had been related by the author, or at least the narrator.
Good, Compliant Readers
Borges isn't interested in sincerity, because that can be faked.
Rather, he's interested in fact and factuality (and, ironically, how that can be faked).
One might expect that matters of fact would be truthful and undeniable. If you write matter of
factly, then the reader will believe you.
Borges mentions that reading "is an activity subsequent to writing - more resigned, more civil,
more intellectual."
It has the benefit of the writing, which necessarily has preceded it. The reader tends to give
primacy to the writer, and therefore is both less sceptical and more trusting.
However, when the author or narrator decides to play a game with the reader, then the reading
can be no more authentic than the writing. An author or narrator can make a reader complicit in
their fraud, their forgery of truth.
An Impostor Forges His Style
These exercises in style, therefore, witness Borges mimicking and constructing styles of fiction
and non-fiction that give the appearance of truth, veracity and authenticity.
If he fakes the style of non-fiction well enough, we will assume that he is sincere, or at least as
sincere as history is capable of.
Of course, it's not enough that we believe that what is factual is true. Borges must make us
believe that what is not true or factual is true as well.
He achieves this by setting his untruths in other people's truths. If he does this seamlessly
enough, we won't be able to tell the difference.
Borges, therefore, starts even this work as an impostor, or at least as someone who is
interested in the methodology of imposture.
The Virtues of Unlikeness
It's a game, of course. As well as a challenge. Having mastered likeness, the challenge is to
embrace the virtues of unlikeness.
The more improbable the imposture, the greater the game.
How much can Borges get away with? The paradox being that the success of the likeness on
the same page might draw attention to and undermine the unlikeness. Still, Borges believes that
the dilemma can be overcome with greater, rather than less, audacity:
"Bogle knew that a perfect facsimile of the beloved Roger Charles Tichborne was impossible to
find; he knew as well that any similarities he might achieve would only underscore certain
inevitable differences. He therefore gave up the notion of likeness altogether. He sensed that
the vast ineptitude of his pretence would be a convincing proof that there was no fraud, for no
fraud would ever have so flagrantly flaunted features that might so easily have convinced."
Man on Pink Corner
Having eschewed psychology, having forged the appearance of likeness, having melded
likeness and unlikeness, Borges was now ready to write "Man on Pink Corner", what seems to
be a genuinely fictitious short story (or is it?).
Presumably, nothing in fiction need be truly factual, although the author might seek to persuade
us that it is. Fiction is, by definition, a pretence.
If Borges could master fraud, was he now ready to master pretence?
Some guide to Borges' modus operandi is revealed in the first sentence:
"Imagine you bringing up Francisco Real that way, out of the clear blue sky, him dead and gone
and all."
Unlike the earlier stories, there is a first person narrator. The subject is Real, if not necessarily
real. He is ostensibly invented out of nothing, brought up out of the clear blue sky. And the
inventor is the second person, "you", perhaps the reader, though it could equally be Borges
himself or at least "Borges".
An Imaginary Primer
Our role, the role of the reader, is to be the agent who complies with the instruction implicit in
the first word, "imagine".
Borges entrusts us to be "more resigned, more civil, more intellectual." We have to be, in order
to participate in and enjoy his labyrinthine games of the imagination.
Needless to say, Borges is an adept teacher, and this is both his and our first primer.
What's remarkable is that we learn to read as we watch him teach himself how to write.
Of course, it was only the beginning!
Deborah Conway - "It's Only The Beginning"
Luciana Darce: Esse mês no Clube do Livro, continuando com nossa viagem de volta ao
mundo, paramos na América Latina, mas especificamente na Argentina do incomparável Jorge
Luís Borges.
Adoro Borges. Dos contistas, ele é um dos meus favoritos – Borges consegue conjugar
cotidiano e absurdo e fazer daquilo que temos no dia-a-dia algo a ser visto sempre com novos
olhos. É também um autor estilo Barsa, que nos espanta com sua cultura e nos deixa curiosos
em buscar suas fontes – o que me faz pensar em Eco e Manguel, dois outros autores que
sempre me dão enorme prazer e me forçam a estudar e pesquisar.
O História Universal da Infâmia segue essa tradição – embora esteja aquém das obras mais
consistentes de Borges. Não é, exatamente, um livro de contos, mas uma coletânea de perfis
curiosos e me fez pensar constantemente em um álbum de figurinhas.
Meus infames favoritos: Lazarus Morell, que aparece em Life on the Mississippi (que ganhei do
Dé no amigo secreto do ano passado), Bogle e o mestre-de-cerimônias Kotsuké no Suké.
Lazarus Morell era um empresário de visão. Nos tempos da escravidão nos Estados Unidos,
ele e seu bando prometiam liberdade e dinheiro para os escravos dentro de um esquema muito
simples: os escravos fugiam de sua fazenda original, se deixavam vender pelo bando de
Lazarus que, posteriormente, entregaria o dinheiro dessa venda ao escravo uma vez que ele
voltasse a fugir.
O mesmo escravo poderia ser vendido e revendido várias vezes até pensar com seus botões
que já tinha feito um bom dinheiro, ir atrás de Lazarus para acertar as contas e amanhecer no
fundo do rio – o que proporcionava uma excelente campanha de marketing já que vendo que
seus companheiros fugidos não voltavam, outros escravos acreditariam na farsa e também se
deixariam vender após fugir.
Bogle, o companheiro de Tom Castro, é, para mim, o verdadeiro infame do segundo conto,
uma vez que grande mentor da troca de identidades. Tom Castro, contudo, merece o prêmio
óleo de peroba, porque, vou te contar, pense numa cara de pau você sair por aí depois de
preso por identidade falsa a contar todo o esquema, mudando o final a cada vez...
A história do mestre-de-cerimônias, por sua vez, é bem pitoresca: por uma falha de protocolo,
um grande senhor é morto e seus samurais a princípio, comportam-se como se não se
importassem, atraindo assim a desonra. Na verdade, tudo não passava de um estratagema
para fazer com que o tal mestre-de-cerimônias culpado baixasse a guarda, de forma que os
samurais podem vingar seu senhor e em seguida cometer suicídio ritual para poder segui-lo.
Borges viaja por todo o mundo com sua galeria de infames – dos rincões da América Latina
aos mares da China, colorindo cada uma dessas passagens com tintas tão fortes que nos
sentimos também transportados a cada virada de página.
E pensar que está é considerada uma obra menor do gênio argentino... aí você imagina o que
é ler uma de suas obras-primas...
Shane: I wondered why Borges had regurgitated, in his own interpretation, a rogues’ gallery of
historic figures who had met the most inglorious ends. Was this fiction, practice for the fiction to
come, or a commissioned set of synopses of these historic villains’ lives? Then I stumbled on a
Wikipedia entry that explained that as part of his editorial work at the newspaper Crítica, Borges
had written these pieces, some as a cross between non-fictional essays and short stories, and
the others as literary forgeries.
The short stories not only have beginnings, middles and ends but they also have prefaces and
epilogues. His canvas is broad for the subjects range from the gangs of New York to Billy the
Kid to the Tichbourne Claimant (I have previously reviewed an entire book on this incident
alone), the American Slave Trade, Chinese legends and The Thousand and One Nights.
In the literary forgeries, in which Borges takes on the role of translator of these lesser known
works, he inserts some important lessons:
a) Look for the gold in your own home, not elsewhere
b) Don’t open forbidden doors
c) Those who wish evil on others will receive it themselves
There is one short story which is supposedly his original composition, “Man on Pink Corner,”
set in his native Buenos Aires, a clever whodunit, reflecting Borges’s lifelong fascination with
the mystery genre.
The style in all of the writing is elegant and yet he captures a lot of detail with a very economical
selection of words.
Given that this short collection of writing is his first, one cannot be too critical and I will look
forward to reading more of his work as his art evolved, particularly after he went blind in the late
1950’s and continued to publish well into the 1980’s. The life of a writer, who loses one of his
most important senses and continues to stretch our imagination, must be a fascinating one
El Avestruz Liado: Writing a protracted overview turns out an workout of redundancy to me:
there are already many reports in english and any spanish talking reader worthy his salt already
worships Borges (if now not the case, simply cross and browse him and prevent studying
reviews).Suffice to assert that this is often his first work, a compendium of fictional felony
chronicle he did for a newspaper. it truly is entertaining, of course: that's the objective of such
newspaper sections. the nice benefit of those tales lies now not the -quite generic- content
material yet within the ability with which they have been told. speedy examples from the 1st
story:1. He will not inform you an individual obtained betrayed, murdered and thrown to the
river, no, certainly no. He might say: "[...] Lazarus Morell may supply an indication (which could
have been not more than a wink) and the runaway will be free of sight, hearing, touch, daylight,
iniquity, time, benefactors, mercy, air, dogs, the universe, hope, sweat–and from himself. A
bullet, a low thrust with a blade, a knock at the head, and the turtles and catfish of the
Mississippi will be left to maintain the key between themselves."2. The organization of verbs to
inanimate objects. in regards to the drag of lime of the Mississippi he writes: "[...] it's a river of
mulatto-hued water; greater than 400 million a whole bunch mud, carried through that waters,
insult the Gulf of Mexico every one year." So we finish with the paintings of a hugely erudite and
greatly witty guy writing a few chronicles to place a few foodstuff on his table. the standard
leisure coming from crime narrative merits three stars; the mastery with which it truly is written
merits four stars. you furthermore may get a tremendously crafted story for free, so why do not I
elevate it to 5 stars? since it ain't a masterpiece and masses much less a masterpiece via the
author's standards.Don't fear approximately that either, his subsequent publication gets him out
of crime fiction into open fable and entirely new creations. And belief me, issues do get better.
How much? Well, his subsequent publication "Fictions" is largely one of many maximum books
of all occasions and, relatively likely, on the border of what human brain has imagined.
Meanwhile, you'll get anything extra humble here: mundane histories wrapped in global
classification prose. now not a foul opener for the menu, or so I believe.Oh well, now's time to
take the fingers clear of the keyboard as this evaluate -in whole accordance to what an workout
in redundancy should still be- has finally grown means too much. Verbal incontinence, I guess.
Paddythemic: a gallery packed with ROGUES (unusual suspects who're sourced within the
index) populate this selection of stories; no longer hyper-detailed, yet relatively "zoomed-out"
just like the pointed reminiscences of a historian. i'll learn this over and over. totally brilliant.THE
merciless REDEEMER LAZARUS MORELL - bad white southern trash con artist.
mississippi/slavery.THE inconceivable IMPOSTER TOM CASTRO - vulnerable entry.
meh...THE WIDOW CHING - PIRATE chaos at the yellow sea abates unexpectedly.MONK
EASTMAN, PURVEYOR OF INIQUITIES unfortunately simply "outlines" the tough's exploits in
gangland NYC circa past due 1800's. want this used to be exploded right into a novel. damn,
damn, damn....THE DISINTERESTED KILLER invoice HARRIGAN - i swear a few of these
shorts think like pitches to movie makers; they've got a TOO CONCISE think approximately
them, they usually go away you in need of more. this one maintains the NYC gangland topic
and transitions right into a western a los angeles billy the kid. "He was once shaved, sewn into
tailored clothes, and flaunted to horror and mockery within the shopwindow of the town's top
store."THE UNCIVIL instructor OF courtroom ETIQUETTE KOTSUKE NO SUKE - not anything
greater than a recap, really, of the forty seven ronin. awfully brief.HAKIM, THE MASKED DYER
OF MERV - tremendous brief detailing a mysterious man's production of an historical faith
(complete with cosmogony) at odds with islam. guy ON red nook - brief little tease of something
subverts our expectations. western.A THEOLOGIAN IN demise / THE CHAMBER OF
STATUES / THE WIZARD THAT used to be MADE to attend / THE reflect OF INK - very brief
bits; wizard is the simplest of those parables.side observe - if I ever develop into a personality in
a few novel i'll have the ol' cliched "dog-eared copy" of this in my pocket.
Ubik 2.0: Bozzetti? Suggestioni.Nel giudicare l. a. “Storia universale dell’infamia” non si può
ignorare che il maestro argentino pubblicò questi scritti alla spicciolata su un quotidiano locale,
10 anni prima delle opere di narrativa che gli diedero los angeles fama. Va da sé che attendersi
un’opera complessivamente paragonabile a “Finzioni” o “L’Aleph” è un approccio vano oltre
che ingeneroso nei confronti di una raccolta che natural presenta chiari elementi già in grado di
riverberare il genio dell’autore destinato advert esprimersi ai suoi massimi nella maturità.Fra
queste storie, apparente divertissement di un curioso ed originale uomo di grande cultura e
molteplici influenze, emergono e quasi esplodono, in modo puntualmente inaspettato,
improvvise aperture verso orizzonti di fantasia abbagliante, invenzioni buttate lì in una riga ed in
maniera quasi distratta, ma che potrebbero generare ulteriori racconti (se non addirittura
romanzi, formato tuttavia non congeniale alla penna di Borges).E quindi ciò che in primo luogo
quest’opera lascia nella nostra memoria è sintetizzabile nel termine ampio e vago di
“suggestioni”, suggestioni di mondi immaginari e illusori, specchi, destini, incantesimi,
soprattutto sogni.
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