
INESC-ID, a research institute associated with Instituto Superior Técnico and INESC, was launched in the
year 2000 and is devoted to advanced research and development in the domains of electronics, telecommunications, and information technologies. In 2004 it was awarded the status of “Laboratório Associado”
of the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.
In close cooperation with its partners, INESC-ID is intensively involved in a number of high visibility
projects that define the state of the art in these areas, both at national and international levels. In particular, INESC-ID was successful in obtaining a large number of FP7 contracts, being the most successful
Portuguese institution, for its size, in the ICT area.
INESC-ID has the particularity of integrating long term research and more immediate, but equally important technology transfer projects. These two types of activities are crucial for creating in a sustainable
value for the society by developing new technologies.
This report presents, in a structured way, a brief description of the institution and an overview of the most
important results of the activities developed, together with some key management initiatives developed
in 2010.
A list of the most significant research projects undertaken in 2010 is included, in order to provide a picture,
although incomplete, of the main competences of INESC-ID. A more detailed list of activities, organized by
research unit, is also provided, and is complemented by a full list of projects, publications, dissertations,
and seminars, included as annexes to the main document.
In this year, INESC-ID continues growing not only in the number of high qualified PhD researchers, but also
in all the indicators: the number of publications and funded research projects.
Rua Alves Redol, 9
1000-029 Lisboa
Telef.: +351 213100300
Fax: +351 213145843
Avenida Professor Cavaco Silva
2780-990 Porto Salvo
Telef: +351 214233508
Fax: + 351 214233290
is a research institute dedicated to advanced research and development in the areas of
Electronics, Communications, and Information Technologies.
was created in 2000, as a result of the reorganization of the R&D activities of its parent
institution, INESC, in Lisbon.
is a not for profit, privately owned institution, declared officially of public interest. It is owned 51% by IST - Instituto Superior Técnico – and 49% by INESC – Instituto de Engenharia
de Sistemas e Computadores.
operates in two locations, near (or inside) the two campues of IST, namely Alameda and
INESC-ID was awarded the status of “Laboratório Associado” in December 2004. This has increased the funding and enabled the recruitment of a number of postdoctoral researchers and support
The activities of INESC-ID in 2010 are structured into five research lines:
Spoken Language Systems
Information and Decision Support Systems
Interactive Virtual Environments
Embedded Electronic Systems
Communication Networks and Mobility
Some research lines are composed of different research groups, but the research and administrative planning, once centred in the groups, has progressively moved towards the research lines.
Fig. 1 – INESC-ID Organization Chart
1.2.1 Management structure
INESC-ID is structured according to the organization chart shown below. Current management
of the organization is ensured by the Board of Directors, assisted by the Project Support Office
(GAP), the Human Resources Office (GARH), and other administrative support units, which provid services sub-contracted to INESC (holding) or to INESC INOV: Financial Control Department
(DFA), Budget Control Department (DAF), Legal Support, Infrastructures Department (DGI), and
Computer Network Support.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is composed of three members proposed by the Scientific Council and appointed by the General Council. It is in charge of the general management of the Institution. In 2010
the Board was composed by Leonel Sousa (chairman), José Carlos Monteiro and Luís Rodrigues.
General Council
The General Council is composed by three representatives of IST (Instituto Superior Técnico), two
of INESC, and by the chairman of the Scientific Council of INESC-ID. The General Council approves
the annual technical and financial reports, as well as the plan and the budget. It appoints the board
of directors under proposal by the Scientific Council. In 2010 the General Council was composed by
António Cruz Serra, Arlindo Oliveira, Paulo Martins, José Tribolet, Abílio Ançã Henriques and João
Miranda Lemos.
Audit Board
The Audit Board is composed of three members appointed by the General Council. It examines
and certifies the accounts of the Institution. In 2010 the Fiscal Council was composed by Hermínio
Ribeiro, Dr. João Catarino and Grant Thornton & Associados – Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de
Contas, Lda.
Scientific Council
The Scientific Council is composed of all researchers with a Ph.D. degree. It is responsible for the
strategic planning and for the organization of the research units, and evaluates the research projects, annual budget, plan, and report. The Scientific Council is assisted by the Advisory Board which visits INESC-ID on a regular basis.
Board of the Scientific Council
The Scientific Council has a managing board composed of a chairman and two other members. In
2010 the Board of the Scientific Council was composed by Prof. Luís Silveira, Prof. Inês Lynce, and
Prof. João Miranda Lemos (chairman).
Scientific Council Coordinating Commitee
The Coordinating Commitee is composed of the Board of the Scientific Council and representatives of the thematic areas.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is composed by external advisors that provide advice concerning the strategy and plans of the Institution. The members of the Advisory Board are currently Profs. Franco
Maloberti (Univ. Pavia, Italy), Srinivas Devadas (MIT, USA), Morris Sloman (Imperial College,
London, UK), and Carlos Princípe (Univ. Flórida, USA).
Human Resources Office
The Human Resources Office (GARH – Gabinete de Apoio aos Recursos Humanos) is responsible
for the management of the human resources of INESC-ID.
Projects Support Office
The Projects Support Office (GAP – Gabinete de Apoio aos Projectos) is responsible for the control of the execution of national projects. It also provides administrative support to the activity of
the Board of Directors.
Administrative Support
The Administrative Support is provided by five secretaries that support the researchers of the
different R&D groups.
Financial Control Department
The Financial Control Department (DFA – Departamento Financeiro e Administrativo) is in charge
of all the accounting and finance matters.
Budget Control Department
The Budget Control Department (DAF- Departamento Administrativo e Financeiro) controls the
finantial execution of the projects and units of INESC-ID. It also handles regular budget control,
acquisitions, and project finantial reporting for national and European funding agencies.
Legal Support Department
The Legal Support Department gives advice on all the legal matters concerning INESC-ID.
Infrastructures Department
The Infrastructures Department (DGI – Departamento de Gestão de Infraestruturas) handles all
matters directly related with the buildings where INESC-ID is settled, including the telephone service.
Network Support Department
The Network Support Department is responsible for the maintenance of the computer network
and servers.
1.2.2 Scientific Structure
The research developed at INESC-ID is organized in five Research Units, and each research unit is
organized around several research groups.
Each research unit has one or two Coordinators, elected among the researchers with a doctoral
degree. The functions of the Coordinators are as follows:
Represent the research unit of the Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council;
Coordinate the activities of the various groups which belong to the research unit;
Promote the preparation of proposals for R&D projects;
Coordinate the preparation of plans and reports concerning to the research unit.
Each research unit integrates different research groups, which are listed below together with their
coordinators in 2010:
Coordinator: Isabel Trancoso
Individual groups do not exist within this research unit.
Coordinators: Prof. Alberto Silva, Prof. João Cachopo
SW Algorithms and Tools for Constraint Solving – Prof. Inês Lynce
Knowledge Discovery and Bioinformatics – Profª Ana Teresa Freitas
Distributed Systems – Prof. Luís Rodrigues
Software Engineering – Prof. João Cachopo
Information Systems – Prof. Alberto Silva
Data Management and Information Retrieval – Prof. Helena Sofia Pinto
Coordinator: Prof. Joaquim Jorge
Intelligent Agents and Synthetic Characters – Prof. Ana Paiva
Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces – Prof. Joaquim Jorge
Coordinators: Prof. João Paulo Teixeira, Prof. Jorge Fernandes
Analogue and Mixed-Signal Circuits – Prof. Jorge Fernandes
Control of Dynamic Systems – Prof. João Miranda Lemos
Signal Processing Systems – Prof. Gonçalo Tavares
Quality, Test and Co-Design of HW/SW Systems – Prof. João Paulo Teixeira
Electronic System Design and Automation - Prof. Horácio Neto
Algorithms for Optimization and Simulation – Prof. Luís Silveira
Coordinator Prof. Augusto Casaca
Individual groups do not exist within this research unit.
INESC-ID aims to produce added value to people and society in the field of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT). The mission of INESC-ID is to develop tomorrow’s technologies by excelling in research, today.
The main objectives of INESC-ID are: to integrate competences from researchers in electrical engineering and computer science to advance the state of the art in computers, telecommunications,
and information systems; to support the first stages of the value generation chain: basic research,
applied research, and advanced education; in cooperation with other institutions, to perform technology transfer, to support the creation of technology based startups, and to provide technical
Tangible results of the activity of the institution are: publications in national and international
journals and conferences; methodologies, tools, patents, and prototypes to be transferred to the
academic, scientific or industrial sectors, advanced professional education and training.
In order to fulfill its mission, INESC-ID values internationalization, networking, partnership and
R&D activities cover a broad (although focused) range of research areas and application markets,
such as wireless communications, electronic equipment, health care, medical imaging, industrial
automation, e-learning, and enterprise information systems. INESC-ID also acts as a service provider, to stimulate cooperation with industry, to focus research on practical issues, and to make the
economic market aware of its capabilities. Close ties with professionals qualified by INESC-ID are
encouraged, not only for lifelong education support, but also for networking activities.
The scientific activities of INESC-ID are financed by a number of funding agencies, of which the
most important are FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, ADI – Agência de Inovação, and the
European Comission. Adittionaly, INESC-ID also participates in other funding programs involving
government funding with the purpose of developing R&D in companies through consortiums with
research partner institutions.
Develop tomorrow’s technologies by excelling in research, today!
Conference on
Research in
Molecular Biology
APRIL : 25-28 : 2010
Important Dates
October 5th, 2009 :
Paper submission deadline
December 8th, 2009 :
Author notification
February 1st, 2010 :
Final version due
February 22nd, 2010 :
Poster submission deadline
March 12th, 2010 :
Early registration deadline
Conference Chair
Arlindo Oliveira, INESC-ID / IST, Portugal
Program Committee Chair
Bonnie Berger, MIT, USA
Steering Committee
Martin Vingron, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Germany
Serafim Batzoglou, Stanford University, USA
Bonnie Berger, MIT, USA
Sorin Istrail, Brown University, USA
Thomas Lengauer, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany
Michal Linial, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Pavel Pevzner, University of California, San Diego, USA
Terry Speed, University of California, Berkeley, USA
In the last year the institution has worked hard to fulfill its mission. Our research is now quite visible at an international level, and its quality is recognized. Among the most significant achievements, we would like to highlight the following activities:
The exceptional quality of the publications of INESC-ID researchers has been recognized in
2010 with several best paper awards, in national and international conferences;
The organization of the international conferences RECOMB’10 and EKAW’10, that required the
participation and the effort of the institution as a whole;
The success of the five INESC-ID startup companies. Three of them (Coreworks,
VoiceInteraction and PetSys) were created in early years as a result of a very significant technology transference. In 2009 there is also the participation in a fourth startup company,
NWC, a highly innovative company in the implementation and development of specific social
and network applications. The newest participation is SiliconGate, a start-up that operates in
the field of microelectronics and develops and licenses high performance power management
blocks that are key elements in any mobile equipment;
The celebration of INESC-ID 10th anniversary also brought a blend of wide interest discussion
themes to both academic community and general public. National and international renowned
researchers were specially invited for this event.
The increasing in scientific productivity results in about 90 international journal papers and
the participation in more than 300 international conferences. Moreover, about 15 PhD theses
were finished in 2010.
From a total of 35 research projects that started in 2010, 7 are European funded and 28 are
national funding (FCT and ADI). In 2010 there were a total of 93 research projects ongoing (25
European, 2 managed by ADI and 66 funded by FCT). Besides that, we also have some contracts
with companies.
The majority of the researchers of INESC-ID are members of the academic staff and post-graduate students of IST. There are also researchers from other Universities and Polytechnic Institutes
and a small number of contracted postdoctoral researchers.
On 31 December 2010 INESC-ID had 285 colaborators, 106 of which with a Ph.D. degree and 88 with
a M.Sc. degree.
Since INESC-ID focuses its activity on the rapid growth areas of information technology, communications and electronics, an increase is to be expected in the number of researchers with higher
degrees within the next few years. Many researchers are carrying out their post-graduate work at
INESC-ID. Table I summarizes the qualifications of INESC-ID researchers.
Table I – Human Resources
Academic Degree
PhD Degree
MSc Degree
1st Degree
Undergraduate Students
High School
The increase of technical and scientific activity, as a result of the status of Associate Laboratory,
leads to the need to improve technical support and administrative services. The institution is mostly composed by researchers with a PhD, which reflects the motivation given to our collaborators
to develop a structured researcher career.
INESC-ID also has a very young structure, due to the amount of fellowships and young researchers;
more than 60% have ages between 20 and 40 year old and have a PhD or MSc degree.
A main source of national funding of INESC-ID is FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, through direct funding of the associate laboratory projects awarded in a nationwide competitive basis.
National funding is also provided by AdI – Agência de Inovação. Another main source of funding are
European Union projects.
The following set of tables summarizes the activities carried out in 2010 and the results achieved.
Table II – Projects
Type of Project
International Programs (research projects ongoing)
National Programs (research projects ongoing)
Contracts with companies
Table III – Publications
Publication Type
International Journals
National Journals
Book Chapters
International Conferences
National Conferences
Technical Reports
Special Issues of Journals (editon)
Conference Proceedings
PhD Theses
MSc Theses
Graduation Theses
Organization of Scientific Events
Type of Action
Associate Editor of Journal
Table IV – Thesis
Table V – Organization of Scientific Events
Committee Chair
Committee Member
General Chair
Invited Speaker
INESC-ID participates in the programs between Portugal and CMU (Carnegie-Mellon University)
and with Portugal/MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Other partnerships include
Cadence Design Systems, TU Darmstadt, IST, ISCTE, Universidade da Madeira, Escola Superior
de Tecnologia e Gestão de Beja, and Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal. In addition to the
above formal partnerships, there is a large number of cooperation agreements with other institutions within the framework of the research projects.
INESC-ID promotes cooperation with other institutes and universities, and also with foreign students. In 2010 took place several activities in cooperation with Euroyouth, which is a specialist training agency that promotes consultancy, administration, technical assistance and the evaluation of
professional training programs through fellowships.
Two short-term internships were developed within the direct supervision of INESC-ID researchers
for young foreign students. These internships were a good example of high success cooperation
with Euroyouth.
Among the referred cooperation there were also organized some external visits to INESC-ID research groups and activities. Greek students, teachers and researchers visited institution campues
at Alameda and Taguspark, learning methods and sharing research and academic experiences.
Our research and development activities cover a broad range of research areas and application
markets, such as wireless communications, electronic equipment, health care, medical imaging,
industrial automation, e-learning, and enterprise information systems. INESC-ID also acts as a
service provider, stimulating cooperation with industry and focusing research on day life issues,
providing a high level of technology transfer.
Several “start-up”companies have been created by researchers and former graduate students
associated with INESC-ID. This is an interesting indicator of the industrial technology impact of
Coreworks, founded in 2001 by two researchers of INESC-ID, is a provider of Semiconductor Intellectual Property (SIP) for multi-standard
multimedia and communications applications, such as digital television, internet protocol television (IPTV), portable audio players, mobile Internet devices, and software defined radio. Their products have been implemented in a wide variety of technologies, for
more than 30 customers worldwide. The company received an A-series investment round from
Espírito Santo Ventures in 2006.
SiliconGate \ mixed-signal circuit design
SiliconGate operates in the field of microelectronics and develops
and licences high performance Power Management blocks that are
key elements in any mobile equipment. Funded in 2008, SiliconGate
brought together the experience of senior designers from Industry
with the research expertise of an INESC-ID research group.
Recently, Wolfson Microelectronics plc, a global leader in high-performance mixed-signal semiconductor solutions for the consumer electronics market, has selected SiliconGate to provide
high-performance power management IP in a four year contract.
PETsys \ medical imaging
PETsys, SA was established in 2008 to exploit the results of a research project, started in 2003, on PET (positron emission tomography)
systems for mammography. The shareholders are 5 institutions, and
15 individuals that participated in the project, together with a Belgium
business angel.
PETsys has acquired the rights to use the internationally patented PET scanner technology that
allows early cancer detection with higher resolution (1-2 mm against 5-10 mm) and higher sensitivity (x10) than with standard devices.
Coreworks \ digital integrated circuit design
INESC-ID currently has equity in the following start-up companies:
Voiceinteraction \ speech processing
NetworkConcept \ communication networks
VoiceInteraction was founded in 2008 by researchers from the Spoken
Language Systems Lab of INESC-ID, following the work developed in
TECNOVOZ, a technology transfer project funded by the Portuguese
Innovation Agency (AdI).
Based on a solid background of R&D, VoiceInteraction offers innovative solutions in the area of speech processing. Their solutions are based on speech recognition,
speech synthesis, 3D facial animation, and spoken dialogue systems technologies. The applications cover different areas: subtitling systems for RTP (public national TV broadcaster), media
clipping, dictation systems for hospitals, spoken dialogue systems for kiosks in monuments.
NWC Network Concept, Lda was founded in 2008. It had origin in a
joint project by Instituto
Superior Técnico (IST) and INESC-ID to develop a software multi-services platform, Kelius.
Kelius integrates all the services in residential or professional environments, including Internet,
video surveillance, television, and telephone.
The control is performed through an interface implemented in a computer or in a Personal Digital
Assistant (PDA). The new methods and techniques behind this platform are patented.
Besides owning equity in each company, there is close connection of these start-ups with INESC-ID due to
partnerships for R&D projects.
Annual General Meeting
INESC-ID has been organizing each year a strategic
planning meeting. These meetings, that have taken
place since 2004, have involved the participation
of external invitees with high impact backgrounds.
The 2010 meeting took place in October, were senior researchers met to discuss issues related with
the strategic development of the institution for the
next ten years, with special emphasis on the actual
status of the institution. A special attention was given to the Technological Basis Entrepreneurship and
also to the Research Evaluation. Prof. João Gabriel,
as the director of the FCT/UC and Prof. Francisco
Veloso, from the Department of Engineering and
Public Policies/CMU were this year invited speakers
for the general annual meeting.
7.2 Seminars
INESC-ID has also a very active schedule of seminars, presented by our researchers and/or invited
speakers. These seminars are organized in a regular
basis, in order to promote collaboration between
researchers and research groups and also across
These seminars are opened for all the scientific community: students, researchers and general public are
welcomed to participate. A significant amount of
external speakers were invited to present and participate in some of these seminars. During 2010, 63
seminars were organized by our research groups at
INESC-ID facilities. These seminars are described in
the annexes of this report.
7.3 10 years overview
In 2010, for the celebration of its 10th anniversary, INESC-ID promoted a serie of discussion sessions on science, research and innovation. National and international renowned researchers discussed some of the biggest challenges in the next decade.
A challenging event with an outstanding quality that promoted INESC-ID’s image and work through
the society. This event took place at Culturgest and Instituto Superior Técnico, during October and
November 2010.
The celebrations closed on November 15th with an outstanding concert by the pianist Sequeira
Costa and the Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa, under the direction of the conductor Evgeny
Wednesday, October 27, 18h
Debate: “Knowledge’s economic value”
Moderated by Luís Caldas de Oliveira, INESC-ID
Invited panel:
Joaquim Sérvulo Rodrigues, Espírito Santo Ventures
Rogério Carapuça, Novabase
Nicolau Santos, Expresso
Wednesday, November 3, 18h
Debate: “The future of web search”
Moderated by Arlindo Oliveira, INESC-ID
Invited panel:
Fernando Pereira, Google Research
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Yahoo! Research Labs
Celso Martinho, Sapo, Portugal Telecom
Monday, November 15, 18h
Debate: “Understanding the brain”
Moderated by Leonel Sousa, INESC-ID
Invited panel:
Fernando Lopes da Silva, University of Amsterdam
José Carlos Príncipe, University of Florida
Zachary Mainen, CF Neuroscience programme,
Champalimaud Foundation
7.4 Prizes and international Recognition
INESC-ID researchers were awarded the following prizes recognizing the excellence of the R&D
activities developed:
Isabel Trancoso received the 2010 IEEE Signal Processing Society Meritorious Service Award;
2010 Prof. Luís Vidigal Award, given to Engº Mário Ferreira for his work “Live Streaming in
Overlay Networks”, with the supervision of Prof. Luís Rodrigues;
Nuno Sebastião, Nuno Roma and Paulo Flores received the Best Paper Award at VI Jornadas
sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis (REC2010), with the paper “Scalable Accelerator Architecture
for local Alignment of DNA Sequences”;
Tiago Dias, Nuno Roma and Leonel Sousa received the Best Poster Award in the Conference
for Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP2010), with “Hardware/
Software co-design of H.264/AVC encoders for multi-core embedded systems”;
Sara Silva and Alberto Moraglio received the Best Paper Award at EuroGP2010, with the paper
“Geometric Differential Evolution on the Space of Genetic Programs”;
Sara Silva, Maria J. Vasconcelos and Joana B. Melo received the Best Paper Award at
EvolASP2010, with the paper “Bloat Free Genetic Programming versus Classification Trees for
Identification of Burned Areas in Satelitte Imagery”;
Hugo Meinedo received the InterSpeech 2010 Paralinguistic Challenge Award, sub-challenge
Gender, at Humaine Association/Interspeech2010, for “Age and Gender Classification using
Fusion of Acoustic and Prosodic Features”;
Susana Vinga Martins, Clara Azevedo, Carla Madaíl, Patrícia Rodrigues, Nuno Oliveira and
Bárbara Campos, were distinguished with an honorable mention at the XXX Congresso
Nacional de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, with the communication “A rotura do subescapular é
uma lesão rara ou raramente diagnosticada? Estudo retrospectivo de 55 cirurgias artroscópicas consecutivas da coifa dos rotadores”;
Jorge Fernandes, Miguel Martins and Moisés Piedade received and Outstanding Paper Award
at the 17th International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
(MIXDES2010), with the paper “An Energy Harvesting Circuit for Self-Powered Sensors”;
Sara Madeira was distinguished by UTL/CGD2010 Award with an honourable mention in the
category of Young Researcher;
Susana Vinga Martins was awarded with the prize UTL/CGD2010 Award for Young Researchers
in the category of Informatic Engineering;
Helena Sarmento and Bruno Fernandes received
the Second Best Award at the IEEE Latin American
Symposium on circuits and Systems, with the paper “A 128 FFT Core Implementation for Multiband
Full-Rate Ultra-WideBand Receivers”;
Marcelino Santos, José F. da Rocha and José Dores
Costa received the Best Paper Award at the XXV
Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated
Systems (DCIS2010), with the paper “Designing
a Two Slope Gate Driver to Limit Internal Voltage
Spikes in a Buck Converter”.
Besides the prizes listed above, a team of students from electronics, electrical and computer and
informatics engineering that won the International Formula Student Class 2,of the 13 th International
Formula Student competition organized in Silverstone, were supported and supervised by the
SIPS research group of INESC-ID.
Also the winning team of the ImagineCup 2010 in Portugal was also supervised by Prof. Paulo
Ferreira, a senior researcher from the Distributed Systems group.
In 2010 internal prizes were launched. The commission nominated to this purpose is the INESC-ID
AdvisoryBoard, composed by Profs. Franco Maloberti (Univ. Pavia, Italy), Srinivas Devadas (MIT,
USA), Morris Sloman (Imperial College, London, UK), and Carlos Princípe (Univ. Flórida, USA).
The comission selected for the Best PhD Student Award Jorge Semião, for the Best Young
Researcher Prof. Manuel João Fonseca, and, for the Best Senior Researcher Prof. Joaquim Jorge.
7.5 Exhibitions
In 2010 the effort to improve the external image of the institution continued. INESC-ID has organized and participated in several events of high visibility, such as:
The celebration of INESC-ID 10th anniversary, were a
serie of discussion sessions on science, research and
innovation were promoted. National and international renowned researchers discussed some of the
biggest challenges in the next decade. A challenging
event with an outstanding quality, that took place
at Culturgest and Instituto Superior Técnico, during
October and November 2010;
Portugal Tecnológico, an exhibition dedicated to
technology and scientific results and organized
by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher
Education. This event took place in September 2010;
Ciência 2010 – Ciência em Portugal, an exhibition
and meeting organized by the Ministry of Science,
Technology and Higher Education and the Associate
Laboratory Council, with the goal of promoting public exposure of science in Portugal and stimulate the
dialogue between scientists. This event took place
in July 2010 at Centro de Congressos de Lisboa;
Futurália 2010, an event dedicated to education,
training and employment. INESC-ID was represented in this high impact event that occurred in March
2010 with the research project CleanDrive;
Exhibition “Rotas da Matemática”, promoted by the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, and that
occurred in March 2010. INESC-ID also participated in this event with the research project
These events/exhibitions allow not only a closer relation between INESC-ID and other scientific
organizations, but also an important promotion of our activities near the general public and companies. These activities help to strength important connections in order to improve technology
Besides the high impact exhibitions, INESC-ID also promoted and stimulated external visits, mostly from other organizations and groups of external researchers or students from abroad. Some
examples are the visit of researchers from the Beijing Institute of Technology, in November, and
from Latin America universities in March.
Cloud Computing has emerged as a new paradigm for deploying, managing and offering services
using a pay-for-what-you-use pricing model. In the cloud, resources are dispensed “elastically”,
allocating new ones to ensure adequate Quality of Service levels in face of load surges, and releasing them, once that the spike has subsided, in order to minimize costs.
Unfortunately, designing and implementing software services that are actually able to match the
scalability potentialities of large-scale Cloud infrastructures remains an extremely challenging
One of the key technological roadblocks that needs to be faced to bring about the potential of cloud computing is the development of programming models and tools that simplify
the design and implementation of applications for the cloud,
bringing the power of parallel computing into the hands of
ordinary programmers.
Problem. This problem is closely related to another critical
issue arising when developing large-scale distributed application: how to manage concurrent manipulations to the shared state of applications. Decades of literature in areas such
as replicated databases, web infrastructures, and high performance computing have taught a fundamental lesson. The
design space of distributed state consistency mechanisms
is so vast that no universal, one-size-fits-all solution exists.
On the contrary, the efficiency of individual state management approaches is strongly affected by both the characteristics of the incoming workload, and the scale of the system
on which these mechanisms are deployed.
The complexity of this problem is therefore strongly exacerbated in Cloud Computing platforms
due to the feature that is regarded as one of the key advantages of the cloud: its ability to alter
dynamically the scale of the platform in real-time to meet the demands of varying workloads.
Goal. The Cloud-TM project aims at tackling precisely these problems. Its goal is to design, build,
and evaluate a middleware platform for service implementation in Cloud Computing environments
that will address the following key challenges:
offering a simple and intuitive programming model for the implementation of services in Cloud
computing platforms. Cloud-TM will integrate the familiar notion of atomic transaction as a
first-class programming language construct, sparing programmers from the burden of implementing low level, error-prone mechanisms (e.g. locking, persistence and fault-tolerance) and
permitting major reductions in the time and cost of the development;
minimizing the monitoring and administration costs by automating the provisioning of resources from the cloud based on user specified target Quality of Service/operational costs criteria;
maximizing the scalability and efficiency (i.e. the costs/benefits ratio in the Cloud Computing
usage-based pricing model) of the user-level services via autonomic mechanisms, by self-tuning the internal mechanisms of the middleware platform to ensure optimal performances in
face of fluctuations of the number of allocated resources and of the workload characteristics.
Project’s Information. Cloud-TM is funded by the European Commission under the FP7 program,
which invested 1.7 Million Euro in the project.
The Cloud-TM consortium brings together an international team that includes:
• INESC-ID, which is leading the consortium and can count on the collaboration of researchers
from the GSD and ESW groups under the coordination of Dr. Paolo Romano;
• a team of researchers from Sapienza Rome University with decades long experience in the
area of performability modelling and evaluation;
• Red Hat, one of the largest companies in the open-source software market, which will disseminate the results of the project by incorporating them in their industry leader middleware
• Algorithmica, an Italian start-up software company that will demonstrate the capability of
the Cloud-TM platform by developing highly innovative pilot applications such as a Massively
Multiplayer Online Game and a Location-based Mobile Social Network.
Objectives This project will develop, implement and evaluate a novel compilation and synthesis system approach for FPGA-based platforms. REFLECT relies on Aspect-Oriented (AO) Specifications
to convey critical domain knowledge to a mapping engine while preserving the advantages of a
high-level imperative programming paradigm in early software development. REFLECT leverages
AO specifications and a set of transformations to generate an intermediate representation using
an extensible mapping language (LARA). LARA specifications will allow the exploration of alternative architectures and run-time adaptive strategies enabling the generation of flexible hardware cores that can be incorporated into larger multi-core designs. In this project we will evaluate
the effectiveness of the approach using partner-provided codes from the domain of audio/video
processing and real-time avionics. The results will be integrated in the hArtes tool chain and are
expected to substantially leverage the tool chain’s functionality (www.hartes.org).
Key Techniques and Approach At the core of the compilation and
synthesis approach (see enclosed figure) is a transformation engine
that leverages the AO specification and a set of algorithmic techniques, such as term rewriting, successive refinement and refactoring
to transform the input application code into a domain-specific language, named LARA (Language for Reconfigurable Architectures). LARA
allows the description of advanced mapping strategies including the
specification of dynamic behavior for the mapping process. This specification, which includes explicit elements for reconfiguration and
hardware-oriented directives such as data mapping and streaming
information, is then translated into VHDL-RTL using either parameterized hardware patterns or programmable hardware templates.
A fundamental driver for the proposed approach is the use of Aspect-Oriented specifications.
Aspects allow the user to expose domain-specific or algorithm-specific knowledge to the compiler non-intrusively and without compromising the semantics of the original specification. The
knowledge conveyed by the aspects specification is used by the compiler and the architectural
synthesis tools towards the implementation of highly specialized and domain-specific architectures. In addition to pure performance, in its many facets, aspects also provide a handle into an extremely important and often neglected issue in hardware design and implementation – verification.
As mandated for aerospace and automotive systems requiring safety and high reliability, verification requires that designs must correctly implement the functional behavior and timing implied
by the application specification (in C or the corresponding data-flow models). We will leverage the
ability of aspect-oriented specifications to allow the compiler not only to generate designs that
comply with specific timing and rate requirements but also to develop comprehensive test-generation schemes for code coverage and timing.
Another important feature is the inclusion of history-based, best-practices repository that will
aid the tool in dealing with very large designs. By understanding which sets of transformations and
parameters lead to the best designs for application codes with specific aspects, this repository
will substantially reduce the size of the design-search-space the compiler needs
to cover in the pursue of efficient, and correct designs that meet specific constraints. This repository can be built either with the help of designers for specific
hardware/software design patterns or using pattern extraction and matching
techniques. When using a new architecture or a set of templates, the approach
might be slow in deriving good designs and thus populating the space of best
practices. With time, and with the use on many application codes and/or kernels,
the system will use the knowledge of previous design mappings and deliver designs increasingly faster and of high quality.
Expected Results. The technology developed here is expected to be integrated by REFLECT industrial partners and members of its Industrial Advisory Board, in particular by ACE, a leading compilation tool supplier for reconfigurable systems and by Honeywell a worldwide solution supplier
of embedded high-performance systems. The academic partners will promote human resources
with technical excellence in the area of architectures and software development thus enabling the
sustainability of a vibrant European information technology fabric in the domain of compilation
and synthesis for multi-core architectures and systems.
The REFLECT Team. Honeywell Intl., s.r.o, (Czech republic) Zlatko Petrov (Project Coordinator);
INESC-ID, (Portugal) Pedro C. Diniz (Scientific Co-coordinator); Faculdade de Engenharia da Univ.
do Porto, (Portugal), João M.P. Cardoso (Scientific Co-coordinator); Technische Universiteit Delft,
(The Netherlands), Koen Bertels; Karlsrühe Institute of Technology, (Germany), Jürgen Becker;
Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, (UK), George A. Constantinides; Associated
Compiler experts b.v., (The Netherlands), Bryan Olivier; Projectos de Circuitos e Sistemas
Electrónicos s.a., (Portugal), Fernando Gonçalves.
8.3 eCUTE
The eCUTE project is working to develop an innovative technological application to aid cultural understanding and
empathy in children and young adults. eCUTE uses a view of
culture based on the 6 Cultural Dimensions defined by Geert
Hofstede and Bennett’s developmental model of intercultural sensitivity.
The project will:
• Develop pedagogical approaches to education in cultural understanding grounded in psychological and educational theory;
• Create believable cultural learning scenarios based on theoretical approaches that connect
with the experiences of the target learner groups;
• To establish an operational parameterisation of theoretically derived cultural behaviour and
use it to create synthetic cultures and characters that behave as if they live within such cultures;
• Develop expressive behaviour for synthetic characters that is culturally appropriate;
Create two cultural Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), one for late-primary children and
the other for young adults based on virtual dramas using synthetic characters with culturallyspecific interaction behavior;
Evaluate the created systems with stakeholder, teacher and learner groups, demonstrating
the learning efficacy of the showcases with the intention of leveraging further funding and
commercial opportunities.
Beyond the State-of-the-art eCUTE is an interdisciplinary project, and will advance beyond the
state-of-the-art in a number of different disciplinary areas such as well as producing a novel synthesis across them (see Figure 1). It will deliver both new scientific results and new technology.
The main advances can be summarized as follows:
Develop and extend the theory behind education in cultural awareness and understanding;
Implementation of Contact Theory with virtual characters;
Grounding of VLEs in intercultural sensitivity development models;
Incorporation of explicit affective models within a VLE;
Systematic exploration of how ICT can develop and enhance existing role-play and game-based simulation in education for cultural acceptance and understanding;
Develop synthetic cultures based on the latest insights from comparative research on national
Two novel VLE showcases, one on cultural conflicts aimed at late primary children and one on
intercultural communication aimed at young adults;
Dramatising the issues of culturally-specific expressive behaviour through intelligent virtual
Producing consistent and configurable expressive
behaviour in virtual agents by linking it to an internal
Producing an account of the interaction between
cultural norms and personality via an innovative cultural-affective agent architecture;
Parametrised culturally-specific characters that
can be speedily configured to new synthetic cultures;
Develop novel methods of assessing culture sensitivity using a multi-modal approach including selfreport, behaviour, and physiological measures of
Learning outcome evaluation seamlessly embedded within the learning experience adding value not burden to the 21st century learner.
MIXER (Moderating Interactions for Cross-Cultural Empathic Relationships) is the first application being developed in the eCUTE project and aims to support children in learning about cultural
conflict. MIXER is being developed re-using existing technology (from FearNot!) applied to a different context and purpose with the aim of creating an educational and enjoyable experience for
9-11 year olds.
Currently, MIXER is still in the early stages of development, with the current focus (Spring 2011) on
the development of lo-fi and mid-tech prototypes. The paper, entitled Games-based Learning for
Exploring Cultural Conflict, work was presented at the AISB: AI & Games Symposium in April 2011.
Results. The impact should be to raise awareness of cultural sensitivity within the schools and
communities engaging with ECUTE. Impact scenarios for user and stakeholder communities will
focus at the regional level, seeking to engage with schools, colleges and communities to support
user-centred design and to engage in evaluation. Viral awareness of ECUTE to be achieved through
schools and youth and community networks. The desired impact with teachers and schools would
be for the results of using the showcases to be sufficiently good that they would want to use the
showcases to support their teaching and/or for this approach to have had a positive impact on
their future teaching of cultural sensitivity.
Team. The partners are: Heriot-Watt University (UK), INESC-ID (PT), Universitaet Augsburg (DE),
Wageningen Universiteit (NL), Jacobs University Bremen GGMBH (DE), University of Sunderland
(UK), Gako Hojin Deikei Gakuen (JP), National University Corporation/Kyoto University (JP).
Problem. Volcanic eruptions and tremors pose a high risk for humans, especially for populations
which inhabit near volcanoes. An adequate response to this threat requires continuous monitoring and forecasting, as well as an efficient response in case of a major event. Unfortunately, the
resources necessary to prevent and deal with volcanic events, both in terms expert personnel and
available equipment, are not always present in the countries which have the higher risk. Monitoring
technology is very expensive and many locations are not properly monitored, if at all.
The MIA-VITA project (Mitigate and Assess risk from
Volcanic Impact on Terrain and human Activities) aims at developing cost efficient monitoring tools designed for poorly
monitored volcanoes. The retrieved data includes satellite,
gas and volcano-seismology measurements.
This will enable the improvement of vulnerability assessment namely for people, buildings and biosphere. Results
will be achieved with help from local scientists and stakeholders in Africa (Cameroon, Cape Verde), in Asia (Indonesia,
Philippines) and will be validated on a European volcano
(Montserrat). The objectives will be reached through sharing/transfer of know-how, through scientific and technological developments, and through dissemination/training.
Goal. This project has the chance to have a real impact on the
lives of those who live near volcanoes. It will allow effective
monitoring to be performed at more volcanoes, thus providing early warnings for evacuation. This might save lives and
reduce the economical impact of the eruption.
The improvement in the emergency communication procedures will also increase the efficiency of the evacuation and
rescue efforts.
Inesc-ID’s team is responsible for the development of a low-cost monitoring platform, comprised
of off-the-self embedded computers gathering data from 3-axis geophones. The low-cost of these
equipments will allow for the deployment of arrays of sensor networks spanning a large area, thus
increasing the accuracy and detail of the information available to scientists. These equipments
will relay the data, in real-time, to off-site research centers and civil protection authorities. Such
technology will allow for a fast response to volcanic events as well as making available the expertise of remote research centers.
Once a volcanic event is forecast or detected, civil protection agencies and other governmental
organizations come into action, promoting evacuation efforts or providing relief to the affected
population. This requires an effective coordination among the several agents involved in a context
where the communication infrastructure is often compromised by the volcanic event itself. MIAVITA also addresses the procedures and communication infrastructure available in such events,
providing recommendations for their evolution and effective use.
MIA-VITA is supported by the European Commission through the 7th framework programme.
Comprising a multidisciplinary group coordinated by the French institution Bureau de Recherches
Géologiques et Minières, the project is being developed by several scientific research organizations, private commercial IT companies and different governmental civil protection agencies.
The consortium gathers organizations from many countries, including France, Italy, Portugal,
Norway, Germany, United Kingdom, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Indonesia and Philippines. The
Portuguese participants are INESC-ID and IST. The INESC-ID team is part of the Communication
Networks and Mobility group, being located at Taguspark.
8.5 SE2A
SE2A – Nanoelectronics for Safe, Fuel Efficient and Environment Friendly Automotive Solutions
is an European project, integrated in the ENIAC program (call of 2008) and locally monitored in
Portugal by FCT. Its objectives are related with the development of automotive vehicles with increased safety, low fuel consumption and reduced pollutant emissions, thereby having a significant socio-economic impact.
Partners. INESC-ID participates in this project, together with INOV and INESC-MN, through the
involvement of several research groups of the Electronic Embedded Systems Research Unit, with
an overall budget of about 300 k€. The research groups that participate cover a wide variety of
areas, from micro Electronics to Control.
The Dynamic Systems and Control group contributed with an original algorithm to optimize fuel
consumption in automotive cruise control. This
was a major opportunity for the group to get involved in the problems of dynamic optimization of
hybrid dynamic systems, an area that receives increasing attention from the scientific community
of Control.
The Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits group is involved in the design and implementation of integrated circuits for the “Sensors design and Technology” and the “RF sub-system” subtasks. The
group is working on several circuits: a power harvest (figure), a Wideband LNA, an Inductorless
2.4GHz receiver, and two UWB transmitters. The circuits were designed in AMS 0.35µm and UMC
130nm technologies, sent to fabrication and characterized. This project was included in the group
strategic goal to achieve an autonomous self-powered sensor with communications capability.
9.1 Spoken Language Systems
The long term goal of L²F is to bridge the gap between natural spoken
language and the underlying semantic information. The group has
targeted 5 broad lines of activity which combine multiple core technologies. The two first ones (chronologically speaking) were semantic processing of multimedia contents and spoken/multimodal dialog systems platforms. More recently, the group has extended its
activity into two new directions: speech-to-speech machine translation (S2SMT), and computer assisted language learning (CALL). Einclusion has also been the objective of our continued efforts, with
a recent emphasis on speech therapy tools.
In the near future, the group targets are: personalization, spontaneous speech in real conditions, new machine learning paradigms
applied to language processing, new challenges with borderline
areas: language & robots, language & the brain, privacy preserving
speech processing.
Main Achievements
A significant effort has been invested into bringing L2F au par with major research centers on speech / language worldwide, taking advantage of the strong interdisciplinary expertise of the team.
This effort was reflected in several submissions to relevant journals, although their review process in most cases will only be complete during 2011.
Another important aspect was the participation in international evaluation campaigns, one of which led to an award.
One of the highlights of our activities in 2010 was the PhD thesis defense of J. Graça which led to
invitations to give tutorials in two major conferences.
Very significant progress has been achieved in the two most recent areas of activity in the group
– S2SMT and CALL, which started in the framework of the Carnegie Mellon - Portugal program.
Both projects scored “excellent” in their first year review.
The cooperation with European research centers has also been of major importance, not only in
the scope of the two projects that ended with very successful reviews during 2010 (VIDIVIDEO and
I-DASH), but also in the framework of COST actions. The success of the two projects led to several
initiatives in the same line, such as the new European project EUTV.
Conscious of the maturity of the area in terms of industrial exploitation, which is also reflected
by our own spin-off VoiceInteraction, new research challenges have been sought, such as secure
speech processing, robust speech recognition, educational games, and the integration of prosodic
cues. Among the new application areas, one should emphasize aphasia recovery, and elderly assistance, the topics of two recent national projects (VITHEA, and ARIA).
2010 was marked by the consolidation of linguistic resources. This is also the topic of the recently
started European project METANET4U.
Within the context of the LIREC project, a situated dialogue system was developed, which integrated a dialogue system and an intelligent agent’s mind and basic cognitive skills.
9.2 Information and Decision Support Systems
The “Information and Decision Support Systems” research line aims at
designing novel processes, techniques, and technology for the analysis,
design, development, integration, deployment, and operation of distributed information systems and enterprise architectures. It gathers the
INESC-ID groups that perform research in the fundamental areas of
knowledge required to assure efficient, intelligent, aligned, safe, reliable, secure, and trustworthy information systems to support the whole
structure of the modern economic and social framework. In this context,
INESC-ID gathers a body of competences that renders it a national and
international reference. These competences include significant expertise in fundamental technology, techniques, algorithms, data structures,
and programming techniques, as well as in more applied areas such as
software engineering and web application development.
Main Achievements
One of the major achievements of the research line in 2010, often involving the collaboration of several groups, was the increasing participation on projects financed by the European Union, some of
which are: the STORK project, one of the biggest large-scale IT research projects financed by the
European Union, which aims to provide a pan-European authentication infrastructure to allow citizens to establish new e-relations across borders, just by presenting their national eID; the TIMBUS
Integrated Project, where INESC-ID leads a national group of partners including a private company
(Caixa Mágica) and two other national labs (LNEC and LIP); the EuDML project, which aims to build
the European Digital Mathematics Library; and the Cloud-TM project, which aims to develop a new
programming paradigm for the cloud.
The line has achieved also a significant amount of results, in terms of scientific publications, prototype development, and technology transfer activities. From those, we highlight the following:
Prototypes: (i) The first implementation of a lock-free STM that is privatization-safe and satisfies opacity. (ii) Deployment of the first widely used molecular biology database developed
in Portugal, the Yeastract database, in cooperation with the biological sciences group of IST.
Technology transfer activities with several industrial and public institutes such as Caixa
Mágica, PT-INOV, Link Consulting, Ministry of Justice, EDP, SIQuant, BNP - National Digital
Library, the Lisbon Municipal Archives, and Europeana, among others.
Several dissemination activities, including the organization of International Conferences and
Workshops, and the participation in the organization of international competitions in constraint solving.
Researcher awards: Susana Vinga was awarded the 2010 UTL/CGD Young Researcher Award
in the area of Informatics Engineering, and Sara Madeira received a “Menção Honrosa” at the
same award.
9.3 Interactive Virtual Environments
Interactive virtual environments assume great strategic importance, given the foreseen evolution
of interaction paradigms, either in supporting human-computer interaction or supporting remote
computer-mediated interaction amongst people within Virtual Worlds. This research aims to:
explore multimodal interaction models in virtual environments by using interfaces based on
synergic recognition of multiple modalities;
vcreate intelligent agents and synthetic characters that can interact with users in a natural way,
inspired in the way humans interact with each other;
• create and develop new architectures of cooperative virtual environments by using recognition algorithms and artificial intelligence techniques to create realistic synthetic characters;
• develop software architectures for virtual environments, with emphasis on image synthesis
• develop innovative applications in areas such as games and learning environments where the
techniques developed above get applied.
Main Achievements
Consolidation: in 2010 more PhD researchers (12), new post-docs (2) and more PhD students
(over two dozen) MsC (over 60) were working in IVE. Our ratios of graduate student to supervisor are the best among all action lines in INESC-ID.
Technology transfer: We have been active in developing software for thematic musea in the
Ciência Viva Network.
Enhanced collaboration with external companies, including Ydreams, InEvo and WOW (in the
context of industry-drive technology transfer projects)
Prizes: Joaquim Jorge was elevated to Fellow of the Eurographics Association in 2010. Best
INESC-ID Researcher and Young Researcher certificates were awarded to Joaquim Jorge
(VIMMI) and Manuel Fonseca (VIMMI) respectively.
Organization of scientific events: we have participated in the organization of key international events, including Eurographics Computational Aesthetics, Sketch-Based Interfaces and
Modeling, Ana Paiva was elected to the Executive Board of IFAAMAS (the major organization
for Intelligent Agents and Multi-agent Systems). Furthermore, we have been active in over
thirty international scientific program committees, which attests to the international visibility of all groups in this area.
Results dissemination: in 2010, our research work was published in relevant international
scientific journals – 12 articles were published, international conferences (59 papers). Our publication rates are about one international journal and five conference papers per PhD/year.
The research area also published over 11 papers in national conferences.
We have also been very active in promoting national conferences in HCI, Computer
Graphics, Games and AI.
9.4 Embedded Electronic Systems
Embedded Electronic Systems (EES) are crucial in the development of new devices, products and services.
The two main objectives of the EES Line of Action are as follows. First, to perform world-class research on new algorithms, architectures, methodologies,
tools and circuits for designing energy-efficient, highly dependable embedded
electronic systems. Second, to promote the economic value of research, transforming creativity into innovation, performing advanced professional training
and technology transfer. This enables to empower people and communities.
With this purpose, the EES Line of Action performs research on EDA (Electronic
Design Automation) and electronic circuit design and test for high scale integration, algorithms
and tools for implementing programmable and reconfigurable embedded systems, and control
and signal processing algorithms suitable for implementations in real-time, embedded systems.
Starting with basic research for general applications, we target advanced applied research using
emergent technologies and applications, in partnership with worldwide institutions (academia,
R&D, and industry).
Main Achievements
Consolidation: EES has new emerging areas, more PhD researchers, PhD students, and enhanced international partnership.
Collaborative research: among research groups within EES (SE2A, MRAM, ICONS, SIDEWORKS
projects), among INESC-ID Lines of Action (DYNAMO), and with other national key R&D
Institutions in the scientific area (INESC-NM and INOV (SE2A), IT (SPEED), ISR (ARGUS
and ScryBAM), UNL (IMPACT) and INL (through INESC-NM)), and with start-up companies
(Coreworks, SiliconGate) has been consolidated.
New markets, interdisciplinary cooperation: EES is now active in consumer electronics
(REFLECT project), communications and multimedia (SIDEWORKS project), renewable energies (SFERA project), environment (AQUANET project), automotive (SE2A project), and biomedicine and life sciences (magneto biosensors (BIOMAGCMOS project), medical diagnosis
(BIOCHIP project), anesthesia automation (GALENO project), medical imaging (PET project),
and immunology (HIVControl project).
Technology mastering: EES developed (with INESC-MN) an advanced technology for magnetic
biochip platforms and know-how in implantable intracranial visual prosthesis. One prototype
of a magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ)-based coarse-grained reconfigurable array device
using MTJ memory cells has been successfully tested, another sent to fabrication.
PET technology: image reconstruction results on clinical tests at IPO (Oporto), ICNAS (Coimbra)
and Timone Hospital, Marseille (France) (PET and Ultrasound technologies), have been obtained.
9.5 Communication Networks and Mobility
The main objectives of the Communication Networks and Mobility Research Group are to carry
research activities on communication network architecture and on the mobility aspects of communication. More precisely, the Group activities are focused into the following areas:
• Wireless Sensor and Ad-hoc Networking
• Delay Tolerant Networking
• Situation Management Systems
• Quality of Service for Real-time Applications in IP Networks
Within these areas of activity, the Group has the following objectives:
• To achieve high level research results documented through published research papers;
• To support the post-graduate work of research students for their thesis;
• To actively participate in cooperative international research projects;
• To foster technology transfer based on the achieved research results.
Main Achievements
The Research Line achieved the following main results in 2010:
• A novel reliable transport protocol (DTSN) for convergecast and unicast communications in
wireless sensor networks, employing caching at intermediate nodes to minimize end-to-end
• Derivation of mathematical expressions for the average number of children of a node in a wireless sensor network data aggregation tree as function of the tree level of the node, for both
2-D and 3-D networks.
• Definition and development of Loba128, which is a pseudo-random number generator to be
used as a key generator for a symmetrical encryption system in a one-time-pad like environment, particularly useful for wireless sensor networks as it requires about 40% less energy
than AES for cyphering/deciphering.
• Conception, development and demonstration of a situation management system to increase
safety in an aerodrome. GPS/EGNOS signal is used for vehicle localization purposes and WiFi/WiMAX network is used for on-ground communications in the airside.
• Conception of a secure wireless sensor network architecture for protection (safety and security) of an electricity distribution network, including substation, medium voltage lines and power transformers. It interfaces with the SCADA system through a special purpose gateway.
• Conception of a delay tolerant networking architecture adapted to vehicular networks.
• Development of a video streaming protocol with a dynamic length FEC aiming at QoE maximization, trading-off data rate, FEC protection and delay.
• A distributed simulation platform to combine several simulations (based in different platforms) in order to simulate new handover mechanisms based in optimization of video QoE.
10.1 Research Projects
Title: PET
Financed by: AdI - Agência de Inovação
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Isabel Maria Silva
Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira
Summary: Breast cancer early detection is recognized as a worldwide priority, since it constitutes
the most effective way to deal with this illness.
This project aims at the development of the Data
Acquisition Electronic (DAE) system for a PEM
(Positron Emission Mamography) equipment.
Title: Vidi-Video – Interactive semantic video
search with a large thesaurus of machine learned
audio-visual concepts
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Isabel Maria Martins
Summary: VIDI-Video project takes on the challenge of creating a substantially enhanced semantic acess to video, implemented in a search engine.
The engine will boost the performance of video
search by forming a 1000 element thesaurus detecting instances of audio, visual or mixed-media
Title: GRITO - Uma Grid para Preservação
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: José Luis Brinquete
Summary: In this project we propose to built a data
grid for digital preservation that can be used by
any kind of organizations that need to provide data
integrity on a large time scale.
Title: PoliGrid - distributed policies for resource
management in Grids
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Paulo Jorge Pires
Summary: The main objectives of this project is to
design a platform that supports the definition, deployment and enforcement of distributed historybased policies in a scalable and effective manner. In
addition, we will provide a prototype implementation that proves the feasibility of the concept and
evaluate its performance based on the simulation
of selected grid usage scenarios. To achieve the
above mentioned goal there are several challenges
that must be addressed. As a matter of fact, in
spite of being used for a number of applications,
grid platforms still present a number of limitations
in what concerns the enforcement of advanced
usage models. In this project we will address the
following challenges: large number of users and
distributed resources, resource heterogeneity, autonomous administrative domains, high volatility
and support for multi-level usage policies.
Title: TARDE - Transimpedance Amplifiers for
Radiation Detectors
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Manuel de Medeiros
Summary: To obtain improved performance (low
power, low voltage, minimum noise) transimpedance amplifiers to be used in the front-end of radiation detectors for medical imaging applications. An
amplifier for a PET (Position Emission Tomography)
scanner will be considered as a demonstrator.
Title: IDeA - Integrated Design of Automation for
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João Manuel Lage de
Miranda Lemos
Summary: Development of an autonomous integrated system for the automation of anaesthesia.
Title: Dynamo - Dynamical Modeling, Control and
Optimization of Metabolic Networks
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Susana de Almeida
Mendes Vinga Martins
Summary: The first objective of this project is to
develop and validate mathematical models and
computational tools for the analysis and simulation of the dynamical behavior of complex metabolic networks. The main goal is to produce interpretable models that accurately describe the
metabolic system and have prediction and generalization capabilities. A second objective is to
create control and optimization strategies to alter
the fluxes and concentrations of metabolites, both
transiently and at steady-state, by proposing the
manipulation of enzymes gene expression. A third
objective is the creation of an integrative bioinformatics infrastructure to store the experimental
data and to implement and deploy the algorithms
developed, thus fostering model interchange between systems. A forth objective is the acquisition
of experimental in vivo metabolite concentration
time series data, the creation of mutant bacterial
strains with desired metabolic behavior and the
experimental validation of the models previously
Title: LVDCDC - Integrated DC-DC voltage regulator implemented in standard CMOS technology
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Marcelino Bicho dos
Summary: 1 - Development of circuit topologies,
designed using a low-voltage standard CMOS process, to implement power mamagement units suitable for integration in SoCs, specially targeting portable applications. New topologies will be studied
for the power multiplexing among control modes
(PWM; PFW; Power-Down, depending on the load)
and between converter topologies (depending on
the power supply voltage). 2 - Design and test of
three complete prototypes of power management
units for SoC integration with different input voltages, in the range of portable devices batteries and
several output voltages, supplying power for each
core of the SoC. 3 - Laboratorial characterization
of the prototypes (efficiency, voltage operation
range, load current limits, power-down comsuption, ...). 4 - Target an actual and real problem of the
semiconductor industry, bridging the gap between
university research and leading edge industry demands.
Title: ICONS - Intracortical Neuronal Stimulator
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Moisés Simões
Summary:The goal of this project is to design and
prototype a microelectrode stimulation system
for cortical neuroprosthesis. It includes the design
and prototype of an integrated microelectrode
stimulator for a intracortical neuroprosthesis. The
implantable microelectrode stimulator uses flipchip technology to be fully implantable without
wiring, reducing the risk of infection and increasing robustness. It is small enough to be undetect-
able and has low power consumption obtained directly from the carrier, through an RF low-coupling
transformer, discarding the need for batteries. The
system architecture and circuit techniques which
overcome some of the application issues identified in previous solutions and prototypes.
Title: LEADER - Low-Energy Analog-to-Digital
Converter with Enhanced Effective Resolution
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Jorge Manuel dos
Santos Ribeiro Fernandes
Summary: To design and evaluate experimentally
a calibration-free recycling pipeline ADC (multistage algorithmic) with 1.2 V supply, 14 bits, and 8.20
MHz clock frequency. The target is to obtain very
low power, 0.4 pJ per conversion, and low area.
Title: SPEED - Low-Power Ultra-High Speed
Analog-to-Digital Converter for Ultra-Wideband
Wireless Communications
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Jorge Manuel dos
Santos Ribeiro Fernandes
To design and evaluate experimentally a 2-channel
time interleaved pipelined ADC with 6 bits, 1G sample/s. A 90 nm CMOS technology will be used, and
the target is to achieve 0.2-0.3 pJ per conversion
step. An efficient solution will be used for built-in
self testing.
Title: FI-DRA - Analysis of the Distributed
Resolution of Feature Interactions for Internet
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Rui Gustavo Nunes
Pereira Crespo
Summary: In this project we intend to enlarge and
conclude the research of an innovative distributed system for FI resolution in Internet, whose
first part was concluded in 2005. The proposed
system represented a solution of FI of internet applications, which alone satisfy requirements but
togheter reveal undesirable behaviours. The project focus on the fundamental properties of security use of the system, and on the resolution reach
for any non-empty set of features candidates for
execution. The properties are formally identified
and the results will be used for a PhD thesis of one
participant in this project. Furthermore, the project focus on the capacity enhancement that allows
a single advisor to be used by all application nodes
in a local area. This goal represents the major part
of a MsC thesis of one participant in this project.
The project results are expected to provide a basis
for its adoption in local are networks and Internet
service providers.
Title: MRAM - Reconfigurable Hardware using
Magnetic Tunneling Junction Memories
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Horácio Claúdio
Campos Neto
Summary: The objective of this project is to research new circuit structures for multi-context
reconfigurable hardware devices using magnetic
tunneling junction (MTJ) memory cells.
The use of magnetic random-access memory
(MRAM) technology in run-time reconfigurable
hardware devices is a very promising technological solution. MRAM can provide non-volatility with
cell areas and access speeds comparable to those
of SRAM, and with lower process complexity than
flash memory. Also, MTJ cells are not sensitive to
single event upsets (SEU) caused by radiation effects, which is a well-known issue with SRAM-programmable devices.
Title: STOP-Fire - A Computational Intelligence
Distributed System for Forest Fire Combat Aid
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João Paulo Baptista
de Carvalho
Summary: The main goal of this project is the development of a computational intelligence based
distributed system prototype that can produce
contingency plans to control and combat forest
fires based on available resources (water, equipment, aerial and terrestrial vehicles, firemen, etc.)
and geographical, topological and meteorological
restrictions. The prototype will be composed of
several modules: an intelligent graphical forest
fire propagation simulator; an expanded fuzzy GIS
(Geographical Information System) associated to
a Data Mining system that extracts geographical
and topologic relevant data; an Intelligent Data
Mining system to extract relevant available forest
fire combat resource data; an Expert system that
provides contingency plans based on meteorological data, real time constraints and information
provided by the previous modules. All modules are
components of a web based distributed system
that should provided good performance and remote accessibility.
Title: A-CSCW - Attentive CSCW
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Manuel João Caneira
Monteiro da Fonseca
Summary: The main objective of this project is to
study how technology may positively influence
group attention in the collaborative context. This
objective will be accomplished by researching the
following questions: - How collaborating individuals divide their attention betwen the group and the
individual tasks ? - How can technology positively
influence the attention to teh group ? - Which computer devices improve group attention ? - What are
the guidelines to incorporate such devices in future
CSCW systems ? - What are the expected performance improvements ? - Answers to these questions will be supplied to the research community
via: - A theoretical framework for group attention
- A collection of attentive devices that can be integrated in CSCW systems and tools - Results from
laboratory experiments with attentive devices - A
group performance model based on attention - A
collection of best practices for designing attentive
Title: UWBR - UWB Receiver: baseband processing using reconfigurable hardware
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Maria Helena da Costa
Matos Sarmento
Summary: The project focus is on the electronic
design of high data rate wireless communications
systems. This project will explore - the use of UWB
as an emerging technology for indoor applications
- the performance of new FPGAs to implement
high demanding baseband processing functions
for wireless communications - the potentialities of
serial-communication in new FPGAs - and design
methodologies, integrating the use of Simulink and
CAD environments.
Title: VECTOR - Matlab Compilation and Hardware
Synthesis of Custom-Vector Processing for Image
and Signal Processing Algorithms
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Horácio Claúdio
Campos Neto
Summary: This project aims to develop and evaluate methods for the automatic mapping of image
processing algorithms to FPGA-based hardware
platforms. These methods must take into account
the limited resources on each FPGA and the required input/output bandwidth to cope with the
real-time requirements of the input applications.
We will extend the PI’s experience in the development of a compilation and synthesis system for
FPGAs to include a front-end capable of handling
restricted forms of Matlab specifications. The system will use well known data dependence analyses
techniques to analyze the opportunities for data
reuse and vectorization. We will develop novel
compiler analyses and mapping algorithms to exploit compiler-controlled caching of data and the
development of custom vector pipelines in FPGAs.
Another novel aspect will be the inclusion of bandwidth and real-time constrains in the design space
exploration of alternative designs enabled by the
extreme flexibility of contemporary FPGAs.
Title: PCL Noise – Noise Reduction in Power Line
Communications Channels
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Paulo Alexandre
Crisóstomo Lopes
Summary: To develop new signal processing techniques and algorithms for noise reduction in the
power line channel, and increase the achievable bit
rate. Only this way it can be competitive with other
Power line signals are mostly limited by electrical
compatibility issues, namely by the radiation levels created by common mode currents in the lines,
it follows that it is important to minimize injected
currents, and not necessarily the voltage levels in
the line. This can be done by taking into account
the differences in impedances between the noise
sources and the emitter, and requires the power
line to be modelled as a two port network. Another
means for noise reduction if to use the correlation
between noises signals in adjacent carriers. Still,
another means of noise reduction, that may be
suitable for impulse, non-gaussian noise, is the use
non linear filters at the reception to filter impulse
noise. This can be done throw voltera filters, neural
network, or any kind of non-linear filter.
Title: PRIVATO – Privacy Aware Trusted
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Carlos Nuno da Cruz
Summary: In this project we propose a platform
which uses TC, but does not have the privacy and
ownership problems of standard TC. The platform
uses a simple monitor running in a hardware-protected environment which mediates every commu-
nication between protected applications and the
outside world and verifies the safety properties of
such applications using a data flow model.
We plan to test our TC platform with an e-voting
system, specifically with the e-voting client of an
e-voting system, which is currently the weakest
link of e-voting systems. We will identify the relevant properties of an e-voting client, and build a TC
monitor which verifies and attests those properties to a number of e-voting services participating
on an election. The e-voting services will return this
attestation to the voter by way of an out-of-band
channel or a covert in-band channel to be defined.
We also plan to evaluate the changes, in terms of
ISA and micro-architecture, on a RISC processor
which are needed to implement the TC features,
namely the curtain memory, secure I/O, attestation and sealing.
Title: SHAMAN - Sustaining Heritage Access
through Multivalent ArchiviNg
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: José Luis Brinquete
Summary: The aim of the SHAMAN Integrated
Project is to develop a next generation digital preservation (DP) framework. It is furthermore developing corresponding preservation tools for analyzing, ingesting, managing, accessing and reusing
information objects and data across libraries and
archives. Three prototypical applications will support trialling and validating of the result in scientific publishing, parliamentary archival, industrial design and engineering and finally experimentally also
in scientific application domains. To achieve these
goals SHAMAN is applying grid-based multivalent,
linguistic, semantic, and pier-to-pier methods for
supporting DP within its core infrastructure. To archive this, the core functions are organized within
the SHAMAN reference architecture. The core services of the SHAMAN framework are constructed
by integrating Data Grid, Digital Library, Persistent
Archive, Context Representation, Annotation, and
Preservation as well as Deep Linguistic Analysis
and corresponding Semantic Representation and
Annotation technologies for simple and connected
data types establishing, document, media, CAD,
and scientific data, knowledge, and information
Title: DYABLO - Models for the Dynamic Behavior
of Biological Networks
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Arlindo Manuel
Limede de Oliveira
Summary: The objectives of this project are the development of new techniques and models for accurate simulation of biochemical networks. Coupled
with higher abstraction models, these techniques
can be used to study the properties of the state
spaces of complex biological systems, using model
checking algorithms. Finally, these techniques and
models will be applied to actual biological systems,
with emphasis on the regulation mechanisms of
the FLR1 stress response network of Yeast.
Title: SHIPs - Sat-based Haplotype Inference by
Pure Parsimony
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Maria Inês Camarate
de Campos Lynce de Faria
Summary: One of the main topics of research in genomics is determining the relevance of mutations,
described in haplotype data, as causes of some genetic diseases. The haplotype inference problem
consists in inferring haplotypes from genotypes.
For solving this problem, different approaches can
be followed. For example, following the pure parsimony criterion the main goal is to minimize the
number of required haplotypes. The main goal of
this project is to develop efficient algorithms for
solving the haplotype inference problem, mainly
based on a parsimonious approach, and to apply
these algorithms to real data, in order to identify
genetic deseases.
Title: ARN - Algorithms for the identification of
genetic Regulatory Networks
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Ana Teresa Correia de
Summary: The objectives of this project are:
- The development of new methods and models to
search and extract evidence of regulatory mechanisms in biological data and literature. This includes
the improvement of the models used to represent
complex regulatory signals and small functional
RNA motifs and the development of algorithms
to explore the cooperative characteristic of all
these signals; the development of algorithms for
the identification of local patterns in expression
data; and the development of text-mining methods
for extracting gene regulations from BioLiterature
and from gene annotations.
- The design of new algorithms to derive effective
models for gene regulatory networks. This includes
the development of methods to piece together information from different sources.
The project will use the YEASTRACT platform
(www.yeastract.com) as a launching pad for a much
more ambitious system.
Title: BSOLO - Satisfação e optimização com
restrições Booleanas
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Vasco Miguel Gomes
Nunes Manquinho
Summary: The development of a new pseudoBoolean core framework and the integration of
the proposed techniques is fundamental, not only
for supporting research work in related topics (e.g.
model counting), but also to increase the competitiveness of the software package already developed. Without it, the visibility of our research work
will decrease, as well as the excellent performance
obtained in the pseudo-Boolean solver evaluations
(results available at http://www.cril.univ-artois.fr/
PB07/). With a more competitive solver, the BSOLO
project will also pursuit the objective of being able
to integrate the new solver into real-world applications, namely in international companies from
Operations Research (OR) to Electronic Design
Automation (EDA).
Title: Byzantium – Efficient Byzantine faulttolerant database replication
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Rodrigo Seromenho
Miragaia Rodrigues
Summary: This project aims at developing novel
techniques for improving the performance of
Byzantine fault tolerant replicated databases.
Title: FLR1-NET - Characterization and modeling
of a specific transcriptional regulatory network
required for multidrug resistance in yeast
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Arlindo Manuel
Limede de Oliveira
Summary: The main objectives of this project
are to unveil the hierarchy and synergy that lies
behind the combined action of the transcription
factors involved in yeast response to drugs and
other chemical aggressions and to develop computational tools for modeling the dynamic of these
transcription regulatory networks.
Title: REDICO - Dynamic Reconfiguration of
Communication Protocols
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Luís Eduardo Teixeira
Summary: The Redico projects intends to build a
new protocol composition and execution framework tailored to support dynamic reconfiguration.
There are multiple challenges in addressing the
problem, including:
- The new framework should support the seamless
reconfiguration in run time. In particular, it should
allow for different participants to run with different protocol configurations as long as these configurations are compatible.
- The framework should provide strong support to
ensure the consistency of the system configuration (at each site and among multiple sites). These
consistency checks should be based on protocol
dependencies and should be able to be checked in
an efficient manner, to prevent the performance
degradation of the system.
Title: FolkPeers -Folksonomies in P2P systems
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Helena Sofia Andrade
Nunes Pereira Pinto
Summary: The new developments on the Semantic
Web and in particular the new trend on Web 2.0
applications have a strong emphasis on user driven publishing and managing content platforms.
Examples of such systems are Flickr (to store,
search, sort and share photos), del.icio.us (to
keep, share and discover favorite links), digg (to
keep, classify, and share favorite news),etc. All of
them are user driven social content websites that
have a huge number of users sharing resources.
Classification of shared resources is user-driven
and lead to a new topic: Folksonomies. The goal of
this project is to develop an application for user
driven social content management in the ontology
area. In particular we aim at developing an ontology
library based in P2P technology, that allows users
to store, search, sort, share, discover and classify
Title: ERA-PG - Genome-wide analysis of short
RNAs as modulators in dehydration stress
tolerance using tolerant and genetic model
Financed by: IBET
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Ana Teresa Correia de
Summary: Drought stress is a common adverse
environmental condition that seriously affects
crop productivity worldwide. Due to the complexity of drought as a stress signal and the fact that
drought stress is difficult to manipulate, deciphering dehydration tolerance mechanisms is a major
The objective of this project is to explore potential
roles of regulatory small 21-25nt RNAs (sRNAs)
in dehydration stress tolerance. We propose to
construct libraries of sRNAs from the desiccation
tolerant model plant Craterostigma plantagineum,
the dehydration tolerant legume Medicago truncatula and the genetic model plant Arabidopsis
thaliana at different stages of dehydration. We aim
to identify new families of sRNAs using genomics
tools and test the expression profile of selected
sRNAs. Our results will have important implications for gene regulation under dehydration stress
and also contribute significantly to the long-term
goal of having a comprehensive profile of sRNAs in
Title: GINGER - A Flexible Peer-to-Peer Grid
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Luís Manuel Antunes
Summary: To build a fully decentralized, peer-topeer Grid infrastructure that meets several goals
that are not met by current Grid infrastructures,
such as ease of deployment and use, lack of centralized components, or the ability to run in an
environment where nodes may not be willing to
cooperate, and where failure is the norm, and not
the exception.
Title: Mercury - improving consistency of
replicated data in resource-constrained devices
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Paulo Jorge Pires
Summary: The high-level overall goal of this project is to improve users’ productivity by supporting
data access with high availability and performance.
Optimistic replication is a well known technique
to attain such goal but its usefulness strongly depends on the underlying consistency protocol to
ensure fast and reliable replica consistency.
This project will develop new algorithms, protocols,
and system architectures running in prototypes
that will ensure conflict minimization and rapid update convergence appropriate for resource-constrained devices.
Title: Pastramy - Persistent and highly Availabe
Software TRansactional MemorY
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João Manuel Pinheiro
Summary: The project has three complementary
- To design and implement an optimized persistence
store to Software Transactional Memory (STM)
that supports the durability property of software
transactions and provides efficient read access
to objects. We plan to support several persistent
store structures that allow optimized access from
STM and readable access from final users.
- To design and implement a collection of replication strategies tailored to build a reliable and distributed STMs. Such algorithms are fundamental
to increase the scalability and availability of STMs
based systems. We plan to leverage on the partner
experience in building replication algorithms for
relational database models, to build novel algorithms, adapted to the unique characteristics of
- To deploy and evaluate the solutions above in a
realistic setting, using a open-source university
management system that is currently used at the
IST to incorporate all on-line campus activities and
related management services.
Title. POSTPORT - POrting Speech Technologies
to other varieties of PORTuguese
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Isabel Maria Martins
Summary: The goal of this project is porting spoken language technologies originally developed
for European Portuguese to other varieties of
Portuguese, namely those spoken in SouthAmerican and African countries. The two main
technologies to be investigated are speech synthesis and recognition. Instead of porting complete
systems, we shall concentrate on the linguistically
relevant modules. Prior to this main work, the project will involve two tasks: corpora collection and
characterization of the main differences between
the studied varieties. The last task concerns the
automatic identification of spoken varieties of
Portuguese, which will be used as a pre-processing stage for switching among recognition systems
developed for specific varieties.
Title: Eucalyptus - Scanning for candidates
genes underlying a pulp yield QTL in Eucalyptus
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Ana Teresa Correia de
Summary: The main objective is to identify and
characterize the genomic region that underlies
strong effect pulp yield QTL in E. globulus, combining map-based cloning and transcriptomic approaches. Knowledge of the genomic loci responsible for quantitative variation of wood traits of interest (pulp yield), is of major interest in molecular
assisted breeding. This will allow identifying genes
responsible for that variation, and gathering new
knowledge about the molecular mechanisms of
gene expression and regulation in wood forming
Title: VIZIR - Visualizing Massive 3D Data Sets
Interactively on Commodity Clusters
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João António Madeiras
Summary: This project aims at developing efficient
parallel algorithms to make it possible to interactively visualize and navigate massive data sets in
commodity clusters for high resolution screen devices such as large tiled displays.
Title: MANCOOSI - Managing the Complexity of
the Open Source Infrastructure
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Maria Inês Camarate
de Campos Lynce de Faria
Summary: The main objective of the Mancoosi
project is to develop the scientific knowledge and
build the tools necessary to manage the complexity of the open source infrastructure. This infrastructure is one of the essential building blocks of
tomorrow’s software architectures: the success
of LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Php) inside as
well as outside the data centers is clear evidence
of this.
Title: EuroNF - Anticipating the Network of the
Future - From Theory to Design
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Augusto Julio
Domingues Casaca
Summary: Future networks became a central topic
with a major debate concerning whether moving
towards the new networked society will be evolutionary or disruptive. In the future networked
society, the physical and digital worlds will merge
based on the massive usage of wireless sensor networks. Objects will be able to identify and locate
themselves and to communicate through radio
interfaces. Self-organized edge networks will become more and more common. Virtualization and
programmability will allow for providing different
networking environments over the same infrastructure. Autonomic networking will deal with the
increasing complexity of I&C systems. End-user
empowerment will increase with their capacity of
providing services and content.
Euro-NF will therefore cover the integration of a
wide range of European research capacities, including researchers and research and dissemination
activities. As such Euro-NF will continue to develop as a prominent European center of excellence in
Future networks design and engineering, acting as
a “Collective Intelligence Think Tank”, representing
a major support for the European Society leading
towards a European leadership in this area.
Title: LIREC - LIving with Robots and InteractivE
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Ana Maria Severino de
Almeida e Paiva
Summary: LIREC aims to establish a multi-faceted
theory of artificial long-term companions (including memory, emotions, cognition, communication,
learning, etc.), embody this theory in robust and
innovative technology and experimentally verify
both the theory and technology in real social environments. Whether as robots, social toys or graphical and mobile synthetic characters, interactive
and sociable technology is advancing rapidly.
However, the social, psychological and cognitive
foundations and consequences of such technological artefacts entering our daily lives - at work, or in
the home - are less well understood.
Successful technology can only be delivered on
the basis of strong scientific foundations, and with
partners in psychology, ethology, human-com-
puter interaction, human-robot interaction, robotics and graphical characters, LIREC will advance
understanding of the concepts of embodiment,
autobiographic memory and social interactions in
the context of companions where the ‘mind’ might
migrate to differently embodied ‘bodies’.
Title: MAXIMUS - MAXimum fidelity Interactive
Multi User display Systems
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João António Madeiras
Summary: MAXIMUS is a FP7 European research
project which aims at improving the design review for automotive and architecture design «
dramatically improved rendering and interaction
technologies. The main contribution of INESC-ID
in the consortium is to develop natural multi-user
interaction techniques for use in retro-projection
display systems.
Title: LocON - Platform for an inter-working
of embedded localisation and communication
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Augusto Julio
Domingues Casaca
Summary: The project aims at a seamless connectivity and interworking of embedded localisation
and communication systems trhough a new platform - the LocON platform. The platform will be
demonstrated at the Faro airport.
Title: MIA-VITTA - Mitigate and assess risk from
volcanic impact on terrain and human activities
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Teresa Maria Sá
Ferreira Vazão Vasques
Summary: The MIAVITTA project aims at developing tools and integrated cost effective methodologies to mitigate risks from various hazards on active volcanoes (prevention, crisis management and
recovering). Such methodology will be designed
for ICPCs contexts but will be helpful for European
stakeholders to improve their experience in volcanic risk management. The project multidisciplinary
team gathers civil defence agencies, scientific
teams (earthsciences, social sciences, building,
soil, agriculture, Information Technologies and
telecommunications) and an IT private company.
Title: FleetMod - Modelling and Simulation of the
Behaviour of Fishing Fleets
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João Paulo Baptista
de Carvalho
Summary: Fishermen are the most important predators in marine ecosystems, with a high impact on
the mortality on marine populations and destruction of marine habitats. In this project we aim a
qualitative model of this predatory behaviour, that
will allow to simulate and predict the responses of
the skippers of fishing vessels to a wide range of
relevant factors, whether of natural or human origin. This model will then be connected to existing
models of the population dynamics of different
fish stocks, and will provide a framework to test
the effectiveness of different management measures, such as catch restrictions, marine closed
areas, seasonal fishing bans, etc. The project will
focus on the bottom-trawl, purse-seine and deep
sea longline fishing fleets, and will combine recent advances in qualitative modelling techniques
(rule-based fuzzy cognitive maps) with a privileged
source of real-time information on the behaviour
of skippers taken onboard during fishing trips.
Title: Sidework Biocores - Hardware accelerator
for biological sequences alignment
Financed by: QREN
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Paulo Ferreira Godinho
Summary: The main objectives of this project/task
is the hardware implementation of an algorithm
for biological sequence alignment (DNA, RNA or
amino acids).
A dedicate architecture based on the SideWorks
template should be developed. This architecture
should be special tailored to the most intensive
tasks of the select alignment algorithm. The remaining and less intensive tasks of the sequence
alignment algorithm should be executed on the
FireWorks embedded processor.
Title: SE2A - Nanoelectronics for Safe, Fuel
Efficient and Environment Friendly Automotive
Financed by: European Comission/FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Leonel Augusto Pires
Seabra de Sousa
The main objective of this project, in what respects
the participation of INESC-ID SiPS group in SE2A,
is to design and implement an instrument electronics unit able to simultaneously acquire signals from
a set of sensors required to implement an Inertial
Navigation System (INS). The instrument electronics unit contains the dedicated electronics needed
to operate the inertial sensors. It includes power
supplies, read-out electronics to provide signal in
the form needed by the navigation processor and
possible computer. Example of sensors to be used
are accelerometers, gyroscopes and a digital compass. The precise requirements vary in accordance
with the types of instruments used and the level
of performance which is needed. The information
extracted from the signals permits the INS to produce the movements (position, velocity) and attitudes of the unit.
Title: SCryBAM - Sistemas Criptografia Baseada
em Aritmética Modular
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Leonel Augusto Pires
Seabra de Sousa
Summary: The main goal of this project is the research of efficient systems of modular Arithmetic,
namely Residue Number Systems (RNS), for the
development of safe embedded based on the use
of cryptographic algorithms. For a given security
level, the cryptographic algorithms based on elliptical curves are computational more efficient than
the anti-symmetrical algorithms currently in use
(e.g. RSA, ElGamal). This project also researches
and develops efficient dedicated computational
structures for cryptographic systems based on
elliptical curves, exploring the properties of the
RNS. It is intended, also, to integrate these computational algorithms and structures in embedded
systems for different types of applications, in particularly sensible areas as they are the systems of
personal identification and (bio) medicine.
Title: MULTICON - Architectural Optimization
of DSP Systems with Multiple Constants
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Paulo Ferreira Godinho
Summary: The main goal of this research project is
the development of new models and algorithms for
optimization of Multiple Constant Multiplications
(MCM) architectures. Most of existing algorithms
simply minimize the number of adders and subtracters used in MCM blocks. However, the total
delay of MCM blocks is also an important requirement that has been ignored in most optimization
models. The developed algorithms should incor-
porate area and delay in a common optimization
model for MCM blocks and be tuned for each
MCM instance in order to reduce the total problem
search space.
Moreover, in this project new architectures targeting different requirements will be proposed and
evaluated. Dedicated architectures for low-power
consumption that trade-off computation speed
(throughput) with power consumption will be studied. The propose architectures should have the
capability to activate only the hardware elements
of the MCM that are required for computation of
a given constant multiplication. By reducing the
global switching activity in the MCM, major saving
in power consumption are expected.
As an outcome of the research project, a set of
tools, adequate for integration in a typical design
flow and incorporating the developed optimization
algorithms for specific architectures, will be made
available as open software in a public webpage of
the project.
Title: Sideworks-Security - Hardware accelerator
for cryptographic applications
Financed by: QREN
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Ricardo Jorge
Fernandes Chaves
Summary: The main objectives of this project/task
is the development of efficient implementations
of ciphering algorithms, considering the hardware
reconfiguration capabilities.
Title: LabChip - Integrated Lab On Chip Platforms
for Medical Diagnostics
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Leonel Augusto Pires
Seabra de Sousa
Summary: Lab on chip diagnostic systems are
being introduced for a variety of point of care applications ranging from medical diagnosis ( gene
expression, protein, and cell chips), to environmental and food control applications. This project will
form an interdisciplinary network of Portuguese
and Spanish laboratories, strenghtening current
collaborations and initiating new ones. Workshop
organization, student and researcher visits, and
project meetings are planned to achieve convergence. The project will cover three types of lab on
chip platforms:a) magnetorestive (MR) biosensor
platforms, where both a general purpose MR lab
on chip platform and a lateral flow MR based or inductive based platform will be analyzed b) MEMS
and NEMS based biosensors, where devices made
at the collaborating groups will be compared c)
Integrated semiconductor biosensors, where
devices made in the differernt groups using electronic, or optoelectronic based detection will be
compared and improved.
Title: TARGET - Transformative, Adaptive,
Responsive and enGaging EnvironmenT
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João António Madeiras
Summary: TARGET aims to revolutionize competence development for project and innovation
managers by providing technological support for
rapidly developing and improving their competences. The serious games approach will be exploited to
provide real-life like learning experiences for project managers to enhance their competences.
TARGET focuses on providing support for competence development, where learners will be able to
experience complex and challenging project management experiences that characterize the real
world. TARGET aims to address this challenge by
providing realistic game scenarios for the project
managers, to augment whatever they are familiar
with from their work experience, or from communities of practice, or from courses on the formalized body of knowledge of project management.
TARGET aims to capitalize on the experience and
knowledge of relevant communities (e.g. communities of project managers, communities of TARGET
users) by obtaining their experiences to enrich the
game scenarios as well as supporting contributions and knowledge sharing among the community members through social tools.
Title: WSAN4CIP - Wireless Sensor and
Actuator Networks for the Protection of Critical
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Augusto Julio
Domingues Casaca
Summary: The project will apply wireless sensor
and actuator networks to the protection of critical infrastructures, namely for the distribution of
water and energy.
Title: Sideworks-Arithmetic - Scientific
Computing and BaseBand Processing on the
SideWorks Reconfigurable platform
Financed by: QREN
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Horácio Claúdio
Campos Neto
Summary: This project will explore the use of
SideWorks, a reconfigurable platform, to compute
applications in two specific domains: high performance computing and baseband processing.
In the high performance computing domain, a set
of double and single precision floating-point operations will be considered, namely, sum, subtraction, multiplication and division. A set of arithmetic cores will be developed and implemented on
SideWorks to accelerate the execution of matrix
In the baseband processing domain, a set of algorithms used in the design of a OFDM receiver will
be implemented on SideWorks. In particular, the
project considers the design of blocks for data
synchronization, OFDM, demodulation and Viterbi
Title: REAP.PT – Computer Aided Language
Learning - Reading Practice
Financed by: FCT/CMU
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Nuno João Neves
Summary: In order to enable students to learn to
read another language, a good tutoring system
should give them much opportunity for practice and
make the experience as engaging and personalized
as possible. The REAP.PT system is being designed
to complement teacher time by giving the student
documents to read and questions about new words
they have seen in the documents. It will personalize
the work by choosing texts in Portuguese that are
at the reading level of the individual student, presenting words that that student needs to learn and
having documents on subjects that the student
is interested in. Questions will be automatically
generated about the meaning of the words that
the student saw in a document and reports will be
given to the student and to their teacher
Title: EDLocal – Making local and regional
content accessible through the European Digital
Financed by: European Comission
Coordinator from INESC-ID: José Luis Brinquete
Summary: EDlocal is a European project funded
by the eContentPlus Program and represented
in Portugal by the Fundação Museu Nacional
Ferroviário (FMNF). The purpose is to establish a
Best Practice Network to improve the interoperability of the digital content held by regional and
local institutions and make it accessible through
the Europeana (http://europeana.eu). There is a
pressing need to involve Europes´s network of local and regional libraries, museums and archives
more extensively in making the enormous amount
of digital content that they hold available through
Europeana, INESC-ID will assist the FNF to establish efficient and sustainable processes through
which Portuguese institutions can easily make
their content available to Europeana during and
after the project, adopting and promoting the use
of infrastructures,. tools and standards, as specifications emerge, especially OAI-PMH repositories
and Europeana Metadata Applications Profiles
Title: PT-STAR – Speech Translation Advanced
Research to and from Portuguese
Financed by: FCT/CMU
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Maria Luísa Torres
Ribeiro Marques da Silva Coheur
Summary: Each year, more than a billion Euros is
spent translating documents and interpreting
speeches by European institutions. Also, about
half of the Europeans speak only its own language.
Just these two facts per se are a strong motivation
for the fostering of Speech-to-Speech Machine
Translation (S2SMT) technologies, which aim at enabling natural language communication between
people that do not share the same language.
Within this project, several problems are envisaged, such as spontaneous speech translation
– for which the performance of the automatic
speech recognizer component seriously degrades
– and voice conversion – which allows the synthesized speech to retain the characteristics of the
original voice. Moreover, several major problems
in statistical machine translation are addressed,
as for instance the study of different methods to
automatically extract bilingual lexicon from nonaligned parallel corpora and to update the translation model. Finally, PT-STAR targets the implementation of a proof of concept prototype.
Title: BIOHYPO - Confronting the clinical
relevance of biocide induced antibiotic
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Ana Teresa Correia de
Summary: Biocides have been in use for hundreds
of years for antisepsis, disinfection and preservation. Despite this widespread and ever increasing use most bacterial and fungal species remain
susceptible to biocides. The dramatic increase
and spread of resistance to antibiotics linked to reports of co- and cross-resistance between antibiotics and biocides raised speculations on potential
hazard of biocide use. The overarching question
which BIOHYPO is aimed to address is: has the
use of biocides contributed to the development
and spread of clinically significant antibiotic resistance in human pathogens? Core of BIOHYPO are a
high throughput screening approach on collections
of thousands of well characterized microorganisms and an interactive web based data analysis
platform. Phenotypic screening for reduced susceptibility to biocides, detection of novel resistance genes and mobile elements, and screening
for their molecular epidemiology and metagenomics will be accompanied by methodological innovation for testing, risk evaluation and registration
of biocides. Altogether BIOHYPO aims to provide
solid data and analysis to direct future issuing of
guidelines for safe environmental, medical and industrial use of biocides.
Title: SFERA - Solar Facilities for the European
Research Area
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João Manuel Lage de
Miranda Lemos
Summary: The purpose of this project is to integrate, coordinate and further focus scientific collaboration among the leading European research
institutions in solar concentrating Systems. To
define and validate new methodologies for comparative durability testes by accelerated aging of
selected CSP components. Improve the capacities
of the installations to allow for: - tunable levels of
flux by adaptive control of shutters -flexible temperature control of test bed to create thermal gradients at samples -transient heating and cooling
to adjust for thermal cycles - quick flux cycles for
thermal shock investigations.
Title: ColaDI - Gestão documental Colaborativa
para Design Industrial
Financed by: QREN
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Manuel João Caneira
Monteiro da Fonseca
Summary: ColaDI goal is the developement of solutions for a simple and transparent mangement of
documents produced by industrial design. We plan
to research new approaches for multiuser collaboration, to enable an easier and more direct discussion over documents, 2D and 3D. New calligraphic
and gesture based interfaces will be developed
thus increasing usability, ease of use and user conversation. At the end, we want to build a platform
to allow the integration of new research results in
the areas of document collaboration, classification
and retrieval, taking into account the solution´s
usability and use of new interaction techniques.
ColaDI will be a bridge for future cooperation between its partners and will provide a commercial
and real life use of research results.
Title: Cloud-TM - A Novel Programming Paradigm
for Cloud Computing
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Paolo Romano
Summary: This project aims at designing, building,
and evaluating an innovative middleware platform
for service implementation of Cloud based services: Cloud-TM (Cloud-Transactional Memory)
Cloud-TM offers a simple and intuitive programmig model for large scale distributed applications
that integrates the familiar notion of atomic transaction as a first-class programming language construct, sparing programmers from the burden of
implementing low level, error-prone mechanisms
(e.g locking, persistence and fault-tolerance) and
permiting major reductions in the time and costs
of the development process. Cloud-TM will embed
a set of atomatic mechanisms to simplify service
monitoring and administration, a major source of
costs in dynamic and eslatic environments such as
the cloud. These mechanisms aim at ensuring the
achievement of user defined Quality of Service
levels at minimum operational costs by automating the provisioning of resources from the cloud
and self-tuning the middleware platform to achieve
optimal effciency in the utilization of resources.
Title: ARGUS – Activity recognition and object
tracking based on multiple models
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João Manuel Lage de
Miranda Lemos
Summary: Development and test of algorithms for
activity recognition and object tracking based on
multiple models.
Title: ARIA - Ambient -assisted Reading
Interfaces fot the Ageing-society
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: António Joaquim dos
Santos Romão Serralheiro
Summary: The ARIA project aims at defining a
framework for assisted reading, particularly targeted for elderly comunities. It envisages a broad
and active perspective of reading, where annotation and group communication tasks complement
and build upon the main reading activity, taking advantage of a digital proactive medium. It adresses
elderly individuals throught the adoption of an assisted and adpative stance that adapts document
content navigation, presentation and interaction.
Title: TILECAL - Collaboration in the upgrade
of the Tilecal/ATLAS/LHC back end electronic
systems to the specifications of the SLHC
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: José António Soares
Summary: To collaborate on the ongoing efforts
for upgrading the Tilecal detector electronics
systems, belonging to the ATLAS CERN/LHC
experiment. The Tilecal will have to meet the requirements in data transfer bandwidth, radiation
tolerance and processing speed, which are predicted for the SLHC (Super Large Hadron Collider).
Broadly speaking, as the SLHC will aford a tenfold
increase in luminosity, those system characteristics will have to engage also in an tenfold improvement. Besides the institutions signing the
project proposal, the Un. of Valencia (through the
IFIC- Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular) and one CERN
Department responsible for electronics development are cooperating in the project.
Title: HIVCONTROL - Control based on dynamic
modeling of HIV-1 infection for therapy design
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Susana de Almeida
Mendes Vinga Martins
Summary: Immunology is increasingly recognized as a major field in the area of Biomedicine.
Establishing efficient therapeutics for infectious
diseases is a major problem of the human society.
In particular, this is illustrated by the emergence of
the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS),
which raised new problems and concerns worldwide. Controlling this type of diseases has thus a
significant socio-economical impact. Furthermore
it also raises challenging problems that only an interdisciplinary approach can tackle. In this respect
a systems’ approach is attracting more and more
attention in recent years and forms a global framework for this proposal. The aim of this project consists of designing personalized therapy strategies
to control HIV-1 infection using model based nonlinear control and estimation techniques.
Title: AQUANET - Decentralised and
reconfigurable control for water delivery
multipurpose canal systems
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João Manuel Lage de
Miranda Lemos
Summary: Design and test of algorithms for decentralised and reconfigurable control for water delivery multipurpose canal systems.
Title: GIAU2 - Gestão Integrada de Apoio ao
Financed by: Instituto do Turismo de Portugal
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Miguel Leitão Bignolas
Mira da Silva
Summary: To implement new processes for managing IT support (including the software) in particular
for change management and service level management.
Title: MIVIS - Modelação Procedimental de
Superficies Implícitas para Visualização
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Joaquim Armando
Pires Jorge
Summary: The main objective of this project is to
improve on current sketch-based modelling research to create more complex and detailed models than is currently possible.
The project will use a combination of implicit sur-
faces and polygonal representations with real time
direct manipulation for free form procedural modelling and rendering operations.
Much of sketch based modelling results in cartoon
type figures (models and renderings). Tools sets
require improvement and expansion to provide
usable techniques for creating more complex real
world objects. Current sketch-based modeling
systems/tools do not provide the complexity of
operations and speed to create commom scientific
illustrations, wich frequently contain lots of detail.
The project will be driven by the requirements of
scientific illustrators to ensure the tools created
are useful and usable.
a program in parallel. We argue that the use of an
hardware-only approach for this is a limiting factor
that severely constrains the applicability and scalability of these approaches. To solve this problem,
we propose to use TLS with an STM-based approach, instead.
Instead of following the conventional compilerbased approach of program analysis, we aim at
automatically parallelizing programs at the runtime level. The goal of this approach is twofold: (1)
to be able to parallelize programs without changing them (or for which we do not have the source
code); and (2) to adapt to the hardware where the
program executes without recompiling.
Title: REFLECT - Rendering FPGAs to Multi-Core
Embedded Computing
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Pedro Nuno Ferreira
da Rosa da Cruz Diniz
Summary: This project will develop, implement and
evaluate a novel compilation and synthesis system
approach for FPGA-based platforms.
We rely on Aspect-Oriented (AO) Specifications to
covery critical domain knowledge to a mapping engine while preserving the advantages of a high-level imperative programming paradigm in early software development and portability. We leverage
AO specifications and a set of transformations to
generate an intermediate representation using an
extensible mapping language (LARA). LARA specifications will allow the exploration of alternative
architectures and run-time adaptive strategies
enabling the generation of flexible hardware cores
that can be easily incorporated into larger multicore designs. We will evaluate the effectiveness
of the proposed approach using partner-provided
codes from the domain of audio/video processing
and real-time avionics.
Title: Alberti-Digital - Tradição e inovação na
teoria e prática da arquitectura em Portugal
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Joaquim Armando
Pires Jorge
Summary: This research project is both, a celebration and innovation. A celebration in order to
celebrate the order given by D João III, in XVI midcentury, to André de Resende to translate into
Portuguese the - de re aedificatoria- Leon Battista
Alberti. An innovation in order to produce for the
1st time, an intelligent computing environment to
understand the cultural impact of this treatise on
classical architecture. This project has therefore
the following stages in order to achieve those objectives:
Decoding the treaty; Stroke the influence of the
treaty in the Portuguese architecture; Stroke impacts on theory, practice and teaching of architecture, assembly and organization of an exhibition of
an international conference.
As final products will be an itinerant exhibition, an
educational software will be available and will be
also published a book in order to record the results,
which should show the implications of the theory
of Quattrocento architecture in the practice of
architecture in Portugal, particularly during the
counter-reform period (Saudação XVI-XVII).
Title: RuLAM - Running Legacy Applications on
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João Manuel Pinheiro
Summary: In this project we build on the work done
in the area of automatic parallelization, and extend
it with the new and promising advances made in the
area of Software Transactional Memory (STM).
The state of the art in the field of automatic parallelization is the use of Thread-Level Speculation
(TLS), which relies on hardware support at the processor level for speculatively executing parts of
Title: GALENO - Modeling and Control for
personalized drug administration
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João Manuel Lage de
Miranda Lemos
Summary: This project aims at designing personalized drug administration system using Modeling,
Estimation, Control and Advisory methods. The
approach proposed in this project consists on the
online estimation of the parameter models starting from a tailored a prior distribution developed
also within this project by novel methodology and
refining these estimates using effect measurements, in the presence of perturbations and sensor noise. A bayesian framework is therefore a
natural setting, in particular because the system
at hand is highly stochastic. The individualized PK/
PD parameter profile obtained for each patient is
used to provide the ideal drug dosage adjusted by a
control algorithm for wich several possibilities will
be considered; regardless a reliable sensor for the
measurement of the effect is available.
Title: MPSat - Multi-Packet Detection Techniques
for Satellite
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Augusto Julio
Domingues Casaca
Summary: Development Multi-Packet Detection
Techniques for Satellite Networks
Title: 3DORUS: 3D Object Retrieval using
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Manuel João Caneira
Monteiro da Fonseca
Summary: The main goal of this project is to develop novel multimedia information retrieval mechanisms, to replace the current non-natural and illsuited methods for retrieving 3D objects.
We will do this by developing novel algorithms
to simplify, analyze and describe the content of
three-dimensional objects, based on new techniques for partial structure-driven matching of
three-dimensional models. We will investigate also
new techniques to specify queries using sketches.
Title: Pneumopath - A comprehensive dissection
of pneumococcal-host interactions
Financed by: European Comission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Susana de Almeida
Mendes Vinga Martins
Summary: Transmission of Streptococcus pneumoniae to a new host can result in clearance, asymptomatic colonisation or progress to invasive
disease. To date, study of infection has tended to
be a reductionist approach, considering the contribution of each virulence factor or host factor in isolation. Consequently, in searching for targets for
antimicrobial therapy or for enhancement of host
defence, the contribution of individual factors may
be inaccurately estimated. The aim of this project
is, through a systems approach to host-pneumococcal interaction, identify the most important
and consistently involved host and pneumococcal
Title: CRUSh - Clip-art Retrieval using Sketches
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Manuel João Caneira
Monteiro da Fonseca
Summary: In this project we want to develop a new
approach to retrieve clip-arts, independently of
their format (raster images or vector drawings),
that will combine the potentialities from image and
drawing analysis techniques.
Our solution will allow the search and retrieval
of clip-arts using sketches as queries. It will use
techniques from image processing and from vector drawing analysis, to describe clip-art contents.
From the vectorial part, we will explore the spatial
arrangement of visual components that constitute
the drawing, as well as techniques used to describe
their shapes. From the image processing side, we
will take advantage of existing methods to visually
simplify clip-arts, and to extract features related
to color and texture to decribe its content.
Title: DF-Protect - Data Fusion Protect
Financed by: OBlog
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Paulo Jorge Fernandes
Summary: This projects aims at providing a copy
protection and license enforcement mechanism
to the Data Fusion data migration tool suite. The
goal is to protect the tool from being abusively
copied. This project is particularly interesting for
the Oblog Consulting, the company that develops
Data Fusion, since in a typical scenario the tool is
installed in many workstations.
Title: MicroEGo - Did you ask for something
small? The microRNAs power in a Eucalyptus
tension world!
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Ana Teresa Correia de
Summary: In this project we will identify and characterize E. globulus miRNA´s involved in the regulation mechanisms of wood formation and their
target genes, using as a model the tension wood
forming tissues. The long term aims is to use this
information to devise new ways to control the quality of wood produced by E. globulus and to provide
the breeding programs with tools to direct their
work to the selection /production of genotypes
with desired wood qualities.
Title: PROSOPON - Partilha de Ciclos de CPU para
Identificação e Indexação Facial em Multimédia
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Luis Manuel Antunes
Summary: We will design a peer-to-peer cycle sharing infra-structure to support video analysis and
indexing. Video processing, extraction, face detection and identification will all scheduled as embarrassingly parallel Bag-of-Tasks (i.e., no coordination needed among concurrent activities) by reducing the footage resolution, splitting video into
smaller sequences, and scattering them among
the nodes of the peer-to-peer overlay for processing. Intermediate and final results are stored and
indexed leveraging layers and dimensions of the
PROSOPON will also support users’ contributions
to guide the process of face classification. The
peer-to-peer infra-structure will be used with an
additional overlay for distributed fault-tolerant
storage of the video library and the index that
results from the face indexing process. This additional overlay index will have a multidimensional
structure according to the parameters used in the
face identification phase (e.g. eigenfaces/eigenfeatures) and will be used to efficiently execute
queries on the indexed library.
Title: RepComp - Replicação de Componentes
para Melhoria de Desempenho ou Fiabilidade em
Sistemas Multicore
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Luis Manuel Antunes
Summary: In this project, we propose a complementary approach that can be used by both applications that include multiple threads and by applications that include a single thread. The main insight
for our approach is that applications almost always
resort on a set of components with standard interfaces -e.g. data structures, algorithms, etc. For
these components, several implementations are
available,which have different performance for
different inputs or for different operations - e.g.
for a set data structure, an implementation based
on hashtables is faster for inclusion checking while
a tree-based implementation is faster for ordered
listing. Thus, we propose to locally replicate each
component and use different implementations
for each replica. As programs usually rely heavily
on these standard components, by using this approach, we can transparently improve the performance of the overall program even when programmers structure them as a single thread application.
Title: Pneumosys - A systems biology approach
to the role of pneumococcal carbon metabolism
in colonization and invasive disease
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Susana de Almeida
Mendes Vinga Martins
Summary: The ultimate GOAL of this project is to
develop a multi-level mathematical model that
can predict factors in sugar assimilation essential
to thrive in the different host niches. However, a
systematic, systems biology approach towards
determining the factors governing sugar metabolism is far from trivial. The specific AIMS of
this project are to obtain the response of S. pneumoniae to changing carbon sources by a variety of
global technologies including metabolomics (Task
2), transcriptomics, and proteomics (Task 3), with
the goal of fuelling the mathematical representation (Task 4). To verify the model, deletion mutants
of predicted essential factors will be constructed
and tested for the ability to colonize and cause
invasive disease (pneumonia and bacteraemia) in
vivo (Task 5)
Title: iExplain - Reasoning About Unsatisfiability
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Vasco Miguel Gomes
Nunes Manquinho
Summary: In this project, a new formalism named
Weighted Boolean Optimization (WBO) is proposed that extends the Maximum Satisfiability
(MaxSAT) problem by introducing the use of pseudo-Boolean constraints as soft or hard constraints.
Furthermore, several algorithms to solve WBO will
result from this project. These new software packages are expected to have an important impact
in the research community by allowing a common
framework and integration of MaxSAT and PseudoBoolean formalisms. It will also be proposed the
generalization of algorithms for MaxSAT based in
identifying unsatisfiable subformulas. The use of
such approach will be an important contribution
to the research community, since no algorithm has
been devised based on the identification of unsatisfiable subsets of pseudo-Boolean constraints.
Moreover, this approach will also be extended for
solving the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP)
and MaxCSP and variants. Finally, it is also an objective of the iExplain project to use the developed
algorithms in several real-world problems from
formal verification to bioinformatics.
studying the relationship between the two, and
adapt GP for improved efficiency in multiclass
classification problems. The achievement of these
goals will ultimately produce a powerful generalpurpose tool that can be used by practitioners of
many diverse areas of research.
Title: ParSat - Parallel Satisfiability Algorithms
and its Applications
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Paulo Ferreira Godinho
Summary: The Boolean Satisfiability Problem
(SAT) is a fundamental problem in computer science. It is not only of theoretical interest but also
of practical relevance for several industries. For
instance, in EDA area, SAT has been successfully
used for automatic test pattern generation, combinational equivalence checking, symbolic model
checking, timing analysis and FPGA routing. Our
goal in this project, is to research and develop techniques to speedup the solution of SAT problems.
Distributed SAT algorithms, using parallel computing environments ( such as multicores, GPU´s,
etc...) are a promissing approach to reach this goal.
Using these new computing platforms, we plan to
explore techniques both at the algorithmic level
and at the implementation level. In the former we
will consider how SAT algorithms can be modified
to explore the search space in parallel, and in the
latter we will identify code sections that can be efficiently executed in parallel. Moreover, the different characteristics of the parallel computational
platforms, MIMD versus SIMD, will for sure lead us
to different approaches in the exploration of the
various algorithmic levels of parallelism.
Title: HPC over the Large-Scale Internet - HighPerformance Computing over the Large-Scale
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Luís Eduardo Teixeira
Summary: This project advances the current state
of the art in platforms for Internet-wide computation, by designing, implementing and evaluating
new mechanisms that move beyond the traditional
client-server architecture of these platforms to
support, for the first time, scalable decentralized cooperation among clients. This proposal addresses the key challenge of transitioning from the
centralized architecture to one that is distributed
and scalable. By adding communication between
clients, we may remove the central server from
the communication loop, for the sake of economy
and speed. Whenever possible, direct (or delayed)
exchange of data among clients may save precious
bandwidth resources from the project �s owner.
Additionally, for applications with controlled IO
requirements, inter-client communication may
speedup execution. To support this goal, most of
our work will focus on two aspects: one is to prepare the BOINC middleware for the change, the
other is to build on P2P computation to achieve
some guarantees in such a hostile environment.
Title: EnviGP - Improving Genetic Programming
for the Environment and Other Applications
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Sara Guilherme
Oliveira da Silva
Summary: Genetic Programming (GP) is the youngest paradigm inside the artificial intelligence research area called evolutionary computation, and
consists on the automated learning of computer
programs. GP often yields results that are not
merely academically interesting, but competitive
with the work developed by humans. However, because it is a young and complex paradigm, the practical use of GP still poses a few challenges. In this
project we will develop and test new approaches
to the bloat and overfitting problems in GP, while
Title: Cloud-TM - A Novel Programming Paradigm
for Cloud Computing Acronym: Cloud-TM
Financed by: European Commission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Paolo Romano
Summary: This project aims at designing, building,
and evaluating an innovative middleware platform
for service implementation of Cloud-based services: Cloud-TM (Cloud-Transactional Memory).
Cloud-TM offers a simple and intuitive programming model for large scale distributed applications
that integrates the familiar notion of atomic transaction as a first-class programming language construct, sparing programmers from the burden of
implementing low level, error-prone mechanisms
(e.g. locking, persistence and fault-tolerance) and
permitting major reductions in the time and cost
of the development process. Cloud-TM will embed
a set of autonomic mechanisms to simplify service
monitoring and administration, a major source of
costs in dynamic and elastic environments such as
the cloud. These mechanisms aim at ensuring the
achievement of user defined Quality of Service
levels at minimum operational costs by automating the provisioning of resources from the cloud
and self-tuning the middleware platform to achieve
optimal efficiency in the utilization of resources.
Title: FastFix – Monitoring Control for Remote
Software Maintenance
Financed by: European Commission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Luís Eduardo Teixeira
Summary: FastFix results will include a platform
and a set of open source tools to on-line monitoring of execution envioronments, gathering semantic information on application and user behaviour.
This information is sent in real time to support
centre, taking special care on privacy and security issues. Using event correlation techniques,
FastFix identifies failure symptoms, performance
degradation or changes in user behaviour and allow
for failure replication, patch generation and patch
deployment, resulting in a self-healing software
Main objectives are to develop (1) tools to gather
contect information on user and application, (2)
a run-time with minimum impact on application
performance, (3) a secure method to send this information to a centralized fault analysis platform,
(4) a tool to detect software failures, undesirable
execution trends and performance degradation,
(5) a platform to replicate failure conditions within
a virtual machine and (6) a tool to generate change
strategies and necessary patches.
Title: VITHEA – Virtual Therapist for Aphasia
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Alberto Abad Gareta
Summary: The goal of this project is the development of a software program for the treatment of
aphasic patients - particulary those that show dificulties when recalling words incorporating recent
advances of speech and language technology. The
software must act as a *virtual therapist*, ask for
the patient to recall the contents of a photo or a
picture that is shown. By means of the use of automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology, the
program must be able to recognize what was said
by the patient and to validate if it was correct or
not. The *virtual therapist* must be able to provide
help to the user whenever it is asked for both semantically and phonologically, that is, both as written solution or as speech synthesized production
based on text-to-speech (TTS) technology.
Title: DINASTI – Distributed Infrastrucute for
Financed by: IST - FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Mário Serafim dos
Santos Nunes
Summary: The future leads towards an ambient environment where wireless communications will exist in every scenario of life to provide the end user
the “flexibility and choice”, to enhance the quality
of life of the individual, such as the ABC (Always
Best Connected) philosophy. An important architectural issue is that of defining a next-generation
wireless system, which acts as a “network-of-wireless-networks” accommodating a variety of radio
technologies and mobile service requirements in a
seamless manner. The achievement of this vision
raises the need for a heterogeneous system evaluation platform. While nothing replaces real life experiments, the development of physical test-beds
is highly expensive with reduced flexibility. While
simulators have been around and used by the wireless R&D community for years, no integrated tool
that considers all the aspects relevant for the analysis and dimensioning of a wireless network still
exists either in the commercial or research arena.
Therefore, the development of an infrastructure
covering the radio access network layers will be a
very powerful tool for researchers to design and
evaluate next generation wireless networks.
Title: Reaction – Retrieval, Extraction, and
Aggregation Computing Tecnology for
Integrating and Organizing News
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Mário Jorge Costa
Gaspar da Silva
Summary: We research new tools for provldlng
greater automatlon In news gatherlng, analysls,
and dellvery, whlle respecting practical constralnts
of news producers and consumers. We emphaslze
decomposltlon of storles Into finer’grained elements and discovery of Impllcit relations between
them. We also emphaslze the relatlonship between
news and social networks, both explicit and implicit, which underlle the news and slgniflcantly shape
lts content, quality, and authority. Hands-on experience in the newsroom will enable practitioners to
Innovate current practice of news production and
identlfy important avenues for future research in
computatlonal Journallsm.
Title: eCUTE – Education in Cultural
Understanding, Technologically-Enhanced
Acronym: eCUTE
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Ana Maria Severino de
Almeida e Paiva
Summary: The eCUTE project aims to develop innovative technologically-enhanced learning approaches in cultural awareness and understanding
that will help overcome cultural, ethnic and religious differences that can lead to social stresses
and sometimes outright conflict. The technologies
to be developed in eCUTE include virtual world
simulations with intelligent interactive graphical
characters embodying models of culturally-specific behavior and interaction in scenarios developed
via a user-centered design process.
Title: MAIS-S – Multiagent Intelligent
Surveillance System
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Francisco António
Chaves Saraiva de Melo
Summary: With the generalized use of intelligent
technology, the interaction between multiple
smart devices poses interesting challenges both
in terms of engineering and research. In this project, we model such complex networks as multiagent systems where each node corresponds to an
agent. We propose the use of decision-theoretic
models - Dec-POMDPs and specializations thereof
- that naturally capture the decentralized nature of
these networks in terms of local perception, interaction/communication and local actuation.
We are interested in heterogeneous surveillance
networks that include different kinds of nodes,
with different perceptual and actuation capabilities, as well as different processing power. The
work will follow along two main lines. We formalize several fundamental problems typically found
in most surveillance systems as optimal decision-making problems (Tasks 1-2) and tackle these
problems in a principled way, proposing solutions
that offer some theoretical guarantees of performance. On the other hand, we investigate several
practical problems faced in deploying such a heterogeneous network (Tasks 3 and 4) and bring the
results from Tasks 1-2 into practical use.
Title: SIREN - Social games for conflIct
REsolution based on natural iNteraction
Financed by: European Commission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Ana Maria Severino de
Almeida e Paiva
Summary: The Siren project aims to create a new
type of educational game, the conflict resolution
game, which takes advantage of recent advances
in serious games, social networks, computational
intelligence and emotional modelling to create
uniquely motivating and educating games that can
help shape how children think about and handle
conflictThe software developed by the project will
be able to automatically generate conflict scenarios that fit the teaching needs of particular groups
of children with varying cultural background, maturity, and technical expertise, and the desired learning outcomes as specified by a teacher. This will
enable the system to be used by school teachers
all over Europe, without specific technical training.
To realize this vision, a number of advances to the
state of the art will be made throughout the various disciplines that members of our thoroughly
multi-disciplinary consortium specialize in.
Title: PMU – Power Management Units (PMU)
design with Silicongate
Financed by: Silicongate, Lda
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Carlos Francisco
Beltran Tavares de Almeida
Summary: According to the contract signed between INESC-ID and Silicongate on September 6,
2010, clause 2) the design of power units managemnet b) technical specification
Title: ATTEST – AlgoriThms and Tolls for
reasoning about dEpendable SysTems
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: João Paulo Marques
da Silva
Summary: Given the ever increasing importance
of verified software, namely in safety-critical applications, the development of provably correct
verification tools is a relevant and strategic research topic. This issue has been addressed in earlier work [22], but existing software verification
tools are currently unable to certify their results.
Essentiatly, although software verification tools
are known to be extremely reliable, it is also true
that these tools have not been proved correct. For
many applications, the use of uncertified software
verification tool may represent an acceptable
compromise. However, in aplications where safety
is a primary concern [e.g., human transportation,
including avionics, automotive, railways and shipping], certified software verification solutions
will bring added confidence to deployed software
systems. The ATTEST project will devellop a new
generation of software verification tools built on
top of formally certified components. The resulting software verification tools wil provide a much
higher degree of confidence in verified software
level. The other two key focuses of the project are
(1) the support to deployment in the actual educational and training settings and (2) the fostering
of innovation and knowledge transfer through research-business dialogue. The NoE organizations
aim to integrate their activities and resources in
a long-term view structuring the activities along
3 major axes: research integration and harmonization; joint research activities; spreading of excellence.
Title: FalaComigo - Enhance the Cultural Tourism
through the Interaction with Virtual Characters
Financed by: QREN
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Maria Luísa Torres
Ribeiro Marques da Silva Coheur
FalaComigo aims to develop a solution to -Enhance
the Cultural Tourism through the Interaction with
Virtual Character -, by providing a set of applications, that will be settled in various places of touristic interest.
The goal of FalaComigo is, therefore, to develop a
solution that helps tourists to take a different view
of the monument or place of cultural interest that
they are visiting, allowing them to interact with a
set of virtual characters through questions and
answers, specific for each location. Through these
solutions, FalaComigo team will provide new and
compelling ways of interacting with visitors, supplying a remarkable sensory experience. On the
basis of development of these solutions we find a
spoken dialogue system with speech recognition
and synthesis, 3D facial animation, spoken dialogue management systems and question/answer
Title: INVITE - Social Identity and partNership in
VIrTual Environments
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Rui Filipe Fernandes
Summary: The focus of the project will be around
the notion of partnership of a human with another
human or a virtual agent in a virtual environment:
the project will study how partnership is created,
maintained or broken during an interaction supporting the realization of a particular task in a virtual environment.
The hypothesis we propose is that inclusion of AI
models that incorporate social intelligence, inspired by human behavior, in a virtual environment
will foster believability in virtual agents within the
context of partnership.
Title: GaLA—Game and Learning Alliance
Financed by: European Commission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Ana Maria Severino de
Almeida e Paiva
Summary: The GaLA motivation stems from the
acknowledgment of the potentiality of Serious
Games (SGs) for education and training need to address the challenges of the main stakeholders of
the SGs European landscape (users, researchers,
developers/industry, educators). A foundational
fault issue in this context is the fragmentation that
affects the SG landscape. GALA aims to shape the
scientific community and build a European Virtual
Research Centre (VRC) aimed at gathering, integrating, harmonizing and coordinating research on
SGs and disseminating knowledge, best practices
and tools as a reference point at an international
Title: EUTV - Adaptive Channels in Europe
Financed by: European Commission – FP7
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Isabel Maria Martins
Summary: EUTV plans to perform research and
develop and deploy the best-of-class extractors
for indexing and analysing the individual information modalities (text, speech, audio, image, video)
perform research on multimodal feature fusion
of the individual extractors exploiting structural
characteristics of the multimedia streams and the
content domains (ie news, sport, documentaries)
and decriptions about concepts modelled into
ontologies.The EUTV framework will be based on
service-oriented architecture so to be able to easily update extractors when better versions are
Title: ADAAS – Assuring Dependability in
Architecture-based Adaptive Systems
Financed by: FCT
Coordinator from INESC-ID: Luís Eduardo Teixeira
Summary: As software systems become increasingly central to support everyday activities, there
is a critical need to improve their dependability and
optimize their performance, while reducing their
development and operational costs. This project
will focus on the provision of self-adaptability as
a means for achieving dependability in the context
of the other requirements. In particular, focusing
on the use of architectural models at run-time, it
will develop new languages, techniques and tools
for creating dynamic adaptation strategies that
allow a system to automatically respond to change
and improve its behaviour as it executes. Relative
to current research in this area, key innovative
qualities of these adaptation strategies will be
their analyzability and their flexibility. The former
is necessary to establish the correctness of adaptation strategies and ensure that they will achieve
the desired outcomes. The latter is necessary to
accommodate uncertainty in the operating environments and changes that may occur.
10.2 Publications
10.2.1 Books
Ricardo Chaves, Secure
Reconfigurable Systems: Improving Performance
and Reliability of Dynamic Reconfigurable
Systems, Jun 2010, LAP LAMBERT Academic
Peng Li and L. Miguel Silveira and Peter Feldmann
Ed., Simulation and Verification of Electronic and
Biological Systems, Oct 2010, Springer.
João António Madeiras Pereira and Alpesh
Ranchordas and Hélder J. Araújo and João
Manuel Tavares Ed., Computer Vision and
Computer Graphics – Theory and Applications,
Communications in Computer and Information
Science , no. 68, Oct 2010, Springer Berlin
Heidelberg New.
Philipp Cimiano and H. Sofia Pinto Ed., Knowledge
Engineering and Management by the Masses,
LNAI, no. 6317, Oct 2010, Springer Verlag.
H.-X. Lin and M. Alexander and M. Forsell and A.
Knüpfer and R. Prodan and Leonel Sousa and A.
Streit Ed., Euro-Par 2009, Parallel Processing Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS), no. 6043, Jun 2010, Springer.
J. Monteiro and R. van Leuken Ed., Integrated
Circuit and System Design: Power and Timing
Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, no. 5953, Feb 2010,
10.2.2 International Journal Articles
Nuno Tenazinha and Susana Vinga, A Survey on
Methods for Modeling and Analyzing Integrated
Biological Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 4(8),
pp. 943-955, Jul. 2011.
Ginevra Castellano and Iolanda Margarete dos
Santos Carvalho Leite and André Tiago Abelho
Pereira and Carlos António Roque Martinho and
Ana Paiva and Peter Mc Owan, Affect Recognition
for Interactive Companions: Challenges and
Design in Real World Scenarios, Journal on
Multimodal User Interfaces, 3(1), pp. 89-98, Dec.
2010, Springer.
Joana P. Gonçalves and Yves Moreau and Sara C.
Madeira, AliBiMotif: Integrating Alignment and
Biclustering to Unravel Transcription Factor
Binding Sites in DNA Sequences, International
Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics (IJDMB),
to appear. Inderscience Publishers.
I. Bastos and Luís Augusto Bica Gomes de Oliveira
and J. Goes and M. Medeiros Silva, Analysis and
Design of a MOSFET-Only Wideband Balun LNA,
Int. Jour. Microelectronics and Computer Science,
(3), Dec. 2010.
Sara Silva and Leonardo Vanneschi, Bloat Free
Genetic Programming: Application to Human Oral
Bioavailability Prediction, International Journal of
Data Mining and Bioinformatics.
Luis Domingues Tomé Jardim Tarrataca and
Andreas Wichert, Can Quantum Entanglement
Detection Schemes Improve Search, Quantum
Information Processing.
J. Casaleiro and H. F. Lopes and Luís Augusto Bica
Gomes de Oliveira and I. Filanovsky, CMOS Coupled
Multivibrators for WMTS Applications, Int. Jour.
Microelectronics and Computer Science, 1(3), pp.
249-255, Dec. 2010.
Octávio Páscoa Dias and Tito Gerardo Amaral,
Vitor Fernão Pires, Computer assisted learning in manipulative therapy education, Elsevier
– Manual Therapy, Elsevier.
Radu Mateescu and Pedro T. Monteiro and Estelle
Dumas and Hidde de Jong, CTRL: Extension of
CTL with Regular Expressions and Fairness
Operators to Verify Genetic Regulatory Networks,
Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier.
José Barateiro and Gonçalo José Branquinho
Antunes and Filipe Bastos de Freitas and José
Borbinha, Designing Digital Preservation
Solutions: A Risk Management-Based Approach,
International Journal of Digital Curation, 5(1), pp. 417, 2010.
C. Patrikakis and A Pnevmatikakis and P.
Chippandale and Mário Serafim Nunes and Rui
Cruz, Direct your personal coverage of large athletic events, IEEE.
Nuno Homem and João P. Carvalho, Finding top-k
elements in data streams, Information Sciences,
180(24), pp. 4958-4974, Dec. 2010, Elsevier.
David Sardinha Andrade de Aveiro and António
Rito Silva and José Manuel Nunes Salvador
Tribolet, GOD-theory for organizational engineering: continuously modeling the continuous (re)Generation, Operation and Deletion of
the enterprise, International Journal of Internet
and Enterprise Management: Special Issue on
Enterprise Systems Modeling and Simulation,
Inderscience Publishers. 2011
R. Macedo and S. Cardoso and P. Freitas and José
Germano and Moises Simões Piedade, Hybrid
Antenna-Magnetoresistive Sensor for RF Field
Detection, Journal of Applied Physics, (), pp. , Dec.
2010, American Institute of Physics.
Stoyan Garbatov and João Cachopo, Importance
Analysis for Predicting Data Access Behaviour
in Object-Oriented Applications, Journal of
Computer Science and Technologies, 14(1), pp. 3743, Dec. 2010, IEEE.
Gabriel César Ferreira Pestana and Andrea Kurz
and Antero Kuvonen and Augusto Casaca, Locationbased services to improve aircraft ground handling and safety procedures, European Journal of
Navigation, 8(3), pp. 16-21, Dec. 2010, Druck Center
Meckenheim GmbH.
M. Figueiredo and J. Goes and Luís Augusto Bica
Gomes de Oliveira and A. Steiger-Garção, LowVoltage, Low-Power, Fully-Differential, SelfBiased 1.5-bit Quantizer with Built-in Thresholds,
International Journal of Circuit Theory and
I. Bastos and Luís Augusto Bica Gomes de Oliveira
and J. Goes and M. Medeiros Silva, MOSFET-Only
Wideband LNA with Noise Cancellling and Gain
Optimization, Int. Jour. Microelectronics and
Computer Science, 1(3), pp. 241-248, Dec. 2010.
Gonçalo Nuno Gomes Tavares, On the generation of
correlated Gaussian random variates by Inverse
DFT, IEEE Transactions on Communications.
Fernando Sequeira Sousa and Fábio O. Teixeira and
Alex E. Falcão and Anderson D. Hummel and Thiago
M. Costa and Pável Calado and Luciano V. Araújo
and Ivan T. Pisa, Use of Medical Subject Headings
(MeSH) in Portuguese for Categorizing Webbased Healthcare Content, Journal of Biomedical
Martijn Kuipers and Ricardo Vaz and Mário
Serafim Nunes, Video Quality Protection for Real
Time Video Streams over Wireless Networks,
Telecommunication Systems, Springer.
Maria Sapouna and Dieter Wolke and Natalie
Vannini and Scott Watson and Sarah Woods and
Wolfgang Schneider and Sibylle Enz and Lynne
Hal and Ana Paiva and Elizabeth Andre and Kerstin
Dautenhahn and Ruth Aylett, Virtual learning intervention to reduce bullying victimization in primary school: a controlled trial, 1(55), pp. 104-112,
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Nelson Neto and Carlos Patrick and Aldebaro
Klautau and Isabel Trancoso, Free Tools and
Resources for Brazilian Portuguese Speech
Recognition, Journal of the Brazilian Computer
Society, 17(1), pp. 53-68, Nov. 2010, Springer.
João Pedro Carlos Gomes da Silva and Luísa Coheur
and Ana Cristina Mendes and Andreas Wichert,
From symbolic to sub-symbolic information in
question classification, Artificial Intelligence
Review, 35(2), pp. 137-154, Nov. 2010, Springer.
Miguel C. Teixeira and Paulo J. Dias and Pedro T.
Monteiro and Arlindo L. Oliveira and Ana T. Freitas
and Isabel Sá-Correia, Refining current knowledge on the yeast FLR1 regulatory network by
combined experimental and computational approaches, Molecular BioSystems, 6(12), pp. 24712481, Nov. 2010, RCS Publishing.
Susana Vinga and Ana Rute Neves and Helena
Santos and B. W. Brandt and S. A. L. M. Kooijman,
Subcellular metabolic organization in the context of Dynamic Energy Budget and Biochemical
Systems theories, Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society B, 365(1557), pp. 3429-42, Nov.
Andreas Wichert and Pedro Teixeira and Pedro
Santos and Helena Galhardas, Subspace tree:
High dimensional multimedia indexing with loga-
rithmic temporal complexity, Journal of Intelligent
Information Systems, 35(3), pp. 495-516, Nov. 2010,
Alexandre Amory and Cristiano Lazzari and
Marcelo Lubaszewski and Fernando Moraes, A New
Test Scheduling Algorithm Based on Networkon-Chip as Test Access Mechanisms, Journal of
Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 1-12, Oct.
2010, Elsevier.
Pedro Tomás and Leonel Sousa, A quantitative
analysis of firing rate estimators: unveiling bias
sources, Neurocomputing, (73), pp. 2944-2954,
Oct. 2010, Elsevier.
Luís Filipe Soldado Granadeiro Rosado and Telmo
Santos and Moises Simões Piedade and Pedro
Ramos and Pedro Vilaça, Advanced Technique for
Non-destrutive Testing of Friction Stir Welding of
Metals, Measurement, 8(), pp. 1021-1030, Oct. 2010,
Rui Neves Madeira, V. Fernão Pires, and Octávio
Páscoa Dias and J. F. Martins, An Analog Electronics
Mobile Course with a Competitive Learning
Approach, International Journal of Interactive
Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 4(4), pp. 37-44, Oct.
2010, ISSN: 1865-7923.
F. Lavratti, L. M. Bolzani Pöhls and Jorge Filipe Leal
Costa Semião and Fabian Vargas and J. RodriguezAndina and Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira
Cacho Teixeira and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira,
Clock Signal Modulation for IC Electromagnetic
Compatibility, Journal of Shanghai Normal
University (Natural Sciences), 39(5), pp. 455-461,
Oct. 2010, ISSN 1000-5173.
Nuno Mendes and Ana T. Freitas and Ana T.
Vasconcelos and Marie-France Sagot, Combination
of measures distinguishes pre-miRNAs from
other stem-loops in the genome of the newly sequenced Anopheles darlingi, BMC Genomics, pp.
11:529, Oct. 2010.
Ciro Alexandre Domingues Martins and António
Teixeira and João Paulo da Silva Neto, Dynamic
Language Modeling for European Portuguese,
Computer Speech and Language, 24(4), pp. 750773, Oct. 2010, Elsevier.
L. Pieper and Eduardo Costa and S. Bampi and J.
Monteiro, Efficient Dedicated Multiplication
Blocks for 2´s Complement Radix-16 and Radix256 Array Multipliers, Journal of Computers, 5(10),
pp. 1502-1509, Oct. 2010, Academy Publisher.
João M. S. Silva and Joel R. Phillips and L. Miguel
Silveira, Efficient Simulation of Power Grids,
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of
Integrated Circuits and Systems, 29(10), pp. 15231532, Oct. 2010.
André Luiz da Costa Carvalho and Edleno Silva
de Moura and Pável Calado, Using Statistical
Features to Find Phrasal Terms in Text Collections,
Journal of Information and Data Management, 1(3),
pp. 583-597, Oct. 2010.
Dário Abdulrehman and Pedro T. Monteiro and
Miguel C. Teixeira and Nuno P. Mira and Artur B.
Lourenço and Sónia C. dos Santos and Tânia R.
Cabrito and A. P. Francisco and Sara C. Madeira
and Ricardo Rubén dos Santos Aires and Arlindo
L. Oliveira and Isabel Sá-Correia and Ana T. Freitas,
YEASTRACT: Providing a programmatic access to
curated transcriptional regulatory associations
in Saccharomyces cerevisiae through a web services interface, Nucleic Acids Research, 1(39), pp.
D-136-140, Oct. 2010.
Daniela Nitsch and Joana P. Gonçalves and Fabian
Ojeda and Bart De Moor and Yves Moreau,
Candidate gene prioritization by network analysis of differential expression using machine
learning approaches, BMC Bioinformatics, 11(460),
Sep. 2010, BioMed Central.
João Delgado and Inês Lynce and Vasco Manquinho,
Computing the Summed Adjacency Disruption
Number between Two Genomes with Duplicate
Genes, Journal of Computational Biology, 17(9), pp.
1243-1265, Sep. 2010, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Luís Augusto Bica Gomes de Oliveira and A.
Allam and I. Filanovsky and Jorge Manuel dos
Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and C. Verhoeven and
M. Medeiros Silva, Experimental Comparison
of Phase Noise in Cross-Coupled RC- and LCOscillators, International Journal of Circuit Theory
and Applications, 38(7), pp. 681-688, Sep. 2010,
Judite Freijedo and L. Costas and Jorge Filipe Leal
Costa Semião and J.J. Rodriguez Andina and M.J.
Moure and Fabian Vargas and Isabel Maria Silva
Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and João Paulo
Cacho Teixeira, Impact of Power Supply Noise
on FPGA-based Digital Systems Performance,
Journal of Low Power Electronics (JOLPE), 6(2), pp.
339-349, Sep. 2010, ASP.
Luis Veiga and André Negrão and Nuno Santos
and Paulo Ferreira, Unifying divergence bounding and locality awareness in replicated systems
with vector-field consistency, Journal of Internet
Services and Applications , 1(2), pp. 95-115, Sep.
2010, Springer.
Thierson Couto and Nivio Ziviani and Pável Calado
and Marco Cristo and Marcos André Gonçalves
and Edleno S. de Moura and Wladimir Brandão,
Classifying documents with link-based bibliometric measures, Information Retrieval, 13(4), pp.
315-345, Aug. 2010.
Francisco Melo and M. Isabel Ribeiro, Coordinated
learning in multiagent MDPs with infinite state
spaces, Journal of Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems, 21(3), pp. 321-367, Aug. 2010,
Ana Sofia Graça and Inês Lynce and Joao Marques
Silva and Arlindo L. Oliveira, Haplotype Inference
by Pure Parsimony: a Survey, Journal of
Computational Biology, 17(8), pp. 969–992, Aug.
2010, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Scott Watson and Natalie Vannini and Sarah Woods
and Kerstin Dautenhahn and Maria Sapouna and
Lynne Hall and Ana Paiva and Elizabeth Andre and
Ruth Aylett, Inter-cultural differences in response
to a computer-based anti-bullying intervention,
Educational Research, 52(1), Aug. 2010.
Alexandre Domingues and Susana Vinga and J. M.
Lemos, Optimization strategies for metabolic
networks, BMC Systems Biology, 4(), pp. 113, Aug.
Teresa Maria Sá Ferreira Vazão Vasques and
Fernando Ribeiro Correia, Simple ant routing algorithm strategies for a (Multipurpose) MANET
model, Ad Hoc Networks, 8(8), pp. 810-823, Aug.
2010, Elsevier.
Rui Duarte and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro
Fernandes, A Comparative Study on Transformer
and Inductor Based LC Tanks for VCOs,
International Journal of Microelectronics and
Computer Science , 1(1), pp. 37-41, Jul. 2010.
Samuel Francisco Mascarenhas and João Miguel de
Sousa de Assis Dias and Rui Prada and Ana Paiva,
A Dimensional Model for Cultural Behaviour in
Virtual Agents, Applied Artificial Intelligence,
24(6), pp. 552-574, Jul. 2010.
Nuno Claudino Pereira Lopes and Juan A. Navarro
and Andrey Rybalchenko and Atul Singh, Applying
Prolog to Develop Distributed Systems, Theory
and Practice of Logic Programming, 10(6), pp. 691707, Jul. 2010, Cambridge University Press.
Ignacio Medina and Jose Carbonell and Luis Pulido
and Sara C. Madeira and Stefan Goetz and Ana
Conesa and Joaquin Tarraga and Alberto PascualMontano and Ruben Nogales-Cadenas and
Javier Santoyo and Francisco Garcia and Martina
Marba and David Montaner and Joaquin Dopazo,
Babelomics: an integrative platform for the analysis of transcriptomics, proteomics and genomic
data with advanced functional profiling, Nucleic
Acids Research, 38, pp. W210-W213, Jul. 2010,
Oxford Journals.
Artur Caetano and António Rito Silva and José
Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Business Process
Decomposition – An Approach Based on the
Principle of Separation of Concerns, Enterprise
Modelling and Information Systems Architecture
Journal - An International Journal, Special Issue on
Methodo, 5(1), Jul. 2010, SIG MOBIS.
João Graça and Kuzman Ganchev and Ben Taskar,
Learning Tractable Word Alignment Models with
Complex Constraints, Computational Linguistics,
3(36), pp. 481-504, Jul. 2010, MIT Press.
Kuzman Ganchev and João Graça and Jennifer
Regularization for Structured Latent Variable
Models, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11,
pp. 2001−2, Jul. 2010.
Marielba Zacarias and H. Sofia Pinto and Rodrigo
Magalhães and José Manuel Nunes Salvador
Tribolet, A “context aware” and agent-centric perspective for the alignment between individuals
and organizations, Information Systems Journal Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for Enterprise
and Business Process Modeling and Manag, 35(4),
pp. 441-466, Jun. 2010, Elsevier Science Publisher.
João M.P. Cardoso and Pedro Diniz and Markus
Weinhardt, Compiling for Reconfigurable
Computing: A Survey, ACM Computing Surveys,
42(4), pp. 1-65, Jun. 2010, ACM press.
Marielba Silva Zacarias and Rodrigo Magalhães
and H. Sofia Pinto and José Manuel Nunes Salvador
Tribolet, Defining an Architectural View for
Human Resources, IJBIS - International Journal of
Business Information Systems, Special Issue on
the Design and Engineering of Human Reso, 5(2),
pp. 121-133, Jun. 2010.
Natalie Vannini and Sibylle Enz and Maria Sapouna
and Dieter Wolke and Scott Watson and Sarah
Woods and Kerstin Dautenhahn and Lynne Hal and
Ana Paiva and Elizabeth Andre and Ruth Aylett and
Wolfgang Schneider, FearNot!: a computer-based
anti-bullying-programme designed to foster peer
intervention, European Journal of Psychology of
Education, 1(26), pp. 21-24, Jun. 2010.
André Guilherme Nogueira Coelho dos Santos and
João M. P. Cardoso and Diogo R. Ferreira and Pedro
Diniz and Paulo Chaínho, Providing User Context
for Mobile and Social Networking Applications,
Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 6(3), pp. 324-341,
Jun. 2010, Elsevier.
Jânio Monteiro and Carlos Calafate and Mário
Serafim Nunes, Robust Multipoint and Multilayered Transmission of H.264/SVC with Raptor
Codes, Telecommunication Systems, Jun. 2010,
Jorge F. Villena and L. Miguel Silveira, SPAREA Scalable Algorithm for Passive, Structure
Preserving, Parameter-Aware Model Order
Reduction, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided
Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 29(6),
pp. 925-938, Jun. 2010, IEEE Council on Electronic
Design Automation.
Cátia M. Machado and Francisco Couto and
Alexandra R. Fernandes and Susana Santos and
Nuno Cardim and Ana T. Freitas, Unraveling
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Variability, ERCIM
NEWS, 82, pp. 48-49, Jun. 2010, ERCIM.
João Saraiva and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, A
Reference Model for the Analysis and Comparison
of MDE Approaches for Web-Application
Development, Journal of Software Engineering and
Applications, 3, pp. 419-425, May 2010, Scientific
Research Publishing.
Luís Augusto Bica Gomes de Oliveira and Erik
Snelling and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro
Fernandes and M. Medeiros Silva, An Inductorless
CMOS Quadrature Oscillator Continuously
Tuneable from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz, Int. J. Circuit Theory
and Applications, May 2010, Wiley.
Verónica C. Martins and José Germano and Filipe A.
Cardoso and Joana Loureiro and Susana Cardoso
and Leonel Sousa and Moises Simões Piedade and
Luís P. Fonseca and P. P. Freitas, Challenges and
trends in the development of a magnetoresistive biochip portable platform, J. Magnetism and
Magnetic Materials, 322(9), pp. 1655–1663, May
Rui Cruz and Mário Serafim Nunes and Leandro
Meneses and João Domingues, IPTV Architecture
for an IMS Environment with Dynamic QoS
Adaptation, Multimedia Tools and Applications,
3(53), pp. 557-589, May. 2010, Springer.
Luís Augusto Bica Gomes de Oliveira and Chris
van den Bos and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro
Fernandes and Chris Verhoeven and M. Medeiros
Silva, A 5 GHz Quadrature Relaxation Oscillator
with Mixing for Improved Testability or Compact
Front-end Implementation, International Journal
of Circuit Theory and Applications, 38(4), pp. 359366, Apr. 2010, Wiley.
Caroline Hagège and Jorge Baptista and Nuno
J. Mamede, Caracterização e Processamento
de Expressões Temporais em Português,
Linguamática, 2(1), pp. 63-76, Apr. 2010.
Paolo Romano and Luis Rodrigues and Nuno
Carvalho and João Cachopo, Cloud-TM: Harnessing
the Cloud with Distributed Transactional
Memories, ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems
Review, 2(44), Apr. 2010.
Gonçalo Nuno Gomes Tavares, Efficient computation of Hoyt cumulative distribution function,
Electronics Letters, 46(7), pp. 537–539, Apr. 2010.
Pedro Sousa and Manuel J. Fonseca, Sketch-Based
Retrieval of Drawings using Spatial Proximity,
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC),
21(2), pp. 69-80, Apr. 2010, Elsevier.
Davide C. Figo and Pedro Diniz and Diogo R. Ferreira
and João M.P. Cardoso, Preprocessing Techniques
for Context Recognition from Accelerometer
Data, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 14, pp.
645-662, Mar. 2010.
Levent Aksoy and Ece Olcay Gunes and Paulo
Flores, Search algorithms for the multiple constant multiplications problem: Exact and approximate, Microprocessors and Microsystems,
Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO), 34(5), pp.
151-162, Mar. 2010, Elsevier B.V.
J. P. Oliveira and J. Goes and M. Figueiredo and
E. Santin and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro
Fernandes and J. Ferreira, An 8-bit 120 MS/s
Interleaved CMOS Pipeline ADC Based on MOS
Parametric Amplification, IEEE Trans. on Circuits
and Systems-II, 57(2), pp. 105-109, Feb. 2010, IEEE.
Gonçalo Nuno Gomes Tavares and Luis Miguel
Gomes Tavares and Antonino Petrolino, On the
True Cramér-Rao Lower Bound for Data-Aided
Carrier-Phase-Independent Frequency Offset
and Symbol Timing Estimation, IEEE Transactions
on Communications, 58(2), pp. 442 - 447, Feb. 2010.
Rui Gustavo Nunes Pereira Crespo, Predicting feature interactions by using inconsistency models,
Computer Networks, 54(3), pp. 416-427, Feb. 2010,
Hugo Miranda and Luis Rodrigues, Reputation in
Anonymous Vehicular Networks, International
Communications Systems, 3(2), pp. 178-197,
Feb. 2010, Reputation in Anonymous Vehicular
Guochun Shi and Volodymyr Kindratenko and
Frederico Pratas and Pedro Trancoso and Michael
Gschwind, Application Acceleration with the Cell
Broadband Engine, Computing in Science and
Engineering, 12(1), pp. 76-81, Jan. 2010, IEEE.
Luís Guerra e Silva and Joel R. Phillips and L. Miguel
Silveira, Effective Corner-Based Techniques
for Variation-Aware IC Timing Verification,
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of
Integrated Circuits and Systems, 29(1), pp. 157-162,
Jan. 2010, IEEE.
Sara C. Madeira and Miguel C. Teixeira and Isabel
Sá Correia and Arlindo L. Oliveira, Identification
of Regulatory Modules in Time Series
Gene Expression Data using a Linear Time
Biclustering Algorithm, IEEE/ACM Transactions
on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 7(1),
pp. 153-165, Jan. 2010, IEEE/ACM.
Paulo Alexandre Crisóstomo Lopes and José
Germano and Teresa Mendes de Almeida and Leonel
Sousa and Moises Simões Piedade and F. Cardoso
and H. A. Ferreira and P. P. Freitas, Measuring
and Extraction of Biological Information on
new Handheld Biochip-based Microsystem,
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and
Measurement, 59(1), pp. 56-62, Jan. 2010, IEEE.
Angelo Miguel Aparicio Cardoso and Andreas
Wichert, Neocognitron
Transformation Cascade, Neural Networks, 23(1),
pp. 74-88, Jan. 2010.
Teresa Mendes de Almeida and Moises Simões
Piedade and Leonel Sousa and José Germano and
Paulo Alexandre Crisóstomo Lopes and Filipe
Cardoso and Paulo Freitas, On the Modeling
of New Tunnel Junction Magnetoresisitive
Biosensors, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation
and Measurement, 59(1), pp. 92-100, Jan. 2010.
V. Silva and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro
Fernandes and Luís Augusto Bica Gomes de
Oliveira and Horácio C. Neto and R. Ferreira and
S. Freitas and P. P. Freitas, Thermal Assisted
Switching Magnetic Tunel Junctions as FPGA
Memory Elements, Int. Jour. Microelectronics and
Computer Science, 1(1), pp. 31-36, Jan. 2010.
10.2.3 National Journal Articles
Renato Jorge Caleira Nunes, Análise Comparativa
de Quatro Tecnologias Domóticas, O Electricista
- Dossier Domótica, 32, pp. 123-129, Abril 2010.
Marco Costa and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva,
ReacT-MDD – Rastreabilidade Reactiva de
Artefactos no Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de
Informação, Lusíada - Economia & Empresa, Oct.
2010, Universidade Lusíada Editora.
Samuel José Raposo Vieira Mira and Rui Prada,
LudoPor - Word Game Creation Platform,
PRISMA - Revista de Ciências da Informação e da
Comunicação, 10, edição especial Videojogos 2009.
CETAC, Jun. 2010.
10.2.4 Book Chapters
Pável Calado and Luís Leitão and Melanie Herschel,
Soft Computing in XML Data Management,
Chapter An Overview of XML Duplicate Detection
Algorithms, Dec 2010, Springer.
Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa and J. M.
Lemos, Power Plant Applications of Advanced
Temperature Control for a Solar Furnace, Nov
2010, ProcessEng Engineering GmbH.
J. M. Lemos and P.O.Shirley and Rui Alexandre
Nunes Neves da Silva and Bertinho Manuel
D’Andrade da Costa, Power Plant Applications of
Advanced Control Techniques, Chapter Adaptive
Predictive Control of Superheated Steam and
Economic Performance, Nov 2010, ProcessEng
Engineering GmbH.
Raul Nunes da Silva and Miguel Mira da Silva and
Nelson Gama, ENTERprise Information Systems,
Chapter Using People CMM for Dealing with
Resistance on Implementing ITIL, Oct 2010,
Ana Sofia Graça and Joao Marques Silva and Inês
Lynce, Mathematical Approaches to Polymer
Sequence Analysis and Related Problems,
Chapter Haplotype Inference using Propositional
Satisfiability, Oct 2010, Springer.
Antonino Petrolino and Gonçalo Nuno Gomes
Tavares, Vehicular
Tecnologies, Chapter
Simulation of SISO and MIMO Multipath Fading
Channels, Oct 2010, Intech.
Andreas Wichert and Pedro Miguel Nunes Santos,
Database Technology for Life Sciences and
Medicine, Chapter Fast multimedia querying for
medical applications, Sep 2010, World Scientific
J. M. Lemos and Luis Miguel Mendonça Rato and
Rui Alexandre Nunes Neves da Silva, Power plant
applications of advanced control techniques,
Chapter Adaptive Control of Distributed Collector
Solar Fields, Aug 2010.
Luís Montesano and Manuel Lopes and Francisco
Melo and Alexandre Bernardino and José SantosVictor, Advances in Cognitive Systems, Chapter
A computational model of object affordances, Jun
2010, IET Publishers.
Rui Filipe Lopes Joaquim and Carlos Nuno da Cruz
Ribeiro and Paulo Ferreira, Towards Trustedworthy
Elections, Chapter Improving Remote Voting
Security with CodeVoting, Jun 2010, LNCS
Mário Pereira Véstias and Horácio C. Neto, Dynamic
Innovations for Computational Processing
and Communication, Chapter Dynamically
Reconfigurable Networks-on-Chip using Runtime
Adaptive Routers, Apr 2010, IGI Global (IGI).
Porfírio Pena Filipe and Nuno J. Mamede, Ambient
Intelligence, Chapter Ambient Intelligence
Interaction via Dialogue Systems, Mar 2010,
Pedro Tomás and Aleksandar Ilic and Leonel Sousa,
Biomedical Diagnostics and Clinical Technologies:
Applying High-Performance Cluster and Grid
Computing, Chapter Massive Data Classification
of Neural Responses, Feb 2010, IGI Global.
João Leitão and Nuno Carvalho and José Pereira
and Luis Rodrigues, Handbook of Peer-to-Peer
Networking, Chapter On Adding Structure to
Unstructured Overlay Networks, Feb 2010,
João Leitão and José Pereira and Luis Rodrigues,
Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking, Chapter
Gossip-Based Broadcast, Feb 2010, Springer.
Manuel Lopes and Francisco Melo and Luis
Montesano and José Santos-Victor, From Motor
Learning to Interaction Learning in Robots,
Chapter Abstraction levels for robotic imitation:
Overview and computational approaches, Jan
2010, Springer.
André Marquet and Jânio Monteiro and Nuno
Martins and Mário Serafim Nunes, Quality of
Service Architectures for Wireless Networks:
Performance Metrics and Management, Chapter
Quality of Experience (QoE) versus QoS in Video
Transmission, Jan 2010, IGI Global.
Alfranio Correia and José Pereira and Luis Rodrigues
and Nuno Carvalho and Rui Oliveira, Replication
Theory and Practice, Chapter Practical Database
Replication, Jan 2010, Springer.
10.2.5 International Conferences
Edgar Mamede Marques and Luis Veiga and Paulo
Ferreira, An extensible framework for middleware design based on concurrent event-based
AOP, 9th International Workshop on Adaptive and
Reflective Middleware (ARM 2010), Bangalore,
India. In conjuntion with Middleware 2010, Dec.
2010, ACM.
Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa and Aura
Silva and J. M. Lemos and Luís Antunes and
Ricardo Figueiredo, Assessment of the Depth of
Anaesthesia in Animals for Automatic Control,
European Conference on Control 2010, Dec. 2010 ,
pp. 201-205 , North Atlantic University Union.
Alberto Rodrigues da Silva and Patricia Silva,
Casos de Estudo com a Bolsa de Objectos de
Aprendizagem: Análise na Perspectiva da
Computação Social, IE’2010 Conference (Congreso
Iberoamericano de Informática Educativa), Dec.
José Fernando de Jesus da Rocha and Marcelino
Bicho dos Santos and José Manuel Ferreira das
Dores Costa, Designing a Two Slope Gate Driver
to Limit Internal Voltage Spikes in a Buck
Converter, 25th Conference on Design of Circuits
and Integrated Systems (DCIS), Dec. 2010, pp. 193198.
S. Guissoni and Eduardo Costa and Cristiano
Lazzari and J. Monteiro and Levent Aksoy and
R. Reis, Radix-2 Decimation in Time (DIT)
Implementation Based on a Matrix-Multiple
Constant Multiplication Approach, 17th IEEE
International Conference on Electronics, Circuits,
and Systems (ICECS), Dec. 2010.
Edgar Santos and Cláudia RIbeiro and Manuel
Fradinho and João António Madeiras Pereira,
Digital Strytelling for Competence Development,
STEG 2010 - Workshop on Story-Telling and
Educacional Games, part of ICWL 2010, Dec. 2010,
Springer LNCS.
Rui Cruz and Mário Serafim Nunes and C. Patrikakis
and N. Papaoulakis, SARACEN: A platform for
adaptive, socially aware multimedia distribution
over P2P networks, IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop
on Enabling the Future Service-Oriented Internet
(EFSOI 2010), Dec. 2010, IEEE.
E. Santin and M. Figueiredo and R. Tavares and J.
Goes and Luís Augusto Bica Gomes de Oliveira,
Fast-Setling, Low-Power, Two-Stage, Self-Biased
CMOS Amplifier Using Feedforward-Regulated
Cascode Devices, IEEE Int. Conf. Electronics,
Circuits and Systems (ICECS´10), Dec. 2010.
Wang Lin and Tiago Luís and João Graça and
Luísa Coheur and Isabel Trancoso, The INESC-ID
Machine Translation System for the IWSLT 2010,
International Workshop on Spoken Language
Translation, Dec. 2010.
Cátia M. Machado and Francisco Couto and
Alexandra R. Fernandes and Susana Santos and
Nuno Cardim and Ana T. Freitas, Hypertrophic
Cardiomyopathy semantic characterization,
The First Workshop on Knowledge Engineering,
Discovery and Dissemination in Health (KEDDH10),
at IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics
and Biomedicine, Dec. 2010.
José Simão and Paulo Ferreira and Carlos Nuno da
Cruz Ribeiro and Luis Veiga, Jano - Specification
and Enforcement of Location Privacy in Mobile
and Pervasive Environments, Workshop on
Middleware for Pervasive Mobile and Embedded
Computing (M-MPAC 2010), in Middleware 2010,
Dec. 2010, ACM.
Pedro T. Monteiro and Ana T. Freitas and Delphine
Ropers and Radu Mateescu and Hidde de Jong,
Modeling and formal verification of biological
regulatory networks: an integrative approach,
IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics
and Biomedicine (BIBM10), Dec. 2010.
José Lopes and Isabel Trancoso and Rui Correia
and Thomas Pellegrini and Hugo Meinedo and
Nuno J. Mamede and Maxine Eskenazi, Multimedia
Learning Materials, IEEE Spoken Language
Technology Workshop, Dec. 2010, IEEE.
Wang Lin and Tiago Luís and João Graça and Luísa
Coheur and Isabel Trancoso, Towards a General
and Extensible Phrase-Extraction Algorithm,
International Workshop on Spoken Language
Translation (IWSLT), Dec. 2010.
André Tiago Abelho Pereira and Iolanda Margarete
dos Santos Carvalho Leite and Samuel Francisco
Mascarenhas and Carlos António Roque Martinho
and Ana Paiva, Using Empathy to Improve
Human-Robot Relationships, Proceedings of the
3rd International Conference on Human-Robot
Personal Relationships, Dec. 2010, Springer
LNICST series.
A. P. Francisco and Sophie Schbath and Ana T.
Freitas and Arlindo L. Oliveira, Using Graph
Modularity Analysis to Identify Transcription
Factor Binding Sites, InternationalWorkshop on
Graph Theoretic Analysis of Biological Networks at
IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics
and Biomedicine (BIBM10), Dec. 2010.
Jorge F. Villena and L. Miguel Silveira, 3POr Parallel Projection based Parameterized Order
reduction for multi-dimensional linear models,
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Computer
Aided-Design of Integrated Circuits (ICCAD), Nov.
Sara Cristina Vicente Catalão and Tiago Costa
and Moises Simões Piedade and Jorge Manuel
dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes, A New CMOS
Switch Linearization Technique For Multi-Site
Measurement Applications, Design of Circuits and
Integrated Systems (DCIS´10), Nov. 2010.
Bruno Jesus Rodrigues Fernandes and Helena
Sarmento, A parallel De-Interleaver implementation for Multiband Full-Rate Ultra-Wideband
Receivers, Conference on Design of Circuits and
Integrated Systems, Nov. 2010, pp. 260-265.
Marco Pinto and Beatriz Borges and Hugo Ribeiro
and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos, A Resonant,
Frequency-Tracking, Step-Down Piezoelectric
Transformer based Converter, Energy Conversion
Congress and Exposition IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-42445286-6, Nov. 2010, pp. 2004-2010.
J. R. Custódio and Luís Augusto Bica Gomes
de Oliveira and J. Goes and E. Bruun, A smallArea, Self-Biased, Wideband CMOS Balun LNA
with Noise Cancelling and Gain Enhancement,
NORCHIP 2010, Nov. 2010.
Tiago Manuel Oliveira Henriques Moita and Carlos
Beltran Almeida and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos, A
Test Platform for the Characterization of MixedSignal Power Cores, XXV Conference on Design
of Circuits and Integrated Systems, Nov. 2010 , pp.
193-198, ISBN 978-84-693-7393-4.
André Duarte Monteiro Glória and Helena
Sarmento, A ZigBee based Advanced Meter
Infrastructure, Conference on Design of Circuits
and Integrated Systems, Nov. 2010, pp. 574-578.
Tiago Ramos Ribeiro and José António Soares
Augusto, Adaptive PID Control of the Temperature
in a Laboratory Oven, IBERSENSOR 2010, 7th
Ibero-American Congress on Sensors, Nov. 2010.
Tiago Filipe da Silva Garrochinho and Luis Veiga,
CRM-OO-VM: A Checkpointing-enabled Java VM
for Efficient and Reliable e-Science Applications
in Grids, Workshop on Middleware for Grid,
International Workshop on Middleware for Grids,
Clouds and e-Science (MGC 2010), Middleware
2010, Nov. 2010, ACM.
Francisco Melo and Manuela Veloso, Heuristic
planning for decentralized MDPs with sparse interactions, Proceedings of the 10th International
Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotics
Systems, Nov. 2010.
Mário Pereira Véstias and Helena Sarmento,
Implementing High-Speed Viterbi Decoders for
MB-OFDM on FPGA, Conference on Design of
Circuits and Integrated systems, Nov. 2010 , pp.
Hugo Trindade and Guiomar Evans and Paulo
Fonseca and José António Soares Augusto,
Improving Animal Tracking Algorithms with
Adaptive Search Windows and Kalman Filters,
XXV Intl. Conf. on Design of Systems and Integrated
Systems, DCIS2010, Nov. 2010.
Ana Cristina Mendes and Luísa Coheur, IT’S
ANSWER TIME Taking the Next Step in QuestionAnswering, 3rd International Conference on
Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Nov. 2010.
Helena Galhardas and Luis Carlos Santos Torres
and João Damásio, Master Data Management:
a proof of concept, International Conference on
Information Quality (ICIQ), Nov. 2010.
Pedro André Lopes and Alfredo Manuel dos
Santos Ferreira Júnior and João António Madeiras
Pereira, Multitouch Interactive Djing Surface,
ACE 2010 - International Conference on Advances
in Computer Entertainment Technology, Nov. 2010,
pp. 17-19, ACM/VRSJ.
Pedro Miguel Alvito Fernandes da Silva and José
António Beltran Gerald, OFDM Communication
System for PLC: Equalization Approaches, XXV
Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated
Systems (DCIS2010), Nov. 2010.
Carlos Páscoa and José Manuel Nunes Salvador
Tribolet, Organizational and Design Engineering
of the Operational and Support Components of
an Organization: the Portuguese Air Force Case
Study, Practice-driven Research on Enterprise
Transformation (PRET) Conference on Enterprise
Engineering, Nov. 2010, pp. 47-77, Springer .
Pedro Miguel Fernandes Sampaio and Paulo
Ferreira and Luis Veiga, Ozone-Squared: From
“poor-man’s persistence” to Transparent
Clustering for Java Applications, Middleware 2010
(Posters and Work-in-Progress), Nov. 2010, ACM.
Nuno Carvalho and Paolo Romano and Luis
Replication of Software Transactional Memory,
Proceedings of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX 11th
Middleware Conference, Oct. 2010, ACM Press.
Alberto Abad and Isabel Trancoso, Post-evaluation analysis and improvements with the L2F
Language Verification System, submitted to NIST
LRE 2009, Fala2010, Vigo, Spain, Nov. 2010.
Nuno Castela and Marielba Zacarias and José
Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Business
Process Model Dynamic Updating, International
Conference CENTERIS 2010 Conference on
ENTERprise Information Systems, Oct. 2010,
Hugo Meinedo and Alberto Abad and Thomas
Pellegrini and Isabel Trancoso and João Paulo
da Silva Neto, The L2F Broadcast News Speech
Recognition System, Fala2010, Nov. 2010.
Alberto Abad and Oscar Koller and Isabel Trancoso,
The L2F Language Verification Systems for
Albayzin-2010 Evaluation, Fala2010, Vigo, Spain,
Nov. 2010 .
Paolo Romano and Luis Rodrigues, Tutorial on
Distributed Software Transactional Memories,
ACM/IFIP/USENIX 11th Middleware Conference,
Nov. 2010, ACM Press.
Panita Yongyuth and Rui Prada and Arturo
Nakasone and Asanee Kawtrakul and Helmut
Prendinger, 3D Multi-language Internet Game For
Fostering Agriculture Environmental Awareness,
ACM MEDES 2010, Oct. 2010, ACM.
Carlos Páscoa and Pedro Leal and José Manuel
Nunes Salvador Tribolet, A Business Model for the
Portuguese Air Force, International Conference
CENTERIS 2010 Conference on ENTERprise
Information Systems, Oct. 2010, Springer.
Sérgio Guerreiro and André Ferreira Ferrão Couto
e Vasconcelos and José Manuel Nunes Salvador
Tribolet, Adaptive Access Control Modes enforcement in Organizations, International Conference
CENTERIS 2010 Conference on ENTERprise
Information Systems, Oct. 2010, Springer.
J. Almeida and J. Tiple and M. Ramirez and J. MeloCristino and Cátia Vaz and A. P. Francisco and João
Carriço, An Ontology and a REST API for Sequence
Based Microbial Typing Data, Xth Spanish
Symposium on Bioinformatics - Bioinformatics for
personalized medicine, Oct. 2010.
Iolanda Margarete dos Santos Carvalho Leite and
André Tiago Abelho Pereira and Samuel Francisco
Mascarenhas and Ginevra Castellano and Carlos
António Roque Martinho and Rui Prada and Ana
Paiva, Closing the Loop: from Affect Recognition
to Empathic Interaction, Proceedings of the 3rd
International Workshop on Affect Interaction in
Natural Environments - AFFINE10, Oct. 2010, ACM
Paulo Gomes and Sandra Vanessa Pereira Gama
do Rosário and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves,
Designing a Personal Information Visualization
Tool, NordiCHI 2010 - 6th Nordic Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction, Oct. 2010.
João Cachopo, Do we really need parallel programming or should we strive for parallelizable
programming instead?, SPLASH 2010 Workshop
on Concurrency for the Application Programmer,
Oct. 2010.
Emanuel José Fernandes Rita and José Borbinha
and Bruno Martins, Extending SLD and SE for
Cartograms, GSDI 12 World Conference, Oct. 2010.
A. P. Francisco and Arlindo L. Oliveira, Fully generalized graph cores, Complex Networks, Oct. 2010,
Tiago Dias and Nuno Roma and Leonel Sousa,
Hardware/Software co-design of H.264/AVC
encoders for multi-core embedded systems,
Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal
and Image Processing (DASIP2010), Oct. 2010, pp.
Rui Figueiredo and Ana Paiva, I want to slay that
dragon” - Influencing choice in interactive storytelling, 3rd International Conference on Virtual
Storytelling, ICIDS 2010, Oct. 2010, Springer.
Paula Cristina Negrão Ventura Martins and Alberto
Rodrigues da Silva, PIT-ProcessM: A Software
Process Improvement Metamodel, QUATIC’2010
Conference, Oct. 2010, IEEE Computer Society.
Ruben Carlos Gonçalves Martins and Vasco
Manquinho and Inês Lynce, Improving Search
Space Splitting for Parallel SAT Solving, 22th
IEEE International Conference on Tools with
Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI10), Oct. 2010 , pp. 336343, IEEE.
Manuel J. Fonseca and Daniel Jorge Viegas
Gonçalves, Sketch-a-Doc: Using Sketches to
Find Documents, 2010 International Workshop
on Visual Languages and Computing (VLC) at
the International Conference on Distributed
Multimedia Systems (DMS 2010), Oct. 2010.
Nuno Castela and Paulo Dias and Marielba Zacarias
and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, MAPA:
Monitoring and Annotation of Processes and
Activities, International Conference CENTERIS
2010 Conference on ENTERprise Information
Systems, Oct. 2010, Springer.
Humberto Glória and Tiago Guerreiro and
Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, SmarterPhone
– Supporting Meetings in a Mobile Context,
NordiCHI 2010 - 6th Nordic Conference on HumanComputer Interaction, Oct. 2010.
Renato Jorge Caleira Nunes and Sara Eloy,
Methodology for the Integration of Information,
Communication and Automation Technologies in
Housing Rehabilitation, ISAmI 2010 - International
Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, Oct. 2010.
A. P. Francisco and Ricardo Baeza-Yates and
Arlindo L. Oliveira, Mining large query induced
graphs towards a hierarchical query folksonomy,
String Processing and Information Retrieval, Oct.
2010, pp. 238-243, Springer.
Carlos Páscoa and António Alves and José Manuel
Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Modeling the Effort
Regime for the Air Force, International Conference
CENTERIS 2010 Conference on ENTERprise
Information Systems, Oct. 2010, Springer.
Carlos Páscoa and João Soares and José Manuel
Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Modeling the Flight Hour
Cost for the Air Force, International Conference
CENTERIS 2010 Conference on ENTERprise
Information Systems, Oct. 2010, Springer.
Ricardo Dias and Manuel J. Fonseca, MuVis:
An Application for Interactive Exploration of
Large Music Collections, 18th ACM International
Conference on Multimedia (MM10), Oct. 2010.
A. P. Francisco and Arlindo L. Oliveira, On community detection in very large networks, Complex
Networks, Oct. 2010, Springer.
David Ferreira and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva,
Survey on System Behavior Specification
for Extending ProjectIT-RSL, QUATIC’2010
Conference, Oct. 2010, IEEE Computer Society.
Mário Ferreira and João Leitão and Luis Rodrigues,
Thicket: A Protocol for Building and Maintaining
Multiple Trees in a P2P Overlay, The 29th IEEE
Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Oct.
2010, IEEE.
Tiago Guerreiro and Hugo Nicolau and Joaquim
Armando Pires Jorge and Daniel Jorge Viegas
Gonçalves, Towards Accessible Touch Interfaces,
ASSETS 2010 - 12th International ACM SIGACCESS
Conference on Computers and Accessibility, Oct.
António Pimentel Brisson Lopes and Ana Paiva,
Towards Distributed Autonomous Story Appraisal
in Improv, 3rd International Conference on Virtual
Storytelling, ICIDS 2010, Oct. 2010, Springer.
François Daoust and Philipp Hoschka and C.
Patrikakis and Rui Cruz and Mário Serafim Nunes
and David Osborne, Towards Video on the Web
with HTML5, NEM Summit, Oct. 2010, NEM.
Raul Nunes da Silva and Miguel Mira da Silva
and Nelson Gama, Using People CMM for
Dealing with Resistance on Implementing ITIL,
Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems
(CENTERIS’2010), Oct. 2010.
Carlos Páscoa and Nuno Belo and José Manuel
Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Value Model for
Enterprise and Process Architectures Alignment
Verification, International Conference CENTERIS
2010 Conference on ENTERprise Information
Systems, Oct. 2010, Springer.
Mauro Figueiredo and João Oliveira and Bruno
Rodrigues de Araújo and João António Madeiras
Pereira, An Efficient Collision Detection Algorithm
For Point Models, Graphicon 2010 - International
Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision,,
Sep. 2010, Eurographics/INTEL/NVIDIA.
Oscar Koller and Alberto Abad and Isabel
Trancoso and Maria do Céu Guerreiro Viana
Ribeiro, Exploiting Variety-Dependent Phones
in Portuguese Variety Identification Applied to
Broadcast News Transcription, Interspeech 2010,
Sep. 2010, ISCA.
Cristiano Lazzari and Jorge Manuel dos Santos
Ribeiro Fernandes and Paulo Flores and J. Monteiro,
An Efficient Low Power Multiple-Value Look-up
Table Targeting Quaternary FPGAs, International
Workshop on Power And Timing Modeling,
Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS’10), Sep.
Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa and J. M.
Lemos, A high-gain PI temperature fontrol with
folar flux compensation for material testing in
solar furnaces, 9th Portuguese Conference on
Automatic Control, Sep. 2010, APCA.
Maria Couceiro and Paolo Romano and Luis
Rodrigues, A Machine Learning Approach to
Performance Prediction of Total Order Broadcast
Protocols, Proc. 4th IEEE International Conference
on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems,
Sep. 2010, IEEE Computer Society Press.
Gonçalo José Branquinho Antunes and José
Barateiro and José Borbinha, A Reference
Architecture for Digital Preservation, 7th
International Conference on Preservation of
Digital Objects (iPRES 2010), Sep. 2010.
João Paulo Oliveira Gomes and J. M. Lemos and
Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa and Teresa
Mendonça, A sensitivity approach to identification of neuromuscular blockade models, 9th
Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control,
Sep. 2010, APCA.
J. M. Lemos, Adaptive nonlinear model predictive control for a class of transport phenomena
processes, 8th IFAC Symp. on Nonlinear Control
Systems, NOLCOS 20910, Sep. 2010, pp. 729-734.
Hugo Meinedo and Isabel Trancoso, Age and
Gender Classification using Fusion of Acoustic
and Prosodic Features, Interspeech 2010, Sep.
2010, ISCA.
Miguel José Simões Barão and Jorge Salvador
Marques and J. M. Lemos, An Improved EM-method for the Estimation of Transition Probabilities
in Multiple Model Switching Systems, 8th
IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems
(NOLCOS 2010), Sep. 2010.
Pierangelo Di Sanzo and Bruno Ciciani and
Francesco Quaglia and Paolo Romano, Analytical
Modelling of Commit-Time-Locking Algorithms
for Software Transactional Memories, Proc.
35th International Computer Measurement
Group Conference (CMG), Sep. 2010, Computer
Measurement Group.
Judite Freijedo and M.D.Valdés, M.J.Moure,
L.Costas, J.J.Rodríguez-Andina and Jorge Filipe
Leal Costa Semião and Fabian Vargas and Isabel
Maria Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and João
Paulo Cacho Teixeira, Aplicación de modelos de variación de retardo al incremento de robustez ante
variaciones de tensión de alimentación en FPGAs,
X Jornadas de Computación Reconfigurable y
Aplicaciones (JCRA), Sep. 2010, pp. 287-294.
Paulo Trezentos and Inês Lynce and Arlindo
L. Oliveira, Apt-pbo: Solving the Software
Dependency Problem using Pseudo-Boolean
Optimization, 25th IEEE/ACM International
Conference on Automated Software Engineering,
Sep. 2010, pp. 427-436, ACM.
Tiago Guerreiro and Hugo Nicolau and Joaquim
Armando Pires Jorge and Daniel Jorge Viegas
Gonçalves, Assessing mobile touch screen interfaces for tetraplegics, Mobile HCI 2010: 12th
International Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Sep.
Rui Correia and Jorge Baptista and Nuno J.
Mamede and Isabel Trancoso and Maxine
Eskenazi, Automatic Generation of Cloze
Question Distractors, Second Language Studies:
Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology,
Sep. 2010, SLaTE.
L. P. Perera and Joao P. Carvalho and C. Guedes
Soares, Bayesian Network based sequential collision avoidance action execution for an Ocean
Navigational System, 8th IFAC Conference on
Control Applications in Marine Systems, Rostock,
Germany, Sep. 2010, pp. 301-306.
Sylvain Brohée and Joana P. Gonçalves and Daniela
Nitsch and Yves Moreau, Beegle - a new search engine for discovering novel genes, Ninth European
Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB
2010), Sep. 2010.
L. Oliveira and G. Dessbesell and J. Martins
and J. Monteiro, CentroidM: a Centroid-based
Localization Algorithm for Mobile Sensor
Networks, IEEE XXIII Symposium on Integrated
Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), Sep. 2010.
Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa and J. M.
Lemos and Ricardo da Costa Figueiredo and
Aura Silva and Luís Antunes, Comparision of
methods to measure the Depth of Anaesthesia
for Automation of Animla Anaesathesia, 9th
Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control,
Sep. 2010, APCA.
Pedro T. Monteiro and Paulo J. Dias and Delphine
Ropers and Arlindo L. Oliveira and Isabel SáCorreia and Miguel C. Teixeira and Ana T. Freitas,
Computational Modeling and Analysis of the
Yeast FLR1 Regulatory Network in Mancozebchallenged Cells, Eleven International Conference
on Systems Biology, Sep. 2010.
Alberto Abad and Thomas Pellegrini and Isabel
Trancoso and João Paulo da Silva Neto, Context
Dependent Modelling Approaches for Hybrid
Speech Recognizers, Interspeech 2010, Sep. 2010,
Mikolas Janota and Radu Grigore and Joao Marques
Silva, Counterexample Guided Abstraction
Circumscription, 12th European Conference on
Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA10), Sep. 2010,
pp. 195-207, Springer.
Tiago Doce and João Miguel de Sousa de Assis Dias
and Rui Prada and Ana Paiva, Creating Individual
Agents through Personality Traits, IVA 2010 - 10th
International Conference on Intelligent Virtual
Agents, Sep. 2010, pp. 257-264, Springer.
Sara Eloy and Renato Jorge Caleira Nunes,
Desenho e realização de bairros para populações
com baixos rendimentos, CIHEL 2010 – Congresso
Internacional da Habitação no Espaço Lusófono,
Sep. 2010.
Diego Jaccottet and Eduardo Costa and Levent
Aksoy and Paulo Flores and J. Monteiro, Design
of Low-Complexity and High-Speed Digital
Finite Impulse Response Filters, International
Conference on VLSI and System on Chip, Sep. 2010,
pp. 292-297.
Somchaya Liemhetcharat and Manuela Veloso and
Francisco Melo and Daniel Borrajo, Distributed
map-merging-free multi-robot positioning for
creating a connected network, Proceedings of
the 11th International Conference on Intelligent
Autonomous Systems, Sep. 2010, pp. 271-280
David Martinho and António Rito Silva, ECHO:
An Evolutive Vocabulary for Collaborative BPM
Discussions, The Third Workshop on Business
Process Management and Social Software, Sep.
2010, Springer.
Fernando Batista and Helena Moniz and Isabel
Trancoso and Hugo Meinedo and Ana Isabel Mata
da Silva and Nuno J. Mamede, Extending the punctuation module for European Portuguese, Proc. of
Interspeech 2010, Sep. 2010 .
Tiago Ramos Ribeiro and José António Soares
Augusto, Fixed and adaptive PID control of the
temperature in a laboratory oven, 9th Portuguese
Conference on Automatic Control - CONTROLO
2010, Sep. 2010.
L. P. Perera and João P. Carvalho and C. Guedes
Soares, Fuzzy-logic based parallel collisions
avoidance decision formulation for an Ocean
Navigational System, 8th IFAC Conference on
Control Applications in Marine Systems, Sep. 2010,
pp. 295-300.
Tiago Dias and Nuno Roma and Leonel Sousa,
H.264/AVC framework for multi-core embedded video encoders, International Symposium on
System-on-Chip (SOC2010), Sep. 2010, pp. 89-92.
Ricardo Cadete and Nuno Duro and Bruno
Rodrigues de Araújo and João António Madeiras
Pereira, iMoted - 3D Virtual Reality Solution for
Assembly, Integration and Test of the Space
Segment, SESP 2010 - International Workshop on
Simulation for European Space Programmes, Sep.
2010, pp. 28-30 , ESA - European Sapce Agency.
Carlos Mendes and Miguel Mira da Silva,
Management, Seventh International Conference
on the Quality of Information and Communications
Technology (QUATIC), Sep. 2010, pp. 159-164 .
Thomas Pellegrini and Isabel Trancoso, Improving
ASR error detection with non-decoder based features, Interspeech 2010, Sep. 2010.
Ginevra Castellano and Iolanda Margarete dos
Santos Carvalho Leite and André Tiago Abelho
Pereira and Carlos António Roque Martinho and
Ana Paiva and Peter McOwan, Inter-ACT: An
Affective and Contextually Rich Multimodal
Video Corpus for Studying Interaction with
Robots, ACM Multimedia, Sep. 2010, ACM Press.
Pedro Teixeira and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves
and Manuel J. Fonseca, Interactive File Searching
Using File Metadata and Visualization, HCI2010
- 24th BCS Conference on Human Computer
Interaction, Sep. 2010.
Francisco Melo and Manuel Lopes, Learning from
demonstration using MDP induced metrics,
Proceedings of the 2009 European Conference
on Machine Learning and Practice of Knowledge
Discovery in Databases, Sep. 2010, pp. 385-401.
Martin Mason and Peter Gibbons and Manuel
Lopes and Francisco Melo, Machine optimisation
of dynamic gait parameters for bipedal walking, Proceedings of the 11th Conference Towards
Autonomous Robotic Systems, Sep. 2010, pp. 154160.
Joana Carvalho Filipe de Campos and Ana Paiva,
MAY: My Memories Are Yours, IVA 2010 - 10th
International Conference on Intelligent Virtual
Agents, Sep. 2010, pp. 406-412, Springer.
Hugo Rito and João Cachopo, Memorization of
Methods Using Software Transactional Memory
to Track Internal State Dependencies, 8th
International Conference on the Principles and
Practice of Programming in Java (PPPJ 2010), Sep.
Ricardo Adriano Ribeiro and Gonçalo Nuno Gomes
Tavares and J. M. Lemos, Model reference adaptive control of electrodynamic loudspeakers, 9th
Portuguese Conference on Autoimatic Control,
CONTROLO 2010, Sep. 2010.
Rui F. Barreiro and António Pedro Aguiar and J. M.
Lemos, Moving horizon estimation with decimated observations, 8th IFAC Symposium on nonlinear
control systems, Sep. 2010, pp. 296-301.
José Lorga and Pedro Silva and Tiago Silva and Mário
Serafim Nunes and Fernando Nunes and Fernando
Silva, Multi-sensor GNSS Tight Hybridization for
Indoor Positioning, 23rd International Technical
Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of
Navigation (ION GNSS 2010), Sep. 2010, ION.
Joana P. Gonçalves and Sara C. Madeira and Yves
Moreau, Network-based disease candidate gene
prioritization: towards global diffusion in heterogeneous association networks, International
Workshop on Dynamic Networks and Knowledge
Discovery (DyNaK 2010), European Conference on
Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD
2010), Sep. 2010.
J. M. Lemos, Nonlinear receding horizon control
based on Pontryagin Optimum Principle, 8th IFAC
Symp. on Nonlinear Control Systems, NOLCOS
2010, Sep. 2010, pp. 1069-1074.
Rui Henriques and António Rito Silva, Objectcentered Process Modeling: A New Approach to
Model Data-intensive Systems, Event-driven
Business Process Management Workshop, Sep.
2010, Springer.
Renato Jorge Caleira Nunes, Personal Mobile
Controller for Blind People, 12th International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with
Mobile Devices and Services, Sep. 2010.
Joana Dimas Couto Silva and Iolanda Margarete
dos Santos Carvalho Leite and André Tiago Abelho
Pereira and Pedro Félix and Rui Prada and Ana
Paiva, Pervasive Pleo: Long-term Attatchment
with Artificial Pets, MobileHCI 2010, Sep. 2010,
Daniela Nitsch and Joana P. Gonçalves and Fabian
Ojeda and Léon-Charles Tranchevent and Yves
Moreau, Prioritizing Candidate Genes by Network
Analysis of Differential Expression using Machine
Learning Approaches, Ninth European Conference
on Computational Biology (ECCB 2010), Sep. 2010.
António Menezes Leitão and Filipe André
Cabecinhas and Susana Martins, Revisiting the
Architecture Curriculum: The Programming
Proceedings, Future Cities, Sep. 2010, pp. 81-88,
ISBN 978-0-9541183-9-6.
Martijn Kuipers and Ricardo Vaz and Mário
Serafim Nunes, Robust Video Calls for Emergency
Services over IP based Networks, 6th International
Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference
(Mobimedia 2010), Sep. 2010, ICST.
Ivo Anjo and João Cachopo, RuLAM Project:
Speculative Parallelization for Java using
Software Transactional Memory , 8th International
Conference on the Principles and Practice of
Programming in Java (PPPJ 2010), Sep. 2010.
Pedro Gonçalo Costa and André Ferreira Ferrão
Couto e Vasconcelos and José Manuel Nunes
Salvador Tribolet, Simplexis:
eGov Measures Using an Information System
Architecture Approach, ECIME 2010, 4th European
Conference on Information Management and
Evaluation, Sep. 2010.
Alberto Abad and Isabel Trancoso, Speaker
Recognition Experiments Using Connectionist
Transformation Network Features , Interspeech
2010, Sep. 2010, ISCA.
Rui F. Barreiro and António Pedro Aguiar and J. M.
Lemos, State estimation of the HIV-1 infection
using a moving horizon based estimator, 9th
Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control,
Sep. 2010.
João Pedro Vieira Guerreiro and Tiago Guerreiro
and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Surpassing
Farley Files, Mobile HCI 2010: 12th International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with
Mobile Devices and Services, Sep. 2010.
João Benedito and Tiago Guerreiro and Hugo
Nicolau and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, The Key
Role of Touch in Non-Visual Mobile Interaction,
Mobile HCI 2010: 12th International Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices
and Services,, Sep. 2010.
Joana P. Gonçalves and Yves Moreau and Sara C.
Madeira, Time coherent three-dimensional clustering: unraveling local transcriptional patterns
in multiple gene expression time series, Ninth
European Conference on Computational Biology
(ECCB 2010), Sep. 2010.
António Rito Silva and Michael Rosemann and
Samia Mazhar, Towards Processpedia: An
Ecological Environment for BPM Stakeholders
Collaboration, The Third Workshop on Business
Process Management and Social Software, Sep.
2010, Springer.
Martijn Kuipers and Ricardo Vaz and Mário Serafim
Nunes, Video Quality Optimization Algorithm for
Video-Telephony over IP Networks, Annual IEEE
International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and
Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2010), Sep.
2010, pp. 2545-2550, IEEE.
António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo and
Augusto Casaca and Mário Serafim Nunes and
Carlos Fortunato, Wireless Sensor Networks for
the Protection of an Electrical Energy Distribution
Infrastructure, World Computer Congress - Critical
Informational Protection Conference, Sep. 2010,
pp. 373-383, Springer - ISSN 1868-4238.
Iolanda Margarete dos Santos Carvalho Leite
and Samuel Francisco Mascarenhas and André
Tiago Abelho Pereira and Carlos António Roque
Martinho and Rui Prada and Ana Paiva, ”Why Can’t
We Be Friends?” An Empathic Game Companion
for Long-Term Interaction, Proceedings of the
10th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual
Agents, Sep. 2010, pp. 315-321, Springer Berlin /
José Mocito and Luis Rodrigues, @Flood: AutoTunable Flooding for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
The 16th Euro-Par, Aug. 2010.
Marcus Ritt and Carlos Arthur Lang Lisboa and
Luigi Carro and Cristiano Lazzari, A Cost-Effective
Technique for Mapping BLUTs to QLUTs in FPGAs,
International Conference on Field Programmable
Logic and Applications (FPL2010), Aug. 2010, pp.
332-335, IEEE.
A. P. Francisco and Arlindo L. Oliveira and Ana T.
Freitas, A graph based approach to motif clustering, Fourteenth International Conference on
Research in Computational Molecular Biology,
Aug. 2010.
António Emanuel Magalhães Duarte Pereira
dos Santos and João Pavão Martins and Helena
Galhardas, An Argumentation-based Approach
to Database Repair, European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, Aug. 2010, pp. 125-130, IOS
Francisco Fernandes and Luísa Pereira and Ana
T. Freitas, An efficient algorithm to align multiple circular genomes, Fourteenth International
Conference on Research in Computational
Molecular Biology, Aug. 2010.
Dulce Calçada and Susana Vinga and Arlindo L.
Oliveira, An S-System Model of the Saccharomyces
cerevisiae FLR1 Regulatory Network,RECOMB2010
- 14th International Conference on Research in
Computational Molecular Biology, Aug. 2010.
Francisco Melo and Manuel Lopes and Ricardo
Ferreira, Analysis of inverse reinforcement learning with perturbed demonstrations, Proceedings
of the 19th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, Aug. 2010, pp. 349-354.
Nuno Mendes and Ana T. Freitas and Ana Tereza
Vasconcelos and Marie-France Sagot, CRAVELA:
a framework to identify and evaluate miRNA
regulatory modules , Fourteenth International
Conference on Research in Computational
Molecular Biology, Aug. 2010.
Rui Figueiredo and João Carmo and Rui Prada, Do
you trust me or not? – Trust games in agent societies, STAIRS’2010 – 5th European Starting AI
Researcher Symposium, Aug. 2010.
Ana Sofia Graça and Inês Lynce and Joao Marques
Silva and Arlindo L. Oliveira, Efficient and Accurate
Haplotype Inference by Combining Parsimony
and Pedigree Information, Algebraic and Numeric
Biology (ANB10), Aug. 2010.
Igor Filanovsky and Luís Augusto Bica Gomes
de Oliveira and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro
Fernandes and M. Medeiros Silva, Frequency
Locking of Coupled Multivibrators with Wide
Tuning Range, Midwest Symp. Circuits and
Systems, Aug. 2010, pp. 1085-1088.
Mauro Santos and Jorge P. Paiva and André
Gomes and Paulo G. S. da Fonseca and João A.
Carriço and Ana T. Freitas, GEDI : Information
System for global genomic data management,
Fourteenth International Conference on Research
in Computational Molecular Biology, Aug. 2010.
Tiago Guerreiro and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge
and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Identifying the
individual ingredients for a (in)successful non-visual mobile experience, European Conference on
Cognitive Ergonomics, Aug. 2010.
Rui Prada and João Peralta Camilo and Maria
Augusta Nunes, Introducing Personality into Team
Dynamics, ECAI’2010 – 19th European Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, Aug. 2010, pp. 667-672,
IOS Press.
Rita Pereira and Tiago Guerreiro and Hugo Nicolau
and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves and Joaquim
Armando Pires Jorge, Laying the Groundwork for
Assisted Rehabilitation, European Conference on
Cognitive Ergonomics, Aug. 2010.
João Barreto and Paulo Ferreira, Meaningful
Metrics for Evaluating Eventual Consistency,
Euro-Par 2010 Conference, Aug. 2010, SpringerVerlag LNCS.
D. Lambov and Gael Dias and João Graça, Multiview Learning for Text Subjectivity Classification,
19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Workshop on Computational Approaches to
Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis (ECAI 2010),
Aug. 2010.
Luís M. S. Russo, Multiplication Algorithms
for Monge Matrices, String Processing and
Information Retrieval Symposium, Aug. 2010,
Joana P. Gonçalves and Sara C. Madeira and Yves
Moreau, Network-based disease gene prioritization: Are functional associations a promising alternative to protein-protein interactions?,
Fourteenth International Conference on Research
in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB
2010), Aug. 2010.
A. P. Francisco and Joana P. Gonçalves and Sara C.
Madeira, TFRank: A framework to unravel relevant
regulations in regulatory networks using diffusion ranking, Fourteenth International Conference
on Research in Computational Molecular Biology
(RECOMB 2010), Aug. 2010.
João Marques Silva and Mikolas Janota and Inês
Lynce, On Computing Backbones of Propositional
Theories, 9th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (ECAI10), Aug. 2010, pp. 15-20, IOS
Mauro Castelli and Luca Manzoni and Sara Silva
and Leonardo Vanneschi, A Comparison of the
Generalization Ability of Different Genetic
Programming Frameworks, IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation, Jul. 2010, pp. 1-8, IEEE
Levent Aksoy and Eduardo Costa and Paulo Flores
and J. Monteiro, Optimization of Area and Delay at
Gate-Level in Multiple Constant Multiplications,
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design,
Aug. 2010, pp. 3-10.
Oksana Denysyuk and Abel David Azevedo Martins
da Silva, Accessing Probabilistic Quorums in
Dynamic Networks, WRAS 2010: The 3rd ACM
SIGOPS/SIGACT Workshop on Reliability,
Availability, and Security, Jul. 2010.
A. P. Francisco and Cátia Vaz and J. Melo-Cristino
and M. Ramirez and João Carriço, Phyloviz:
Visualizing epidemiological information on phylogenetic relationships inferred by goeBURST algorithm, International Conference on Research in
Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2010),
Aug. 2010.
Oksana Denysyuk and Luis Rodrigues, Accessing
Probabilistic Quorums in Dynamic Networks,
Workshop on Reliability, Availability, and Security,
Jul. 2010 ACM.
Stoyan Garbatov and João Cachopo, Predicting
Data Access Patterns in Object-Oriented
Applications based on Markov Chains, Fifth
International Conference on Software Engineering
Advances, Aug. 2010.
Daniela Nitsch and Joana P. Gonçalves and Fabian
Ojeda and Yves Moreau, Prioritizing Candidate
Genes by Network Analysis of Differential
Expression using Machine Learning Approaches,
Fourteenth International Conference on Research
in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB
2010), Aug. 2010.
Hugo Nicolau and Tiago Guerreiro and Joaquim
Armando Pires Jorge and Daniel Jorge Viegas
Gonçalves, Proficient blind users and mobile
text-entry, European Conference on Cognitive
Ergonomics, Aug. 2010.
Andras Hartmann and Susana Vinga and J. M.
Lemos, System identification of metabolic
networks using Nonlinear Bayesian filtering,
RECOMB2010 - 14th International Conference on
Research in Computational Molecular Biology,
Aug. 2010.
Gabriel Falcão and Leonel Sousa and Vitor Silva,
Embedded Multicore Architectures for LDPC
Decoding, International Conference on Embedded
Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and
Simulation (IC-SAMOS), Jul. 2010, pp. 349-356,
Samuel Freitas Antão and Leonel Sousa, Exploiting
SIMD Extensions for Linear Image Processing
with OpenCL, The 28th International Conference
on Computer Design, Jul. 2010, IEEE.
João Pedro Fernandes Alveirinho and João Paiva
and João Leitão and Luis Rodrigues, Flexible
and Efficient Resource Location in LargeScale Systems, Tthe 4th ACM SIGOPS/SIGACT
International Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed
Systems and Middleware, Jul. 2010.
Sara Silva, Handling Bloat in GP, Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2010), Companion Material, Jul. 2010, pp. 27692794, ACM Press Digital Library.
Silas Francisco and Carlos Nuno da Cruz Ribeiro,
Improving the Robustness of Distributed Rangebased Localisation Algorithms, Sensorcomm
2010, Jul. 2010 , pp. 389-394, IEEE.
Vasco Manquinho and Ruben Carlos Gonçalves
Martins and Inês Lynce, Improving UnsatisfiabilityBased Algorithms for Boolean Optimization,
13th International Conference on Theory and
Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT10), Jul.
2010 , pp. 181-193, Springer.
R. Chipana, L. Bolzani and Fabian Vargas and
Jorge Filipe Leal Costa Semião and J. RodríguezAndina and Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira
Cacho Teixeira and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira,
Investigating the Use of BICS to DetectResistiveOpen Defects in SRAMs, IEEE International OnLine Test Symposium (IOLTS), Jul. 2010, IEEE.
Leonardo Vanneschi and Mauro Castelli and Sara
Silva, Measuring Bloat, Overfitting and Functional
Complexity in Genetic Programming, Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2010), Jul. 2010, pp. 877-884, ACM Press.
Susana Santos and Ana T. Freitas and Cátia
M. Machado and P.Branco and L. Silveira and I.
Carreira and M. Antunes and Carolino Monteiro and
Alexandra R. Fernandes, Molecular Strategies for
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Genetic Analysis:
correlation between genotyping and expression
data, Best Poster Award nomination, European
Symposium in Human Genetics, Jul. 2010.
J. M. Lemos, Networked adaptive model predictive
control, 19th Int. Symp. Mathematical Theory of
Networks and Systems, MTNS 2010, Jul. 2010, pp.
João P. Carvalho, On the Semantics and the Use
of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps in Social Sciences,
WCCI2010 - 2010 IEEE World Congress in
Computational Intelligence, Jul. 2010, pp. 24562461, IEEE-Xplorer.
J. M. Lemos and Miguel José Simões Barão and
Tiago R. Jorge, Optimal Cruise Control with
Reduced Complexity, IFAC Symposium Advances
in Automotive Control 2010 (AAC 2010), Jul. 2010.
J. Vazquez and V. Champac and A. Ziesemer Jr. and
R. Reis and Jorge Filipe Leal Costa Semião and
Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira
and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos and João Paulo
Cacho Teixeira, Predictive Error Detection by Online Aging Monitoring, IEEE International On-Line
Test Symposium (IOLTS), Jul. 2010, IEEE Computer
Oksana Denysyuk and Luis Rodrigues, Random
Walk on Directed Dynamic Graphs, The 2nd
International Workshop on Dynamic Networks:
Algorithms and Security, Jul. 2010.
N. Papaoulakis and C. Patrikakis and Mário
Serafim Nunes and Rui Cruz, Robust multimedia
transmission over wireless and Mobile Networks,
International Conference on Wireless Information
Networks and Systems (WINSYS 2010), Jul. 2010,
Gabriel César Ferreira Pestana and Augusto
Casaca and Tiago Silva and Mário Serafim Nunes
and Isabel Rebelo and Otto Weber, Safe management of fleet operations in complex and critical infrastructures, 12th World Conference on
Transport Research (WCTR10), Jul. 2010.
Josep Argelich and Daniel Le Berre and Inês Lynce
and João Marques Silva and Pascal Rapicault,
Solving Linux Upgradeability Problems Using
Optimization, First International
Workshop on Logics for Component Configuration
(LoCoCo), Jul. 2010, pp. 11-22.
J. Gillenwater and João Graça and K. Ganchev and
B. Taskar, Sparsity in Dependency Grammar
Induction, ACL 2010, Jul. 2010, Association for
Computational Linguistics (ACL).
Claudia Peschiera and Luca Pulina and Armando
Tacchella and Uwe Bubeck and Oliver Kullmann and
Inês Lynce, The Seventh QBF Solvers Evaluation
(QBFEVAL10), 13th International Conference on
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing
(SAT10), Jul. 2010, pp. 237-250, Springer.
Paulo Gomes and Sandra Vanessa Pereira Gama do
Rosário and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Using
Personal Information Visualization for Document
Retrieval, Desktop Search Workshop at SIGIR
2010, Jul. 2010.
Marco Costa and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva,
REACT-MDD: Reactive Traceability in ModelDriven Development, International Conference on
Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2010), Jun.
2010, INSTICC.
Alexandre Barão and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva,
The SNARE Language Overview, International
Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(ICEIS 2010), Jun. 2010, INSTICC.
Ricardo Jorge Jota Costa and Miguel Nacenta
and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge and Sheelagh
Carpendale and Saul Greenberg, A Comparison of
Ray Pointing Techniques for Very Large Displays,
Graphics Interface, Jun. 2010.
Orlando Anunciação and Bruno Gomes and Susana
Vinga and Jorge Gaspar and Arlindo L. Oliveira and
José Rueff, A Data Mining Approach for the detection of High-Risk Breast Cancer Groups, 3rd
International Workshop on Practical Applications
of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Jun.
2010, Springer.
Ruben Pereira and Miguel Mira da Silva, A Maturity
Model for Implementing ITIL v3, IEEE 6th World
Congress on Services, Jun. 2010, pp. 399-406.
Nuno Tomás and Tiago Guerreiro and Joaquim
Armando Pires Jorge and Daniel Jorge Viegas
Gonçalves, A Narrative-Based Alternative to
Tagging, HyperText 2010: 21st ACM Conference on
Hypertext and Hypermedia, Jun. 2010, ACM.
Antonino Petrolino and Gonçalo Nuno Gomes
Tavares, A simple method for the simulation of
autocorrelated and arbitrarily distributed envelope fading processes, In IEEE International
Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in
Wireless Communications, Jun. 2010.
António de Vasconcelos Nascimento Burnay da
Fonseca and Teresa Maria Sá Ferreira Vazão
Vasques, An All-IP VANET architecture supported
on R2V and V2V communication through 802.11,
EuroNF Workshop on Wireless and Mobility in the
Network of the Future, Jun. 2010.
Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and
Miguel Martins and Moises Simões Piedade, An
Energy Harvesting Circuit for Self-Powered
Sensors, IEEE Int. Conf. on Mixed Design of
Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES’10), Jun.
Hector Pettenchi and Ricardo Chaves and Leonel
Sousa and María Jose Avedillo, An improved
RNS generator 2^n+-k based on threshold
logic, Proccedings of 18th IEEE/IFIP Intenational
Conference on VLSI and System-on-Chip (VLSIsoc), Jun. 2010.
Paolo Romano and Roberto Palmieri and Francesco
Quaglia and Nuno Carvalho and Luis Rodrigues, An
Optimal Speculative Transactional Replication
Protocol, Proc. 8th IEEE International Symposium
on Parallel and Distributed Processing with
Applications (ISPA), Jun. 2010, IEEE Computer
Society Press.
João Marques Silva and Josep Argelich and Ana
Sofia Graça and Inês Lynce, Boolean Lexicographic
Optimization, 7th RCRA International Workshop
on Experimental evaluation of algorithms for
solving problems with combinatorial explosion
(RCRA10), Jun. 2010.
João Marques and Marielba Zacarias and José
Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Bottomup Competency Modeling, 6th International
Workshop on Cooperation and Interoperability
- Architecture and Ontology CIAO! 2010, Jun. 2010,
pp. 16-30, Springer.
Nuno Carvalho and Paolo Romano and Luis
Rodrigues, Bridling Concurrency to Boost
Performance In Distributed STMs, Proc. 40th
Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on
Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Jun.
2010, IEEE Computer Society Press.
J. Casaleiro and H. F. Lopes and Luís Augusto Bica
Gomes de Oliveira and I. Filanovsky, CMOS Coupled
Multivibrators for WMTS Applications, Int. Conf.
Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,
Jun. 2010.
José Mocito and Luis Rodrigues and Hugo Miranda,
Communication and Coordination Support in
Ad Hoc Networks for Emergency Management,
Emergency Management Workshop on the 6th
International Wireless Communications and
Computing Conference, Jun. 2010.
Alberto Abad and Jordi Luque, Connectionist
Transformation Network Features for Speaker
Recognition, Odyssey 2010 The Speaker and
Language Recognition Workshop, Jun. 2010.
Tiago Manuel Oliveira Henriques Moita and Carlos
Beltran Almeida and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos,
DETECTOR: Design and test characterization
of mixed-signal power cores, 2010 IEEE 16th
International Mixed-Signals, Sensors and Systems
Test Workshop, Jun. 2010, IEEE.
Nuno Homem and João P. Carvalho, Dispersion
Estimates for Telecommunications Fraud,
IPMU2010 - International Conference on
Information Processing and Management of
Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Jun.
2010, pp. 370-379, Springer.
Joana P. Gonçalves and Sara C. Madeira, eBiMotif: Combining Sequence Alignment and
Biclustering to Unravel Structured Motifs, 4th
International Workshop on Practical Applications
of Computational Biology and Bionformatics
(IWPACBB 2010), Jun. 2010, pp. 181-191, Springer.
Rui Miguel Marmé Ramalho and Pedro Tomás and
Leonel Sousa, Efficient Independent Component
Analysis on a GPU, 10th IEEE International
Conference on Computer and Information
Technology, Jun. 2010, pp. 1128-1133, IEEE Computer
Nuno Homem and Joao P. Carvalho, Estimating
Top-k Destinations in Data Streams, IPMU2010
- International Conference on Information
Processing and Management of Uncertainty in
Knowledge-Based Systems, Jun. 2010 , pp. 290299, Springer.
Oscar Koller and Alberto Abad and Isabel Trancoso,
Portuguese Variety Identification, Odyssey 2010
The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop,
Jun. 2010.
David Sardinha Andrade de Aveiro and António
Rito Silva and José Manuel Nunes Salvador
Tribolet, Extending the Design and Engineering
Methodology for Organizations with the
Generation Operationalization and Dis-continuation Organization, 5th International Conference on
Design Science Research in Information Systems
and Technology, Jun. 2010, pp. 226-241, Springer.
Hugo Miguel Álvaro Manguinhas and Nuno Miguel
Antunes Freire and José Borbinha, FRBRization
of MARC records in multiple catalogs, JCDL 2010
- 10th Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Jun.
2010, pp. 225-234.
Rui Cruz and João Espadanal and Mário Serafim
Nunes, Implementing a QoS-Aware, ContextAware and Personalized WebTV, Conference
EURO-NF-NGI 2010, Jun. 2010, IEEE.
Antonino Petrolino and Gonçalo Nuno Gomes
Tavares, Inducing spatial correlation on MIMO
channels: a distribution-free eficient technique,
IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference:
VTC2010-Spring, Jun. 2010.
Nuno Sebastião and Tiago Dias and Nuno Roma and
Paulo Flores, Integrated Accelerator Architecture
for DNA Sequences Alignment with Enhanced
Traceback Phase, International Conference on
High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS
2010), Jun. 2010, pp. 16-23.
Cláudia RIbeiro and Pauline Jepp and João António
Madeiras Pereira and Manuel Fradinho, Lessons
Learnt in Building Serious Games and Virtual
Worlds for Competence Development, Proceedings
of 14th Workshop of the Special Interest Group on
Experimental Interactive Learning in Industrial
Management of the IFIP Working Group 5.7, Jun.
2010, pp. 52-59.
Ruben Pereira and Miguel Mira da Silva, Modelo
de Maturidade Para Implementar ITIL v3, 5ª
Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de
Informação (CISTI 2010), Jun. 2010.
I. Bastos and Luís Augusto Bica Gomes de Oliveira
and J. Goes and M. Medeiros Silva, MOSFET-Only
Wideband LNA with Noise Cancellling and Gain
Optimization, Int. Conf. Mixed Design of Integrated
Circuits and Systems, Jun. 2010.
Bertinho Manuel D’Andrade da Costa and J.
M. Lemos, Neuromuscular Blockade Model
Identification Based on the Hill Function
Invertion, 18th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on
Control and Automation (MED 10), Jun. 2010, IEEE
and Mediterranean Control Association (MCA).
Diogo Miguel da Costa e Castro Mónica de Oliveira
and João Leitão and Luis Rodrigues and Carlos
Nuno da Cruz Ribeiro, Observable Non-Sybil
Quorums Construction in One-Hop Wireless
Ad Hoc Networks, The 40th Annual IEEE/IFIP
International Conference on Dependable Systems
and Networks (DSN), Jun. 2010, IEEE.
Paolo Romano and Roberto Palmieri and Francesco
Quaglia and Nuno Carvalho and Luis Rodrigues, On
Speculative Replication of Transactional Systems,
Proc. 22nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in
Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), Jun. 2010,
ACM Press.
Manuel Mera and Gonçalo Nuno Gomes Tavares,
Optimization of ARMA (p,q) models for SISO
Multipath Fading Channel Simulation With
Arbitrary Correlation, IEEE 71st Vehicular
Technology Conference: VTC2010-Springer, Jun.
António Manuel da Costa Rodrigues and Nuno
Roma and Leonel Sousa, Open Platform for
Designing Parallel H.264/AVC Video Encoders
on Multi-Core Systems, International Workshop
on Network and Operating Systems Support for
Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2010), Jun.
2010, pp. 81-86, ACM.
Luís M. S. Russo and Gonzalo Navarro and Arlindo
L. Oliveira, Parallel and Distributed Compressed
Indexes, Proc. 21st Annual Symposium on
Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM), Jun. 2010,
pp. 348--360, Springer.
Luís Guerra e Silva and Joel Phillips and L. Miguel
Silveira, Speedpath Analysis Under Parametric
Timing Models, ACM/IEEE Design Automation
Conference, Jun. 2010, pp. 268-273.
Sara Silva and Leonardo Vanneschi, State-ofthe-art Genetic Programming for Predicting
Human Oral Bioavailability of Drugs, 4th
International Workshop on Practical Applications
of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
(IWPACBB), Jun. 2010, pp. 165-173, Springer.
Alberto Abad and Jordi Luque and Isabel Trancoso
and Javier Hernando, The L2F - UPC Speaker
Recognition System for NIST SRE 2010, The 2010
NIST Speaker Recognition evaluation (SRE2010)
Workshop, Brno, Czech Republic, Jun. 2010.
David Sardinha Andrade de Aveiro and António Rito
Silva and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet,
Towards a G.O.D. Organization for Organizational
Self-Awareness, 6th International Workshop,
CIAO! 2010, Jun. 2010, pp. 16-30, Springer.
Bruno Miguel de Oliveira Francisco and Frederico
Pratas and Leonel Sousa, Unifying Stream
Based and Reconfigurable Computing to
Design Application Accelerators, 18th IEEE/IFIP
International Conference on VLSI and System-onChip (VLSI-SoC), Jun. 2010.
Roberto Palmieri and Paolo Romano and Francesco
Quaglia, AGGRO: Boosting STM Replication via
Aggressively Optimistic Transaction Processing,
Proc. 9th IEEE International Symposium on
Network Computing and Applications, May 2010,
IEEE Computer Society Press.
Manuel Fradinho and Pauline Jepp and João
António Madeiras Pereira, An Agent Framework
for a Modular Serious Game, Second International
Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for
Serious Applications (VS-GAMES), May 2010, pp.
Francisco Melo and Manuela Veloso, Approximate
planning for decentralized MDPs with sparse interactions, AAMAS 2010, May 2010, pp. 1389-1390,
Carlos Leong and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira and
R. Bugalho, M. Ferreira, P. Rodrigues, J. C. Silva,
J. Varela, P. Lousã and Isabel Maria Silva Nobre
Parreira Cacho Teixeira, Automatic Configuration
of a Medical Imaging System to Unknown Delays
in Synchronous Input Data Channels, IEEE Int.
Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May
2010, pp. 1185-1188.
Nuno Carvalho and Paolo Romano and Luis
Rodrigues, Bridling Concurrency to Boost
Performance In Distributed STMs, Proc. 40th
Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on
Dependable Systems and Networks, May 2010,
IEEE Computer Society.
Gonçalo José Branquinho Antunes and José
Barateiro and Daniel de Matos Silvestre and Filipe
Bastos de Freitas, Digital Preservation Based
on Federations of Data Grids, 4th Iberian Grid
Infrastructure Conference - Ibergrid 2010, May
Paula Vaz Lobo and David Martins de Matos,
Fairy Tale Corpus Organization Using Latent
Semantic Mapping and an Item-to-item Top-n
Recommendation Algorithm, Language Resources
and Evaluation Conference - LREC 2010, May.
2010, European Language Resources Association
E. Santin and Luís Augusto Bica Gomes de Oliveira
and B. Nowacki and J. Goes, Fully Integrated and
Reconfigurable Architecture for Coherent SelfTesting of IQ ADCs, IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and
Systems (ISCAS ´10), May 2010.
Carlos António Roque Martinho, I Mean It
Detecting user s intentions to create believable
behaviour for virtual agents in games, AAMAS
2010, May 2010, pp. 83-90, IFAAMAS.
Artur Caetano and António Rito Silva and José
Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, Identification
of Services through Functional Decomposition
of Business Processes, International Conference
on Business Information Systems (BIS 2010), May
2010, pp. 144-157, Springer.
João Coelho Garcia and João Leitão and Paulo
Ferreira, Mobile Users are not Static Users on
the Move, 28º Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de
Computadores e de Sistemas Distribuídos, May
J. R. Custódio and J. Oliveira and Luís Augusto
Bica Gomes de Oliveira and J. Goes and E. Bruun,
MOSFET-Only Mixer/IIR Filter with Gain Using
Parametric Amplification, IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits
and Systems (ISCAS ´10), May 2010.
Ana Cristina Mendes and Luísa Coheur and Paula
Vaz Lobo, Named Entity Recognition in Questions:
Towards a Golden Collection, LREC 2010, May
Josep Argelich and Alba Cabiscol and Inês Lynce
and Felip Manyà, New Insights into Encodings
from MaxCSP into Partial MaxSAT, 40th IEEE
International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic
(ISMVL10), May 2010, pp. 46-52, IEEE.
Paula Cristina Negrão Ventura Martins and
Alberto Rodrigues da Silva, ProjectIT-Enterprise:
a Software Process Improvement Framework,
EuroSPI Conference, May. 2010, Springer.
Helena Moniz and Fernando Batista and Hugo
Meinedo and Alberto Abad and Isabel Trancoso
and Ana Isabel Mata da Silva and Nuno J. Mamede,
Prosodically-based automatic segmentation and
punctuation, Speech Prosody 2010, May 2010,
Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and
David Wentzloff, Recent Advances in IR-UWB
Transceivers: An Overview, IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits
and Systems (ISCAS’10), May 2010, pp. 3284-3287.
Vasco Costa and João António Madeiras Pereira,
Submit-level grid strategies for ray tracing
- Improving Render Time Performance for Row
Displacement Compressed Grids, GRAPP 2010
- International Conference on Computer Graphics
Theory and Applications, INSTICC/Eurographics,
Communication Paper, May 2010.
Miguel Martins and Ka-Fai Un and Pui-In Mak and
Rui Paulo da Silva Martins, SC biquad filter with hybrid utilization of OpAmp and comparator-based
circuit, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May
2010, pp. 1276-1279.
Mário Guimarães and António Rito Silva, Towards
Real-Time Integration, 3rd International Workshop
on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software
Engineering (CHASE10), May 2010, pp. 56-63,
Judite Freijedo and M.D. Valdes, M.J. Moure, L.
Costas, J.J. Rodriguez-Andina and Jorge Filipe Leal
Costa Semião and Fabian Vargas and Isabel Maria
Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and João Paulo
Cacho Teixeira, Use of Time Borrowing for Lower
VDD Operation of FPGA-Based Digital Circuits,
Int. Workshop on the Impact of Low-Power Design
on Test and Reliability (LPonTR), May 2010.
Cristiano Lazzari and Paulo Flores and J. Monteiro
and Luigi Carro, Voltage-mode Quaternary
FPGAs: An Evaluation of Interconnections, IEEE
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
(ISCAS 2010), May 2010, pp. 869-872, IEEE France
Sérgio Ricardo Oliveira Esteves and Luis Veiga
and Paulo Ferreira, GridP2P: Resource Usage in
Grids and Peer-to-Peer, 7th High-Performance
Grid Computing Workshop (HPGC 2010), 24th IEEE
International Parallel & Distributed Processing
Symposium (IPDPS 2010), Apr. 2010, IEEE Press.
Sérgio Miguel Fernandes and João Cachopo, A
scalable and efficient commit algorithm for
the JVSTM, 5th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
Transactional Computing, Apr. 2010.
Marco Lotz and Sara Silva, Application of Genetic
Programming Classification in an Industrial
Process Resulting in Greenhouse Gas Emission
Reductions, Applications of Evolutionary
Computation (EvoEnvironment-2010), Apr. 2010,
pp. 131-140, Springer.
Pedro Miguel Florindo Miguens Matutino and
Ricardo Chaves and Leonel Sousa, Arithmetic
units for RNS moduli {2^{n}-3} and {2^{n}+3}, 13th
Euromicro Conference On Digital System Design
(DSD), Apr. 2010.
Jorge Baptista and Nuno J. Mamede and Fernando
Gomes, Auxiliary verbs and verbal chains
in European Portuguese, 9th International
Conference on Computational Processing of the
Portuguese Language (Propor 2010), Apr. 2010, pp.
110-119, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
João Leitão and R. van Renesse and Luis Rodrigues,
Balancing Gossip Exchanges in Networks with
Firewalls, The 9th International Workshop on Peerto-Peer Systems, Apr. 2010.
Sara Silva and Maria J. Vasconcelos and Joana B.
Melo, Bloat Free Genetic Programming versus
Classification Trees for Identification of Burned
Areas in Satelitte Imagery, Applications of
Evolutionary Computation (EvoIASP-2010), Apr.
2010, pp. 272-281, Springer.
Carlos Leong and Pedro Miguel dos Santos Pereira
Machado and Vasco Miguel Bexiga António and
João Paulo Cacho Teixeira and Isabel Maria Silva
Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and J. C. Silva, P.
Lousã, J. Varela, Built-In Clock Domain Crossing
(CDC) Test and Diagnosis in GALS Systems,
Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and
Systems Workshop (DDECS), Apr. 2010, pp. 72-77.
Helena Moniz and Isabel Trancoso and Ana Isabel
Mata da Silva, Disfluencies and the perspective
of prosodic fluency, Development of Multimodal
Interfaces: Active Listening and Synchrony, Apr.
2010, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
Samuel Freitas Antão and Jean Claude Bajard and
Leonel Sousa, Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication
on GPUs, 21st IEEE International Conference on
Application-specific Systems, Architectures and
Processors (ASAP), Apr. 2010.
Alberto Moraglio and Sara Silva, Geometric
Differential Evolution on the Space of Genetic
Programs, 13th European Conference on Genetic
Programming, Apr. 2010, pp. 171-183, Springer.
Gracinda Carvalho and David Martins de Matos
and Vítor Rocio, Improving IdSay: a characterization of strengths and weaknesses in Question
Answering systems for Portuguese, International
Conference on Computational Processing of
Portuguese Language (PROPOR 2010), Apr. 2010,
Pedro da Silva Dias Rodrigues and Carlos Nuno da
Cruz Ribeiro and Luis Veiga, Incentive Mechanisms
in Peer-to-Peer Networks, 15th IEEE Workshop on
Dependable Parallel, Distributed and NetworkCentric Systems (DPDNS), 24th IEEE International
Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
(IPDPS 2010), Apr. 2010, IEEE Press.
J.C. Vazquez, V. Champac and A.M. Ziesemer Jr., R.
Reis and Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho
Teixeira and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos and João
Paulo Cacho Teixeira, Low-sensitivity to Process
Variations Aging Sensor for Automotive SafetyCritical Applications, IEEE VLSI Test Symposium
(VTS), Apr. 2010, pp. 238-243.
Panagiotis Sidiropoulos and Vasileios Mezaris
and Ioannis Kompatsiaris and Hugo Meinedo and
Miguel Bugalho and Isabel Trancoso, On the use of
audio events for improving video scene segmentation, International Workshop on Image Analysis
for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS
2010), Apr. 2010.
Jorge Baptista and Neuza Costa and Joaquim
Guerra and Marcos Zampieri and Maria de Lurdes
Cabral and Nuno J. Mamede, P-AWL: Academic
Word List for Portuguese, 9th International
Conference on Computational Processing of the
Portuguese Language (Propor 2010), Apr. 2010, pp.
120-123, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
João Nuno de Oliveira e Silva and Paulo Ferreira
and Luis Veiga, Service and Resource Discovery
in Cycle Sharing Environments with an Utility
Algebra, 24th IEEE International Parallel &
Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2010),
Apr. 2010, IEEE Press.
L. P. Pereira and João P. Carvalho and C. Guedes
Soares, Smooth transition between fuzzy regions to overcome failures in fuzzy membership
functions of decisions in collision avoidance of
ocean navigation, 25th Mini-EURO Conference
on Uncertainty and Robustness in Planning and
Decision Making (URPDM2010), Apr. 2010.
Peter Langendorfer and Levente Buttyan and
Augusto Casaca and Evgeny Osipov and Dennis
Gessner, Towards Cyber Physical Systems
Protection, 7th GI/ASQF, Schloss-Steinhofel
Seminar “Innovationenin Markt und Forschung”,
Apr. 2010.
Paulo Alexandre Crisóstomo Lopes and João Pinto
and José António Beltran Gerald, Modeling and
Optimization of the Access Impedance of Power
Line Channels, International Symposium on Power
Line Communications and Its Applications (ISPLC
2010), Mar. 2010.
Bruno Martins and Ivo Miguel da Quinta Anastácio
and Pável Calado, A Machine Learning Approach
for Resolving Place References in Text, 13th
AGILE International Conference on Geographic
Information Science, Mar. 2010, Association of
Geographic Information Laboratories for Europ.
Cátia Vaz and C. Ferreira, On the Expressive Power
of Primitives for Compensation Handling, 19th
European Symposium on Programming , Mar. 2010,
pp. 366-386, Springer.
Artur Caetano and António Rito Silva and José
Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet, A method for
business process decomposition based on the
separation of concerns principle, 25th Annual
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Mar. 2010,
pp. 79-85, ACM.
Cristiano Lazzari and Paulo Flores and J. Monteiro
and Luigi Carro, A New Quaternary FPGA Based
on a Voltage-mode Multi-valued Circuits, Design,
Automation & Test in Europe (DATE 2010), Mar.
2010, pp. 1797 – 1802.
Judite Freijedo and M.D. Valdes, M.J. Moure, L.
Costas, J.J. Rodriguez-Andina and Jorge Filipe Leal
Costa Semião and Fabian Vargas and Isabel Maria
Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and João Paulo
Cacho Teixeira, Delay Modeling for Power NoiseAware Design in Spartan-3A FPGAs, VI Southern
Programable Logic Conference (SPL), Mar. 2010,
pp. 127-132.
Zuochang Ye and L. Miguel Silveira and Joel
R. Phillips, Extended Hamiltonean Pencil for
Passivity Assessment and Enforcement for SParameter Systems, Design, Automation & Test in
Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), Mar. 2010,
pp. 1148-1152, ACM/IEEE.
Jorge F. Villena and L. Miguel Silveira, HORUS
- high-dimensional Model Order Reduction via
low moment-matching upgraded sampling,
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference
& Exhibition (DATE), 2010, Mar. 2010, pp. 465-470,
Cristina Mota, Journalistic corpus similarity over
time, Corpus linguistic applications: Current studies, new directions, Mar. 2010, pp. 67-83, Rodopi.
Mário Pereira Véstias and Horácio C. Neto, Parallel
Decimal Multipliers Using Binary Multipliers,
IEEE VI Southern Programmable Logic Conference
(SPL 2010), Mar 2010, pp. 73-78.
J. Vazquez and V. Champac and Isabel Maria Silva
Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira and Marcelino
Bicho dos Santos and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira,
Programmable Aging Sensor for Automotive
Safety-Critical Applications, Design Automation
and Test in Europe (DATE), Mar. 2010.
David Sardinha Andrade de Aveiro and António Rito
Silva and José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet,
Towards a GOD-theory for organizational engineering: continuously modeling the continuous
(re)Generation, Operation and Deletion of the enterprise, 25th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied
Computing, Mar. 2010, pp. 150-157, ACM.
Bruno Jesus Rodrigues Fernandes and Helena
Sarmento, 128 FFT Core Implementation for
Multiband Full-Rate Ultra-Wideband Receivers,
IEEE Latin american symposium on circuits and
systems, Feb. 2010.
Carlos Alberto Pedro Mendes de Sousa Saraiva and
João Oliveira and João António Madeiras Pereira, A
Multicellular Orthographic Projection Approach
to Image-Based Rendering, Feb. 2010, pp. 221228, WSCG 2010, 18th International Conference in
Central Europe.
Tiago José Barreiros Martins de Almeida and Nuno
Roma, A parallel programming framework for
multi-core DNA sequence alignment, International
Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software
Intensive Systems (CISIS2010), Feb. 2010, pp. 907912.
Marco Crepaldi and Chen Li and Keith Dronson and
Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and
Peter Kinget, An Ultra-Low-Power InterferenceRobust IR-UWB Transceiver Chipset Using
Self-Synchronizing OOK Modulation, IEEE
International Solid-State Circuits Conference
(ISSCC’10), Feb. 2010, pp. 226-227.
Carlos Leong and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira and R.
Bugalho and M. Ferreira and P. Rodrigues and J.C.
Silva and J. Varela and P. Lousã and Isabel Maria
Silva Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira, On Restoring
Data Coherence in GALS Systems for Medical
Imaging, IEEE Latin American Circuits and Systems
Symposium (LASCAS), Feb. 2010, pp. 12-15, IEEE.
Carlos Manuel Boura Sampaio and J. Monteiro
and L. Miguel Silveira, Analysis of the Conditions
for Worst Case Switching Activity in Integrated
Circuits, IEEE Latin American Symposium on
Circuits and Systems (LASCAS), Feb. 2010.
Mouna Allani and João Leitão and Benoit Garbinato
and Luis Rodrigues, RASM: A Reliable Algorithm
for Scalable Multicast, The 18th Euromicro
International Conference on Parallel, Distributed
and Network-Based Computing (PDP), Feb. 2010.
Gabriel César Ferreira Pestana and Augusto
Casaca and Nuno Duarte and Joachim Metter and
Sylvie Couronné, Context Awareness using location based services for surveillance of mobile assets, 7th European Conference on Wireless Sensor
Networks (EWSN 2010), Feb. 2010, ISBN 978-98996001-3-3.
Victor Manuel Antunes da Silva and Jorge Manuel
dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and Horácio C. Neto,
Reconfigurable Circuits Using Magnetic Tunneling
Junction Memories, Doctoral Conference on
Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems DoCEIS 2010, Feb. 2010, pp. 549-558, Springer.
J. Vazquez and V. Champac and A.M. Ziesemer Jr.
and R. Reis and Isabel Maria Silva Nobre Parreira
Cacho Teixeira and Marcelino Bicho dos Santos
and João Paulo Cacho Teixeira, Delay Sensing for
Parametric Variations and Defects Monitoring in
Safety-Critical Applications, IEEE Latin American
Circuits and Systems Symposium (LASCAS), Feb.
2010, IEEE.
Frederico Pratas and Ricardo Mata and Leonel
Sousa, Iterative induced dipoles computation
for Molecular Mechanics on GPUs, 3rd Workshop
on General Purpose Processing on Graphics
Processing Units (co-located with ASPLOS), Feb.
2010, ACM.
Bruno Martins and Pável Calado, Learning to
Rank for Geographic Information Retrieval, 6th
Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval,
Feb. 2010, ACM.
Abílio Parreira and João António Madeiras Pereira
and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge, Multi-level
Hashed Grid Construction methods, WSCG 2010,
18th International Conference in Central Europe
on Computer Graphics, Feb. 2010, pp. 95-99,
João Pedro Vieira Guerreiro and Tiago Guerreiro
and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Relating
Personally Relevant Social Information from
Heterogeneous Sources, ACM IUI Workshop
on User Data Interoperability in the Social Web
(UDISW10), Feb. 2010.
Ivo Miguel da Quinta Anastácio and Bruno Martins
and Pável Calado, Using the Geographic Scopes of
Web Documents for Contextual Advertising, 6th
Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval,
Feb. 2010, ACM.
Roberto Palmieri and Francesco Quaglia and
Paolo Romano and Nuno Carvalho, Evaluating
Database-oriented Replication Schemes in
Software Transactional Memory Systems, 15th
Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed
and Network-Centric Systems (DPDNS), Jan. 2010,
IEEE Computer Society.
Mário Pereira Véstias and Hugo Alexandre Gouveia
dos Santos and Helena Sarmento, A DCM De mapper for MB-OFDM on FPGA, IEEE International
Conference on Consumer Electronics, Jan. 2010,
pp. 125-126.
Kazeem Gbolagade and Ricardo Chaves and Leonel
Sousa and Sorin Cotofana, An Improved Reverse
Converter for the {2^{2n+1}-1, 2^{n}, 2^{n}-1}
Moduli Set, IEEE International Symposium on
Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2010), Jan. 2010.
Pierangelo Di Sanzo and Roberto Palmieri and Bruno
Ciciani and Francesco Quaglia and Paolo Romano,
Analytical Modelling of Lock-based Concurrency
Control with Arbitrary Transaction Data Access
Patterns, Proc. First Joint International Conference
on Performance Engineering (WOSP/SIPEW), San
Jose, California, Jan. 2010, ACM press.
António de Vasconcelos Nascimento Burnay da
Fonseca and Teresa Maria Sá Ferreira Vazão
Vasques and António Carlos da Cruz Semedo Varela,
Uma proposta de Rede Veicular com Arquitectura
IP e Acesso por Wifi, Actas da CRC 2010 - 10ª
Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores, Nov.
2010, pp. 173-178, FCA.
Aleksandar Ilic and Leonel Sousa, Collaborative
Execution Environment for Heterogeneous
Parallel Systems, 12th Workshop on Advances in
Parallel and Distributed Computational Models
(APDCM/IPDPS 2010), Jan. 2010.
Bruno Capelas and André Morais and Teresa
Maria Sá Ferreira Vazão Vasques, WiSocial - An
Heterogeneous Mobile Social Network, Actas
da CRC 2010 - 10ª Conferência sobre Redes de
Computadores, Nov. 2010.
Rui Silva and Rui Gustavo Nunes Pereira Crespo and
Mário Serafim Nunes, Enhanced Chaotic Stream
Cipher for WSNs, 5th International Conference on
Availability, Reliability and Security, Jan. 2010.
Carla Azevedo and Carla Madaíl and Susana Vinga
and Patrícia Rodrigues and Nuno Oliveira and
Bárbara Campos, A rotura do subescapular é uma
lesão rara ou raramente diagnosticada? Estudo
retrospectivo de 55 cirurgias artroscópicas consecutivas da coifa dos rotadores, XXX Congresso
Nacional de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Oct. 2010,
S.P.O.T. - Sociedade Portuguesa de Ortopedia e
João Barreto and Aleksandar Dragojevic and Paulo
Ferreira and Rachid Guerraoui and Michal Kapalka,
Leveraging Parallel Nesting in Transactional
Memory, 15th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on
Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
(PPoPP), Jan. 2010, pp. 91-100, ACM Press.
Svetislav Momcilovic and Leonel Sousa,
Programming Cell/BE and GPU based systems
for real-time video encoding, Real-Time Image and
Video Processing Conference, Jan. 2010, SPIE.
10.2.6 National Conferences
Laércio Junior and Teresa Maria Sá Ferreira Vazão
Vasques, A simple metric for predicting video
quality of experience, Actas da CRC 2010 - 10ª
Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores, Nov.
Roberto Nunes and Rui Cruz and Mário Serafim
Nunes, Scalable Video Distribution in Peer-toPeer Architecture, Actas da 10ª Conferência sobre
Redes de Computadores (CRC 2010), Nov. 2010.
Nuno Apolónia and Paulo Ferreira and Luis Veiga,
Social Networks for Cycle-Sharing, CRC 2010, Nov.
Rita Pereira and Tiago Guerreiro and Hugo Nicolau
and Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge and Daniel
Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Bases para Reabilitação
Assistida, Interacção 2010, Oct. 2010.
João Oliveira and Tiago Guerreiro and Hugo Nicolau
and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, Cognimobile:
Diferenças Cognitivas e os Dispositivos Móveis,
Interacção 2010, Oct. 2010.
Flávio Osvaldo Marques Esteves and Pável Calado,
Desambiguação Automática de Pesquisas,
10ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de
Sistemas de Informação, Oct. 2010, Associação
Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação.
Cristina Fonseca and José Mocito and Luis
Rodrigues, Encaminhamento Multi-Rota de Baixo
Acoplamento para Redes Sem-Fios em Malha, 10a
Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores, Oct.
Miguel Henriques and José Manuel Nunes
Salvador Tribolet and Jan Hoogervorst, Enterprise
Governance and DEMO: a reference method to
guide enterprise (re)design and operation with
DEMO, CAPSI 2010, Oct. 2010.
Paulo Gomes and Sandra Vanessa Pereira Gama
do Rosário and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves,
Exploração e Visualização de Informação Pessoal,
Interacção 2010, Oct. 2010.
Susana Velez and Marco Oliveira and Miguel Mira
da Silva, Reducing IT Costs, 10ª Conferência da
Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação
(CAPSI 2010), Oct. 2010.
Ricardo Dias and Manuel J. Fonseca, Exploração
Interactiva de Colecções Musicais usando Treemaps Ordenados Semanticamente,
Interacção 2010, Oct. 2010.
Tiago Guerreiro and Hugo Nicolau and Joaquim
Armando Pires Jorge and Daniel Jorge Viegas
Gonçalves, Rumo a Interfaces Tácteis Acessíveis,
Interacção 2010, Oct. 2010.
Clemente Raposo and João Barreto, FISE: An approach to data-aware connectivity, CRC 2010:
10ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores
(Poster), Oct. 2010.
João Alveirinho and João Leitão and João Paiva and
Luis Rodrigues, Curiata: Uma arquitectura P2P
auto-organizável para uma localização flexível
e eficiente de recursos, Segundo Simpósio de
Informática (Inforum), Sep. 2010.
Luis Bruno and Bruno Rodrigues de Araújo and João
António Madeiras Pereira and Joaquim Armando
Pires Jorge, Locomação Virtual via Movimento
Físico do Utilizador: Controlo de Velocidade do
Avatar, 4ª Confererência Nacional Interacção
Humano-Computador, Oct. 2010, Microsoft/
João Teixeira and Gabriel José Faustino Fonseca
Barata and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves,
Metabrain – Conhecimento na era do PetaByte,
Interacção 2010, Oct. 2010.
Ricardo Pinto and José Mocito and Luis Rodrigues,
Monitorização Adaptativa baseada em Clusters
Semi-circulares para Redes em Malha sem Fios,
10a Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores,
Oct. 2010.
David Miguel Guilherme Branquinho Ribeiro
Antunes and David Martins de Matos and José
Gaspar, Multiple Hypothesis Group Tracking in
Video Sequences, 16th Portuguese Conference on
Pattern Recognition (RecPad 2010), Oct. 2010.
João Benedito and Tiago Guerreiro and Hugo
Nicolau and Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves, O Tacto
e a Interacção Móvel, Interacção 2010, Oct. 2010.
Gabriel José Faustino Fonseca Barata and Ricardo
Dias and Sandra Vanessa Pereira Gama do Rosário
and Manuel J. Fonseca and Daniel Jorge Viegas
Gonçalves, Pesquisa Interactiva de Fotografias
com Base na Regra dos Terços, Interacção 2010,
Oct. 2010.
Miguel Henriques and José Manuel Nunes
Salvador Tribolet and Jan Hoogervorst, Enterprise
Governance and DEMO: guiding enterprise design
and operation by addressing DEMO competence,
authority and responsibility notions, INForum
2010 - Simpósio de Informática, Sep. 2010.
João Filipe Ramos Paulino and Paulo Ferreira
and Luis Veiga, Exploring Fault-tolerance
and Reliability in a Peer-to-Peer Cycle-sharing Infrastructure, InForum 2010, Simposio de
Informática, Track de Computação Distribuída de
Larga Escala, Sep. 2010.
Cláudio Diniz and Nuno J. Mamede and João Carlos
Serrenho Dias Pereira, RuDriCo2 - a faster disambiguator and segmentation modifier, II Simpósio
de Informática (INForum), Sep. 2010, pp. 573-584.
Raoul Gabriel Martins Félix and Paulo Ferreira
and Luis Veiga, Scalable and Efficient Discovery
of Resources, Services, and Applications in P2P
Grids, InForum 2010, Simposio de Informática,
Track de Computação Distribuída de Larga Escala,
Sep. 2010.
Mário Ferreira and João Leitão and Luis Rodrigues,
Thicket: Construção e Manutenção de Múltiplas
Árvores numa Rede entre Pares, Segundo
Simpósio de Informática (Inforum), Sep. 2010.
Ricardo Filipe and João Barreto, Towards full online deduplication of the Web, 2º INForum, Sep.
João Saraiva and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva,
Web-Application Modeling With the CMS-ML
Language, II Simpósio de Informática (INForum
2010), Sep. 2010.
Ricardo Vaz and Martijn Kuipers and Mário
Serafim Nunes, Distributed Wireless Networking
Framework for B3G Simulations, Rede Temática
de Comunicações Móveis, Jul. 2010.
José Borbinha and Nuno Miguel Antunes Freire,
Da “The European Library” à “Europeana” – Um
percurso com impulsos nacionais, 10º congresso
nacional de bibliotecários, arquivistas e documentalistas, Apr. 2010.
M. Lopes and Nuno Miguel Antunes Freire and
Hugo Miguel Álvaro Manguinhas and Gilberto Filipe
Santos Pedrosa and M. Teixeira and José Borbinha,
O Modelo FRBR e a descoberta de informação: a
experiência do projecto TELplus, 10º congresso
nacional de bibliotecários, arquivistas e documentalistas, Apr. 2010.
Rui Prada and Daniel Dias and Helmut Prendinger
and Arturo Nakasone, Fostering Agriculture
Environmental Awareness, VS-GAMES 2010 Second International Conference on Games and
Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, Mar. 2010,
pp. 37-44, IEEE.
Martijn Kuipers and Ricardo Vaz and Mário Serafim
Nunes, Video Quality Optimization Algorithm for
Video-Telephony over IP Networks, Rede Temática
de Comunicações Móveis, Mar. 2010.
Pedro Pereira and Mário Pereira Véstias
Horácio C. Neto, Divisor Decimal em FPGA
o Método de Newton-Raphson, REC2010
Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis,
2010, pp. 77-82.
- VI
Frederico Pratas and Aleksandar Ilic and Leonel
Sousa and Horácio C. Neto, Double-precision
Floating-point Performance of Computational
Devices: FPGAs, CPUs, and GPUs, REC2010 - VI
Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis, Feb.
2010, pp. 83-90.
Hugo Alexandre Gouveia dos Santos and
Mário Pereira Véstias and Helena Sarmento,
Implementação em FPGA de um Desmodulador
DCM para um receptor UWB MB-OFDM, Jornadas
sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis, Feb. 2010, pp. 113116.
Bruno Jesus Rodrigues Fernandes and Helena
Sarmento, Implementation osf an 128 FFT for
a MB-OFDM Receiver, Jornadas sobre Sistemas
Reconfiguráveis, Feb. 2010, pp. 45-48.
Nuno Sebastião and Nuno Roma and Paulo Flores,
Scalable Accelerator Architecture for Local
Alignment of DNA Sequences, VI Jornadas sobre
Sistemas Reconfiguráveis - REC2010, Feb. 2010,
pp. 59-66, Universidade de Aveiro / IEETA.
Bruno Jesus Fernandes and Stefan Haas and
José António Soares Augusto and Guiomar Evans
and Ralf Spiwoks and Per Klöfver, Validação e
Concretização do Módulo MICTP do Primeiro Nível
do Filtro de Eventos do Detector ATLAS, REC2010
- VI Jornadas sobre Sistemas reconfiguráveis, Jan.
10.2.7 Patents
Moisés Simões Piedade and Sara Cristina Vicente
Catalão and Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro
Fernandes and Rodrigo Piedade and Tiago Costa,
Método do Controlo da Queda de Tensão ou da
Resistência de Interruptores Electrónicos, Pat.
No. 2147483647, Patente de Invenção Nacional
Jorge Manuel dos Santos Ribeiro Fernandes and
Cristiano Lazzari and Paulo Flores and J. Monteiro,
Tabela Multi-Valor para Dispositivos Lógicos
Programáveis, Pat. No. 2147483647, Pedido
Provisório de Patente – INPI.
10.2.8 Technical Reports
Rui Filipe Lopes Joaquim and Carlos Nuno da Cruz
Ribeiro, MarkPledge3 Specification, INESC-ID Tec.
Rep. 44/2010, Nov 2010.
Nuno Claudino Pereira Lopes and Levent Aksoy
and Vasco Manquinho and J. Monteiro, Optimally
Solving the MCM Problem Using Pseudo-Boolean
Satisfiability, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 43/2010, Nov
João Paiva and João Leitão and Luis Rodrigues,
Rollerchain: a DHT for High Availability, INESC-ID
Tec. Rep. 46/2010, Nov 2010.
Tiago Augusto Escudeiro Almeida, ASP:
Codificação do Heyawake, Quadrado Mágico,
Maximum Density Still-Life e Detecção de Erros
em Pedigrees, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 39/2010, BII, Oct
João Filipe Rosado Gouveia, ASP: Kakuro, Hidato,
Hexágonos Mágicos, Rotas de Distribuição e
Checkfam, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 41/2010, BII, Oct
João Alveirinho and João Paiva and João Leitão and
Luis Rodrigues, Flexible and Efficient Resource
Location in Large-Scale Systems, INESC-ID Tec.
Rep. 37/2010, Oct 2010.
Rodrigo Joel Lucas Santos, Resolução de
Problemas de Satisfação de Restrições utilizando ASP - Nurikabe, Problema de Langford, ACC
Basketball Schedule e Caminhos de Menor Custo,
INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 42/2010, BII, Oct 2010.
Marta Pereira dos Santos, Resolução de problemas em ASP: Akari, Nonagramas, Round-Robin
Tournaments e Pedcheck, INESC-ID Tec. Rep.
40/2010, BII, Oct 2010.
Luis Marujo, Voting Combination of Sentences
Splitting Classifiers Applied to Several Types of
Texts, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 45/2010, Sep 2010.
A. P. Francisco and Ricardo Baeza-Yates and
Arlindo L. Oliveira, Mining query logs induced
graphs, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 36/2010, Aug 2010.
Pedro Miguel Fernandes Sampaio and Paulo
Ferreira and Luis Veiga, Ozone-Squared: From
“poor-man’s persistence” to Transparent
Clustering for Java Applications, INESC-ID Tec.
Rep. 38/2010, Aug 2010.
Helena Galhardas and Antónia Lopes and Emanuel
Santos, Explicitly Involving the User in a Data
Cleaning Process, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 48/2010, Jul
J. M. Lemos and Fernando Machado and Nuno
Filipe Matias Nogueira and P.O.Shirley, Modelo
SIMULINK de um canal piloto - Manual do utilizador, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 35/2010, Jul 2010.
Ricardo Rubén dos Santos Aires, Visual Analysis
of Regulaqtory Networks, INESC-ID Tec. Rep.
34/2010, Jul 2010.
Pedro T. Monteiro and Ana T. Freitas,
Characterization and modeling of a specific
transcriptional regulatory network required for
multidrug resistance in yeast, INESC-ID Tec. Rep.
30/2010, Jun 2010.
Mikolás Janota and Radu Grigore and Joao Marques
Silva, Counterexample Guided Abstraction
Circumscription, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 32/2010, Jun
Rui Filipe Lopes Joaquim and Carlos Nuno da
Cruz Ribeiro, Efficient Implementation of a
High Assurance Ballot Casting Voter Verifiable
Protocol, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 31/2010, Jun 2010.
Pedro T. Monteiro and Paulo J. Dias and Delphine
Ropers and Arlindo L. Oliveira and Isabel SáCorreia and Miguel C. Teixeira and Ana T. Freitas,
Qualitative modeling and formal verification of the FLR1 gene mancozeb response in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, INESC-ID Tec. Rep.
33/2010, Jun 2010.
Gonçalo Nuno Gomes Tavares, A new series for the
computation of erfc(x) and related error functions, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 27/2010, May 2010.
Nuno Carvalho and Paolo Romano and Luis
Replication of Software Transactional Memory,
INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 29/2010, May 2010.
Mário Rui Vazão Vasco Ferreira and João Leitão and
Luis Rodrigues, Thicket: A Protocol for Building
and Maintaining Multiple Trees in a P2P Overlay,
INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 28/2010, May 2010.
Sara Silva and Stephen Dignum and Leonardo
Vanneschi, Bloat: Past, Present, Future, INESC-ID
Tec. Rep. 25/2010, Apr 2010.
Nuno Tenazinha and Albert Sorribas and Susana
Vinga, Model identification from dynamic data:
coping with saturation and cooperativity in metabolic networks, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 22/2010, Apr
Steffen Peter and Renato Jorge Caleira Nunes
and Laurynas Riliskis, Tools and methods for systematic WSAN engineering, INESC-ID Tec. Rep.
47/2010, Apr 2010.
Manuel Dionísio Rolo and Pedro Ferreira and M.
Medeiros Silva and Luís Augusto Bica Gomes
de Oliveira, Transimpedance Amplifiers with a
Silicon Photo-Multiplier at the Input, INESC-ID
Tec. Rep. 24/2010, Apr 2010.
Pedro Hugo de Queirós Alves and Paulo Ferreira,
Adaptable consistency requirements for efficient large-scale multi-user chat, INESC-ID Tec.
Rep. 21/2010, Mar 2010.
Roberto Palmieri and Francesco Quaglia and Paolo
Romano, AGGRO: Boosting STM Replication via
Aggressively Optimistic Transaction Processing,
INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 26/2010, Mar 2010.
Rui Gustavo Nunes Pereira Crespo, Number of
Message Combinations Sent by p Parties in nR
Rounds, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 23/2010, Mar 2010.
Tiago Filipe da Silva Garrochinho and Luis Veiga,
Checkpoint, Restore, Migração de VMs OO, INESCID Tec. Rep. 20/2010, Feb 2010.
João Nuno Pessanha Alcoforado Sampaio de
Lemos and Luis Veiga, Distributed Clustering and
Scheduling of Object-Oriented Virtual Machines,
INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 19/2010, Feb 2010.
João Paulino and Paulo Ferreira and Luis Veiga,
Fault Tolerance in Ginger, INESC-ID Tec. Rep.
16/2010, Feb 2010.
Pedro Filipe Oliveira and Paulo Ferreira and Luis
Veiga, Gridlet Economics: Resource Management
Models and Policies for Cycle-Sharing System,
INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 17/2010, Feb. 2010.
Tiago Ferreira Nogueira Leite and Luis Veiga and
Paulo Ferreira, Improved Briefcases, INESC-ID
Tec. Rep. 7/2010, Feb 2010.
Nuno Apolonia and Paulo Ferreira and Luis Veiga,
Integration of Ginger Middleware withWeb
Platforms and Social Networks for Resource and
Service Discovery and Cooperation on Distributed
Processing, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 13/2010, Feb 2010.
Pedro Vala and João Barreto and Paulo Ferreira,
ShiftBack: Efficient and Time-Shifting Backup,
INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 9/2010, Feb 2010.
Carlos Manuel Miguens Leitão and Luís Augusto
Bica Gomes de Oliveira and M. Medeiros Silva,
Thermal Noise Cancelation in Transimpedance
Amplifiers for Radiation Detectors, INESC-ID Tec.
Rep. 10/2010, Feb 2010.
Miguel Cortez Mateus and Paulo Ferreira and Luis
Veiga, Vector-Field Consistency for Collaborative
Software Development, INESC-ID Tec. Rep.
12/2010, Feb 2010.
João Filipe Ferreira da Costa and Paulo Ferreira
and Luis Veiga, Vector-Field Consistency for
Cooperative Work, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 11/2010, Feb
Bruno Filipe da Costa Pereira Loureiro and Luis
Veiga and Paulo Ferreira, VFC-game, INESC-ID Tec.
Rep. 8/2010, Feb 2010.
Tiago José Pinto Taveira and Luis Rodrigues,
Adaptive Group Communication, INESC-ID Tec.
Rep. 5/2010, Jan 2010.
Roberto Palmieri and Francesco Quaglia and Paolo
Romano and Nuno Carvalho, Evaluating Databaseoriented Replication Schemes in Software
Transactional Memory Systems, INESC-ID Tec.
Rep. 6/2010, Jan 2010.
Mário Rui Vazão Vasco Ferreira and Luis Rodrigues,
Live-Streaming in Overlay Networks, INESC-ID
Tec. Rep. 3/2010, Jan 2010.
Cristina Fonseca and Luis Rodrigues, Multipath
Routing for Wireless Mesh Networks, INESC-ID
Tec. Rep. 1/2010, Jan 2010.
João Sousa and Luis Veiga, Mobi-Collab:
Collaborative Application for Mobile Devices,
INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 14/2010, Feb 2010.
João Pedro Fernandes Alveirinho and Luis
Rodrigues, Resource Location in P2P Systems,
INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 2/2010, Jan 2010.
Francisco Wilton Vasconcelos and Paulo Ferreira
and Luis Veiga, Process, Storage and Video Facial
Indexing in P2P Grids, INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 18/2010,
Feb 2010.
Ricardo Manuel Gândara Pinto and Luis Rodrigues,
WMM - Wireless Mesh Monitoring, INESC-ID Tec.
Rep. 4/2010, Jan 2010.
Raoul Félix and Paulo Ferreira and Luis Veiga,
Scalable and Efficient Discovery of Resources,
Applications, and Services in P2P Grids, INESC-ID
Tec. Rep. 15/2010, Feb 2010.
10.2.9 Special Isssues of Journals
10.3 Dissertations
António Menezes Leitão and Bostjan Slivnik
Ed., Special issue on Advances in Languages,
Related Technologies and Applications, ComSIS
- Computer Science an Information Systems, 7(2),
May. 2010, ComSIS Consortium.
10.3.1 PhD Theses
J. Monteiro Ed., Journal of Low Power Electronics,
Apr. 2010.
António Menezes Leitão Ed., Lisp: Research and
Experience, Lisp: Research and Experience, 16(2),
Jan. 2010, Graz University of Technology.
10.2.10 Edited Proceedings
Luis Veiga and Sotirios Terzis Ed., M-MPAC 2010:
International Workshop on Middleware for
Pervasive Mobile and Embedded Computing (colocated with ACM/IFIP/USENIX 11th International
Middleware Conference), Nov 2010, ACM.
Inês Lynce and Ralf Treinen Ed., Proceedings First
International Workshop on Logics for Component
Configuration, EPTCS, no. 29, Jul 2010.
Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alcázar and Anikó Ekárt
and Sara Silva and Stephen Dignum and A. Sima
Uyar Ed., Genetic Programming, 13th European
Conference, EuroGP 2010, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, no. 6021, Apr 2010, Springer.
Cátia Vaz, A formal approach to long running
transactions, PhD Thesis, IST, Technical
University of Lisbon, Sep 2010.
Miguel Bugalho, Search Based Methods for
Proteín Structure Prediction, PhD Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
P. Francisco, Analyzing graph structure:
algorithms and applications, PhD Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, May 2010.
Pedro T. Monteiro, Towards an integrative
approach for the modeling and formal
verification of biological regulatory networks,
PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, May 2010.
Pedro Gama, Resource Usage Policies in Grid
Computing Environments, PhD Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Mar 2010.
Marco Costa, ReacT-MDD: Rastreabilidade
Reactiva no Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
de Informação, PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Jul 2010.
Rui Dionísio, Controlo Preditivo Tolerante a
Falhas, PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
May 2010.
Gabriel Falcão, Parallel Algorithms and
Architectures for LDPC Decoding, PhD Thesis,
University of Coimbra, Dec 2010.
Jorge Villena, Order Reduction of Parameterized
Structured EM-based Linear Models, PhD Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Sep 2010.
José Costa, Coverage-Directed ObservabilityBased Validation Method for Embedded
Software, PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Jan 2010.
J. Graça, Posterior Regularization Framework:
Learning Tractable Models with Intractable
Constraints, PhD thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, July 2010.
Ricardo Lopes Pereira, Adaptive Search Radius
- Using hop count to reduce Peer-to-Peer, PhD
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Dec 2010.
Armando Cerqueira, Utilização da plataforma
Asterisk no Cantonamento Telefónico, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Dec 2010.
Jânio Monteiro, Quality Assurance Solutions
for Multipoint Scalable Video Distribution over
Wireless IP Networks, PhD Thesis, Instituto
Superio Técnico, Jul 2010.
Raquel Costa, CaS: Collection-aware
Segmentation, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
Jorge Semião, Power-Supply and Temperature
Based Methodologies to Improve Tolerance and
Detection of Delay Faults in Synchronous Digital
Circuits, PhD Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Jul 2010.
Judit Freijedo, Power Noise-Tolerant Nano-CMOS
Design and Test, PhD Thesis, University of Vigo,
Jul 2010.
10.3.2 MSc Theses
Paulo Dias, Desenvolvimento de Plataforma de
Suporte à Actualização do Modelo de Processo
de Negórcios, MSc Thesis, Universidade da Beira
Interior, Dec 2010.
Francisco Pinto, Desenvolvimento de um
protótipo de um Sistema Domótico, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Dec 2010.
Nuno Marques, E-Job Marketplace, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superio Técnico, Dec 2010.
Ricardo Figueiredo, Implementação de um índice
de medição da profundidade da anestesia em
animais, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superio Técnico,
Dec 2010.
Vasco Silva, Meta-programming and DSLs
in dynamic languages, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Dec 2010.
António Santos, Monitorização da Central das
Ondas do Pico, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior de
Engenharia de Lisboa, Dec 2010.
António Rodrigues, Software implementation of
an MPEG-4 Part 10 (H.264/AVC) video encoder
for embedded systems, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Dec 2010.
André Carreiro, Classification of clinical
expression time series: A case study in patients
with multiple sclerosis, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Pedro Matos, IQ Gm-C Filter for a 2.4GHz ISM
Receiver, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico
,Nov 2010.
André Conrado, OBIHOC, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
José Vaz, PLC Simulator System using Adaptive
OFDM with LDPC, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
Nuno Grazina, Tradução Automática de Fala, MSc
Thesis, Nov 2010.
Bruno Loureiro, VFC4FPS - VFC for First Person
Shooters, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Nov 2010.
Ricardo Aires, Visual Analysis of Regulatory
Networks, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Nov 2010.
André Filipe Magalhães Gomes, A system for
automated genome annotation, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
João Pereira, Access Control in Rich Domain
Model Web Applications, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Ednilson Lopes, Agrafo++: Agrupador
Automático de Fotografias, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Francisco Cabeleira, Amplificador classe D
integrado, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Nov 2010.
André Veiga, Arquitectura de Sistemas de
Informação de Referência para Gestão
Documental na Administração Pública, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior, Nov 2010.
Bruno Jacinto, Digital DCDC control with sliding
mode control, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
Ricardo Castelão, Arquitectura Informacional de
Referência para a Administração Pública, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Miguel Rui Henriques, Enterprise Governance:
A Meta Approach to Guide the Entreprise
Dynamics, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior, Nov
Fábio Ferreira, Art.Ask - Perguntas e Respostas
no Domínio da Arte, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Sandra Ferreira, Estudo sobre a viabilidade
de uma benchmark ETL, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Pedro Costa, Avaliação impacto medidas
SIMPLEX na Arquitectura dos Sistemas de
Informação na AP, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior,
Nov 2010.
Daniel Santos, Extracção de relações entre
entidades mencionadas, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Roberto Jardim, Charge Pump TSMC 90nm USB,
MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Tiago Garrochinho, Checkpoint, Restore,
Migração de VMs OO, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
João Lemos, Clustering and Scheduling of VMS,
MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
David Frija, Configuração e Definição de
Comportamento de Sistemas Domóticos, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
João Costa, Consistência em Dados Partilhados:
Vector-Field Consistency para Trabalho
Cooperativo, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
Alexandre Fernandes, Controlo de um forno
solar para testes com variações rápidas de
temperatura, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
Diogo Oliveira, Extraction and Classification of
Named Entities, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
Saulo Rego, Fala comigo - Agente virtual
conversacional , MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
João Paulino, Fault-tolerance in Ginger, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Silvio Calunda, Formula Student Racing
Championship: implementation of the on-board
video acquisition and encoding system , MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Sérgio Gomes, Geração de Metadata Associada
a Conteúdos Multimédia, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico ,Nov 2010.
Paulo Marques, Gestão de desempenho com IT
Scorecard, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Nov 2010.
Luís Carvalho, Criação de Léxicos Bilingues para
Tradução Automática Estatística, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Raúl Silva, Gestão de serviços operacionais com
ITIL, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov
João Neves, Descoberta de Recursos em Redes
P2P Semi-Estruturadas para CPU Cycle Sharing,
MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Paul Maia, Information Systems’ Requirements
as a Guide for Organizational Steering, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Bruno Almeida, Difusão Selectiva de Informação
Multimédia, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
Nuno Apolónia, Integração do Middleware Ginger
com Plataformas Web e Redes Sociais para
Descoberta de Recursos, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Tiago Vaz, Low Power CMOS Band Gap Voltage
Reference, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Nov 2010.
Roberto Nunes, Scalable Video Distribution in
Peer-to-Peer Architecture, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Henrique Aparicio, Mail Spike, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Tiago Lourenço, ShaDe Workbench: 3D Shape
Descriptor Workbench, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Pedro Silva, Max-SAT Algorithms For Real World
Instances, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Nov 2010.
João Sousa, MOBI-COLLAB: aplicações de
colaboração para Dispositivos Móveis, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Sérgio Carvalho, Modeling and Simulation of
Artificial Communities Behavior, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico ,Nov 2010.
Gonçalo Marques, Modelos Preditivos da
Fiablidade e Perfomance de Sistemas de
Informação Tecnicamente Complexos, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior, Nov 2010.
Ricardo Santos, Music Information Extraction
and Retrieval, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
João Cabrita, Signal Processing and Feature
Extraction for EEG-based Brain-Computer
Interfaces, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
João Godinho, Soluções de Garantia de
Qualidade na Transmissão Ponto-Multiponto de
Vídeo Escalável, MSc Thesis, IST, Nov 2010.
Artur Ventura, Spoken Interaction with Synthetic
Entities, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Nov 2010.
Hélio Guerra, Test Strategy for Digital Control/
Power Switches, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico , Nov 2010.
João Costa, VFC para Trabalho Cooperativo, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Rui Henriques, Object-centered Process
Modeling, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Nov 2010.
Bruno Loureiro, VFC4FPS - VFC for First Person
Shooters, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Nov 2010.
João Neto, PC-PeerSim: A Parallel Clustered
Overlay Simulator, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
Jorge Fernandes, x-msg: eXchange messages
Chat, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov
Rui Silva, Prescribed and Non-prescribed
Information Systems: Convergence and
Divergence, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
André Glória, ZbeeMeR - A ZigBee Automatic
Meter Reading System, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Pedro Ferreira, Protótipo do Intelligent Frontend
Board para aquisição de dados em tomógrafos
PE, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov
Susana Velez, Redução de custos de informática,
MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Nov 2010.
Diogo Duarte, Remote Access Mechanisms for
Domotic Systems, MSc Thesis Instituto Superior
Técnico, Nov 2010.
Sérgio Curto, Automatic generation of multiplechoice tests, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Oct 2010.
Tiago Ferreira Nogueira Leite, Improved
Briefcases, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Oct 2010.
Cristina Fonseca, Multipath Routing for Wireless
Mesh Networks, MSc Thesis Instituto Superior
Técnico, Oct 2010.
Tiago Jorge, Optimal Cruise Control, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Tiago Taveira, Adaptive Group Communication,
MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
João Benedito, MobileSense, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Pedro Alves, AliveLife, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Ricardo Vaz, MOP-UP: Multi-faceted
Organization of Papers for the (usually)
Unorganized Professor, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Sérgio Curto, Automatic generation of multiplechoice tests, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Oct 2010.
Ricardo Oliveira, Built-In Aging Monitoring
for Safety-Critical Applications, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Flávio Osvaldo Marques Esteves, Desambiguação
Automática de Pesquisas, MSc Thesis,
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Oct 2010.
Raoul Felix, Descoberta Escalável e Eficiente de
Recursos, Aplicações e Serviços em Grids P2P,
MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Alexandra Bento, eArte - Comunidade de Arte e
Cultura, Web2.0, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Oct 2010.
Ana Belchior, eXcitingTrails/Events: Events
for Touristic Scenarios, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Miguel Pinto, Gestão de Projectos com Processos
Ágeis, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct
Daniela Rocha, Gestão do Portefólio de Serviços,
MSc Thesis, Faculdade de Engenharia da
Universidade do Porto, Oct 2010.
André Calvinho, Identificação de Interacções de
Serviços de Email por Verificação de Modelos,
MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Bruno Monteiro, Interfaces para acesso remoto
a sistemas domóticos, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Camilo Lopes, LifeTrajectories, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Mário Ferreira, Live Streaming in Overlay
Networks, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Oct 2010.
João Alveirinho, Resource Location in P2P
Systems, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Oct 2010.
Pedro Miranda, SaaS (Software as a Service)
- Infrastructures and Application in Real
Scenarios, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Oct 2010.
André Ferreira, SoundLog, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Bruno Silva, SyncME- Solução de Integração e
Sincronização do EscolaNaNet com o Moodle,
MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Gustavo Guerra, Testing support for the
OutSystems Agile Platform, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Cláudio Diniz, Um Conversor baseado em regras
de transformação declarativas, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Paulo Gomes, VisMe, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Carlos Rocha, WebC-Docs/Wf - Gestão
Documental com Mecanismos de Workflow, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Nuno Magalhães, WebC-iTV - Internet TV in
websites, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Oct 2010.
Ricardo Pinto, WMM: Wireless Mesh Monitoring,
MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Oct 2010.
Clemente Raposo, Data-aware connectivity in
mobile replicated systems, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Sep 2010.
Ricardo Filipe, deduplicated-HTTP: eliminação
de tráfego redundante na Web, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Sep 2010.
João Gomes, Estimação de parâmetros em
modelos de pacientes anestesiados, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Sep 2010.
Nuno Castro, Gestão de portefólio com mercados
preditivos, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Jul 2010.
Paulo Gomes, MEEMOs: Believable Agents with
Episodic Memory Retrieval, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Sep 2010.
Miguel Franco Passos Inês Gaspar, Home
Automation Gateway with Messaging Service,
MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Jul 2010.
Nuno Nogueira, Ubiquitous Consistency:
consistência oportunista em computação
ubíqua, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Sep 2010.
António de Vasconcelos Nascimento Burnay da
Fonseca, Intelligent Vehicular Networks, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Jul 2010.
José Dores, LNA for a 2.4 GHz ISM Receiver, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Sep 2010.
Paulo Gomes, MIME, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Sep 2010.
André Esteves, Oscillator-Mixer for a 2.4 GHz
ISM Receiver, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, Sep 2010.
Nuno Nogueira, Ubiquitous Consistency:
consistência oportunista em computação
ubíqua, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Sep 2010.
Marcelo Dal Alba, 10 GHz counter for an UWB
oscillator controlling, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Aug 2010.
Joana Carvalho Filipe de Campos, MAY my
Memories Are Yours. An interactive companion
that saves the user s memories, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Aug 2010.
Filipe Martins, Serviços informáticos à distância
com ITIL, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Jul 2010.
Gonçalo Silva, Development and Implementation
of the ClearPEM-Sonic Detector Control System,
MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Jun 2010.
Carla Botelho, Localização de Malas em
Aeroportos através de RFID, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Jun 2010.
Luis Torres, Master Data Management, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Jun 2010.
Juliana Pantaleão, Modelação Lean ITIL em EPF,
MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Jun 2010.
André Mendes, Osmosis: RFID, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Jun 2010.
João Espadanal, QoS/QoE Metrics on the Client
Side for IPTV Networks, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Jun 2010.
Filipe Cabecinhas, A High-Level Pedagogical 3D
Modeling Language and Framework, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Jul 2010.
Nuno Matos, RDBMS support for one-to-many
data transformations, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Jun 2010.
Rui Correia, Automatic Question Generation for
REAP.PT Tutoring System, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Jul 2010.
Tiago Peralta, RFID Intelligence, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Jun 2010.
Anna Thanopoulou, Database Benchmarking
using the TPC-H Benchmark, MSc Thesis,
National Technical University of Athens
(ERASMUS), Jul 2010.
Rúben Pereira, Gestão de portefólio com focus
groups, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Jul 2010.
Icaro Medeiros, Tag Suggestion using Multiple
Sources of Knowledge, MSc Thesis, Universidade
Federal de Pernambuco, Jun 2010.
António Braz, Communication System for
Domotic Devices, MSc Thesis, Instituto Superior
Técnico, May 2010.
Joana Amaral, Banda Desenhada Digital, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Apr 2010.
Gabriel dos Santos Blanco, Smart Bodies, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Apr 2010.
10.4 Seminars
João Soares, Cálculo do Custo da Hora de Voo na
Força Aéra Poruguesa, MSc Thesis, Academia da
Força Aérea, Mar 2010.
Seminário do grupo DMIR : Processpedia
António Rito Silva, INESC-ID Lisboa and IST
Nuno Belo, Criação de uma Matriz de Valor para
o Alinhamento entre Processos e Objectivos de
Negócio, MSc Thesis, Academia da Força Aérea,
Mar 2010.
In-silico strategies in drug design
Nuno Palma, BIAL, Departamento de Investigação
e Desenvolvimento
Maurício Rodrigues, Indicadores de Apoio à
Decisão da Componente Operacional da Força
Aérea, MSc Thesis, Academia da Força Aérea, Mar
Real-time link extraction and classification
Bruno Pedro, TarPipe
António Alves, Modelação do Regime de Esforço
da Força Aéra Portuguesa, MSc Thesis, Academia
da Força Aérea, Mar 2010.
Pedro Leal, Modelo de Negócio para a Força
Aérea Portuguesa, MSc Thesis, Academia da
Força Aérea, Mar 2010.
João Malico, O Processo de Mudança da Força
Aérea Portuguesa, MSc Thesis, Academia da
Força Aérea, Mar 2010.
Humberto Glória, SmarterPhone, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Mar 2010.
Joel Silva, Contribuição para a Realização do
Sistema MiniPET: Projecto do Sistema Digital
de Controlo e da Electrónica de Vanguarda, MSc
Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Jan 2010.
Luís Santos, Sistemas Generativos de Projecto:
Integração de Ferramentas Digitais no Projecto
de Arquitectura: Aplicação ao Caso de Estudo: a
Casa Pátio da Medina de Marrakech, MSc Thesis,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Jan 2010.
Vernáculo de Angola – Estado actual de conhecimento e perspectivas de investigação futura
Liliana Inverno, Universidade de Coimbra
Reasearch in Kochi University of Technology,
Shinichi Yamagiwa, Kochi University of
Pulsar Navigation
Chris Verhoeven, Technical University of Delft
On the Origin of Satellite Swarms
Chris Verhoeven, Technical University of Delft
Next Generation Search
Ricardo Baeza Yates, Yahoo! Research Labs
Pesquisas em PLN no Núcleo de Linguística
Computacional (NILC)
Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes, USP/São Carlos &
NILC, Brasil
Fully generalized graph cores and applications
A. P. Francisco, INESC-ID Lisboa and IST
Dynamic model identification of Lactococcus
lactis metabolism time-series
Andras Hartmann, INESC-ID
Detecting mis-recognitions in ASR output
Thomas Pellegrini, INESC-ID
Using Excel as user interface on a semantic information system
Pedro Reis, INESC-ID
Distributed and Predictable Software Model
Nuno Claudino Pereira Lopes, Inesc-ID
Distributed Compensations with Interruption in
Long-Running Transactions
Roberto Bruni, Universitá di Pisa
Multiplication Algorithms for Monge Matrices
Luís M. S. Russo, INESC-ID Lisboa and IST
Characterful Speech Synthesis
Matthew Aylett, CereProc
Modeling the F0 curve for Speech Synthesis
Gopala K. Anumanchipalli, Carnegie-Mellon
Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation with
Weighted Finite-State Transducers
Adrià de Gispert , University of Cambridge
Meaning Propagation
Fernando Pereira, Google
Structured Prediction Cascades
Ben Taskar, University of Pennsylvania (Upenn)
Efeitos de Radiação em Circuitos Integrados
Jader Alves de Lima Filho, Centro de Tecnologia da
Informação Renato Archer
Research Overview on intelligent transportation
Pietro Manzoni, Universidade Politecnica de
Predicting Cloze Task Quality for Vocabulary
Adam Skory, Carnegie-Mellon
Computational Methods for the characterization and detection of protein binding sequences
through information theory
Joan Maynou, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Dynamics of CD4+ T cells in HIV-1 Infection
Ruy M. Ribeiro, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Learning words and speech units through natural interactions
Jonas Hörnstein, Institute for Systems and
Robotics (ISR)
Challenges and Directions in the Multicore Era
Cliff Click, Azul Systems
Mining the Web 2.0 to Improve Search
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Yahoo Research and
University Pompeu Fabra
Towards a Coding Style for Scalable Nonblocking
Data Structures
Cliff Click, Azul Systems
Controlling Complexity in Part-of-Speech
João Graça, INESC-ID Lisboa
Speedpath Analysis Under Parametric Timing
Luís Guerra e Silva, INESC-ID Lisboa
SITIU: The Portuguese Version of Let’s Go!
José Lopes, INESC-ID Lisboa
Global Tolerance of Biochemical Systems and its
Design Implications
Pedro Coelho, University of California at Davis
On-the-Fly Model Checking for Regular
Alternation-Free Mu-Calculus” and “One
Interface to Serve Them All
Radu Mateescu and Jaco van de Pol, INRIA RhôneAlpes / University of Twente
Voltage-mode Quaternary FPGAs: An Evaluation
of Interconnections
Cristiano Lazzari, INESC-ID
Analysis of interrogatives in different domains
Helena Moniz, INESC-ID
Fail-aware untrusted storage (FAUST)
Christian Cachin, IBM Research - Zurich
Speaker Verification Experiments on the NIST
SRE Database
Jordi Luque, L2F and TALP
CHE - Evolutionary Algorithms for Cluster
Geometry Optimization
Francisco B. Pereira, Universidade de Coimbra
Computer Architecture: an experience on performance and power
Filipa Duarte, PhD, IMEC
Winter Workshop of the Distributed Systems
An informal event of the Distributed Systems
Group to present the I&D activities of this specific
From Assembling Short DNA Reads to Protein
Sequencing by Assembling Mass Spectra
Pavel Pevzner, University of Califormia at San
Diego (UCSD)
A Music Classification Method Based on Timbral
Thibault Langlois, Gonçalo Marques, LASIGE/
A Data Mining Approach for the detection of
High-Risk Breast Cancer Groups
Orlando Anunciação, Inesc-ID
Novelty and Evolution in Biological, Chemical
and Random Reaction Networks
Pietro Speroni di Fenizio, CISUC, Department of
Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra
Recent improvements in the PT-STAR Project
Tiago Luís, Wang Lin, INESC-ID Lisboa
Phone Recognition and Language Modeling for
Variety Identification
Oscar Koller, INESC-ID
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Dynamic
Modeling and Antiretroviral Treatment Analysis
Ana Calhau, Constança Roquette, Teresa Cordeiro,
Formal verification techniques: model checking
in systems biology
Pedro T. Monteiro, Inesc-ID
Avaliação de Usabilidade
Alfredo Manuel dos Santos Ferreira Júnior, INESCID
Lexicon extraction from bilingual comparable
Luís Carvalho, INESC-ID
In silico Metabolic Engineering
Miguel Rocha, Universidade do Minho
PT-STAR: speech translation
Nuno Grazina, INESC-ID
Intellectual Property Seminar
Engª Sofia Mendes, INPI
Recent advances in language and speaker recognition: Compensation methods, the Joint Factor
Jordi Luque, L2F and TALP
Project “EnviGP - Improving Genetic
Programming for the Environment and Other
Sara Silva, INESC-ID
Recent advances in language and speaker recognition: Gaussian Super Vectors and compensation methods
Alberto Abad, Jordi Luque, L2F and TALP
Wideband CMOS Receivers Exploiting Noise and
Distortion Cancelling
Eric A. M. Klumperink, University of Twente
How to Complete an Interactive Configuration
Mikoláš Janota, University College Dublin
Concise Integer Linear Programming
Formulations for Dependency Parsing
André Martins, IST/Carnegie-Mellon
Motif representation and discovery
Alexandra M. Carvalho, Inesc-ID
Design: FPreto – graphic design for closed and open media

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