File - St. Edward Catholic Church


File - St. Edward Catholic Church
St. Edward Catholic Church
January 19, 2014
For us, Christ is everything. We
begin in each day in his presence.
We are his people, from many
walks of life, and from many
nations and languages. We
adore the Lord, address him with
the psalms of our ancestors and
enter the sacred Liturgy, the
source and summit in our life in
Christ. Through our Catechetical
programs we pass on the faith
both to adults and children,
training in holiness which calls us
to a Holy life distinguished above
all in the art of prayer. Rising from
prayer we minister to the needs of
those who ask our help, with food
and other assistance. We are the
people of St. Edward Catholic
Church in Newark, California.
Christ is everything. If you have a
wound to heal, he is the doctor; if
you are in need of help, he is
strength; if you fear death, he is
life; if you desire Heaven, he is
the way; if you are in the
darkness, he is light. Blessed are
they who hope in him!
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Have Faith in Christ, and Love
From a letter to the Ephesians
by Saint Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr
Try to gather together more frequently to give thanks to God and
to praise him. For when you come together frequently, Satan’s powers
are undermined, and the destruction he threatens is done away with in
the unanimity of your faith. Nothing is better than peace, in which all
warfare between heaven and earth is brought to an end.
None of this will escape you if you have perfect faith and love
toward Jesus Christ. These are the beginning and the end of life: faith
the beginning, love the end. When these two are found together, there is
God, and everything else concerning right living follows from them. No
one professing faith sins; no one possessing love hates. “A tree is
known by its fruit.” So those who profess to belong to Christ will be
known by what they do. For the work we are about is not a matter of
words here and now, but depends on the power of faith and on being
found faithful to the end.
It is better to remain silent and to be than to talk and not be.
Teaching is good if the teacher also acts. Now there was one teacher
who “spoke, and it was made,” and even what he did in silence is worthy
of the Father. He who has the word of Jesus can truly listen also to his
silence, in order to be perfect, that he may act through his speech and
be known by his silence. Nothing is hidden from the Lord, but even our
secrets are close to him. Let us then do everything in the knowledge that
he is dwelling within us so that we may be his temples and he may be
God within us. He is, and will reveal himself, in our sight, according to
the love we bear him in holiness.
“Make no mistake,” my brothers: those who corrupt families “will
not inherit the kingdom of God.” If those who do these things in
accordance with the flesh have died, how much worse will it be if one
corrupts through evil doctrine the faith of God for which Jesus was
crucified. Such a person, because he is defiled, will depart into the
unquenchable fire, as will any one who listens to him.
For the Lord received anointing on his head in order that he
might breathe incorruptibility on the Church. Do not be anointed with the
evil odor of the teachings of the prince of this world, do not let him lead
(Continued on page 3)
St. Edward Catholic Church
Schedule for Holy Mass
Horario de la Santa Misa
5:00 pm
5788 Thornton Ave.
Newark, CA 94560
(510) 797-0241
En Español
Rev. Jeffrey R. Keyes, C.PP.S., Pastor
Rev. James Franck, C.PP.S., Parochial Vicar
Rev. Jaya Babu Nuthulapati, C.PP.S., Parochial Vicar
7:15 am
8:30 am
Missa Cantata 10:00 am
11:30 am
Mass in
Portuguese 12:45pm
6:00 pm
8:00 pm
6:45 am
9:00 am
Parish School
Gregory Fonzeno, Elementary School Principal
Kathy McCall, School Secretary
Parish Staff
Irma Ramirez, Administrative Secretary
Sister Mary Mark Schoenstein, OP, Pastoral Associate
Maria Lopes, Bookkeeper and Treasurer
Cruz Calvillo, Buildings and Grounds
Sam Dorlaque, Music Ministry
Faith Formation
Rev. Jeffrey R. Keyes, C.PP.S., Adult Formation/RCIA
Donalyn Deeds, Elementary Faith Formation
Michele Javier Poma, Confirmation
Ana Katsanes, Secretary
Ann Marie Carbonell, Youth Ministry
Liturgy of Hours
Finance Committee
Tom DuBeck - Chairperson
Deacon Rolito Roque
Deacon Roger Wedl
Deacon Ernie Perez (Retired)
Rectory Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone and Fax
Morning Prayer 6:15am
Evening Prayer 4:30pm
Morning Prayer 8:15am
Evening Prayer 4:15pm
Morning Prayer 6:15am
Evening Prayer 5:15pm
Holy Mass
Extraordinary Form
Rectory (510) 797-0241
Fax (510) 797-4557
Faith Formation/CCD (510)797-5588
Music Office (510) 797-5035
St. Edward School (510) 793-7242
Dominican Sisters (510) 793-9447
Saint Vincent De Paul Helpline (510) 494-9319
Parish Hall Available for Rent (510) 797-0241
9:00 am
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.
Monday at 7:30 p.m.
First Friday at 4:30 p.m.
Confesión En Español
Jueves 8:30 am
Primer y tercer Lunes, 7:30 pm
Primer Viernes del Mes, 4:30 pm
Holy Baptism
Sagrado Bautismo
Must be registered in St. Edward Parish
three months prior to baptism.
Deben registrarse en la parroquia
tres meses antes del bautismo.
Holy Matrimony
Sagrado Matrimonio
The Diocese requires six months preparation prior
to marriage. Please contact a priest to schedule
an appointment.
La Diócesis pide que se prepare con seis meses de
anticipación. Por favor, haga cita con
un sacerdote.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] (music office)
The priest would like to meet
with the family prior
to the funeral service.
El sacerdote le gustaria reunirse
con la familia antes
del servicio funebre.
On the Web
7:00 pm
Parish Support
Weekly Need
Sunday, Jan. 12
C.PP.S. Religious Retirement$ 4,328
Second Collections
Jan. 19
Jan. 26
Feb. 2
St. Edward School
Capital Improvements
Bishop’s Appeal
Thank you for your support!
Mass Intentions for the Week
January 20-27, 2014
Monday, January 20, Weekday
6:45 a.m. For the Sick (Sp.Int.)
9:00 a.m. All Souls
Tuesday, January 21, St. Agnes
6:45 a.m. Living & Deceased of the O’Hanlin
9:00 a.m. Maria Jesus Rodriguez †
Wednesday, January 22, U.S. A. Day of Prayer
for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
6:45 a.m. Mary Hawley †
9:00 a.m. Gary & Ellen Remerata (Wedd. Annv.)
Thursday, January 23, St. Vincent
6:45 a.m. Francisca Diaz †
9:00 a.m. Marge Bremner †
5:30 p.m. Vocations
January 24, St. Francis de Sales
6:45 a.m. Marleen I. Villarreal (Birthday)
9:00 a.m. Deborah Apodaca Monahan †
Saturday, January 25, The Conversion of Saint
Paul the Apostle
9:00 a.m. Respect Life Ministry (Sp.Int.)
5:00 p.m. Colin Liester (7th Birthday)
7:00 p.m. Lemuel Abelgas †
January 26, Third Sunday in
Ordinary Time
7:15 a.m. Marta Peña †
8:30 a.m. Santos-Quenga-Cruz Family (Sp.Int.)
10:00 a.m. Conceição Silveira Sousa†
11:30 a.m. Gonzalo Vergara, Jr. †
12:45 p.m. Cesar Fonseca (Sp.Int.)
6:00 p.m. Benjamin Viray †
8:00 p.m. Parishioners
Small group of Seniors meet every Friday from 10 to 12
noon in our parish hall. You can crochet, knit, or do you
own projects. Everyone is welcome.
(Continued from page 1)
you captive away from the life that is set before you.
But why is it that we are not all wise when we have
received the knowledge of God, which is Jesus
Christ? Why do we perish in our stupidity, not
knowing the gift the Lord has truly sent us?
My spirit is given over to the humble service
of the cross which is a stumbling block to
unbelievers but to us salvation and eternal life.
CCD News
We would like to remind our Communion A parents
that we have a Parents-only meeting this coming
Thursday, January 23, at 7pm.
Next weekend is a “Do This in Memory” weekend.
Our First Communion Families will be celebrating
Mass with us at the 5pm, 7pm and 8:30am Masses.
What Is It to Think with the Church?
Three DSPT Fellows will share their professional Catholic
perspective. Richard Gallagher, Cancer
Research Scientist; Michael Naughton, Director of the
John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought; and
Gregory Wolfe, Founder and Editor of the journal Image.
Feb. 1, 1:30 pm at Dominican School of Philosophy and
Theology, 2301 Vine Street, Berkeley, 888-450-3778. RSVP recommended.
Diocesan Vocations Prayer
Gracious and loving God, under the intercession of Our
Lady of Guadalupe, raise up men and women to
respond to your call to serve in the Diocese of
Oakland. Our needs are great and our people thirst for
your presence. Open the hearts of many, raise up
faithful servants of the Gospel, dedicated, holy priests,
sisters and brothers who will offer themselves for your
people and their needs. Bless those who are now
serving with courage and perseverance. Grant that
many will be inspired by their example and faith to
embrace their call to holiness and to their particular
vocation in your Church. Give all the baptized of our
diocese the grace to know and do your will. We ask
this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
The Diocese of Oakland is blessed to have twenty-six
seminarians preparing for priesthood. Please
generously contribute to the Seminary Collection this
weekend, January 19 & 20. You will find envelopes and
pamphlets in the pews’ rack.
Bible Study
St. Edward Thursday Evening Bible Study Group
began on Thursday, January 16, at 7:30 p.m. in the
school library a ten-week study of ‘The Gospel
According to John’. All are welcome. No previous
bible experience is necessary. For more information
3 call Deacon Roger at 793-6284.
Live the Word of God!
Saints and Special Observances
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time; Julian Calendar
Theophany (Epiphany)
Monday: St. Fabian; St. Sebastian; Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday: St. Agnes Wednesday: Day of Prayer for the Legal
Protection of Unborn Children
Thursday: St. Vincent
St. Francis de Sales
Saturday: The Conversion of St. Paul; Week of Prayer
for Christian Unity ends
Today’s Readings
Readings For The Week
First Reading — The glory of the LORD shows through
Israel, a light to all nations, that salvation may reach to
the ends of the earth (Isaiah 49:3, 5-6).
Psalm — Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will(Psalm 40).
Second Reading — All those who call upon the name of
the Lord are called to be holy (1 Corinthians 1:1-3).
Gospel — John the Baptist testifies: The one who comes
after me, on whom the Spirit comes down and remains, is
the Son of God (John 1:29-34).
Human Trafficking:
A modern-day form of slavery
Presentation on, January 21, 2014 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at
Holy Spirit Church, small hall, 37588 Fremont Blvd, Fremont. Every 30 seconds another person becomes a victim of human trafficking. For information call Rosa Baeza
at 510-877-9252 or e-mail [email protected].
Caregivers and the Sick invited to World Day of the Sick
Mass Saturday, February 8, 10:00 am
The Cathedral of Christ the Light, 2121 Harrison St.,
World Day of the Sick, initiated by Pope John Paul II and held
annually worldwide near the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes,
will be observed in the Cathedral of Christ the Light, Bishop Michael Barber, S.J., will preside at Mass, assisted by priests from
throughout the diocese. The liturgy will include the sacrament of
anointing the sick, a blessing of caregivers and healthcare providers, and distribution of holy water from Lourdes, France. A
reception will follow Mass. No RSVP is necessary. Members of
the Order of Malta will be available to assist with special mobility
requirements. Please arrive by 9:30 am to ensure timely seating. Attendees may park in the Cathedral garage for up to three
hours without charge, space permitting. The maximum fee for
time beyond three hours is $5. Overflow parking in neighboring
garages and lots will be at the driver's expense. More details are
available at Please share this information widely with the ill, their caregivers and healthcare providers.
Friends & Fellowship
On January 26, The ABBA Father Prayer
Group will host the free hot meal for those in
need in our area in the parish hall. Thank you
to them and to all our parish groups who help us in this
good cause. Also thank you to our Friends & Fellowship
Committee. **Our free hot meals are now the 2nd &
4th Sunday of each month from 1 to 3 p.m.
Holiday –The Parish Office and
Faith Formation, will be closed on Monday,
January 20th, in observance of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Jan. 19 Sunday
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
7:15 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Mass
10:00 a.m. Mass
11:30 a.m. Mass
12:45 p.m. Portuguese Mass
5:15 p.m. Evening Prayer
6:00 p.m. Mass
8:00 p.m. Mass
1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21,
23; Mk 2:18-22
1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20-22, 27-28;
Mk 2:23-28
1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Ps 144:1b, 2,
9-10; Mk 3:1-6
1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Ps 56:2-3, 9-13;
Mk 3:7-12
1 Sm 24:3-21; Ps 57:2-4, 6, 11;
Mk 3:13-19
Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc,
2; Mk 16:15-18
Is 8:23 - 9:3; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14;
1 Cor 1:10-13, 17; Mt 4:12-23 [12-17]
20 Monday
21 Tuesday
Office Closed
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
7:30 p.m. Confessions
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
7:00 p.m. Escuela Pastoral
22 Wednesday
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
8:30 a.m. Our Lady of
Perpetual Help Devotion
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
7:30 p.m. Adult Faith Form
7:00 p.m. Escuela Pastoral
St. Edward Parish News
January 19, 2014
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mark Your
January 25, 2014
Congratulations to our new members of St. Edward
Parish who were baptized last weekend:
Kaylie Aylin Garcia-Rodriguez
Alicia Ureno-Gonzalez
Gabriel Gonzalez Ureno
Alejandro Ureno
Cesar David Ureno
Diana Ureno
Walk For Life-West
Coast, San Francisco
Buses leaves at 8:00 am from
St. Edward Church to St.
Mary's Cathedral for Mass at
9:30 am with Archbishop
Cordileone. 14 bishops will be
con-celebrating. After Mass,
back on the bus, to Civic
Center Plaza, for speeches
and Walk on Market Street, to
end at Justin Herman Plaza (at
the Embarcadero). Bus tickets
are now on sale in the parish
office for $10: children and
youth ride free, lunch is NOT
included. For more infor.
contact Barbara Pomeroy at
209-1541, (cell) or Susanna at
796-5787, (home).
Please remember in your prayers Marcelino A.
Ferreira, William McCracken, & LeRoy Bernardo
who have completed their earthly journey and now
live in the presence of the Risen Lord.
Doolan Endowment Fund…the
Gift that Keeps on Giving!
The second collection on January 25th and 26th will
be for the Doolan Endowment Fund! This fund
provides necessary tuition assistance to parents
who are seeking a quality Catholic education for
their children at St. Edward School. The need is
great – especially during these challenging
economic times. We invite you to join us in
supporting this worthy cause. Thank you for your
All night Eucharistic Adoration for Life: All night
adoration starts at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, January 17th in
St. Edward Church chapel, and ends on Saturday, January
18th at 7:00 a.m. in the church. Please contact Barbara at
209-1541 or Sally Lau at 510-364-5217 (cell) for sign-up.
Thank you for supporting life.
Sunday, Feb. 9, 2014, at 1:00 P.M.
Century 25 Theaters, Union City
32100 Union Landing Blvd.
$12 Tickets, buy ONLY at
St. Edward
5788 Thornton Ave,
Call the office at (510) 797-0241
Come ALL! Enjoy a great movie and help
St. Edward’s Music ministry raise funds!!
Jan. 23 Thurs.
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
9:30 a.m. Bible Class (Chapel)
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
5:30 p.m. Ext. Form Mass
7:30 p.m. Bible Class (Library)
7:00 p.m. Escuela Pastoral
24 Friday
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
6:45 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Confessions
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Evening Prayer
25 Saturday
8:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
9:00 a.m. Mass
4:15 p.m. Evening Prayer
5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass
7:00 p.m. Spanish Vigil Mass
26 Sunday
We will be
after all the
6:15 a.m. Morning Prayer
7:15 a.m. Mass
8:30 a.m. Mass
10:00 a.m. Mass
11:30 a.m. Mass
12:45 p.m. Portuguese Mass
5:15 p.m. Evening Prayer
6:00 p.m. Mass
8:00 p.m. Mass
You’re Invited to
St. Edward School’s Open House
Please Pray For:
Oren Por Ellos:
At Saint Edward Parish School, every student is valued
and encouraged to be an active Christian, lifelong learner,
and socially responsible individual; our supportive and
loving community provides our students with an
environment where they are nurtured, challenged, and
appreciated. If you are an alum, parishioner, or family
who would like to visit or join our learning community,
please come to St. Edward School’s Open House on
Sunday, January 26th from 9:30 AM-12:00 PM. During
your visit you’ll have the opportunity to meet with our
diverse group of parents, students, teachers and staff,
and learn more about what our school has to offer. You
can also visit our school website at
We look forward to seeing you there!
Spec. Johnny A. Caro
Justin Ryan Chairez
Sgt. Eric Revuelta
Sgt. Israel Revuelta
Sgt. Maj. Harry Elid Rivera
Lance Corporal Anthony Elid Rivera
Captain Zack Martin, in North Carolina
SSG. Ernie Paredes
Angelo David Jimenez
Lance Corporal Andrew Voropaeff, in Japan
Steven San Agustin, in Ft. Lewis, WA
Frank Villagomez, in Ft. Lewis, WA
Bryan Fischer, in Afghanistan
Capt. Matt & Jenny Nolte, in Germany
SSGT. Marcus Espinosa, in Fort Irwin, CA
Prt. Nicole Nestell
Corpswoman Arlene T. Alonzo, in Navy Baghdad
Ron Noah F. Buniag
Joseph L.G. Rios, in El Paso, Texas
Candice Weaver DeRamos
Pfc. Jason Brennan, in Afghanistan
SSG Cleophas Sebille, in Afghanistan
John Quenga, in South Dakota
Julian Torres, in Afghanistan
Sargent Raymond Watkinson, in San Diego
Msg. Jason Montgomery, in Fort Campbell, Kentucky
MSGT Camille Stamatokos, in North Dakota
TSGT Peter Stamatokos, in North Dakota
Brian Dimapan, in Texas
LCPL Patrick Johnson, in San Diego-Afghanistan
Marvin Calvo Terlaje
Tyler Talavera, in New Jersey
Samuel Potenti, Marine, in San Diego
Jonathan Shaack, Navy Persian Gulf
Mark Joseph M. Castillo, in Hawaii/Germany
SGT. Andrew Williams, U.S. Army in Afghanistan
SSgt. Liam Williams, USMC in Afghanistan
SPEC Robert Roque, Army Afghanistan
MA3 Jared Reis, Navy, San Diego
Joseph A. Silveira, U.S. Marine
Michael A. Padilla, Army Pakistan
Hospitality Sunday
February 9 & March 9
Please join us after the 7:15, 8:30, and
10:00 a.m. Masses. Free coffee and
donuts in the parish hall.
The school will be selling SCRIP after all of the
Masses these weekends:
Feb. 9 and March 9
Please support our school and our tuition assistance
program for families in need.
Filipino BBQ Take Out Night, Friday January 24
By popular demand, the 6th Graders are hosting another
Filipino BBQ Take Out Night. Each meal only cost $6.00
(BBQ, rice and salad). Place your order for your family
early to reserve this delicious dinner. To place your order, call/text Raquel Noguera (650) 544-9002 or email:
[email protected]. Dinners will be ready for
pickup at the Parish Hall between 3:00-7:00pm. Cash or
checks accepted at pickup. All profits from the sale will
go towards the 6th Grade Science Camp Fundraiser.
Thank you for your support!
Missionaries of
the Precious Blood
Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend
For almost 200 years, sharing God’s reconciling
message of love with the world. If you are interested
in a religious life, contact Fr. Vince Wirtner, C.PP.S.
at [email protected]
Cincinnati Province
Kansas City Province
Just had a baby?
Have kids under 5 years old and need extra
foods? Please call Alameda County WIC
at 510-595-6400.
"This is my beloved Son, with whom I
am well pleased." Turn your
marriage over to Christ, so that God
will be pleased. Take time to reflect,
renew and re-energize your marriage
on the next Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend. The next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is on Feb
7 - 9 held in Livermore. Early registration is highly
recommended. For more information contact Mike &
Jeanne @ 925.672.2016 or Joe & Sue @
925.680.7767 now or go to
Iglesia de San Eduardo
Enero 19, 2014
Primera lectura — Te voy a poner como una luz para el
mundo (Isaías 49:3, 5-6).
Salmo — Aquí estoy, Señor, para hacer tu voluntad
(Salmo 40 [39]).
Segunda lectura — A los que Dios santificó en Cristo
Jesús . . . tengan bendición y paz (1 Corintios 1:1-3).
Evangelio — Ahí viene el Cordero de Dios, el que quita
el pecado del mundo. Él es el Hijo de Dios (Juan 1:2934).
Sustento de la Parroquia
Enero 12
Retiro de los Misioneros-C.PP.S. $ 4,328
Segunda Colecta
Ene. 19
Ene. 26
Feb. 2
Feb. 9
Escuela de San Eduardo
Fondos Parroquiales
Apelación del Obispo
Gracias por todo su apoyo!
1 Sm 15:16-23; Sal 50 (49):8-9, 16bc-17,
21, 23; Mc 2:18-22
1 Sm 16:1-13; Sal 89 (88):20-22, 27-28;
Mc 2:23-28
1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Sal 144
(143):1b, 2, 9-10; Mc 3:1-6,
1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Sal 56 (55):2-3, 913; Mc 3:7-12
1 Sm 24:3-21; Sal 57 (56):2-4, 6, 11;
Mc 3:13-19
Hch 22:3-16 o Hch 9:1-22;
Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2; Mc 16:15-18
Is 8:23 — 9:3; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14;
1 Cor 1:10-13, 17; Mt 4:12-23 [12-17]
Nuestro Grupo de
Oración los invitan:
**Rosario Bíblico: Primer Martes del mes a
7 p.m. en la Capillita.
**Exposición del Santísimo: Tercer Martes del
mes a las 7 p.m. en la Iglesia.
Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Recen por los Enfermos
Pray for the Sick
Lynda Abelgas
Virginia Aguilera
Stephanie Aguilar
Gloria Aguirre
Mely Agustin
John Alejandres
Fernando Almeda
Miguel Alvarez
Ramona Alvarez
David Arleano
Don Armstrong
William D. Armstrong
Diego Arteaga
Edgar Arredondo
Salome Arroyo
Seffie Avalos
Penny Bantug
Gabriela Barreto
Luis Barron
Javier Barron
Dom Barker
Lamberto Bautista
Alfredo Bayot
Paul Becerra
George Bettencourt
Kyong Blackmon
Fred Blackmon
Israel Butron Magaña
Rogelio Bueno
Julie Cattrell
Mariela A. Carcamo
Antonia Caballes
Victor Capaz
Juanito Capistrano
Ben Carbonell
Ramon Castellano
Javier Cervantes
Walter Clifford
Bella Changco
Cecilia Contreras
Ismael Corpuz
Judy Cruz
Jennie Cruz
Joseph Cruz
Timothy C. Cruz
Tony Changco
Stan Deeds
Irene Delucchi
Valente Dela Cruz
Christie Dela Cruz
Isais Dominguez
Rudy Dominguez
Elpidio S. Dorotheo
Craig Drysdale
Narcisa Estrelles
Juanita Estrellas
Maria Farsan
Emily Favis
Helen Fernandez
Felicia Fernandez
Tessie Fojas
Cesar Fonseca
Francisco Franco
Shirlita Gamat
Maria Garcia
Francisco Garcia
Fe & Richard Garcia
Angeline Garcia
Tomas Garcia
Rodelo Garcia
John J. Garfield
Anthony Gonsalves
Alfredo Gonzalez
Pati Gonzalez
Harriet Green
Matt Grisom
Manda Grisom
Jose Gustavo
Martha Gilmore
Esther Gladys Grey
Rose Harper
Anthony Moses Hernandez
Zenaida G. Hernandez
Linda Hernandez
Marcos Herrera
Dulce Hiturbe
Richard Hughes
Danny Ives
Buddy Igne
Clyde Igne
Kitty Imperial-Dizon
Ginger Jennings
Eduardo Jimenez
Ann Joly
Donald Jones
Madley Katarungan
Nancy Keil
Rich King
Roberto Lara
Jorge Lara
David Law
June Lesire
Laura Looker
Jose Loza
Thersita Lum
Gerard V. Limtiaco
Dot Louie
Maria Magaña
Carmen Martinez
Feliciano Martinez
Martin Martinez
Julie Malaspina
Michael McDonnell
Arthur Means
Angel Miague
Julie Miller
Ashley Miller
Elisa C. Madero
William McCracken
Adriana Montero
Juan C. Muñoz G.
Rosa Nava
Arcadia Nava
Marcus Nettz
Helen B. Nguyen
Barbara Nickolson
Larry Noda
David Oger
Laura Ojeda
Percival Olarte
Virginia Olivera
Manuel Obregon
Alberto Orozco
Jose Ortiz
Edna Pacheco
Clemen Pastor
Hildegardo Perreras
Paciencia Perreras
Ricardo Padilla
Ofelia Pascual
Jeanne Perry
John Pinckney
Kathy Pinckney
Franklin Wayne Quon
Ulises Solano Perez
Rafael Prieto
Mathew Putnam
Liza Quisisem
Jeanne Ramirez
Reynaldo Ramos
Helen Rauch
Paul Reddon
Dolores Renteria
Lolita Reyes
Rose Rivera
Carlos Robles, Sr.
Teresa Romero
Maria Rubio
Amelia Rubio
Gildardo Ruiz
Marcial Sandoval
Braulia E.Sanchez
Anabel Santana
Jose M. Santana
Connie Sardeina
Abel Santana
Soledad Sedayao
Antonia Silican
Julieta Simas
Manuel Simas
Maria A. Simas
Anrico Soriano
Gil Smith
Claudia Soto
Vanessa Soto
Earl J. Stump
Tessi Stump
Norma Santos
Serina Saldivar
Connie Sardinha
Allyn Silva
Francesca Starnes
Alicia Stein
Anita Tampos
Hector Tena
Emma Tondag
Julian Torres
Andrea Umipig
Martha Vasquez F.
Delfia Villaflor
Mike Volz
Virginia Wiebe
Margaret West
Julio Worrell
Si usted gusta agregar o quitar un nombre a nuestra lista,
por favor llame la oficina al 797-0241. Please call the parish
7 office at 797-0241 if you want to add or delete any names.
Noticias del Catecismo
Domingo, 9 de Feb. a la 1:00 P.M.
En el Cine Century 25, Union City
32100 Union Landing Blvd.
$12 boletos, solamente en
La Iglesia de San Eduardo
5788 Thornton Ave, Newark
Llame a Irma al (510) 797-0241.
Vengan todos es una película muy
bonita sobre la vida de la Virgen
María. (La película es en Ingles)
Los fondos que se reúnan son para
nuestro departamento de Música.
Les recordamos a los papas de Comunión “A” que
tienen este Jueves la junta para los papas
solamente a las 7:00 p.m. en nuestra Iglesia de
San Eduardo.
El próximo Sábado es “Do This in Memory” fin de
semana. Nuestras familias de Primera Comunión
van a estar celebrando Misa con nosotros en las
Misas del Sábado de 5 y 7pm y el Domingo a las
8:30 am.
Porque las Mujeres merecen
algo mejor que el aborto.
Todos son Bienvenidos!
Se invita a toda persona que está pasando por muchos
problemas, están solos, o toda persona indigente que no
tiene un hogar y nada que comer. Los próximos
Domingos son las siguientes Comidas:Enero 26 y Feb. 9
La Convivencia y Cena es en el salón parroquial de 1-3
p.m. También tienen corte de pelo gratis. El Domingo, 26
de Enero, El Grupo de Oración ABBA Father van a
preparar la Cena. Gracias a ellos y a todos nuestros
grupos que nos ayudan con esta causa tan buena.
También agradecemos a la mesa directiva por apoyar y
dirigir este evento tan caritativo. Que Dios los bendiga a
Marque sus calendarios el Sábado, 25 de Enero,
3 autobuses van a salir de San Eduardo a San Francisco
a las 8 a.m. y vamos asistir a la Misa de 9:30 a.m. en la
Catedral de St. Mary. La camínate empieza en la Plaza
del Centro Cívico y finaliza en Justin Herman Plaza son
2 millas. Los boletos son a $10 y NO incluye lonche; los
boletos están disponibles en la oficina parroquial. Los
niños y jóvenes viajan gratis.
Adoración del Santísimo toda la noche por
la Vida: Empieza el Viernes, 17 de Enero a las 7 p.m.
en la capillita de San Eduardo y termina el Sábado, 18 de
Enero a las 7 a.m. en la Iglesia. Por favor llame a
Barbara al 209-1541 o Sally al 364-5217 para si gustan
velar en Santísimo algún tiempo. Gracias por apoyar la
Esperanza y Sanación después de
Si usted o alguien a quién usted ama está sufriendo tras
el aborto, la esperanza y la sanación están al alcance a
través de un grupo de sanación pos-aborto de 8 semanas
que está basado en las Sagradas Escrituras. Este grupo
es ofrecido por la Diócesis de Oakland y First Resort, es
sostenido en un ambiente de cariño, y causa un cambio
de vida y transformación. El grupo ofrece la sanación
emocional y espiritual para los hombres y las mujeres de
habla hispana y comenzará el 28 de Enero, 2014 en
Berkeley a cerca de la Iglesia San José Obrero (1640
Addison St.). Para el grupo de sanación pos-aborto en
español, favor de contactar a Gloria Maldonado, al
número (510) 384-6875 o por domicilio electrónico:
[email protected]. Todo es
completamente confidencial y gratis.
Felicitamos a los nuevos miembros de nuestra Parroquia
que fueron Bautizados la semana pasada:
Kaylie Aylin Garcia-Rodriguez
Alicia Ureno-Gonzalez
Gabriel Gonzalez Ureno
Alejandro Ureno
Cesar David Ureno
Diana Ureno
Por favor recuerden en sus oraciones a Marcelino A.
Les recordamos que los libritos de las lecturas del
mes de Febrero “La Palabra Entre Nosotros”
están disponibles en la Rectoría.
Ferreira, William McCracken, & LeRoy Bernardo
que pasaron a mejor vida y ahora viven en la presencia
del Señor.
Jóvenes Para Cristo
El Grupo de la Legión de María, Madre de Cristo en
Español les hacen una cordial invitación a toda su
familia al Rosario de cada mes el Viernes, 14 de
Febrero en la Iglesia de San Eduardo a las
7:00 p.m. Por favor anoten en sus calendarios.
Te invita a ti Joven/Adulto, a nuestro grupo todos los
Viernes en el salón de nuestra Parroquia de San
Eduardo a las 7 p.m. Todos son bienvenidos.
Retiro de Iniciación
Jóvenes Para Cristo
Febrero 28-Marzo 2 del 2014
Para mas información llamar a Omar al 310-710-3346 o
pasar por una aplicación a la oficina parroquial.
Confesiones en Español
Todos los Jueves a las 8:30 a.m.
Primer Viernes a las 4:30 p.m.
Primer y Tercer Lunes, 7:30 p.m.
Igreja de Santo Eduardo
19 de Janeiro, 2014
COMENTÁRIO No Evangelho deste domingo,
encontramos uma profissão de fé em Jesus Cristo que se
articula em três afirmações: “Eis o Cordeiro de Deus que
tira o pecado do mundo”; “eu vi o Espírito descer, como
uma pomba do céu, e permanecer sobre ele”; “eu vi e
dou testemunho, este é o Filho de Deus”. Obviamente, a
afirmação de maior peso é a primeira, tanto que a cada
missa a repetimos três vezes no “cordeiro” e ouvimos
uma antes da comunhão.
Há exegetas que veem nesta imagem o cordeiro pascal
do qual se fala no livro do êxodo (12,1-28), onde o
sangue do cordeiro livrava o povo da morte e a sua carne
era consumida na partida para o êxodo. Há outros que
veem uma referência à oferta cotidiana de um cordeiro no
templo (Ex 29,38-46). E há ainda quem veja no Cordeiro
de Deus o Servo de Deus que toma sobre si (tirando) o
pecado do povo. O verbo que João usa para passar esta
ideia, ao mesmo tempo significa levar, tomar sobre os
próprios ombros, carregar, e com isso, tira o peso dos
ombros de alguém. Ambos significados estão presentes
nesta última comparação com Is 53: a inocência do Servo
e a sua solidariedade com os pecadores. Os dois motivos
estão presentes no gesto de Jesus que vem para ser
batizado, como vimos na semana passada: ele não se
afasta do povo pecador, mas se confunde com ele,
mesmo na consciência da própria inocência e da própria
origem divina, ele começa com o batismo a levar o peso
da cruz. Assim, a encarnação toma todo o seu sentido:
entendida não somente como um fazer-se homem, mas
como plena solidariedade com a humanidade e a sua
A proclamação de João: “eis o Cordeiro de Deus que tira
o pecado do mundo” tem como fundo o quarto cântico do
Servo do Senhor. A primeira leitura, porém, é um outro
texto, isto é, o segundo cântico do Servo do Senhor (49,3
-6). Também aí nós encontramos alguns traços que
precisam a rosto de Jesus e da sua missão. O Servo
toma a palavra para ilustrar a própria eleição, a sua
função de pregador e as dificuldades que encontra na
sua atividade. A sua missão é reunir Israel e ser
mediador de salvação para todos os homens. Aparecem
muitos temas aí, como a gratuita eleição da parte de
Missa Do II Domingo Do Tempo Comum
Deus, amado desde o seio materno; uma missão de
anúncio e libertação com dimensão universal. O Servo é
humilhado com o seu povo (escravo de tiranos, em
exílio), mas será glorificado em meio ao seu povo frente a
todas as nações.
Como Servo do Senhor, Jesus tira a nossa culpa e a
carrega. O que caracteriza Deus é a sua misericórdia,
que se manifesta no levar e tirar a culpa. Enquanto
Cordeiro de Deus que é Filho de Deus, Jesus age como
Deus e tira a culpa do mundo: assim, nele se manifesta a
misericórdia de Deus. Toma sobre si a culpa de todas as
pessoas e oferece a própria vida por elas.
Aquele que vem humilde e indefeso como um cordeiro e
oferece ao mundo este inestimável serviço de libertá-lo
do pecado, é realmente o salvador do mundo e, ao
mesmo tempo, possui uma dignidade incomparável. João
já havia declarado que não era digno nem de carregar
suas sandálias.
João dá testemunho de Jesus e ao mesmo tempo,
mostra em qual modo é legitimado como testemunha.
Sublinha duas vezes que não conhecia Jesus por conta
própria nem por ideia própria. Mas, com a ajuda do
Espírito Santo, reconhece Jesus. Assim, João dá
testemunho de Jesus não somente baseado naquilo que
viu, mas também por causa da revelação do Espírito
Santo que este experimentou. E João testemunha fiel,
leva os seus discípulos a Jesus a fim de que eles que
somos nós demos testemunho de Jesus Cristo.
Batizados no Espírito Santo, somos convidados a
testemunhar ao mundo Jesus Cristo que nos livra e
carrega toda a nossa culpa, permitindo-nos viver em
plenitude. – Pe Carlos Henrique Nascimento
DOMINGO 26 de Janeiro
Pe Tony Silveira
Maria Simas e Antonio Borba
Maria Clementina, Jose Carreiro,
e João Silveira
Antonio Sousa, Isabel Reis, Rita
Fonte, Magarida Filipe, Lucia
Valdão, Filomena Vieira, e Lucia
1a. leitura:
Angela Pereira
Angela Pereira
Ramiro Couto
Oração dos Fieis:
Adelaide Ferreira
CORPO DE CRISTO: Celebrante y Maria Dutra
SANGUE DE CRISTO: Ernesto y Arlete Costa
Manuel Bulcão e Membros da
nossa comunidade.
INTENCAO DA MISSA: Cesar Fonseca (Sp.Int.)
Isabel Reis
Paul Moreira
Advertising page
Advertising page
Sunday, January 26th
9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Please join us for refreshments and fun activities!
venture into our classrooms, computer lab, the
Doolan Center and library to see our wonderful
world of learning...and what we are all about!
Our faith‐based curriculum offers classes in technologyin‐
tegration, music, art, Spanish and physical education.
A Special Needs Program is also provided.
Applications now available in the school office or
Kinder testing February 22nd
Tuition Assistance Available

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