newsletter - St. Nicholas School


newsletter - St. Nicholas School
St. Nicholas
NEWSLETTER │ September I - 2008
Junior School Student Council 2008
Upcoming events
This year we would like to congratulate the new Student Council Representatives of the
Junior School. They are:
Sunday 7th September
Independence Day
Friday 26th September
Casual Clothes Day
Year 11 Bowling at Shopping Eldorado
Year 9 Life Skills trip to Parati
Year 11 Trip to the theatre – “Sargento de
Year 4 Trip to Campo dos Sonhos
Wednesday 17th September – Year 2Y
Thursday 11th September – Year 5Y
Thursday 18th September – Year 3Y
Saving Paper
If you would prefer copies of the newsletter
sent to your e mail account rather than in
paper format could you please send an
e-mail to [email protected].
br with the following information: name
of pupil, class or form, name of parents,
e-mail address.
Year 3X: Arissa Fujiura, Felipe Lorenzi
Year 3Y: Felipe Lyrio, Maria Antonia Deos
Year 4X: Saketh Sai Vempati, Luana Quinn
Year 4Y: Jun Young Park, Francisco Ricci
Year 5X: Gabriel de Almeida, João Suckow
Year 5Y: Noah Cukiert, Giovanna Pedrinola, Sally Shim
Year 6X: Damasia Correch, Julia Santos, Nina Goldman Cavalcanti, Aristide Arnulf
Year 6Y: Nicholas Beeby, Ivan Falsztyn, Gabriella Kirsten, Patrick Sewell
The Student Council meetings will be on Fridays from 12:00 to 12:35 in Year 6Y.
Last year, the Student Council helped raise funds, collect clothes and toys for charity. We
also bought school materials for the children of the school’s ancillary staff. This year, we
hope to continue helping charity, and organize different activities for the school.
Congratulations to all representatives and good luck!
Sharing Cultures and Traditions
The ECA “Sharing Cultures and Traditions” has given the opportunity to gather all members
of the school community - students, teachers, parents, staff and friends - and share various
aspects of many cultures. For this term, Argentinian, Brazilian, Chinese, Italian, Korean,
Portuguese and Swedish descendents are visiting the children for a brief meeting so that
everyone can have fun with multiculturalism.
This week Ms. Carla Strafacci (Admissions) had the chance to share her knowledge of
the Swedish Culture. The children learned about some customs, history and could sing
“Happy Birthday” and “ Twinkle, twinkle little star” in Swedish. Year 1 girls shared their
Dutch knowledge and sang “Happy Birthday”. Together we noticed that both Swedish and
Dutch “Happy Birthday” songs are much alike!!! It was fun!
St Nicks at Nike 10K Human Race
Come to the library and check the new
DVD titles that have just arrived! Here
are some of them…
A lenda do tesouro perdido
(National treasure)
As aventuras de Tintin
Bee Movie
Cidade de Deus
Memórias póstumas
O ano em que meus pais
saíram de férias
O bicho vai pegar
A “red wave” of 25 thousand people showed up for the Nike 10K Human Race on
Sunday 31st at USP. This global event happened simultaneously in 25 other cities
around the world and Infant, Junior and Senior staff and parents from St Nicks were
there representing and supporting.
(Open Season)
O caçador de pipas
(The kite runner)
Teachers who ran for a cause were: Peter Moss, Marjorie Duprat (Personal Best), Emily
Barker, Sarah Philip (2nd ever 10K and PB), Fiona Kemp (1st ever 10K and PB) and Joe
Hitch (PB).
Ms. Barker, who is St Nick’s race coordinator and 4 time Nike 10K runner said “I
recommend this race to people who have never raced before and would like to give it a
try. It is definitely a MUST in my calendar, as it gathers many people all around the world
running for charity!”
All staff were excited and somewhat nervous to participate in a race that was happening
all over the world with a million participants. After 10 weeks off, returning to racing after
his Ironman exploits in France, Mr. Moss managed a fantastic time of 00:37:56 and Ms
Philip was quoted to say: “I hated the last going up hill, it made me feel sick but I knew I
had only 2km to go so I kept it up. Right at the end I saw Ms. Kemp and I tried to catch up
with her, but when I started to sprint so did she. Anyway I think I finished a minute before
1 hour that made me very proud!!!”
Por água abaixo
(Flushed away)
Putz! A coisa tá feia
(The ugly duckling and me)
Sociedade dos poetas mortos
(Dead Poets’ Society)
el -
- Y1
Congratulations to all and let’s hope we can get as many staff (20) as we have for the
Pão de Açucar Marathon, for next year’s Human Race.
Learning about Different Types of Governments
Ivan Falsztyn and Rebecca de Gois
Central idea
People can create and change structures of power and government to affect
individual rights and society needs.
This year in year 6 we have been learning about different types of governments and how
they work. In year 6Y we have been doing a role-play about dictatorship where Emperor
Julius Caesar (played by Nicholas Beeby) showed how dictatorship is.
Soon we will be having a role-play of monarchy where King Ivan F and Queen Gabriella
K will organise a team of followers to rebel against Emperor Julius Caesar and throw him
out of his power and start ruling Year 6Y under a monarchic government.
From the dictatorship role play we learned how to follow orders, and that if the orders were
very dreadful and unfair we learned that we could rebel. Yet to come is the establishment
of a democratic government.
Mr Guiberto speaks to the Year 6 about municipal
elections in São Paulo and in Brazil.
In Year 6X, Mr. Eagles played the role of a military dictator. He dressed up for his role and
ordered the class to practice their times tables!
Ana Luiza Bueno
O mês de agosto é muito especial, pois
é o mês do folclore brasileiro, e para
comemorar o year 1 e o year 2 fizeram
parte de algumas atividades muito
No dia 22 recebemos a visita do grupo
de teatro de bonecos “Lembrando a
Lenda”, que nos contou uma história
muito envolvente, onde os personagens
eram o Saci, Curupira, Boto cor-derosa, Mula-sem-cabeça, Iara, Pedro
Malasartes, entre outros. Depois
de assistirem à peça, as crianças
confeccionaram os “dedoches”, que são
os fantoches para os dedos.
No dia 26 o Year 1 fez uma viagem
muito especial para a Toca da raposa,
onde eles tiveram a oportunidade de
entrar no mundo do Sítio do Pica Pau
amarelo. Comeram comida da fazenda,
bolinho de chuva da tia Nastácia,
ouviram as incríveis histórias do tio
Barnabé, brincaram na casa do Monteiro
Lobato com a Emília, o Visconde de
Sabugosa, a Narizinho, aprenderam
a fazer armadilha para pegar o Saci
e também aprenderam como faz para
neutralizar os poderes da Cuca.
É muito bom poder aprender
vivenciando a cultura, principalmente
quando o aprendizado é recheado de
diversão e fantasia!!!
Até a próxima, pessoal!!!!
English X Portuguenglish
Here is your chance to get an R.O.A.! Fill in this quiz with the correct English phrases and sentences that correspond to the ones in Portuguese and
hand it in to Mrs. Toffoli (ESL) or Mr. Harrison (Year 5Y). The answer to this quiz will be published in the next issue of the school Newsletter. This
quiz is open for Infants, Juniors and Seniors.
1. Que pena, a música acabou!
2. Passei o fim de semana na casa do meu amigo.
3. Minha mãe não me deixa comprar nada na tuck shop.
Answers to last issue’s quiz:
1.We have to/must wear a tie in my school. 2. I don’t have/ haven’t got my P.E. kit here. 3. I have nothing to do/I don’t have anything to do.
Victoria and Anna (Year 5), Nicholas (Year 6) and Lia, Fernanda and Amanda (Year8)
Ganesh Chaturthi
Raunak Daswani - Y6
We Hindus keep an idol of Lord Ganesha in our homes. During the festival of Ganesh
Chaturti, we keep him in a special place in the house as a guest and offer him fruits
and Indian sweets for 10 days. We offer him sweets like Ladoos and Modak, which are
his favourite! The date of the festival is not fixed, but it usually happens in the month of
September. This year the celebration starts on the 3rd of September.
Commemorations, Celebrations And Fun Events Around The World
Action Committee / International Committee
1st September – First Day of Ramadan takes place every ninth
month of the Islamic (Hijri) calendar, which has been happening
since the year 638 CE. It is the holiest month of the Islamic year,
and it is observed with prayers, fasting, charity, and atonement.
- Every first Monday of September, the United States celebrate
Labour Day compared to the May 1st Labour Day celebrations
of most countries including Brazil. It is a day of rest, and many
Americans travel to visit friends or family during the long Labour
Day weekend. Some cities celebrate it with picnics, barbecues,
fireworks and parades.
3rd September – Ganesh Chaturthi is an annual Indian festival
that honour Lord Ganesha. It ends after ten days when images of
the Hindi god is immersed in a body of water. (See article.)
7th September – Brazilian Independence Day is a day to
commemorate Brazil’s independence from Portugal in 1822. It
is a public holiday, and is celebrated with local commemorative
events. (See related article.)
8th September – International Literacy Day is observed to raise
awareness of worldwide literacy needs. More than 780 million of
the world’s adults do not know how to read or write, and between
94 and 115 million children lack access to education. On this day,
UNESCO awards literacy projects worldwide, and this year’s five
winners are China, the United States, Nigeria, Senegal, and the
United Republic of Tanzania.
14th September – the Mid-Autumn Festival is an important
Chinese festival that dates back over 3,000 years ago. This
festival is celebrated every 15th day of the 8th lunar month of
the Chinese calendar, which is usually around September in our
calendar. The moon is at its fullest on this night, and families
enjoy it drinking tea and eating mooncakes.
15th of September – Respect for the Aged Day (Keirō no
hi) is a national holiday that traces its origins to 1947, when a
town proclaimed the day as Old Folks’ Day. Its popularity spread
nationwide, and became a national observation in 1966. Every
year, the Japanese make this an occasion to feature the elderly
in the news.
– International Day of Democracy is an affirmation of the
principles of democracy, the elements and exercise of democratic
government, and the international scope of democracy.
21st of September – Observed every third Tuesday of
September, the International Day of Peace was established
by the United Nations to be “devoted to commemorating and
strengthening the ideals of peace …” On this day, the “Peace
Bell” is rung at UN Headquarters.
22nd September – A Car Free Day is observed with the goal
of taking a fair number of cars off the streets in order to give the
people who live and work there a chance to consider how their
city might look and work with a lot fewer cars.
23rd September – Autumnal Equinox Day (Shūbun no hi) in
Japan, this is an official national holiday, and is spent visiting
family graves and holding family reunions.
24th September – Heritage Day is a public holiday in South
Africa. People regardless of race are encouraged to celebrate their
cultural heritage and the diversity of their beliefs and traditions.
The day is meant to remember their past and the struggles of
29th September – Rosh Hashanah is when the Jewish
celebrate their New Year. This day marks the beginning of the
Jewish year 5768 and opens the ten days of Penitence which
ends with Yom Kippur.
Michaelmas, so called after Archangel Michael, is a Christian
holiday especially observed in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
This day falls near the equinox, and signals the beginning of
autumn and the shortening of days.