verb: gerund


verb: gerund
1) Complete each sentence with one of these verbs:
answer - apply - be - be - listen - make - see - try - use - wash - work - write
a) He tried to avoid _________________ my question.
b) Could you please stop _____________ so much noise?
c) I enjoy _______________ to music.
d) I considered ____________ for the job but in the end I decided against it.
e) Have you finished ______________ your hair yet?
f) If you walk into the Road without looking, you risk ___________ knocked down.
g) Jim is 65 but he isn’t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on ____________
h) I don’t mind you __________ the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.
i) Hello! Fancy _______ you here!
j) I’ve put off _______ the letter so many times. I really must do it today.
k) What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody ________ so stupid?
l) Sarah gave up __________ to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.
EU oportunities in vocational
education and training
One of the largest program is the Leonardo da Vinci program for vocational training and
lifelong learning with an annual budget of some 200 million euros. This program promotes
cross-broader exchanges and projects, in particular those which foster innovation and
entrepreneurship, improve the quality of training and make it easier to obtain and use vocational
training and skills in other countries. The EU’S goal is for 150000 vocational placements
annually under this program by 2013.
Anyone taking up an opportunity for work – linked training or an apprenticeship in another
EU country (irrespective of whether this training was EU) – funded can have it recorded in a
Europass, a single-format training record recognized throughout the EU.
Responda às questões 2 e 3, em português, com base no texto.
2) O que promove o Programa Leonardo da Vinci?
3) Por volta do ano 2013, o que se espera na EU com relação ao Programa Leonardo da Vinci?4
4) Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to.
a) I was very tired. I tried ________ (keep) my eyes open but I couldn’t.
b) I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried _________ (knock) on the door,
but there’s still no answer.
c) We tried ________ (put) the fire out but we were successful. We had to call the fire brigade.
d) Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried ______ (ask) Gerry but he was short of money
e) I tried__________________(reach) the shelf but I wasn’t tall enough.
Food for thought
Public hostility to the genetic modification of crops risks slowing down the development of
a potentially important technology — which is why more must be done to reassure consumers
Genetic modification, or GM, is a way of adding genes conferring resistance to insect, fungal
and viral pests to plants that might otherwise succumb or require pesticides. It can also foster
herbicide-resistance, meaning that weeds can be easily killed even among standing crops. All this
increases yields and should (at least in a free market, which is admittedly a rare occurrence in
agriculture) reduce prices. In future, its proponents hope, it may also enhance a crop’s nutritional
Yet despite these benefits, protests against GM are mounting, especially but not only in
Europe. GM crops are unpopular; many people positively hate them. As one Essex protester
put it, “My only objection to genetically modified foods is that they’re unsafe, unwanted and
Responda as questões 5 a 8, em português, com base no Texto anterior:
5) Em relação à questão tratada no texto, qual é a opinião do autor?
6) Qual sugestão que ele oferece?
7) Cite dois benefícios da aplicação da engenharia genética na agricultura.
8) Como um dos manifestantes de Essex justifica sua posição?