Misto Quente - Frio / Mixed Hot


Misto Quente - Frio / Mixed Hot
Tipos de pães: Francês, Baguete, Forma, Hambúrguer e Sírio
Types of breads: French, Baguette Shape Burger and Syrian
Misto Quente - Frio / Mixed Hot - Cold
Queijo e presunto / Cheese and ham
Queijo Quente / Cheese Hot
Queijo e tomate / Cheese and tomato
Queijo, presunto e tomate / Cheese, ham and tomato
Americano / American
Queijo, presunto ovo / Cheese, ham, egg, lettuce and tomato
X - Burguer
Hambúrguer e queijo / Beef and cheese
X - Salada / X Salad
Hambúrguer, queijo, alface e tomate / Burger, cheese, lettuce and tomato
X - Bacon
Hambúrguer, queijo e bacon / Burger, cheese and bacon
X - Tudo / X All
Hambúrguer, queijo, presunto, ovo, bacon, alface e tomate com fritas
Burger, cheese, ham, egg, bacon, lettuce and tomato with chips
X - Filé / X - Fillet
Filé (carne ou frango), queijo, alface e tomate/ Steak (beef or chicken), cheese, lettuce and tomato
Natural de Atum / Natural Tuna
Atum temperado, alface e tomate / Spicy tuna, lettuce and tomato
Beirute de Carne / Beirut meat
Pão Sírio, filé de carne , queijo, presunto, ovo, bacon, alface e tomate com fritas
Syrian bread, filet of beef, cheese, ham, egg, bacon, lettuce and tomato with chips
Beirute de Frango / Beirut chicken
Pão Sírio, filé de frango , queijo, presunto, ovo, bacon, alface e tomate com fritas
Syrian bread, filet of chicken, cheese, ham, egg, bacon, lettuce and tomato with chips
Refeição/ Feed
Veleirinho / Veleirinho
Arroz, feijão, fritas, ovo frito e contra filé ou filé de frango
Rice, beans, french fries, fried egg and chicken steak or meat steak

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RÉVEILLON 2016 Hotel Apartamento Paraíso de

RÉVEILLON 2016 Hotel Apartamento Paraíso de Central de Reservas / Reservation Centre - [email protected] Tel:+351 289 590 003 . Fax: +351 289 590 099 . Nº Azul: 808 202 836

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