Read the timeline - Museu de Arte do Rio


Read the timeline - Museu de Arte do Rio
Guided by Princess Leopoldina, we begin here
a trajectory in a world in turmoil. She lived in
tumultuous times: kingdoms and nations coming
undone while others emerged through major
power struggles and revolutionary processes.
As the first woman to have her political role
acknowledged in Brazil, she prompts us to
question territories, reflect upon liberties and
defend independence.
1815 Brazil is elevated to the title of United Kingdom
of Portugal and Algarves.
Congress of Vienna. Post-Napoleonic Europe.
• Independence of the United Provinces of Rio da
Prata, currently Argentina.
Every time we take a step, the world moves.
T i meline key
• American countries’ independence
Tumultuous Times
• Independence of the United States.
Inconfidência Mineira. French Revolution.
1797 Leopoldina, daughter of Francisco I of Austria and
Maria Teresa of Sicily, is born (01/22).
Bahian Conspiracy, also known as Revolt of the
Dom Pedro, son of Dom João and Dona Carlota
Joaquina, is born (10/12).
1799 Beginning of the Napoleonic era.
D. Pedro, son of D. João and D. Carlota Joaquina, is
born. (10/12)
Arrival of the French Artistic Mission in Brazil
and creation of the Royal School of Sciences,
Arts and Crafts.
Pernambucan Revolt.
Arrival of the Scientific Mission together with
Princess Leopoldina.
Wedding of Dom Pedro and Dona Leopoldina.
• Independence of Chile.
Acclamation of Dom João VI as king.
Independence processes of the Portuguese monarchy
– Brazilian internal uprisings searching for the Brazilian
monarchy independence
• Independence of Paraguay.
1819 Dona Maria da Glória, future Maria II de Portugal,
is born.
• Founding of the Republic of Colombia.
1820 Liberal Revolution in Portugal.
Founding of the Academy of Fine Arts in Rio de
1821 Dom João VI returns to Portugal.
• Independence of Venezuela, Peru and Mexico.
Napoleon Bonaparte dies.
• Proclamation of the Independence of Brazil,
acclamation and coronation of Dom Pedro I.
1800-1810 Wars, new alignments in Europe.
Napoleon invades Spain and Portugal (1807).
Napoleon Bonaparte marries Maria Luísa, sister
of Leopoldina (1810).
1824 Promulgation of the first Brazilian Constitution.
• Haiti gains independence (1804).
– Confederation of the Equator.
The Royal Family arrives in Brazil accompanied by
members of the Portuguese Court (1808).
• Independence of Bolivia.
D. Pedro II, heir to the Brazilian throne, is born
Ports are opened to allied nations, commerce
and naval treaty is signed with United Kingdom,
establishment of free press and founding of
• Bahian Independence (07/02).
1826 The Empire of Brazil is recognized.
Portuguese troops invade the French Guiana and the
Cisplatine Province.
– Battles at the province of Cisplatine.
• Independence of Colombia and beginning of
Dona Leopoldina dies following a miscarriage
Mexico’s war of independence (1810).

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