
and conditions that are laid down in the present condisoes quo sao estabelecidas
no presente
quaes se devera conceder a exThe crimes for which the- extradition shall be
tradigao sSo os seguintes :— .
granted are the following : —
1. Homicidio sujeito a pena de morte (" mur1. Murder, or attempt to murder.
der "), e tentativa d'elle.
2. Homicidio (''manslaughter").
2. Manslaughter.
3. Fabrica9ao illegal, contrafao9ao ou falsifi3. Illegal fabrication, counterfeiting, or falsification, uttering or bringing into circulation ca9ao de moeda. emittir ou introduzir na circulagao
moeda contrafeila ou falsificada.
counterfeit or falsified money.
4. O crime de falsidade, ou imita9§o, contra4. Forgery, or imitation, counterfeiting or falsification, of any document or paper (comprising fac«jao, ou falsificagao de qualquer document o ou
the crimes designated in the criminal code of papel, comprehendendose os crimes design ados na
Brazil as imitation, counterfeiting, or falsification lei criminal do Brazil, de imitagao, contrafac<jao,
of paper money, notes of banks, or other securities ou falsificagao do papel moeda, notas dos bancos,
public or private, as well as the intentional use or ou outros titulos publicos ou particulars ; assim
the bringing into circulation of any papers imitated, como o uso premeditado ou na circulagao de quaesquer papies imitados contrafeitos ou
counterfeited, or falsified.
5. Subtracgao, ou extravio, de dinheiros ou
5. The purloining, or embezzlement, of moneys
or effects, public or private, by abuse of confi- valores publicos ou particulares, com abuso da
6. Artificios, ou pretextos falsos ou fraudulen6. Frauds, or false or fraudulent pretences, to
tos, para acquisi$ao de dinheiros ou valores de
obtain moneys or effects from another.
7. Crimes de banca rota sujeitos ao processo
7. Bankruptcies subject to criminal prosecution,
according to the laws applicable thereunto.
criminal na forma das leis que Ihes sao applicaveis.
8. Malversation, or fraud, committed by a
8. Malversa<jao ou fraude commettida por debailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee, or director, positario, banqueiro, agente, corrector, curador,
or member, or officer, of any Company, made director, membro, ou empregado de alguma cornpan hia, considerada crime por lei em vigor.
criminal by any law in force.
9. Defloraxjao ou violacjio ('' rape ") por violen9. Rape, by force or threats.
cia ou amea9as.
10. Abduction.
10. Rapto violento.
11. Child-stealing.
1 1 . Subtracgao de criar^a.
12. House-breaking, with intent to steal, or to
12. Arrombamento de caza com o fim de roubar
commit other crimes.
ou para commetter outro crime.
13. Crimes resulting from the act of wilfully
13. Crimes resultantes do incendio voluntario
setting fire to a house, or to buildings connected de uma caza, ou de edificios connexos com ella, em
therewith, to the prejudice of another.
prejuizo de outrem.
14. Robbery with violence.
14. Rpubo.
15. Piracy, according to the law of nations.
Id. Pirataria eegundo o direito das geutes.
16. Sinking or destroying a vessel on the high
16. Destruicjio de navio no alto mar, ou facto
seas, or the attempt to perpetrate such acts.
de mettel-o a pique, ou tentativa de taes actos.
17. Crimes arising from assault on board a
17. Crimes resultantes de assolto a bordo de urn
ship on the high seas, with intent to cause death, navio no alto mar, com inten9ao de causar a morte,
or grievous bodily injuries.
ou graves offensas physicas.
18. Crimes arising from the revolt of two or
18. Crimes resultantes da revolta por duas ou
more persons on board a ship en the high seas, mais pessoas de bordo de um navio em alto mar
against the authority of the captain.
contra a auctoridade do capitao.
19. Extradition will also take place for partici19. A extradi9ao tera" tambem logar por cumpation in any of the above-named crimes, pro- plicidade em algum dos crimes acima declarados,
vided that such participation shall be punishable uma vez que tal cumplicidade seja puntvel pelas
by the laws of both the States of the High Con- leis de ambos os Estados das Altas Partes Contracting Powers.
No British subject shall be delivered up by the
Nem um subdito Britannico sera" entregue pelo
Government or authorities of the United King- Governo ou auctoridades do Reino Unido ao
dom to the Government or authorities of the Governo ou auctoridades do Imperio ; e seraelEmpire ; and in like manner no Brazilian subject hantemente nem um subdito Brasileiro sera enshall be delivered up by the Government or tregue pelo Governo ou auctoridades do Imperio
authorities of the Empire to the Government or ao Governo ou auctoridades do Reino Unido.
authorities of the United Kingdom.
If, however, the person who has taken refuge
Entretanto si o refugiado no territorio da outra
in the territory of the other High Contracting Alta Parte Contractante ahi se tivesse naturaliParty shall have become naturalized there after zado depois da perpetragfto do crime, tal naturalithe perpetration of the crime, such naturalization sa9ao nao servirl de obstaculo a extradigao seguudo
shall not be an obstacle to his extradition accord- as estipulac^es deste Tractado.
ing to the stipulations of this Treaty.
The extradition shall not take place if the
A extradigao nao tera logar si o individuo
person claimed has already been tried and acquitted, reclamado j& tiver sido processado, e abst-lvido, .ou
ov p mushed, or if he is under trial, for the same punido, ou si estiver sendo processado, pelo mesmo

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