bouba das aves suave


bouba das aves suave
The BOUBA DAS AVES SUAVE vaccine of Bio Vet Laboratory is prepared from pox-chicken virus sample
in cell culture or fibroblasts of a SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) chicken embryo, with the addition of a
viral and lyophilized stabilizer.
Each dose of the product contains suspension of Fowlpox virus, light strain, chicken virus, with
minimum title in the release date of 10 2,5 DIOE50/dose and in the expiry date of 1 0 2,0 DIOE50/dose.
BOUBA DAS AVES SUAVE is indicated for breeding chickens, commercial laying chickens and broilers.
The BOUBA DAS AVES SUAVE vaccine is presented in a lyophilized form in neutral glass vials with 100
doses, 500 doses, 1,000 doses or 2,000 doses, conditioned in blisters with 10 vials accompanied with
the product package insert.
BOUBA DAS AVES SUAVE may be administered subcutaneously in chicks of 01 (one) day old or by “in
ovo” vaccination in embryonated eggs of 18 (eighteen) to 19 (nineteen) days of incubation.
The vaccine may be reconstituted aseptically in 20mL of Special Diluent correspondent to 100 doses
of 0.20mL, in 100mL of Special Diluent correspondent to 500 doses of 0.20mL, in 200mL of Special
Diluent correspondent to 1,000 doses of 0.20mL and in 400mL of Special Diluent correspondent to
2,000 doses of 0.20mL, and stirred to homogenize the suspension.
The vaccine after reconstituted with the diluent should be kept in ice bath, away from sunlight and
applied immediately. The diluted vaccine dose is 0.20mL for each chick of (one) day, injecting
subcutaneously in the dorsal region of the neck.
The immunity is produced after 21 (twenty one) days, this is why we recommend keeping the chicks
in isolated places during this period.
Vaccine Preparation
1. Put and keep the vial of the diluent in ice bath beforehand and remove the center of the aluminum
tap of the diluent bags of the vaccines and disinfect with alcohol a 70%;
2. With a syringe and sterile needles, aspirate the diluent;
3. Put the diluent in the vaccine vial, stir to dissolve the lyophilized;
4. Stir well the vial to obtain a perfect homogenization of the product;
5. Put the reconstituted lyophilized again in the recipient of the diluent (bag);
6. Repeat the process twice to ensure the entire use of the vaccine;
7. The vaccine is reconstituted and ready to be used;
8. To make the vaccine application easier and quicker, we recommend the use of automatic syringe
and 20 to 22 gauge and 3/8 to ½ inches of length needles.
9. Vaccinate the chicks in moderate temperature and environment.
“In ovo” vaccination
The vaccine should be aseptically reconstituted in 5mL of Special Diluent (100 doses) in 25mL of
Special Diluent (500 doses), in 500mL of Special Diluent (1,000 doses) or in 100mL of Special Diluent
(2,000 doses), in that each dose is 0.05mL, and stirred to homogenize the suspension.
The vaccine after reconstituted with the diluent should be kept in ice bath, away from sunlight and
applied immediately. The diluted vaccine dose is 0.05mL for each embryonated egg with 18
(eighteen) and 19 (nineteen) days of incubation.
The vaccine should be applied in specific commercial systems for “in ovo” vaccination, where rigorous
inspections in the vaccination equipment in eggs should be realized to ensure the efficiency of
disinfection of needles, without compromising the viability of the vaccine.
Vaccine Preparation
1. Put and keep the vial of the diluent in ice bath beforehand and remove the center of the aluminum
tap of the diluent bags of the vaccines and disinfect with alcohol a 70%;
2. With sterile syringe and needle, aspirate the diluent;
3. Put the diluent in the vaccine vial, stir to dissolve the lyophilized;
4. Stir well the vial to obtain a perfect homogenization of the product;
5. Put the reconstituted lyophilized again in the recipient of the diluent (bag);
6. Repeat the process twice to ensure the entire use of the vaccine;
7. The vaccine is reconstituted and ready to be used;
Use only the diluent supplied by the manufacturer of this vaccine since all quality control surveys were
accomplished with the own diluent.
Keep a registry of used vaccine and diluents. Only prepare the vaccine content which may be applied
in the maximum period of one hour. The use of this vaccine should be under supervision of a
Use syringes and needles well cleaned and sterilized by boiling during 20 minutes or by autoclaving,
because small quantities of chemical disinfectants seriously affect the viability of the vaccine.
Verify the product expiry date and keep it under a temperature between 2°C and 8°C.
After opening the vial, the vaccine is not conserved.
After the vaccination burn the ampoules and any content not used.
02 (two) years after manufacturing date
The vaccine against fowlpox may occasionally cause reactions in human being which may last 2 to 3
days, avoid contaminating hands, eyes and clothes when using this vaccine.
The use of this vaccine should be under supervision of a Veterinarian.
The vaccines are carefully produces and pass through control tests of purity, security, contaminated
infectious agents, title and efficiency in Bio-Vet laboratory, in accordance with the standards
established by Ministry of Agriculture.
The satisfactory results of this vaccine depend on its conservation, transport, handling and how to
administrate, as well as the sanitary state of the birds
The product should be transported in packaging or isothermal vehicle, with preservative ice or
refrigeration unit which maintains the temperature between 2°C and 8°C.
After using it, the wastes of packaging should be incinerated or decontaminated by proper physical
or chemical processes;
Keep this and any other medicine out of reach of children and pets.
Licensed in Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento under Nº 6141/97 on 09/23/97
Responsible Veterinarian:
Dr. Antonio Roberto Alves Corrêa - CRMV-SP (Veterinary Medicine Regional Council – Sao Paulo State)
Laboratório Bio-Vet S/A
R. Cel. José Nunes dos Santos, 639
06730-000 - Vargem Grande Paulista - SP
CNPJ (Brazilian Registry of Legal Entities): 60.411.527/0001-30

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