2008 Summer - Federation of Portuguese


2008 Summer - Federation of Portuguese
Summer 2008 Vol.2, Nº43
President’s Message
t is a pleasure to be writing to you as
the new President of the FPCBP for
2008. I look forward to what I hope will
be a very successful year for the FPCBP.
This organization is well respected in
the Portuguese Canadian community,
which is due to the hard work of the past
FPCBP Presidents and Directors. Together with this year’s dynamic Board
of Directors, I would like to continue
the successes of the past while pursuing
new ideas that will hopefully benefit
FPCBP Members.
Our launch event this year was our
Member Get a Member event, which
took place May 21, 2008 at Adega Restaurant in Toronto. Based upon the feedback that we received, the event was
quite successful. Anthony De Sa, a Portuguese Canadian author who recently
released a book called “Barnacle Love”
was the guest of honour. The audience
was captivated by Anthony’s personal
To promote business activity, foster
professionalism, develop networking opportunities, enhance political
visibility, encourage academic excellence and, as the representative
voice, advocate the prominence of
our members within and outside the
Portuguese Canadian Business and
Professional community.
722 College St., Suite 301
Toronto, Ont. M6G 1C4
(416) 537 8874 - TEL
(416) 537 9706 - FAX
stories of growing up in Toronto, which
most who were in attendance could
relate to, and which formed the foundation of his new book. There were a
number of new faces at the event all of
whom became new members. I want
to formally welcome these new members to the FPCBP and thank the current
members who invited these new members to attend the event. A complete list
of all new FPCBP members can also be
found in this issue.
On June 12, 2008 we held our 5th
Annual Essay Contest at the Portuguese
Consulate in Toronto. This celebration
fell within the Portugal week festivities
and highlighted the FPCBP’s continued
commitment to promoting the importance of education amongst the youth
in the Portuguese Canadian community.
As a result of the generous sponsorship
by Scotiabank, BMO Bank of Montreal,
Banco Santander Totta, and Dreamcoast
Homes we were able to give $1,000 to
four deserving students. Those in attendance were also treated to the inspiring words of Dra. Maria Amélia Paiva,
Consul General, who is such a tremendous asset to the Portuguese Canadian
On another note, I have been working on another project that will be officially announced in the next few months
and involves the FPCBP’s cooperation
on joint projects with three other business organizations in the GTA that have
similar objectives to those of the FPCBP.
These organizations are the Toronto Chinese Business Association, the Italian
Chamber of Commerce of Toronto, and
the Indo Canada Chamber of Commerce.
An example of a joint event that show-
Paul Silva, FPCBP President
cased how cooperation between the four
organizations could benefit the FPCBP
was during the last municipal election
when the FPCBP along with these three
other organizations jointly hosted a City
of Toronto Mayoral Candidates Debate,
which was broadcast on Omni television.
By working together, all four organizations benefited from an opportunity that
may not have been possible for any one
of these organizations to have pursued
alone. We envision future joint events
such as a business networking event with
the four organizations, as well as access
for FPCBP members to organized trade
missions to China and India. In my view,
continued on page 2
the FPCBP is mature enough as an organization to enable us to
be seated at the table with other organizations in the GTA with
similar objectives. Stay tuned for more exciting information
on this front.
You may also have heard that we have recently hired
a new Executive Coordinator at the FPCBP. Lucy de Souza
joined us in May and comes to us with a great deal of experience having worked for a number of respected companies in
the past. Lucy will be the person you speak to when contact-
ing the FPCBP office and I urge you to join me in welcoming
her aboard.
I hope everyone has a very enjoyable and safe summer.
We will be communicating with you regarding our upcoming events. I look forward to seeing you at all of our future
Kind regards,
Paul Silva
President, FPCBP
FPCBP’s Member Get A Member event
with Author Anthony De Sa
On May 21, 2008, the Federation of Portuguese Canadian
Business and Professionals (FPCBP) held its annual Member
Get A Member event at Adega Restaurant in Toronto. This
year’s event was particularly special with guest of honour
Anthony De Sa, author of the newly released book, Barnacle
FPCBP members and guests were treated to a rare opportunity to hear De Sa speak about the inspiration for his first
book, Barnacle Love, which tells the story of his upbringing in Toronto’s Portuguese community. De Sa also expressed
how warmed he is by the community’s reception and interest
in his book. All the books available for sale at the event were
completely sold out.
Guest of honour Anthony De Sa
Other distinguished guests included FPCBP Past Presidents, Fernando Costa, Raimundo Favas, Nellie Pedro, Armindo Silva and MPP Charles Sousa.
The FPCBP would like to thank Anthony De Sa for an extraordinary evening and Adega Restaurant for their continued
support and the wonderful wine and hors d’oeuvres.
By Josie Caldas, FPCBP Secretary
continued on page 3
Paul Silva, FPCBP President; MPP Charles Sousa, FPCBP Past
President; and Raimundo Favas, FPCBP Past President
FPCBP Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
Tel.: 416-537-8874 • Fax: 416-537-9706 • Email: [email protected]
FPCBP Newsletter - Summer 2008
Quotes from Barnacle Love
“It was an annual event
– a matança – the killing.
This was the kind of thing
that embarrassed me; here
we were in a big city with
butcher shops throughout
Kensington Market and yet
the farmer mentality brought
over from the Azores had
survived.” .... “For our parents, Palmerston Avenue
was “back home.” Nothing
had ever really changed.
Anthony De Sa
There were always eyes bePhoto credit: Laura Bombier
hind curtained windows, like
those of Senhora Gloria, who saw and heard and thrived
on all things seen and heard. Fados sifted through screen
doors, the smell of barbecued sardines wove through the
chainlink fences, and colourful clothing and bleached
towels flapped in the warm wind until they were hard and
crunchy on the clotheslines. Our backyards were contradictions, with their neat rows of beans and tomatoes and
kale propped up by a mishmash of weathered dowels, old
hockey sticks, and scraps of quarter-round. Nothing was
ever thrown out. Everything was to be used.”
FPCBP Newsletter - Summer 2008
Lena Barreto, FPCBP Director and Past President; Armindo Silva,
FPCBP Past President; Anthony De Sa; and Connie Freitas
Ana Vitorino, FPCBP Director; Keith Veira: Jude Fernandes,
FPCBP Director; and William Ribeiro, FPCBP Director
FPCBP’s 5th Annual Essay Contest
In celebration of Portuguese History
and Heritage month, the FPCBP held
its 5th Annual Essay Contest. Students
in grades 7-12 submitted essays with
the theme “To me, being Portuguese
means…” or “Para mim, ser Português
é…” This year the FPCBP received 98
entries from across Ontario. This proves
that while an ocean away from Portugal,
Luso-Canadian youth in Ontario maintain a strong and proud connection to
their Portuguese roots.
On June 12, 2008 at the Consulate
General of Portugal in Toronto, four students were awarded $1,000 for their winning essays. This years’ winners were
Sarah Vieira for the Gr. 7-9 English category, Jonathan Ribau Costa for the Gr. 7-9
Portuguese category, Stephanie Pacheco
for the Gr. 10-12 English category and
James Kelly Carrusca McCowan for the
Gr. 10-12 Portuguese category.
In her winning essay Sarah Vieira
wrote about how important being Portuguese is to her. She writes, “Remembering all of these fun filled memories really
brings a smile to my face, and I’m sure
it does the same to many others, but being Portuguese is really a huge part of
my life.” Sarah’s prize was generously
donated by Scotiabank.
Jonathan Ribau Costa wrote about
how proud he is to be Portuguese.
He writes, “Para mim, ser Português é um orgulho. Um orgulho
de vir de um país geograficamente
pequeno, mas com um povo conhecido pelo mundo todo, como lutador e humilde. Um orgulho de ver os
Portugueses conseguirem chegar cada
vez mais alto, em diferentes categorias,
medicina, a technologia, a nível desportivo...Um orgulho de eu poder
afirmar que eu falo a língua portuguesa,
a sexta língua mais falada no mundo.”
Jonathan’s prize was generously donated
by Banco Santander Totta.
Stephanie Pacheco wrote about Portuguese resilience. She writes, “Although
Portugal is geographically smaller than,
Suzy Melo and Josie Caldas, Essay Contest
Students, sponsors, FPCBP Board of Directors with Dra. Maria Amélia Paiva
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FPCBP Newsletter - Summer 2008
Dra. Maria Amélia Paiva; Co-Chair Josie Caldas, FPCBP Secretary; Gabriela Cavaco; Banco Santander Totta and Jonathan
Ribau Costa, award winner
and not as populous as its European counterparts, they
have accomplished a great deal. Although the Portuguese have had their share of failures, they have always
managed to rise back to the top. The trials, tribulations,
and the successes of the Portuguese throughout history, are certainly reflective of the Portuguese culture,
proving that the Portuguese are capable of overcoming
obstacles thrown in their path.” Stephanie’s prize was
generously donated by BMO Bank of Montreal.
Finally, James Kelly Carrusca McCowan wrote
about the honour that it is to be Portuguese and recalls
a story told to him by his grandfather. He writes, “Para
mim ser Português, é uma honra. E a propósito, recordo-me duma história contada pelo meu avô acerca de
um amigo dele que estava na tropa. Um dia, todos os
soldados foram avisados da visita de um oficial superior ao quartel. Foram informados que deveriam ter as
suas camas limpas e arranjadas. Quase todos decoraram
as suas camas com flores. Ora este amigo do meu avô,
como não tinha dinheiro para flores, escreveu num papel
um verso: “Não tem flores nao tem nada, / esta cama
que aqui vês. / Mas é limpa e asseada, / como a honra de
um Português.” James’ prize was generously donated by
Dreamcoast Homes.
The FPCBP would like to thank Ana Fernandes,
Steve De Quintal, Sergio Gomes, Marisa Neiva, Ana
Rodrigues, Elisa Rebelo, Alicia Conrad and Anthony De
Sa, the teachers who graciously volunteered their time
to be this year’s jury.
The FPCBP would also like to thank On Your Mark
for their tireless efforts in promoting the essay contest,
Dreamcoast Homes, Scotiabank, BMO Bank of Montreal and Banco Santander Totta for generously sponsoring the awards and for their continued commitment
to promoting education amongst Portuguese Canadian
youth. Finally, the FPCBP would like to thank the Consul General of Portugal in Toronto, Dra. Maria Amélia
Paiva, Nova Era Bakery, and Lusitania Groceries for
their continued support.
FPCBP Newsletter - Summer 2008
Conselho das Comunidades Portuguesas
The Conselho das Comunidades Portuguesas (C.C.P.) is a consultative body of
elected representatives (63 elected and 10
delegated) from the various Portuguese
communities around the world. The C.C.P.
work with the Portuguese government on
policies relating to Portuguese immigration and on emerging issues impacting the
respective communities. This body is organized through the Secretary of Communities of the Foreign Ministry of Portugal.
On April 17, 2008 elections for the
Conselho das Comunidades Portuguesas
took place all over the world, including
elections in our community for the Consular areas of Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba and
British Columbia. Ultimately, there were
four elected members in all of Canada.
List B was part of the candidacy holding a progressive and ambitious platform
and a vibrant group of individuals made
up of Portuguese professionals from different sectors. This group secured two out
of three representatives for this electoral
area (consulate of Portugal’s jurisdiction
of Toronto and Montreal). This consultant
body should actively pursue opportunities
to liaise and build strong partnerships that
sustain cultural as well as socio-economic
benefits for both.
The Portuguese immigration in Canada
has reached a milestone, celebrating their
golden anniversary, 50 years. As we have
seen with other ethnic groups, second and
third generations often gravitate away from
their heritage. Maintaining vibrant ties between both countries provides a contemporary outlook that younger generations can
identify with bringing both continents a
little closer in this global village.
Team work and collective effort is the
spirit of List B, which started with a group
of individuals brain-storming about community capacity building and civic engagement that is inclusive of the diverse
community and that fosters community
engagement. This ambitious group was
drawn together under the leadership of Felicidade Rodrigues of the Centre of Working Women, and the idea to participate in
the Conselho das Comunidades was born.
The List B group is committed to serving the community through increased active
government relations and efforts to build
greater awareness of the community’s accomplishments and resources. Advancing
the community image and profiling the
wealth of its successes professionally, cul-
turally and politically can accomplish this.
List B is committed to working with
community organizations, leaders and policy
makers to identify issues directly affecting
the community and recommend solutions.
Some of the proposed challenges for the
future include:
• obtaining community representation and inclusive participation
• co-ordinating community collaboration and strengthening networks and partnerships with community associations, organizations, youth groups, religious groups,
• further engaging Portuguese officials on
issues and concerns of interest for LusoCanadians
• repatriation
• promoting Portuguese language and culture
• receiving continued support for youth exchange programs (education, culture,
• Consular Affairs – ensuring quality of service to the areas represented by the group.
As the elected representatives of List B,
we offer our skills, experience – both professional and personal – and our willingness
to work with the community to advance the
areas listed above. Furthermore we are confident we will learn from the resilience and
hard-working nature of our community to
persevere and never give up.
Thank you for your support.
By Martin Medeiros
List B Representatives
Martin Medeiros
Gila Raposo
Ana Fernandes
List B Alternates
Carlos Miranda
Connie Freitas
Lena Barreto
FPCBP Newsletter - Summer 2008
City News
Retail holiday shopping locations provides single-family residences with
curb side collection of leaf and yard waste
and hours remain unchanged
A report outlining new options for holiday
shopping was received for information
only by Council, which means the status
quo remains. Most stores in the City must
continue to close on New Year’s Day,
Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Victoria Day,
Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving,
and Christmas Day. Chapter 510 of the
Municipal Code lists 15 categories of exempt store types that are permitted to remain open. In addition, stores in the Eaton
Centre, Distillery District, Queen’s Quay
Terminal, Downtown Yonge BIA and the
Bloor Yorkville BIA are permitted to remain open on certain designated holidays.
Leaf and yard waste collection and
Christmas tree pick-up extended
Council voted to extend the current leaf
and yard waste, as well as Christmas tree
collection schedules starting in September
2008. Given that religious holiday celebrations now extend into the second and
third weeks of January, and that changing
climate conditions have altered seasonal
weather patterns, the extended spring and
fall leaf and yard waste collection, and
extended Christmas tree collection will
provide better service to residents. Under
the new schedule, bi-weekly collection of
leaf and yard waste will occur from March
16 through to December 31, and Christmas tree pick-up will take place bi-weekly
from January 5 to 23. Currently, the City
FPCBP Newsletter - Summer 2008
beginning the first full week of April and
continuing through until the first week of
December, on an alternating weekly/biweekly schedule. Christmas trees are currently collected from single-family residences weekly during the first two weeks
of January.
Banning handguns in Canada
City Council approved a motion asking
the federal government to ban handguns in
Canada, including the sale, purchase and
possession of any handgun. Police officers
and military personnel would be excluded
from the ban. Council also voted to ask
the Government of Canada to institute a
mandatory five-year minimum sentence
for any person found guilty of handgun
possession and those persons involved in
the sale or purchase of such firearms. A national handgun ban is just one of a number
of initiatives aimed at ensuring the safety
of Toronto neighbourhoods and communities. Other initiatives include advocating
for stronger border security to stop illegal
guns from being smuggled into Canada
from the U.S., pushing for tougher laws
to address the illegal use of guns, and
building on the success of the Toronto
Police Service’sAnti-Violence Intervention
Strategy (TAVIS).
Increased penalties for running a
red light
Council recommended a package of stiffer
penalties for red-light running offences.
The proposed new fines and penalties will
be sent to the Government of Ontario for
consideration and implementation. As part
of the package, the City is requesting the
Province to consider raising the fine from
$180 to $500, and increasing the demerit
points from three to five for red-light running offences. Council is also calling for
the immediate suspension of the driver’s
licence of any driver convicted of multiple
red-light running offences or who causes
an injury as a result of running a red light.
Red-light cameras have resulted in significant reductions in the number of collisions
at red-light camera locations. In May 2006,
City Council approved an expansion of the
program from the initial 10 cameras in 37
locations to a total of 98 cameras in 169
locations by the end of 2009. The City has
operated red-light cameras since November 2000.
New underground PATH
pedestrian tunnel
Council endorsed the expansion of the
existing underground PATH system to include a new underground York St. pedescontinued on page 8
trian connection between Union Station and Wellington St. W.
The $65-million project is based on the need to plan and prepare
for the significant increase in pedestrian demands within Union
Station over the next 15 to 20 years. The additional pedestrian
facilities are required to relieve congestion and support future
downtown growth and pedestrian activities generated in part by
GO Transit’s ongoing service expansion.
Motorcycles and scooters permitted in HOV Lanes
Council agreed to allow motorcycles and scooters to use the City’s
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes. This change will take effect once the existing HOV signs are altered to include a motorcycle/scooter pictogram, which is expected to be completed over
the next couple of months. Since HOV Lanes are situated next to
the curb, safety for these motorists is expected to be improved.
Unanimous approval for incentives to attract industry
to Toronto
City Council unanimously approved its first-ever city-wide financial incentives program to stimulate growth in key value-added
economic sectors, including manufacturing, bio-medical, environmental, information technology, creative industries and tourism. The new investment will produce new jobs, and eventually
increased City revenue through property taxes. All properties and
projects affected by the program will continue to pay base taxes,
but will receive grants of up to 60 per cent of the tax increase
resulting from new investment. It is anticipated that by delaying
receipt of approximately $6 million in taxes over 10 years, the
program will result in: $904 million in new capital investment,
11,000 new jobs and $43 million in new tax revenue.
Council endorses action to improve tourism for Toronto
Council endorsed actions from the report Making Toronto the
Best It Can Be, which has recommendations from industry leaders, City staff and Member of Council to enhance Toronto’s ability to serve as a premier tourist destination and reap the economic
benefits. The City participated in the Toronto’s Premier Ranked
Tourism Destination project which identifies 93 action items.
These include attracting new ‘blockbuster exhibits,’ renewing
and creating tourist magnets like a revitalized waterfront, telling
the story of Toronto’s history in a more captivating way, and for
people involved in the tourism industry to elevate the level of
service offered to tourists.
emissions by 2050, Live Green Toronto will significantly enhance
residents’ ability to undertake community based projects that make
a real difference, and help create a more liveable and sustainable
Toronto. Live Green Toronto will support community-initiated
and based projects such as those that increase water conservation,
tree planting, energy efficiency, renewable energy production, local food production and green roofs. More information about Live
Green Toronto is available at www.livegreentoronto.ca.
For more information, visit the City of Toronto’s website at www.
FPCBP’s 2008
Scholarship Awards
The FPCBP is proud to recognize the outstanding academic achievement of our youth. Scholarships ranging from
$1,500 to $2,500, courtesy of our many generous sponsors,
will be awarded at an upcoming Gala event. Stay tuned for
details! More information will be available on our website
at www.fpcbp.com or by contacting the FPCBP Office at
Portugal Day Parade 2008
The FPCBP once again participated in the Portugal Day
Parade, organized by ACAPO. This year, World Fine Cars
generously provided the use of one of its luxury vehicles
– a convertible Mercedes Benz, CLK 500. Organized by
ACAPO, the parade sees members of the Portuguese community lined up along Dundas St. W., from Lansdowne Ave.
to Bathurst St. to cheer on participants. The FPCBP is proud
to take part in this important long-standing tradition and
congratulates ACAPO on another successful event! Special
thanks to World Fine Cars for their continued support.
Live Green Toronto
The City of Toronto launched Live Green Toronto – a major fiveyear, $20-million dollar program to promote and support neighbourhood and community-based actions to reduce emissions,
clean our air and protect our climate. A key component of Toronto’s Climate Change, Clean Air and Sustainable Energy Action
Plan, which targets an 80 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas
FPCBP Newsletter - Summer 2008
FPCBP Newsletter - Summer 2008
RBC Dexia-FPCBP International Internship
At the FPCBP’s 2008 Business Excellence Awards
Gala in February, keynote speaker José Placido announced
an exciting annual international internship that would be
awarded to one successful youth in the Portuguese community.
In an effort to give back to his community, Mr. Placido
worked to create this opportunity for one exceptional Portuguese Canadian student, which will be awarded by the
FPCBP through its annual Scholarship Program.
About RBC Dexia
* May to August 2009 or as defined by award recipient and
RBC Dexia
RBC Dexia is a leading investor services provider to some
of the world’s largest mutual fund and investment management companies. Established in January 2006, the company
is equally owned by RBC and Dexia, and ranks among the
world’s top 10 global custodians, with USD 2.9 trillion in
client assets under administration.
The RBC Dexia-FPCBP International Internship award
offers university students exposure and experience to the international business world through a summer job placement
in one of four RBC Dexia offices: London, Paris, Luxembourg or Dublin.
• Summer 2009* internship in one of four RBC Dexia
offices: London, Paris, Luxembourg or Dublin
• Local salary and spending allowance to support living
• Assistance to locate accommodations
• CDN $2,000 bonus upon completion
• RBC Dexia would have right of first refusal regarding a
permanent job offer once the award recipient graduates
• Third or fourth year university student
• Commerce or Finance major – interest in international
• Minimum B average
• Community involvement
• French language skills preferred if Paris or Luxembourg
location is selected
Stay tuned for more information about the application
deadline and criteria. Contact the FPCBP Office or visit
our website at www.fpcbp.com for updates.
FPCBP Newsletter - Summer 2008
New Members
Ana Vitorino, CIBC
Gary Couto, CIBC
Humberta Araujo, Nove Ilhas
Ingrid Coleman Ximenes
Joel Martins, Nestle
John Homem, BMO Bank of Montreal
Keith Veira, Veira IT Consulting
Marie Kagan
Pedro Maia, Maia & Associates
Preciosa Leal, Alliance Solutions
Susana Miranda, Student
Suzy Melo, BMO Bank of Montreal
Teresa Marques, York University Foundation
Past Presidents
Frank Alvarez
Ermidio Alves
Luis Arruda
Ana Bailao
Lena Barreto
Richard Bruton
David Costa
Fernando Costa
Raimundo Favas
Almiro Fonseca
Laura Bulger
Fernando Costa
Vasco D’Avillez
Cesar de Morais
Germano Gonçalves
Louis Louro, Jr.
João Neves
Nellie Pedro
Leo Pereira
Joe Pinto
Arnaldo Santos
John Santos
Armindo Silva
Charles Sousa
Carlos Teixeira
Delkar Maia
Alberto Pereira
Octavio Sampaio
John F. Santos
Armindo Silva
2008-2009 FPCBP Board of Directors
Paul Silva
Sergio Ruivo
Vice - President
Francine Antonio
Josie Caldas
Lena Barreto
Ana Fernandes
Fernando Martins
Jude Fernandes
William Ribeiro
Ana Vitorino
Suzy Melo
Elder Marques
FPCBP Newsletter - Summer 2008

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