- Colégio 24 Horas


- Colégio 24 Horas
Born in 1937, Warren Beatty grew up in a middle-class home in Arlington, Virginia. His parents were conservative
Southern Baptists but they both had artistic leanings. Ira Beaty (the extra t was a later Warren addition) had been a violinist,
drummer, and a band leader but gave up show business to teach; he eventually became a high school principal in Arlington.
His wife, Kathlyn MacLean, had wanted to be an actress but settled for a job as drama teacher instead. Their son chose to
enter the world they had abandoned, but he would always be tantalised by the academic, intellectual tradition that his
parents embraced.
Even as a child Warren was contemplative and withdrawn. His older sister, actress Shirley MacLaine, remembers,
"Warren had a private world no one could penetrate. His bedroom was next to mine when we were growing up, and he had a
huge closet where he could hide away and be alone. It had a window and a light fixture, and he'd go in there and write or
read for hours. My room was bigger, but I envied him his closet. He could shut everyone out."
("Fair Lady" - 10/10/90.)
De acordo com o texto:
Warren Beatty foi forçado por seus pais a seguir a carreira artística, embora tivesse preferência por atividades
acadêmicas e intelectuais.
II – Warren foi uma criança que, segundo sua irmã, gostava de se isolar.
III – A irmã mais velha de Warren, Shirley MacLaine, invejava o talento artístico e literário do irmão.
Apenas a I está correta.
Apenas a II está correta.
Apenas a III está correta.
As três afirmativas estão corretas.
As três afirmativas estão erradas.
Segundo o texto:
I – O pai de Warren Beatty era diretor de uma escola.
II – A mãe do ator era professora de teatro.
III – Os pais de Warren Beatty tinham tendências artísticas.
Apenas a I está correta.
Apenas a II está correta.
Apenas a III está correta.
I e II estão corretas.
I, II e III estão corretas.
Toward the end of my daughter's ballet lesson, I was chatting with other mothers in the studio's waiting room. Suddenly
a man in a business suit rushed in, looked around and asked breathlessly, "Is Julie here?" No one knew of a girl named Julie
in the class.
"What day is this?" was the man's next question.
"Monday," we chorused.
"Monday!" he gasped. "Monday is catechism!" And he was out the door as fast as he had come in.
– Contributed to "Life In These United States" by Margaret Stenberg.
Which of the sentences below is NOT true, according to the text?
The mothers were talking while they waited for their daughters.
The man was in a hurry.
Julie was attending the ballet class.
As it was Monday, the man's daughter had catechism.
The man left the room as quickly as he had arrived there.
24. "… I was chatting with other mothers …"
In the sentence above the underlined verb expresses:
a finished action in the past.
an action that was going on in the past.
an action that is taking place now.
a future action.
an action that continues up to now.
In 1859 railroads delivered mail to the eastern part of America and as far west as Missouri. In Missouri, wagon trains
and stagecoaches took over the task of carrying mail to the West. But the stagecoach journey to California was long – about
22 days. In 1860 this situation dramatically improved, with the establishment of the Pony Express, which cut the time of mail
delivery to the West by more than half. A Pony Express rider, mail pouches strapped to his horse, galloped between 35 and
75 miles before passing the mail to a fresh rider, waiting at one of the 190 stations along the way. Although the Pony
Express became legendary for its exploits, the company was short-lived. The completion in the early 1860s of the first
transcontinental telegraph, capable of virtually instantaneous message transmission, cut short the colorful life of the Pony
(TheNewYorkPubcil Lb
i raryAmerci andeskreference,Macma
li n,NY,1997,page369.)
According to the text:
I – The Pony Express delivered mail in less than 11 days.
III – The fresh riders would be waiting at one of the 190 stations.
Only number I is true.
Only number II is true.
Only number III is true.
Only II and III are true.
I, II and III are true.
Why did the Pony Express end?
Because Pony Express riders were very slow.
Because railroads started to deliver mail to California.
Because wagon trains and stagecoaches were faster than the Pony Express.
Because of the completion of the first transcontinental telegraph.
Because it took them about 22 days to deliver mail.
When a plate with a gold decorative edge is placed in a microwave oven, sparks appear at the gold surfaces. Why?
(Stephen Fennell , Dublin)
Any metal object acts as an antenna for electromagnetic radiation, including microwaves. Electric currents are set up in
the metal, which in turn cause voltage differentials within and between the pieces of metal. Gold rims of plates inevitably
become scratched, and so end up with tiny gaps of less than 1 millimetre between sections of continuous gold metal.
As a result, when the plate is subjected to microwaves the voltages generated are applied across these gaps. Because
air has quite a low breakdown voltage, it doesn't take much to split the molecules in the air and cause sparks.
I have to credit Eric Billet of Brunel University for this explanation.
(Robert Alcock)
Choose the alternative used as a verb in the text:
Choose the alternative in which the verb is NOT in the past participle in the text:
Much in "… it doesn't take much …" can be replaced by:
a lot.
a few.
a little.
About the time that Christopher Columbus made his discovery, the Incas performed a ritual sacrifice of two girls and a
boy high atop an extinct volcano. In March a National Geographic Society-sponsored expedition to the top of 6,723-meter
(22,057-foot) Mount Llullaillaco in northern Argentina reported unearthing the three mummified victims, surrounded by
statues, tapestries and pottery. Five centuries of permafrost had left the mummies astonishingly well preserved. The joint
American-Argentine-Peruvian team found blood in the hearts and lungs of two of the mummies, which retained intact internal
organs. Fingernails and hairs on the arms had not decayed, either. Examining the corpses may broaden the understanding
of diseases present in the Inca empire and the ties between the Incas and other populations. The mummies may also
provide anthropologists with new knowledge about capac cocha, the Incas' ritual sacrifice of children.
(Gary Stix)
De acordo com o texto:
Foram localizadas múmias na época em que Colombo descobriu a América.
Os incas mumificavam seus mortos através de congelamento.
Uma equipe multinacional localizou múmias no Peru.
Rituais incas poderão ser mais bem conhecidos a partir das múmias encontradas.
As múmias foram encontradas na base de um vulcão extinto.
"Five centuries of permafrost had left the mummies astonishingly well preserved."
Na frase acima, astonishingly significa que:
o estado em que se encontravam as múmias superou as expectativas.
as múmias encontradas por arqueólogos pareciam petrificadas.
sítios arqueológicos são bem preservados.
é surpreendente o que se pode encontrar em sítios arqueológicos.
a preservação de sítios arqueológicos por cinco séculos é rara.
32. "The mummies may also provide anthropologists with new knowledge about capac cocha, the Incas ritual sacrifice of
O uso de may, na frase acima, indica que o autor:
tem certeza do que afirma.
evita fazer afirmações categóricas.
pede permissão do leitor para fazer afirmações.
quer confirmação para suas afirmações.
procura convencer o leitor sobre suas afirmações.
According to the text it is correct to say:
Archeologists did not know about the Incas sacrifice rituals.
It was found that the Incas used to bury their dead.
Artifacts were found next to three mummified children.
Archeologists discovered that the Incas had lung diseases.
The Inca empire had disappeared by the time Columbus discovered America.
34. "In March a National Geographic Society-sponsored expedition to the top of 6,723-meter (22,057-foot) Mount
Llullaillaco in northern Argentina reported unearthing the three mummified victims, surrounded by statues, tapestries and
In the sentence above the word victims refers to:
the Incas.
Which one below is not part of a human body?
Women really do have to work harder than men to make a good impression, scientists have
found. Demonstrating what many claim to have known for years, psychologists found
female graduates applying for a fast-track trainee scheme at a big oil company tended to be
better presented, more motivated and better in control than the men. But this was not
reflected in the way they were rated by their mainly male interviewers. Men tended to be
given more of a chance to shine, being asked a greater number of open questions that gave
them an opportunity to answer more than 'yes' or 'no'. To offer more information about
themselves, women had to take the initiative. And when they did, they were judged to be
aggressive – where men were seen as assertive and selfconfident. The findings suggest
those who have risen to the top, such as City superwoman Nicola Horlick, have had to
outperform male colleagues to get there. The women were part of a group of 31 candidates
interviewed by the unnamed company. They ended
group of 31 candidates interviewed by the unnamed company. They ended up with similar ratings to the men, but their
scores masked the fact that they had to work harder, the conference was told by Or Jo Silvester of City University, London.
(Jobs & Careers, on www.femail.co.uk)
As informações contidas no texto acima baseiam-se em:
entrevistas periódicas realizadas com mulheres portadoras de diploma universitário.
análise, por psicólogos, de entrevistas realizadas para admissão em uma empresa.
testes realizados em homens e mulheres cursando Psicologia em uma universidade.
estudo realizado para promover a auto-estima em profissionais desempregados.
dados obtidos através de entrevistas com a empresária Nicola Horlick.
De acordo com o texto, em entrevistas para empregos:
mulheres geralmente se comportam de maneira mais agressiva que homens.
mulheres precisam se esforçar mais que homens para que seu desempenho seja reconhecido.
homens são mais objetivos que mulheres, respondendo prontamente "sim" ou "não".
as perguntas dirigidas a mulheres são mais gerais e, portanto, mais complexas.
mulheres preferem tomar a iniciativa para demonstrar que têm o controle da situação.
Ao final das entrevistas, a pontuação das mulheres foi:
espantosamente baixa.
espantosamente alta.
superior à dos homens.
inferior à dos homens.
semelhante à dos homens.
39. The women were part of a group of 31 candidates interviewed by the unnamed company.
No excerto acima, the unnamed company refere-se à:
empresa onde Nicola Horlick trabalha.
companhia de petróleo que patrocinou a pesquisa.
companhia onde as entrevistas foram realizadas.
sociedade sem fins lucrativos vinculada à City University, em Londres.
sociedade anônima responsável pela análise das informações obtidas.
Check the item in which all English words are not similar to portuguese ones both in form and in meaning:
really – impression – scientist – demonstrate.
psychologist – graduate – present – company.
reflect – tend – chance – question.
opportunity – judge – initiative – suggest.
aggressive – colleague – confident – conference.