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Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky "Escuchando al Sangean ATS-909". (2003)
Gilson Bento
Vendo Receptor de ondas curtas
Asociación Española De Radioescucha Noticias
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Se subió el archivo boletim_dxcsf_06edição.pdf
Ontario DX Club
ODXA DX REPORT October 27th 2014
Marcelo Correia Lima
Antena compacta
Migdiel Cruz
Se subió el archivo nucleos_toroidales-20120604201536.pdf
Glenn Hauser
Logs September 29-30, 2014
Asociación Española De Radioescucha Noticias
Mauricio Pimenta Cunha
Márcio Dias
Alfredo Meurer Jr
Comunicado importante aos colegas desta lista
Glenn Hauser
Logs September 30-October 1, 2014
Lista Radioescutas
Ulysses Galletti
Programa Encontro DX - Aviso
Glenn Hauser
Logs October 1, 2014
Agrupación Radioaficionados Altiplano Ara Invitacion
Alfredo Meurer Jr
A52O escutado ontem, 01 outubro em 28490
Frank Martínez
Carta a Radio Exterior de Espana
Toni / EA3GYE
ALICANTE: indicativos especiales - salida de la Vuelta al Mundo a Vela
John A. Figliozzi
Time Change Silly Season
PY7-KG Moreira
Rafael Rodriguez
Relanzamiento del Portal SDR de Willi H. Passman
Glenn Hauser
Logs October 1-2, 2014
Asociación Española De Radioescucha Noticias
Ontario DX Club
Migdiel Cruz
Mis primeras QSL
Dino Bloise
Frecuencia al Dia Nº 398
Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky Pirata sudamericana: Radio Piraña
Glenn Hauser
Logs October 3, 2014
Roland - PY 4 BZ
Reflexão lunar
Dino Bloise
Frecuencia al Dia Nº 398
Alexandre PU2PKB
Modos Digitais - JT65
Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky Es official. REE se va de la OC
Alfredo Meurer Jr
CQ WW DX Contest, SSB (Oct 25-26, 2014)
Glenn Hauser
Logs October 3-4, 2014
Mauricio Pimenta Cunha
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
WRTH - World Radio Tv Handbook
Grupo Radioescucha Argentino Polonia: La antena de radio que desencadenó la Segunda Guerra Mundial
Francisco Jackson
Veja quais as estações de Radioamador
Bob Padula
Australian DX Report = episode 433 released
Dinan Rogerio
Alfredo Meurer Jr
PQ2SI e PU1CWP ES, PY2KC SP em 28527
Rafael Rodriguez
Miguel Castellino
Daniel wyllyans
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Francesco Cecconi
Manuel Méndez
Bill - WD8ARZ
Claudio Galaz
Migdiel Cruz
Evandro Rocha
Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky
"Escuchando al Sangean ATS-909". (2003)
El Sangean ATS-909 es un receptor portátil multibanda del tipo transocéanico, fabricado en Taiwan por Sangean. Ya descontinuado, cubría toda
la Onda Larga (153-519 kHz), Onda Media (520-1710 kHz) y las frecuencias de Onda Corta (1711-29999 kHz). También incluía recepción FM y FM
stereo a la salida de auriculares (87.5-108 MHz).
La recepción en onda corta tenía un paso de banda ancho-angosto para mejorar la selectividad y contaba con una buena performance en modalidad
BLU (SSB), con un paso de frecuencia de 40 Hz, mediante la sintonía fina). Se podía seleccionar la frecuencia de entrada mediante teclado, auto
scan, teclas arriba-abajo, por memoria, o perilla de sintonía.
Disponía de memoria alfanumérica con 306 presets (260 para Onda Corta, 18 AM, 18 FM y 9 Onda larga más una prioritaria). Su relojtemporizador de modo “triple evento” (3 diferentes horas en 3 diferentes frecuencias) se mostraba aún cuando la radio estaba sintonizando, con 42
zonas horarias mundiales almacenadas.
Provisto de un display de LCD de gran tamaño, mostraba también la lectura de intensidad de señal y carga de batería. También, la información
RDS para las emisoras FM con esta tecnología de trasmisión de datos incluidos en la subportadora.
Contaba con una variedad de útiles funcionalidades: jack de grabación, otro de activación de grabación, también para audífonos, antena y la
alimentación de 9 VCC. Control ajustable de ganancia en AM. Perilla de sintonía principal, de volumen y llaves de Selectividad ancha y angosta, FM
“Stereo/Mono”, paso de sintonía en OM, 9/10 kHz, ajuste de la hora “Manual/Auto” y tres pasos de ajuste de tono de sonido “News/Norm/Music”.
La parte posterior incluía un soporte rebatible.
Sus dimensiones eran de 216 x 140 x 38mm, con un peso de 907 g). El gabinete de color titanio coloreado. Funcionaba con cuatro pilas AA (no
suministradas de origen).
Nota: El artículo completo en http://lagalenadelsur.wordpress.com/2014/09/29/im-listening-on-the-sangean-9-0-9-oda-rockera-al-popularreceptor/
Gilson Bento
Vendo Receptor de ondas curtas
Prezados colegas. Com a permissão do moderador,
Vendo Receptor de ondas curtas GRUNDIG YB 400 PE BLACK ( na caixa ) em estado de novo.
LW - 144 - 353 KHZ - MW - 520 - 1710 KHZ - SW - 1711 - 30.000 KHZ - FM - 87.5 - 108 MHZ
SSB ( Escuta todas as faixas de radioamador e px )
GRUNDIG YB 400 PE ( black ) Acompanha : - Manual - Fone ouvido - Antena Externa - AC Adaptor - Capa em couro
R$ 450,00 ( oportunidade única )
- motivo de venda : aquisição de equipamento de maior valor.
Interessados envio fotos em PVT ( e-mail : [email protected] )
73' – GILSON BENTO - 12 99707-1967 - E-MAIL : [email protected]
Asociación Española De Radioescucha
Estas son las últimas novedades de blogAER:
Informe nº 051 de 05.10.2014 para Antena DX, de La Chispa Estéreo (Panamá) http://aer-dx.es/espaciosdx/antenadx/antenadx051.mp3
Informe nº 051 de 05.10.2014 para Antena DX, de La Chispa Estéreo (Panamá). Locución: Pedro Sedano, EA4-0003; Guión: Martín Estévez, EA40211
Adios a REE http://aer.org.es/archivos/1554 Lo que muchos diexistas temíamos llegó, finalmente la dirección de RTVE ha tomado la decisión de
cerrar el centro de transmisión de Noblejas (Toledo, España) siguiendo los pasos del de Cariari de Pococí (Limón, Costa Rica) por lo que RADIO
EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA deja la onda corta por la razón más absurda, por falta de […]
Un saludo cordial - Pedro Sedano, Madrid, España - COORDINADOR GENERAL [email protected]
AER http://aer-dx.es/ http://aer.org.es/ [email protected] twitter @aer_dx
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Se subió el archivo boletim_dxcsf_06edição.pdf
Ontario DX Club
ODXA DX REPORT October 27th 2014
Send us just your best DX! The editor reserves the right to decide what DX tips will be published. All DX tips are in English unless otherwise noted and
all dates and times are in UTC. Newer tips are in blue and older ones are in black. posted here may have changed. Things should start to clear up with
next week's edition. With this being a weekly column you don't have to wait a month or more for the changes to frequencies and times to start being
reported. Starting next weekend we will start an SWL net along the lines of the old ANARC net from the 80s and 90s. Listen for and participate in the
HF SWL NET on 14.340 +/- 3 khz USB. Those who are strictly SWLs can send their comments and logs to [email protected] . Hopefully, this will grow into
a weekly event with a number of net controllers and lots of participation from hams and SWLs. [email protected]
2850 NORTH KOREA KCBS at 1230 in Korean with instrumentals – Fair Oct 11 Barton-AZ
3310 BOLIVIA Radio Mosoj Chaski at 2344 in Quechua with a woman with talk – Good Oct 24 Wilkner-FL
3364.84 BRAZIL Radio Cultura at 2351 in Portuguese with a man with talk and music Fair Oct 21 Wilkner-FL
3375.1 BRAZIL Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira at 0942 in Portuguese with a man with talk – Fair Oct 24 Wilkner-FL
3385 PNG-NEW BRITAIN NBC East New Britain at 1203 beginning news in what sounded like English then dead air for several minutes and news in
Tok Pisin at 1211 re-check - Poor Oct 8 Sellers-BC
3480 SOUTH KOREA Voice of the People at 1145 in Korean with soprano vocals and a hymn then a man with talk – Good Oct 8 Barton-AZ. Also at
1258 // 3912, 4450, 6518, and 6600 in Korean with a song then a man with talk at 1300 – Good but all // frequencies subject to white
noise jamming Oct 23 Sellers-BC
3925 JAPAN Radio Nikkei One at 1040 // 6055 and 9595 with traditional Japanese music - Good Oct 23 Sellers-BC
3945 JAPAN Radio Nikkei 2 at 1210 with lively Latin American music and a man with a “This is Radio Nikkei Two” ID at 1220 and into pop music –
Fair Oct 8 Barton- AZ. Also at 1036 with Western and Japanese pop songs - Fair Oct 23 Sellers-BC
4055 GUATEMALA Radio Verdad at 1052 with a man reading from the Bible then praying at 1111 - Good Oct 8 Sellers-BC. Also at 1040 in
Spanish with a preacher with a “mensajes Crisitianos” - Fair Oct 25 Wilkner-FL
4450 SOUTH KOREA Voice of the People at 115 in Korean with a man with talk – Fair over jammer Oct 23 Barton-AZ
4754.9 BRAZIL Radio Imaculada Conceição at 2324 in Portuguese with a man with talk with music bridges – Fair with static crashes Oct 23 Wilkner4755.5 MICRONESIA The Cross Radio at 1140 with a man preaching about God and Jesus then songs to 1159 and DTMF tones and off - Poor Oct 23
4805 BRAZIL Radio Difusora do Amazona at 0930 in Portuguese with a man with talk – Fair with CODAR Oct 24 Wilkner-FL
4835 AUSTRALIA VL8A (ABC Alice Springs) at 1211 with an “ABC Radio” ID and pop music - Fair Oct 23 Sellers-BC
4875 BRAZIL Radiodifusora Roraima at 2327 in Portuguese with Brasopops – Good Oct 25 Wilkner-FL
4955 PERU Radio Cultural Amauta at 2350 in Spanish with a man with talk – Good Oct 22 Wilkner-FL
6050 ECUADOR HCJB at 1042 in Spanish with Andean music and a man with talk and many time checks - Good Oct 8 Sellers-BC
6070 CANADA CFRX (Toronto, ON) at 0947 with a description of an attack with “ how quickly this happened … then we were on it…” - Good Oct 24
6135 BRAZIL Radio Aparecida at 0100 in Portuguese with a repeating ID loop with mentions of “Aparecida, Sao Paulo” and “Brasil” then a man
with religious talk at 0102 with snippets of a male ballad and mentions of “Jesus Christo” – Good Oct 6 Coady-ON
6173.9 PERU Radio Tawantinsuyo at 1018 in Spabnish with a man with talk – Weak Oct 24 Wilkner-FL
6185 MEXICO Radio Educacion at 0108 in Spanish with jazz and fusion piano music then a woman with talk about the music at 0125 and several
“Radio Educacion” IDs and back to the woman with talk at 0126 – Good Oct 6 Coady-ON
7355 USA KNLS Alaska at 1200 with IS and sign-on with Lucy Grant and Rod Sobey - Fair Oct 23 Sellers-BC
7445 TAIWAN RTI at 1100 with news headlines followed by news - Poor Oct 8 Sellers-BC. Also at 1150 with “Jade Bells and Bamboo Pipes” - Fair
to Good Oct 22 Barton-AZ
9310 THAILAND VOA Deewa Radio at 1640 in Pashto with a man hosting a discussion program then ID at 1644 – Good with static Oct 12
9335 SRI LANKA VOA Deewa Radio at 1646 // 9310 in Pashto with a man hosting a discussion program – Good with static Oct 12 WardaleENGLAND
9390 THAILAND Radio Thailand at 1231 with “evening news” preceded by program lineup then news sponsored by Thai Airline - Poor Oct 23
9510 IRAN VOIRI at 0210 in Arabic with a woman with talk and soft Middle Eastern music – Weak to Fair Oct 4 Forsythe-WI
9520 EAST GERMANY Gospel for Asia presumed the one at 0114 in listed Vadari with subcontinental music and a woman with announcements
and a man with a speech or preaching – Good with CCI from possible Romania Oct 16 Sellers-BC
9515 SOUTH KOREA KBS World at 1652 with a jazz and pop music program then a woman with sign-off announcements at 1655 – Good Oct 12
9525 INDONESIA Voice of Indonesia at 1700 in Spanish with ID and a man with news – Good Oct 12 Wardale-ENGLAND
9580 AUSTRALIA Radio Australia at 1335 // 12065 with “Unearthed” featuring new Australian rock music – Very Good Oct 10 Coady-ON
9595 JAPAN Radio Nikkei 1 at 1258 in Japanese with a woman with talk and into western jazz music at 1300 – Good Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
9600 CHINA CRI at 2110 with a man and woman talking about media surveys - Poor Oct 18 Sellers-BC
9615 ALASKA KNLS at 1210 with a feature on the Exxon Valdez accident – Very Good Oct 26 Barton-AZ
9620 INDIA AIR (Aligarh) presumed the one at 1312 with subcontinental vocals in listed Baluchi - Poor Oct 23 Sellers-BC
9625 JAPAN NHK World Radio Japan at 1028 with schedule changes as of Oct 26 then ID and closing - Fair Oct 23 Sellers-BC. Also at 1015 in
Japanese with a man and woman with talk – Fair Oct 23 Barton-AZ
9690 INDIA AIR at 0038 // 9705 with a news bulletin to 0040 then ID and report on the president visiting Norway - Fair Oct 16 Sellers-BC
NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 1042 with “Ball and Chain” about female jazz vocalist “Big Mama Thornton” – Very Good Oct 4 Coady-ON. Also at
1105 reporting on an upcoming election in Samoa - Poor Oct 8 Sellers-BC. Also at 1714 with “Hymns for a Sunday Morning” - Good Oct 12
Wardale-ENGLAND – the new frequency for our local mornings is 9765 - ed
INDIA-GOA AIR (Panaji) at 2320 with subcontinental instrumentals and a woman with talk about the piece and a “General Overseas Service
of All India Radio” ID at 2329 then a man with a similar ID and “Welcome to Studio One” – Very Good Oct 5 Coady-ON
KUWAIT VOA Ashna Radio at 0158 in Pashto with subcontinental music then a woman at 0200 with ID and station info and into an interview
of a man – Fair to Good Oct 27 Coady-ON – new frequency for B12 – ed
PHILIPPINES Radio Pilipinas at 1731 with ID of “Radio Pilipinas, the Voice of the Philippines” then music – Fair Oct 12 Wardale-ENGLAND
11580 USA RUI (via WRMI) at 2343 with a man with “And now a new program –Ukrainian Perspective” about an exhibit of art being sold to
support soldiers injured in the eastern part of the country – Excellent Oct 21 Coady-ON
PHILIPPINES Radio Veritas Asia at 0110 in listed Urdu with a man and woman with apparent religious talk – Weak but audible Apr 20
INDIA AIR at 2045 // 7550 and 9445 signing on with ID of “This is the General Overseas Service of All India Radio” then sked - Good Oct 18
SINGAPORE NHK World Radio Japan at 1313 in Bengali with talk with chime-like music bridges – Fair with RTTY Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
NORTH KOREA Voice of Korea at 1300 with a man talking about the observance of the 69th anniversary of the Workers Party of Korea – Fair
Oct 11 Barton-AZ
NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 1952 with rap music and a woman with upcoming program highlights and local weather – Fair Oct 3 Coady-ON
BELARUS Radio Belarus at 2016 with female folk vocals and a male presenter then a woman with apparent news at 2022 – Weak but
audible with Zanzibar off Oct 3 Coady-ON
UZBEKISTAN Vatican Radio at 0139 with welcome and into Catholic Church news including details of activities of the Pope - Fair Oct 16
TANZANIA-ZANZIBAR ZBC Radio at 1852 in Swahili with male African folk vocals then time pips at 1900 and a woman with apparent news –
Fair to Good with het Oct 4 Coady-ON. Also at 2017 with traditional vocals to 2035 then posible news in Swahili to 2040 and back to music
to 2058 and announcements and off at 2059 - Good Oct 18 Sellers-BC
INDIA-GOA AIR (Panaji) at 2151 with subcontinental male vocals then a woman at 2100 with a “General Overseas Service of All India Radio”
ID and into news – Good until CRI sign-on at 2100 then fair Oct 10 Coady-ON
SINGAPORE NHK World Radio Japan at 1200 with sign on and into news - Poor Oct 8 Sellers-BC
THAILAND BBC at 1220 // 6195 and 9740 with an interview about ISIS and Iraq - Fair Oct 8 Sellers-BC
BRAZIL Super Radio Deus e Amor at 0311 in Portuguese with an impassioned preacher – Fair Oct 2 Coady-ON
ASCENSION BBC at 2047 with a “Newshour” report from the Vatican – Fair Oct 18 Sellers-BC
RWANDA DW at 2119 // 9655 and 11800 with the final “Hygiene and Diarrhea” episode in the “Learning By Ear” series – Very Good Oct 13
Coady-ON –with the Ebola Virus ravaging parts of Africa this program is most needed - ed
SRI LANKA SLBC at 0148 in Hindi with subcontinental music and definite ID and announcements – Good at first but fading Oct 4 ForsytheWI .Also at 0118 in listed Hindi with traditional Sri Lankan songs then an announcement at 0133 beginning with “The Sri Lanka
Broadcasting Corporation” - Good Oct 16 Sellers-BC
AUSTRIA AWR at 2100 signing on with music and ID of “This is Adventist World Radio, the Voice of Hope” then a musical fanfare and African
singing – Poor Oct 18 Sellers-BC
VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam at 1235 with news - Poor Oct 23 Sellers-BC
AUSTRALIA Radio Australia at 1239 with a panel discussing Australian politics - Poor Oct 23 Sellers-BC
NORTHERN MARIANAS RFA at 1333 // 9335 in Burmese with a man with talk with interview clips – Good Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
UZBEKISTAN TWR at 1334 in listed Hindi with South Asian music and a woman with talk – Weak to Fair with ute Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
RWANDA BBC at 0342 with a “Daily Business Report” report on investments in Myanmar - Good Oct 5 Forsythe-WI
JAPAN NHK World Radio Japan at 2115 in Japanese with a woman with talk and piano music – Fair but choppy signal Oct 12 Barton-AZ
AUSTRIA AWR presumed the one at 2035 in French with religious talk - Poor Oct 18 Sellers-BC
ROMANIA RRI at 2031 // 11795 with a man with news - Fair Oct 18 Sellers-BC
PHILIPPINES Radio Veritas Asia at 0110 in listed Urdu with a man and woman with apparent religious talk – Weak but audible Apr 20
VATICAN Radio Veritas Asia at 1430 in Urdu with subcontinental music and talk with ID at 1500 and e-mail and web addresses in Urdu and
English – Good Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
SINGAPORE BBC at 0021 with “Business Matters” with a man interviewing a man and woman about US economic trade issues – Fair Oct 21
GUAM KSDA (Adventist World Radio) at 1425 in listed Urdu with South Asian music then a woman with English ID at 1430 and into music –
Good Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
IRAN VOIRI at 1338 in listed Urdu with a man with talk with mentions Pakistan and music bridges – Good Oct 25 Forsythe-WI
NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 0219 with a “Nine to Noon” feature and interview on how cheap foreign products disrupt the economy – Good Oct 7
FRANCE Bible Voice at 1610 in listed Oromo with an apparent fire and brimstone sermon - Fair Oct 12 Barton-AZ
Thanks to our contributors:
Rick Barton in Arizona; Mark Coady in Ontario; Carlie Forsythe in Wisconsin; Harold Sellers in British Columbia; Charlie Wardale in England; Robert
Wilkner in Florida
I don't use a lot of abbreviations in this column, preferring to use complete words and phrases, but here are some you may encounter:
ACI – adjacent channel interference (frequency usually 5 kHz apart); CCI – cochannel interference (same frequency); CODAR - Coastal Ocean
Dynamics Applications Radar (the swooping sound on the tropical bands); DRM – digital shortwave radio; het – heterodyne interference; ID – station
ID; IS – interval signal; LSB – lower sideband; OC – open carrier; PNG – Papua New Guinea (when the appropriate radio country is cited); QRN –
noise; QRM – man-made interference; QTH – location; RFE/RL - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty; RTTY – radio teletype; TC – time check; USB –
upper sideband; UTE – utility station; // (#) - parallel (frequency)
Marcelo Correia Lima
Antena compacta
Bom Dia pessoal!. Estou pesquisando para comprar uma antena compacta (moro em apartamento) que tenha um desempenho aceitável, dentro
das limitações de tamanho exigidas, e com preço não muito elevado como a Alexloop, Wonderloop ...
Tenho interesse prioritariamente entre 10 e 12 metros. Não tenho habilidades para construir sozinho, por isso peço a ajuda dos mais experientes na
indicação de fabricantes e modelos que podem me atender pelo menos em parte. Desde já agradeço.
Att. Marcelo Correia Lima - (85) 8805.7242 – OI - (85) 9692.4636 – TIM - (85) 9106.5802 – CLARO Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil
Lat: -3.73134 S (-3° 43' 53'' S) - Long: -38.50193 W (-38° 30' 7'' W) - QTH Locator: HI06RG94SL
Migdiel Cruz
Se subió el archivo nucleos_toroidales-20120604201536.pdf
Glenn Hauser
Logs September 29-30, 2014
** ANGUILLA [and non]. 6090, Sept 30 at 0535, PMS modulation has some distortion at peaks, not the case with otherwise // 5935 WWCR. Why
should we refer to this station as ``Caribbean Beacon`` when it never IDs as such, much less broadcasts anything about the Caribbean, just Dead
Gene Scott or his widow and heir to the business? Also a low audible heterodyne, which could be Kaduna, Nigeria, reported as 6089.85 or 6089.86
lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** AUSTRALIA. Despite this earlier log of mine: ``15300, Sept 19 at 0532, RA `Pacific Beat` announcement that Australia Network TV will cease
Sept 28, but from Sept 29, ABC will provide some kind of limited TV service. We`ll see if that still occupy `The World` 12-13 UT slot Tue-Fri on 9580,
12065 et al.``
Here it is Sept 30 at 1245 on 9580, 12065, et al., and it`s still obviously audio track of a TV newscast, from oblique references to visuals, and
annoying audio background which video casts like to include, when pure radio produxion would not.
Item in progress is interviewing Uighurs in East Turkistan, rather incomprehensible without visible subtitles; seems ABC reporters in ``China`` are
defying Commie authorities in covering unrest there and in Hong Kong, (and may be slapped with travel restrixions if not expulsion?). 1257 still outro
as `The World` and nothing to indicate it would not be continuing. R. Australia/ABC must be as confused as we are about what`s happening to
them, and when.
After 1306, `The Daily Planet` is still on with world music, nice cora from Mali, alternating with Mongolian (but we are assured by ``Lucky
Oceans``, no throat-singing this time). (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 6180, Sept 30 at 0104, still no signal from RNA, nor even EAST TURKISTAN, tho local device and storm noise level is high (Glenn Hauser,
** CHINA. 18980, Sept 30 at 1319, CNR1 jammer, very poor with flutter, on the Tue/Fri 13-14 UT frequency of RFA Tibetan via Kuwait. No CNR1
jammers heard lower (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 6165, Sept 30 at 0105, RHC in correct language! English tonight unlike Spanish all night before last = anteayer.
6000, Sept 30 at 0536, RHC English is absent, again taking a one?-hour break as often but not always from this channel. Still on the other overkill
Cuban Four, including 5040 which again has a slight wobble on the carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [non]. 7210-LSB, Sept 30 at 0109, N1NR, Nelson Roig safely in Pennsylvania with anti-Castro rant, sounding like a broadcast, as if he is
reading a script --- but he`s been doing this for 40? years so hardly needs one. Only interruptions for 2-way comments confirm it`s not SWBC. Maybe
also heckler (dentro-Cuban?) with childish voice, all Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 9315, Sept 30 at 0111, R. Cairo ``Spanish``, open carrier/dead air
9965, Sept 30 at 0114, R. Cairo, Arabic, fair and not distorted but with perpetual whine
11710, Sept 30 at 0116, R. Cairo, ``Spanish``, open carrier/dead air, fair with flutter. Not sure if there is a trace of a het from Argentina on 11711. If on, should be more of a signal, with Brazil sufficient on other 25mb channels. Is anyone hearing RAE elsewhen or on 15345v?
12070, Sept 30 at 0120, R. Cairo, ``Spanish``, humwhine with maybe a trace of modulation at peaks
13850, Sept 30 at 0543, R. Cairo Arabic, with ME music, poor signal with distortion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9420, Sept 30 at 0112, ERTOpen good signal with Greek music, also on 9935 at 0114 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUATEMALA. 4055, Tuesday Sept 30 at 0537, R. Verdad is missing! Has been quite reliable for months, until 0609*v (except UT Mondays off
earlier). Hope not another serious transmitter breakdown (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM [and non]. The evening of Sept 29 (UT Sept 30), viewers of cable channels in Enid via Suddenlink (to which our city
fathers in their wisdom granted a cable monopoly) were seeing constant crawlers on Viacom channels, that ``Tonight Suddenlink will drop this
channel and 23 more. Call Suddenlink immediately at 877-794-2724 or visit http://KeepViacom.com for more info.``
Viacom makes a pretty good case against Suddenlink, which they say is highly profitable, but refuses even to negotiate; and one sports channel costs
them as much as the 24 Viacom channels, even under the great new deal Viacom is offering.
Apparently these notices were imposed by Viacom, so I wonder if they have a way of limiting them to Suddenlink systems, or they also are visible via
all other cable monopolies?
Yet local midnight (0500 UT) comes and goes and nothing happens, as the warnings continue. Now ``tonight`` means 24 hours later? That would
make sense, as Sept 30 is the end of month and end of quarter, not Sept 29.
As far as I am concerned, 23 Viacom channels are expendable, the exception being Comedy Central. I happen to know that in Canada, `The Daily
Show` and `The Colbert Report` (altho in in the middle of the night) air on free-to-air TV, the CTV Network --- lucky for borderites where the signals
can bleed over without blockage --- so are they also available streaming or ondemand online? Yes! for 7 days, TDS is, if not TCR:
http://www.ctv.ca/DailyShowwithJonStewart.aspx So I try it, but as I also feared, it`s blocked, available only dentro-Canada. If worst comes to
worst, must look into the proxy server option. (Of course the huge majority of Canadians even get their FTA broadcast TV via cable, tho they don`t have
to.) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. 13630, Sept 29 at 1420, IRIB IS until 1421* while IRIB IS is also on 13800 which continues with poor signal. 13630 is tail of Japanese
hour of VIRI, 500 kW, 60 degrees from Sirjan; while 13800 is head of Russian hour, 500 kW, 322 degrees also from Sirjan and USward (Glenn
** IRAN [non]. 15680, Sept 29 at 1412, pop music, poor signal, announcement in Farsi? Bet it`s Radio Farda, and so it is per Aoki: 1230-1430,
100 kW, 108 degrees from Lampertheim, GERMANY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MALI. 5995, Sept 30 at 0545, open carrier with fair signal, no doubt ORTM prior to *0600. Some hope for copy of the always undermodulated
signal, but by 0609 recheck, CUBA is back on 6000, blowing it away (and perhaps also fading down) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1430 & 1450, Sept 29 at 1927 UT, exactly same classic rock tunes synchronized on these two weak frequencies, daytime
groundwave on caradio from a quiet location in central Enid, Golden Chick parking lot. Each frequency has two OK stations at our periphery: 1430
with KALV Alva and KTBZ Tulsa; 1450 with KSIW Woodward and KGFF Shawnee. By format, we know which pair these have to be: KTBZ and KSIW are
sportstalk, so not them. While comparing synchrony also with the G8 portable held out the window, I am getting a 4 Hz SAH on 1430.
(The G8 is normally my companion at restaurant lunches, but Golden Chick is a Faraday Cage so I have to sit outside just to pick up KOSU 91.7;
fortunately, plenty of shade and a nice day except for traffic noise, sirens, and occasional fumes) (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. RF 31 & RF 32, Sept 29 at 1510 UT, ``TV-OK``, KXOK-LD Enid, has crashed, now nothing but black and silence on its main channel
and its intercity relay channel. It could go on like this for days, weeks, or even months with nobody noticing or caring. Anyhow it`s an improvement
over the few boring infomercials they were playing over and over and over, no real programming, altho Zap2It and TV Guide still think it`s with
RetroTV, abandoned long ago. Meanwhile, 31-2 continues with color bars, PSIP labeled M-FOX, and 31-3 with same labeled Azteca, which has also
been the case for many months. Recheck 24 hours later, Sept 30 at 1450 past 1640 UT: still the same (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OMAN. 9500, Sept 30 at 0112, RSO, Qur`an, poor-fair with flutter, so on correct frequency tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. 11795, UT Tue Sept 30 at 0117, REE theme music (not the IS per se), guitar music, Sefarad service opening in judeo-español with three
times and frequencies, this one correct, very good. Then talk about ``aña nueva – Rosh Hashana``, 0125 about shofar; 0127 brief cantor; 0130
accurate autotimesig. If REE is self-destructing Oct 1, it would be the very last SW broadcast of this weekly service; no one seems quite sure yet, but
maybe not until Oct 15, in which case there will be a couple more (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA. 11905, Sept 30 at *0114:10, carrier on from SLBC, poor with flutter; 0114:45.5 prélude music starts; -0115:17.0 mistimesignal
ends and sign-on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1740 monitoring: confirmed on Area 51 webcast, and presumably WBCQ 5110v-CUSB, UT Monday Sept 29 from
0301.5. Next:
Tuesday 1100 on WRMI, 9955
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1315 on WRMI, 9955
Wednesday 2100 on WBCQ, 7490v
Friday 2130 on WRMI, 7570 & 15770 (presumably instead of 1741)
** U S A. 13554-CW, Sept 30 at 0121, AZ is the only Hifer beacon audible now; repeats nothing but ID 16 times per minute. Is de Oro Valley AZ, and
last logged on Sept 9 at 0231. Some QRM from 13558-LSB 2-way speech, Spanish? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13564-CW, Sept 29 at 1419, GNK is the only Hifer beacon audible in the Part 15 band, and vs CODAR swishes. It`s the one in Madison WI
** U S A. 620, Sept 30 at 0549 UT, teeny-bopper music, as R. Disney, KMIK Plano/The Metroplex TX continues on the air beyond what had been
forecast of closedown by all but one R. Disney AM stations. It`s now been widely reported that they will stay on until each one has been sold off. Hey,
620 should go back to Wichita Falls, as if anyone wanted it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 880, Sept 30 at 0558 UT, SRN News dominating frequency from E/W, no doubt KHAC NM, which has been cheating with day facilities at
night for some time now, soon confirmed by the local weather minute I was expecting at 0559 UT, and legal ID as from ``Tse Bonito-Window RockGallup`` before 0600 UT back to Christian music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 890, Sept 29 at 1219 UT, with KTLR OKC nulled, no problem hearing ``Sportstalk 106.1`` cross-promo, and shortly KDXU ID in passing,
from St George UT, again suspected on ND 10 kW day pattern instead of direxional away from WLS at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1360, Sept 29 at 1925 UT, KAHS El Dorado KS, weak groundwave signal of EWTN station also has a low audible heterodyne when
monitoring caradio from a quiet location in central Enid (parking lot of Golden Chick). Possibly a local device, but the band seems clean otherwise, so
may one of two Texans is off-frequency: KDJW Amarillo or 50 kW KMNY Hurst TX (Metroplex), both of which have extremely unfavorable daytime
patterns toward us. KDJW is another EWTN and KMNY is Spanish, but I can`t tell (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1530, Sept 30 at 0129 UT, C&W music, VG & dominant looping NW/SE. No doubt cheater KCMN Colorado Springs, as quickly confirmed
by mention of ``Front Range`` and ``I-25 Radio Network``. NO WCKY to be heard; yet propagation is fine from further 1100 WTAM Cleveland
** VIETNAM [non]. 12005, Sept 30 at 0119, VOV English via Woofferton UK, again with VG signal, unlike one binite ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic carrier search, Sept 29 at 0517-0520: JBA carriers on 549, 621, 684, 711, 747, 774, 882 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
UNIDENTIFIED. 740, Sept 30 at 0141 UT, with KRMG Tulsa nulled, I hear some Spanish, and a LAH rumble from an off-frequency station, not
necessarily from the same one. Tnx to KTRH Houston, not much of a factor here, most of the 740 Mexicans are in the periphery, except for XEQN
Torreón, Coahuila (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 1090, Sept 30 at 0133 UT, Spanish talk with caller, IBOC QRM from KRLD, 1093, reduced by tuning to 1088; get a pretty good DF on
it as about the same direxion as KRLD, and also with KAAY nulled. 0134 mentions ``Palacio de Bellas Artes`` along with music with a beat. I am
hoping that will lead to Cuba or México but it leads to both. Best DF fit would be XEFC Mérida, Yucatán. The only Cuban listed, 1 kW in Las Tunas,
seems unlikely (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 1190, Sept 30 at 0132 UT, amid heavy QRM, something in Spanish which loops roughly NE/SW. Not aware of any SS US stations
nearby, so could be Monterrey or Juárez, supposedly 100 watts at night, or XEWK Guadalajara, 10 kW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Asociación Española De Radioescucha
Hola. Estas son las últimas novedades de blogAER:
Trofeo Poetas Oriolanos 2014 http://aer.org.es/archivos/1559 La Asociación de Radioaficionados Vega Baja (ARVB) y la sección local URE
Orihuela, con el patrocinio de la Concejalía de Cultura del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Orihuela (Alicante), organiza para todas las estaciones de
radioaficionados, el concurso, TROFEO Poeta Oriolano Miguel Hernández y 4º Octubre Hernandiano de acuerdo a las siguientes bases: Participación:
Todas las estaciones […]
Sorteos de Fin de Año de la AER http://aer.org.es/archivos/1503 La AER celebra la llegada del año 2015 con regalos y ¡qué mejor que regalar un
Manual Mundial de Radio y Televisión 2015 (WRTH 2015)! pero… la AER no regala uno, ¡¡¡regalará dos ejemplares del WRTH 2015!!! Estas son las
BASES PARA PARTICIPAR EN LOS SORTEOS: Habrá dos sorteos de sendos Manuales Mundiales de Radio […]
Un saludo cordial - Pedro Sedano, Madrid, España COORDINADOR GENERAL [email protected]
AER http://aer-dx.es/ http://aer.org.es/ [email protected] twitter @aer_dx
Mauricio Pimenta Cunha
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Mauricio Pimenta Cunha - PY4ID
Visite nosso site : www.logicamax.com.br Facebook : facebook.com/logicamaxtecnologia
Márcio Dias
Com a devida licença e permissão dos moderadores, estou disponibilizando para venda (NÃO TENHO INTERESSE EM TROCAS) os seguintes rádios
portáteis devido à novo investimento e nova modalidade de escutas:
1) Rádio SONY 7600Gr prateado, comprei ele novo há uns 6 anos atrás. Está super conservado com funcioamento 100%, algumas pequenas marcas
de uso e a capa de couro com alguns trincados devido ao tempo. Acompanha fonte original. VALOR: R$500,00.
2) Rádio SANGEAN ATS 909, uso pessoal comprei pelo eBay uns 4 anos atrás. Está super conservado e em perfeito estado de funcionamento. Capa
original tipo couro intacta. Atenção: este rádio não possui aquele suporte traseiro para utilizá-lo deitado, já comprei assim mas não impede em nada
seu funcionamento. Para compensar, envio grátis um suporte em acrílico.VALOR R$550,00.
3) Rádio DEGEN DE1128H novo na caixa, liguei-o apenas para testes -FM MW SW 4GB 8 in 1 Intelligent Multifunctional LED STEREO Radio MP3
PLAYER/ 4G DIGITAL RECORDER/ REPEAT/LOUDSPEAKER ( confira em http://www.ebay.com/itm/Neuf- DEGEN-DE1128H-FM-MW-SW-DSP- 4GBMP3-Recorder-Dual-Speaker- Radio-FM-RDS-/271441633177?pt= FR_LC_TV_Son_Home_Cinema_ Audio_Portable_Radio_Radios&
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4) Rádio Pan Crusader 8000, um excelente rádio com cobertura de 150kHz até 512 MHz !!!! Uma jóia, super conservado. Possui sintonizador de
antena, BFO, squelch, duas antenas telescópicas, display digital retroiluminado, OM, SW, FM-W, FM-N ( confira vídeo
em https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=yX1BiMmEIwY https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=yX1BiMmEIwY ).
Rádio para pessoas exigentes, possui entrada para antenas externas long wire e HF. Valor: R$1.000,00.
5) Rádio NATIONAL PANASONIC modelo GX280 super conservado - OM/ FM / SW com antena de ferrite externa giratória com excelente
performance. ( confira em http://www.radiomuseum.org/r/ panasonic_rf_879.html http://www.radiomuseum.org/r/ panasonic_rf_879.html )
Valor: R$250,00.
6) CC WiFi Radio - Internet Radio. Aparelho novo na caixa, desembalado apenas para testes. Aparelho muito interessante que possibilita ouvir
inúmeras rádios ao redor do mundo usando conexão à internet. Possui 99 memórias, permite escolher estações pelo gênero ou país, incrível
verificar que práticamente todas as nossas grandes estações estão também disponíveis neste canal. Um aparelho para quem gosta de ouvir
estações por longo período sem se preocupar com espaço, antenas, nada apenas ouvir sua programação predileta. Fiz alguns testes ouvindo no
Brasil as grandes rádios AM (CBN/GLOBO/NACIONAL/etc) e FM, USA, Espanha, China, Japão, Ìndia, etc. Basta ter uma internet estável para obter
ótimos resultados, minha internet é de apenas 2megas e os testes foram muito satisfatórios. Confira mais detalhes no
link http://www.ccrane.com/WiFi- Internet-Radios-1/CC-WiFi- Internet-Radio-w-Clock-Alarm- 99-Memory-Presets
VALOR: R$500,00
Interessados, entrar em contato PVT com Márcio Dias através do e-mail marcio.antonio.dias20@gmail. com
Obrigado - Márcio Dias - Divinópolis - MG ( CEP 35.500-004)
Alfredo Meurer Jr
Comunicado importante aos colegas desta lista
Michel, Eu fico muito feliz de ver o seu intuito de acrescentar mais uma opção a todos os amantes de radios, de radios antigos, de DX, de
experimentações, de antenas, de tudo ligado à eletrônica e às telecomunicações criando o Facebook DXCB.
Sem duvida essa sua iniciativa vai ampliar muito mais os horizontes dos amantes do radio, teremos aqui a lista radioecutas para grandes debates
técnicos e também o Facebook DXCB para ampliarmos os horizontes infindáveis de um hobby fascinante que é o radio e tudo ligado a ele.
Eu desejo de coração que os colegas que frequentam esta lista também sejam assíduos frequantadores do Facebok DXCB com muitas postagens e
com mais horizontes à disposição, pois nesse Facebook DXCB estará também disponível esquemas de radios e muitas coisas ligadas à radios de
comunicação, desde àqueles de um passado tão distante, aos receptores valvulados tão famosos das decadas de 1940/1950 que se eternizaram
pela sua beleza estética e pelas suas grandes qualidades tecnicas, sem contar, lógico, com os atuais de tecnologia digital.
Bem vindos ao Facebook DXCB amigos. Att Alfredo Meurer Jr - ZY1-0001 SWL
Glenn Hauser
Logs September 30-October 1, 2014
** ANTARCTICA. 15476-, Sept 30 at 2133-2136+, JBA carrier from LRA36 on its unique off-frequency; checking since it was reported on the air
yesterday much later than usual past 2200, but still far too little to copy here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL [and non]. 6010+ & 6010++, Oct 1 at 0054, lo audible heterodyne between two stations both on hi side of nominal, and one of them with
some music, no doubt HJDH Colombia and ZYE521 Brasil, the latter which South Americans have greeted as reactivated recently.
BTW, the 2014 WRTH perpetuates a typo in the callsign of 15190, which we outpointed a year or two ago: ZYE622 instead of ZYE522, i.e. to go with
ZYE521 on 6010. Aoki has them neighborly, but http://www.inconfidencia.com.br cannot find ZYE521 or ZYE522! At least the two SW frequencies
appear somewhere on the home page, after quizzing us, ``Did you know Inconfidência is AM and FM??`` But OC gets no such promotion. Evidently
it`s the AM, not FM programming which appears on 6010 if not 15190, but I think they match (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. 7210-LSB, Oct 1 at 0117, N1NR and comrades denouncing Communism, and then hit by musical snippets of the
``Internationale``, to which he responds with attempt to sing a few words in English from ``The Star-Spangled Banner``; back and forth, but the
inimical Cuban ham playing the Intl is stronger. What fun!
Nelson Roig replies with ``en Cuba se están muriendo de hambre``. Could be true that some Cubans are starving, but we sure won`t find out from
RHC. BTW, there is a little-known Spanish version of the ``SSB``, found by Terry Krueger: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-29215415
But N1NR and the unID CO have broken the rules of ham radio by playing any music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 11710, Oct 1 at 0103, R. Cairo Spanish, fair signal with suppressed and distorted modulation, about the same situation as on stronger //
12070 tonight. No het from 11711- Argentina, and Stephen Cooper agrees there was no LRA at 0150
9315, Oct 1 at 0104, R. Cairo Spanish, undermodulated but not so distorted // 12070 & 11710
9965, Oct 1 at 0111, R. Cairo Arabic is just barely modulated, and with whine (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9420 // 9935, Oct 1 at 0105, ERTOpen VG, YL with Greek talk, and JBA carrier on 15630 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUATEMALA. 4055, Oct 1 at 0410 check, R. Verdad is on with music; checking earlier tonight since last night it was off well before 0600 (Glenn
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Oct 1 at 0113, fair signal with pirate music I don`t recognize, XLR8 IDs between, at 0115, 0121; still on past 0132
** OMAN. 15355, Oct 1 at 0107, VP signal with algo, presumably RSO, since it`s missing from proper 9500, and other alternate 15140 bears
nothing but Chinese from Xi`an (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, Oct 1 at 0053, VP carrier and some modulation from R. Chaski until autocutoff at 0102:10.5*, which is 17.5 seconds later than one
trinite ago = averaging 5 and 5/6 later per nite (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. 6055, Oct 1 at 0055, REE English canned closing by Justin Coe still says it`s ``daily`` from 0000, so must not be canned yet. Plug
pulled at 0057* before the chimes can die out (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA. 11905, Oct 1 at 0114 open carrier, fair with flutter, 0114:46.5 music starts; 0115:19 timesignal ends, SLBC sign-on (Glenn Hauser,
** U S A. 4720, Oct 1 at 0100, weak but clear mix of WTWW Bible Worldwide from 12105, and some other gospel huxter ---- Let`s see, what`s the
difference? 7385, i.e. another overload signal from WHRI, so obviously receiver-produced: maybe brought about by messing with a different antenna
plug than usual into the DX-398 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. 9475 & 5830, Oct 1 at 0106, WTWW-1 missing from day frequency normally still on now, and also from night frequency; while
still on 5085 WTWW-2 and now fading down 12105 WTWW-3.
9470, therefore is cleared for audibility of CRI English, fair with flutter, one of countless 308-degree transmissions from Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN
** U S A. 1530, Oct 1 at 0125 UT, oldies/classic rock from NW/SE is dominating again, so KCMN Colorado Springs, in lieu of WCKY OH. BTW, A
Norwegian DXer in the Arctic Radio Club says he has been receiving KCMN every night lately: Odd-Jörgen Sagdahl, in Hundhamaren, Norge. Further
evidence KCMN is running 15 kW rather than 15 watts. The Scandinavians are making incredible logs of lots of little North and South American MW
stations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 1520, Oct 1 at 0127 UT, KOKC OKC again with QRM from rippling SAH several Hz off-frequency, but no audio from it. As best I can
loop it, from the NE/SW. Of the Illinois/Indiana stations, the one fitting the bill best is WHOW in Clinton IL, which is a 5 kW ND daytimer. Surely some
DXers in that area can confirm whether this or some other is leaving an OC on into the night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
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Ulysses Galletti
Programa Encontro DX - Aviso
Recebi do meu amigo Cassiano Macedo a seguinte informação:
Nos dias 04 e 11 de outubro , mês da Padroeira do Brasil excepcionalmente o Programa Encontro da Rádio Aparecida entrará no ar as 18h00.
QRV - Ulysses Galletti
Glenn Hauser
Logs October 1, 2014
** ANGUILLA. 6090, Oct 1 at 0527, DGS modulation is still breaking up like 24 hours earlier. So-called University Network --- what university would
that be, anyway? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 12065, Oct 1 at 1317 after listening to ``Apache Tears`` on `The Daily Planet` from RA, I can hear some CCI underneath
the talk break, not noticed before. HFCC shows it`s, what else, IRAN in ``PRS``, which really means Dari as in Aoki, 1150-1450, 100 kW, 85
degrees from Kamalabad. (VIRI long ago deleted all SW broadcasts in its own language, Persian/Farsi, having no interest in reaching own diaspora,
strange; but Dari is close enough.).
RA 12065 USward is strong enough for this not to be a problem; // 12085 aimed toward Asia always weaker and also suffering from heavy flutter
unlike 12065 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BANGLADESH [and non]. 15105, Oct 1 at 1250 tune-in, surprised to find Bangladesh Betar one of the few signals on band (OOFSOB), fair with
heavy flutter, and certainly among the best, like 15520 Iran in Urdu (skirting the other side of the pole); with even 15825 WWCR not propagating yet.
BB YL in English is wrapping up sports (?) segment until next Wednesday and then into typical Bengali music --- ``Allá en el Rancho Grande``,
``Why Should I Be Loving You``, and at 1257 ``I`ll Be There`` in English and Spanish; 1259 sign-off announcement and off (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Oct 1 at 0532, the big 11780 RNA transmitter is out of whack again!! Putting out big terribly distorted but matching
spurs, this time about 35 kHz above and below instead of 30 kHz. Watch out, R. Brasil Central on 11815. Also weaker second order spur which I
noted first, circa 11710 blocking a weak carrier, presumably CRI English via ALBANIA. Could not make out a match to that on 11850, however.
Would our Brazilian DX friends please get on RNA about this ASAP so it doesn`t worsen and last another few weeks like last time? (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** EGYPT. 13850, Oct 1 at 0536, R. Cairo, Arabic to America, is merely open carrier/dead air, fair signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9420, Oct 1 at 0530, fair signal but open carrier/dead air, presumed ERTOpen as happens occasionally with them.
15650, Oct 1 at 1412, fair signal in Greek, into music, i.e. ERTOpen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM [and non]. Suddenlink went and did it, at 0500 UT Oct 1 deleting all the Viacom channels as seen here in Enid and
presumably everywhere. ``This channel will be right back`` it says on some of the channels, yeah right. I won`t bore you with the channel numbers
as applicable here only, but replacing Comedy Central is FXX; replacing NIK is Sprout. We also now get UP, and Pivot, and Blaze and OWN. I think
these have been moved in (or duplicated) from higher tiers where hardly anyone watched them. Some of the deleted channels are still not replaced,
with multiple copies of QVC filling them!
Say, I wonder if some friend who still gets Comedy Central would be willing to VHS tape and mail The Daily Shows and Colbert Repors to me?
Preferably starting tonight. Please contact privately to discuss expenses. Could also be on disc or thumb drive if necessary (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** IRAN. 21750, Oct 1 at 1304, algo with talk, VP signal I haven`t noticed before. Aoki shows it`s VIRI in Indonesian at 1220-1320, 500 kW, 107
degrees from Sirjan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also AUSTRALIA [and non], BANGLADESH [and non]
** OKLAHOMA. RF 31 & RF 32, by Oct 1, TV-OK = KXOK-LD Enid has resumed ``programming`` of nothing but infomercials instead of black screen,
but still no audio over the air except surging hums and buzzes, checked at 1640 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also
** SOMALILAND. 7120, Oct 1 at 1328, JBA carrier much weaker than several CW QRMs including from an N4 ham. Presumed R. Hargeisa showing
by long-path, during what used to be English segment; how is it on the west coast? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [and non]. 21610 & 21640, it`s now definitely October 1, and REE is still there at 1303 but JBA; much better at 1416 both good but
21640 has an echo and 21610 does not. The only difference is the azimuths out of Noblejas, 21610 at 110 degrees, and 21640 at 272 degrees.
21610 is close to directly off the back, while 21640 is aiming closer toward us but further south. Somehow the latter may be getting thru on long path
too producing the echo.
11910, Oct 1 at 1322, REE Spanish song, fair via Beijing, CHINA, // 17715 Noblejas but two seconds behind it. It`s speculated that the relay
exchange with China (9690 at 02-04 to Americas) may be holding up the closedown of REE on SW. The next tentative drop-dead date is October 15
** TIBET [non]. 15530, Oct 1 at 1411, YL in presumed Tibetan talk, entertained by dog barking in background. This is Voice of Tibet, via
MADAGASCAR, 250 kW aimed 45 degrees, close to off the side from here, yet achieving a reliably fair signal. No sign of CNR1 or Firedrake jamming,
but Aoki shows until 1407 VOT starts on 15525, then jumps hoping to leave the jammer behind (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. 13830, Oct 1 at 0535, no signal from VOA French via BOTSWANA, which had been reliable at 0530-0600 M-F, so no longer a
companion to 13840, NHK French via Madagascar daily at same time, still heard. Suspect the transmission deleted or moved as part of IBB October
1 changes, as yet unknown? But it`s still in HFCC as of 30 Sept effective until 25 Oct. So maybe just an outage (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1740 monitoring: I was so involved in checking other stuff that I neglected to confirm the Wednesday October 1 at 1315
airing on WRMI 9955, but still on schedule.
NOT on schedule any longer is the UT Sun 0100 on 5950, as that hour of transmission has been replaced by 15770 with the new Hindi service of
Family Radio --- even tho it`s a different transmitter. The 01-02 block on 5950 was sublet from Family Radio, ``System F``, color-coded red but
filled with RMI programming until FR claimed the hour for Hindi. Now, 15770 for that is on the 44-degree azimuth, toward Europe, not India, but
close enough? The 355-degree antenna for eastern North America would be closer to India, but probably unreliably transpolar.
Furthermore, there is now a replacement time for WORLD OF RADIO on 11580, as it was bumped from Thursdays by the new daily UKRAINE relay at
2330-2400. WOR now scheduled Sundays at 2300-2330. We hope by then it can be the newest show rather than the previous one (Glenn Hauser,
** U S A. 7285-LSB, Oct 1 at 1332, Daytime Texas Traffic Net, the NCS considering himself an entertainer. Says also has website by that name as
one word. http://www.daytimetexastrafficnet7285.org/ Never caught his call, but some check-ins from beyond Texas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** U S A. 17775, Oct 1 at 1415, KVOH at VG signal level, but Spanish modulation quite suppressed, worse than usual, and distorted. Was not yet
propagating an hour earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 11000, Oct 1 at 1320, open carrier with flutter (so it`s not just the FRG-7 Wadley Loop MHz birdie). Smax of a CNR1 jammer rarin` to
go, but not on the Aoki or EiBi lists (yet?) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Agrupación Radioaficionados Altiplano Ara
Alfredo Meurer Jr
A52O escutado ontem, 01 outubro em 28490
Boa noite amigos. Ontem eu tive o privilégio de conseguir mais um DXCC importante (Bhutan) escutado na faixa de 10m, um país que me faltava
nessa faixa. Como aqui no meu QTH eu posso dizer que não tenho nenhum tipo de ruídos, pelo menos por enquanto, nas faixas de 12m e de 10m
ontem eu estava de ôlho e 10m por causa de A52O que pode ter abertura de propagação para cá por volta de 09:20z a 10:00z na gray line e A52O
estava ativo em fonia em 28490 nesse QTR.
QRM zero, sinal clarissimo.
- Escuta com Degen De1103, antena PT5 28500 RS estimado 51, apesar do S ser tão baixo o seu audio estava incrivelmente claro, o que posibilitou
a copia de algumas estações da Indonésia e da Malásia repetidas por ele.
Após as 09:50z ele fez QSY para 12m mas eu não escutei mais ele, em 12m não estava favorável para ele ser escutado aqui no meu QTH.
Finalmente terei mais um país do sudeste asiático na banda de 10m, já que eu não consegui escutar de forma alguma a outra estação A52JR que
operou em janeiro deste ano, eu só tive escutas dele regular em 40m e bem nos 12m e as duas estações A5 que eu escutei em 10m no passado não
existem mais, ambos estão SK.
De tarde ele esteve ativo em 20m, mas eu estava em compromiso profissional.
Tentem 10m de manhã nesse QTR citado acima e de tarde nos 20m, com certeza ele será escutado por muitos colegas.
73 a todos - Alfredo Meurer Jr - ZY1-0001 SWL
Frank Martínez
Carta a Radio Exterior de Espana
Al Director del Servicio Exterior de Radio Nacional de Espana:
Por medio de la presente hago llegar mi protesta ante la decisión de eliminar las transmisiones en Onda Corta de Radio Exterior de España.
Cualquier pretexto o explicación que apoye esta actitud es un aporte a la barbarie del mundo moderno. El gran científico Albert Einstein dijo una vez:
Grandes tecnologías crearan mayores idioteces. Ir contra la corriente no es necesariamente incorrecto, sino a veces la única postura DIGNA que
podamos asumir.
De acuerdo a la UIT dos tercios de la población mundial no tienen acceso al internet. ¿Como pretende la dirección de Radio Exterior llevar el
mensaje ibérico a sus oyentes? muchos de ellos ciudadanos españoles, y otros descendientes de ellos, como yo, nieto de españoles, y viviendo en
Cuba es la única manera de minimizar la nostalgia de la tierra de donde ha salido mi familia. Cada día sintonizo por varias frecuencias, de manera
tal que a pesar de estar a 7 mil kilómetros, vivo y siento la sociedad española, puedo respirar la madre patria. Paisajes y Sabores, Tablero Deportivo,
Hora América, Españoles en la Mar, Amigos de la Onda Corta, y muchos otros mueven nuestra imaginación hacia ese lugar del planeta donde se
disfruta un buen vino, una copla, el sonido de una guitarra flamenca, un Gol de ¨la roja¨.
Siempre lo mismo: Dinero. Pero sin embargo hay presupuesto para financiar programas de corazón, diarios con cuartillas llenas de banalidades de
la farándula, La Fiebre ROSA. Cabe preguntarse entonces:
¿Aporta esto algo positivo a la educación? ¿Nos da alguna enseñanza? ¿Vale la pena gastar dinero en financiar alquiler de estudios, vestuario,
maquillaje, tiempo en el aire, edición, para que todos se enteren de los detalles de la vida privada de la farándula? ¿Vale la pena gastar dinero en
editar, imprimir, revistas, periódicos, tabloides que solo alimentan los rumores de sobre los VIP?
Desde el punto de vista informativo, dudo mucho que exista otra emisora que aborde los aspectos noticiosos con tanta neutralidad, con tal
profesionalismo. La onda corta es imposible de bloquear, no pide permiso para entrar en casa, no es posible censurarla, es un gran empuje en los
lugares donde no hay libertad, no hay democracia, desafortunadamente hay ejemplos en pleno siglo XXI y puedo mencionar históricamente los
Dolores de Cabeza causados por la radio al dictador Augusto Pinochet por Escucha Chile de Radio Moscú, Radio Habana Cuba, donde se leían los
nombres de los torturadores, donde se daba a conocer los desaparecidos, los mensajes de la familia, las muestras de cariño y respeto alrededor del
mundo por la grave situación de los chilenos. Cuando existían dos Alemania, la radio jugo el papel fundamental en la reunificación, de ambos lados
se vivía una sola patria a través de las ondas. Ejemplos hay miles.
En algún lado leí: -Los Jóvenes no escuchan Onda Corta. Nunca han estado más equivocados. Yo escucho la radio desde que tengo 12 años (con 24
años recién cumplidos), y como yo muchas personas alrededor del mundo han crecido pegados a la radio, más que a la Televisión. Muchos hemos
hecho amistades para toda la vida, hemos aprendido idiomas, hemos escuchado grandes conciertos de música, hemos vivido los días de luto
nacional, hemos sufrido las noticias tristes, los atentados terroristas, la alegría enorme de escuchar un pueblo feliz luego de alcanzar un gobierno
acorde a sus intereses.
La radio aporta más a la educación, a las buenas costumbres, a fomentar valores, transmite un mensaje más sólido, sincero, sencillo. Nunca pasara
de moda, siempre que se emita al éter será posible captarlo, en los lugares recónditos del mundo.
La persona que toma esta decisión no sabe lo que hace, nunca ha estado en un país políticamente inestable, subdesarrollado, infra desarrollado,
donde no hay internet, donde la única opción de saber que pasa en el mundo exterior, es sintonizando la radio. Hoy día, en ESPAÑOL, el idioma de
Cervantes, tan rico e importante como el de Shakespeare, con gran orgullo Radio Exterior lleva sus mensajes a América Latina, África y a todos los
lugares donde estén los españoles, en la mar, en prisión, en la selva amazónica, en los desiertos, en los lugares de conflicto. He de concluir esta
misiva con profundo pesar y solo esperanzado que sirva de reflexión, ¡Abrid los Ojos y alzad tu voz! UN ESPAÑOL DE CORAZON: Frank Martínez
Toni / EA3GYE
ALICANTE: indicativos especiales - salida de la Vuelta al Mundo a Vela
Solicitante: Sección U.R.E. Alicante (Alacant)
Fechas: 4 y 5 de octubre de 2014
Ámbito: Radioaficionados de la provincia de Alicante (Alacant)
Motivo: Salida de la Vuelta al Mundo a Vela "Volvo Ocean Race 2014" desde el puerto de Alicante (Alacant)
ED5 para los titulares de estaciones EA5
EE5 para los titulares de estaciones EB5
EF5 para los titulares de estaciones EC5
Fuente: U.R.E.
P Antes de imprimir este correo-e. piense si es realmente necesario: ¡el medioambiente es cosa de tod@s!
John A. Figliozzi
Time Change Silly Season
It happens every year and the fact that the world doesn't have a standard date for local seasonal time changes drives us all a little crazy. This notice is
posted on the ABC Radio Australia website:
"Schedule changes due to Daylight Saving
As Daylight Saving time commences in Australia on Sunday 5 October, you will notice some changes to our radio schedule. Our flagship Pacific affairs
program, Pacific Beat, will remain in its regular morning and afternoon time slots. But you will hear some of your favourite programs an hour earlier
than you are used to."
(Actually, this already happened in New Zealand last weekend.)
This temporarily puts Australian Eastern Time (where RA is located) 11 hours ahead of GMT/UTC, 15 hours ahead of New York time, 16 hours ahead
of Chicago, 17 hours ahead of Denver and 18 hours ahead of Los Angeles. New Zealand presently is 13 hours ahead of GMT, 17 ahead of New York,
18 ahead of Chicago, 19 ahead of Denver and 20 ahead of Los Angeles. Another hour will be added to these gaps when most of North America
reverts to standard time on November 2.
Confused yet?
John Figliozzi - wwlgonline.com
PY7-KG Moreira
VALOR R$ 1.300,00 + FRETE
CONTATO - MOREIRA - FONE-81-9191-2716-CLARO--81-9694-2377-TIM
RES. 81-3528-1090 - e-mail --- [email protected]
Geral Cobertura receptor de comunicações Classificação (1-5): HH (2)
Made In: Japão Tensões: 120 VAC 12 VDC
Cobertura: 10-30000 kHz Leitura: LED Digital 1.
Modos: AM / LSB / USB-CW Seletividade: 7/5 kHz
Circuito: Conversão Triplo Física: 14.2x6.5x9.25 "14 Lbs.
Características: . ¼ "Head Jack, S-Meter, Mute Linha, ANL, Disque Lâmpada, espera, Fine Tuning, entrada chave Jack, atenuador, Antena Trimmer,
Pré-seletor, Disque interruptor da luz, Record Jack, AGC.
[email protected]
FONE-81-3528-1090 ( RESIDENCIA ) FONE-81-9694-2377 ( TIM ) FONE-81-9191-2716 ( CLARO )
Rafael Rodriguez
Relanzamiento del Portal SDR de Willi H. Passman
Relanzamiento del Portal SDR de Willi H. Passman Media Consulting (DJ6JZ) http://www.sdr-portal.de/index.html
Glenn Hauser
Logs October 1-2, 2014
** BANGLADESH. 15505, Oct 2 at 1359:27.5, last higher and prolonged pip of mistimesignal makes it thru on JBA signal with flutter, from
Bangladesh Betar opening Urdu (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Oct 2 at 0535, RNA is *still* putting out big dirty distorted spurs again from 11780 transmitter, as first noted 24 hours
earlier, and also a weaker one on 11710 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 19000, Oct 2 at 1354, CNR1 jammer vs RFA Tibet via Kuwait, making very poor het with FRG-7 birdie, and again no lower OOB jammers
found (just 15115/15195/15265). One might expect extra jamming during this holiday week celebrating the anniversary of the ChiCom Party
combined with repression/suppression in Hong Kong, East Turkistan, Tibet, etc.; maybe propagation just is not cooperating (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** CUBA. 9965, Oct 2 at 0532, DentroCuban Jamming Command pulses against nothing, but fine with me since 9955 WRMI is not jammed at the
moment; or rather, since Brother Scare is on at this hour, jamming it would be no loss.
9965 was years ago a Radio República channel (via Costa Rica?). The same rate and pitch of jamming, but stronger, is heard at same time on 9565,
where Radio Martí is in the afternoons but never now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. 6000, Oct 2 at 0541, again no signal from RHC English which is sometimes on, sometimes off during this hour. Did not stay up to
check whether it revived after 0600. Good for MALI, q.v.
5040, Oct 2 at 0544, RHC English now with big wobble. In AM mode, it sounds rather like propagational flutter, while it`s really frequency-flutter,
very obvious with BFO applied.
9820, Oct 2 at 1241, RHC extra frequency as always much weaker than // 9850, but also markedly undermodulated for what little signal there is;
and with musical CCI. HFCC shows CNR1 via Xian is here, and from 1245 so is Delhi in Sinhala (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM [and non]. Chuck Albertson points out that Comedy Central`s `The Daily Show` and `The Colbert Report` full shows
are available unrestricted online from the website http://www.cc.com so never mind my fishing around for getting them indirectly now that
Suddenlink has deleted CC and 23 other Viacom channels from its cable systems including Enid`s. I was under the impression that they were not
online so had not even checked (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MALI. 5995, Oct 2 at 0541, open carrier, fair signal, presumed ORTM warming up early (if it`s not been on all-night), and no ACI from 6000 CUBA
which is off; but I`ve yet to catch its c. 0600 sign-on, if any (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI is off-schedule again, or is it a new unpublished schedule changing circa October 1??
11685-11690-11695, Thursday Oct 2 at 0535, DRM noise is here along with good AM signal on 11725, despite DRM not being scheduled to start
until 0651: http://www.radionz.co.nz/international/listen Even stranger, Oct 2 at 1243, RNZI is missing from 9700, but already on 6170 instead,
found at 1245 when apparently `The Morning Report` morphed into `Dateline Pacific`, with its periodic drumming liners, about TB epidemic in PNG
[not making news over here unlike ebola].
Someone advised us to check HFCC instead of RNZI itself for more accurate info, but both HFCC and RNZI still claim that 9700 switches to 6170 at
1300 until the end of A-14. Furthermore, 6170 before 1300 is a solid signal as if on the 35 degree antenna while 9700 until 1300 had been on the
325 away from us.
So this is an improvement, but is it just a mistake? Retune at 1259, heard the Bell Bird IS which normally plays at QSY times but didn`t hear previous
announcement; perhaps in the studio they imagined that the transmitter was really switching at that hour? We`ll see if this behaviour repeat 24
hours later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Oct 2 on the road to and from Woodward, I am checking 95.9 which I can`t get in Enid due to distance and 95.7 KXLS. 95.9 is
supposed to be transferring from KCCU Lawton to KUCO Edmond. By Bouse Junxion, US 281 at US 412, 95.9 is making it at 1730 UT with classical
music --- sounds pro, like Classical 24 syndicated --- but annoying IADs once a minute = intermittent audio dropouts for a split second.
It`s almost like clockwork, at 10-13 seconds past every minute! Once however, the dropout lasted more like 15 seconds. After 1800 UT into public
radio talk shows, Hear & Now, etc. This is still KZCU, a satellite of, as IDed later, KCCU, not of KUCO. So I wonder if the deal is off? KUCO had
mentioned to me months ago that KCCU was having such problems getting its feed into Woodward, which was one reason they were willing to dispose
of it. KZCU is 6 kW H&V at 100 meters HAAT.
Woodward also benefits from 88.1 KWOU, a satellite of KGOU at OU in Norman, which with 23.5 kW at 224 meters has considerably greater
coverage, but little Woodward has two *local* public radio signals, not just translators, while much bigger Enid has *NONE*, not even a translator.
But got to do something about those IADs! A few hours later they were still happening every minute at 10-13 seconds past. Also sometimes with
clunking sounds like you get from a webfeed with inadequate buffering. You`d think a minor adjustment could have fixed that long ago. When both
were in `All Things Considered`, KWOU was running about one second behind KZCU. On the way back, by the Gloss Mountains west of Orienta &
Fairview, KZCU 95.9 was losing out to KXLS 95.7 `Lahoma`; while 88.1 KWOU makes it, barely, to the western edge of Enid (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** RUSSIA. Voice of Russia is supposedly reviving SW after reorganization putting it under control of the military; an extensive new schedule was
registered with HFCC effective October 1. However, VOR itself could not confirm this start date, and we certainly doubted it, unlike some other editors
who assumed it must be true.
So we checked out some of the scheduled frequencies before 2400 UT October 1: nothing on 12060, JBA carrier at 2358 on 7240, but probably
trace of scheduled Tibet.
After 0000 UT October 2: nothing on 17770, 12060, 6195, 6100 (and 6120 blocked by 6115 WWCR). These were supposedly in Russian,
Portuguese, Spanish, English. See imaginary schedule at http://hfcc.org/data/schedbyfmo.php?seas=A14&fmor=GFC also with English to North
America supposedly at 0200-0600 via Pet/Kam on 12010 & 12070. Did not check these until later, 0534: nothing on 12010, but algo very poor on
12070 --- it so happens two stations are already scheduled there and then: DW in Portuguese via Rwanda and Iran in Dari via Kamalabad!
Chris Lewis and Noel Green in England checked some more VOR listed frequencies in the morning and afternoon of October 1 and came up with:
nothing (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1741, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. 6055, Oct 2 at 0024 check, REE English is still on the air past the original drop-dead date of Oct 1, so maybe it`s now October 15. No one
at the station seems to know (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. 13830, Oct 2 at 0537, VOA French is back here, via BOTSWANA, having been AWOL 24 hours earlier, so again a companion to NHK
French via Madagascar on 13840 and tonight somewhat stronger than it; while 13850 Egypt is but a JBA carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1740 monitoring: confirmed on WBCQ webcast, and presumably on 7490v, Wednesday October 1 before 2130.
WORLD OF RADIO 1741 monitoring: confirmed first airing on WRMI, 9955, UT Thursday Oct 2 after 0330, poor signal with pulse jamming, tnx a lot
Arnie! Fine on the webcast. Also confirmed at 1230 Thursday Oct 2 on 9955, with CCCCI from France via TAIWAN still underneath. Also some pulse
jamming now too. Next:
UT Friday 0325v on WWRB, 3185 (we hope: no show last week)
Saturday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
UT Sunday 0131 on KVOH, 9975
Sunday 2300 on WRMI, 11580 [NEW]
UT Monday 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5109v-CUSB
Tuesday 1100 on WRMI, 9955
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1315 on WRMI, 9955
Wednesday 2100 on WBCQ, 7490v
** U S A. 17775, Oct 2 at 1335 and 1353 chex, KVOH in Spanish with good modulation, unlike yesterday. Ray Robinson says that may have been
due to the program source at the time, not KVOH itself (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1530, Oct 2 at 0551 UT, WCKY Cincinnati OH is reaudible with Brother Scare, hooray --- as KCMN Colorado Springs is unheard after weeks
of nighttime cheating usurping the channel. We`ll see if this stick (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. The afternoon of Oct 2 I found myself on a brief surprise visit to Woodward OK, 87 miles due west of Enid, so did a MW bandscan to see
what differed in the daytime, 1851-1900 UT, just after Local Mean Noon. Unfortunately there were storms in the area and a lot lightning noise, worse
on the low end, so not a chance for KNMX 540, Las Vegas NM, a much desired groundwave signal into OK.
1370, possibly a JBA carrier, but nothing definite from KGNO Dodge City KS. It`s only 98 miles, vs 158 to Enid city-to-city; surely a 5 kW ND signal
over excellent Ogalalla Aquifer ground conductivity should be making it here if really on, and at normal power level. For comparison, 1270, KSCB
Liberal KS is 95 miles away, also 5 kW ND, and has a good signal!
1400, checking an hour later at 1956-2000 UT Oct 2, old music, and 2000 ``Your Country, KEYE, Perryton``, in the NE corner of the TX panhandle,
which can`t make it to Enid due to additional distance and local 1390. IIRC, KEYE was recently reported from Scandinavia in the Arctic Radio Club,
but pulling in American graveyarders thousands of miles away is almost routine for them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 15150, Oct 2 until 1355* steady open carrier and off. Thought it might turn into Oman on wrong frequency again instead of 15140
for 1400 English; could also be Madagascar, Austria or Sri Lanka tuning up prior to later 15150 transmissions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
Asociación Española De Radioescucha
Hola. Estas son las últimas novedades de blogAER:
Carta desde Cuba al Director del Servicio Exterior de Radio Nacional de España http://aer.org.es/archivos/1565
Publicamos la carta que nuestro socio cubano Frank Martínez, CO-1064, ha mandado al Director del Servicio Exterior de Radio Nacional de España,
así como a otros responsables de la cadena: Por medio de la presente hago llegar mi protesta ante la decisión de eliminar las transmisiones en Onda
Corta de Radio Exterior de España. Cualquier […]
Un saludo cordial - Pedro Sedano, Madrid, España COORDINADOR GENERAL [email protected]
AER http://aer-dx.es/ http://aer.org.es/ [email protected] twitter @aer_dx
Ontario DX Club
Sunday November 2, 2014 HF SWL NET: Just a reminder that tomorrow we will try to implement a weekly SWL net at 2000 UTC (1500 EST) on 14340
Khz +/- 3 Khz. All hams who are SWLs are invited to join in. SWLs can send their reports and questions to ve3ljq@....
The frequency chosen should give fairly good coverage in North America with the opportunity for European and Caribbean hams to join in.
Mark Coady - Editor, Your Reports Express
Listening In
Ontario DX Association
829 Fife Bay Marina Lane
Selwyn, ON K9J 0C6
(705) 292-9916
Migdiel Cruz
Mis primeras QSL
Para los colegas, una vista de mis primeras QSL recibidas como diexista
Dino Bloise
Frecuencia al Dia Nº 398
-FRECUENCIA AL DÍA- [No. 398, Octubre 3, 2014]
En esta emisión: Historia | Nikola Tesla, Genio Científico. Fue un inventor, ingeniero mecánico, ingeniero electricista y físico de origen serbio y el
promotor más importante del nacimiento de la electricidad comercial. Reportaje con Víctor Hugo González.
-Escúchanos 24/7, 365 días desde: www.programasdx.com/frecuencialdia.htm
Ademas los siguientes temas: Luís Valderas: Asignación de bloques de banda de 700MHz en chile podría anularse*** Alonso Mostazo: Pronóstico
de la Propagación HF para Octubre*** Miguel Ángel Reyes: XEB 91 Años al Aire*** Pedro F. Arrunátegui: El Informe Chasqui DX*** Magdiel Cruz:
Entrevista a Alejandro Vázquez*** Frecuencia Análisis: Las noticias sobre telecomunicaciones y tecnología*** Informe Diexista con Luís Gerardo
Loyola. –
Escúchanos cualquier día, a cualquier hora haciendo click en nuestra página web de Programas DX www.programasdx.com/frecuencialdia.htm
-Síguenos en Facebook: http://on.fb.me/10CW1N4 -Twitter: @FrecuenciaAlDia -Nuestro correo electrónico: [email protected]
Dino Bloise Productor: Frecuencia Al Día. www.programasdx.com/frecuencialdia.htm Copyright 2014 Frecuencia Al Día / Dino Bloise.
Tu espacio de los viernes. -Frecuencia Al Día, El más internacional-
Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky
Pirata sudamericana: Radio Piraña
Pirata sudamericana: Radio Piraña Internacional, (1996).
En las bandas de Onda Corta es posible escuchar muchos tipos de emisiones,autorizadas oficialmente a trasmitir, radioemisoras internacionales,
domésticas, radioaficionados, emisoras utilitarias, y hasta emisiones para espías.
Ha habido, y hay, un nicho de emisoras clandestinas con fines de propaganda política.
Y otro más… el de las llamadas piratas, o más precisamente “hobby-piratas”. Estaciones, éstas, construídas artesanalmente con el mero interés de
llegar a ser captadas desde la mayor distancia posible, sin ningún otro propósito que la de difundir música y alguna identificación o breve
Han estado presentes por décadas, en Europa, Estados Unidos, y también la América del Sur.
Una de ellas, fue Radio Piraña Internacional. Según la información histórica en su página web…
Mas información con la nota completa en
Glenn Hauser
Logs October 3, 2014
** BANGLADESH. 15505, Oct 3 at 1358, open carrier from Bangladesh Betar, 1359:00 start IS, 1359:24.5 end 5+1 mistimesignal, opening Urdu.
This is three seconds earlier/faster than yesterday, but I`m sure it just varies rather than precesses like Chaski sign-offs. Poor with flutter, but
``best`` yet heard this ``season`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Oct 3 at 0545, RNA distorted spurs from 11780 are still here but weaker than last two nights, and not audible on
11710 this time. Maybe they are really attenuated rather than weaker propagation, as 11780 seems as strong as ever without being measured. But
they need to be eliminated ASAP. 6180 is still AWOL at 0550 Oct 3 check.
BTW, Wolfgang Büschel reported this on Oct 2: ``awful horrendous and overmodulated distorted signal of AIR probably Khampur unit on 11710.0
kHz at 2255 UT`` --- but could this really have been RNA? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 5040, Oct 3 at 0551, RHC English still with a big wobble on the carrier, audible even without BFO, while the other four of The Cuban Five on
6 MHz band are nominal. Perhaps Arnie hasn`t caught up yet with these reports from his most faithful volunteer technical monitor abroad, in order to
find out and do something about it before the 5040 transmitter self-destructs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INTERNATIONAL INTERNET & VACUUM [and non]. I`m afraid there`s more to report about Suddenlink vs Viacom: while I was able to watch the Oct
1 `Colbert Report` on the Comedy Central website, when I tried to do the same with `The Daily Show`, it was blocked with a 1-minute display of a
notice from Viacom blaming this blockage on Suddenlink. Apparently only the latest show is/was available this way, so one would need to keep up
with them.
However, I think Viacom must have done it themselves on own website (even tho our only way to get it is also via Suddenlink): it`s in Viacom`s
interest to block it there too in order to encourage SL customers to keep pressure on SL to bring back all their channels on cable.
However, at least for now, one could still watch both shows in segment-by-segment portions. Introductory ads on the segments, and thruout the full
eps are unavoidable except by muting, but that`s understandable. One frequently appearing is Ron Reagan for the Freedom From Religion
Foundation which rarely appears on the `air`. My daring to mention that quickly on WOR did not go over well with WTWW. Such were the limits of my
editorial freedom.
BTW, the Chamber of Commerce has scheduled a ribbon-cutting to inaugurate Suddenlink`s new office in Enid, Oct 3 at 1900 UT. I wonder if there
will be protest demonstrations? The controversy has received front-page local press coverage in the Eagle (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. 11685-11690-11695, Oct 3 at 0546, no DRM from RNZI unlike unscheduled noise appearance 24 hours earlier. Then I need to
sleep until *1319 wakeup, so no check today whether still on 6170 instead of 9700 before 1300 like yesterday; did anyone notice? (Glenn Hauser,
** SPAIN. It`s FINALLY OFFICIAL. The date and time for REE to delete all shortwave broadcasting: October 14 at 2200 UT, just in time for the newlyscheduled 5-hour foreign language rotation overnight.
Oct 3 at 1405, on 21610 & 21640, I hear announcement in Spanish that REE will be ``modernized`` into an internet- via rtve.es and TDT
``broadcaster`` only, starting at midnight Spanish Peninsular Time on October 15.
(TDT = televisión digital terrestre, the strange terminology in vogue in Spain, to distinguish it from TV via satellite which has been mostly digital for a
long time on totally different bands, and which was never dubbed ``televisión analógica satelital`` even when it was.)
At 1404 Oct 3, I had been comparing 21610 with 21640 and noting some long-path echo on both of them, but less so on 21610. Last time, only
21640 was exhibiting this. Soon there will be nothing to compare here or on any band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TIBET [non]. 15525, Oct 3 at 1401, V. of Tibet has a fairly good signal via MADAGASCAR, so I keep listening whether it`s going to jump 5 kHz: yes,
at 1407:05 up to 15530. This is a ploy to fool the ChiCom jammers: get them started on 15525 and hope they stay there after 1407. Except today I
can`t hear any jamming on either frequency before or after the QSY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13564-CW, Oct 3 at 1413, GNK Hifer beacon is JBA with continuous IDs. You`d never know this signal existed without BFO and careful
tuning aside the Part 15 ISM mush infesting 13560 (is this propagating from somewhere, or just groundwave from somethings local around here?)
Tuning on the lo side, find only circa 13557 possibly another Hifer with a more difficult ``ID`` of two beeps, pause, two beeps, etc. So is that the
letter I or the letter E, twice? Cannot tell with nothing to compare to determine wpm rate. Or are they just dits? No help at the LWCA list
http://www.lwca.org/sitepage/part15/index.htm and the much more extensive Knightsqrss Clipboard has only one Hifer on 13 MHz, MTI on
13557.54. Default listing is in reverse chrono order but can be resorted by frequency, http://www.on5ex.be/clipboard_view_unreg_freq.php
mostly in Hz, but some in kHz, some in MHz putting them out of order.
Searching http://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php?board=9.0 on EE or I is of course totally unproductive; searching on kHz 13556,
13557 is not either, altho there were some reports last year of ``ditters`` on 13558, but not described exactly as what I was hearing today. Could
even be some RF ID idling??
We do come up with a significant datum from Chris Smolinski: ``13 MHz Part 15 allocation: 13.553-13.567 MHz shall not exceed 15,848
microvolts/meter at 30 meters`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1741 monitoring: no show for the second week, UT Friday 0330v on WWRB, 3185. This time Dave comes on at 0329 and
apologizes, saying their internet connexion is down and he can`t get WOR. It comes via a point-to-point microwave relay about 15 miles from the
station, and it`s offline, probably due to storms. I`ve previously suggested that he try downloading it as much as 24 hours earlier when first available
instead of trying to play it `live` at airtime.
WOR on WRMI times: Friday 2130.5 on 7570 & 15770 (but probably 1740 again); Sunday 2300 on 11580 (new time but old show?); etc. On HLR,
7265-CUSB: Saturday 0630 & 1430. On KVOH 9975: UT Sunday 0131. On Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB: UT Monday 0259v (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** U S A. 11580 & 11825, Oct 3 at 0547, WRMI with Brother Scare, but strangely, 11580 has a much stronger signal than 11825. This does not
make sense here northwest of Okeechobee, as 11825 is supposed to be on 315 degree antenna right at us, while 11580 is 90 degrees off, at 44
degrees toward Europe, and normally 11825 is much, much stronger. So is WRMI switching antennas around, varying power levels, or what? This has
happened before. Seems unlikely there should be a sharp MUF cutoff between them, only 245 kHz apart (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Roland - PY 4 BZ
Reflexão lunar
Hoje escutei novamente o sinal do GRAVES por reflexão lunar !. O detalhe é que foi com uma Yagi de apenas DOIS elementos !
A minha Yagi de 4 el. fica do lado de fora da grade da janela e não pode ser orientada para leste. Por isso tenho uma de 2 el. na varanda direção
leste para não ficar sem nada... Vejam aqui: Recepção do radar GRAVES via reflexão na lua
Dino Bloise
Frecuencia al Dia Nº 398
Frecuencia Al Día - [No. 398, Octubre 3, 2014] En esta emisión: Historia | Nikola Tesla, Genio Científico. Fue un inventor, ingeniero mecánico,
ingeniero electricista y físico de origen serbio y el promotor más importante del nacimiento de la electricidad comercial. Reportaje con Víctor Hugo
González*** Luís Valderas: Asignación de bloques de banda de 700MHz en chile podría anularse*** Alonso Mostazo: Pronóstico de la
Propagación HF para Octubre*** Miguel Ángel Reyes: XEB 91 Años al Aire*** Pedro F. Arrunátegui: El Informe Chasqui DX*** Magdiel Cruz:
Entrevista a Alejandro Vázquez*** Frecuencia Análisis: Las noticias sobre telecomunicaciones y tecnología*** Informe Diexista con Luís Gerardo
Loyola. http://frecuenciaaldia.podomatic.com/entry/2014-10-02T11_05_25-07_00
Alexandre PU2PKB
Modos Digitais - JT65
Olá pessoal!
Gostaria de aproveitar o "gancho" das últimas mensagens e compartilhar minhas últimas experiências. Sou radioamador classe C e nos últimos
dois meses tenho praticado o modo digital JT65 (saiba mais em: http://www.aprsbrasil.com/jt65hf.html).
Já fiz mais de 270 QSO's, com 26 países, quase todos confirmados com eQSL's e alguns também com o cartão tradicional via Correios. Isso tudo
operando apenas nas bandas de 10m e 15m, com apenas 5W e duas antenas de fabricação caseira: a 10MDX (projeto do Bira - PY1UAP) e a 15MDX
(uma adaptação minha da 10MDX para 15m).
É claro que os modos digitais não têm o mesmo "charme" da fonia, nem a mesma dificuldade para identificar as estações. Mas, em tempos de
baixa propagação, poluição eletromagnética e outros fatores limitantes, essas modalidades de radioamadorismo - em especial o JT65 - são uma
boa opção e cada vez mais praticadas por radioamadores em todo o mundo (veja em: https://pskreporter.info/pskmap.html).
Mesmo quando a propagação está ruim é possível decodificar sinais praticamente inaudíveis de locais muito distantes. A faixa de 20m em geral é a
mais utilizada e com melhor propagação. Infelizmente não posso transmitir nessa faixa, mas recebi vários eQSL's de escutas utilizando meu
indicativo SWL.
Como disse PY1EU em seu artigo sobre o JT65: "você provavelmente vai amá-lo ou odiá-lo". Pra quem ainda não conhece e tiver interesse,
recomendo o software gratuito JT65-HF.
Não importa se é broadcasting, utilitária ou ham radio, se é fonia ou modo digital, o importante mesmo é mantermos os rádios sempre ligados!
Bom fim de semana e boas escutas a todos! - 73 de PU2PKB Alexandre - São Carlos-SP
Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky
Es official. REE se va de la OC
Gracias a las distintas fuentes (Steve Luce en DXLD. Sudipta Ghose en FB… esta es la noticia definitiva.
Horacio Nigro - Uruguay
Alfredo Meurer Jr
CQ WW DX Contest, SSB (Oct 25-26, 2014)
Prezados amigos- O famoso concurso anual CQWW é uma excelente chance se se conseguir ótimas estações, até ótimas figuraças, ele fica ativo por
48 horas e ali pinta de tudo, ele acontece todos os anos no mês de outubro.
Fiquem de ôlho nesse CQWW que você vão encher blocos e mais blocos e muita estações muito boas e com indicatvs especiais.
73 - Alfredo Meurer Jr - ZY1-0001 SWL
Glenn Hauser
Logs October 3-4, 2014
** BRAZIL. 11745 & 11815, Oct 4 at 0112, I am not hearing spurs from RNA 11780, tho the local noise level here is pretty high; yet 11815
presumed RBC carrier at least is there unscathed, or dead air? Now its worse enemy is 11825 WRMI splash. Shall recheck for spurs after 0500
** CANADA. 6160-, Oct 4 at 0055, seems only one CBC signal is audible very poorly, and RHC 6165 carrier is already on. Can`t copy anything local
before 0106 with RHC modulating, nor what CBC program follows to nail down the timezone. Wolfgang Büschel and Walt Salmaniw as of Oct 3 think
CKZN Newfoundland has been off the air, leaving CKZU Vancouver. Both of them are/were slightly on the low side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** CUBA. 11840, Oct 3 at 2004, RHC Portuguese is undermodulated and hummy; wiggle that patchcord! While 11760 French has adequate and
unhummy modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ECUADOR. 6050, Oct 4 at 0056, poor signal with talk in Spanish(?) and music. Likely HCJB as frequent chex last few weeks have found channel
vacant, and we know HCJB went off the air at the same time as the big earthquake August 12. Yes, HCJB ID barely audible at 0059:40 and
characteristic automatic and accurate 3+1 timesignal to 0100, last pip prolonged at same pitch as others, into language, Kichwa? So did they fix
their old transmitter or get a new one as they were reportedly seeking? Listen for their sign-off circa 0500 with national anthem (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** EGYPT. 12070, Oct 4 at 0052, R. Cairo, Spanish, but in Qur`an, extremely distorted and humwhine altho very good signal level
11710, Oct 4 at 0053, R. Cairo Qur`an // 12070 but weaker, no hum here and less distorted; het from Argentina on hi side again audible after
missing a week or so
9315, Oct 4 at 0053, R. Cairo, good signal with flutter but JBM with Qur`an
9955, Oct 4 at 0054, R. Cairo, Arabic, very good level but undermodulated and whine during music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GREECE. 9420 & 9935, Oct 4 at 0123, no signals from ERTOpen which is closed tonight. Not on 7475 or 7450 either: have not heard them on
40m band for some weeks now; maybe will be back in B-14? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, Oct 4 at 0100, rock music from pirate, 0105:30 slow clear ID as X-L-R-8, more unrecognized music past 0127; fair
signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1530, Oct 4 at 0125 UT, Mexican music is dominating from E/W, suspected 5 kW direxional daytimer, KXTD Wagoner (Tulsa market);
long song of romantic nature past 0131 UT; 0132 UT fading but ``¡Que Buena!`` canned slogan by super-hype voice actor, and promos for
programs. So cheating again as way past official October sunset of 2345 UT (November: 2315). Best with KCNM Colorado nulled, another cheater,
and making SAH of about 7 Hz with it; see U S A entry. WCKY? Forget it! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. Heard from Brad Ferguson of KUCO about the 95.9 in Woodward: can`t work on fixing the dropouts until transfer from KCCU as KZCU
is closed, expected October 16; so there is hope. Woodward will also benefit from more program variety as KUCO is mostly classical, not with NPR, no
duplicating All Things Considered et al., with KWOU 88.1 (Glenn Hauser, Enid, Oct 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OMAN. 9500, Oct 4 at 0116, RSO with Qur`an poor with flutter, on proper frequency tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980, Oct 4 at 0051, JBA carrier from R. Chaski, until autocutoff at 0102:28.5* which is 18 seconds later than one trinite ago, averaging 6
seconds later per. Some ACI from 5985, where WRMI, q.v. is now active with BS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SRI LANKA. 11905, Oct 4 at *0114:11.5 carrier on from SLBC; 0114:46.5 music prélude starts; 0115:19, mistimesignal ends, sign-on, fair with
flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1739 monitoring: yes, #1739 from two weeks ago, confirmed on WRMI 7570 & 15770, Friday Oct 3 at 2130.5. Let us
hope for #1741 by next scheduled airing, Sunday 2300 on 11580.
Jeff White tells us that now we can upload the latest shows to the extra frequencies` servers as well as to main 9955, so no more delays. Otherwise:
UT Sun 0131 on KVOH 9975; UT Mon 0259v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5109v-CUSB; Sat 0630 & 1430 on HLR 7265-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** U S A. 17790, Oct 3 at 2005, RAN via WRMI is undermodulated and hummy, similar to RHC on 11840 Portuguese. It seems the RAN transmitter,
#7, also used on 15190, is never loud and clear.
9955, Friday Oct 3 at 2218 check, confirmed PCJ Radio International at recent new time via WRMI, as Keith is about to interview someone from ABC
in Australia, which I have heard before. Presumably monthly hour-long edition of `Media Network Plus`; fair signal, no jamming heard now.
Under new schedule, 5950 with Fámily Radio still in Spanish at 0058, poor signal, but off after 0100 instead of continuing another hour with RMI
programming including WORLD OF RADIO at 0100 Sundays.
FR however has a new broadcast in Hindi toward Europe on 15770 at 0100, which is also poorly audible here at 0104 check Oct 4.
5985, surprisingly, a new frequency for Brother Scare, Oct 4 at 0103, as I am noticing ACI to my Chaski-check on 5980. 5985 is synchro with all the
other WRMI frequencies so no doubt about source: 5015, 7570, 7730, 11580, 11825. A new frequency schedule has been posted dated Oct 1,
accounting for the new FR relays in Hindi, Japanese and Chinese, but does NOT show 5985 on air at this hour, only 0400-0500 as before –-- oops, it
did not when I starting compiling this report, but meanwhile after an inquiry to Jeff, he has just added 01-04 BS on 5985. It`s 222 degrees, only fair
here but better than 5015 at 44. He then confirms he`s updated it.
Also a reminder of the `Song of India` special from PCJ Radio via WRMI, UT Sunday October 5 at 0000-0200 on 7570 at 315 degrees across N
America, preëmpting Brother Scare for a bihour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7490v // 9330v-CUSB, UT Sat Oct 4 at 0119, WBCQs with `Allan Weiner Worldwide` synchronized, and 28 seconds later on 5110vCUSB, why? All of these are always slightly off-frequency but not measured. Nothing audible on 15420v-CUSB. AW is mentioning that Area 51 always
has special programming for Hallowe`en (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Since I have seen no reports from anyone else about KGNO, 1370, 5/0.23 kW U1, Dodge City KS being off the air (or greatly reduced
power), as I have been unable to hear it now at three different daytime locations in Oklahoma, I check the FCC info on it,
http://transition.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/amq?list=0&facid=37130 and no, as of UT Oct 4, nothing recent in Correspondence Folder, nothing about an STA
to be off the air or whatever. Furthermore, it`s not on the list of silent stations for two months as of 2 October at:
But we know that is certainly incomplete dependent on stations themselves notifying the FCC of situations. Furthermore, it`s listed as if nothing is
wrong in the new NRC AM Log 2014-2015. Sept 13 was the date I first suspected it missing as in DXLD 14-38. I have now e-mailed Rocking M Radio
corp HQ in Manhattan inquiring. The group, logo brand-style rocking-M, not to be confused with rock music formats, now owns 20 stations including
AMs: KLOE-730, KXXX-790, KMMM-1290, KGNO-1370, KSMM-1470, KNNS-1510 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 1530, Oct 4 at 0125 UT, music from NW/SE, must be KCMN Colorado Springs cheating again with 15 kW instead of 15 watts at night;
clashes with KXTD OK [q.v] also on late, but more or less mutually nullable, making SAH of ~7 Hz with it. 0130 UT ``Good times and great oldies up
and down the Front Range, on the I-25 Radio Network``. But some tunes I hear have a country tinge. Its official 15-watt hours are supposed to be in
Oct: 0015-1315 UT; Nov: 2345-1345 UT. WCKY? Forget it! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Mauricio Pimenta Cunha
VENDO : Linda fonte Telefunken 20 a 30 A- Tenho essa linda fonte da marca Telefunken , 12 V / 13,8 V com carga flutuante para bateria , deve dar
uns 20 a 30 A pelo tamanho dela . Fonte excelente para radioamadores e outras aplicações .
Valor de venda = Apenas R$200,00
Valor que entra em troca = R$250,00
Contatos : Mauricio - PY4ID ( 33 ) 8873-2525 oi / 9173-2525 tim / [email protected] Site : www.logicamaxtec.webnode.com.br
Mauricio Pimenta Cunha - PY4ID - Visite nosso site : www.logicamax.com.br Facebook : http://facebook.com/logicamaxtecnologia
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee
WRTH - World Radio Tv Handbook
Mauno Ritola: PCJ RADIO IS BACK: On the 4th of October (tomorrow) 1330-1530 The Song of India will go on MW 1125 kHz aimed at South India
from Puttalam Sri Lanka. We are interested (very :)) on reception and program content. E-mail: [email protected]
The broadcast will go to audiences in North America and Europe Saturday October 4th Night (8pm to 10pm Eastern ST) from WRMI Okichobee on
7570 which is UTC October 5 from 0000 to 0200. This frequency should get into Europe pretty well and come all the way to South Asia too with a little
luck. Victor Goonetilleke PCJ Frequency Manager.
Grupo Radioescucha Argentino
Polonia: La antena de radio que desencadenó la Segunda Guerra Mundial
El 1 de septiembre de 1939, Alemania comenzó el conflicto invadiendo Polonia, una operación para la que buscó un pretexto que ha pasado a la
Historia como «Operación Himmler»
Aunque Adolf Hitler había dado órdenes de invadir Polonia el 26 de agosto, no fue hasta la madrugada del 1 de septiembre cuando la Wehrmacht
cruzó la frontera del país vecino con la determinación de ocuparlo. Como tantas otras veces a lo largo de la Historia, el pretexto para desatar
oficialmente las hostilidades fue bastante pueril. Goebbels puso el grito en el cielo por una escaramuza en la radio fronteriza de Gleiwitz –que pasó
a la Historia como Operación Himmler– de la que responsabilizó a Polonia. Aquel suceso no quedó claro hasta los juicios de Nüremberg, donde se
dictaminó que el ataque a la radio lo realizaron miembros de las SS vestidos con uniforme polaco. Una vez conseguido el pretexto, durante los
primeros días de la invasión a Polonia la fuerza aéreaalemana (Luftwaffe) destruyó la mayor parte de la aviación polaca, lo que le permitió apoyar al
Ejército de tierra en su «guerra relámpago» (blitzkrieg). Cuenta Ricardo Artola en su libro «La Segunda Guerra Mundial» que el avance alemán fue
imparable: «Durante la primera semana rompió las principales defensas polacas, mientras que en la segunda el grueso del Ejército polaco tuvo que
retorceder, llegando las primeras unidades alemanas a los alrededores de Varsovia (a unos 200 km del punto de partida)». Consecuencia de ataque,
el 3 de septiembre Francia y Gran Bretaña declararon la guerra a Alemania.
Enemigos íntimos
La Wehrmacht entró por el oeste de Polonia como cuchillo en mantequilla mientras el 17 de septiembre el Ejército soviético hacia lo propio por la
frontera oriental. Conviene recordar que esta maniobra, que apenas encontró resistencia por parte del Ejército polaco, respondía al protocolo
secreto del Pacto de no agresión germano-soviético. Un acuerdo que estas dos potencias –luego enemigas– firmaron el 23 deagosto.
La guerra hace en ocasiones extraños compañeros de cama. Al comienzo del conflicto no solo existía cierto entendimiento entre la URSS y Alemania,
sino que la ayuda de Italia no entraba en los planes de Hitler. Así lo reflejaba el diario ABC el 2 de septiembre de 1939, el día después de la invasión
Alemana dePolonia:
«Movilización general en Inglaterra y Francia. Hitler agradece y declina la ayuda militar de Italia. (...) Las tropas alemanas han penetrado en varios
puntos en Polonia y bombardeado objetivos militares». Este fue el comienzo de una guerra que alcanzó dimensiones colosales que dejó 70 millones
de muertos, 6 millones de ellos judíos exterminados por los nazis que un día como hoy de hace 75 años, cruzaron la frontera con Polonia.
Operación Himmler http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operación_Himmler
Radiostacja de Gliwice, Polonia. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0b/Radiostacja_gliwice.jpg/301pxRadiostacja_gliwice.jpg
Imagen cortesia de Wikipedia - See more at: http://yimber-gaviria.blogspot.com.es/2014/08/polonia-la-antena-deradioque.html#sthash.Dq5Quptn.dpuf
Francisco Jackson
Veja quais as estações de Radioamador
Veja quais as estações de Radioamador estão no AR agora em boa parte do mundo. www.dxfuncluster.com
Bob Padula
Australian DX Report = episode 433 released
Episode no. 433 has been released. It features a Solar Activity report, news about International SW Stations, Schedule Changes, and a Spectrum
Monitoring Report. It ‘s at http://adxr.podbean.com The ADXR is also available on iTunes.
The on-air version may be heard every Monday at 1145 UTC on 15795, over WWCR Nashville – special ADXR QSLs are available.
Regards from Melbourne, Australia! Bob Padula - Host/Producer
Dinan Rogerio
Amigos tomando base as previsões de propagação para a Europa utilizando o VOACAP e o QRZCQ as chances de escuta na faixa dos 28 mHz esta
para +-4% entre Europa e America do Sul, mas estou desde as 1000 UTC tendo uns picos ,que duram cerca de 10min, com intervalos de +- 40
minutos onde consigo receber estações transmitindo com muito pouca potencia ex:
G0PKT 0,2W
G6NHU 0,2w
PA0O 5w
G4IKZ 5w
LZ1OI 5w
alguem mais tem observado isso em alguma outra banda ???
Dinan Rogerio - PU2UIB/PY2162SWL
Alfredo Meurer Jr
PQ2SI e PU1CWP ES, PY2KC SP em 28527
Boa noite amigos. Por volta das 0018z eu estava tentando ouvir YJ0X em 28485, mas eu não consegui escutá-lo de jeito nenhum, somente um
murmúrio indecrifrável, ouvi 2 x PU1 daqui da cidade do Rio de Janeiro falarem com ele e darem 54, ambos deram o RS de 54 para ele, pois estão
com antenas direcionais monobandas para a faixa e 10m e eu estou com uma ótima antena vertical de 5/8 de onda, mas muito insuficiente para
escutá-lo com esse sinal tão baixo.
Andei um pouco pela faixa mais para baixo e alguns amadores e subi e ao chegar em 28527 estava um PU1 daqui do Rio, com certeza em algum
bairro proximo estourando no De1103, acendendo todas as barrinhas do S meter digital e ele passou o câmbio para PQ2SI que para a minha
surpresa eu escutava ele entre 51 e 52 com audio clarissimo, poisn tenho QRM zero em 12m e em 10m, eu não tinha PQ2 nos 10m, nunca ouvi esse
estado brasileiro e um outro amador de Alagoas, PU7DEF também fez o qso, o PU7 estava com um sinal muito melhor que o PQ2, em torno de 55
qsb descendo para 53 e subindo para 56, ele falou que a temperatura por lá estava ótima, 23°C que tinha chovido e estava bem agradável o tempo,
logo à seguir um outro PU1 chamou o PU7, era PU1CWP também novo estado brasileiro para mim nos 10m, Espírito Santo, mosca muito branca
para nós aqui, sinal estimado 52, audio clarissimo e desci para fazer umas coisas e retornei à QRG 28527 e alguns brasileiros continuavam fazendo
QSO com o rarissimo estado PQ2 e peguei mais um estado novo para mim em 10m São Paulo, PY2KC com muito bom audio, porém sinal acendendo
apenas uma barrinha do S meter do De1103 que eu estimo 51, outra mosca super branca para nós do Rio de Janeiro, agora então com esses 3
novos estados em 10m, só me falta o super mega raro Amapá PQ8,
Por uma pura sorte faturei 3 estados novos nos 10m desde 26 anos atrás em uma rodadas onde a figurinha era o PQ2, depois PU1CWP ES e PY2KC
SP, esses não são figurinhas, mas para nós aqui em PY/PU1 RJ são figuraças, pois é dificílimo ouvirmos eles nos 10m, agora vou ficar de ôlho em
algum amador que esteja um dia falando com um PQ8 para encrrar minha coleção de todos os estados e as 3 ilhas oceânicas; PY0S; PY0T e
PY0F, mais antártida brasileira, a saudosa estaççao ZX0ECF da ilha Rei George confirmada em 1989 em 29500, agora vou ficar ligadíssimo nesse
PQ8, ou um PU8 de Amapá.
Eu tentei o YJ0X que não ouvi, pois não tenho uma antena direcional poderosa para isso, mas consegui 3 estados que eu não tinha nos 10m e fiquei
muito feliz, vamos ver se um PQ8 aparece em breve nos 10m para complear a coleção brasileira deles nessa banda.
Obs, MG eu tenho 2 estações bem escutadas nos 10m, mas estações lá da fronteira com Goiás, pois quanto mais perto do Rio de Janeiro, as
chances de escutas em 10m ficam reduzidissimas.
Vi mais uma vez que eu precisarei ter ano que vem uma antena direcional de 4 elementos monobanda para os 10/12m, eu não posso perder
chances como a de hoje com Vanuatu, ok, por enquanto essa PT5 é o que eu poderei ter até ter o QSJ para ter a monobanda barata e leve para essa
faixa divina que é os 10m.
Outra dica, quem gosta e colecionar estados brasileiros, fiquem de ôlho em 28400 depois das 22:00z em diante que sempre estão PW8, PP8 e PY8
e PR8 por lá, ou um, ou outro ou às vezes todos eles e essa turma é bem interessante de conseguirmos seus qsls. O PW8 sempre aparece nos 28400
e muito bem, sinalaço por aqui e muitas estações do nordeste também por lá.
As dicas estão sendo dadas.
Semana que vem enviarei meus qsls a esse pessoal escutado hoje, quero ter os qsls deles logo, logo e bolar uma estratégia para pegar um PQ8 nos
10m. Um abraço a todos. Alfredo Meurer Jr - ZY1-0001 SWL
Rafael Rodriguez
Gracias a recientes informaciones a través de los blogs de varios colegas diexistas me entere que la emisoras Radio Brasil Central que opera en los
11815 KHz desde la ciudad de Goiania estaba respondiendo a los informes de recepción enviados: así me anime a escribirles y hoy he recibido la eQSL que lo confirma. Como también informaron los colegas, prometen el envío de la tarjeta QSL física luego que puedan tener un convenio con la
oficina de correos. El informe fue enviado a: [email protected] y desde alli me contesto Laís Ribero
Miguel Castellino
Dentro un panorama de muy malas condiciones de propagación, lo más destacado fue lo siguiente (30/09/2014):
R.Corporación (posible), mensajes cristianos, haciendo referencia a la cuarta región. 11;30 UTC.
R.Universal, Montevideo, sobre las 02:30 UTC con ID. y avisos.
1260 R.Condell, Curicó, ID.
1300 R.Fe y Alegría (posible), Asunción. 01:00 UTCTransmisión de partido de fútbol con la participación de Olimpia
1370 R.Ciudad de Montevideo, ID
Esta mañana había buenas condiciones en bandas bajas, entre las 10:15 y 11:00 UTC (01/10/2014 ):
4750 R.Bangla Desh
4755,5 Cross R., Micronesia (posible, portadora y casi inaudible modulación)
4869,9 RRI (posible, portadora y casi inaudible modulación)
4990 UNID, con música hindú (probablemente AIR Itanagar)
5020 SIBC
5964,7 RTM R.Klasik
6049,9 RTM Info FM (posible)
Estas mañanas (10/10/2014) entre las 11:00 y 11:15 UTC (aproximadamente) se escucha bastante bien una emisora en 4750 que presumo que es
Bangladesh. Adjunto una grabación tomada el día de ayer (es lo único que pude rescatar después de un mal funcionamiento del grabador) donde
lamentablemente está bastante interferida por una estación utilitaria que transmite, regularmente a esa hora, en un canal aledaño. Presten atención
a la voz femenina.
Daniel wyllyans
96.3 Dx FM 2.622 km , SRS Language Neerlandes , Lingua Holandes.
98.9 Radio Positiva fm - Goiania - GO Distacia 570 km https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdqUNG0laZo&list=UUnEatwEHssHMo9VaS7YupkA
99.7 Radio Interativa fm - Distancia 75 km Agua Boa MT
9.490 Radio Republica en espanol noticias para Cuba 45333
15.000 WWV and WWVH Indentifications OM and YL Sinpo 55444 as 03:05 utc YL e OM VIDEO HD 144P
9.975 CVC The Voice Asia 01;15 utc sinpo 45444 CVC The Voice Asia 9.975 khz via Tashkent - Usbequistan. in Hidi para India
11.995 Radio Taiwan Internacional , sinpo 45444 en espanol , MXS ,Comentarios ,
Tecsun PL 660 -Antena Long Wire 10 Meters - 73S - http://dxbrazilsw.blogspot.com/ - Dexista PT 9008 SWL Daniel Wyllyans Nova Xavantina MT
Antônio Avelino da Silva
A Voz do Vietnã em idioma Espanhol
F-6175 KHZ Caribe
F-6175 KHZ Caribe
7280 KHZ, 9730 KHZ Europa
Nota: (F) Vía WHRI, Furman (USA)
Endereço da emissora: La Voz de Vietnam, 58 Quan Su Street, Hanoi, Vietnam. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.vov.org.vn
Radio Martí em idioma espanhol
6030, 7365
* 6030, 7405
* 5980, 6030
5980, 6030
6030, 9805
7405, 9805
7405, 13605
11930, 13605
9565, 11930
Nota: (*) de Terça a Sábado
Endereço da emissora: Radio Martí, 4201 NW 77th Ave., Miami, FL 33166, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.martinoticias.com
Rádio Católica Mundial (WEWN) em idioma espanhol
5810, 11870
7555, 11870
7555, 12050
11550, 12050
11550, 13830
12050, 13830
Endereço da emissora: EWTN Shortwave Radio, 5817 Old Leeds Road, Irondale, AL 35210-2164, USA.
E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.ewtn.com/espanol
Rádio Vaticano em em idioma Português
Freq. Emissora Início Final Idioma
11625 VATICAN RADIO 05:30 05:58 Portuguese
11625 VATICAN RADIO 18:00 18:30 Portuguese
13765 VATICAN RADIO 05:30 05:58 Portuguese
13765 VATICAN RADIO 18:00 18:30 Portuguese
15570 VATICAN RADIO 05:30 05:58 Portuguese
15570 VATICAN RADIO 18:00 18:30 Portuguese
Francesco Cecconi
QSL CARD FROM FO4BM MOOREA IS. FRENCH POLYNESIA. FO4BM, op. Philippe Glouaguen, dxpedition in Moorea Island, French Polynesia, ref IOTA
OC-046, confirm via F4FJH in 2 months. Pictures available here: http://blog.libero.it/radioascolto/12974825.html
73's de Francesco - QTH: CENTRAL ITALY - RX: ICOM R72 - ANT: 100 mT LW
Manuel Méndez
Manuel Méndez - Lugo, Spain Tecsun PL-880, antenna: Degen 31MS loop active antenna
15476 LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1912-1933, 06-10, Spanish, comments and songs. Very weak today.
14321. (Méndez)
4875 Radiodifusora Roraima, Boavista, 0354-0359*, 01-10, Portuguese, religious comments, anthem and close down. 14321. (Méndez)
9819.9 Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0410-042, 01-10, religious songs and comments, Portuguese.
15190 Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0407-0418, 01-10, Portuguese, comment. Very weak. 14221. (Méndez)
6010 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0404-0410, 01-10, religious comments and songs, Spanish. 14221. Also listened 0448-0456,
04-10, religious songs, Spanish. 14321. (Méndez)
4765 Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0352-0402*, 01-10, Spanish, news: "Noticiero resumen de Progreso", "Para Radio Progreso",
"Seguidamente, el pronóstico del tiempo para este miércoles", "Deportes", "Radio Progreso, Cadena Nacional, finalizada
su programación por hoy". Close down. 34433. (Méndez)
6050 HCJB, Pichincha, 0435-0500*, 04-10, religious program in Spanish, religious songs and comments, identification: "HCJB,
correo electrónico... hcjb.org, y en Facebook, hcjb..." anthem, new identification: "HCJB Quito, 690 AM, onda corta 6050 kHz...". Close
down. 23322. (Méndez)
6050 HCJB, Pichincha, 0445-0500*, 05-10, religious program in Spanish with comments and songs, "Gracias por hacernos compañía", anthen,
identification "HCJB, escúchenos en FM..., 690 AM y 6050 de la onda corta", time signals and close down. 24322. (Méndez)
9485 MV Baltic Radio, 0925-1000*, 05-10, pop music, comments, German, identification: "MV Baltic Radio". 34433. (Méndez)
4920 AIR, Chennai, 1732-1735, 03-10, English, news. // with 5010. 14321. (Méndez)
5910 AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1730-1735, 03-10, English, news. 14321. (Méndez)
5995 Radio Mali, Bamako, *0558-0610, 04-10, tuning music, anthem, French, identification, comments, African music. 24322. (Méndez)
6185 Radio Educación, extended program. 0445-0610*, 05-10, Radio Educación has been closing his short wave transmission at 0500 UTC, a
pity because conditions to listen this station are better later, at sunrise here in Spain, but today the program is still in the air at 0600 with
good signal, good news if the extended program will be on air all days.
At 0445 program: "La Suprema Corte", identification: "Radio Educación, 1060 AM desde la ciudad de México, 100.000 watts de
potencia, Radio Educación, la radio cultural de México". At 0500: "Les saludamos cuando comienza un nuevo día, 5 de octubre, escuchen
nuestra música en el nuevo día, sigan en la compañía de esta emisora mexicana", music. SINPO 24322 at 0445 but 34333 at 0610.
6185 Radio Educación, México D. F., 0406-0425, 01-10, classic music, songs, comments, Spanish, "Estamos cumpliendo, Gobierno de la
Nación", "Radio Educación, la emisora cultural de México". 24322. (Méndez)
6135 Radio San'a, 1800-1901 10-10, English program, news and comments, mentioned "Yemen", Yemeni songs and music, English pop
music, song "Gloria" by Laura Branigan, more comments "Republic of Yemen", "Ladies and Gentleman, the end of our program". Close
transmission at 1901. 23322. (Médez)
Bill - WD8ARZ
QSO RADIO SHOW is on the air at this time.Announcer says to: Email Ted and say I want to win at www.qsoradioshow.com 10/04/14
0215pm EST / 1815 UTC Replay of Huntsville Hamfest, then switched to an interview with the owner of MFJ.
Claudio Galaz
6995 AM RCW 8/10 1830 UT. Especial musical de Frankie Valli, luego música en inglés hasta las 19. Desde 1901, noticias de Radio Francia
Internacional en español hasta 1915. Este noticiero se vuelve a repetir desde las 1915 hasta las 1929. A las 1930 el programa
“Angloparade” conducido por Omar Ortíz desde Colombia, quien saluda a la emisora a las 1948 aprox. Desde las 1959 ID de la emisora
hasta las 20 cuando se emite el noticiero de NHK hasta las 2010. De 2010 a 2015 ID sucesivos de la emisora, además de Gong. De ahí,
hasta las 21 se emite PCJ en inglés. SINPO: 55454
7550 AM 04/10 0155 UT. ID de RCW. A las 02 hasta las 0210 noticias de NHK, luego música latinoamericana, especialmente de orquestas de
los años 50’s y 60’s hasta las 0255, cuando se da un periodo de avisos de nuevos programas de la emisora. Desde las 03 UT, Música de
Samba y Bossa Nova hasta las 0330, para pasar a 10 minutos de tangos y 10 minutos de música cubana hasta las 0350. Desde ése
horario hasta las 04 se repite el noticiero de NHK, la ID de finalización y el himno nacional de Chile. SINPO: 55555
Claudio Galaz - RX: Realistic DX-160 - ANT: Helicoidal para banda de 40 Metros - QTH: Ovalle, Chile.
Migdiel Cruz
15355 Radio Sultanato de Oman, 15355 kHz, señal llegando a 55555! Con programación en idioma árabe. 23:10 UTC 4 Oct 2014.
11670 Radio Habana Cuba, Uno de los pocos programas en español de emisoras internacionales, dedicados a la radioescucha y el diexismo, es
"En Contacto " de Radio Habana Cuba, producido y presentado por Don Manolo de la Rosa... en la emisión de hoy (05/10/2014), el Ing.
Arnaldo Coro Antich habla acerca de la propagación y de la antena TTFD (T2FD)... escuchenlo: 21:42 UTC 11670, 11760, 11840, 13740,
9710 y 5040 kHz, repetición a las 01:35 UTC (domingo local) por 5040, 6060 y 11760 kHz. 73 y buenos DXs.
04:26 Código fonético, mensajes FEMA??? 4724 KHz USB - 11/10/2014
Mensaje recibido de RRI Radio Rumania Internacional:
La programación de Radio Rumanía Internacional en español cambia un poco..
Estimados oyentes, a partir del 3 de octubre del corriente, la programación de Radio Rumanía Internacional en español cambia un poco, con el fin
de hacer más amenos nuestros programas y poder ofrecerles información completa sobre Rumanía.
Hemos incluido programas nuevos como “Los secretos de la cocina rumana” o “Acontecimiento cultural”.
En el caso de otros programas cambia únicamente el día de transmisión. Para saber exactamente en qué día se transmiten los programas, consulten
nuestra página web www.rri.ro/español, en el apartado “Programación”.
Muchisimas gracias por seguir con nosotros. Esperamos que difruten de nuestra programación.
Éste es el newsletter de Radio Rumanía Internacional en castellano, al que usted decidio subscribirse. Si tiene usted preguntas, comentarios o
sugerencias, escríbenos a la dirección de correo electrónico [email protected]
Evandro Rocha
05/10/14 0055 CNR 1, Chinese, Xian 594 25222 ER TR450 com ant. telescop. em Viçosa-MG
05/10/14 0100 PBS Xinjiang, Uighur, Urumqi 15221 ER TR450 com ant. telescop. em Viçosa-MG
05/10/14 0105 WHRI Water of Life Ministries, English, Cypress Creek 25232 ER TR450 com ant. telescop. em Viçosa-MG
05/10/14 0115 Mighty KBC Radio, German/English, Nauen 15111 ER TR450 com ant. telescop. em Viçosa-MG
Cortesia de Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky

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