Recommemd Recommemded Hostels


Recommemd Recommemded Hostels
Recommemded Hostels
OkupeHostel – Jardins
Avenida Rebouças, 990, São Paulo - SP,Brazil
Prices per night from BRL 30.00
Bus lines direct to the event’s place
The Pod SP Hostel& Bar
Rua Dante Carraro, 94, Pinheiros, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Prices per night from BRL 39.00
Bus lines direct to the event’s place
Nearto metro station
LimetimeHostels – Paulista Avenue
Rua Treze de Maio, 1552, Bela Vista, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Prices per night from BRL 41.00
Near to metro station and Paulista avenue
Mama Brasil Hostel
Rua Itapeva, 88, Sao Paulo,
Paulo Brazil
Prices per night from BRL 44.00
Near to metro station and Paulista avenue
Garoa Hostel
Rua Guaiçuí, 72, Sao Paulo,
Paulo Brazil
Prices per night from BRL 48.00
Bus lines direct to the event’s place
Nearto metro station
O de Casa HostelBar
Rua Inacio Pereira da Rocha, 385, Vila Madalena, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Prices per night from BRL 50.00
Bus lines direct to the event’s place
Soul Hostel
Rua São Carlos do Pinhal, 461, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Prices per night from BRL 53.00
Near to metro station and Paulista avenue
O de Casa Hostel Conforto
Rua Luis Anhaia, 54, Sao Paulo,
Paulo Brazil
Prices per night from BRL 55.00
Bus lines direct to the event’s place
Lobo UrbanStay
Rua Haddock Lobo, 893, Sao Paulo,
Paulo Brazil
Prices per night from BRL 60.00
Bus lines direct to the event’s place
Near to metro station and Paulista avenue
Vila Madalena Hostel
Rua Francisco Leitão, 686, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Prices per night from BRL 65.00
Bus lines direct to the event’s place
Bee.wHostel Bar
R. Haddock Lobo, 167, Sao Paulo,
Paulo Brazil
Prices per night from BRL 66.00
Bus lines direct to the event’s place
Near to metro station and Paulista avenue

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