Portugal`s labour Market


Portugal`s labour Market
Portugal’s Labour Market:
Towards the Nordic Flexicurity Model?
Wednesday 28 November 2012
Gulbenkian Foundation, Auditorium 2
14h30 - Registration
15h00 - Opening
Words of welcome by Mr. Artur Santos Silva, President of the Gulbenkian Foundation
Introduction by Dr. Álvaro Santos Pereira, Minister of Economy and Employment (Pt)
Introduction by Mr. Roger Schjerva, State Secretary of Finance (No)
As Embaixadas da Dinamarca, Finlândia, Noruega e Suécia,
a Secretaria de Estado do Emprego
e a Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
têm a honra de convidar Vossa Excelência para o seminário
”Portugal’s Labour Market:
Towards the Nordic Flexicurity Model?”
que se realizará na quarta-feira, dia 28 de novembro de 2012, às 14h30.
na Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Auditório 2
16h45 - Coffee
17h15 - Debate
Panel discussion and Q&A
18h10 - Closing
Final remarks by Dr. Pedro Silva Martins, State Secretary of Employment (Pt)
Seminário em inglês sem tradução simultânea
Convite transmissível
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Avenida de Berna 45, Lisboa
15h30 - Presentations
- Trade Union: Mr. Mikko Mäenpää, President of the Finnish Confederation of
Professionals (Fi)
- Employer: Ms. Liss Schanke, Senior Advisor at the Norwegian Association of Local and
Regional Authorities (No)
- State: Mr. Sven Otto Littorin, Former Minister of Employment (Se)
- Academic: Dr. Niels Westergard-Nielsen, University of Aarhus (Dk)
- Portuguese view: Dr. Pedro Portugal, Senior Advisor at the Bank of Portugal and
professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Pt)
[email protected]
18h15 - Reception
© Cecilia Larsson/Imagebank Sweden
Labour Market:
Towards the Nordic
Flexicurity Model?