Academic Year: 2015/2016 Course: Water Resources


Academic Year: 2015/2016 Course: Water Resources
 Academic Year: 2015/2016
Course: Water Resources Analysis and Management
Coordinator: Catarina Ramos
Teaching Staff: Catarina Ramos, Rafaello Bergonse, Miguel Leal
Weekly Hours: 4h
Typology: Theoretical and practical
1. The hydrosphere and the hydrosystems. The hydrological cycle and the hydrosystems
water renewal. Water resources assessment: the water balance.
2. The drainage basins. Definition, concepts and typology. Streamflow factors: climate,
drainage basins components and human action. Streamflow components.
3. The river regimes: typology. Methods of analysis of the river regime elements. Relation
between stream discharges and types of river beds. Application to spatial planning.
4. Groundwater systems. The groundwater resources and their conditioning factors. Types of
aquifers. Relationship between the subsoil permeability and the aquifers vulnerability to
5. Water resources planning and management. Legislative instruments of water. Types of
water resources plans: objectives and contents.
Objectives and skills
Knowledge of the hydrological basins functioning
Knowledge of the location factors and renovation of aquifers water reserves
Knowledge of hydrological risks and its triggering and conditioning factors
Knowledge of the water resources plans objectives and content, at several scales
Use the correct geographical and hydrological concepts in the issues about water
Develop the ability to select methods and techniques of analysis of hydrological data
Develop inductive and deductive reasoning
Develop the ability for characterization and diagnosis of hydrological situations
Develop the ability of the fluvial landscape analysis in different geographical framework
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, to the analysis of Water
Resources Plans
Hamblin, W.K., Christiansen, E.H. (2001) - Earth’s Dynamic Systems, 9ª ed., Prentice Hall, New
Herschy, R.W. e Fairbridge, R.W. (edits), (1998) - Encyclopedia of Hydrology and Water
Resources, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Hipólito, J. e Vaz, A. (2011) – Hidrologia e Recursos Hídricos. Coleção Ensino da Ciência e da
Tecnologia – 41, IST Press, Lisboa.
Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território ▪ Edifício IGOT - Avenida Prof. Gama Pinto 1649-003 LISBOA ▪ tel.: 21 044 3000
Lencastre, A. e Franco, F. (2003) - Lições de Hidrologia, U.N.L., Lisboa.
Ramos, C. (2005) – Programa de Hidrogeografia, C.E.G., DILIF – 3, Universidade de Lisboa,
Knowledge evaluation methods and their partial grades
Normal and special assessment regimes: 1 individual theoretical test (60%) + 2 individual
practical tests (15% + 25%).
A minimum score of 8.5 values in the individual theoretical test is required. Students that have a
score < 8.5 values in the theoretical test and a final average greater or equal to 10 should do a
second individual theoretical test. The fieldwork is required, so the students who miss the
fieldwork will have a penalty of 5%.
Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território ▪ Edifício IGOT - Avenida Prof. Gama Pinto 1649-003 LISBOA ▪ tel.: 21 044 3000

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