citotoxicity of orthodontic mini-implants


citotoxicity of orthodontic mini-implants
ISSN 1807-5274
Rev. Clín. Pesq. Odontol., Curitiba, v. 6, n. 2, p. 141-146, maio/ago. 2010
Licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons
Citotoxidade de mini-implantes ortodônticos
Matheus Melo Pithon[a], Rogério Lacerda dos Santos[b], Fernanda Otaviano Martins[c],
Paulo José Medeiros[d], Maria Teresa Villela Romanos[e]
MsC, Orthodontist, PhD candidate, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil, e-mail:
[email protected]
Graduate student, Microbiology and Immunology, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil.
PhD, Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil.
PhD, Microbiology and Immunology, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil.
Doutor em Ciências (Microbiologia) pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), professor adjunto da Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil.
OBJECTIVE: Based in the premise that Ti-6Al-4V orthodontic mini-implants can release metal ions
into the body fluids, this research is aimed assess the cytotoxic effect of orthodontic mini-implant on
L929 fibroblast cells. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eighteen orthodontic mini-implants made of
Ti-6Al-4V alloy were divided into 6 groups: 1 (golden colour, SIN), 2 (silver colour, SIN), 3 (Neodent™),
4 (INP™), 5 (Mondeal™), and 6 (Titanium Fix™). The mini-implants were immersed into Eagle’s minimum essential medium for 24 hours, where supernatant removal and contact with L929 fibroblasts were
performed. Cytotoxicity was evaluated in four different periods of time: 24, 48, 72, and 168 hours. After
being in contact with the mini-implants immersed, the cells were incubated for further 24 hours and then
100 ml of 0.01% neutral-red staining solution were added. After this period of time, they were fixed
and a spectrophotometer was used for counting the viable cells. RESULTS: After the 24 hours period,
statistical differences were found by comparing groups 1 and 2 to groups 3,4,5, and C+ (p < 0.05). After
the 48 hours period, groups 1 and 2 were shown to be statistically different in relation to groups 3, 4, and
C+. After the 72 hours period, statistical differences were found only in group 1 compared to groups 4, 5,
6, CC, and C+ (p < 0.05). After 7 days, no statistical differences were found between the mini-implants.
CONCLUSION: Although mini-implants are made of the same alloy, there are differences in their
cytotoxicity because of the different concentrations of chemical elements used for manufacturing them.
Keywords: Mini-implants. Cytotoxicity. Orthodontics.
Rev Clín Pesq Odontol. 2010 maio/ago;6(2):141-6
Pithon MM, Santos RL, Martins FO, Medeiros PJ, Romanos MTV.
OBJETIVO: Baseando-se na premissa de que mini-implantes ortodônticos podem liberar íons metálicos nos fluidos
corporais, pesquisou-se o efeito citotóxico de mini-implantes ortodônticos em fibroblastos L929. MATERIAL E
MÉTODO: Dezoito mini-implantes ortodônticos confeccionados em liga Ti-6Al-4V foram divididos em seis grupos:
1 (dourados, SIN), 2 (prateados SIN), 3 (Neodent), 4 (INP), 5 (Mondeal) e 6 (Titanium Fix). Os mini-implantes
foram imersos em meio mínimo essencial Eagle por 24 horas, onde efetuou-se remoção do supernadante e contato
com fibroblastos L929. A citotoxicidade foi avaliada em 4 diferentes tempos: 24, 48, 72 e 168 horas. Após contato com
os mini-implantes imersos, as células foram incubadas por mais 24 horas; então, 100 ml de solução corante neutravermelha foram adicionados. Após, foram fixadas e um espectrofotômetro foi usado para contar as células viáveis.
RESULTADOS: Após o período de 23 horas, compararam-se os grupos 1 e 2 aos grupos 3, 4, 5 e C+. Após 72 horas,
diferenças estatísticas foram encontradas somente no grupo 1, comparado aos grupos 4, 5, 6, CC e C+ (p < 0,05).
Após 7 dias, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os diversos mini-implantes.
Palavras-chave: Mini-implantes. Citotoxidade. Ortodontia.
The control of orthodontic anchorage has
been an issue of concern to orthodontists since the
early existence of this speciality. A successful orthodontic treatment, in the great majority of cases,
requires that anchorage to be judiciously planned,
and it would not be an exaggeration to state that
this is one of the determinant factors for success or
failure in many orthodontic treatments.
Mini-implants are currently being used for
improving those situations in which orthodontic
anchorage is needed (1-4). Their use is motivated by
their positioning versatility, easy removal, and low
cost (4-6). Most mini-implants are made of titanium
alloy, differing in shape, design, measurements, and
trademark (7). The commercially pure titanium
(CP Ti) is largely utilized in the manufacture of
dental and orthopaedic implants since it is considered chemically inert, in addition to have adequate
mechanical properties and excellent biocompatibility
(8). Despite these favourable characteristics, however, CP Ti has not been the preferred material for
manufacturing orthodontic mini-implants because
of its low resistance to fractures and possibility of
Osseo integration (9).
Fracture resistance is one of the necessary
characteristics required for insertion and removal of
orthodontic mini-implants in view of their reduced
size and inter-radicular placement (10). In order to
overcome this problem, the material chosen for confectioning orthodontic mini-implants is the Ti-6Al-4V
alloy because of its higher resistance to fracture (11).
However, the metallic alloys used in
orthodontics are subject to corrosion and metal ion
release into the oral cavity, which may cause adverse
physiological effects such as cytotoxicity, genotoxicity,
carcinogeniticity, and allergenic effects. The choice
of a certain alloy depends largely on its indications.
Ti-6Al-4V alloys are composed of aluminium (Al) and
vanadium (V), both found to be cytotoxic elements
when released in the form of ions during essays on
erosion in physiological medium (12).
Ti-6Al-4V alloy is less resistant to corrosion
than CP Ti (11, 13), resulting in metal ions release.
As these ions can accumulate in tissues surrounding the mini-implant (14) and even in distant tissues
(15) undesirable effects on human body can occur
such as osteolysis, allergic reactions, renal lesions,
cytotoxicity, hypersensibility, and carcinogenesis
(16). In addition, metal ions are often accounted for
implant failure. Because all commercially available
orthodontic mini-implants are made of Ti-6Al-4V
alloy, the author aims to investigate the hypothesis
that there is no difference in cytotoxity between
mini-implants from different manufacturers.
Cell culture
The cell line used for this study was mouse
L929 fibroblasts obtained from the American Type
Culture Collection (TCC, Rockville, MD) and
cultivated in Eagle’s minimum essential medium
Rev Clín Pesq Odontol. 2010 maio/ago;6(2):141-6
Citotoxicity of orthodontic mini-implants
(MEM) (Cultilab™, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil).
The cell culture was supplemented with 2 mM of
L-glutamine (Sigma™, St. Louis, Missouri, USA),
50 µg/ml of gentamicin (Schering Plough™,
Kenilworth, New Jersey, USA), 2.5 µg/ml of fungizone (Bristol-Myers-Squib™, New York, USA),
0.25 mM of sodium bicarbonate solution (Merck™,
Darmstadt, Germany), 10 mM of HEPES™
(Sigma, St. Louis, Missouri, USA), and 10% of
foetal bovine serum (FBS) (Cultilab™, Campinas,
São Paulo, Brazil), then being kept at 37°C in 5%
CO2 environment.
Mini-implants to be evaluated
The sample consisted of 18 Ti-6Al-4V
orthodontic mini-implants from different manufacturers divided into six experimental groups, namely,
Group 1 (golden colour, SIN™, São Paulo, Brazil),
Group 2 (silver colour, SIN, São Paulo, Brazil), Group
3 (Neodent™, Curitiba, Brazil), Group 4 (INP™,
São Paulo, Brazil), Group 5 (Mondeal™, Tuttlingen,
Germany), and Group 6 (Titanium Fix™, São José
dos Campos, Brazil).
L929 cells. The supernatants were placed in a 96-well
plate containing a single layer of L929 cells and then
incubated at 37°C for 24 hours in 5% CO2 environment. After the incubation period, cell viability
was determined using the “dye-uptake” technique
described by Neyndorff et al. (17) (1990), which
was slightly modified. After the 24-hour incubation
period, 100 µl of 0.01% neutral-red staining solution
(Sigma™, St. Louis, Missouri, USA) were added to
the medium within each well of the plates, and these
were incubated for 3 hours at 37°C to allow the dye
to penetrate into the living cells. After this period,
the cells were fixed using 100 µl of 4% formaldehyde solution (Reagen™, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) in
PBS (130 mM NaCl; 2 mM KCl; 6 mM Na2HPO4
2H2O; 1 mM K2HPO4, pH = 7.2) for 5 minutes.
Next, 100 µl of 1% acetic acid solution (Vetec, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil) with 50% methanol (Reagen™,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) were added to the medium to
remove the dye. Absorption was measured after 20
minutes by using a spectrophotometer (BioTek™,
Winooski, Vermont, USA) at a wave length of 492
nm (µ = 492 nm).
X-ray dispersion analysis
To verify the cell response to extreme
situations, other three groups were included in the
study: Group CC (cell control), consisting of cells
not exposed to any material; Group C+ (positive
control), consisting of amalgam cylinder; and Group
C- (negative control), consisting of a stainless steel
wire (nickel free) (Morelli™, Sorocaba, São Paulo)
in contact with the cells.
The metallic alloy of the mini-implants
was characterised by X-ray dispersion using a
JEOL scanning electron microscope (2000 FX™,
Tokyo, Japan). For doing so, the mini-implants
were cut with a precision sectioning machine
(Isomet™, Buehler, Illinois, USA) and washed
with an ultrasound equipment (Ultramet™ 2002,
Buehler, Illinois, USA) Next, the samples were
carefully dried and positioned for being submitted
to SEM analysis.
Assessing the cytotoxicity of the materials
Statistical analysis
The materials were previously sterilised by
exposing them to ultra-violet light (Labconco™,
Kansas, Missouri, USA) during 1 hour. Next, three
samples of each material were placed in 24-wells
plates containing Eagles’ MEM (Cultilab™,
Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil). The culture medium
was replaced with fresh medium every 24 hours,
and the supernatants were collected after 24, 48, 72,
and 168 hours (7 days) for analysis of the toxicity to
Statistical analyses were performed
by using a SPSS v.13.0™ software (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, USA), and means and standard deviations
were calculated for descriptive statistical analysis.
The values for the amount of viable cells were
submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to
determine whether statistical differences existed
between the groups, and Tukey’s test was applied
Rev Clín Pesq Odontol. 2010 maio/ago;6(2):141-6
Pithon MM, Santos RL, Martins FO, Medeiros PJ, Romanos MTV.
After the 72-hour period, it was observed
that Group 1 was statistically different from Groups
4, 5, 6, CC, and C+ (p < 0.05). Statistical differences
were found between Group C+ and all other groups
not only at 7 hours, but also in all periods of time
(p < 0.05).
Table 2 shows the percentage amount of
chemical elements found in the mini-implants evaluated by using the X-ray dispersion analysis (EDX).
The results regarding the 24-hour period
demonstrated that statistical differences were found
when Groups 1 and 2 were compared to Groups 3,
4, 5 and C+ as well as when Group C+ were compared to the other groups (p < 0.05). Groups 1 and
2 were shown to be statistically different compared
to Groups 3, 4 and C+ at 48 hours (Table 1).
Table 1 - Statistical analysis with means and standard deviations for the groups studied
48 h
7 days
M. Cel/DP
M. Cel/DP
M. Cel/DP
M. Cel/DP
0,622 (±0,05)
0,510 (±0,12)
0,855 (±0,09)
0,274 (±0,03)
0,636 (±0,09)
0,518 (±0,08)
0,926 (±0,04)
0,276 (±0,02)
0,492 (±0,06)
0,719 (±0,10)
0,843 (±0,14)
0,267 (±0,03)
0,495 (±0,06)
0,741 (±0,04)
1,001 (±0,12)
0,276 (±0,02)
0,498 (±0,08)
0,681 (±0,06)
1,034 (±0,07)
0,276 (±0,02)
0,561 (±0,07)
0,646 (±0,05)
1,049 (±0,15)
0,342 (±0,02)
0,638 (±0,03)
0,779 (±0,13)
1,051 (±0,07)
0,319 (±0,01)
C. +
0,285 (±0,06)
0,251 (±0,04)
0,648 (±0,04)
0,212 (±0,03)
C. -
0,538 (±0,00)
0,573 (±0,03)
0,952 (±0,05)
0,318 (±0,02)
Legend: M. Cel = mean values for the amount of viable cells;
SD = Standard Deviation;
Stat = Same letters mean no statistical difference.
Table 2 - Percentage amount of chemical elements in the mini-implants tested
SIN (golden)
SIN (silver)
Titanium Fix
Rev Clín Pesq Odontol. 2010 maio/ago;6(2):141-6
Citotoxicity of orthodontic mini-implants
The use of cell culture has been employed
as part of a series of recommend tests for evaluation of the biological behaviour of materials being
put in contact with human tissues. In the present
study, cytotoxicity tests were conducted in order to
evaluate the biocompatibility of mini-implants for
orthodontic usage.
The commercially available orthodontic
mini-implants are made of Ti-6A-4V alloy. The
biocompatibility of Ti ions is well described in the
literature, but aluminum (Al) and vanadium (V) have
not been so studied. Al ions affect proliferation,
metabolic activity and differentiation of osteoblasts
(18). Some of the toxic effects described in the
literature are encephalopathy and Alzheimer-type
senile dementia (19), and Al may be associated with
osteomalacia and pulmonary granulomatosis as
well (20). With regard to the level of Al ions in the
orthodontic mini-implants studied, Group 3 had the
highest percentage of aluminium (5.73%), followed
by Group 4 (5.36%), Group 6 (5.08%), Groups 1 &
2 (4.27%), and Group 5 (3.81%).
Vanadium, whose main source is food, is an
essential micro-element that is present in the majority
of mammalian cells (21, 22). However, this chemical element is considered highly toxic compared to
other nutritionally essential micro-elements because
there is a small difference between the necessary and
toxic doses (23). On the other hand, V has important
pharmacological and physiological effects, playing an
important role in the auxiliary treatment of diabetic
patients (22).
The effects of chronic and acute V intoxication are well documented. Vanadium is cytotoxic
for macrophages and fibroblasts (24), binds to certain proteins (e.g. ferritin and transferrin), affecting
their distribution and accumulation throughout the
body (22), stimulates local and systemic allergic
reactions, inhibits cell proliferation and may cause
renal lesions. Urinary excretion is the main pathway
for elimination of injected vanadium in human
beings (22).
Similarly to the presence of aluminum,
Group 3 was found to have the lowest cell viability in all periods of time. This fact may due to the
greater amount of aluminium (56%) and vanadium
(3.22%) found in the samples during X-ray dispersion analysis (EDX).
These differences in cell viability between
the groups may be related not only to aluminium
and vanadium, but also to other components such
as carbon (C), titanium (Ti), iron (Fe), copper (Cu),
oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N).
Despite the differences found between several orthodontic mini-implants, in fact they showed
lower cytotoxicity compared to Groups CC and C-.
During the whole experiment it was observed that
cell viability was higher in Group CC (mini-implant
exposed to no material) and lower in Group C+, a
finding that may be explained by the constant release
of mercury from the amalgam – a material known
to be cytotoxic (25).
After seven days, all mini-implants showed
higher cell viability when compared to each other.
During this period of time, no statistical differences
were found between the groups studied. A drawback
regarding this study was the lack of evaluation of
ion content in the supernatant placed on the cells.
Only ions presenting in mini-implants were evaluated.
Further studies are needed to evaluate this point,
which can allow us to assess any relationship between
ions released by mini-implants and consequently
their real cytotoxicity.
The hypothesis that no difference exists in
the cytotoxicity between mini-implants made from
the same alloy was not proved. Besides, small differences were observed, possibly due to the concentration of chemical elements.
The authors formally declare that there is
no conflict of interest in the present manuscript.
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Rev Clín Pesq Odontol. 2010 maio/ago;6(2):141-6
Received: 09/22/2009
Recebido: 22/09/2009
Accepted: 02/25/2010
Aceito: 25/02/2010

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