Bibliografia sobre Religiosidade Feminina Medieval


Bibliografia sobre Religiosidade Feminina Medieval
Gilberto Coralejo Moiteiro ● 2007 ● Bibliografia sobre Religiosidade Feminina Medieval
Bibliografia sobre
Nota: Como qualquer lista bibliográfica, esta encontra-se incompleta. Ela resulta de
pesquisas que tenho vindo a desenvolver sobre o assunto no âmbito do meu projecto
de doutoramento. Como membro do Instituto de Estudos Medievais, agradeço a todos
aqueles que quiserem contribuir com outras bibliografias sobre o mesmo tema o envio
dos seus contributos para o IEM ([email protected]) ou para o meu e-mail
([email protected]). Como tenho muitos dos títulos referidos, disponibilizome para os ceder a todos aqueles que estiverem interessados.
ABAD PEREZ, Antolin, “Monasterios de contemplativas de la Tercera Orden Regular
Franciscana en España”, Actas do 1º Congresso Internacional del Monacato Feminino
en España, Portugal y América, 1492-1992, vol. 2, Léon, Secret. Public. de Universidad,
1993, pp. 149-158;
ADNÈS, Pierre, “Larmes”, Dictionnaire de Spiritualité Ascétique et Mystique, tom. IX,
Paris, Beauchesne, 1976, pp. 287-303;
AGAESSE, Paul e Michel Sales, “Mystique”, Dictionnaire de Spiritualité Ascétique et
Mystique, tom. X, Paris, Beauchesne, 1980, pp. 1890-1984;
ALMEIDA, Fortunato de, História da Igreja em Portugal, 2ª ed., 4 vols., prep. e dirigida
por Damião Peres, Porto, Portucalense Ed., 1967-1971;
ALLIROT, Anne-Hélène, “Isabelle de France, soeur de Saint Louis: La vierge savante”,
Médiévales, 48 (2005), pp. 55-98;
Anchorites, Wombs and Tombs: Intersections of Gender and Enclosure in the Middle
Ages, ed. Liz Herbert McAvoy e Mari Hugues-Edwards, Cardiff, University of Wales
Press, 2005;
ANDRADE, Maria Filomena, O Mosteiro de Chelas, uma comunidade feminina na Baixa
Idade Média. Património e Gestão, Cascais, Patrimonia, 1996;
-----, “As Clarissas em Portugal - Dimensões regionais de uma corrente de
espiritualidade europeia (séculos XIII - XIV)”, Discursos, Língua, Cultura e Sociedade, 3ª
Série, nº 1, 1999, pp. 109-127;
-----, “A Beatitude no Feminino: Modelos de Santidade e formas de Poder”, Discursos,
Língua, Cultura e Sociedade, 3ª Série, nº 2, 2000, pp. 71-84;
Instituto de Estudos Medievais-FCSH/NOVA –
Gilberto Coralejo Moiteiro ● 2007 ● Bibliografia sobre Religiosidade Feminina Medieval
ARCHER, Rowena E., “Piety in Question: Noblewomen and Religion in the Later Middle
Ages”, Women and Religion in Medieval England, ed. Diana Wood, Oxford, Oxbow
Books, 2003, pp. 118-140;
ASHTON, Gail, Generation of Identity in Late Medieval Hagiography: Speaking the
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AZEVEDO, Carlos Moreira (dir.), História Religiosa de Portugal, vol. 1, Formação e
Limites da Cristandade, coord. Ana Maria C. M. Jorge e Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues,
Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2000;
BAILEY, Michael D., “Religious Poverty, Mendicancy, and Reform in the Late Middle
Ages”, Church History, 72, 3 (2003), pp. 457-483;
BAKER, Derek (dir.), Sanctity and Secularity, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1973;
----- (ed.), Medieval Women, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1978;
BAÑOS VALLEJO, Fernando, La Hagiografía como Género Literario en la Edad Media –
Tipologia de Doce Vidas Individuales Castellanas, Departamento de Filologia Española,
Oviedo, 1989;
BARBERO, Alessandro, Un santo in famiglia. Vocazioni religiosa e resistenze sociale
nell’agiografia latina medievale, Turim, Rosenberg & Sellier, 1991;
BARONE, Giulia et al. (ed.), Modelli di santità e modelli di comportamento. Contrasti,
intersezioni, complementarità, Turim, Rosenberg & Sellier, 1994;
-----, “Società e religiosità femminile (750-1450)”, Donne e fede: Santità e vita religiosa
in Italia, ed. L. Scaraffia e G. Zarri, Roma, Laterza, 1994, pp. 61-113;
BEKKER- NIELSEN, H. (ed.), Hagiography and Medieval Literature: A Symposium,
Odense, Odense University Press, 1981;
BELL, David. N., What Nuns Read: Books and Libraries in Medieval English Nunneries,
Kalamazoo, Michigan; Spencer, Massachusetts, Cistercian Publications, 1995;
BELL, R. M., La santa anoressia. Digiurno e misticismo dal medievo ad oggi, Roma/Bari,
Laterza, 1987;
BELL, Susan Groag, “Medieval Women Book Owners: Arbiters of Lay Piety and
Ambassadors of Culture”, Sisters and workers in the Middle Ages, ed. Judith M.
Bennett et al., Chicago/Londres, The University Chicago Press, 1989, pp. 135-160;
BENVENUTI PAPI, Anna, “Frati mendicanti e pinzochere in Toscana: dalla marginalità
sociale a modello di santità”, Temi e problemi nella mistica femminile trecentesca, 1417 ottobre 1979, Rimini, Accademia Tudertina, 1983, pp. 109-135;
-----, “Devozioni private e guida di coscienze femminili”, Ricerche Storiche, ano XVI, n.º
3, Set.-Dez. 1986;
Instituto de Estudos Medievais-FCSH/NOVA –
Gilberto Coralejo Moiteiro ● 2007 ● Bibliografia sobre Religiosidade Feminina Medieval
-----, In “castro poenitentiae”: santità e società femminile nell’Italia medievale, Roma,
Herder, 1990;
-----, e Elena Giannarelli, Bambini santi. Representazione dell’infanzia e modelli
agiografici, Turim, Rosenberg & Sellier, 1991;
BÉRIOU, Nicole, Jacques Berlioz e Jean Longère, Prier au Moyen Age. Pratiques et
expériences (Ve- XVe siècles), Editions Brepols, s.l., 1991;
BERLIOZ, Jacques, “Vies des saints et motifs hagiographiques”, in Identifier sources et
citations, dir. Jacques Berlioz, s.l., Brepols, 1994, pp. 191-200;
BLAMIRES, Alcuin, “The Limits of Bible Study for Medieval Women”, Women, the Book
and the Godly – Selected Proceedings of the St. Hilda’s Conference, vol. I, 1993, ed.
Lesley Smith e Jane H. M. Taylor, Cambridge, D. S. Brewer, 1995, pp. 1-12;
BLUMENFELD-KOSINSKY, Renate e Timea Szell, Images of Sainthood in Medieval
Europe, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1991;
-----, Duncan Robertson, and Nancy Warren (eds.), Vernacular Spirit: Essays on
Medieval Religious Literature, Nova Iorque/Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2002;
BOESCH-GAJANO, Sophia (ed.), Agiografia altomedievale, Bolonha, Il Mulino, 1976;
-----, “Il culto dei santi: filologia, antropologia e storia”, Studi Storici, 23, 1, 1982, pp.
-----, Raccolte di vita di santi dal XIII al XVIII secolo: struture, messagi, fruizioni, Fasano
di Brindisi, Schena, 1990;
-----, La santità, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari, 1999;
-----, “Santidade”, Dicionário Temático do Ocidente Medieval, dir. de Jacques Le Goff e
Jean-Claude Schmitt, vol. II, Editora da Universidade do Sagrado Coração/Imprensa
Oficial do Estado, S. Paulo, 2002, pp. 449-469;
BOFFEY, Julia, “Women authors and women’s literacy in fourteenth and fifteenthcentury England”, Women and Literature in Britain, 1150-1500, ed. Carol M. Meale,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 159-182;
BOLTON, Brenda, “Mulieres Sanctae”, Women in Medieval Society, ed. e introd. Susan
Mosher Stuart, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1976, pp. 141-158;
-----, “Daughters of Rome: all One in Christ Jesus!”, Studies in Church History, 27,
Women in the Church, 1990, pp. 101-115;
BOSSY, John, “Christian Life in the Later Middle Ages: Prayers”, Transactions of the
Royal Historical Society, 6, 1991, pp. 137-148;
Instituto de Estudos Medievais-FCSH/NOVA –
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BOTINA MONTERO, Elena et al., “Las beguinas: sabiduria Y auctoridad feminina”, Las
sabias mujeres: educación, saber e autoria (ss. III-XVII), ed. Maria del Mar Graña Cid,
vol. 1, Madrid, Ass. Cultural Al-Mudayna, 1994, pp. 283-293 ;
BOUREAU, Alain, L’évènement sans fin. Récit et christianisme au Moyen Âge, Paris, Les
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BRAGA, Paulo Drumond, “Mercês Régias outorgadas ao Convento de Santa Clara de
Coimbra nos reinados de D. Dinis a D. Manuel I”, Actas do 1º Congresso Internacional
del Monacato Feminino en España, Portugal y América, 1492-1992, vol. 2, Léon, Secret.
Public. de Universidad, 1993, pp. 667-673;
BROOKE, Christopher, “Reflections on Late Medieval Cults and Devotions”, Essays in
Honor of Edward B. King, ed. Robert G. Benson e Eric W. Naylor, The University of the
South Sewance, Tennessee, 1991, pp. 33-45;
BROOKE, Rosalind e Christopher Brooke, Popular Religion in the Middle Ages –
Western Europe (1000-1300), Thames and Hudson, Leipzig, 1984;
BROWN, Peter, The Body and Society. Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early
Christianity, Nova Iorque, Columbia University Press, 1988;
BULLOUGH, Vern e Cameron Campbell, “Female Longevity and Diet in the Middle
Ages”, Speculum, 55, 1980, pp. 317-325;
BURKES, Shannon e Janet P. Foggie, “The Friars and The Laity: Active and
Contemplative Lives”, Renaissance Religion in Urban Scotland. The Dominican Order
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BUSSINI, François, “Joie”, Dictionnaire de Spiritualité Ascétique et Mystique, tom. VIII,
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BYNUM, Caroline Walker, Jesus as Mother: Studies in the Spirituality of the High Middle
Ages, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1982;
-----, Holy Feast and Holy Fast. The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women,
Berkeley/Londres, University of California Press, 1988;
----- (ed.), Fragmentation and Redemption: Essays on Gender and the Human Body in
Medieval Religion, Nova Iorque, Zone Books, 1991;
-----, “«…And Woman his Humanity…»: Female Imaginary in the Religious Writing of
the Later Middle Ages”, Fragmentation and Redemption: Essays on Gender and the
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-----, “Corpo femminile e pratica religiosa nel Tardo Medioevo”, Donne e Fede – Santità
e Vita Religiosa in Italia, a cura di Lucetta Scaraffia e Gabriella Zarri, Laterza, Bari, 1994,
pp. 115- 156;
Instituto de Estudos Medievais-FCSH/NOVA –
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-----, “The Blood of Christ in the Later Middle Ages”, Church History, 71, 4 (2002), pp.
-----, Woderful Blood: Theology and Practice in Late Medieval Northern Germany and
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CAMPBELL, Emma e Robert Mills (ed.), Troubled Vision: Gender, Sexuality, and Sight in
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CANABAL RODRIGUEZ, Laura, “Constituciones de una comunidad comcepcionista. El
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Public. de Universidad, 1993, pp. 203-211;
CARVALHO, José Adriano Freitas de, “A Igreja e as reformas religiosas em Portugal no
século XV: anseios e limites”, Congresso Internacional de Historia – El tratado de
Tordesilhas e su época, vol 2, Madrid, Sociedad V Centenário del Tratado de
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CASTRO, Júlia Isabel Coelho Campos Alves de, O Mosteiro de S. Domingos das Donas de
Vila Nova de Gaia (1345-1514), dissertação de mestrado apresentada à Faculdade de
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CAZELLES, Brigitte, The Lady as Saint: A Collection of French Hagiographic Romances of
the Thirteenth Century, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1991;
CERRADA JIMÉNEZ, Ana Isabel e Josemi Lorenzo Arribas, De los símbolos al orden
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CERTEAU, Michel de, “Hagiografie”, Encyclopaedia Universalis, vol. 8, Paris, Enc.
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CHANCE, Jane, “Speaking in Propria Persona. Authorizing the Subject as a Political Act
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Women of Liège and their Impact, ed. Juliette Dor et al, Turnhout, Brepols, 1999, pp.
CHEWNING, Susannah Mary, “Mysticism and the Anchoritic Community: ‘A Time … of
Veiled Infinity’”, Medieval Women in their Communities, ed. Diana Wat, Cardiff,
University of Wales Press, 1997, pp. 116-137;
CHIOVARO, Francesco et al. (dir.), Histoire des saints et de la sainteté chrétienne, Paris,
Hachette, 1986-1988;
CLARK, Elizabeth A., “Women, Gender, and the Study of Christian History”, Church
History, 70, 3 (2001), pp. 395-426;
Instituto de Estudos Medievais-FCSH/NOVA –
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CLOGAN, Paul Maurice, Medievalia Et Humanistica: Studies in Medieval and
Renaissance Culture, vol. 6, Medieval Hagiography and Romance, 1975;
COAKLEY, John, “Gender and Authority of the Friars: The Significance of Holy Women
for Thirteenth Century Franciscans and Dominicans”, Church History, ano 60º, n.º 4,
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Szell, Ithaca, Nova Iorque, 1991, pp. 222-146;
-----, “Friars, Sanctity, and Gender: Mendicant Encounters with Clare Lees”, Medieval
Cultures, 7, 1994, pp. 91-110;
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DALARUN, Jacques, Amor e Celibato na Igreja Medieval, S. Paulo, Martins Fontes,
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Instituto de Estudos Medievais-FCSH/NOVA –
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DRONKE, Peter, Women Writers of the Middle Ages. A Critical Study of Texts from
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Gilberto Coralejo Moiteiro ● 2007 ● Bibliografia sobre Religiosidade Feminina Medieval
VOADEN, Rosalyn, God’s Words, Women Voices : The Discernment of Spirits in the
Writing of Late-Medieval Women Visionaries, Woodbridge/Nova Iorque, York Medieval
Press/Boydell & Brewer, 1999;
WAITHE, Mary Ellen (ed.), Medieval, Renaissance and enlightenment Women
Philosophers (A. D. 500-1600), Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer Academic, 1989;
WARD, Jennifer, Women in Medieval Europe, 1200-1500, Londres, Longman, 2002;
WARNAR, Geer, “Tleven ons heren Jhesu Christi: Female Readers and Dutch Devotional
Literature in the Fifteenth Century”, Saints, Scholars, and Politicians: Gender as a Tool
in Medieval Studies, ed. Mathilde van Dijk e Renée Nip, Turnhout, Brepols, 2005, pp.
WARREN, Nancy Bradley, Spiritual Economies: Female Monasticism in Later Medieval
England, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001;
WATT, Diane (ed.), Medieval Women in their Communities, Toronto, University of
Toronto Press, 1997;
WEBB, Diana, “Eloquence and Education. A Humanist Approach to Hagiography”, The
Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 31, 1980, pp. 19-39;
-----, “Women and Home: The Domestic Setting of Late Medieval Spirituality”, Women
in the Church, ed. W. J. Sheils e Diana M. Webb, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1990, pp. 159173;
WEINSTEIN, Donald e Rudolph M. Bell, Saints and Society. The Two Worlds of Western
Christendom, 1000-1700, Chicago/Londres, The University of Chicago Press, 1982;
WIETHAUS, U. (ed.), Maps of Flesh and Light. The Religious Experience of Medieval
Women Mystics, Nova Iorque, Syracuse University Press, 1993;
-----, “In Search of Medieval Women’s Friendships: Hildegard of Bingen’s Letters to her
Female Contemporaries”, Maps of Flesh and Light: The Religious Experience of
Medieval Women Mystics, ed. Ulrike Wiethaus, Syracuse University Press, Nova Iorque,
1993, pp. 93-111;
WILLIAMS, Marty Newman e Anne Echols, Between Pit and Pedestral: Women in the
Middle Ages, New Jersey, Markus Wiever, 1994;
WILSON, Katharina M. (ed.), Medieval Women Writers, Athens, The University of
Georgia Press, 1984;
WINSTON-ALLEN, Anne, Convent Chronicles: Women Writing about Women and
Reform in the Late Middle Ages, Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania University Press,
Instituto de Estudos Medievais-FCSH/NOVA –
Gilberto Coralejo Moiteiro ● 2007 ● Bibliografia sobre Religiosidade Feminina Medieval
WOGAN-Browne, Jocelyn, “Chaste bodies: Frames and Experiences”, Framing
Medieval Bodies, ed. Sarah Kay e Miri Rubin, Manchester/Nova Iorque, Manchester
University Press, 1994, pp. 24-42;
YARDLEY, Anne B., “Ful Weel She Song the Service Dyvyne: The Cloistered Musician in
the Middle Ages”, in Women Making Music: The Western Art Tradition, 1150-1950, ed.
Jane Bowers e Judith Tock, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1986;
ZARRI, Gabriella, Le sante vive. Profezie di corte e devozione femminile tra ‘400 ‘500,
Turim, Rosenberg & Sellier, 1990;
-----, Gabriella, “Dalla Profezia alla Disciplina (1450-1650)”, Donne e Fede – Santità e
Vita Religiosa in Italia, a cura di Lucetta Scaraffia e Gabriella Zarri, Laterza, Bari, 1994,
pp. 177-225;
----- (ed.), Finzione e santità tra medioevo ed età moderna, Turim, Rosenberg & Sellier,
1994; ZATTA, Jane, “The Single Woman as Saint: Three Anglo-Norman Success Stories”,
The Single Woman in Medieval and Early Modern England: Her Life and
Representation, ed. Laurel Amtower e Dorothea Kehler, Tempe, Arizona Center for
Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2003, pp. 1-19;
ZIEGLER, Joanna E., “Reality as Imitation: The Role of Religious Imagery Among the
Beguines of the Low Countries”, Maps of Flesh and Light: The Religious Experience of
Medieval Women Mystics, ed. Ulrike Wiethaus, Syracuse University Press, Nova Iorque,
1993, pp. 112-126;
Instituto de Estudos Medievais-FCSH/NOVA –

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