Espólio Nelson Traquina CIMJ


Espólio Nelson Traquina CIMJ
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
Teoria do Jornalismo / FILIPE PENA. - : CONTEXTO, 2005
ISBN 85-7244-284-7
19. ,CULLAGH ,Ciaran Mc
Crime in Ireland / Ciaran Mc Cullagh. - : Cork University Press, 1996
ISBN 1 85918 034 5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000010/2011
20. ,HOHENBERG ,John
Free Press, Free People The Best Cause / John Hohenberg. - : The Free Press,
ISBN 70-133912
CIMJ LIV - 000011/2011
The Moro Morality PLay / Robin EricaWagner-Pacifici. - : University of Chicago
Press, 1986
ISBN 0-226-86983-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000015/2011
22. ,WICKER ,Tom
On Press - A Top Reporter´s Life in, and Reflections on, American Journalism /
Tom Wicker. - : The Viking Press, 1978
ISBN 0-670-52456-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000016/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
23. ,WIENER ,Robert
Live from Baghdad / Robert Wiener. - : Doubleday, 1992
ISBN 0-385-42165-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000020/2011
24. ,GARRISON ,Bruce
Computer - Assisted Reporting / Bruce Garrison. - : Lawrence Eribaum
Associates, 1995
ISBN 0-8058-1632-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000021/2011
25. ,MCQUAIL ,Denis
Mass Communication Theory / Denis McQuail. - 2ª edição. - : Sage Publications,
ISBN 0-8039-8069-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000022/2011
Journalists at War / David E. Morrison and Howard Tumber. - : Sage Publications,
ISBN 0-8039-8057-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000023/2011
Media And The American Mind / Daniel J. Czitrom. - University of North Carolina
Press : University of North Carolina Press, 1982
ISBN 0-8078-4107-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000024/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
28. ,CURRAN ,James 2000
Mass Media and Society / James Curran & Michael Gurevitch. - 3ª edição. - :
Arnold, 1991
ISBN 0 340 73201 6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000025/2011
29. ,CURRAN ,James
Media Organisations in Society / James Curran. - : Arnold, 2000
ISBN 0-340-72015-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000026/2011
30. ,DAVIES ,Nick
Flat Earth News / Nick Davies. - : Vintage, 2008
ISBN 978-0-099-51268-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000027/2011
31. ,DAVIS ,Richard
New Media nd American Politics / Richard Davis/Diana Owen. - : Oxford University
Press, 1998
ISBN 0-19-512060-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000028/2011
32. ,EDELMAN ,Murray
The Symbolic Uses of POlitics / Murray Edelman. - : Illini Books, 1967, 1985
ISBN 0-252-01202-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000029/2011
33. ,MILLAER ,David
The Circuit of Mass Communication / David Miller. - : Sage Publications, 1998
ISBN 0 8039 7702 6. ISBN 0 8039 7702 6 (PBK)
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000030/2011
34. ,MOUILLAUD ,Maurice
Le JOurnal Quotidien / Maurice Mouillaud. - : Presses Universataires de Lyon,
ISBN 2-7297-0342-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000031/2011
35. ,KALB ,Marvin
The Nixon Memo Political Respectability, Russia and the Press / Marvin Kalb. - :
The University of Chicago Press, 1994
ISBN 0-226-42299-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000032/2011
36. ,NELSON ,Barbara J.
Making and Issue of Child Abuse - Political Agenda Setting for Social Problems /
Barbara J. Nelson. - : University of Chicago Press, 1949
ISBN 0-226-57200-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000033/2011
37. ,IYENGAR ,Shanto
News That Matters - Television and American Opinion / Shanto Iyengar and
Donald R. Kinder. - : University of Chicago Press, 1987
ISBN 0-226-38856-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000034/2011
38. ,JUST ,Marion R.
Crosstalk Citizens, Cadidates, and the Media in a Presidential Campaign / Marion
R. Just. - : University of Chicago Press, 1996
ISBN 0-226-42020-5. ISBN 0-226-42021-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000035/2011
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CIMJ- 2011
Democracy and the Mass Media / Judith Lichtenberg. - Cambridge Studies in
Philosophy and Public Policy : Judith Lichtenberg, 1990. - Democracy and the
mass media
ISBN 0-521-38122-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000036/2011
40. ,VIZEU (ORG) ,Alfredo
A Sociedade do Telejornalismo / Alfredo Vizeu (Org). - : Editora Vozes, 2008
ISBN 978-85-326-3602-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000037/2011
41. ,DOOLEY ,Patricia L.
Taking Their political Place - Journalists and the Making of An Occupation /
Patricia L. Dooley. - : Greenwood Press, 1997
ISBN 0-313-30062-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000038/2011
42. ,CHARON ,Jean-Marie
La press en France de 1945 à nos jours / Jean-Marie Charon. - : Politique,
ISBN 2-02-012870-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000039/2011
43. ,COOK ,Timothy E.
Making Laws & Making News - Media Stategies in the U.S. House of
Representatives / Timothy E. Cook. - : Brookings , 1989
ISBN 0-8157-1558-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000040/2011
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CIMJ- 2011
44. ,COOK ,Timothy E.
Governing with the news / Timothy E. Cook. - : University Chicago Press, 1997
ISBN 0-226-11499-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000041/2011
45. ,COMPAINE ,Benjamin M.
Who owns the Media? Competition and concentration in the mass media industry /
Benjamin M. Compaine/Douglas Gomery. - : LEA´s , 2000
ISBN 0-8058-2935-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000042/2011
47. ,ENTMAN ,Robert M.
Democracy Without Citizens - Media and the Decay of American Politics / Robert
M. Entman. - : Oxford, 1989
ISBN 0-19-505313-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000044/2011
48. ,GROSSMAN ,Lawrence K. 1995
The Electronic Republic / Lawwrence K Grossman. - : Penguin Books, 1995
ISBN 0-670-86129-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000045/2011
49. ,GRABER ,Doris A. 2000
Processing Politics Learning from Television in the Internet Age / Doris A. Graber.
- : Chicago Press, 2000
ISBN 0-226-30576-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000046/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
50. ,EMERY ,Michael
The Press and America - An Interpretive History of the Mass Media / Michael
Emery. - : Prentice-Hall, 1988. - 6
ISBN 0-13-699059-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000047/2011
52. ,GOFFMAN ,Erving 1959
The Presentation of self in everyday life / Erving Goffman. - : Anchor Books, 1959
ISBN 0-385-09402-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000049/2011
53. ,GRABER ,Doris A.
Media Power in Politics / Doris A. Graber. - : Congressional Quarterly, 1994
ISBN 0-87187-785-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000050/2011
54. ,LICHTER ,Robert
The Media Elite / S. Robert Lichter. - : Adler & Adler, 20111986. - 1
ISBN 0-917561-II-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000051/2011
55. ,MATTELART ,Armand
Histoire des théories de la communication / Armand et Michèle Mattelart. - :
Découverte, 1997
ISBN 2-7071-2469-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000052/2011
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CIMJ- 2011
Teaching the Media / Len Masterman. - : Hartnolls, 1985
ISBN 0-415-03974-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000053/2011
57. ,LIPSTADT ,Eborah E.
Beyond Belief / Deborah E. Lipstadt. - : Free Press, 1986
ISBN 0-02-919160-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000054/2011
58. ,CARRUTHERS ,Susan L. 2000
The Media at War - Communication and Conflict in the Twentieth Century / Susan
L. Carruthers. - : Macmillan Press Ltd, 2000
ISBN 0-333-69142-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000055/2011
59. ,WILHELM ,Anthony G. 2000
Democracy in the Digital Age / Anthony G. Wilhelm. - : Routledge, 2000
ISBN 0-415-92435-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000056/2011
62. ,BROMLEY ,Michael 1998
Sex, Lies and Democracy - The Press and the Public / Michael Bromley. - :
Longman, 1998
ISBN 0 582 29332 4 PPR
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000057/2011
63. ,MATTELART ,Armand
L´ Invention de la communication / Armand Mattelart. - : La Découverte/Poche,
ISBN 2-7071-2791-4
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000058/2011
64. ,MCNIAR ,Brian 1995
An Introduction to Political Communication / Brian McNair. - : Routledge, 1995
ISBN 0-415-10853-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000059/2011
65. ,MALCOLM ,Janet 1990
The Journalist and the Murderer / Janet Malcolm. - : Vintage, 1990
ISBN 0-679-73183-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000060/2011
66. ,RAPPING ,Elayne 1987
The Looking Glass World of Nonfiction TV / Elayne Rapping. - 1987
ISBN 0-89608-282-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000061/2011
67. ,MANOFF ,Robert Karl 1986
Reading the News / Robert karl Manoff. - : Pantheon Books, 1986
ISBN 0-394-54362-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000062/2011
68. ,MANNING ,Paul 2001
News and News Sources - A Critical Introduction / Paul Manning. - : Sage
Publications, 2001
ISBN 0 7619 5796 0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000063/2011
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CIMJ- 2011
69. ,SEIB ,Philip 1994
Campaigns and Conscience - The Ethics of Political Journalism / Philip Seib. - :
Praeger, 1994
ISBN 0-275-94623-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000064/2011
70. ,SHOEMAKER ,Pamela J. 2006
News Around the World / Pamela J. Shoemaker. - : Routledge, 2006
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000065/2011
71. ,THUSSU ,Daya Kishan 2007
News as Entertainment / Daya Kishan Thussu. - : Sage, 2007
ISBN 978-0-7619-6878-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000066/2011
72. ,DELPORTE ,Christian 1999
Les journalistes en France 1880-1950 - Naissance et construction d´une
profession / Christian Delporte. - : Seuil, 1995
ISBN 2.02.023509.9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000067/2011
73. ,DEMERS ,David Pearce 2011
Precision Journalism / David Pearce Demers. - : Sage Publications, 1987
ISBN 0-8039-2946-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000068/2011
74. ,CAREY ,James W. 1988
Media, Myths, and Narratives - Television and the Press / James W. Carey. - :
Sage Publications, 1988. - 2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000069/2011
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CIMJ- 2011
75. ,BOURDIEU ,Pierre 1980
Le métier de sociologue / Pierre Bourdieu. - : Mouton, 1980
ISBN 90-279-6964-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000070/2011
76. ,DICKEN-GARCIA ,Hazel 1989
Journalistic Standards in Nineteenth-Century America / Hazel Dicken-Garcia. - :
Wisconsin, 1989
ISBN 0-299-12170-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000071/2011
77. ,DIJK ,Teun A, Van 1988
News as Discourse / Teun A. van Dijk. - : Lawrence Erbaum Associates, Inc, 1988
ISBN 0-8058-0065-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000072/2011
78. ,MAFFESOLI ,Michel 1991
Les Temps Des Tribus / Michel Maffersoli. - : Meridiens Klincksieck, 1988
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000073/2011
79. ,MARC ,David 1985
Demographic Vistas - Television in American Culture / David Marc. - : University of
Pensylvania Press, 1984
ISBN 0-8122-7907-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000074/2011
80. ,PALMER ,Jerry 2000
Spinning into control news values and dource strategies / Jerry Palmer. - 2011
ISBN 0-7185-0251-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000075/2011
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CIMJ- 2011
81. ,EDGERDON ,Gary R. 2001
Television Histories / Gary R. Edgerton. - : University Press of Kentuchy, 2001
ISBN 0-8131-2190-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000076/2011
82. ,DAHLGREN ,Peter 1995
Television and the Public Sphere / Peter Dahlgren. - : Sage Publications, 1995
ISBN 0 8037 8923 7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000077/2011
83. ,DAHLGREN ,Peter 1993
Communication and citizenship / Peter Dahlgren. - : Routledge, 1991
ISBN 0-415-100674
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000078/2011
84. ,RYAN ,Charlotte 1991
Prime Time Activism media strategies for grassroots organizing / Charlotte Ryan. : South end Press, 1991
ISBN 0-89608-401-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000079/2011
85. ,WERNICK ,Andrew 1994
Promotional Culture - Advertising, ideology and symbolic expression / Andrew
Wernick. - : Sage Publications, 1994
ISBN 0-8039-8390-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000080/2011
86. ,VIEIRA ,Geraldinho 1991
Complexo de Clark Kent - São super-homens os jornalistas? / Geraldinho Vieira. : Summus editorial, 1991
ISBN 85-323-0374-9
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000081/2011
87. ,WINCH ,Samuel P. 1997
Mapping the Cultural Space of Journalism / Samuel P. Winch. - : Praeger, 1997
ISBN 0-275-96467-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000082/2011
89. ,ZELIZER ,Barbie 2009
The Changing Faces of Journalism - Tabloidization, Technology and Truthiness /
Barbie Zelizer. - : Routledge, 2009
ISBN 978-0-415-77825-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000083/2011
90. ,MELO ,Jose Marques de 2008
Jornalismo História, Teoria e Metodologia - Perspectivas Luso Brasileiras / José
Marques de Melo. - : Edições Universidade Pessoa, 20112008
ISBN 978-989-643-004-7
CIMJ (CIMJ) - 000084/2011
91. ,SCHUDSON ,Michael 1995
The Power of News / Michael Schudson. - : Harvard , 1995
ISBN 0-674-69586-0
CIMJ (CIMJ) - 000085/2011
92. ,THUSSU ,Daya Kishan 2003
War and the Media / Daya Kishan. - : Sage Publications, 2003
ISBN 0-7619-4313-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000086/2011
93. ,SMITH ,Conrad 1992
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Media and Apocalypse / Conrad Smith. - : Greenwood Press, 1992
ISBN 0-313-27725-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000087/2011
94. ,SANDERS ,Karen 2009
Communicating Politics in the Twenty-first century / Karen Sanders. - : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2009
ISBN 0-230-00029-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000088/2011
95. ,STEVENSON ,Nick 1995
Understanding Media Cultures - Social Theory and Mass Communication / Nick
Stevenson. - : Sage Publications, 1995
ISBN 0 8039 8931 8
CIMJ (CIMJ) - 000089/2011
96. ,RANTANEN ,Terhi 2009
When News Was New / Terhi Rantanen. - : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
ISBN 978-1-4051-7551-7
CIMJ (CIMJ) - 000090/2011
97. ,ALLEYNE ,Mark O. 1997
News Revolution / Mark D. Alleyne. - : St. Martin´s Press, 1996
ISBN 0-312-16498-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000091/2011
98. ,STEEL ,Ronald 1981
Walter Lippmann and the American Century / Ronald Steel. - : Vintage Books,
ISBN 0-394-74731 - 3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000092/2011
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CIMJ- 2011
99. ,BOYNTON ,Nat
Media Rare / Nat Boynton : Adventures of a Grass-roots Newsman. - United
States of America : Chandler Press, 1988
ISBN 0-0944593-20-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000093/2011
100. ,KURTZ ,Howard
Media Circus / Howard Kurtz : The Trouble with America ´s Newspapers. - United
States : Times Book, 1994. - 21
ISBN 0-8129-6356-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000094/2011
103. ,KRIPPENDORFF ,Klaus 1986
Content Analysis / Klaus Krippendorff : An Introduction to Its Methodology. Londres : Sage Publications, 1986. - 22
ISBN 0-8039-1497-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00095/2011
104. ,SOUSA ,Jorge Pedro (Coord) 2011
António Rodrigues Sampaio / Jorge Pedro Sousa (Coord) Mário Pinto, Sandra
Tuna e outros : JOrnalista(e) político no Portugal oitocentista. - Covilhã : Livros
LabCom, 2011. - 21
ISBN 978-989-654-065-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00096/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
105. ,HUGHES ,Helen MacGill 1981
News and the Human Interest Story / Helen MacGill Hughes. - New Jersey :
Transaction Books, 1981. - 23
ISBN 0-87855-326-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00097/2011
106. ,SOUSA ,Jorge Pedro 2004
Cadernos de Estudos Mediáticos III / Jorge Pedro Sousa (Org.). - Universidade
Fernando Pessoa : Edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa, 2004. - 21
ISBN 972-8830-08-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00098/2011
107. ,KELLNER ,Douglas 1992
The Persian Gulf TV War / Douglas Keller. - United States of America : Westview,
20111992. - 23
ISBN 0-8133-1614-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00099/2011
108. ,LEWIS ,Justin 2006
Shoot First AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER / Justin Lewis e outros. - New York :
Peter Lang Publishing, 2006. - 22. - (Media And Culture)
ISBN 0--8204-7418-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00100/2011
109. ,IYENGAR ,Shanto 1997
Do The Media Govern? / Shanto Iyengar; Richard Reeves : Politicians, Voters,
and Reporters in America. - California : Sage Publications, 1997. - 23
ISBN 0-8039-5605-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000101/2011
110. ,JANOWITZ ,Morris 1967
The Community Press in an Urban Setting / Morris Janowitz : The Social Elements
of Urbanism. - Chicago : Chicago Press, 1967. - 22
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
ISBN 0-226-39318-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000102/2011
111. ,JAMIESON ,Kathleen Hall 1992
Dirty Politics / Kathleen Hall Jamieson : Deception, Distraction, and Democracy. New York, Oxford University Press, 1992
ISBN 0-19-508553-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000103/2011
113. ,IYENGAR ,Shanto 1994
Is Anyone Responsible? / Shanto Iyengar : How Television Frames Political
Issues. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1994. - 23
ISBN 0-226-38854-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000104/2011
114. ,BOURDIEU ,Pierre 1991
Outline of a Theoryof Practice / Pierre Bourdieu. - Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press, 1991. - 23
ISBN 0- 521- 29164 -X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000105/2011
115. ,MCNAIR ,Brian 1996
Mediated Sex / Brian McNair : Pornography & Postmodern Culture. - Londres :
Arnold, 1996. - 23
ISBN 0-340-61428-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000106/2011
116. ,MCNAIR ,Brian 2010
Espólio Nelson Traquina
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Journalists in Film / Brian McNair : Heroes and Vilains. - Edinburg : Edinburg
University Press, 2010. - 23
ISBN 978-0-7486-3447-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000107/2011
117. ,PROTESS ,David L. 1991
The Journalism of Outrage / David L. Protess : Investigative Reporting and
Agenda Building in America ; Fay Lomax Cook; Jack C. Doppelt; James S.
Ettema; Margaret T. Gordon; Donna R. Leff; Peter Miller. - New York : Guilford
Press, 1991. - 23
ISBN 0-89862-591-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000108/2011
118. ,HERTSGAARD ,Mark 1989
On Bended Knee / Mark Hertsgaard : The Press and the Reagan Presidency. Estados Unidos : Schocken Books Edition, 1989. - 23
ISBN 0-8052-0960-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000109/2011
119. ,HUMPHREYS ,Peter J. 1996
Mass Media and media policy in Western Europe / Peter J. Humphreys. Manchester : manchester University Press, 1996. - 22
ISBN 0-7190-3197-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000110/2011
120. ,KEEBLE ,Richard 2005
Print Journalism / Richard Keeble : A critical introduction. - Oxon : Routledge,
2005. - 25
ISBN 0-415-35882-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000111/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
121. ,BELSEY ,Andrew 1992
Ethical Issues in Journalism and the Media / Andrew Belsey ; Ruth Chadwick. Londres : Routledge, 1992. - 21
ISBN 0-415-06927-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000112/2011
122. ,BENETT ,W. Lance 1994
Taken by Storm / W. Lance Benett ; David L. Paletz : The Media, Public opinion,
and U.S. foreign policy in the Gulf War. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press,
ISBN 0-226-04259-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000113/2011
123. ,BENNETT ,W. Lance 1992
The Governing Crisis / W. Lance Benett : Media, Money, and Marketing in
American Elections. - New York : St. Martin´s Press, 1992. - 23
ISBN 0-312-06157-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000114/2011
124. ,BERKOWITZ ,Dan 1997
Social Meanings of News / Dan Berkowitz : A Text-Reader. - Londres : Sage
Publications, 1997
ISBN 0-7619-0076-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000115/2011
125. ,LEMERT ,James B. 1989
Criticizing the Media / James B. Lemert : Empirical Approaches. - Londres : Sage
Publications, 1989. - 21. - The Sage Commtext SEries. - Volume 21
ISBN 0-8039-2637-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000116/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
126. ,HESS ,Stephen 1981
The Washington Reporters / Stephen Hess. - Washington : Brookings Institution,
1981. - 23
ISBN 0-8157-3593-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000117/2011
127. ,HESS ,Stephen 1984
The Government/Press Connection / Stephen Hess : Press Officers and their
Offices. - Washington : The Brookings Institution, 1984. - 23
ISBN 0-8157-3595-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000118/2011
128. ,HOFSTETTER ,C, Richard 1976
Bias in the News / C. Richard Hofstetter : Network Television Coverage of the
1972 Election Campaign. - Estados Unidos : Ohio State University Press, 1976. 25
ISBN 0-8142-0268-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000119/2011
129. ,LAUTERER ,Jock 1995
Community Journalism / Jock Lauterer : The Personal Approach. - United States :
Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 1995. - 25
ISBN 0-8138-2309-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000120/2011
130. ,HOWARD ,Carole 1985
On Deadline / Carole Howard : Managing Media Relations ; Wilma Mathews. United States : Howard Mathews, 1985. - 23
ISBN 0-88133-345-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000121/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
131. ,HABERMAS ,Jurgen 1992
The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere / Jurgen Habermas : An
Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society. - United States : The MIT Press,
1992. - 23
ISBN 0-262-58108-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000122/2011
132. ,HESS ,Stephen 1991
Live From Capitol Hill! / Stephen Hess. - Washington : The Brookings Institution,
1991. - 23
ISBN 0-8157-3627-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000123/2011
133. ,ZELIZER ,Barbie 2008
Explorations in Communication and History / Barbie Zelizer. - New York :
Routledge, 2008. - 23
ISBN 978-0-415-77734-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000124/2011
134. ,VOYENNE ,Bernard 1985
Les Journalistes Français / Bernard Voyenne : D´où viennent-ils? Qui sont-ils?
Que font-ils?. - Paris : cfpj RETZ, 1985. - 22
ISBN 2-7256-1122-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000125/2011
135. ,UNDERWOOD ,Doug 1993
When Mbas Rule the Newsroom / Dopug Underwood : How the Marketers and
Managers are Reshaping Today´s Media. - New York : Columbia University
Press, 1993. - 23
ISBN 0-231-08049-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000126/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
136. ,KEANE ,John 1991
The Media and DEmocracy / John Keane. - United States : Polity Press, 1991
ISBN 0-7456-0804-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000127/2011
137. ,KATZ ,Elihu 2003
Canonic Texts in Media Research / Elihu Katz ; John Durham Peters; Tamar
Liebes; Avril Orloff : Are There Any? Should There Be? How About These?. United State : Polity, 2003. - 23
ISBN 0-7456-2934-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000128/2011
138. ,LEONARD ,Thomas C. 1986
The Power of the Press / Thomas C, Leonard : The Birth of American Political
Reporting. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1986. - 20
ISBN 0-7456-2934-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000129/2011
Compassion Fatigue / Susan D. Moeller : How the Media Sell Disease, Famine,
War and Death. - New York and London : Routledge, 1999. - 23
ISBN 0-415-92098-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000130/2011
140. ,KELLNER ,Douglas 1990
Television and the Crisis of Democracy / Douglas Kellner. - United States :
Westview Press, 1990. - 23
ISBN 0-8133-0549-7
CIMJLIV ( CIMJ) - 000131/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
141. ,NORRIS ,Pippa 2000
A Virtuous Circle / PIppa Norris : Political Communications in Postindustrial
Societies. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. - 23
ISBN 0 521 79364 5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000132/2011
142. ,LEE ,Martin A. 1990
Unreliable Sources / Martin A. Lee ; Norman Solomon : A Guide to Detecting Bias
in News Media. - New York : Lyle Stuart, 1990. - 23
ISBN 0-8184-0561-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000133/2011
143. ,SHOEMAKER ,Pamela J. 1989
Communication Campaigns About Drugs / Pamela J. Shoemaker : Government,
Media, and the Public. - Texas : Lawrence Eribaum Associates, 1989. - 24
ISBN 0-8058-0230-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000134/2011
144. ,SIEBERT ,Fred S. 1963
Four Theories of the Press / Fred S. Siebert : The Authoritarian, Libertarian,
Social responsability and Soviet Communist concepts of what the Press should
be and do ; Theodore Peterson; Wilbur Schramm. - United States : Illini Books,
1963. - 20
ISBN 0-252-72421-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000135/2011
145. ,VILLAFAÑÉ ,J. 1987
Fabricar Noticias / J. Villafañé : Las rutinas productivas en radio y televisión ; E.
Bustamante; E. Prado. - Barcelona : Editorial Mitre, 1987. - 21. - (Nuevos Signos)
ISBN 84-7652-027-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000136/2011
146. ,LOCHARD ,Guy 1998
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
La Communication médiatique / Guy Lochard ; Henri Boyer. - Paris : Mémo Seuil,
1998. - 18. - (Mémo)
ISBN 2-02-30867-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000137/2011
147. ,MORGAN ,David 1978
The Capitol Press Corps / David Morgan : Newsmen and the Governing of New
York State. - New York : Greenwood Press, 1978. - 21
ISBN 0-8371-9883-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000138/2011
148. ,MUELLER ,John 1994
Policy and Opinion in the Gulf War / John Mueller. - Chicago : University of
Chicago Press, 1994. - 23
ISBN 0-226-54565-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000139/2011
149. ,MORRIS-SUZUKI ,Tessa 2005
The Part Within US / Tessa Morris-Suzuki : media, memory, history. - London :
Verso, 2005
ISBN 1-85984-513-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000140/2011
Les journalistes, les médias et leurs sources / Direction de: Charron, Lemieux,
Sauvageau. - Québec : Gaëtan morin éditeur, 1991. - 23
ISBN 2-89105-362-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000141/2011
151. ,CORCORAN ,Farrel 1995
Democracy and Communication in the New Europe / Farrel Corcoran : Change
and Continuity in East and West. - Dublin : Hampton Press, 1995. - 23
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
ISBN 1-881303-89-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000142/2011
152. ,RICHSTAD ,Jim 1981
Crisis in International News / Jim Richstad : Policies and Prospects ; MIchael H.
Andewrson. - New York : Columbia University Press, 1981. - 23
ISBN 0-231-05255-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00143/2011
153. ,MARTIN ,Marc 1997
Médias et Journalistes de la République / Marc Martin. - Paris : Editions Odile
Jacob, 1997. - 24
ISBN 2-7381-0490-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00144/2011
154. ,MALTESE ,John Anthony 1994
Spin Control / John Antohony Maltese : The White House office of
communications and the management of presidential news. - 2ª edição, revista. United States : University of caronina Press, 1994. - 23
ISBN 0-8078-4452-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00145/2011
155. ,MCLAUGHLIN ,Greg 2002
The War Correspondent / Greg McLaughlin. - Londres : Pluto Press, 2002. - 22
ISBN 0-7453-1444-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00146/2011
156. ,CHRISTIANS ,Clifford 1993
Good News / Clifford G. Christians : Social Ethics & the Press ; John P. Ferré; P.
Mark Fackler. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1993. - 23
ISBN 0-19-508432-2
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00147/2011
157. ,MCMANUS ,John H. 1994
Market-Driven Journalism / John H. McManus : Let the citizen beware?. - Londres
: Sage Publications, 1994. - 23
ISBN 0-8039-5253-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00148/2011
158. ,MCNAIR ,Brian 2000
Journalism and Democracy / Brian McNair : An evaluation of the political public
sphere. - London : Routledge, 2000. - 23
ISBN 0-415-21280-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00149/2011
159. ,LICHTENBERG ,Judith 1993
Democracy and the Mass Media / Judith Lichtenberg. - Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press, 1990. - 23
ISBN 0-521-38817-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00150/2011
160. ,CARLSSON ,Ulla 1998
Children and Media Violence / Ula Carlsson ; Ceciklia von Feilitzen. - 1998 :
UNESCO, 1998. - 25
ISBN 91-630-6358-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00151/2011
161. ,CHAMPAGNE ,Patrick 1990
Le sens commun / Patrick Champagne : faire l´opinion le nouveau jeu politique. Paris : Les Éditions de Minuit, 1990. - 22
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00152/2011
162. ,COCKERELL ,Michael 1985
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
Sources close to the prime minister / MIchael Cockerell : Inside the hidden world
of the news manipulators ; Peter Hennessy & david Walker. - London : Papermac,
1985. - 22
ISBN 0-333-39199-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00153/2011
163. ,CORNER ,John 1997
International Media research / John Corner : A critical survey ; Philip Schlesinger
and Roger Silverstone. - Londres : Routledge, 1998. - 23
ISBN 0-415-18496-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00154/2011
164. ,MATTELART ,Armand 1996
A Mundialização da Comunicação / Armand Mattelart. - Instututo Piaget : Instituto
Piaget, 1996. - (Economia e POlítica, sob a direcção de António Oliveira Cruz)
ISBN 972-771-164-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00155/2011
165. ,MUMBY ,Dennis K. 1988
Communication and power in organizations: Discourse, ideology and domination /
Denis K. Mumby. - North Caronina : Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1988. - 23
ISBN 0-89391-480-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00156/2011
166. ,MEDINA ,Mercedes (Coord) 2010
Globalization and Pluralism / Mercedes Medina (Coord.) : Reshaping public TV in
Europe ; Teresa La Porte. - Odivelas : Media XXI, 2010. - 23. - (Media XXI)
ISBN 978-989-8143-38-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00157/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
167. ,SCHUDSON ,Michael 1998
The Good Citizen / Michael Schudson : A History of American Civic Life. - New
York : Free Press, 1998. - 23
ISBN 0-684-82729-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00158/2011
168. ,DEBRAY ,Régis 1993
L´´Etat Séducteur / Régis Debray : Les révolutions médiologiques du pouvoir. França : Gallimard, 1993. - 21
ISBN 2-07-073640-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00159/2011
169. ,UNGAR ,Sanford J. 1989
The Papers & the Papers / Sanford J. Ungar : An Account of the legal and political
battle over the Pentagon papers. - New York : Columbia University Press, 1989
ISBN 0-231-06949-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00160/2011
170. ,GOLD ,Philip 1987
Advertising Politics and American Culture / Philip Gold. - New York : Paragon
House Publishers, 1987. - 23
ISBN 0-913729-35-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00161/2011
171. ,NIMMO ,Dan 1990
Mediated Political Realities / Dan Nimmo ; James E. Coms. - 2º edição. - New
York : Longman, 1990. - 23
ISBN 0-8013-0220-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00162/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
172. ,CARBAUGH ,Donal 1996
Situating Selves / Donal Carbaugh : The Communication of Social Identities in
American Scenes. - New York : State University of New York Press, 1996. - 23. (Suny Series, Human Communication Processes)
ISBN 0-7914-2828-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00163/2011
173. ,MCNAIR ,Brian 2006
Cultural Chaos / Brian McNair : Journalism, news and power in a globalised word.
- London : Routledge, 2006. - 23
ISBN 0-415-33913-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00164/2011
174. ,LAMBETH ,Edmund B. 1998
Assessing public Journalism / Edmund B. Lambeth ; Philip E. Meyer and Esther
Thorson. - United States : Missouri, 2011. - 23
ISBN 0-8262-1158-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00165/2011
175. ,MINDICH ,David T. Z. 2005
Tuned Out / David T.Z. Mindich : Why Americans under 40 don´t follow the news.
- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005. - 23
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00166/2011
176. ,FLINK ,Stanley E. 1997
Sentinel under siege / Stanley R. Flink : The triumphs and troubles of America´s
free press. - United States : Westview Press, 1997. - 23
ISBN 0-8133-3345-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00167/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
177. ,FULLER ,Jack 1996
News Values / Jack Fuller : Ideas for an information age. - London : University of
Chicago Press, 1996. - 22cm
ISBN 0-226-26879-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00168/2011
178. ,FOWLER ,Roger 1991
Language in the News / Roger Fowler : Discourse and Ideology in the Press. - 1ª
edição. - London : Routledge, 1991. - 22cm
ISBN 0-415-01419-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00169/2011
179. FRIEDMAN ,Sharon M. 1986
Scientists and Journalists / Sharon M. Friedman ; Sharon Dunwoody, Carol L.
Rogers. - New York : AAAS, 1986. - 23cm
ISBN 0-87168-340-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00170/2011
180. ,AULETTA ,Ken 1992
Three Blind Mice / Ken Auletta : How the TV networks lost their way. - 1ª edição.
- New York : Vintage, 1992. - 21cm
ISBN 0-679-74135-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00171/2011
181. ,EPSTEIN ,Steven 1996
Impure Science / Steven Epstein : AIDS, Activism, and the Politics of Knowledge.
- London : California Press, 1996. - 23cm
ISBN 0-520-20333-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00172/2011
182. ,BLUMENTHAL ,Sidney 1980
The Permanent Campaign / Sidney Blumenthal : Inside the World of Elite Political
Operatives. - Toronto : Beacon Press, 1980. - 20cm
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
ISBN 0-8070-3208-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00173/2011
183. ,HENRY ,Rene A, 2000
You´d Better Have a Hose If You Want To Put Out the Fire / REne A. Henry. California : Gollywobbler Productions, 2000. - 23cm
ISBN 0-9674535-0-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00174/2011
184. ,FERENCZI ,Thomas 1993
L´invention du Journalisme en France / Thomas Ferenczi : Naissance de la
presse moderne à la fin du XIXeme siécle. - Paris : Plon, 2011. - 23cm
ISBN 2-259-02605-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00175/2011
185. ,EUROMEDIA, 1997
The Media in Western Europe / Euromedia Research Group. - 2ª edição. London : Sage Publications, 1997. - 23cm
ISBN 0-7619-5406-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00176/2011
186. ,MILLER ,David 1994
Don´t Mention the War / David Miller : Northern Ireland, Propaganda and the
Media. - 1ª edição. - London : Pluto Press, 1994. - 21cm
ISBN 0-7453-0836-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00177/2011
187. ,FALLOWS ,James 1986
Breaking the News / James Fallows. - New York : Pantheon Books, 1995. - 21cm
ISBN 0-679-44209-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00178/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
188. ,SOUSA ,Jorge Pedro 2000
Uma História Crítica do Fotojornalismo Ocidental / Jorge Pedro Sousa. Florianópolis : Editora Grifos, 2000. - 23cm
ISBN 85-85775-55-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00179/2011
189. ,CAREY ,James W.
Communication As Culture / James W. Carey. - New York : Routledge, 1992. 22cm. - (Media and Popular Culture : I)
ISBN 0-415-90725-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00180/2011
190. ,CHOMSKY ,Noam 2001
Nova Iorque 11 de Setembro / Noam Chomsky. - Lisboa : Caminho, 2001. 21cm
ISBN 972-21-1452-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00181/2011
191. ,WEAVER ,Paul H. 1994
News and the Culture of Lying / Paul H. Weaver. - Canada : The Free Press,
1994. - 23cm
ISBN 0-02-934021-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00182/2011
192. ,SCHLESINGER ,Philip 1994
Reporting Crime / Philip Schlesinger : The Media Politics of Criminal Justice ;
Howard Tumber. - New York : Oxford, 1994
ISBN 0-19-825839-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00183/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
193. ,BLUMLER ,Jay G. 1995
The Crisis of Public Communication / Jay G. Blumler ; Michael Gurevitch. London : Routledge, 1995. - 23cm
ISBN 0-415-10852-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00184/2011
194. ,CORNU ,Daniel 1994
Journalisme et vérité / Daniel Cornu. - Géneve : Labor et Fides, 1994. - 23cm
ISBN 2-8309-0748-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00185/2011
195. ,GLASSER ,Theodore 1995
Public Opinion and the Communication of Consent / Ed: Theodore L. Glasser ;
Charles T. Salmon. - London : Guilford Press, 1995. - 23cm
ISBN 0-89862-499-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00186/2011
196. ,GREIDER ,Willian 1992
Who Will tell the People / Willian Greider : The Betrayal of American Democracy.
- London : Touchstone, 1992. - 24cm
ISBN 0-671-86740-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00187/2011
197. ,BENSON ,Rodney 2005
Bourdieu and the Journalistic Field / Rodney Benson ; Erik Neveu. - Cambridge :
Polity Press, 2005. - 23cm
ISBN 0 7456 3387 0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00188/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
198. ,FRANKLIN ,Bob 1995
Packaging Politics / Bob Franklin : Political Communications in Britain´s Media
Democracy. - Grã-Bretanha : Edward Arnold, 1994. - 23cm
ISBN 0 340 55596 3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00189/2011
199. ,ALTHEIDE ,David L.
Terrorism and the Politics of Fear / David L. Altheide. - Lanham : AltaMira Press,
2006. - 23cm
ISBN 978-0-7591-0919-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00190/2011
200. ,BERGER ,Arthur Asa 1991
Media Research Techniques / Aethur Asa Berger. - London : Sage Publications,
1991. - 22cm
ISBN 0-8039-4180-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00191/2011
201. ,BROMLEY ,Michael 2001
No News is Bad News / Ed. MIchael Bromley : Radio, Television and the Public. England : Longman, 2001. - 24cm
ISBN 0-582-41833-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00192/2011
202. ,HERMAN ,Edward S. 1984
Demonstration Elections / Edward S. Herman ; Frank Brodhead : U.S. Staged
elections in the Dominicam Republic, Vietnam, and El salvador. - Boston : South
End Press, 1984. - 22cm
ISBN 0-89608-215-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00193/2011
203. ,WIMMER ,Roger D. 1987
Mass Media Research / Roger D. Wimmer : An Introduction ; Joseph R.
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
Dominick. - Belmont : Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1987. - 24cm. - 2ª edição
ISBN 0-534-06702-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00194/2011
204. ,SMITH ,Anthony 1980
Goodbye Gutenberg / Anthony Smith : The Newspaper Revolution of the 1980´s.
- New York : Oxford University Press, 1980. - 23cm
ISBN 0-19-502709-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00195/2011
205. ,NOELLE-NEUMANN ,Elisabeth 1993
The Spiral of Slilence / Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann : Public Opinion - Our Social
Skin. - 2ª edição. - Chicago : Chicago Press, 1993. - 22cm
ISBN 0-226-58936-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00196/2011
206. ,WATNEY ,Simon 1987
Policing Desire / Simon Watney : Pornography, AIDS and the Media. - 2ª edição.
- Minnesota : University of Minnesota Press, 1987. - 22cm
ISBN 0-8166-1826-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00197/2011
207. ,RATHER ,Dan 1975
The Palace Guard / Dan Rather ; Gary Paul Gates. - New York : Warner Books,
ISBN 0-446-79918-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00198/2011
208. ,WOLTON ,Dominique 1990
Éloge Du Grand Public / Dominique Wolton : Une Théorie critique de la
télévision. - França : Flammarions, 1990. - 18cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00199/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
209. ,WILLIAMS ,Kevin 2003
Understanding Media Theory / Kevin Williams. - London : Arnold, 2003. - 24cm
ISBN 0-340 71904 4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00200/2011
210. ,SPECTOR ,Malcolm 2001
Constructing Social Problems / Malcolm Spector ; John I. Kitsuse. - London :
Transaction Publishers, 2001. - 23cm
ISBN 0-7658-0716-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00201/2011
211. ,KURTZ ,Howard 1998
Spin Cycle / Howard Kurtz : How the White House and the Media Manipulate the
News. - New York : Touchstone, 1998. - 22cm
ISBN 0-684-85715-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00202/2011
212. ,GRILO ,Jose Mário
A Ordem no Cinema / José Mário Grilo : vozes e palavras de ordem no
estabelecimento do cinema em Hollywood. - Lisboa : Relógio D´Água Editores,
1997. - 21cm
ISBN 972-708-342-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00203/2011
213. ,FRIENDLY ,Fred W. 1968
Due To Circumstances Beyond Our Control... / Fred W. Friendly. - Toronto :
Vintage Books, 1969. - 19cm
ISBN 394-70409-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00204/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
214. ,FOUCAULT ,Michel 1990
Les mots et les choses / Michel Foucault. - França : Gallimard, 1990. - 19cm
ISBN 2-07-029335-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00205/2011
215. ,GANS ,Herbert J. 2003
Democracy and the News / Herbert J. Gans. - Oxford : Oxford, 2003. - 20cm
ISBN 0-19-517327-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00206/2011
216. ,GARFINKEL ,Harold 1989
Studies in Ethnomethodology / Harold Garfinkel. - New York : Polity Press, 1989.
- 22cm
ISBN 0-7456-0005-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00207/2011
217. ,WEAVER ,David H. 1981
Media Agenda-Setting in a Presidential Election / David H. Weaver : Issues,
Images, and Interes ; Doris A. Graber; Maxwell E. McCombs; Chaim H. Eyal. New York : Praeger Publishers, 1981. - 24cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00208/2011
218. ,LATTMAN-WELTMAN ,Fernando 1994
A Imprensa Faz e Desfaz um Presidente / Fernando Lattman-Weltman ; Plínio de
Abreu Ramos; José Alan Dias Carneiro : O papel da imprensa na ascensão e
queda do "fenômeno" Collor. - Rio de Janeiro : Editora Nova Fronteira, 1994. 21cm
ISBN 85-209-0566-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00209/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
219. ,HAMILTON ,James T. 2006
All the News That´s Fit to Sell / James T. Hamilton : How the Market Transforms
Information into News. - New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 2006. - 23cm ;
ISBN 0-691-12367-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00210/2011
220. ,HANNERZ ,Ulf 2004
Foreign News / Ulf Hannerz : Exploring the World of Foreign Correspondents. New York : Chicago Press, 2000. - 23cm
ISBN 0-226-31575-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00211/2011
221. ,GUREVITCH ,Michael 1982
Culture, Society and the Media / Michel Gurevitch ; Tony Bennett, James Curran,
Janet Woollacott. - Grâ Bretanha : Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1882
ISBN 0-415-02789-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00212/2011
222. ,HALL ,Stuart 1978
Policing the Crisis / Stuart Hall e outros : Mugging, the State, and Law and Order. - New York :
Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc, 1978. - 23cm
ISBN 0-8419-0361-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00213/2011
223. ,HAMELINK ,Cees J. 1988
Cultural Antonomy in Global Communications / Cees J. Hamelink. - London : Centre for the
Study of Communication and Culture, 1988. - 23cm
ISBN 0 9074994 02 1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00214/2011
224. ,CURRAN ,James 2002
Media and Power / James Curran. - New York : Routledge, 2002. - 23cm. - (Communication
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
and Society)
ISBN 0-415-07740-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00215/2011
225. ,TUMBER ,Howard 2004
Media at War / Howard Tumber ; Jerry Palmer : The Iraq Crisis. - London : Sage
Publications, 2004. - 23cm
ISBN 1 4129 0182 0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00126/2011
226. ,PALMER ,Nancy 2003
Terrorism, War, and the Press / Nancy Palmer, Editor. - Harvard University : Hollis
Publishing Company, 2003. - 24cm
ISBN 1-884186-21-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00127/2011
227. ,DAYAN ,Daniel 1992
Media Events / Daniel Dayan : The Live Broadcasting of History ; Elihu Katz. - London :
Harvard University Press, 1992. - 21cm
ISBN 0-674-55955-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00129/2011
228. ,VOLKMER ,Ingrid 1999
News in the Global Sphere / Ingrid Volkmer A Study of CNN and its Impact on Global
Communication. - Luton : University of Luton Press, 1999. - 24cm
ISBN 1 860020 554 2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00220/2011
229. ,ROBINSON ,Piers 2002
The CNN Effect / Piers Robinson The myth of news, foreign policy and intervention.
- London : Routledge, 2002. - 23cm
ISBN 0-415-25905-3
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00221/2011
230. ,LANGER ,John 1998
Tabloid Television / John Langer Popular Journalism and the "Other News". London : Routledge, 1998. - 23cm
ISBN 0-415 06637 9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00222/2011
231. ,DENNIS ,Everette E. 1991
Media Debates / Everette E. Dennis Issues in Mass Communication ; John C. Merrill. - 1991 :
Longman, 1991. - 23cm
ISBN 0-8013-0436-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00223/2011
232. ,GRAMSCI ,Antonio 1971
Prision NoteBooks / Antonio Gramsci. - London : Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey
Nowell Smith, 1971. - 20cm
ISBN 0-7178-0397-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00224/2011
233. ,MORY ,Pierre
La formation au Journalisme en Europe / Pierre Mory e outros. - Paris : CFPJ, 1991. - 26cm
ISBN 2-85900-054-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00225/2011
234. ,SCHUDSON ,Michael 1978
Discovering the News / Michael Schudson : A Social History of American Newspapers. - New
York : Basic Books, Inc.,, 1978. - 21cm
ISBN 0-465-01669-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00226/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
235. ,HARRINGTON ,Walt 1997
Intimate Journalism / Walt Harrington : The Art and Craft of Reporting Everyday
Life. - London : Sage Publications, 1997. - 23cm
ISBN 0-7619-0587-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00227/2011
236. ,GIDDENS ,Anthony
O Mundo na Era da Globalização / Anthony Giddens. - 3 edição. - Lisboa : Editorial Presença,
2011. - 23cm. - (Destaque 8)
ISBN 972-23-2573-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00228/2011
237. ,BENNETT ,W. Lance 1988
News / W. Lance Bennett : The Politics of Illusion. - 2ª edição. - London : Longman, 1988. 216p:23cm
ISBN 0-582-28664-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00229/2011
238. ,CURRAN ,James 1991
Power Without Responsibility / James Curran : The press and broadcasting in Britain ; Jean
Seaton. - 4ª edição. - London : Routledge, 1991. - 429p: 22cm
ISBN 0-415-06450-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00230/2011
239. ,MANHEIM ,Jarol B. 1991
All of the People all the Time / Jarol B. Manheim : Srategic Communication and
American Politics. - London : M. E. Sharpe, 1991. - 23cm
ISBN 0-87332-796-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00231/2011
240. ,HELM ,Lewis M.
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
Informing the People : A Public Affairs Handbook / Lewis M. Helm e outros. - Ed: Lewis M.
Helm e outros : Longman, 1981. - 25cm
ISBN 0-582-28200-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00232/2011
241. ,COTTERET ,Jean-Marie 1991
Gouverner c´est paraître / Jean-Marie Cotteret : Réflexions sur la communication politique. Paris : PUF, 1991. - 22cm
ISBN 2 13 044 269 2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00233/2011
242. ,KOUNALAKIS ,Markos 1999
Beyond Spin / Markos Kounalakis e outros : The Power of Strategic Corporate
Journalism. - Califórnia : Jossy-, 2011. - 24cm
ISBN 0-7879-4550-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00234/2011
243. ,ALTHEIDE ,David L. 1984
Creating Reality / David L. Altheide : How TV News Distorts events. - London : Sage
Publications, 20111984. - 7ª edição
ISBN 0-8039-0672-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00235/2011
244. ,COTTLE ,Simon 2003
News, Public Relatuions AND POWER / Simon Cottle. - London : Sage Publications,
2003. - 24cm. - (Media in Focus)
ISBN 0 7619 7496 2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00236/2011
245. ,HAFEZ ,Kai 2007
The Myth of Media Globalization / Kai Hafez. - : Polity Press, 2007. - 23cm
ISBN 978-07456-3909-3
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00237/2011
246. ,ALTSCHULL ,J. Herbert 1990
From Milton to Mcluhan / J. Herbert Altschull. - London : Longman, 1990. - 23cm
ISBN 0-582-28562-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00238/2011
247. ,PATTERSON ,Thomas E.
The Vanishing Voter / Thomas E. Patterson : Public Involvement in an Age of
Uncertainty. - New York : Knopf, 2011. - 24cm
ISBN 0-375-41406-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00239/2011
248. ,RUELLAN ,Denis
Le Professionnalisme du Flou / Denis Ruellan : Identité et savoir-faire des
journalistes français. - Grenoble : PUG, 1993. - 22cm. - (Communication, Médias et
ISBN 2 7061 0503 8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00240/2011
249. ,SABATO ,Larry J. 1993
Feeding Frenzy / Larry J. Sabato : How Attack Journalism Has Transformed
American Politics. - New York : Free Press, 1993. - 24cm
ISBN 0-02-927636-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00241/2011
250. ,SANFORD ,Bruce W. 1999
Don´t shoot the Messenger / Bruce W. Sanford : How Our Growing Hatred of the
Media Threatens Free Speech for All of Us. - New York : Free Press, 1999. - 24cm
ISBN 0-684-82813-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00242/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
251. ,TUNSTALL ,Jeremy 1970
Media Sociology / Jeremy Tunstall : A Reader. - London : Constable, 1970. - 22cm
ISBN 0 09456001 3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00243/2011
252. ,SCHUDSON ,Michael
Watergate In American Memory / MIchael Schudson : How We Remember, Forget,
and Reconstruct the Past. - Estados Unidos : Basic Books, 1992. - 20 cm
ISBN N-0-465-09083-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000244/2011
253. BLUMENTHAL Sidney
The Rise of the Counter Establishment / Sidney Blumenthal : From Conservative Ideology to
Political Power. - Estados Unidos : Harper & Row, 1988. - 20 cm
ISBN 0-06-097140-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000245/2011
254. ,BOORSTIN ,Daniel J.
The Image / Daniel J. Boorstin : A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America. - Estados
Unidos : Vintage Books, 1992. - 20 cm
ISBN 0-679-74180-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000246/2011
255. GANS, Helbert J.
Deciding What´s News / Herbert J. Gans : A studyStudy of CBS Evening News,
ewsweek, and Time. - Estados Unidos : Vintage Books, 1980. - 20 cm
ISBN 0-394-74354-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) – 000247/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
256. ,ROSENBLUM ,Mort
Who Stole the News? / Mort Rosenblum : Why we can´t keep up with what happens in the
world. - Estados Unidos : John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1993. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-471-58522-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000248/2011
257. ,GOODWIN ,Gene
Groping for Ethics in Journalism / Gene Goodwin ; Ron F. Smith. - 3ª Edição. - Estados
Unidos : Iowa State University Press, 1994. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8138-0847-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000249/2011
258. ,ROJO ,Alfonso 1991
Os Maus Rapazes de Bagdad / Alfonso Rojo : Diário de Guerra. - Lisboa : Editorial
Inquérito, 1991. - 21 cm
ISBN 972-670-129-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000250/2011
259. ,SCHNEIDERMANN ,Daniel 1999
Du journalisme après Bourdieu / Daniel Schneidermann. - France : Fayard, 1999. - 19 cm
ISBN 2-213-60398
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000251/2011
260. ,SCHUDSON ,Michael 2008
Why Democracies Need an Unlovable Press / Michael Schudson. - Inglaterra : Polity Press,
2008. - 21 cm
ISBN 978-0-7456-4453-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000252/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
261. ,ROSEN ,Jay
Getting the Connections Right / Jay Rosen : Public Journalism and the Troubles in
the Press. - Estados Unidos : Twentieth Century Fund, 1996. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-87078-385-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000253/2011
262. ,PEDELTY ,Mark
War Stories / Mark Pedelty : The Culture of Foreign Correspondents. - London : Routledge,
1995. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-415-91124-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000254/2011
263. ,MCNAIR ,Brian
News and Journalism in the UK / Brian McNair : A Textbook. - London : Routledge, 1994. - 22
ISBN 0-415-06023-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000255/2011
264. ,COTTLE ,Simon
Mediatized Conflict / Simon Cottle. - Inglaterra : Open University Press, 2011. - 23
cm. - (Cultural and Media Studies)
ISBN 978 0 335 21452 5
CIMLIV (CIMJ) - 000256/2011
265. ,GOLDSTEIN ,Tom
Killing the Messenger / Ed. Tom Goldstein : 100 Years of Media Criticism. - New York :
Columbia University Press, 1989. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-231-06603-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000257/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
266. ,ALWOOD ,Edward
Straight News / Edward Alwood : Gays, Lesbians, and the News Media. - New York :
Columbia University Press, 1996. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-231-08436-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000258/2011
267. ,HANNERZ ,Ulf
Foreign News / Ulf Hannerz : Exploring the World of Foreign Correspondents. London : University of Chicago Press, 2004. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-226-31575-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000259/2011
268. ,COULDRY ,Nick
Contesting Media Power / Ed. Nick Couldry and James Curran : Alternative Media in
a Networked World. - Estados Unidos : Rownan & Littlefield Publishers, 2003. - 25
cm. - (Critical Media Studies)
ISBN 0-7425-2385-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000260/2011
269. ,BARBER ,Benjamin
Strong Democracy / Benjamin Barber : Participatory Politics for a New Age. California : University of California Press, 1984. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-520-05616-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000261/2011
270. ,BURNS ,Lynette Sheridan
Understanding Journalism / Lynette Sheridan Burns. - London : Sage Publications,
2002. - 24 cm
ISBN 0 7619 7026 6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000262/2011
271. ,FERGUSON ,Marjorie
Public Communication / Ed. Marjorie Ferguson : The New Imperatives. - London : Sage
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
Publications, 1990. - 21 cm
ISBN 0-8039-8268-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000263/2011
272. ,MOERMAN ,Michael
Talking Culture / Michael Moerman : Ethnography and Conversation Analysis. Estados Unidos : upp University of Pensnnsylvania Press, 1988. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8122-1246-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000264/2011
Media in Global Context / Ed. Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi e outros. - London :
Arnold, 1997. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-340-67686-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000265/2011
274. ,BALDASTY ,Gerald J.
The Commercialization of News in the Nineteenth Century / Gerald J. Baldasty. Estados Unidos : University of Wisconsin Press, 1992. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-299-13404-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000266/2011
275. ,AUBENAS ,Florence
La fabrication de l´information / Florence Aubenas e outro : Les journalistes et
lídéologie de la communication. - Paris : La Découverte et Syros, 1999. - 19 cm
ISBN 2-7071-3112-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000267/2011
276. ,ETTEMA ,James S.
Custodians of Conscience / James S. Ettema and Theodore L. Glasser :
Investigative Journalism ans Public Virtue. - New York : Columbia University Press,
1998. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-231-10675-0
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000268/2011
277. ,POSTMAN ,Neil
How to Watch TV News / Neil Postman and Steve Powers. - Inglaterra : Penguin
Books, 1992. - 20 cm
ISBN 0 14 01 3231 7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000269/2011
278. ,POPPER ,Karl
Televisão: Um Perigo para a Democracia / Karl Popper, John Condry. - Lisboa : Gradiva,
1995. - 20 cm. - (Trajectos)
ISBN 972 662 407 X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000270/2011
279. ,BIRD ,Eileen Elizabeth
For Enquiring Minds / Eileen Elizabeth Bird : A Cultural Study of Supermarket
Tabloids. - Kmoxville : University of Tennessee Press, 1992. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-87049-729-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000271/2011
280. ,EDGERTON ,Gary R.
Television Histories / ED. Gary R. Edgerton and Peter C. Rollins : Shaping
Collective Memory in the Media Age. - Kentuchy : UNiversity Press of Kentucky,
2001. - 23cm
ISBN 0-8131-9056-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000272/2011
281. ,BALANDIER ,Georges 1992
Le Pouvoir sur Scènes / Georges Balandier. - Paris : Éditions Balland, 1992. - 22 cm. (Colection Fondements)
ISBN 2 7158 0960 3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000273/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
282. ,AULETTA ,Ken
The Highwaymen / Ken Auletta. - London : Harvest Book, 1998. - 20 cm
ISBN 0-15-600573-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000274/2011
283. ,BLUMLER ,Jay G.
Television and the Public Interest / Ed. Jay G. Blumler : Vulnerable Values in West European
Broadcasting. - London : Sage Publications, 1992. - 22 cm
ISBN 0-8039-8650-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000275/2011
284. ,BAGDIKIAN ,Ben H.
The Media Monopoly / Ben H. Bagdikian. - 3ª edição. - 2011. - 20 cm
ISBN 0-8070-6159-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000276/2011
285. ,LUHMANN ,Niklas
The Reality of the Mass Media / Niklas Luhmann. - California : Stanford University
Press, 2000. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8047-4077-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000277/2011
286. ,STEGER ,Manfred B.
Globalization / Manfred B. Steger : A Very Short Introduction. - Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 2003. - 17 cm
ISBN 0-19-280359 -X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000278/2011
287. ,SCHLESINGER ,Philip
Putting "reality" together / Philip Schlesinger : BBC news. - London : Methuen, 1987. - 22 cm
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
ISBN 0-416-90190-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000279/2011
288. ,GINNEKEN ,Jaap van
Understanding Global News / Jaap van Ginneken : A Critical Introduction. - London
: SAGE Publications, 1998. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-7619-5709-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00280/2011
289. ,TOMILINSON ,John
Cultural Imperialism / John Tomlinson. - Estados Unidos : Johs Hopkins University
Press, 1991. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8018-4250-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000281/2011
290. ,HALLIN ,Daniel C.
The "Uncensored War" / Daniel C. Hallin : The Media and Vietnam. - London :
Universityof California Press, 1989. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-520-06543-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000282/2011
291. ,HARTLEY ,John
Understanding News / John Hartley. - 2ª edição. - London : Methnen & Co, 1987. - 20 cm
ISBN 0-416-74550-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000283/2011
292. ,ALEXANDER ,Alison
Taking Sides / Ed. Alison Alexander e Jarice Hanson : Clashing Views on Controversial Issues
in Mass Media and Society. - 2ª edição. - Estados Unidos : The Dushkin Publishing Group,
2011. - 24 cm
ISBN 1-56134-120-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000284/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
293. ,ALGER ,Dean
Megamedia / Dean Alger : How Giant Corporations Dominate Mass Media, Distort
Competition, and Endanger Democracy. - New York : Rowman & Littefield
Publishers, Inc, 1998. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8476-8389-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000285/2011
294. ,HALIMI ,Serge
Les nouveaux chiens de garde / Serge Halimi. - Paris : Liber-Raisons D´Agir, 1997. - 17 cm
ISBN 2-912107-01-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000286/2011
295. ,BOURDIEU ,Pierre
Sur La télévision / Pierre Bourdieu : Suivi de L´emprise du journalisme. - Paris :
Liber - Raisons D´Agir, 1996. - 17 cm
ISBN 2-912107-00-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000287/2011
A Notícia / Maer de Fontcuberta : pistas para compreender o mundo. - Lisboa : Editorial
Notícias, 1999. - 23 cm. - (Media & Sociedade)
ISBN 972-46-0977-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000288/2011
297. ,FISHMAN ,Mark
Manufacturing the News / Mark Fishman. - Estados Unidos : University of Texas Press,
198823 cm
ISBN 0-292-75104-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000289/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
298. ,RAMPTON ,Sheldon
Weapons of Mass Deception / Sheldon Rampton & John Stauber : The Uses of
Propaganda in Bush´s War on Iraq. - New York : Tarcher/Penguin, 2003. - 21 cm
ISBN 1-58542-276-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000290/2011
299. ,FISKE ,John
Introduction to Communication Studies / John Fiske. - New York : Methuen, 1982. - 20 cm
ISBN 0-416-74570-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000291/2011
300. ,WHITE ,Theodore H.
The Making of the President 300. ,WHITE ,Theodore H.
The Making of the President 1960 / Theodore H. White. - 2ª edição. - New
York : Giant Cardinal, 2011. - 16 cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000292/2011
301., CHALABY ,Jean K.
Transnational Television Worldwide / Ed. Jean K. Chalaby : Towards a new media
order. - London : I.B. Tauris, 2005. - 22 cm
ISBN 1 85043 548 0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000293/2011
Memórias de um Ex-Morfinómano / Reporter X. - Porto : Editora Nova Critica, 1976. - 18 cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000294/2011
303. ,BERTRAND ,Claude-Jean
La Déontologie des Médias / Claude-Jean Bertrand : Que sais-je?. - Paris : Presses
UNiversitaires de France, 1997. - 18 cm
ISBN 2 13 048494 8
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000295/2011
304. ,FETTERMAN ,David M.
Ethnography Step by Step / David M. Fetterman. - London : Sage Publications, 1989. - 22 cm.
- (Applied Socxial Research Methods Series)
ISBN 0-8039-2891-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000296/2011
305. ,KESSEL ,Joseph
Marchés D´Esclaves / Joseph Kessel : suivi de L ´Irlande Révolutionnaire. - Paris : Union
Générale d´Éditions, 1984. - 18 cm. - (Série "Grands Reporters")
ISBN 2-264-00593-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000297/2011
306. ,ALBERT ,Pierre
Histoire de La Presse / P. Albert et F. Terrou : Que sais-je?. - 2ª edição. - Paris : Presses
Universitaires de FRance, 19074. - 18 cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000298/2011
307. ,MALEK ,Abbas
The Global Dynamics of News: / Ed. Abbas Malek and Anandam P. Kavoori :
Studies in International News Coverage and News Agendas. - Estados Unidos :
Ablex Publishing Corporation, 2000. - 23 cm
ISBN 1-56750-463-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000299/2011
308. ,FOUCAULT ,Michel
Discipline and Punish / Michel Foucault : The Birth of the Prison. - New York : Vintage Books,
1979. - 20 cm
ISBN 0-394-72767-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000300/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
309. ,PILOTTA ,J. Joseph
Science of Communication: Its Phenomenological Foundation / Joseph J. Pilotta;
Algis Mickunas. - : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1990. - 23 cm. - (Communication
Textbook series)
ISBN 0-8058-0401-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000301/2011
310. ,FINK ,Conrad C.
Media Ethics / Conrad C. Fink. - London : Allyn and Bacon, 1995. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-02-337753-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000302/2011
311. ,SILVIA ,Tony
Global News / Ed. Tony Silvia : Perspectives on the Information Age. - 2ª edição. Estados Unidos, 2011. - 22 cm
ISBN 0-8138-0256-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000303/2011
312. ,KALB ,Marvin
The Nixon / Marvin Kalb : Political Respectability, Russia, and the Press. - Chicago
: University of Chicago Press, 1994. - 22 cm
ISBN 0-226-42299-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000304/2011
313. ,WICKER ,Tom
On Press / Ton Wicker : A Top Reporter´s Life in, and Reflections on, American Journalism. 3ª edição. - New York : The Viking Press, 1978. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-670-52456-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000305/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
314. ,WOLTON ,Dominique
War Game / Dominique Wolton : L' information et la guerre. - Paris : Flammarion,
2011. - 22 cm
ISBN 2-08-0666371
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000306/2011
315. ,WOLTON ,Dominique
Penser la communication / Dominique Wolton. - Paris : Flammarion, 1997. - 24 cm
ISBN 2-08-067330-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000307/2011
316. YANKELOVICH ,Daniel
Coming to Public Judgment / Daniel Yankelovich : Makinh Democracy Work in a
Complex World. - New York : Syracuse University Press, 1991. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8156-0254-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000308/2011
317. ,ZELIZER ,Barbie
Covering the Body / Barbie Zelizer : The Kennedy Assassination, the Media, and the Shaping
of Collective Memory. - London : University of Chicago, 1992. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-226-97971-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000309/2011
318. ,EMERSON ,Robert M.
Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes / Robert M. Emerson; Rachel L. Fretz; Linda L.
Shaw. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1995. - 21 cm
ISBN 0-226-20681-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000310/2011
319. ,STRENTZ ,Helbert
News Reporters and News Sources / Helbert Strentz. - Estados Unidos : Iowa State University
Press, 1989. - 22 cm
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
ISBN 0-8138-1887
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000311/2011
320. ,COHEN ,Akiba A
Global Newsrooms, Local Audiences / Akiba A. Cohen e outros : A Study of the Eurovision
News Exchange. - London : John Libby & Company Ltd, 1996. - 24 cm
ISBN 0956-9057
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000312/2011
321. ,MEDITSCH ,Eduardo
Rádio e Pânico / Org. Eduardo Meditsch : A Guerra dos Mundos, 60 anos depois. Florianópolis : Editora Insular Ltda, 1998. - 23 cm
ISBN 85-85949-57-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000313/2011
322. ,CLAUSEN ,Lisbeth
Global News Production / Lisbeth Clausen. - Dinamarca : Copenhagen Business
School Press, 2003. - 23 cm
ISBN 87-630-0110-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000314/2011
323. ,COOK ,Timothy E.
Making Laws and Making News / Timothy E. Cook : Media Strategies in the U.S. House of
Representatives. - Washington : The Brookings Institution, 1989. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8157-1558-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000315/2011
324. ,ROBINSON ,John P.
The Main Source / John P. Robinson ; Mark R. Levy : Learning from Television News. London : SAGE Publications, 1886. - 22 cm. - (People and Communication)
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000316/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
325. ,SCHWARTZ ,Peter
The Art of the Long View / Peter Schwartz : PLanning for the Future in an Uncertain
World. - New York : Peter Schwartz, 1996. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-385-26732-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000317/2011
326. ,STONE ,Gerald
Examining Newspapers / Gerald Stone : What Research Reveals about America´s
Newspapers. - London : Sage Publications, 1987. - 22 cm. - (Sage CommText)
ISBN 0-8039-2953-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000318/2011
327. ,THOVERON ,Gabriel
Le troisième âge du quatrième pouvoir / Gabriel Thoveron : Où va la presse?. - Bruxelles :
Labor, 1999. - 22 cm. - (Collection Quartier Libre)
ISBN 2-8040-1432-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000319/2011
328. ,MATTELART ,Armand
Introdução aos Cultural Studies / Armand Mattelart; Érik Neveu. - Portugal : Porto
Editora, Ldª, 2006. - 21 cm. - (Comunicação)
ISBN 2-7071-3790-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000320/2011
329. ,ESQUENAZI ,Lean-Pierre
Sociologia dos Públicos / Jean-Pierre Esquenazi. - Paris : Porto Editora, 2003. - 21
cm. - (Comunicação)
ISBN 2-7071-3847-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000322/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
330. ,MCCOMBS ,Maxwell
Setting the Agenda / Maxwell Mccombs : The mass media and public opinion. Cambridge : Polity, 2011. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-7456-2313-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000321/2011
331. ,TUCHMAN ,G
La producciónh de la noticia / G. Tuchman : Estudio sobre la construcción de la realidad. New York : Editorial Gustavo Gili S.A., 1983. - 20 cm
ISBN 968-6085-73-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000323/2011
332. ,WOODROW ,Alain
Os Meios de Comunicação / Alain Woodrow : Quarto Poder ou Quinta Coluna?. - Lisboa :
Publicações D. Quixote, 1996. - 21 cm
ISBN 972-20-1345-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000324/2011
333. ,MCPHAIL ,Thomas L.
Global Communication / Thomas L. McPhail : Theories, Stakeholders, and Trends. 2ª edição. - United Kingdon : Blackwell Publishing, 2006. - 23 cm
ISBN 1-4051-3427-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000325/2011
334., BASSO, Keit H.
Portraits of “ The Whiteman” / H. Basso: Linguistic play and cultural symbols among
the Western Apache – New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1979 – 21cm
ISBN 0-521-29593-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) 000326/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
335. ,RIFFE ,Daniel
Analyzing Media Messages / Daniel Riffe; Stephen Lacy; Frederick G. Fico : Using
Quantitative Content Analysis in Research. - 2ª edição. - New Jersey : Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 2005. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8058-5298-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000327/2011
336. ,ALLAN ,Stuart
Environmental Risks and the Media / Ed. Stuart Allan; Barbara Adam; Cynthia
Carter. - London : Routledge, 2000. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-415-21446-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000328/2011
337. ,CZITROM ,Daniel J,
Media and the American Mind / Daniel J. Czitron. - Estados Unidos : University of
North Caronina Press, 1982. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8078-4107-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000329/2011
338. ,ARLEN ,Michael J.
Living Room War / Michael J. Arlen. - Estados Unidos : Penguin Books, Ltd, 1969. - 20 cm
ISBN 0 1400.6081 2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000330/2011
340. ,SPARROW ,Bartholomew H.
Uncertain Guardians / Bartholomew H. Sparrow : The News Media as a Political
Institution. - Estados Unidos : The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8018-6036-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000332/2011
341. ,WEISBERG ,Herbert
An Introduction to Survey Research, POlling, and Data Analysis / Helbert F. Weisberg e
outros. - 3ª edição. - London : SAGE Publications, 1996. - 23 cm
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000333/2011
342. ,TUNSTALL ,Jeremy
The media are American / Jeremy Tunstall : Anglo-American media in the world. - GrâBretanha : Constable, 2011. - 22 cm. - (Communication & Society series)
ISBN 0 09 461510 1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000334/2011
343. ,THUSSU ,Daya Kishan
Electronic Empires / Ed. Daya Kishan Thussu : Global Media and LOcal
Resistance. - Grâ Bretanha : Arnold, 1998. - 23 cm
ISBN 0 340 71896 X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000335/2011
344. ,TRISTANI-POTTEAUX ,Françoise
Les Journalistes scientifiques / Françoise Tristani-Potteaux : médiateurs des savoirs. Paris : Economica, 1997. - 20 cm
ISBN 2-7178-3457-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000336/2011
345. ,BERGER ,Arthur Asa
Media Analysis Techniques / Arthur Asa Berger. - London : SAGE Publications,
1991. - 22 cm
ISBN 0-8039-4362-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000337/2011
346. ,SCANNELL ,Paddy
Broadcast Talk / Ed. Paddy Scannell. - London : SAGE Publications, 1991. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8039-8375-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000338/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
347. ,PEDROSO ,Rosa Nívea
A construção do discurso de sedução em um jornal sensacionalista / Rosa Nívea
Pedroso. - São Paulo : Annablume editora, 2001. - 20 cm
ISBN 85-7419-201-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000339/2011
348. ,BLACK ,Jay
Doing Ethics in Journalism / Joe Black; Bob Steele; Ralph Barney : A Handbook with
Case Studies. - 2ª edição. - Estados Unidos : Allyn and Bacon, 1995. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-205-16042-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000340/2011
349. ,FOWLER ,Floyd J.
Survey Research Methods / Floyd J. Fowler, Jr. - London : SAGE Publications,
2002. - 22 cm. - (Applied Social Research Methods Series)
ISBN 0-7619-2191-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000341/2011
350. ,LOFFELHOLZ ,Martin
Global Journalism Research / Ed. Martin Loffelholz; David Weaver : Theories, Methods;
Findings, Future. - Estados Unidos : Blackwell, 2008. - 25 cm
ISBN 978-1-4051-5332-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000342/2011
351. ,BRETON ,Philippe
L´argumentation dans la communication / Philippe Breton. - Paris : La Découverte,
1996. - 18 cm
ISBN 2-7071-2623-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000343/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
352. , GOFFMAN, Erving
The Presentation of Self in Everday Life/Erving Goffman – London: Anchor Books,
1959 – 20cn
ISBN 0-385-09402-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000344/2011
António Rodrigues Sampaio / Jorge Pedro Sousa (coord) e outros : Jornalista (e) político no
Portugal oitocentista. - Covilhã : LabCom, 2011. - 21 cm
ISBN 978-989-654-065-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000345/2011
354. ,ALVES ,Dinid Manuel
No Fastifud da Barnadete / Dinis Manuel Alves. - Lousã : CML, 2011. - 21 cm
ISBN 972-95811-6-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000346/2011
356. ,MATHIEN ,Michel
Journalisme Études et Documents / Dir. Michel Mathien et Rémy Rieffel : L´identité
Profissionnelle des Journalistes Actes du colloque de Strasbourg 1994. - : Alphacom CUEJ,
1995. - 24 cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000347/2011
357. ,PROTESS ,David L.
Agenda Setting / Ed. David L. Protess; Maxwell McCombs : Readins on Media,
Public Opinion, and Policymaking. - New Jersey : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
1991. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8058-0841-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000348/2011
358. ,ALTHEIDE ,David L.
Qualitative Media Analysis / David L. Altheide. - London : SAGE Publications, 1996. - 22
ISBN 0-7619-0198-1
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000349/2011
359. ,BOGDAN ,Robert
Participant Observation ion Organizational Settings / Robert Bogdan. - New York :
Syracuse University, 1972. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-8156-8080-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000350/2011
360. ,SPRADLEY ,James P.
The Cultural Experience / James P*. Spradley; David W. Mccurdy : Ethnography in
Complex Society. - Illinois : Waveland Press, 1972. - 20 cm
ISBN 0-88133-349-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000351/2011
361. ,TRAQUINA ,Nelson
Big Show Media / Nelson Traquina : Viagem pelo mundo do audiovisual português. Lisboa : Editorial Notícias, 1997. - 23 cm. - (Media & Sociedade)
ISBN 972-46-0829-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000352/2011
362. ,VERÍSSIMO ,Helena Ângelo
Os jornalistas nos anos 30/40 / Helena Ângelo Veríssimo : Elite do Estado Novo. - Coimbra :
MinervaCoimbra, 2003. - 23 cm. - (Comunicação)
ISBN 972-789-070-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000353/2011
363. ,BAPTISTA ,Jacinto
Repórteres e Reportagens de Primeira Página / Jacinto Baptista; António Valdemar : I - 19011910. - : Impresse 4, 1990. - 21 cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000354/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
364. ,DAYAN ,Daniel
A História em Directo / Daniel Dayan; Elihu Katz : Os acontecimentos mediáticos na
televisão. - Coimbra : MinervaCoimbra, 1999. - 23 cm. - (Comunicação)
ISBN 972-8318-58-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000355/2011
365. ,BOUCHER ,Jean.Dominique
Le reportage écrit / Jean-Dominique Boucher. - Paris : Centre de formation et de
perfectionnement, 1993. - 18cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000356/2011
366. ,ANOKWA ,Kwadwo
International Communication / Ed. Kwadwo Anokwa : Concepts and Cases. - :
Thomson Learning, 2003. - 23 cm
ISBN 0-534-57519-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000357/2011
367. ,ANSOLABEHERE ,Stephen
The Media Game / Stephen Ansolabehere e outros : American Politics in the Television Age. New York : Macmillan Publishing Company, 1993. - 21 cm
ISBN 0-02-359965-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000358/2011
Monographie de la presse parisienne / Guy Hocquenghem. - Paris : J,E Hallier, 1981. - 21 cm
ISBN 2-286297-046-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000359/2011
369. ,SANTOS ,Rogério
A fonte não quis revelar / Rogério Santos : Um estudo sobre a produção das notícias. - Porto :
Campo das Letras, 2006. - 21 cm
ISBN 972-610-793-8
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000360/2011
370. ,SALOMÃO ,Mozahir
Jornalismo radiofônico e vinculação social / Mozahir Salomão. - São Paulo : Annablume
editora, 2003. - 20 cm
ISBN 85-7419-367-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000361/2011
371. ,SANTOS ,Rogério
Os Novos Media e o Espaço Público / Rogério Santos. - 1998 : Gradiva, 1998. - 20 cm. (Trajectos)
ISBN 972-662-584-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000362/2011
372. ,CARVALHO ,Alberto Arons
A censura à imprensa na época marcelista / Alberto Arons de Carvalho. - 2ª edição. - Coimbra
: MinervaCoimbra, 1999. - 23 cm
ISBN 972-8318-53-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000363/2011
373. A CENSURA À IMPRENSA (1820-1974)
A Censura à Imprensa (1820-1974) / Graça Franco. - Lisboa : Imprensa Nacional, 1993. 20 cm
ISBN 972-27-0570-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000364/2011
374. ,MILLER ,Edward
The Charlotte Project / Edward D. Milller : Helping citizens take back democracy. - Florida :
Poynter Institute for Media Studies, 1994. - 23 cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000365/2011
375. ,MESQUITA ,Mário
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
O 25 de Abril nos media internacionais / Org. Mário Mesquita; José Rebelo. - Porto :
Afrontamento, 1994. - 24 cm
ISBN 972-36-0328-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000366/2011
376. ,BACALHAU ,Mário
Atitudes, Opiniões e Comportamentos Políticos dos Portugueses: 1973:1993 / Mário
Bacalhau. - Lisboa : Linopazas, 1994. - 24 cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000367/2011
377. ,SAPERAS ,Enric
Os efeitos cognitivos da comunicação de massas / Enric Saperas. - Porto : Edições ASA,
1993. - 20 cm
ISBN 972-41-1134-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000368/2011
378. ,VALENTE ,Jose Carlos
Elementos para a História do Sindicalismo dos Jornalistas Portugueses (1834-1934) / Jose
Carlos Valente. - Loures : Etigrafe, Ldª, 1998. - 21 cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000369/2011
379. ,SANTOS ,Maria Emilia Brederode
Aprender com a Televisão O Segredo da Rua Sésamo / Maria Emilia Brederode Santos. Lisboa : Edições Asa, 1991. - 24 cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000370/2011
380. ,GAUNTLETT ,David
Making is Connecting / David Gauntlett : The social meaning of creativity, from DIY and
knitting to YouTube and Web 2.0. - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2011. - 21 cm - 286 p
ISBN 978-0-7456-5002-9
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000500/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
381. ,NIGHTINGALE ,Virginia
The Handbook of Media Audiences / Ed. Virginia Nightingale : Global Handbooks in Media
and Communication Research. - United Kingdon : Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2011. - 25 cm 540 p
ISBN 978-1-4051-8418-2
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000501/2011
382. ATTON ,Chris
Alternative Journalism / Chris Atton ; James F. Hamilton. - London : SAGE Publications, 2010
ISBN 978-1-4129-4703-9
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000503/2011
383. ,KOZINETS ,Robert
Netnography / Robert V. Kozinets : Doing Ethnographic Research Online. - London : SAGE
Publications, 2010. - 24Cm - 221 p
ISBN 978-1-84860-645-6
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000504/2011
384. ,VAN DIJK ,Teun A.
Discourse Studies / Ed. Teun A. Van Dijk : A Multidisciplinary introduction. - 2ª
edição. - Londres : SAGE Publications, 2011. - 23 cm - 414 pag
ISBN 978-1-84860-649-4
CIMJLIV- BIB (CIMJ) - 000505/2011
385. ,BROOKER ,Will
The Audience Studies Reader / Ed. Will Brooker ; Deborah Jermyh. - London : Routledge,
2011. - 25 cm- 347 pag
ISBN 978-0-415-25435-9
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000502/2011
386. ,GOGGIN ,Gerard
Global Mobile Media / Gerard Goggin. - London : Routledge, 2011. - 23 cm - 224 pag
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
ISBN 978-0-415-46918-0
CIMJLIV- BIB (CIMJ) - 000506/2011
387. ,KATZ ,James E.
Mobile Communication / James E. Katz. - London : Transaction Publishers, 2011. - 23 cm 323 pag
ISBN 978-1-4128-1468-3
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000507/2011
388. ,HINE ,Christine
Virtual Ethnography / Christine Hine. - London : SAGE Publications, 2011. - 23 cm 179 pag
ISBN 0 7619 5896 7
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000508/2011
389. ,FRANKLIN ,Bob
Key Concepts in Journalism / Bob Franklin e outros. - London : SAGE Publications, 2011. - 21
cm - 362 pag
ISBN 978-0-7619-4482-9
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000509/2011
390. ,DROTNER ,Kirsten
Children, Media and Culture / Kirsten Drotner ; Sonia Livingstone. - London : SAGE
Publications, 2011. - 25 cm - 537 pag
ISBN 978-1-4129-2832-8
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000510/2011
391. ,HARPER ,Richard H. R.
Texture / Richard H. R. Harper : Human Expression in the Age of Communications
Overload. - London : The Mit Press, 2011. - 20 cm - 303 pag
ISBN 978-0-262-08374-4
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000511/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
392. ,CHRISTIANS ,Clifford G.
Normative Theories of the Media / Clifford G. Christians e outros : Journalism in Democratic
Societies. - Estados Unidos : Illinois Press, 2009. - 24 cm - 275 pag
ISBN 978-0-252-07618-3
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000512/2011
393. ,BENNETT ,James
Television as Digital Media / Eds. James Bennett ; Niki Strange. - London : Duke University
Press, 2011. - 24cm - 390 pag
ISBN 978-0-8223-4910-5
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000513/2011
394. ,ZELIZER ,Barbie
The Changing Faces of Journalism / Barbie Zelizer. - GrÂ-Bretanha : Routledge, 2010. - 24
cm - 174 pags
ISBN 978-0-415-77825-1
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000514/2011
395. ,KOTLER ,Philip
Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations / Philip Kotler. - New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 20111975. 23 cm 436 pag
ISBN 0-13-556084-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000371/2011
396. ,MCCARTHY ,E. Jerome
Marketing Básico - Volume I / E. Jerome McCarthy : Uma Visão Gerencial. - 2ª edição. - io
de Janeiro : Zahar Editores, 2011. - 21 cm 651 pag
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000372/2011
397. ,MCCARTHY ,E. Jerome
Marketing Básico - Volume II / Jerome McCarthy : Uma Visão Gerencial. - 2ª edição. - Rio
de Janeiro : Zahar Editores, 2011. - 21 cm
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000373/2011
398. ,MATUSOW ,Barbara
The Evening Stars / Barbara Matusow : The Making of the Network News Anchor. - New
York : Ballantine Books, 2011. - 18 cm 368 pag
ISBN 0-345-31714-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000374/2011
399. ,CHARITY ,Arthur
Doing Public Journalism / Arthur Chariry. - New York : Guilford Press, 2011. - 23
cm 188 pags
ISBN 1-57230-030-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000375/2011
400. ,CROUSE ,Timothy
The Boys on the Bus / Timothy Crouse. - New York : Ballantine Press, 2011. - 18 cm 403 pag
ISBN 0-345-29338-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000376/2011
401. ,POSTMAN ,Neil
Amusing Ourselves to Death / Neil Postman : Public Discourse in the Age of Show
Business. - New York : Penguin Books, 2011. - 20 cm 184 pags
ISBN 0-14-009438-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000377/2011
402. ,PICARD ,Robert G.
Media Economics / Robert G. Picard : Concepts and Issues. - London : SAGE Publications,
2011. - 22 cm 136 pags. - (SAGE CommText Series)
ISBN 0-8039-3502-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000378/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
403. ,CARVALHO ,Alberto Arons
A Censura e as Leis de Imprensa / Alberto Arons de Carvalho. - Lisboa : Seara Nova, 2011. 18 cm 182 pags. - (Que País?)
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000379/2011
Proibição da TIME no regime fascista / Presidencia do Conselho de MInistros. - Lisboa, 2011.
- 21 cm 134 pags
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000380/2011
405. ,BONGRAND ,Michel
Le Marketing Politique / Michel Bongrand. - Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2011. 18 cm 125 pags
ISBN 2 13 039455 8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000381/2011
406. ,MARTIN ,Gérard
L´Imprimerie / Gérard Martin. - 4ª edição. - Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2011. 18 cm 128 pags
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000382/2011
407. ,GAILLARD ,Philippe
O Jornalismo / Philippe Gaillard. - França : Publicações Europa-América, 2011. - 18 cm 118
pags. - (Colecção Saber)
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000383/2011
408. ,DAVID ,Dominique
Le Marketing Politique / Dominique Davis e outros. - França : Presses Universitaires de
France, 2011. - 18 cm 126 pags
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000384/2011
409. ,ALBERT ,Pierre
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
La Presse / Pierre Albert. - França : Presses Universitaires de France, 2011. - 18 cm 125 pags
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000385/2011
410. BERTRAND ,Claude-Jean
Les Mass Media Aux États-Unis / Claude-Jean Bértrand. - França : Presses Universitaires de
France, 2011. - 18 cm 126 pags
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000386/2011
411. ,BERTRAND ,Claude-Jean
Les Médias Aux États-Unis / Claude-Jean Bertrand. - França : Presses Universitaires de
France, 2011. - 18 cm 126 pags
ISBN 2 13 037633 9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000387/2011
412. ,BASTOS ,Baptista
O Homem em Ponto / Baptista-Bastos. - 6ª Edição. - Lisboa : Relógio d´Água, 2011. - 21 cm 199 pags
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000388/2011
413. ,SIUNE ,Karen
Dynamics of Media Politics / Ed. Karen Siune : Broadcast and Electonic Media in
Western Europe ; Wolfgang Truetzschler. - London : SAGE Publications, 2011. - 22
cm 206 pags
ISBN 0-8039-8574-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000389/2011
414. ,YIN ,Robert K.
Case Study Research / Robert K. Yin : Design and Methods. - London : SAGE Publications,
2011. - 22 cm 160 pags
ISBN 0-8039-2058-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000390/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
415. ,ANDERSON ,David
Investigative Reportuing / David Anderson e outro. - Londres : Indiana University Press, 2011.
- 23 cm 307 Pags
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000391/2011
416. ,SEMPRINI ,Andrea
L Ínformation en Continu / Andrea Semprini France Info et CNN. - 2011. - 21 cm
221 pags. - (Médias Recherches)
ISBN 2-09-190164-4
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000392/2011
417. ,BROOKS ,Brian S.
News Reporting and Writing / Brian S. Brooks e outros. - New York : St. Martin´s Press, 2011.
- 24 cm 542 pags
ISBN 0-312-57202-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000393/2011
418. ,WEIDENFELD ,Werner
A Europa de A a Z / Werner Weidenfeld. - Luxemburgo : Serviço das Publicações Oficiais das
Comunidades Europeias, 2011. - 23 cm 288 pags
ISBN 92-827-9423-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000394/2011
Os Jornalistas e a lei de imprensa / Clube de Jornalistas. - Porto, 2011. - 18 cm
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000395/2011
Direito a informar / D. Conselho de Imprensa. - 2011. - 17 cm 24 pags
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000396/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
The Hanbook of Journalism Studies / Ed. Karin Wahl- Jorgensen e outro. - London :
Routledge, 2011. - 26 cm 446 pags
ISBN 978-0-8058-6343-7
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000515/2011
422. ,GAUNTLETT ,David
Creative Explorations / David Gauntlett New approaches to identidies and audiences. London : Routledge, 2011. - 24 cm 211 pags
ISBN 978-0-415-39659-2
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000516/2011
423. ,TURKLE ,Sherry
Alone Together / Sherry Turkle. - New York : Basic Books, 2011. - 24 cm 360 pags
ISBN 978-0-465-01021-9
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000517/2011
424. ,CURRAN ,James
Media and Society / Ed. James Curran. - 5ª edição. - New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2011.
- 24 cm 386 pags
ISBN 978-0-340-98445-1
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000518/2011
425. ,SEITER ,Ellen
Television and New Media Audiences / Ellen Seiter. - Oxford : Clarendon Press,
2011. - 24 cm 154 pags
ISBN 0-19-871141-7
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000519/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
426. ,RAMONET ,Ignacio
L´Explosion du journalisme / Ignacio Ramonet. - Paris : Galilée, 2011. - 22 cm 155
ISBN 978-2-7186-0835-8
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000520/2011
427. ,COULDRY ,Nick
Media Consumption and Public Engagement / NIck Couldry e outros - Rev.. - Grâ-Bretanha :
Palgrave , 2011. - 22 cm 248 pags
ISBN 978-0-230-24738-3
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 000397/2011
- 001458/2011
428. ,ERICSON ,Richard V,
Negotiating Control: A Study of News Sources / Richard V. Ericson e outros. - London :
University of Toronto Press, 2011. - 24 cm 428 pags
ISBN N-0-8020-6691-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000398/2011
429. ,ERICSON ,RIchard V.
Representing Order: Crime, Law, and Justice in the News Media / Richard V. Ericson e outros.
- London : University of Toronto Press, 2011. - 23 cm 383 pags
ISBN N-0-8020-6475-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000399/2011
430. ,HALLIN ,Daniel C.
We Keep America on Top of the World / Daniel C. Hallin. - London : Routledge,
2011. - 24 cm 187 pags
ISBN N-0-415-09143-8
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000400/2011
431. ,JEANNENEY ,Jean-Noel
Uma Historia da Comunicação Social / Jean-Noel Jeanneney. - Lisboa : Terramat, 2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
ISBN 972-710-149-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000401/2011
432. ,RITCHIE ,L. David
Communication Concepts 2 / L. David Ritchie Information. - London : SAGE
Publications, 2011. - 22 cm 75 pags
ISBN 0-8039-3905-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000402/2011
433. ,RODRIGUES ,Adriano Duarte
Dimensões Pragmáticas do Sentido / Adriano Duarte Rodrigues. - Lisboa : Cosmos, 2011. 23 cm 151 pags
ISBN 972-8081-95-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000403/2011
434. ,REEVES ,Richard
What The People Know / Richard Reeves Freedom and the Press. - London :
Harvard University Press, 2011. - 20 cm 149 pags
ISBN 0-674-61623-5
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000404/2011
435. ,EPSTEIN ,Edward Jay
News from Nowhere / Edward Jay Epstein Television and the News. - New York : Vintage
Books, 2011. - 19 cm 321 pags
ISBN 0-394-71998-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000405/2011
436. ,RIEFFEL ,Rémy
L´Elite Des Journalistes / Rémy Rieffel. - Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2011. - 22
cm 220 pags
ISBN 2 13 038696 2
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000406/2011
437. ,POPKIN ,Jeremy D.
Revolutionary News / Jeremy D. Popkin The Press in France. - London : Duke
University Press, 2011. - 23 cm 217 pags
ISBN 0-8223-0997-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000407/2011
438. ,HACHTEN ,William A.
The Troubles of Journalism / William A. Hachten. - London : Lawrence Erbaum
Associates, Publishers, 2011. - 24 cm 205 pags
ISBN 0-8058-3816-3
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000408/2011
439. ,ERICSON ,Richard V.
Visualizing Deviance: A Study of News Organization / Richard V. Ericson e outros. - London :
UIniversity Of Toronto Press, 2011
ISBN 0-8020-6640-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000409/2011
440. ,SANDERS ,Karen
Communicating Politics in the Twenty-First Century / Karen Sanders. - New York :
Palgrave macmillan, 2011. - 24 cm 269 pags
ISBN 0-230-00029-0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000410/2011
441. ,SHOEMAKER ,Pamela
Mediating the Message / Pamela J. Shoemaker e outra Theories of Influences on Mass
Media Content. - London : Longman, 2011. - 23 cm 233 pags
ISBN 0-8013-0307-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000411/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
442. ,QUINN ,Stephen
Knowledge Management in the Digital Newsroom / Stephen Quinn. - 2º. - London :
Focal Press, 2011. - 24 cm 196 pags
ISBN 0-240-51677-X
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000412/2011
443. ,QUINN ,Stephen
Online Newsgathering / Stephen Quinn e outro REsearch and Reporting for Journalism. London : Elsevier, 2011. - 24 cm 189 pags
ISBN 978-0-240-80851-2
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000413/2011
444. ,GAMSON ,William A.
What´s News / Willian A. Gamson A Game Simulation of TV News. - New York :
The Free Press, 2011. - 28 cm
ISBN 0-02-911200-1
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000414/2011
445. ,GANS ,Herbert J.
Deciding What´s News / Herbert J. Gans A Study of CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News,
Newsweek, and Timr. - Ney Work : Pantheon Books, 2011. - 23 cm 394 Pag
ISBN 0-394-50359-7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000415/2011
Columbine / Dave Cullen PLuralism, Complexity and DEmocracy. - Estados Unidos : Old
Street Publishing, 2012. - 20cm 417 pags
ISBN 978-1-906964-14-6
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000416/2011
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
447. ,NORRIS ,Pippa
Digital Divide / Pippa Norris : Civic Engagement, Infotrmation Poverty, and the
Internet Worldwide. - United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2012. - 17 cm
303 pag
ISBN 0 521 00223 0
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 000417/2011
448. ,FISCHER ,Claude S.
Still Connected / Claude S. Fischer : Family and friends in America since 1970. - Estados
Unidos : Russell Sage Foundation, 2012. - 23 cm 159 pg
ISBN 978-0-87154-332-5
CIMJLIV-BIB (CIMJ) - 00521/2012
449. ,GOUVÊA ,Guaracira
Pesquisas em Educação / Guaracira Gouvêa e outros. - Rio de Janeiro : Viveiros de Castro
Editora, Lda, 2012. - 23 cm
ISBN 978-85-7577-356-7
CIMJLIV- BIB (CIMJ) - 00522/2012
450. ALCEU
ALCEU. - Rio de Janeiro : Pontificia da Universidade Católica, 2012. - 23 cm 236 pag. (Revista da Comunicação, Cultura e Política V.11 - nº 22 Jan/Jun 2011)
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00523/2012
Alfabetizaciób mediática en contextos múltiples / Grupo Comunicar. - 2012. - (Comunicar)
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00524/2012
452. ,CUNHA ,Isabel Ferin
Análise dos Media / Isabel Ferin Cunha. - Coimbra : Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra,
ISBN 978 989 26 0155 7
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00525/2012
453. ,LOPES ,Maria Immacolata
Brazilian Research in Communication / Maria Immacolata Vassalo de Lopes e outros. - São
Paulo : Intercon, 2012
ISBN 85 88537-10-9
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00526/2012
454. ,DUARTE ,Rosália
A TElevisão pelo olhar das crianças / Rosália Duarte. - : Cortez Editora, 2012
ISBN 978 85 249 1428 7
CIMJLIV (CIMJ) - 00527/2012
Comunicação Midia e Consumo / Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM). - São
Paulo : ESPM, 2012. - Volume 9 número 25
ISBN 1806-4981
CIMJ (CIMJ) - 00528/2012
456. ,OROFINO Maria Isabel
Guia da Escola Cidadã / Maria Isabel Orofino. - : Cortez Editora, 2012
ISBN 85-249-1149-2
CIMJ (CIMJ) - 00529/2012
Comunicação Ibero-americana / Margarida Maria Krohling Kunsch e outros. - Escola de
Comunicaçãon e Artes : CONFIRBECOM, 2012
ISBN 978-85-7205-091-3
CIMJ (CIMJ) - 00530/2012
458. ,DELORME ,Maria Inês de Carvalho
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
Domingo é Dia de Felicidade / Maria Inês de Carvalho Delorme. - Rio de Janeiro : Editora
Multifoco, 2012
ISBN 978-85-66226-58-4
CIMJBIB (CIMJ) - 00531/2013
459. ,PONTE ,Cristina
Crianças & Media / Cristina Ponte : Pesquisa internacional e contexto português do século XIX
à actualidade. - Lisboa : Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2012
ISBN 978-972-671-298-5
CIMJBIB (CIMJ) - 00532/2013
460. ,MARCELINO ,Douglas Attila
Subversivos e Pornográficos / Douglas Attila Marcelino. - Rio de Janeiro : Ministerio da
Justiça - Arquivo Nacional, 2011
ISBN 978-85-60207-33-6
CIMJBIB (CIMJ) - 00533/2013
461. ,TEMER ,Ana Carolina Rocha Pessoa
Mulheres do Sol e da Lua / Ana Carolina Rocha Pessoa Temer e outros A Televisão e a
Mulher no Trabalho. - Brasil : ditora da PUC GOIAS, 2012. - 28
ISBN 978-85-7103-813-4
(CIMJ BIB) - 00534/2013 BIB
462. ,TUZZO ,Simone Antoniaci
Deslumbramento Colectivo / Simone Antoniaci Tuzzo. - Brasil : Annablume , 2004. - 21 - 238p
ISBN 85-7419-448-4
463. ,TEMER ,Ana Carolina Rocha Pessoa (Org.)
Mídia Cidadania & Poder / Ana Carolina Rocha Pessoa Temer (Org). - Brasil :
FACOMB/FUNAPE, 2011. - 21 - 176p
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011
ISBN 978-85-8083-023-1
464. ,FIGUEIREDO ,Livia Marques F. de
Célebre Sociedade / Lívia Marques F. de Figueiredo e outro. - Brasil : Kelps, 2011. - 21 -160p
ISBN 978-85-400-0309-5
CIMJ BIB (CIMJ) - 00537/2013
465. ,MATEUS ,Maria Helena Mira
Língua Portuguesa e Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento / Maria Helena Mira Mateus e
outra (org). - Brasil : Colibri e CIDAC, 2005. - 21, 211p
ISBN 972-772-571-6
CIMJ BIB (CIMJ) - 00538/2013
466. ,NAKANE ,Andrea Miranda
Turismo, Hotelaria e Eventos / Andrea Miranda Nakane e outros A Arte e a Técnica
Profissional do Setor. - Brasil : Editora Viena, 2013. - 287p
ISBN 978-85-371-0294-7
CIMJBIB (CIMJ) - 00539/2013
O Ralidades / Nucleo de Estudos em Historia Oral. - Brasil : NEHO, 2013. - Revista de História
CIMJBIB (CIMJ) - 00540/2013
Comunicação e representações no feminino. - Brasil, 2013. - (Comunicação, mídia e
CDU 659.1
CIMJBIB (CIMJ) - 00541/2013
Espólio Nelson Traquina
CIMJ- 2011

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