Ingles - Ken - 3 trim - Colégio Leonardo de Jundiaí


Ingles - Ken - 3 trim - Colégio Leonardo de Jundiaí
NOME __________________________________________________ No________ 3a SÉRIE ______
A compreensão do enunciado faz parte da questão. Não faça perguntas ao examinador.
A prova deve ser feita com caneta azul ou preta.
É terminantemente proibido o uso de corretor. Respostas com corretor serão anuladas.
Esta prova tem SETE questões dissertativas em QUATRO páginas.
a) __________________
b) ___________________
d) __________________
e) ___________________
a) __________________
b) ___________________
d) __________________
e) ___________________
a) __________________
b) ___________________
d) __________________
e) ___________________
c) ____________________
c) ____________________
c) ____________________
b) ______________________________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________________________
a) __________________
b) ___________________
d) __________________
e) ___________________
c) ____________________
1. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense:
a) If I have the money, I ................................................................... (buy) a new car next year.
b) If you want to go to the theatre tomorrow, I ................................................................... (buy) the tickets.
c) They ................................................................... (not say) anything if I didn't ask them to.
d) I would help you if I ................................................................... (can) understand French.
e) Peter would be very happy if he ................................................................... (be) a movie star.
2. Fill in the correct TAG
a) You can sing well, ________ ?
b) John doesn't study here, __________?
c) I knew I would be a scientist, ____________?
d) Let s go to a disco,_____________?
e) I am your friend, ________________?
3. Complete as orações a seguir com todos os Pronomes Relativos e indique omissão:
a) The girl __________ I have kissed is my girlfriend.
b) He saw the man __________ you talked with at the party.
c) The book __________ you're thinking about buying is too expensive.
d) The child broke the vase in __________ you put the flowers.
e) This is the man __________ the police is looking for
4. Rewrite each sentence using the correct form of positive degree of the adjective that corresponds to the
italicized noun.
a) The well and the pool are not the same depth.
b) Airport clocks should have the same accuracy as pilots’ watches.
Change the following sentences into the affirmative form and use the comparative of inferiority of the
c) The glass didn’t look so cup as the box.
d) Hellen’s sickness doesn’t seem to be so serious as Peter’s.
Note: Leia os textos apresentados e responda às questões referentes a eles.
Quando não indicado, a resposta deverá ser no mesmo idioma que o da pergunta.
É proibido qualquer tipo de consulta.
With countless options and all the freedom I'll ever need, comes the pressure to find the perfect life.
Since graduation, we've struggled to make our own happiness. It seems that having so many choices has sometimes
overwhelmed us. (…) Like so many women my age, I remain unmarried at an age when my mother already had children.
She may have had the opportunity to go to college, but she was expected to marry soon after.
While my friends and I still feel the pressure to marry and have children, we've gained a few post college
years of socially accepted freedom that our mothers never had.
The years between college and marriage are in many ways far more self-defining than any others. They're
filled with the simplest, yet most complex, decisions in life: choosing a city, picking a career, finding friends
and a mate – in sum, building a happy and satisfying life. For me and for my group of friends, these years have
been eye-opening, confusing and fabulous at the same time.
The more choices you have, the more decisions you must make – and the more you have yourself to blame if you
wind up unhappy. There is a kind of perverted contentedness in certainty born of a lack of alternatives. At my
age, my mother, whether she liked it or not, had fewer tough decisions to make. I don't envy the pressure she
endured to follow a traditional career path and marry early. But sometimes I envy the stability she had.
(adapted from Newsweek Magazine - December 06, 2004 issue)
Contentedness - Contentamento
a lack of - a falta de
endured – suportaram
5. a) Descreva o narrador do trecho acima.
b) Explique a seguinte frase extraída do texto: ―The more choices you have, the more decisions you must make
– and the more you have yourself to blame if you wind up unhappy‖.
6. Copy from the text(in English) expressions that are closest in meaning to:
a) Durante o tempo que, quando, ao mesmo tempo, _____________
b) Se esforçar muito para fazer ou alcançar alguma coisa que é difícil _____________
c) Ter um efeito emocional muito forte em alguém _____________
d) Expressão usada para introduzir duas possibilidades que não podem ser ambas verdadeiras ____________
e) A deficiência ou ausência de algo necessário ou desejável _____________
We’re addicted to data, and new inventions like Twitter and the phone will make it worse. The service called
Twitter enables you to broadcast to the world at large, via the Web or phone or instant message, very
small pieces of personal information: what you’re doing, what you’re going to do, what you have just done, and so
on. Twitter creates a unit of content even smaller and more trivial than the individual entry.
Internet addiction is an old story, a new kind of problem that might be called an addiction to data, in all its
many and splendid forms. A case in point: I take the subway to and from work, and shortly before I get home;
my train emerges from underground, back into the world of sunlight and cell-phone reception. As it does, all
the people on the train perform the same gesture in unison. We dip into our bags, briefcases, purses and
pockets for whatever mobile digital device we carry. This is the behavior not of enlightened digital consumers
but of addicts caught in an epidemic.
But we need a broader term like ―data addiction‖ to explain the strong desire for digital stimulation that
contemporary technology is creating in us. When it’s not coming – in through my eyes, digital information is
taking over my ears via my iPod Mini. It hardly needs to be said that this problem doesn’t damage lives with the
ferocity of alcohol or narcotics, but we have yet to take data seriously as a controlled substance.
Here are three reasons the problem of data addiction is about to get much worse. One, mobile devices are
getting better. The iPhone will be sold very soon, and – the new category of ultramini PCs is threatening to
make computers as portable as cell phones. Two, wi-fi is becoming present everywhere. Dozens of cities and
towns in the United States already have it. Within 10 years, most of urban and suburban America will be
offering in free wi-fi service. Airlines are expected to fire up in-flight Wi-Fi in the next 12 months. And three,
Internet CEOs have become obsessed with making – cell-phone versions of everything we used to get on our
desk-tops. You can already get Google and YouTube and Citybank on your phone. Now that you can Twitter from
your phone, there’s no longer any reason to lookup at the world around you.
Services like Twitter don’t answer existing needs; they create new ones. They create a sense that our loved
ones are electronically present to us, however far away – they may be. But I can’t help wondering if we’re
underestimating the counterbalance effect: the cost we’re paying in our disconnection from our immediate
surroundings, in our dependence on a continuous flow of electronic attention to support our egos and, above all,
in a rising inability to be alone with our own thoughts — with that priceless stream of analog data that comes
not from without but from within.
GROSSMAN, Lev. The Hyperconnected. Time, Amsterdam, v. 168, n. 16, April 16, 2007. p. 36-7. Adaptado.
―addicted‖— viciados.
―data‖— dados.
―dip‖— mergulhamos.
―device‖— dispositivos, recursos.
―wi-fi‖ (wirelesess fidelity)— fidelidade sem fio.
―CEOs‖ (Chief Executive Officers)— executivos.
―wondering‖— imaginando.
―stream‖— corrente, fluxo.
7. A) Explique como o autor, Lev Grossmann, define o termo dependência de dados " e dê sua opinião sobre pelo
menos dois dos efeitos de ser hiper-conectado.
b) Resumir as três razões invocadas pelo autor, que contribuirá para agravar o problema de dependência a
tecnologia de informação.

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