João Nuno Moreira Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology


João Nuno Moreira Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology!
João Nuno Moreira!
Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology!
Faculty of Pharmacy!
University of Coimbra!
TREAT U is a spin-off from the University of Coimbra/CNC, Portugal.!
TREAT U was founded in 2010 and started activity in 2012.!
University of Coimbra Biocant Park Funding from Ministry of Economy FDA approved Pharmaceu1cal Company Venture Capital JN Moreira 2015 DRUG DELIVERY PLATAFORM!
We have developed a safe, fast and efficient drug delivery platform to
target the tumor microenvironment:!
towards !
Breast cancer!
Lung cancer!
  Triple negative!
  Pleomorphic!
  Metastatic breast cancer!
  Adenocarcinoma!
JN Moreira 2015 PEGASEMP™: novel mechanism of drug delivery!
(hCps:// JN Moreira 2015 PEGASEMP™: proof of concept!
(Orthotopic animal model)!
•  Faster tumor accumulation (just within 4 h after IV)!
Suppression of tumor invasiveness!
•  Tumor uptake 4–fold higher than the control!
•  50% reduction of the viable peripheral area;!
•  More evident signs of extensive cell death at the periphery
of the tumor;!
•  75% decrease in microvascular density within the tumor.!
JN Moreira 2015 Intellectual Property!
USA EUROPE US Patent granted in 2012!
(Ref 8,231,895)!
Applicant: University of Coimbra, CNC!
US Patent Divisional granted in 2013!
(Ref 8,529,944)!
Applicant: University of Coimbra, CNC!
US Patent Divisional granted in 2014!
(Ref 8,741,338)!
Applicant: University of Coimbra, CNC!
PCT filed!
Patent under examination!
JN Moreira 2015 •  Compe11ve advantage; •  Technology roadmap and development… • …for more informa1on, contact João Nuno Moreira ( JN Moreira 2015 Acknowledgments h"p:// • Vera Moura, PhD • Nuno Fonseca • Ana Gregório • Ângela Fernandes • Ana Cruz • Sofia Romano • Mariangela Natale • Rui Lopes, PhD • Marta Pereira, MD • Susana Cecílio • Rute Araújo • Adriana Santos • Lígia Silva • Luís Bimbo • Carla Gomes • Luís Rocha • Sarah Pagliaro • Vanessa Monteiro CNC/UC Sérgio Simões Luís Almeida Group of Vectors and Gene Therapy Portuguese Ins2tute of Oncology (Coimbra) Paulo Figueiredo, MD Manuela Lacerda, MD Ins2tute of Anatomical and Molecular Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital of Coimbra Lina Carvalho, MD The Team
Sérgio Simões
PharmD, MSc, PhD
João Nuno Moreira
PharmD, MSc, PhD
Chairman, Co-Founder
Scientific Advisor, Co-Founder
Vice President of Bluepharma
Co-founder of 3 spin-offs
Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy
Principal Investigator at CNC, University of Coimbra
Vera Dantas Moura
Luís Almeida
PharmD, PhD
M.D., PhD
CEO, Co-Founder
Scientific Advisor
Investigator at University of Coimbra
CEO of Luzitin, SA
Former Head of Clinical Research at Bial
Co-founder and CEO of Blueclinical, Lda
Amílcar Falcão
Tony Cruz
PharmD, PhD
M.D., PhD
Scientific Advisor
Business Advisor
Vice-rector at University of Coimbra
CEO of Transition Therapeutics
Co-Founder, Vice-President and Director at
Angiotech Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Consultant for biotechnology companies and
investment firms
Portugal Capital Ventures –
Sociedade de Capital de Risco, S.A.
Bluepharma – Indústria Farmacêutica, S.A.

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