
north collins
Support Larson Elementary at our
Sptrtt iln$nE BBtr ffiu*ra drmts ffir
Wednesd dy, April 27,
When:4-8 p.m.
Where: Chick-fiI-A at
1505 North Collins
Arlington TX 76011
Cowte av\A stappoyl ot^v school. Eatl atl Chick*Sl-A ,tI Novlh
Collins q\A Dvop )ohv veceipl in lhe Latr56q Elevtenlatvy
fl porlioot oQ )ohv check will be Aov\aleA batck lo otav
lhro,^gh lhe prive-lhvra, give )ohv veceigl
school. l* goirrg
lo lhe catshiev lo phl i\ lhe box.
Chick-fil-A at 1505 North Collins St.
Arlington, TX 7601'l
2016 CFA Properties, lnc.

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