Valentine`s Day


Valentine`s Day
Valentine’s Day
Mariana Ferrer (´16)
This holiday´s most likely originated from the Ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia. Nobody
actually knows who Saint Valentine actually was, but the church registered that he was thrown into
In 496, Pope Celasius decided to establish February 14th as the official day to honor St.
The Valentine holiday ended up together with the holiday of Lupercalia. Now it is called
Valentine´s Day. On this day, people show their affection and love towards other people.
While in Brazil, Valentine’s Day is celebrated on June 12th, in Canada, Italy and in the U.S.A as
well as at OLM it is celebrated on February 14th. It´s not as big of a holiday in Brazil as it is in the
U.S.A. Pharmacies and supermarkets are filled with cards. In the U.S.A, Valentine’s Day is the
second most celebrated holiday falling short after Christmas.
The cupid is the symbol of Valentine’s Day because he was the son of Venus who is the Roman
goddess of love and beauty.
Valentine’s Day can also be enjoyed with friends by exchanging cards. It is not necessarily a
holiday only for people in love, but it is also celebrated by friends as well. Among adults, this holiday
is more complex than just cards. The cards are just a small token that is attached to presents,
flowers or chocolate.
The site says that there were two Valentines: one of them was a priest
while the other was more interested in wars than in his own family.
At OLM, the middle and high school celebrate with paper hearts to give to your loved one. In
pre-school and elementary, they celebrate it by coming in pink or red to school. In one way or
another, people always find a way to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
"Abençoados os que possuem amigos, os que os têm sem pedir.
Porque amigo não se pede, não se compra, nem se vende.
Amigo a gente sente!
Benditos os que sofrem por amigos, os que falam com o olhar.
Porque amigo não se cala, não questiona, nem se rende.
Amigo a gente entende!
Benditos os que guardam amigos, os que entregam o ombro pra chorar.
Porque amigo sofre e chora.
Amigo não tem hora pra consolar!
Benditos sejam os amigos que acreditam na tua verdade ou te apontam a realidade.
Porque amigo é a direção.
Amigo é a base quando falta o chão!
Benditos sejam todos os amigos de raízes, verdadeiros.
Porque amigos são herdeiros da real sagacidade.
Ter amigos é a melhor cumplicidade!
Há pessoas que choram por saber que as rosas têm espinho,
Há outras que sorriem por saber que os espinhos têm rosas!"
Machado de Assis