Todos os tds 6º Ano-2009


Todos os tds 6º Ano-2009
Centro Educacional C.C.G.
Aluno (a): ____________________________________________________________________________
Disciplina: Inglês
Professor: Amanda Melo
Turma: 6° Ano ________
Data da Entrega: ____ / ____ / 2009
VALE: 2,0 pontos
NOTA: __________
1° Trabalho Dirigido – 1° Bimestre
1. Os diálogos são feitos entre duas
ou mais pessoas, é usado para trocar
informações, tirar dúvidas, matar a
saudade de um amigo, entre outras
coisas. Observe o diálogo abaixo e
responda às perguntas.
Tim: How are you, Tom?
Tom: I am fine, thanks. And you?
Tim: I am fine, too.
Tom: Who is he? What is his name?
Tim: He is Mike. He is a friend of mine.
Tom: Hi, Mike. How are you?
Mike: I’m fine.
Tom: How old are you?
Mike: I am twelve years old. And you?
Tom: I am thirteen.
Tim: We have to go Tom. Good bye!
Tom: Good bye!
a. How is Tom?
b. Who is Tim’s friend?
c. How old is Mike?
d. How old is Tom?
e. Are Tim and Mike friends?
2. Retire do diálogo acima cinco
orações que contêm verbo to be.
3. Passe as cinco orações que você
colocou na questão número dois para
a forma negativa e interrogativa.
4. Complete as frases com o verbo to
be adequado.
a. I __ the best guide here!
b. It __ a tall giraffe.
c. Bob __ a good student.
d. Doris __ the new personal trainer.
e. You __ my favorite teacher.
6. Complete as orações abaixo no
Present Continuous tense, usando os
verbos entre parênteses.
a. The girls ___ (read) the stories.
b. The boy __ (help) the old lady.
c. Those men __ (give) sandwiches to the
d. What __ you __ (write)?
e. What __ she __ (do)?
7. Coloque as orações na ordem
a. playing / Jéssica / tennis / is
b. is / dancing / John / samba
c. are / they / studying / English
d. eating / is / she / pizza
e. Jack / teaching / Portuguese / is
8. Passe as orações abaixo para a
forma negativa e interrogativa.
a. This is a red book.
b. These are big houses.
c. Those are my friends.
d. That is an elephant.
e. This is my sister.
9.Complete as orações com os artigos
indefinidos (a / an)
Tim is __ teacher.
She is __ excellent student.
I am __ good student.
He is __ important person.
It’s __ beautiful rabbit.
10. Escreva os nomes dos objetos abaixo.
Centro Educacional C.C.G.
Aluno (a): ____________________________________________________________________________
Disciplina: Inglês
Professor: Amanda Melo
Turma: 6° Ano ________
Data da Entrega: ____ / ____ / 2009
VALE: 1,0 ponto
NOTA: __________
2° Trabalho Dirigido – 2° Bimestre
1.Leia o diálogo abaixo
Victor: Hi! I’m Victor. I’m a new
Agora responda as perguntas, de acordo com o
Secretary: Hi, Victor! You’re from
Brazil, right?
a. Who is the new student?
b. Who is talking with Victor?
Victor: Yes, I am.
c. Where is he from?
Secretary: Here’s your ID card.
Is she Stella?
d. Who are Victor’s sisters?
Victor: No, her name is Deborah.
e. What are the girls’ names?
Secretary: Oh, sorry! Your ID
Stella and Deborah: Thank you!
4. Coloque as sentenças em ordem.
2. Responda às perguntas.
a)Who is playing tennis? (the boy)
b)Who is planting a tree? (Ted)
c)Who is drinking water? (Bob)
d)Who is singing a son?(Fafa)
a) is / He / a soccer player
b) an actor /He’s
c) a student / is / Philip
d) She / from / Brazil / is
e) Smith / is / name / My last
e)Who is eating banana? (Jane)
5.Escreva as sentenças no plural,
3. Complete com a ou an.
a) Betty is_actress.
b) I am _doctor.
c) He is _ football player.
d) You are_ actor.
e) She is … engineer.
a) There’s a dog behind the house.
b) There is a duck in the pond.
c) There’s a boy in the swimming pool.
d) There’s a strawberry in the box.
e) There is a pineapple under the table.
Centro Educacional C.C.G.
Aluno (a): ____________________________________________________________________________
VALE: 1,0 ponto
Disciplina: Inglês
Professor: Amanda Melo
Turma: 6° Ano ________
Data da Entrega: ____ / ____ / 2009
NOTA: __________
3° Trabalho Dirigido – 2° Bimestre
1) Leia o texto e encontre as palavras
abaixo em Inglês.
4) Complete as sentenças com as palavras
do quadro.
This is my class. Miss Morgan is
my English teacher. She is a very
good teacher. Miss Morgan is
pretty woman. Gosh! The class is
a mess! Miss Morgan is angry
with the schoolboys. My ruler is
in that basket under the table
but my notebooks and pencils
are on my desk. Helen is behind
me. She is my best friend. Andy
is my boyfriend. He’s terrific!
his ● her ● its ● our ● their
a. Mr. Nelson is a married man. Who’s __
b. Mrs. Day is a married woman. Who’s __
c. This is number seven. What’s __
d. These are numbers two and three.
What are __ triples?
a. Bagunça b. Melhor c. Ele é incrível d. Senhorita e. Amigo -
e. We are from Roraima. The capital of __
state is Boa Vista.
5) Complete com in ou on.
a. My birthday is □ September.
2) Retire do texto o que se pede:
b. It’s not □ October.
a. Um pronome demonstrativo
b. Um pronome possessivo
c. Dois adjetivos
d.Um verbo to be
e. Uma preposição
c. His birthday is □ December 13th.
d. Their birthday is □ January.
e. It’s □
3) Faça perguntas para as respostas
usando Where.
a. We are from Italy.
b. I’m from Japan.
c. They are from Peru.
d. He is from Brazil.
e. She is from India.
January 3rd.
Centro Educacional C.C.G.
Aluno (a): ____________________________________________________________________________
Disciplina: Inglês
Professor: Amanda Melo
Turma: 6° Ano ________
Data da Entrega: ____ / ____ / 2009
VALE: 1,0 ponto
NOTA: __________
4° Trabalho Dirigido – 3° Bimestre
Hello Gertrude!
I am 16 years old. That’s me in the photo. I am a student like you! I live with family
and I like them very much. I have a little sister. She sometimes gets on my nerves,
but I like her too.
It’s my brother who is sometimes horrible, but I think I like him. My grandmother
also lives with us. What about you? Tell me about your family too. Please write to
me soon!
Yours, Fabiane
1) Responda às perguntas de acordo com
o texto.
a. How old is Fabiane?
b. How many brothers and sisters does
she have?
c. Who lives with her?
d. Does she like her brother and sister?
4) Complete com os meses que estão
2) Leia o texto novamente e retire o que
se pede.
a. Three object pronouns.
b. Two adjectives.
3. Reescrevas as orações retirando as
palavras em negrito e substituindo pelo
pronome adequado.
Ex: Helena went to the beach with her
She went to the beach with
a. My friend and I protect our skin.
b. The Sun stimulates blood circulation.
c. Joey and Peter are sending Sue and
me their photos.
d. The teacher wrote the exercises to
help you and me.
5) Escreva as datas por extenso:
Ex: 22/2– the twenty- second of
a) 3/12 – b) 19/1 – c) 8/11 – d) 5/8 –
Centro Educacional C.C.G.
Aluno (a): ____________________________________________________________________________
Disciplina: Inglês
Professor: Amanda Melo
Turma: 6° Ano ________
Data da Entrega: ____ / ____ / 2009
VALE: 1,0 ponto
NOTA: __________
5° Trabalho Dirigido – 3° Bimestre
1. Leia o texto atentamente.
“I am at a party. It’s a birthday
party. Julie is ten today. I am with my
family, the Taylors, at the party. Dora,
Elvis, Steve, Sam, Pat, Monica and
Suzie are here, too. We are drinking
coke and eating cakes. Sam is playing
the piano and Miss Liza Foster, the
teacher, is playing the guitar. It is a
beautiful party.”
Vocabulário : party = festa,
birthday = aniversário, today =
hoje, with = com,
here = aqui,
too = também ,
cake = bolo
3) Complete com in ou on:
a) It’s....the 25th of December.
b) It’s usually...April.
c) It starts...the 1st of January.
d) It’s...Monday.
4) Use there is ou there are para
completar as orações abaixo.
a) ___ a beautiful house near here.
b) ___ two dogs in front of him.
c) ___ many girls in this classroom.
d) ___ one single piece of cake on the
Agora, responda as perguntas de acordo
com o texto, em Português.
a. Onde está o narrador do texto?
b. Quantos anos Júlia está fazendo hoje?
c. O que eles estão fazendo?
d. O que Sam e Liza estão fazendo?
2) Observe as figuras e escreva a estação
do ano que representa cada uma delas:
5) Observe as figuras e escreva C para
Countable e U para Uncountable.
Centro Educacional C.C.G.
Aluno (a): ____________________________________________________________________________
Disciplina: Inglês
Professor: Amanda Melo
Turma: 6° Ano ________
Data da Entrega: ____ / ____ / 2009
VALE: 2,0 pontos
NOTA: __________
6° Trabalho Dirigido – 4° Bimestre
Leia o texto abaixo.
My name is Fred. I am a student at
Santa Monica School. I am fifteen years
old. I have one brother. His name is
Daniel. He is eighteen. We like surfing
and reggae. My mother is Mary and my
father is Ricky. They are thirty-two years
I love them!!!
Fred Roberts.
1. No texto acima, Fred conta um pouco da sua
vida dando suas informações pessoais. Agora,
escreva um texto similar a respeito de você
mesmo (a), em Inglês.
(Mínimo 3 linhas)
2. Reescreva as orações abaixo usando He ou
She como sujeito.
a. You travel on a sailboat.
b. You work a lot in the boat.
c. You clean the boat.
d. You have a lot of time.
3. Passe as orações a seguir para a forma
Negativa e Interrogativa.
a. The boat travels very slowly.
b. You visit an island.
c. Sheila dances very well.
d. They watch TV every night.
4. Responda às perguntas abaixo de acordo
com as figuras e as palavras entre parênteses.
a. Who is she? (the teacher)
b. Who is he? (Bob)
c. Who is he? ( my brother)
d. Who is she? (my sister)
afirmativa (A) ou negativa (N)
a. Do you play squash?
b. Do they go to school?
c. Does he wear a sweater? (N)
d. Does she make coffee?
6.Escreva perguntas para as respostas, use Do
ou Does.
a. ____________? Yes, I drink coffee.
b. ____________? Yes, she rides a bike.
c. ____________? Yes, they play basketball.
d. ___________? Yes, he uses the computer.
7.Leia as respostas e faça perguntas usando
what ou who.
a. _____________ are you buying?
I am buying a new car.
b. _____________ are you phoning?
I am phoning Monica.
c. _____________ lives in this house?
Jack lives in this house.
d. ____________ is happening?
Something strange is happening.
8. Reescreva as frases usando os advérbios
entre parênteses.
a. I eat hot dogs. (always)
b. She plays hockey. (usually)
c. They drink milkshake. (sometimes)
d. We use the computer. (never)
9. Responda as perguntas pessoais abaixo, em
a. Can you speak Portuguese?
b. Can your mother use the computer?
c. Can your father dance samba?
d. Can you play soccer?
10. Passe para a forma Negativa e
a. Max can dance rock very well.
b. Jessica and Peter can get up early.
c. I can cook a delicious fish.
d. We can go home.