Feb 11 to Feb 21st, 2014 bulletin
5TH. SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME /5º DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM MASSES FOR THE WEEK / MISSAS DA SEMANA February 11 – 14 de Janeiro, 2014 6TH. SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME/6º DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM MASSES FOR THE WEEK / MISSAS DA SEMANA February 18 – 21 de Fevereiro, 2014 Terça-feira, 11 de Fevereiro – 7:00 pm Fernando Marques, Filha, Pais e Irmãos – M. Marques Manuel Raposo Teves – M. Teves João Fernandes – Nazália Medeiros Manuel Luiz de Brum – Maria Brum Terça-feira, 18 de Fevereiro – 7:00 pm Adriano Simões – John e Marissa Marques Emília da Conceição Almeida – Maria dos Santos Rebelo Pais de Rosa Barbosa Adelaide e João Branco – Irmãs Wednesday, February 12 – 7:00 pm Maria da Silva – Donna Jarvis Fátima Gonçalves – 1st. Communion Catechists Manuel Soares & Family – Zulmira Soares João Fernandes - Family Wednesday, February 19 – 7:00 pm Adriano Simões & in Thanksgiving –Ilusinda Simões Maria da Silva – Donna Jarvis Quinta-feira, 20 de Fevereiro – 7:00 pm Manuel Branco e Familiares – Esmeralda Branco Maria Pacheco – M. Do Rosário da Silva Carlos Benevides – M. Do Rosário da Silva Carlos Figueiredo – MFC /grupo de Arlete Mendonça Quinta-feira, 13 de Fevereiro – 7:00 pm David José de Sousa – Esposa Décio Frada, e Pe. Marcelino – M. Frada Álvaro Almeida – Esposa Acção de Graças a Nª Sra. De Fátima – Lurdes Pacheco Friday, February 21 – 9:30 am Adriano Simões – John & Marissa Marques John Ferreira – M. Albertina, Manuel + Daniel Bulhões Maria da Silva – Donna Jarvis Friday, February 14 - 9:30 am (Valentine’s Day) Maria de Deus de Melo – Husband Ernesto R. Silva – Dolores L. Silva Sábado/ Saturday, February 22, 2014 6:00 pm – Missa em Português Sábado/ Saturday, February 15, 2014 6:00 pm – Missa em Português Domingo/ Sunday, February 23, 2014 9:00 am – Missa em Português 11:00 am – English Mass Domingo / Sunday, February 16, 2014 9:00 am – Missa em Português 11:00 am – English Mass READINGS SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Sirach 15: 15-20 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2: 6-10 Gospel: Matthew 5: 17, 20-24, 27-28, 33-34, 37+++ SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Leviticus 19: 1-2, 17-18 Second Reading 1 Corinthians 3: 16-23 Gospel: Matthew 5: 38-48 SACRAMENTS -2014 Confirmation Sunday June 8th @ 2:00pm Parent Meeting: Wed. Feb 5th@7:00pm Classes begin: Feb 18th First Communion Sunday April 27th @ 2:00pm Parent Meeting: Wed. Feb 12th@7:00pm Classes begin: Feb 22, (10:30am-12:00pm) Note: Information and forms for Registry are found by the table next to the elevator ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (Volunteers! We need YOU!) Holy Cross parishioners thank you for your generosity towards St. Vincent de Paul every 2nd weekend of the month. Who gives to the poor, lends to the Lord! Holy Cross SVDP conference R.C.I.A. Keep in your prayers our Catechumen candidates Laura Sheppard, Shari Sutherland, Kendra King, Tashay Hanso, Neeta Sooklall, Nicole Conforzi, and Steven Robinson as they journey into being received in full communion to the Catholic faith. CWL- (Meetings every 2nd Tuesday of the month!) Next meeting Tuesday Feb. 11th @ 1:00pm in the meeting room, ladies please try to attend. REMINDER (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament) First Friday of every month starts with English Mass at 9:30 am and concludes with Benediction and Portuguese Mass at 7:00 pm. OFFERTORY COLLECTION /COLECTA DO OFERTÓRIO Nossa Gratidão para os que contribuem para a vida desta Comunidade de Fé! Thanking all who financially contribute with our Community of faith! January 25 – 26 de Janeiro …….………………………….…………………$2,465.00 February 1 – 2 de Fevereiro…..………………………………………………$2,275.00 Building Fund (February)…..……………………………………………….…$1,197.00 Christmas donations…………………………………………………………….$390.00 New years donations……………………………………………………………$195.00 Initial Envelope…………………………………………………………….…….$1,085.00 Direct deposit for February……………………………………………………$2,852.00 Candles/Velas donations………………………………………………………$402.00 FUNDRAISER FOR OUR PARISH (March 1 & 2) Elephant ears (Malassadas) will be on sale after all masses March 1 & 2 Please come out and support this event, by purchasing them and sharing them with your family. Donated ingredients such as flour, eggs, sugar, oil etc… can be left at the office or in the church. DIOCESE OF LONDON -Information funds raised (Philippines) The Diocese of London is pleased to announce that parishes across Southwestern Ontario raised a total of $380,742.76 for the Philippines typhoon relief. This entire amount is eligible to be matched by the Government of Canada. This contribution ranked the diocese sixth in Canada, behind Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and Ottawa. The funds raised by dioceses across Canada (more than $10 million) were forwarded to the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, which partners with local agencies in affected regions. Thank you to everyone who donated generously. MANY THANKS (St. Jude Youth Center, Brazil) On Behalf of the young people from the Social Service of St. Jude in Brazil. Fr. Luiz Caputo and André Botelho would like to thank the Parish of Holy Cross for their friendship, dedication, prayers and support through donations, for the under privileged children and youth of Brazil. As we say good bye at this time we would like to extend a special thank you to Fr. Luiz Carlos for the trust and opportunity given to us. See you all in 2015! Once again our sincere thank you… May God bless all of you! Baby Jesus kissing-----------------------------------------------$1,603.00 Envelopes/ collection -------------------------------------------$5,690.00 Elephant ears-----------------------------------------------------$3,285.10 Fish Fry------------------------------------------------------------$613.00 For more information visit our website: www.servicosocialsaojudas.org.br Have you considered “Pre-Authorized Monthly Offertory Deductions”? Holy Cross Parish has an Automatic Bank deduction program to make your regular donations to the Parish easier for you. Your offertory donation may be made by authorizing a monthly deduction from your bank account. You will never again need to worry about forgetting your envelope, and your regular support of the Church will be automatic. If you wish to take advantage of this program, please call Margaret at the Parish office 519-455-4740 Thank you for your continued support! FAMILY DAY – February 17, 2014 (A Prayer for Families) Heavenly Father, Please shine your light upon my family. Give us strength to overcome all of the difficulties that we are dealing with now and protect us against any and all problems we may encounter in the future. O Lord, please bring us together as we are meant to be. May the love that binds us only grow stronger as we fulfill the destiny you have laid out for us. Grant my family forgiveness for any sins we have committed. May we also forgive one another Lord, as it is sometimes difficult to do. Bless us Lord, In your name I pray, Amen Happy Family day to you and your family! Enjoy your time together! DIOCESE DE LONDON – Informação (Vítimas do Tufão das Filipinas) A Diocese de London tem o prazer de anunciar que as paróquias do sudoeste do Ontário conseguiram angariar o total de $ 380,742.76 para as vítimas do tufão das Filipinas. Este valor total é elegível para ser igualado pelo Governo do Canadá. Esta contribuição ficou classificada como a sexta nas dioceses do Canadá, atrás de Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary e Ottawa. Os recursos captados pelas dioceses em todo o Canadá (mais de $ 10 milhões) foram enviadas à Organização Católica Canadiana para o Desenvolvimento da Paz, que tem parceria com agências locais nas regiões afetadas. Obrigado a todos os que doaram generosamente. Deus vos abençoe! AGRADECIMENTO (Serviço Social São Judas Tadeu) Pe. Luiz Caputo e André Botelho em nome dos jovens do serviço social de São Judas Tadeu, agradecem com carinho a todos os Paroquianos da Holy Cross, o apoio, dedicação donativos e orações pelo trabalho realizado no Brasil. A todos, o abraço amigo nesse momento de despedida. Ao Padre Luiz Carlos um agradecimento igualmente especial pela confiança e oportunidade de realização do Retiro e outros momentos de formação. Até breve e a esperança de nos vermos em 2015. Um sincero Obrigado a todos, que Deus os abençoe. Beijar do menino------------------------- --------------------------------$1603.00 Envelopes/ colecta--------------------------------------------------------$5690.00 Malassadas-----------------------------------------------------------------$3285.10 Porção dos lucros (peixe frito) ------------------------------------------$613.00 Para mais informações visite o website: www.servicosocialsaojudas.org.br FUNDOS PARA A IGREJA (1 & 2 de Março) O grupo das MALASSADAS está organizar mais um fim-de-semana de venda desta culinária para angariar fundos para a igreja. Será após as missas, nos dias 1 & 2 de Março. Pedimos a vossa colaboração com donativos para os ingredientes, tais como: farinha, óleo, ovos, açúcar etc. Estes donativos podem ser entregues no escritório da paróquia ou à D. Amélia Frada.
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