Bookchart - Algarve History Association


Bookchart - Algarve History Association
1 The Lines of Torres Vedras 1809-11
2 Bravery Sacrifice Freedom
3 Vimeiro 1808 Wellesley's first victory in the Peninsular
4 Bussaco 1810 Wellington defeats Napoleon's Marshals
5 Fuentes de Oñoro 1811 Wellington's liberation of Portugal
6 The portuguese army of the Napoleonic wars (1)
7 1809 La Batalla de Talavera
8 Corunna
9 Salamanca 1812 Companheiros de Honra
10 Salamanca 1812 Companheiros de Honra
11 Conquista do Algarve 1189-1249 O Segundo Reino
12 Chaul e Diu 1508 e 1509 O Domínio do Índico
13 Conquista de Goa 1510-1512 Campanhas de Afonso de
Albuquerque Volume 1
14 Ormuz 1507 e 1622 Conquista e Perda
15 Cerco do Porto 1832-33 A Cidade Invicta
16 Conquista de Madrid 1706 Portugal faz aclamar Rei de
Espanha o Arquiduque Carlos de Habsburgo
17 Guerra Fantástica 1762 Portugal, o Conde de Lippe e a
Guerra dos Sete Anos
18 Guiné 1968 e 1973 Soldados uma vez, sempre soldados!
19 Moçambique 1970 Operação Nó Górdio
20 La Lys 1918 Os Soldados Desconhecidos
Fletcher, Ian
Chartrand, René
Chartrand, René
Chartrand, René
Chartrand, René
Hibbert, Christopher
Henriques, Mendo Castro
Henriques, Mendo Castro
Henriques, António Castro
Pissarra, José Virgílio Amaro
Costa, João; Rodrigues, Vitor
Year of
2003 Local History/Torres Vedras
2010 History/England
2001 History/Portugal Empire
2001 History/Portugal Empire
2002 History/Portugal Empire
2000 History/Portugal Empire
2009 History (comics)
1996 History/Spain
2006 History/Portugal Empire
2006 History/Portugal Empire
2003 Local History/Algarve
2002 History/Portugal Empire
2008 History/Portugal Empire
Couto, Dejanirah; Loureiro, Rui
Martelo, David
Borges; João Vieira
2009 History/Portugal Empire
2001 Local History/Porto
2003 History/Portugal Empire
Barrento, António
2006 History/Portugal Empire
Vaz, Nuno Mira
Gomes, Carlos de Matos
Henriques, Mendo; Leitão,
2003 History/Portugal Empire
2002 History/Portugal Empire
2001 History/WW1
21 Invasão do Norte 1809 A Campanha do General Silveira
contra o Marechal Soult
22 Linhas de Elvas 1659 Prova de Força
23 Ceuta 1415 A Conquista
24 Campanhas do Prior do Crato 1580 - 1589 Entre Reis e
Corsários pelo Trono de Portugal
25 Reconquista da Bahia 1625 Portugueses e Espanhóis na
defesa do Brasil
26 Campanhas Navais 1793 - 1807 Volume 1 - A Armada e a
Europa A Marinha Portuguesa na Época de Napoleão
27 Campanhas Navais 1807 - 1823 Volume 2 - A Armada e o
Brasil A Marinha Portuguesa na Época de Napoleão
28 Moçambique 1895 A Campanha de Todos os Heróis
29 Cuamatos 1907 Os Bravos de Mufilo no Sul de Angola
30 Invencível Armada 1588 A Participação Portuguesa
31 Aljubarrota 1385 A Batalha Real
32 Olivença 1801 Portugal em Guerra do Guadiana ao
33 Montes Claros 1665 A Vitória Decisiva
34 Aljubarrota 1385 A Batalha Real
35 Lord Beresford and Bristish Intervention in Portugal 1807 1820
36 Years of Victory 1802 - 1812
Year of
Azeredo, Carlos de
2004 History/Portugal Empire
Duarte, António Paulo David
Santos, José Loureiro dos
Vaz, João Pedro
2003 History/Portugal Empire
2002 History/Portugal Empire
2004 History/Portugal Empire
Nuñez, José Maria Blanco
2006 History/Portugal Empire
Pereira, José Rodrigues
2005 History/Portugal Empire
Pereira, José Rodrigues
2005 History/Portugal Empire
Telo, António José
Regalado, Jaime Ferreira
Salgado, Augusto; Vaz, João Pedro
Monteiro, João Gouveia
Amaral, Manuel
2004 History/Portugal Empire
2004 History/Portugal Empire
2002 History/Portugal Empire
2003 History/Portugal Empire
2004 History/Portugal Empire
Santo, Gabriel Espírito
Monteiro, João Gouveia
Newitt, Malyn; Robson, Martin
2005 History/Portugal Empire
2003 History/Portugal Empire
2004 History/Portugal Empire
Bryant, Arthur
1975 World history
37 Wellington The Years of The Sword
38 O Algarve e as Invasões Francesas
39 Wellington's Peninsular Victories
40 Wellington Pillar of State
41 Daniel Hoghton - Hero of Albuera
42 The Spanish Ulcer - A History of the Peninsular War
43 Albuera - Wellington's Fourth Peninsular Campaign, 1811
44 British Strategy in the Napoleonic war 1803 - 15
45 Rifles
46 Years of Victory 1802-1812
47 The Years of Endurance 1793 - 1802
49 The Years of Endurance 1793 - 1802
50 A Very Slippery Fellow - The life of Sir Robert Wilson 1777 1849
51 Legacy of Glory - The Bonaparte Kingdom of Spain
52 The Age of Elegance
53 Napoleon Bonaparte - England's Prisoner
54 The Prisoners of Cabrera - Napoleon's Forgotten Soldiers
1809 - 1814
55 Napoleon and his Marshals (Prion Lost Treasures)
56 Talavera - Wellington's first victory in Spain
57 The Wars of Napoleon
58 Junot's Invasion of Portugal 1807-1808
Longford, Elizabeth
Cor INF Silva, Nuno
Glover, Michael
Longford, Elizabeth
Panikkar, Margaret
Gates, David
Edwards, Peter
Hall, Christopher D.
Urban, Mark
Bryant, Arthur
Bryant, Arthur
Bryant, Arthur
Glover, Michael
Year of
1971 History/England
2010 Local history/Algarve
World history
1972 History/England
1993 History/Biography
1986 World history
2008 World history
1992 History/England
2004 World history
1944 History/England
1947 History/England
1961 History/England
1978 Biography
Glover, Michael
Bryant, Arthur
Giles, Frank
Smith, Denis
1971 History/Spain
1954 History/England
2002 History/England
2001 History/Peninsular War
Macdonell, A. G.
Field, Andrew W.
Esdaile, Charles J.
Foy, General Maximillian
1996 World/History
2006 World history
1995 World history
2000 History/Portugal
59 Algarve Castelos, Cercas e Fortalezas
60 Balsa, Cidade Perdida - A capital do Algarve Oriental na
Época Romana
61 A Cidade Romana de Balsa (Torre de Ares - Tavira): (l) A
terra sigillata
62 1755 Terramoto no Algarve
63 O Vaso de Tavira
64 Milreu - Ruins - Roteiros da Arqueologia Portuguesa
65 Alcalar - Monumentos Megalíticos - Roteiros da
Arqueologia Portuguesa
66 Laccobriga - A Ocupação Romana na Baía de Lagos
67 Alcalar Monumentos Megalíticos - Roteiros da Arqueologia
68 Espírito e Poder - Tavira nos tempos da Modernidade
69 Tavira - Memória de uma Cidade
70 Traje do Algarve - Orla Marítima
71 Território em Espera - Algarve Interior
72 A Rota do Mosaico Romano - O Sul da Hispânia (Andaluzia
e Algarve)/ La Ruta del Mosaico Romano - El Sur de
Hispania (Andalucía y Algarve)
73 Crónica do Regicida Invisível Alfredo Luís da Costa
74 A República e a Igreja no Algarve
75 O Legado Arquitectónico Islâmico no Algarve/ El Legado
Magalhães, Natércia
Silva, Luís Fraga da
Year of
2008 Local history/Algarve
2007 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
Viegas, Catarina
2006 Local history/Archaeology/Algarve/Tavira
Costa,Alexandre; Andrade, César;
Seabra, Clara
Torres, Cláudio
Hauschild, Theodor
Morán, Elena; Parreira, Rui
2005 Local history/Algarve
Arruda, Ana Margarida
Morán, Elena; Parreira, Rui
2007 Local history/Archaeology/Algarve/Lagos
2007 Local history/Archaeology/Algarve/Portimão
Vários autores
Chagas, Ofir
Vários autores
Belo, Duarte
Vários autores
2006 Local History/Algarve/Tavira
2004 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2001 Local History/Algarve/Tavira
2005 Local history/Archaeology/Algarve
2008 Local history/Andaluzia/Algarve
Barriga, Paulo
Duarte, Afonso da Cunha
Magalhães, Natércia; Morán,
2008 Local history/Alentejo
2010 Local history/ Algarve
Local history/Algarve
2004 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2002 Local history/Archaeology
2007 Local history/Archaeology/Algarve/Portimão
Arquitectónico Islámico en el Algarve
76 A 1ª República em Tavira - Transformações e
77 Tavira, patrimónios do mar
78 Tavira - Território e Poder
79 Dez anos de trabalhos arqueológicos em Alcoutim: Do
Neolítico ao Romano
80 l Seminário de Estudos Históricos sobre o Algarve - Actas
81 Repensar a História de: Vila do Bispo
82 Repensar a História de: Vila do Bispo
83 Alcoutim - Aguarelas
84 Exposição: Algarve do Reino à Região / Exhibition Algarve
from Kingdom to Region
85 Exposição: Algarve do Reino à Região/ Exhibition Algarve
from Kingdom to Region
86 Afonso Furtado. Um Marinheiro e a sua Época.
87 Natal no Algarve - Raízes Medievais
88 Antigos Conventos do Algarve - Um percurso pelo
património da região
89 Páscoa no Algarve - Procissão das Tochas Floridas
90 Memórias - São Brás de Alportel: Igreja e Instituições
Vários autores
Year of
2010 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
Vários autores
Vários autores
Cardoso, João Luís; Gradim,
Vários autores
Velhinho, João
Velhinho, João
Luz, Carlos
Vários autores
2008 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2003 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2011 Local history/Archaeology/Algarve/Alcoutim
Vários autores
2010 Local history/Algarve
Ferraz, Carlos Guilherme I.;
Mesquita, Wandschneider de
Duarte, Padre José da Cunha
Marado, Catarina Almeida
2007 History/Portugal Empire
Duarte, Padre José da C. Duarte;
Duarte, Padre Dr. Afonso da C.
Duarte, Afonso da Cunha
2010 Local history/Algarve
2006 Local history/Algarve
2003 Local History/Algarve/Vila do Bispo
2002 Local History/Algarve/Vila do Bispo
2005 Local History/ Algarve/Alcoutim
2010 Local history/Algarve
2002 Local history/Algarve
2006 Local history/ Algarve
2005 Local history/Algarve/São Brás de Alportel
91 Castro Marim - Baluarte Defensivo do Algarve
92 A Pesca do Atum nas Armações da Costa Algarvia
93 Pelas praias de Arenilha e mares de Monte Gordo
94 O livro de Alportel
95 Anais do Município de Faro Vol. XXVI
96 Alcoutim Urbano e Rural - Dos finais da Idade Média ao
Fim do Antigo Regime
97 Ossónoba - Santa Maria IBN HARUN - Faro - Evolução
Urbana e Património
98 Monografia da Freguesia de Santa Catarina da Fonte do
99 O Algarve da Antiguidade aos nossos dias
100 Guia de Vinhos do Algarve
101 Roteiro do Concelho de São Brás de Alportel
102 Contributos para a construção da história local
103 Guia dos jardins históricos de Tavira
104 Zwei reisen an die Algarve - Zwei Touristen im 19.
105 Da quadrilha à contradança - o Algarve no tempo das
Invasões Francesas
106 Sagres - do Mar e do Tempo
107 O Livro de Alportel
Year of
Pires, Osvaldo; Pires, Pedro
Costa, Fausto
Louro, Estanco
Vários autores
Gradim, Alexandra
Local history/Algarve/Castro Marim
2003 Local History/Algarve
2007 Local History/Algarve/Monte Gordo
1996 Local History/Algarve/São Brás de Alportel
1996 Local history/Algarve/Faro
2006 Local history/Algarve/Alcoutim
Paula, Rui M.; Paula, Frederico
1993 Local history/Algarve/Faro
Anica, Arnaldo Casimiro
2005 Local History/Algarve/Santa Catarina da
Fonte do Bispo
1999 Local history/Algarve
1998 Local History/Algarve/São Brás de Alportel
Marques, Maria da Graça Maia
Rebelo, Hermínio
Sancho, Emanuel Andrade C.;
Lameira, Francisco Ildefonso
Cavaco, Hugo
Santana, Daniel
Southey, Robert; Maltzan,
Hermann von
Vários autores
Vários autores
Louro, Estanco
2008 Local History/Algarve/Vila Real de Santo
2008 Local History/Algarve/Tavira
2000 Local history/Chronicles
2004 Local History/Algarve
2009 Local History/Algarve/Sagres
Local history/Algarve/São Brás de Alportel
Maia, Maria Garcia Pereira
Year of
1999 Local History/Algarve/Tavira
Maia, Maria Garcia Pereira
1999 Local History/Algarve/Tavira
rio de Almeida
Garrett/Tavira's Legends of the Enchanted Moors
110 A memória à luz da história ou a biblioteca do Bispo do
Algarve revisitada
111 Alcoutim - Terra de Fronteira (Borderland)
Cunha, João Teles e
2007 Local history/Algarve
Mendes, António Rosa; Pereira,
Mendes, António Rosa; Pereira,
Vários autores
Vários autores
Vários autores
Several authors
Departamento Sócio-Cultural
Departamento Sócio-Cultural
Departamento Sócio-Cultural
Macias, Santiago
2010 Local history/Algarve/Alcoutim
Afonso, Isabel
Vários autores
2010 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2013 Culture
1998 Local history/Archaeology/Algarve/Estói
rio de Almeida Garrett /
Tavira's Legends of the Enchanted Moors
112 Alcoutim - Terra de Fronteira (Borderland)
113 Roteiro - Património Arquitectónico Militar de Tavira
114 Roteiro - Património Arquitectónico Militar de Tavira
115 Roteiro - Património Arquitectónico Militar de Tavira
116 Guide - Military Architectural Heritage of Tavira
117 Percursos por Tavira
118 Percursos por Tavira
119 Itinerarios por Tavira
120 Mértola - O último porto do Mediterrâneo / Le dernier
port de la Méditerranée
121 Roteiro - Tavira - Património Cultural e Natural
122 Copacabana - Panoramas do Rio
123 Guia - Ruínas de Milreu
2010 Local history/Algarve/Alcoutim
2005 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2005 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2005 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2005 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2004 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2004 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2007 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
Local history/Alentejo/Mértola
124 Portugal nas Trincheiras - a I Guerra da República
125 Revista Sábado - O Rei mais cruel da História de Portugal
126 Alcoutim - Revista Municipal
127 Tavira - Vila antiga cidade renovada
128 Roteiro - das Igrejas, Ermidas e Capelas de Tavira
129 Directório Algarve Cultural
Gaspar, Diogo
Vários autores
Vários autores
Câmara Minicipal de Tavira
Câmara Municipal De Tavira
Couceiro, Gonçalo; Afonso,
130 Apelidos Portugueses com Histórias
131 Guide Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos
Gaspar, José Luís Sancho
132 Gibraltar - A History
Harvey, Maurice
133 Notícias Históricas de Tavira 1242/1840
Vasconcelos, Damião Augusto de
134 IV Jornadas de História de Tavira
Vários autores
… A
… H
Miranda, Rufino
136 Ásia - 27 maravilhas de origem portuguesa no mundo
Dias, Pedro
137 América - 27 maravilhas de origem portuguesa no mundo Dias, Pedro
138 África - 27 maravilhas de origem portuguesa no mundo
Dias, Pedro
139 A guide to the permanent exhibition - Carmo
Several authors
Archaeological Museum
140 Lisbon - war in the shadows of the city of light, 1939-1945 Lochery, Neill
141 Lisbon - City of the sea A History
Jack, Malcolm
142 Tavira e o seu termo - Memorando Histórico (Volume II)
Anica, Arnaldo Casimiro
143 Moorish Architecture in Andalusia
Barrucand, Marianne; Bednorz,
Year of
2010 History/Portugal
2012 Various
2010 Local history/Algarve/Alcoutim
Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2008 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2005 Culture/Algarve
2010 Culture/History
2009 Local history/Spain/Madrid
2000 Local history/Gibraltar
1999 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2003 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2008 Local history/Spain/Toledo
2009 History/Portugal Empire
2009 History/Portugal Empire
2009 History/Portugal Empire
2002 Local history/Archaeology/Lisboa
2011 Local history/Lisboa
2007 Local history/Lisboa
2001 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2002 Culture/History
144 Mérida
Álvarez, J. M.; Barrera, J.Luis de la;
Velázquez, Agustín
145 Guide The Royal Convent of Santa Clara de Tordesillas
Checa, Carmen García-Frías
146 Guide Real Sitio de La Granja de San Ildefonso and RioFrío Sancho, José Luis; Aparicio, Juan
147 Tavira e o seu termo - Memorando Histórico
Anica, Arnaldo Casimiro
148 V Jornadas de História de Tavira
Vários autores
149 Tavira, Cidade das Igrejas / Tavira, City of Churches
Santana, Daniel
150 O guia de Tavira / Your guide to Tavira
Galhardo, Valentino
151 Sueña, siente, comparte Sólo Marbella
152 Júlio Pomar - Figuras de Convite
Casa Rural da Villa Romana de
Milreu, Estoi
153 Um percurso pela pintura portuguesa - Colecção Telo de Vários autores
154 Centenário do nascimento de Manuel Fernandes (1910Fernandes, Rui; Lourenço, Elsa
155 Guide - Tavira Museums and Museological Centres
Câmara Municipal de Tavira
156 Guide - Churches and Chapels
Câmara Municipal de Tavira
157 Algarve e Algarvios
Chagas, Ofir
158 O Marquês de Pombal e o Algarve - A fábrica de tapeçarias Mesquita, José Carlos Vilhena
de Tavira
159 Toponímia de Tavira
Arnaldo Casimiro Anica
160 Pestana Hotels & Resorts / Pousadas de Portugal
Grupo Pestana e Pousadas de
Year of
2010 Local history/Archaeology/Spain/Mérida
2003 Local history/Spain/Tordesillas
2009 History/Culture
1993 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2006 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2010 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
1993 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
Local history/Archaeolgy/Spain/Marbella
2009 Local history/Algarve/Estói
2011 Culture
2008 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2008 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2010 Local history/Algarve
1999 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
2000 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
161 Diogo Tavares de Ataíde - Entalhador de Pedra (17111765)
162 Colecção de 7 postais
163 Archaeological remains in Cachopo
164 Archaeological remains in Cachopo
165 Faro - Edificações Notáveis
166 The path of the ore - route to the Mines of Aljustrel
167 They went to Portugal too
168 Fascism & Resistance in Portugal - Communists, liberals
and military dissidents in the opposition to Salazar, 194174
169 Máscaras de Salazar
170 Portugal in European and World History
171 The Man Who Stole Portugal
172 Prince Henry "the Navigator" - A Life
173 Fabled Shore - From the Pyrenees to Portugal
174 Beckford of Fonthill
175 António de Oliveira Salazar - o outro retrato
176 A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire - volume
177 Histórias Rocambolescas da História de Portugal
178 History of Portugal - volumeII: From empire to corporate
Year of
Santana, Daniel
2012 Local history/Algarve/Tavira
Museu Regional do Algarve
Câmara Municipal de Tavira
Câmara Municipal de Tavira
Lameira, Francisco I. C.
Various authors
Macaulay, Rose
Raby, D. L.
Local history/Algarve/Tavira
Local history/Algarve/Tavira
1997 Local history/Algarve/Faro
2008 Local history/Portugal/Aljustrel
1990 History/British travellers
1988 History/Portugal
Dacosta, Fernando
Newitt, Malyn
Bloom, Murray Teigh
Russell, Peter
Macaulay, Rose
Fothergill, Brian
Pinto, Jaime Nogueira
Disney, A.R.
2007 History/Portugal
2009 History/Portugal Empire
1966 History/Portugal
2001 History/Portugal Empire
1986 History/Portugal
2005 Biography
2007 History/Portugal
2009 History/Portugal Empire
Ferreira, João
Marques, A.H. de Oliveira
2010 History/Portugal
1972 History/Portugal
179 The Portuguese Seaborne Empire 1415-1825
180 The Concession of Évora Monte - the failure of Liberalism
in Nineteenth Century Portugal
181 História da origem e estabelecimento da inquisição em
Portugal III
182 A primeira república portuguesa
183 História de Portugal - 2º volume
184 A presença dos Hospitalários em Portugal
185 Grandes enigmas da História de Portugal
186 A new history of Portugal
187 Portugal século XX - crónica em imagens (1940-1950)
188 Portugal século XX - crónica em imagens (1970-1980)
189 Twentieth Century Portugal (A Historical Overview)
Boxer, C.R.
Thomson, Ron B.
Herculano, Alexandre
Year of
1969 History/Portugal Empire
2014 Local history/Portugal/ Évora Monte
Marques, Oliveira
Ramos, Rui; M., Nuno G.; Sousa,
Bernardo V.
Costa, Paula Pinto
Baêna, Miguel Sanches de;
Loução, Paulo Alexandre
Livermore, H. V.
Vieira, Joaquim
Vieira, Joaquim
Sardica, José Miguel
Vários autores
1980 History/Portugal
2012 History/Portugal
Shaw, L. M. E.
1998 World history
Birmingham, David
Melo, Sebastião José de carvalho
e ( Elibron Classics)
1996 History/Portugal
2005 History/Portugal
2010 History/Portugal
2008 History/Portugal
1976 History/Portugal
2000 History/Portugal
2000 History/Portugal
2008 History/Portugal
1996 History/Portugal
, 21 a
23 de Setembro de 1995.
191 The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance and the English Merchants
in Portugal, 1654-1810
192 A Concise History of Portugal
193 Memoirs of the Marquis of Pombal: With Extracts from His
Writings, and from Despatches in the State Paper Office,
Never Before Published. Volume I
194 Glass: The Strange History of the Lyne Stephens Fortune
195 Les Routes d`al-Andalus - Voyages de la mémoire
196 A Good Man in Evil Times - The story of Aristides de Sousa
Mendes - the unknown hero who saved countless lives in
World War II
197 As principais datas da História de Portugal
198 The Santa Maria: My Crusade for Portugal
199 O Capitalismo Monárquico Português (1415-1549):
contribuição para o estudo das origens do capitalismo
moderno, Volume 1
200 The Portuguese in India (The New Cambridge History of
201 Roteiro dos Arquivos da Índia Portuguesa
202 The Christian Century in Japan (1549-1650)
203 Museum with no frontiers: The Manueline - Portuguese
art during the great discoveries
204 They went to Portugal
205 A administração na Guerra Peninsular
206 Portugal in quest of Prester John
207 Seeds of Change. Six Plants that Transformed Mankind
208 Portuguese Voyages 1498-1663: Tales from the Great Age
of Discovery
209 The Golden Age of Brazil, 1695-1750: Growing Pains of a
Year of
Roberts, Jenifer
Warrick, Leigh
Fralon, José-Alain
1988 World history
1998 Culture
1998 History/WW2
Ramos, P. Ferreira
Galvão, Henrique
Dias, Manuel Nunes
1993 History/Portugal
1961 History/Portugal
1963 History/Portugal
Pearson, M. N.
2006 History/Portugal Empire
Pissurlencar, Panduronga S. S.
Boxer, C. R.
Museum With No Frontiers
Macaulay, Rose
Santos, José Manuel Alves dos
Sanceau, Elaine
Hobhouse, Henry
Ley, C.D. (Editor)
1955 History/Portugal Empire
2001 History/Portugal Empire
2002 History/Portugal Empire
Boxer, C. R.
1962 History/Portugal Empire
1985 World history
2010 World history
1943 History/Portugal
2007 History/Culture
2000 History/ Portugal Empire
Colonial Society
210 Presos Políticos Algarvios em Angra do Heroísmo e no
211 The Pope's Elephant
212 Red Gold: The conquest of the Brazilian indians
213 Melo Antunes: duas faces
214 D. António Ferreira Gomes: duas faces
215 The Portuguese who discovered America - 1492- The Epic
Voyage of Salvador Fernandes Zarco better known as
Christopher Columbus
216 Mary and misogyny : women in Iberian expansion
overseas, 1415-1815, some facts, fancies, and
217 The Fatal History of Portuguese Ceylon: Transition to
Dutch Rule
218 Fortalezas: Estado Português da Índia - A arquitectura
militar na construção do Império de D. Manuel I
219 Portugal and Africa 1815-1910: A Study in Uneconomic
220 The Making of Brazil: Portuguese Roots, 1500-1822
221 Portugal pionner of the discoveries : travelling exhibition The National Board for the Celebration of Portuguese
222 The Church Militant and Iberian Expansion, 1440-1770
Year of
Duarte, Maria João Raminhos
2009 History/Portugal
Bedini, Silvio A.
Hemming, John
QuidNovi (texts)
QuidNovi (texts)
Laranjeira, Pedro
2000 World history
2004 History/Portugal Empire
2009 Biography
2009 Biography
2008 History/Portugal Empire
Boxer, C. R.
1975 History/Portugal/Spain/Empire
Winius, George Davison
1971 History/Portugal Empire
Teixeira, André
2008 History/Portugal Empire
Hammond, R. J.
1966 History/Portugal Empire
Macdonald, N. P.
Cardoso, António (text)
1996 History/Portugal Empire
1988 History/Portugal Empire
Boxer, C. R.
1978 World history
223 Sharpe's Havoc - Richard Sharpe and the Campaign in
Northern Portugal, Spring 1809
224 Sharpe's Battle - Richard Sharpe and the Battle of Fuentes
De Onoro, May 1811
225 Sharpe's Waterloo - Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo
Campaign, 15 June to 18 June 1815
226 Presidentes de Portugal: Francisco da Costa Gomes
227 Presidentes de Portugal: Bernardino Machado
228 Presidentes de Portugal: Jorge Sampaio
229 Presidentes de Portugal: Américo Tomás
230 Childhood times - Estações da nossa vida: Tempos de
231 Childhood times - Estações da nossa vida: Tempos de
232 Estações da nossa vida (Livro I) - Portugal: Tempos de
233 The Portugese Empire in Asia 1500 - 1700
234 Portuguese India in the mid-seventeenth century
235 A concise history of Brazil
236 Empire Adrift: The Portuguese Court in Rio de Janeiro
237 Charles R. Boxer - An Uncommon Life
238 O Solar do Cavalo - The Capital of the Horse
239 The magnificent building: iconographic tour and message
Cornwell, Bernard
Year of
2003 Novel
Cornwell, Bernard
1995 Novel
Cornwell, Bernard
1993 Novel
Rodrigues, Luís Nuno
Rosa, Elzira Maria Terra D. M.
Durão, Vasco
Martins, Susana
Cardoso, Júlio Costa
2006 Biography
2006 Biography
2006 Biography
2006 Biography
2007 Biography/History
Cardoso, Júlio Costa
2007 Biography/History
Cardoso, Júlio Costa
2007 Biography/History
Subrahmanyam, Sanjay
Boxer, C. R.
Fausto, Boris
Wilcken, Patrick
1993 History/Portugal Empire
1980 History/Portugal Empire
1999 History/Brasil
2005 History/Portugal Empire
Alden, Dauril
Faria, Serrão de
Oliveira, Carlos de
2001 Biography
2005 Local history/Santarém/Golegã
2005 Local history/Porto
240 The New Cathedral Coimbra
241 The Old Cathedral Coimbra
242 A Feira da Golegã: Das origens à actualidade - Subsídios
para a sua História
243 Citânia de Briteiros: povoado proto-histórico/The protohistoric settlement
244 Antas de Elvas - Roteiros da Arqueologia Portuguesa
245 Miróbriga: Roman Ruins - Roteiros da Arqueologia
o e Ammaia ao tempo das guerras peninsulares
247 Mértola: A Museum Town
248 O Castelo de Almeida: Origem, História e Destruição,
249 Guimarães
250 Braga
251 Pena Palace
Craveiro, Maria de Lurdes; T.,
António Júlio
Craveiro, Maria de Lurdes
Oliveira, Paulo Martins de
Lemos, Francisco Sande
Albergaria, João; Dias,Ana
Barata, Maria Filomena
Stylow,Armin U.; Abascal, Juan
Manuel; Cebrián; Rosário
Torres, Cláudio; Silva, Luís Alves
Carvalho,José Vilhena de
Azeredo, António Carlos de
Azeredo, António Carlos de
Pereira, Paulo; Carneiro, José
252 The National Palace, Sintra
Silva, José Custódio Vieira da
253 Queluz: the Palace and Gardens
Ferro, Maria Inês
254 A vila da Golegã nos últimos 250 anos: subsídios para a sua Oliveira, Paulo Martins
Year of
2012 Local history/Coimbra
2012 Local history/Coimbra
2005 Local history/Santarém/Golegã
2011 Local history/Archaeology/Guimarães/Citânia
de Briteiros
2000 Local history/Archaeology/Portugal/Elvas
2001 Local
2009 Local history/Archaeology/Portugal/Alentejo
1989 Local history/Archaeology/Alentejo/Mértola
2006 Local history/Portugal/Guarda/Almeida
2007 Local history/Portugal/Guimarães
2008 Local history/Portugal/Braga
1999 Local history/Portugal/Sintra
2002 Local history/Portugal/Sintra
2002 Local history/Portugal/Lisboa/Queluz
2006 Local history/Portugal/Santarém/Golegã
255 The Factory House at Oporto. Its Historic Role in the Port
Wine Trade
The Factory House at Oporto. Its Historic Role in the Port
Wine Trade
256 Portuguese Tiles: From the National Museum of Azulejo,
257 Azulejaria Portuguesa
258 Lisbon Before The 1755 Earthquake: Panoramic View of
the City
259 Alcáçova do Castelo de Mértola – 1978-2008. Trinta Anos
de Arqueologia
260 The Palace and Gardens of Monserrate
261 The Cathedral of Seville (The national monuments of
262 Alentejo Museum Guide
263 2000 anos de Mineração em Aljustrel
264 Mineração do Baixo Alentejo (Vol. II)
265 Vista Alegre : portuguese porcelain
266 Madinat Al-Zahra - official guide to the archeological
267 Real Sitio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Year of
Delaforce, John
1990 Local history/Portugal/Porto
Pereira, João Castel-Branco
1995 Local history/Portugal/Lisboa
Meco, José
Henriques, Paulo
1985 Local history/Culture
2004 Local history/Portugal/Lisboa
2008 Local history/Archaeology/Alentejo/Mértola
Freitas, João Sande de
Montiel, Luis Martinez; Morales,
Alfredo J.
Mangucci, Celso
Martins, Artur; Alves, Helena;
Costa, Teresa
Coordenação: Rego, Miguel;
Nascimento, Paulo Jorge
Arez, Ilda
Triano, Antonio Vallejo
2010 Local history/Portugal/Sintra
1999 Local history/Spain/Seville
Cuesta, Juan Martinez
1992 Local history/Spain/Madrid
2010 Local history/Portugal/Alentejo
2003 Local history/Portugal/Aljustrel
2002 Local history/Baixo Alentejo/Castro Verde
1999 History/Culture
2005 Local history/Archaeology/Córdoba
268 Portuguese Castles
269 Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico Classificado:
Distrito de Beja
270 Évora - Património da Humanidade
271 Carta Arqueológica de Portugal : Concelhos de Faro, Olhão
, Tavira, Vila Real de Sto António, Castro Marim e Alcoutim
272 Palácio Fronteira
273 Secret Lisbon
274 Mina de S. Domingos: 150 anos de História: fotogramas da
275 Carlos Relvas e a sua Casa-Estúdio/Carlos Relvas and his
276 Liszt em Lisboa
277 Minas de S. Domingos - Histórias do Futebol
278 Fundação da Casa de Bragança - Ducal Palace of Vila
279 Torre De Belem National Monuments of Portugal
280 A Herança Filipina em Portugal
281 Belém Palace: its guests, its secrets and its daily life
282 …
- ! …f
283 …
- ! …f
284 Valle Flor Palace
285 Golegã em Notícia!
Monteiro, João Gouveia; Pontes,
Maria Leonor
Lopes, Flávio
Marques, Teresa; Araújo, Ana
Freese, Alexander
Adrião, Vitor Manuel
Valente, Jorge Pulido; Rego,
Oliveira, Paulo
Year of
2002 Local history/Portugal
1993 Local history/Portugal/Beja
1997 Local history/Alentejo/Évora
1995 Local history/Archaeology/Algarve
2005 Local history/Portugal/Lisboa
2010 Local history/Portugal/Lisboa
2008 Local history/Alentejo/Mértola
2006 History/Portugal/Culture
Vários autores
Martins, António Bento
Monge, Maria de Jesus
1995 History/Culture/Portugal/Lisboa
2006 Local history/ Portugal/Alentejo /Mértola
2000 Local history/ Portugal/ Vila Viçosa
Pereira, Paulo
Veiga, Carlos Margaça
Saraiva, José António
Municipality of Golegã
Municipality of Golegã
Zita Magalhães
2005 Local history /Portugal /Lisboa
2005 Local history /Portugal
1991 Local history /Portugal /Lisboa
2010 Local history/Santarém/Golegã
2010 Local history/Santarém/Golegã
Local history/Portugal/Lisboa
2010 Local History/Santarém/Golegã
286 Studio-House Carlos Relvas
Municipality of Golegã
287 Studio-House Carlos Relvas
Municipality of Golegã
288 Casa-Estúdio Carlos Relvas
Município da Golegã
289 XII Feira Internacional do Cavalo Lusitano
290 Studio-House Carlos Relvas
Municipality of Golegã
291 The Times Illustrated History of the World
Parker, Geoffrey (Editor)
292 The Times Atlas of European History
Almond, Mark
293 The Last Two Million Years: Reader's Digest History Of Man The Readers Digest Association
(Editor); Atmore, Anthony
294 The History Today Companion to British History
Gardiner, Juliet; Wenborn, Neil
295 Cassell's Chronology of World History: Dates, Events and Williams, Hywel
Ideas That Made History
296 History of the World
Roberts, J.M.
297 Chambers Dictionary of World History
Lenman, Bruce P.; Anderson,
298 Philips' Intermediate Historical Atlas for Schools
Philip, George and Son
299 Muir´s Atlas of Ancient Classical History
Treharne, R. F.; Fullard, Harold
300 The Desert Generals 1940-43
Barnett, Correlli
301 Queen of the flat-tops: The U.S.S. Lexington and the Coral Johnston, Stanley
Sea battle
302 Cockleshell Heroes
Phillips, C.E.Lucas; Hasler, H.S
303 Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
Snyder, Timothy
Year of
Local history/Santarém/Golegã
Local history/Santarém/Golegã
Local history/Santarém/Golegã
2010 Local history/Santarém/Golegã
Local history/Santarém/Golegã
1995 World history
1994 European history
1977 World history
1995 History/England
2005 World history
1993 World history
2000 World history
1973 World history
1963 World history
1960 History/WW2
1979 History/USA
1957 World history
2011 World history
304 The Other Side of the Hill: Germany's Generals, Their Rise
and Fall, with Their Own Account of Military Events, 193945
305 Codebreaker in the Far East
306 A Brief History of Fighting Ships (Brief Histories) - Ships of
the Line and Napoleonic sea battles 1793-1815
307 Churchill's Wizards: The British Genius For Deception 1914
308 Battles of the '45 (British Battles Series - illustrated)
Hart, B. H. Liddell
Year of
1983 History/WW2
Stripp, Alan
Davies, David
2002 History/WW2
2002 World history
Rankin, Nicholas
2008 History/WW1
Tomasson, Katherine; Buist,
309 The Long Road Home: The Aftermath of the Second World Shephard, Ben
310 Soldiers: A History of Men in Battle
Keegan, John; Holmes, Richard
311 Great Battles: Marston Moor 1644: The Campaign And The Young, Peter
312 The Great Boer War (Wordsworth Military Library)
Farwell, Byron
313 A History of Warfare
Keegan, John
314 A Guide to the Battlefields of Europe (Wordsworth Military Chandler, David
315 Queen Victoria's Little Wars (Wordsworth Military Library) Farwell, Byron
316 A Spy Has No Friends
Seth, Ronald
317 Trafalgar (British Battles Series)
Warner, Oliver
318 Agincourt (British Battles)
Hibbert, Christopher
319 The Golden Horseshoe
Robertson, Terence
1967 History/England
2010 History/WW2
1985 World history
1997 History/England
1999 History/England
1993 World history
1998 World history
1999 History/England
1974 History/WW2
1966 History/England
1968 History/England
1973 History/WW2
320 The Art of War in the Middle Ages - A.D. 378-1515
321 The Thirty Years War
322 Popular Disturbances in England 1700-1832 (Themes In
British Social History)
323 The Turn of the Tide 1939-1943
324 Military Blunders: The How and Why of Military Failure
325 The End: Hitler's Germany, 1944-45
326 Katyn a crime without parallel
327 Churchill's Private Armies: British Special Forces in Europe,
328 The Battle of the Atlantic
329 The Battle of the Atlantic
330 World War II in Cartoons
331 Cruisers
332 The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the World's Tanks and
Fighting Vehicles
333 The Second World War, Volume VI: Triumph and Tragedy
334 The Second World War: Volume V - Closing the Ring
335 A concise History of World War II
336 The Second World War: Volume IV - The Hinge of Fate
337 The Schneider Trophy Races
338 A invasão da Polónia: Guerra-Relâmpago - Polónia,
Oman, C. W. C.
Wedgwood, C. V.
Stevenson, John
Year of
1960 World history
1964 World history
1992 History/England
Bryant, Arthur
David, Saul
Kershaw, Ian
Fitzgibbon, Louis
Morris, Eric
1958 WW2/Biography
1997 World history
2012 History/WW2
1971 History/WW2
1986 History/England
Williams, Andrew
Costello, John; Hughes, Terry
Bryant, Mark
Ireland, Bernard
Foss, Christopher F.
2002 History/WW2
1977 History/WW2
1989 History/WW2
1981 World history
1977 World history
Churchill , Winston S.
Churchill , Winston S.
Esposito, Vincent J. Brigadier
General (Ret. )
Churchill , Winston S.
Barker, Ralph
Zaloga, Steven J.
1954 History/WW2
1968 History/WW2
1964 History/WW2
1951 History/WW2
1971 History/England
2009 History/WW2
Setembro de 1939
339 Peacemakers Six Months That Changed The World
340 A Brief History of the Royal Flying Corps in World War I
341 The Second World War, Volume II: Their Finest Hour
342 The Second World War, Volume III: The Grand Alliance
343 The Second World War, Volume I: The Gathering Storm
344 Gallipoli (Wordsworth Military Library)
345 Tip and Run
346 The Zimmermann Telegram
347 Passchendaele (Wordsworth Military Library)
348 The Secret Battle
349 These for Remembrance: Memoirs of Six Friends Killed in
the Great War
350 August 1914
351 Douglas Haig. The Educated Soldier.
352 The Thin Yellow Line (Wordsworth Military Library)
353 The Myth Of The Great War: A New Military History of
World War I
354 British Butchers and Bunglers of World War One
355 History of the Second World War
356 1918: A Very British Victory
357 All Quiet on the Home Front: An Oral History of Life in
Britain during the First World War
Year of
Macmillan, Margaret
Barker, Ralph
Churchill , Winston S.
Churchill , Winston S.
Churchill , Winston S.
Moorehead, Alan
Paice, Edward
Tuchman, Barbara W.
Warner, Philip
Herbert, A.P.
Buchan, John
2001 History/WW1
2002 History/WW1
1949 History/WW2
1950 History/WW2
1949 History/WW2
1997 History/England
2007 History/WW1
2004 History/WW1
1987 History/WW1
1982 History/WW1/Novel
1987 History/WW1
Tuchamn, Barbara W.
Terraine, John
Moore, William
Mosier, John
1996 History/WW1
2005 History/WW1
1999 History/WW1
2002 History/WW1
Laffin, John
Hart, B. H. Liddell
Hart, Peter
Emden, Richard Van; Humphries,
2003 History/WW1
1973 History/WW1
2008 History/WW1
2003 History/WW1
358 História de Portugal (Volume I): Das Origens às Revoluções
359 The Methuens and Portugal 1691-1708
360 The Peninsular War Atlas
361 À Descoberta de Portugal
362 Dicionário Enciclopédico da História de Portugal (Volume
363 Dicionário Enciclopédico da História de Portugal (Volume I)
364 Roosevelt, Churchill e Salazar: a luta pelos Açores, 19411945
365 Dicionário Ilustrado da História de Portugal
366 The K Boats, The Amazing Story of Britain's Steam
367 Battle of Britain
368 The Knights of Bushido: A Short History of Japanese War
369 The Edge of the Sword
370 Dare to be Free
371 The War on Land, 1939-1945
372 Battleship: The Loss of the Prince of Wales and the
373 Heaven Next Stop
374 The Korean War
Marques, A. H. de Oliveira
Year of
1972 History/Portugal
Francis, A.D.
Lipscombe, Nick
Editora: Selecções Reader's Digest
PEREIRA, José Costa
PEREIRA, José Costa
Antunes, José Freire
1966 History/Portugal Empire
2010 World history
1982 History/Portugal
1991 History/Portugal
Pereira, josé Costa (Coordenação)
Everitt, Don
1985 History/Portugal
1972 History/WW1
Bishop, Patrick
Liverpool, Lord Russell of
2010 Hisrory/England
1960 History/WW2
Farrar-Hockley, Anthony
Thomas, W.B.
Lewin, Ronald
Middlebrook, Martin; Mahoney,
Bloemertz, Gunther
Hastings, Max
1955 World history
1955 History/WW2
1972 History/WW2
1989 History/WW2
1991 History/Portugal
1995 History/WW2
1974 History/WW2
1988 Worls history
375 Walker R.N.
376 The battle of Matapan
377 Destined Meeting
378 The Somme
379 Battles of the Boer War
380 The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam
381 Ensign in Italy: A Platoon Commander's story
382 Tars - The men who made Britain rule the waves
383 Prisoners' Bluff
384 Midway: The Incredible Victory (Wordsworth Military
385 Boldness be My Friend
386 Hunting the Bismarck
387 The Rise Of The Spanish Inquisition
388 The Desert War: the North African Campaign 1940-43
389 The Flames of Calais: A Soldiers Battle 1940
390 The Decisive Battles of the Western World 480 B.C - 1757
391 Ramage and the Rebels
392 Le Cateau - 26 August 1914
393 The Age of Revolution: Europe, 1789-1848
394 Life's Too Short to Cry the Compelling Memoir of a Battle
of Britain Ace
395 The Foudroyant
Robertson, Terence
Pack, S.W.C.
Bell, Leslie
Farrar-Hockley, A. H.
Pemberton, W.Baring
Tuchman, Barbara W.
Brutton, Philip
Clayton, Tim
Magener, Rolf
Lord, Walter
Year of
1958 History/WW2
1968 History/WW2
1959 History/WW2
1966 History/England
1969 History/England
1997 World history
1992 History/WW2
2007 History/England
1954 History/WW2
2000 History/WW2
Pape, Richard
Forester, C.S.
Plaidy, Jean
Moorehead, Alan
Neave, Airey
Fuller, J.F.C.
Pope, Dudley
Cave, Nigel; Sheldon, Jack
Hobsbawn, E. J.
Vigors, Tim
1955 History/WW2
1963 History/WW2
1959 History/Spain
1968 History/WW2
1989 History/WW2
1970 World history
1978 World history/Novel
2008 History/WW1
1962 World history
2006 History/England/Biography
Birbeck, T.T.
1966 History/England
396 Silent Running: My Years on a World War II Attack
Calvert, James F.
397 Goodwin Sands Shipwrecks
Larn, Richard
398 British Battleship Series: Narvik
Macintyre, Donald
399 The Naked Island
Braddon, Russell
400 The British in Vietnam: how the twenty-five year war
Rosie, George
401 Nam: The Vietnam War in the Words of the Men and
Baker, Mark
Women Who Fought There
402 Unbroken: Story of a Submarine
Mars, Alastair
403 Evidence in Camera: The Story of Photographic Intelligence Smith, Constance Babington
in the Second World War
404 Against the Sun. The story of Wing Commander Roland
Lanchbery, Edward
405 The Drama Of The Scharnhorst
Busch, Fritz-Otto
406 The Sixth Battle
Tillman, Barrett
407 Rape of Honour
Heinrich, Willi
408 House of Dolls
Russell, Lord
409 One of Our Submarines
Young, Edward
410 Fly For Your Life: The Story of Roland Robert Stanford Tuck Forrester, Larry
DSO, DFC and Two Bars
411 The Dam Busters
Brickhill, Paul
412 Two Eggs On My Plate
Olsen, Oluf Reed
413 The Cecils: Privilege and Power Behind the Throne
Loades, David
Year of
1995 History/WW2
1977 History/England
1962 History/WW2
1955 History/Vietnam War
1970 History/Vietnam War
1982 History/Vietnam War
1975 History/WW2
1957 History/WW2
1957 History/Biography
1967 History/WW2
1992 Novel
1968 Novel
1954 History/England
1958 History/Biography
1952 World history
1954 History/WW2
2007 History/England
414 The Grand Quarrel: Women's Memoirs of the English Civil Hudson, Roger (Editor)
415 William Pitt the Younger
Hague, William
416 Select Charters and Other Illustrations of English
Stubbs, William
Constitutional History from the Earliest Times to the Reign
of Edward the First
417 Bawds and Lodgings
Burford , E.J.
418 The English Reformation
Dickens, A.G.
419 A Prime Minister on Prime Ministers
Wilson, Harold
420 Prince of Pleasure: The Prince of Wales and the Making of David, Saul
the Regency
421 Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire
Foreman, Amanda
422 Big Chief Elizabeth: How England's Adventurers Gambled Milton, Giles
and Won the New World
423 The Prince And The Lily - The Story Of Edward VII and Lillie Brough, James
424 The Wicked Lord Lyttelton
Frost, Thomas
425 The Newgate Calendar
Birkett, Sir Thomas
426 The New Newgate Calendar
Birkett, Lord
427 Permanent Londoners: An Illustrated Biographical Guide to Culbertson, Judi; Randall, Tom
the Cemeteries of London
428 The Age Of Empire: 1875-1914
Hobsbawm, E.J.
429 Elizabeth the Great
Jenkins, Elizabeth
430 Walpole in Power
Black, Jeremy
Year of
1993 History/England
2005 History/England
1913 History/England
1976 History/England
1967 History/England
1977 History/England
1999 History/England/Biography
1999 History/England/Biography
2001 History/England
1978 History/England
2006 History/England/Biography
1993 History/England
1993 History/Englan
2000 History/England
1987 History/England
1958 History/England/Biography
2001 History/England
431 The Gentleman's Daughter - Women`s Lives in Georgian
Vickery, Amanda
432 Royal St James'S: Being a Story of Kings, Clubmen and
Burford, E.J.
433 A Pirate Of Exquisite Mind: The Life Of William Dampier
Preston, Diana & Michael
434 Miners on Strike: Class Solidarity and Division in Britain
Richards, Andrew J
435 Bradshaw's Descriptive Railway Hand-Book of Great Britain Bradshaw, George
and Ireland
436 The Secret Life of Dr James Barry: Victorian England's Most Holmes, Rachel
Eminent Surgeon
437 The Lives of the Kings and Queens of England
Fraser, Antonia
438 The Killing of Justice Godfrey
Knight, Stephen
439 Ludwig II
Schad, Martha
440 Edward the Seventh: The Peacemaker
Butler, Edward
441 Queen Elizabeth I
Neale, J. E.
442 A History of Britain and the British People: Set in a Silver Bryant, Arthur
Sea volume 1
443 The Reign of King John
Painter, Sidney
444 My Early Life, 1874-1904
Churchill, Winston S.
445 The Young Melbourne & Lord M
Cecil, David
446 Gladstone
Jenkins, Roy
447 Portrait of Churchill
Eden, Guy
448 Tudor England
Bindoff, S.T.
Year of
2006 History/England
1988 History/England
2005 History/England/Biography
1996 History/England
2012 History/England
2007 History/England/Biography
1975 History/England/Biography
1986 History/England
2001 Biography
1975 History/England/Biography
1960 History/England/Biography
1985 History/England
1966 History/England
1959 Biography
2001 Biography
2002 Biography
1945 Biography
1950 History/England
449 The formation of England 550-1042
450 Harriette Wilson's Memoirs - The Greatest Courtesan of
her Age
451 Memoirs of a Fighting Captain
452 The Word of a Prince: A Life of Elizabeth I from
Contemporary Documents
453 A History of Histories
454 The Audit of War: The Illusion & Reality of Britain as a
Great Nation
455 What the Tudors & Stuarts Did For Us
456 Under the Molehill: An Elizabethan Spy Story
457 Born to Rule: Granddaughters of Victoria, Queens of
458 The Passionate Shepherdess: The Life of Aphra Behn 16491680
459 William Dampier: The Buccaneer Explorer
460 The History of England from 1485 to 1685
461 The History of England in the Eighteen Century
462 Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of Queen Caroline
463 The Discovery of the Bismarck
464 The Crimean War
465 The Agincourt War (Wordsworth Military Library)
466 The Guinness Book of Military Blunders
Finberg, H. P. R.
Wilson, Harriette
Year of
1976 History/England
2003 History/England/Biography
Cochrane, Admiral Thomas
Perry, Maria
2005 History/England/Biography
1988 History/England
Burrow, Jonh
Barnett, Correlli
2007 History/England
1986 History/England
Hart-Davis, Adam
Bossy, Jonh
Gelardi, Julia
2002 History/England
2001 History/England
2004 History/England
Duffy, Maureen
2000 Biography
Norris, Gerald
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
Nightingale, Joseph
Ballard, Robert D.; Archbold, Rick
Kerr, Paul
Burne, Lt-Col Alfred H.
Regan, Geoffrey
1994 History/England
1985 History/England
1980 History/England
1979 Biography
1990 History/Germany
1997 World/History
1999 World history
1991 World history
467 Inside the British Army
468 Berlin: The Downfall 1945
469 51 Documents - Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis
470 Stalingrad
471 A Man Called Intrepid - The Secret War 1939-1945
472 The Siege of Leningrad 1941-1944: 900 Days of Terror
473 The Decisive Battles of the Western World and Their
Influence Upon History 1792 - 1944: volume 2
474 The Caine Mutiny
475 From Sarajevo to Potsdam: the years 1914-1945
476 Intrepid's Last Case: The super spy who helped defeat the
Nazis now takes on the KGB
477 Overlord: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy, 1944
478 The Red Beret
479 Blenheim England Under Queen Anne
480 The Colditz Story
481 A History of England
482 The Beginnings of English Society
483 Coronel and the Falklands
484 Waterloo
485 The First Industrial Revolution
486 The Boat
487 Recollections Of Rifleman Bowlby
Beevor, Antony
Beevor, Antony
Brenner, Lenni (Edt)
Beevor, Antony
Stevenson, William
Glantz, David M.
Fuller, J,F.C.
Year of
1990 History/England
2003 History/WW2
2002 History/WW2
1999 History/WW2
1976 History/WW2
2004 History/WW2
1970 World history
Wouk, Herman
Taylor, A.J.P.
Stevenson, William
1972 Novel/WW2
1974 History/WW1/WW2
1984 History/WW2/Novel
Hastings, Max
Sauders, Hilary St. George
Trevelyan, G.M.
Reid, P. R.
Markham, Mrs
Whitelock, Dorothy
Bennett, Geoffrey
Naylor, John
Deane, Phyllis
Buchheim, Lothar-Günther
Bowlby, Alex
1985 History/WW2
1971 History/England
1965 History/England
1962 History/WW2
1963 History/England
1967 History/England
1968 History/England
1969 History/England
1976 WW2/Novel
1971 History/WW2
488 Underground from Posen
489 The Golden Horseshoe
490 The English Civil War and After 1642-1658
491 Slim The Standardbearer (Wordsworth Military Library)
492 Sabotage and Subversion: The SOE and OSS at War
493 Commandos and Rangers of World War II
494 Commando Extraordinary: Otto Skorzeny
495 Hitler's Secret Enemy
496 Bomber Harris: His Life and Times
497 Liddell Hart's History of the Second War
498 The Railway Navvies
499 The Lonely Leader: Monty 1944-1945
Duncan, Michael
Robertson, Terence
Parry, R H (Edt)
Lewin, Ronald
Dear, Ian
Ladd, James
Foley, Charles
Colvin, Ian
Probert, Henry
Hart, B.H. Liddell
Coleman, Terry
Horne, Alistair; Montgomery,
500 Disraeli: A Brief Life
Smith, Paul
501 The Cambridge Cultural History of Britain: Volume 4, 17th Ford, Boris (Editor)
Century Britain
502 Richard the Third
Kendall, Paul Murray
503 Political Parties (Past-into-Present Series)
Lane, Peter
504 On a Grander Scale: The Outstanding Life of Sir
Jardine, Lisa
Christopher Wren
505 From Counter-Reformation to Glorious Revolution
Trevor-Roper, Hugh
506 The English Civil War
Ashley, Maurice
507 That Woman: The Life of Wallis Simpson, Duchess of
Sebba, Anne
Year of
1954 History/England
1957 History/WW2
1970 History/England
1999 History/WW2
1999 History/WW2
1989 History/WW2
1998 History/WW2
1957 History/WW2
2003 History/WW2/ Biography
1973 History/WW2
1968 History/England
1995 History/WW2
1996 Biography
1992 History/England
1973 History/England/Biography
1972 History/England
2002 Biography
1993 World history
1990 History/England
1988 Biography
508 So Idle a Rogue: The Life and Death of Lord Rochester
509 Perdita: The Life of Mary Robinson
510 The Collapse of British Power
511 Curzon
512 Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty : The Last Naval Hero : An
Intimate Biography
513 Tacitus on Britain and Germany: a translation of the
Agricola and the Germania
514 Henry Winstanley and the Eddystone Lighthouse
515 Trade and Dominion: The European Oversea Empires in
the Eighteenth Century
516 Lady Hester: Queen of the East
517 The Pilgrimage of Grace: The rebellion that shook Henry
VIII's throne
518 Churchill: A Biography
519 Thatcher
520 A Social History Of England
521 English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages
522 Fox: The Life of Charles James Fox
523 Greville's England
524 England in the Twentieth Century : 1914-79
Year of
Lamb, Jeremy
Byrne, Paula
Barnett, Correlli
Gilmour, David
Roskill, Stephen
2005 Biography
2004 Biography
2002 History/England
2003 Biography
1980 Biography
Mattingly, H.
1948 World history
Hart-Davis, Adam; Troscianko,
Parry, J.H.
2002 History/England
Gibb, Lorna
Moorhouse, Geoffrey
2005 Biography
2003 History/England
Jenkins, Roy
Harris, Kenneth
Briggs, Asa
Jusserand, J.J.
Ayling, Stanley
Hibbert, Christopher (Editor)
Thomson, David
2002 Biography
1988 Biography
1984 History/England
1961 History/England
1991 Biography
1981 History/England
1981 History/England
2000 World history
525 Heaven's Command: An Imperial Progress
526 Pax Britannica: Climax of an Empire
527 Farewell The Trumpets: An Imperial Retreat
528 England in the Seventeenth Century 1603-1714
529 Civilization: The West and the Rest
530 After Tamerlane: The Rise & Fall of Global Empires, 14002000
531 Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World
532 The Rise & Fall of the British Empire
533 The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi
534 Wellington a Personal History
535 Old Ironsides: The Military Biography of Oliver Cromwell
536 Our Tempestuous Day: History of Regency England
537 Mistress of Hardwick
538 The Wealth of Britain, 1085-1966
539 The Perfect Nazi: Unmasking My SS Grandfather
540 Weimar Culture: The Outsider as Insider
541 The Origins of The Second World War
542 The Stuart Age: England 1603-1714
543 The Damnable Duke of Cumberland
544 The Strange Story of Adolph Beck
545 The Island at the Center of the World
Morris, James
Morris, James
Morris, James
Ashley, Maurice
Ferguson, Niall
John, Darwin
Year of
1992 History/England
1992 History/England
1992 History/England
1954 History/England
2011 World history
2008 World history
Ferguson, Niall
James, Lawrence
Shirer, William L.
2004 History/England
1998 History/England
1973 History/WW2
Hibbert, Christopher
Kitson, Frank
Erickson, Carolly
Plowden, Alison
Pollard, Sidney; Crossley, David
Davidson, Martin
Gay, Peter
Taylor, A.J.P.
Coward, Barry
Bird, Anthony
Coates, Tim (Published)
Shorto, Russell
1997 Biography
2004 Biography
2000 History/England
1972 Biography
1968 History/England
2011 History/WW2
1974 History/WW1/WW2
1972 History/WW2
1994 History/England
1966 Biography
1999 Biography
2004 History/England
546 The Cult of Elizabeth: Elizabethan Portraiture and
547 George Abbot, The Unwanted Archbishop 1562-1633
548 The Prize of All the Oceans
549 The English Nation: The Great Myth
550 Henry V
551 The Last Tudor King
552 James II: A Study in Kingship
553 Queen Emma and the Vikings: A history of power, love,
and greed in 11th-century England
554 The Life and Times of George IV
555 King Stephen (1135-1154)
556 Feudalism
557 The Renaissance of the 12th century
558 Eleanor of Aquitaine: By the Wrath of God, Queen of
559 The Greatest Traitor: The Life of Sir Roger Mortimer, Ruler
of England 1327-1330
560 Edward II: The Pliant King
561 Flesh & Bone : the lives, deaths and funerals of British
562 Anglo-Saxon England (Oxford History of England)
563 Breakout Nations: In Search of the Next Economic Miracles
Strong, Roy
Year of
1999 Biography
Welsby, Paul A.
Williams, Glyn
Jones, Edwin
Hutchison, Harold F.
Chapman, Hester W.
Miller, Jonh
O'Brien, Harriet
1962 Biography
2000 History/England
2003 History/England
1967 Biography
1961 Biography
1991 Biography
2005 Biography
Palmer, Alan
Davis, R.H.C.
Ganshof, F.L.
Haskins, Charles Homer
Weir, Alison
1975 Biography
1967 Biography
1964 World history
1957 World history
2000 Biography
Mortimer, Ian
2003 Biography
Hutchison, Harold F.
Haywood, Trevor
1971 Biography
2007 History/England
Stenton, Sir Frank
Sharma, Ruchir
1971 History/England
2012 World history
564 The Fourteenth Century, 1307-1399 (Oxford History of
565 English History, 1914-1945 (Oxford History of England)
566 The Age of Reform : 1815-1870 (The Oxford History of
567 England 1870-1914 (The Oxford History of England)
568 Roman Britain (The Oxford History of England)
569 From Domesday Book to Magna Carta 1087-1216 (The
Oxford History of England)
570 Marlborough (Wordsworth Military Library)
571 Nelson and Emma
572 Hell-Fire Duke: The Life of the Duke of Wharton
573 KGB: The Inside Story of Its Foreign Operations from Lenin
to Gorbachev
574 The Trial of Charles I
575 The Virgin Queen: A Portrait of Elizabeth I
576 The Highland Clearances
577 Winds of change 1914-1939
578 Guide To The Coalfields 1951
579 Britannia: History of Roman Britain
580 Poor Penelope: Lady Penelope Rich an Elizabethan Woman
581 From Merciless Invaders: An eye-witness account of the
Spanish Armada
McKisack, May
Year of
1959 History/England
Taylor, A.J.P.
Woodward, Sir Llewellyn
1978 History/England
1962 History/England
Ensor, Sir Robert
Salway, Peter
Poole, A.L.
1988 History/England
1981 History/England
1955 History/England
Barnett, Correlli
Hudson, Roger (Edited)
Blackett-Ord, Mark
Andrew, Christopher; Gordievsky,
Wedgwood, C.V.
Hibbert, Christopher
Prebble, John
Macmillan, Harold
1999 History/England
1994 History/England
1982 Biography
1991 World history
Frere, Sheppard
Freedman, Sylvia
Mckee, Alexander
1966 History/England
1990 Biography
1963 History/Scotland
1966 World history
1951 History/England
1973 History/Archaelogy/England
1983 Biography
1963 World history
582 At 12 Mr. Byng was Shot
583 Lancaster and York: The Wars of the Roses
584 Clarendon and His Friends
585 The King and the Gentleman: Charles Stuart and Oliver
Cromwell, 1599-1649
586 Weimar and the Rise of Hitler
587 Lloyd George & Churchill: Rivals for Greatness
588 The Marlboroughs: John and Sarah Churchill 1650-1744
589 Portugal - Século XX: crónica em imagens 1900-1910
590 Portugal - Século XX: crónica em imagens 1910-1920
591 Portugal - Século XX: crónica em imagens 1920-1930
592 Portugal - Século XX: crónica em imagens 1930-1940
593 Portugal - Século XX: crónica em imagens 1940-1950
594 Portugal - Século XX: crónica em imagens 1950-1960
595 Portugal - Século XX: crónica em imagens 1960-1970
596 Portugal - Século XX: crónica em imagens 1970-1980
597 Portugal - Século XX: crónica em imagens 1980-1990
598 Portugal - Século XX: crónica em imagens 1990-2000
599 Cronologia do Século XX
600 The Hitler Book: The Secret Dossier Prepared for Stalin
601 Long Knives and Short Memories: The Spandau Prison
Pope, Dudley
Weir, Alison
Ollard, Richard
Wilson, Derek
Nicholls, A.J.
Toye, Richard
Hibbert, Christopher
Vieira, Joaquim
Vieira, Joaquim
Vieira, Joaquim
Vieira, Joaquim
Vieira, Joaquim
Vieira, Joaquim
Vieira, Joaquim
Vieira, Joaquim
Vieira, Joaquim
Vieira, Joaquim
Williams, Neville; Waller, Philip;
Rowett, John
Eberle, Henrik; Uhl, Matthias
Fishman, Jack
Year of
2002 History/England
1995 History/England
1988 Biography
1999 History/England
1968 World history
2008 History/England
2001 History/England
1999 History/Portugal
1999 History/Portugal
1999 History/Portugal
1999 History/Portugal
2000 History/Portugal
2000 History/Portugal
2000 History/Portugal
2000 History/Portugal
2000 History/Portugal
2001 History/Portugal
1999 History/Portugal
2005 History/WW2
1986 History/WW2
602 German Bodies: Race and Representation After Hitler
603 Hitler
604 Inside Germany; with an Epilogue, England At War
605 The German Empire 1871-1919
606 Berlin Diaries, 1940-1945
607 The Kaiser's daughter : memoirs of H.R.H. Viktoria Luise,
Princess of Prussia
608 Heligoland: The True Story of German Bight and the Island
that Britain Betrayed
609 The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
610 Inside the Third Reich
611 My Father's Country: The Story of a German Family
612 Backing Hitler: Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany
613 Diary of a Man in Despair
614 The Origins of Modern Germany
615 Industry and Empire: From 1750 to the Present Day
616 The Uses and Abuses of History
617 Fire & Steam: How the Railways Transformed Britain
618 Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World
619 Debunking History: 152 Popular Myths Exploded
620 Salt: A World History
621 The Use of History
Year of
Linke, Uli
Toland, John
Villard, Oswald Garrison
Stürmer, Michael
Vassiltchikov, Marie
Luise, Princess Viktoria
1999 History/WW2
1997 Biography
1939 History/WW2
2000 History/Germany/WW1
1987 History/WW2
1977 Biography
Drower, George
2002 History/England
Shirer, William L.
Speer, Albert
Gellately, Robert
Reck-Malleczewen, Friedrich
Barraclough, Geoffrey
Hobsbawm, E. J.
MacMillan, Margaret
Wolmar, Christian
Kurlansky, Mark
Rayner, Ed; Stapley, Ron
Kurlansky, Mark
Rowse, A.L.
1959 History/WW2
1970 History/WW2
2008 History/WW2
2001 History/WW2
2000 History/WW2
1966 History/Germany
1969 History/England
2009 World history
2008 History/England
1997 Biography
2006 World history
2003 World history
1947 World history
622 Maps and Politics
623 Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World
624 Place Names in the Landscape: The geographical roots of
Britain's place-names
625 Illustrated English Social History - Vol. 1
626 Illustrated English Social History - Vol. 2
627 Illustrated English Social History - Vol. 3
628 Illustrated English Social History - Vol. 4
629 The Bayeux Tapestry and the Norman Invasion
630 The Domesday Book: England's Heritage, Then and Now
631 The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles: The authenic voices of
England, from the Time of Julius Caesar to the coronation
of Henry II
632 "Times" Atlas of World Exploration
633 A Victorian Trilogy - Things
634 A Victorian Trilogy - Cities
635 A Victorian Trilogy - People
636 Casanova
637 Mountbatten: The Official Biography
638 Lord Chatham Pitt and the Seven Years' War - Volume 2
639 Lord Chatham and America - Volume 3
640 Lord Chatham A war minister in the Making - Volume 1
641 Sun Kings: A History of Kingship
Black, Jeremy
Ostler, Nicholas
Gelling, Margaret
Year of
2000 World history
2006 World history
2000 History/England
Trevelyan, G.M.
Trevelyan, G.M.
Trevelyan, G.M.
Trevelyan, G. M.
Thorpe, Lewis
Hinde, Thomas (Editor)
Savage, Anne
1964 History/England
1964 History/England
1964 History/England
1964 History/England
1973 History/England.
1986 History/England
1983 History/England
Felipe Fernandez-Armesto (Editor)
Briggs, Asa
Briggs, Asa
Briggs, Asa
Parker, Derek
Ziegler, Philip
Sherrard, O.A.
Sherrand, O.A.
Sherrard, O.A.
Williams, Hywel
1991 World history
1996 History/England
1996 History/England
1996 History/England
2003 Biography
2001 Biography
1955 Biography
1958 Biography
1952 Biography
2007 World history
642 The "Infamas Govener": Francis Bernard and the Origins of
the American Revolution
643 The Life and Times of Charles I
644 The Life and Times of James II
645 The Life and Times of Queen Anne
646 The Life and Times of George VI
647 The Life and Times of Elizabeth I
648 The Life and Times of Charles II
649 King James VI of Scotland, I of England
650 The Life and Times of George I
651 The Life and Times of George III
652 The Life and Times of Alfred the Great
653 The Saxon Kings
654 The Norman Kings
655 The Life and Times of William I
656 The Life and Times of Richard I
657 The Life and Times of King John
658 The Life and Times of Richard II
659 The Life and Times of Edward I
660 The Life and Times of Richard III
661 The Life and Times of Henry VIII
662 The Life and Times of Henry VII
663 The Life and Times of Henry V
Nicolson, Colin
Watson, D.R.
Earle, Peter
Curtis, Gila
Middlemas, Keith
Williams, Neville
Falkus, Christopher
Fraser, Antonia
Marlow, Joyce
Clarke, John
Woodruff, Douglas
Humble, Richard
Chambers, James
Ashley, Maurice
Gillingham, John
Ashley, Maurice
Senior, Michael
Chancellor, John
Cheetham, Anthony
Lacey, Robert
Williams, Neville
Earle, Peter
Year of
2001 History/America
1972 History/England/Biography
1972 History/England/Biography
1972 History/England/Biography
1974 History/England/Biography
1972 History/England/Biography
1972 History/England/Biography
1974 History/England/Biography
1973 History/England/Biography
1972 History/England/Biography
1974 History/England/Biography
1980 History/England
1981 History/England
1973 History/England/Biography
1973 History/England/Biography
1972 History/England/Biography
1971 History/England/Biography
1981 History/England/Biography
1972 History/England/Biography
1972 History/England/Biography
1973 History/England/Biography
1972 History/England/Biography
664 The Life and Times of Mary Tudor
665 The Life and Times of Edward IV
666 The Life and Times of Edward III
667 The Life and Times of Edward II
668 Alfred Warrior King
669 Best of Enemies: Britain and Germany - Truth and Lies in
Two World Wars
670 1000 Years of Annoying the French
671 Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives
672 Albert Speer: His Battle with Truth
673 Friend or Foe: an Anglo-Saxon History of France
674 The Man in the Iron Mask
675 The Man Who Would Be King : The Life of Philippe
D'Orleans, Regent of France
676 Bonaparte
677 Napoleon and Europe
678 The Capetian Kings of France
679 England's Last War Against France: Fighting Vichy 19401942
681 The Ira
682 Ireland's Civil War
683 Far from the Land
684 From the Gracchi to Nero : A History of Rome from 133
Ridley, Jasper
Falkus, Gila
Johnson, Paul
Bingham, Caroline
Peddle, John
Milton, Richard
Year of
1973 History/England/Biography
1981 History/England/Biography
1973 History/England/Biography
1973 History/England/Biography
1999 History/England
2008 History/WW1/WW2
Clarke, Stephen
Bullock, Alan
Sereny, Gitta
Horne, Alistair
MacDonald, Roger
Pevitt, Christine
2010 World history
1998 World history
1996 Biography
2005 History/France
2005 Biography
1997 Biography
Barnett, Correlli
Wright, D. G.
Smith, Colin
1978 Biography
1984 World history
2009 World history
Coogan, Tim Pat
Younger, Calton
Sanders, John
Scullard, H.H.
1987 History/Ireland
1970 History/Ireland
1997 History/Ireland
1982 History/Italy/Rome
B.C. to A.D. 68
685 Julius Caesar: Man, Soldier, & Tyrant (Wordsworth Military
686 A History of the Crusades: volume III: the Kingdom of Acre
and the Later Crusades
687 A History of the Crusades: volume II: the Kingdom of
Jerusalem and the Frankish East, 1100-1187
688 A History of the Crusades: volume I: the First Crusade and
the Foundation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem
689 The Last Crusaders: East, West and the Battle for the
Centre of the World
690 Histories
691 Tiberius
692 The Romans
693 The Annals of Imperial Rome
694 The Unification of Italy, 1815-70
695 Marcus Aurelius
696 The Fall of the Roman Empire
697 Ciano´s Diary 1937-1943
698 A History Of The Medieval Church 590-1500
699 Clio, A Muse. An Other Essays
700 The Roman Empire: From the Etruscans to the Decline of
Year of
Fuller, J.F.C.
1998 Biography
Runciman, Steven
1978 World history
Runciman, Steven
1990 World history
Runciman, Steven
1991 World history
Rogerson, Barnaby
2010 World history
Herodotus; Rawlinson, George
Mason, Ernst
Barrow, R.H.
Tacitus (Author); Grant, Michael
Stiles, Andrina
Birley, Anthony
Grant, Michael
Ciano, Galeazzo
Deanesly, M.
Trevelyan, G.M.
Stierlin, Henri
1996 World history
1963 Biography
1949 History/Italy/Rome
1956 History/Italy/Rome
1989 History/Italy
1966 Biography
1990 World history
2002 History/WW2
1954 World history
1949 World history
2004 World history
the Roman Empire
701 The Papacy
702 Secret Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope: The Commentaries
of Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini Pius II
703 At the court of the Borgia
704 Frederick the Great
705 The Emperor & the Actress: The Love Story of Emperor
Franz Josef and Katharina Schratt
706 The Twelve Caesars
Hollis, Christopher (Edited)
Gabel, Leona C. (Editor); Gragg,
Florence A. (Translator)
Burchard, Johann
Palmer, Alan
Haslip, Joan
Suetonius (Author); Thomson,
Alexander (Translator)
707 Catherine the Great & Potemkin - The Imperial Love Affair Montefiore, Simon Sebag
708 The Evolution of Russia
Hoetzsch, Otto
709 To the Finland Station
Wilson, Edmund
710 Metternich: Councillor of Europe
Palmer, Alan
711 Catherine the Great
Rounding, Virgina
712 Russia in the Age of Catherine the Great
Madariaga, Isabel de
713 The Agony of the Russian Idea
McDaniel, Tim
714 Tournament of Shadows: The Great Game and the Race
Meyer, Karl Ernest; Brysac,
for Empire in Central Asia
Shareen Blair
715 The Fate of Admiral Kolchak
Fleming, Peter
716 Young Stalin
Montefiore, Simon Sebag
717 Spies & Commissars: Bolshevik Russia and the West
Service, Robert
718 Cursed Days: A Diary of Revolution
Bunin, Ivan
Year of
1965 Worls history
1988 Biography
1963 Biography
1974 Biography
1982 Novel
1964 Biography
2001 Biography
1966 History/Russia
1972 World history
1997 Biography
2007 Biography
1981 History/Russia
1996 History/Russia
1999 World history
2001 Biography
2007 Biography
2012 World history
2000 History/Russia
719 The Man without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir
720 Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman
721 Catherine: Empress of All the Russias
722 Khrushchev Remembers
723 Sunlight at Midnight: St. Petersburg and the Rise of
Modern Russia
724 Lost Splendour
Gessen, Masha
Massie, Robert K
Cronin, Vicent
Talbott, Strobe (Edited and
Lincoln, W. Bruce
Prince Felix Youssoupoff (Author);
Green, Ann; Katkoff, Nicolas
725 The Shaman's Coat: A Native History of Siberia
Reid, Anna
726 The memoirs of Catherine the Great
Empress of Russia Catherine II
727 1812: Napoleon's Fatal March on Moscow
Zamoyski, Adam
728 The Calas Affair - A Treatise on Tolerance
Voltaire (Author); Masters, Brian
(Editor, Translator)
729 The French Revolution
Rudé, George
730 The Retreat from Moscow
Bourgogne, Sergeant (Author);
Fortescue, J.W. (Translator)
731 The Reminiscences of Captain Gronow
Bentley, Nicolas (Edited and
732 Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French Village 1294- Ladurie, Emmanuel La Roy
733 Dinner at Magny's
Baldick, Robert
Year of
2013 Biography
2011 Biography
1989 Biography
1970 History/Russia
2001 History/Russia
1996 Biography
2002 History/Siberia
2006 Biography
2005 World history
1994 World history
1989 History/France
1985 Biography
1997 Biography
2005 History/France
1971 History/France
734 Rites of Peace: The Fall of Napoleon and the Congress of
735 The Affair of the Poisons: Murder, Infanticide and
Satanism at the Court of Louis XIV
736 Napoleon III: A Life
737 The Fall of Paris: The Siege and the Commune 1870-71
738 Madame Du Barry: The Wages of Beauty
739 Cardinal Richelieu and the Making of France
740 From Napoleon to Stalin: Comments on European History
741 History of the French revolution, from 1789-1814
742 Crusader Castles
743 How It All Began: The Prison Novel
744 Stalin's Nemesis - The Exile and Murder of Leon Trotsky
745 The Lost Fortune of the Tsars
746 Nicholas and Alexandra
747 The Making of Modern Russia
748 The Unfinished Revolution: Russia 1917-67
749 The Ancient Celts
750 Coming War Between Russia and China
751 The Monks of War
752 Age of Delirium: The Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union
753 Karl Marx: His Life and Environment
754 The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Zamoyski, Adam
Year of
2008 World history
Somerset, Anne
2003 History/France
Bresler, Fenton
Horne, Alistair
Haslip, Joan
Levi, Anthony
Taylor, A.J.P.
Mignet, F. A.
Kennedy, Hugh
Bukharin, Nikolai
Patenaude, Bertrand M.
Clarke, William
Massie, Robert K.
Kochan, Lionel
Deutscher, Isaac
Cunliffe, Barry
Salisbury, Harrison E.
Seward, Desmond
Satter, David
Berlin, Isaiah
Gibbon, Edward
1999 Biography
1965 History/France
2005 Biography
2001 Biography
1950 World history
1875 History/France
1994 World history
1998 History/Biography/Novel
2009 World history
1996 History/Russia
1969 Biography
1963 History/Russia
1967 History/Ruusia
1997 World history
1969 World history
2000 World history
1996 History/Russia
1978 Biography
1997 World history
Volume I: The Turn of the Tide
755 The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Volume II: Constantine and the Christian Empire
756 The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Volume VII: The Normans in Italy and the Crusades
757 The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Volume VIII: The Fall of Constantinople and the Papacy in
758 The Rise of the Greeks
759 Caesar
760 Procopius. The Secret History
761 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
762 The Punic Wars
763 A History of Rome down to the Reign of Constantine
764 Up Off Their Knees,A Commentary on the Civil Rights
Movement in Northern Ireland
765 The Unresolved Question
The Anglo-Irish Settlement and Its Undoing 1912-72
766 Barry's Flying Column
767 Lion In the North: A Personal View of Scotland's History
768 Peace By Ordeal: the Negotiation and of the Anglo-Irish
Treaty of 1921
769 God's Crucible : Islam and the Making of Europe, 570-1215
770 Spain's Road to Empire: The Making of a World Power,
Year of
Gibbon, Edward
1997 World history
Gibbon, Edward
1997 World history
Gibbon, Edward
1997 World history
Grant, Michael
Meier, Christian
Williamson, G. A. (Translated)
Gibbon, Edward
Bagnall, Nigel
Cary, M.; Litt D.
McCluskey, Conn
1997 History/Greece
1996 Biography/Novel
1990 World history
1978 World history
1999 World history
1954 History/Italy/Roman
1989 History/Ireland
Mansergh, Nicholas
1991 World history
Butler, Ewan
Prebble, John
Pakenham, Farnk (Lord Longford)
1971 History/Ireland
1981 History/Scotland
1992 History/Ireland
Lewis, David Levering
Kamen, Henry
2009 World history
2003 History/Spain
771 Ireland & europe 1919-1989 A Diplomatic and Political
772 The Irish Civil War, 1922-23: And What it Still Means for
the Irish People
773 The Spanish Civil War
774 Imperial Spain, 1469-1716
775 Inquisition
776 The Spanish Labyrinth: An account of the social and
political background of the Spanish civil war
777 Guilty Victims: Austria from the Holocaust to Haider
778 The Habsburgs: Embodying Empire
779 A Nervous Splendor: Vienna 1888-1889
780 The Generalship of Alexander the Great (Wordsworth
Military Library)
781 The Bull of Minos
782 The Lonely Empress: Elizabeth of Austria
783 The War with Hannibal
784 The Spanish Holocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in
Twentieth-Century Spain
785 Plutarch on Sparta
786 Before and after Socrates
787 Modern Greece: A Short History
Year of
Keogh, Dermot
1990 History/Ireland
Blake, Frances Mary
1986 History/Ireland
Thomas, Hugh
Elliott, J. H.
Edwards, John
Brenan, Gerald
1963 History/Spain
1970 History/Spain
2003 History/Spain
1960 History/Spain
Pick, Hella
Wheatcroft, Andrew
Morton, Frederic
Fuller, J F C
2000 History/Austria
2004 History/Austria
2006 History/Austria
1998 World history
Cottrell, Leonard
Haslip, Joan
Livy, Titus; Selincourt, Aubrey
Preston, Paul
2003 History/Greece
2000 Biography
1965 History/Italy/Rome
Talbert Richard J. A.; Plutarch
Cornford, F. M.
Woodhouse, C. M.
1988 History/Greece
1964 History/Greece
1986 History/Greece
2013 History/Spain
788 Visigothics Spain, 409-711
Collins, Roger
790 Franco
Hodges, Gabrielle Ashford
791 Colección Visigoda del Museo Nacional de Arte Romano
Martinez, José Maria; Antón, José
Luis de la Barrera
792 RAJ: The Making and Unmaking of British India
James, Lawrence
793 Dawning of the Raj: The Life and Trials of Warren Hastings Bernstein, Jeremy
794 The Speedwell Voyage: A Tale of Pirzcy and Mutiny in the Poolman, Kenneth
18th Century
795 The American Slave Trade
Spears, John R.
796 All the President's Men
Bernstein, Carl; Woodward, Bob
797 Antislavery origins of the civil war in the United States
Dumond, Dwight Lowell
798 Paradise & Power: America and Europe in the new world Kagan, Robert
799 The Great Rehearsal: The Story of the Making and
Doren, Carl Van
Ratifying of the Constitution of the United States
800 The Golden Isthmus
Howarth, David
801 The Pirate wars
Earle, Peter
802 Pirate Utopias: Moorish Corsairs & European Renegadoes Wilson, Peter Lamborn
803 The American West: The Invention of a Myth
Murdoch, David Hamilton
804 A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House
Jr., Arthur M. Schlesinger
805 The First Salute: The First Salute: A View of the American Tuchman, Barbara
Year of
2004 History/Spain
2008 History/Spain/ Zamora
2000 Biography
2009 History/Spain/Merida
1998 History/England
2000 Biography
2000 History/England
1960 World history
1974 History/USA
1959 History/USA
2004 World history
1967 World history
2004 World history
2003 World history
2001 History/USA
2002 History/USA
1989 History/USA
806 The Plains of Abraham
807 The Fire of Liberty
808 The Civil War: An Illustrated History
809 Lawful Revolution: Louis Kossuth and the Hungarians
810 Stilwell and the American Experience in China 1911-1945
811 The United States and the Cold War, 1941-53
812 India: A History
813 The Siege of Delhi: Mutiny Memories of an Old Officer
814 Enemies within: Papua New Guinea, Australia, and the
Sandline Crisis: the inside story
815 The Fatal Shore: A History of the Transportation of
Convicts to Australia, 1787-1868
816 The Oxford Illustrated History of New Zealand
817 We are Iran
818 Iran: Empire of the Mind: A History from Zoroaster to the
Present Day
819 Islam Today: A Short Introduction to the Muslim World
820 Understanding Iraq
821 Life Along the Silk Road
822 The Indian Mutiny (Wordsworth Military Library)
823 From Beirut to Jerusalem
Connell, Brian
Wright, Esmond
Ward, Geoffrey C.; Burns, Ric;
Burns, Ken
Deak, Istvan
Year of
1959 History/USA
1983 History/USA
1990 History/USA
2001 History/Hungary
Tuchman, Barbara
Crockatt, Richard
Keay, John
Barter, Richard
O'Callaghan, Mary-Louise
2001 History/USA
1989 History/USA
2000 History/India
1984 World history
1999 World History
Hughes, Robert
1987 World history
Sinclair, Keith (Editor)
Alavi, Nasrin
Axworthy, Michael
1993 History/New Zealand
2006 History/Iran
2008 History/Iran
Ahmed, Akbar S.
Polk, William R.
Whitfield, Susan
Harris, John
Friedman, Thomas
1999 History/Islam
2005 History/Iraq
2000 World history
2001 History/India
1998 History/Middle East
824 Sick Man of Europe: Ottoman Empire to Turkish Republic,
825 Southeast Asia: A Concise History
826 The Reason Why: Behind the scenes at the Charge of the
Light Brigade
827 An Embassy to China
828 The Spice Route
829 Delusions and Discoveries: India in the British Imagination,
830 Scramble for Africa 1876 - 1912
831 The discarded people: An account of African Resettlement
in South Africa
832 King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and
Heroism in Colonial Africa
833 A Traveller's History of North Africa: Morocco, Tunisia,
Libya, Algeria
834 Engineering In the Ancient World
835 The Africa House: The True Story of an English Gentleman
and His African Dream
836 Historical Discord in the Nile Valley
837 In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz: Living on the Brink of
Disaster in Mobutu's Congo
838 The Slave Trade: The Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade:
1440 - 1870
Swallow, Charles
Year of
1973 World history
Heidhues, Mary Somers
Woodham-Smith, Cecil
2000 History/Asia
1958 History/England
Lord Macartney
Keay, John
Parry, Benita
2004 History/China
2005 World history
1998 History/India
Pakenham, Thomas
Desmond, Cosmas
1992 History/Africa
1971 History/Africa
Hochschild, Adam
1999 History/Africa
Rogerson, Barnaby
1998 History/Africa
Landels, J. G.
Lamb, Christina
1997 World history
2000 History/Africa
Warburg, Gabriel R.
Wrong, Michela
1992 World history
2002 History/Zaire
Thomas, Hugh
1997 History/Africa
839 The White Tribe of Africa: South Africa in Perspective
840 Parting the Desert: The Creation of the Suez Canal
841 Ancient Lives: The Story of the Pharaoh's Tombmakers
842 Travels In the Interior of Africa
843 Readers Digest Illustrated History of South Africa: The Real
844 The African Experience from Olduvai Gorge to the 21st
845 Luanda
Harrison, David
Karabell, Zachary
Romer, John
Park, Mungo
Oliver, Roland
Edição da direcção dos serviços de
846 The Great Moghuls
Gascoigne, Bamber
847 Morocco: From Empire to Independence
Pennell, C. R.
848 The Lion and the Tiger: The Rise and Fall of the British Raj, Judd, Denis
849 The Maharajahs
Lord, John
850 The Year of the Ghost: An Olduvai Diary
Roe, Derek
851 Stanley: Sorcerer's Apprentice
McLynn, Frank
852 Rhodes: The Race for Africa
Thomas, Antony
853 Stanley: The Impossible Life of Africa's Greatest Explorer Jeal, Tim
854 Travels in the Interior of Africa
Park, Mungo
855 Secret Chamber: The Quest for the Hall of Records
Bauval, Robert
856 White Mischief
Fox, James
857 Princes Under the Volcano: Two Hundred Years of a British Trevelyan, Raleigh
Year of
1985 History/Africa
2004 World history
1984 History/Egypt
1984 History/Africa
1988 History/Africa
1999 History/Africa
1975 History/Africa/Angola/Luanda
1998 History/India
2003 History/Morocco
2004 World history
1972 History/India
2002 World history
1992 Biography
1997 Biography
2007 Biography
2002 History/Africa
2000 History/Egypt
1998 World history
2002 History/England
Dynasty in Sicily
858 Cross and the Ensign: Naval History of Malta, 1798-1979
859 Michael of Romania: The King and the Country
860 The Balkans: Nationalism, War and the Great Powers,
861 A History of Europe
862 The Mediterranean: Portrait of a Sea
863 The Prospect Before Her:A History of Women in Western
Europe 1500-1800 (Volume One)
864 The Invasion of Europe by the Barbarians
866 Cleopatra
867 Medieval World: Europe 1100-1350
868 The Great Siege: Malta, 1565
869 Medieval Europe
870 A History of the Jews in the Modern World
871 China Rises: How China's Astonishing Growth Will Change
the World
872 Portrait of India
873 The Siege at Peking
874 When China Rules the World: The Rise of the Middle
Kingdom and the End of the Western World
875 Empires of the Monsoon: A History of the Indian Ocean
and its Invaders
Year of
Elliott, Peter
Porter, Ivor
Glenny, Misha
1980 World history
2005 Biography
2000 History/Balkans
Roberts, J. M.
Bradford, Ernle
Hufton, Olwen
1996 History/Europe
2000 World history
1995 History/Europe
Bury, J. B.
Bradford, Ernle
Heer, Friedrich
Bradford, Ernle
Scott, Martin
Sachar, Howard M.
Farndon, John
2000 History/Europe
2000 Biography
1962 History/Europe
1961 History/Malta
1964 History/Europe
2005 World history
2007 History/China
Mehta, Ved
Fleming, Peter
Jacques, Martin
1973 History/India
2001 History/China
2009 History/China
Hall, Richard
1996 History/India
876 The Golden Age of Persia
877 A Sudden Rampage: The Japanese Occupation of South
East Asia 1941-1945
878 Samurai William: The Adventurer Who Unlocked Japan
879 A Secret Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina
880 Chinggis Khan: The Golden History of the Mongols
881 The Making of Modern Japan
882 Aguirre: The Re-Creation of a Sixteenth Century Journey
Across South America
883 Stolen Continents: Conquest and Resistance in the
884 Conquest of the Incas
885 Liberators: South America's Savage Wars of Freedom
886 Manual de Historia de Chile : desde la prehistoria hasta
887 Chile: The Pinochet Decade : The Rise and Fall of the
Chicago Boys
888 America's Longest War: the United States and Vietnam
889 The Three Roosevelts: Patrician leaders who transformed
890 President Nixon: Alone in the White House
891 Longman History of the United States of America
Frye, Richard N.
Tarling, Nicholas
Year of
2000 History/Persia
2001 History/Japan/WW2
Milton, Giles
Burton, Richard
Onon, Urgunge
Jansen, Marius B
Minta, Stephen
2002 History/Japan
2004 History/Africa
1993 History/Mongolia
2002 History/Japan
1993 History/South America
Wright, Ronald
2000 World history/America
Hemming, John
Harvey, Robert
1993 World history/America
2002 World history
1986 History/Chile
O'brien, Phil; Roddick, Jackie
1983 History/Chile
Herring, George C.
1986 World history/America
Burns, James MacGregor; Dunn,
Reeves, Richard
Brogan, Hugh
2001 History/USA
2002 Biography
1985 History/USA
892 Eisenhower: Allied Supreme Commander
893 Old World, New World: The Story of Britain and America
894 British Security Coordination: The Secret History of British
Intelligence in the Americas, 1940-1945
895 Nemesis: Aristotle Onassis, Jackie O, and the Love Triangle
That Brought Down the Kennedys.
896 Lost City of the Incas: The Story of Machu Picchu and Its
897 London's Underground Suburbs
898 Bridges That Changed the World
899 Inuksuit: Silent Messengers of the Arctic
900 The Fall and Rise of the Stately Home
901 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of China
902 An Illustrated Journey Round the World
903 Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean
904 Farewell España: The World of the Sephardim
905 Liberty against the Law: Some Seventeenth-Century
906 Politics Without Democracy, 1815-1914: Perception and
Preoccupation in British Government
907 Breve História dos Judeus em Portugal
908 The Cunning of Unreason Making Sense of Politics
D'Este, Carlo
Burk, Kathleen
West, Nigel
Year of
2004 Biography
2007 World history
1999 World history
Evans, Peter
2005 History/USA
Bingham, Hiram
2004 History/South America
Edwards, Dennis
Graf, Bernhard
Hallendy, Norman
Mandler, Peter
Hook, Brian (Editor), Twitchett,
Denis (Editor)
William, Thomas; Daniell Samuel
Kritzler, Edward
Sachar, Howard M.
2003 History/England/London
2002 World history
2000 History/Artic
1997 History/England
1991 History/China
Hill, Christopher
1996 History/England
Bentley, Michael
1996 History/England
Martins, Jorge
Dunn, John
2009 History/Portugal
2000 History/England
2007 World history
2008 World history
1995 World history
909 The Story of Africa
910 Sacred Places: Sites of Spiritual Pilgrimage from
Stonehenge to Santiago de Compostela
911 Out of Africa
912 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Australia
913 Terra-Cotta Warriors & Horses at the Tomb of Qin Shi
914 The Genius of China
915 Chinese Porcelain
916 Sacred Geography: Deciphering Hidden Codes in the
917 The Grand Tour 1952-1796
918 Bougainville
919 Le Sauvage de Taiti aux Français
920 The Archaeology of Medieval England and Wales
921 A Country Camera, 1844-1914
922 The Grand Tour
923 Rides Round Britain
924 The Dutch Seaborne Empire: 1600-1800 (History of Human
925 Journeys into Medieval England
926 Traditional Buildings of Britain: Introduction to Vernacular
Davidson, Basil
Carr-Gomm, Philip
Year of
1984 History/Africa
2011 World history
Blixen, Karen
Published by Cambridge
University Press
Compiled by the archaeological
team of Pit of Terracotta
Watson, William
Boulay, Anthony du
Devereux, Paul
1985 History/Africa
1994 History/Australia
Hudson, Roger
Ross, Michael
De La Dixmérie, Nicolas Bricaire
Steane, John M
Winter, Gordon
Hibbert, Christopher
Byng, John
Boxer, Charles R.
1993 History/England
1978 Biography
1984 History/Archaeology/England
1973 History/England
1987 History/England
1996 History/England
1965 History/Netherlands
Jenner, Michael
Brunskill, R.W.
1991 History/England
1992 History/England
1986 History/China
1973 History/Archaeology/China
1973 History/China
2010 World history
927 Darwin and the Beagle
928 The Capetian Kings of France: Monarchy and Nation 9871328
929 Documents concerning German-Polish relations
930 The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Volume III: The Revival and Collapse of Paganism
931 The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Volume IV: The End of the Western Empire
932 The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Volume V: Justinian and the Roman Law
933 The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Volume VI: Mohammed and the Rise of the Arabs
Moorehead, Alan
Fawtier, Robert
Year of
1971 World history
1960 History/France
His Majesty´s Stationery Office
Gibbon, Edward
1939 World history
1997 World history
Gibbon, Edward
1997 World history
Gibbon, Edward
1997 World history
Gibbon, Edward
1997 World history

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