

Running since 1988
Cnotinfor is a RTD company focused on Technology Enhanced Learning, professional training
and 3D applications, based on a constructivist approach.
As a learning organization, launches bridges between research, training and knowledge
transfer to schools and others partners.
To help to construct the way people think, learn and interact with the emergent technologies,
taking into account the multiple intelligences, the critical thinking, the learning communities, the
creativity and promoting participation and inclusion.
To construct and to improve tools, contents and contexts for children, young’s and educators,
grounded on the technology enhanced learning concept, offering intuitive and multimodal
Everything we do is based upon the values we believe: the authenticity, the talent, the autonomy,
the creativity and the collaborative learning. These create the perfect environment for innovation
and for fostering the potential of each human being.
We develop an organization focused on people and community, favouring inclusion and diversity,
ecology and participation.
The Imagina® brand signs all software and interactive
technologies that Cnotinfor brings to the educational market
and reflects its commitment of promoting tools more than
tutorials, contexts more than contents. With Imagina®
software, the challenge is to create and to build and not only
consuming digital pre-packed contents.
Business Units
Educational software under Imagina® brand + Interactive Technologies
Special Needs Software and Hardware
Research & Technology Development
Training and educational consulting
Cnotinfor - Centro de Novas
Tecnologias da Informação, Lda.
Casa S. Francisco
Estrada de Assafarge, 6
3040-718 Castelo Viegas
Coimbra | Portugal
T +351 239 499 230
F +351 239 499 239
M + 351 918 212 936
[email protected]
VAT ID: PT 502097388
Educational software titles
The main titles of Imagina® software are certified and recommend by the Portuguese Ministry
of Education.
Pequeno Mozart (Little Mozart) – application available in Mac App Store and also
for iPhone and iPad in iTunes App Store, in English and in Portuguese
Já está 2 – Desenhar (My First Tools 2 Paint), Já está 2 – Escrever (My First Tools 2
Write), Já está 2 – Gráficos (My First Tools 2 Chart) e Já está 2 – Contar (My First
Tools 2 Count)– applications available in Mac App Store, in English and in
Point – software for symbolizing text in any webpage, using the symbol database
that has over 10.000 Widgit Symbols for Literacy
Little Bridge (from the British company Manic Monkey) – 3D environment for learning
English according to Cambridge ESOL
Brazilian Portuguese versions: Comunicar com Símbolos, inVento 2 and Aventuras 2
Jogos da Carochinha (Fairy Games for Children) – interactive games with animated songs
and stories for developing basic skills
Book “Piolho Zarolho e o Arco-Íris da Amizade” (Louse One-Eyed and the Rainbow of
Friendship) – first book written with Portuguese Symbols; story from the writer Lurdes
Breda; project accomplished in partnership with APPACDM (Portuguese Association of
Parents and Friends of Mentally Disabled People) of Coimbra
USB device versions for: Já Está 2 (My First Tools) and Aventuras II (Adventures II)
Já Está 2 (My First Tools) – new enhanced version, multiplatform (Windows, Mac and
Linux), built to fit perfect on small and big resolution screens; renewed interface and
contents; new features, like sending the work done transparently to any email address.
Comunicar com Símbolos – Portuguese and Brazilian version of “Communicate:
Symwriter”, new enhanced version of “Writing with Symbols”, from Widgit Software. The
most intuitive software for any age people with special communication needs.
Pen USB Incluir+ 1 – An electronic book “As TIC em Ambientes Educativos Especiais”, plus
several resources for special needs education.
Pen USB Aprender+ 1 – 16 games for developing core competencies on kindergarten and
Primary Education.
O Pequeno Mozart (Little Mozart) – ART3D project co-funded by Programme Prime
Laboratório Virtual de Física e Laboratório Virtual de Química (Virtual Laboratory for
Physics an Chemistry from Crocodile Clips) – translated and customized for European
Portuguese and Portuguese Curricula with the cooperation of Mocho project from the
Department of Physics, of the University of Coimbra.
Mapa de Ideias (Portuguese and Spanish) – original software from Spark-Space, UK
Sopa Decimal (Fractions) – developed under the EC project CoLabs.
Floresta Mágica II (Magic Forest II) – New enhanced version of Magic Forest; launched
simultaneous at Portugal and UK. |
Dragões e Companhia (Dragon Pathways) – launched at Portugal and UK.
Ilha das Algas Mágicas (Magic Island) - Co-developed in a partnership with International
inVento (inPrint) – Editing software with symbols and TTS for main schools and also for SEN
in partnership with Widgit Software (Cambridge, UK)
Aventuras II (Adventures II) – software for learning reading and writing skills in main
schools and for students with dyslexia and other Special Educational Needs, in partnership
with FENACERCI (Federação Nacional de Cooperativas de Solidariedade Social).
Escrevendo com Símbolos, Intercomm e inVento (Writing with Symbols, Intercomm and
inPrint), Brazilian Portuguese versions.
À Descoberta de Coimbra (Discovering Coimbra)
Book “Micromundos AIA”, in a partnership with ESE de Paula Frassinetti, co-funded by
Programme Nónio século XXI
Escrita com Símbolos (Writing with Symbols) – in a partnership with FENACERCI and Widgit
Software (Cambridge, UK). First software launched in Portugal with a European Portuguese
TTS (Text to Speech).
InterComm – in a partnership with FENACERCI and Widgit Software (Cambridge, UK).
Imagina, cria e constrói (Imagine)– Author multimedia software from Comenius University
launched in several countries in local language.
Já Está (Early Essentials) – launched at Portugal and UK (by Logotron)
Tobias, O Palhaço (Thomas, the Clown)
Floresta Mágica (Magic Forest), developed under the Playground EC project– Programme
Esprit i3net, in a partnership with the Institute of Education of University of London, the
Comenius University of Bratislava and other partners.
Book and CD Rom “TIC na Educação” (Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação na
Educação - ICT on Education) – Award from Instituto de Inovação Educacional (Educational
Institute of Inovation).
Toon Talk
Espinafres para a Criatividade (Speenach fro Creativity)
Desafios (Brainteasers)
Aventuras no Mundo das Palavras, dos Sons e das Imagens (Adventures on the world of
words, sounds and images) – Co-funded by the Portuguese Ministry of Education, Núcleo
de Ensino Recorrente / Iniciativa Now
Megalogo – launched simultaneous at Portugal and Brazil.
WinLogo – launched simultaneous at Portugal and Brazil.
Research I&D Projects
LIREC: LIving with Robots and intEractive Companions (FP7-ICT EC Project)
LIREC aims to establish a multi-faceted theory of artificial long-term companions, both
robots and graphical characters (including memory, emotions, cognition,
communication, learning, etc.), embody this theory in robust and innovative
technology and experimentally verify both the theory and technology in real social |
CNOTI case study: about knowledge transfer from Universities to companies and
educational communities, made on the umbrella of the Network of Excellence
ART 3D: Ambientes enRiquecidos pela Tecnologia (Learning Environments
Enhanced by the Technology): Project co-funded by the programme Prime. New
methodologies of software development were introduced with a multi-platform e
multilingual approach; libraries and APIs for 3D visualization and interaction, speech
and sound recognition and more transparent and intuitive interfaces have been
Clube ET – NITEC (Technological Innovation Centre): Project co-funded by ADI –
Portuguese Innovation Agency.
Coordination of the do project “Desenvolvimento Inclusivo e Deficiência no
Brasil” (Inclusive Development and Disability in Brazil): Project funded by the
World Bank: .
Network of Excellence Kaleidoscope (EC FP6): EC project focused on Technology
Enhanced Learning with about 70 institutions, mainly Universities, all over the Europe
(from 23 countries). .
COLABS (EC FP6 Minerva): EC project co-funded by Programme Minerva about
virtual collaborative learning laboratories, in a partnership witt Eötvös Loránd
University, Informatics Methodology Group, TeaM Lab (Hungria), Comenius University,
Faculty of Mathematics, Physiscs and Informatics, Department of Informatics
Education (Slovakia), Logotron Ltd. (UK), OEIiZK, Centre for Informatics and
Technology in Education (Polónia).
s .
Coordination of the do project "Educação Inclusiva no Brasil" (Inclusive
Education in Brazil): Project funded by the World Bank and Disabled People´s
International (Japan). .
À Descoberta de Coimbra (Discovering Coimbra): Project of a multimedia
learning environment for discovering the History of Coimbra, awarded by I National
Contest for Educational Software of the Portuguese Ministry of Education /
Programme Nónio.
Playground for Learning (EC FP5): Research Project co-funded by the EU i3net
initiative – programme Esprit about modelling and constructing rule based games by
children, in a partnership with the Institute of Education of London, University
Comenius of Bratislava, University of Stockholm and Logotron, Ltd, Cambridge, UK.
Award Coimbra Inovação e Excelência 2003 (Coimbra Innovation and Excellence) from
Câmara Municipal de Coimbra (1st place)
Member of the International Scientific Committee of EUROLOGO – International Group
focused on the use of ICT on education based on Logo pedagogy. |
Member of ISAAC – – International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Member of ISTE – International Society for Technology on Education
HUMAINE Association - Association for researchers in emotion-oriented/affective computing
PME Líder (SME Leader), in 2008, certified by the programme FINCRESCE, of IAPMEI
Institution credited by DGERT (DGERT – Direcção Geral de Emprego e das Relações de
Trabalho) since 2001, for the Conception, Organization and Execution/Development of
certified on site training.
Institution credited by DGERT since 2004, for certified on-line training.
Software credited by the Portuguese Ministry of Education (Medida PRODEP III/2002)
Main international business partners
Clik Tecnologia Assistiva, Ltda. (Brazil) | CPTA - Centro Paulista de Tecnologia
Assistiva, Ltda. (Brazil)| Crocodile Clips Ltd (UK) | EON Reality (USA) | Loquendo (Italy) |
Luidia, Inc. (USA) | Valiant Technology (UK) |
Widgit Software (UK)
Main research partners
Queen Mary University of London, UK | Heriot-Watt University, UK | Stadual University of
Campinas, Brazil | Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia | Institute of Education, London,
UK | University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain | University of Coimbra | University of Évora |
University of Aveiro
Patrícia Correia – CEO: [email protected] | +351 917 848 370
Secundino Correia – CIO: [email protected] | +351 917 600 730 |