Instituto São José Salesiano Resende/RJ


Instituto São José Salesiano Resende/RJ
Read the dialogue from the film “Ratatouille”.
Linguini: Listen, I just want you to know how honored I am to be studying under such a...
Colette: No, you listen! I just want you to know exactly who you are dealing with! How many women do
you see in this kitchen?
Linguini: Well, I uh...
Colette: Only me. Why do you think that is? Because high cuisine is an antiquated hierarchy built upon
rules written by stupid, old men. Rules designed to make it impossible for women to enter this world, but
still I'm here. How did this happen?
Linguini: Well because you, because you...
Colette: Because I am the toughest cook in this kitchen! I have worked too hard for too long to get here,
and I am not going to jeopardize it for some garbage boy who got lucky! Got it?
Linguini: Wow!
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 set. 2011.
jeopardize: colocar em risco
1. The dialogue shows that Colette wants to
a) make clear that she is the boss.
b) prove she is a good cooking teacher.
c) convince Linguine he is a bad cook.
d) transform high cuisine in France.
e) prepare Linguini to replace her.
2. What dialogue line is an example of an ungrammatical structure in English, which is typical of
colloquial language?
a) “No, you listen!”
b) “How many women do you see in this kitchen?”
c) “Why do you think that is?”
d) “Got it?”
e) “How did this happen?”
Dear Readers,
Were you bullied at school today? Did you see someone else being bullied? According to a 2005
study by researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles, nearly one half of middle-school
students reported being bullied at least once during five school days. Even more kids had seen others
being bullied. Bullying is harmful not only to the kids that are bullied, but to every kid in school. Hitting,
teasing, name-calling and other forms of bullying create an atmosphere of fear and dread. Every kid
wonders, Will I be bullied next?
At TIME For Kids, we want every kid to feel comfortable, safe and confident at school, so
everyone can focus on learning and growing. That’s why we are so proud that the Department of Health
and Human Services has sponsored this supplement “Stop Bullying Now!” This is the first of three issues
you will receive this year presenting bullying scenarios and showing you ways to cope with them. Share
this comic book, and the two that follow, with your family and friends.
Bullying behavior has probably been around for as long as human beings have walked the earth.
We hope to give kids the tools they need to react appropriately to bullying situations. Bullying should not
be rewarded or tolerated.
Sincerely yours,
Martha Pickerill
Managing Editor, TIME For Kids
(Fonte: adaptado de; acesso em 06.09.2011)
3. A seção da revista TIME For Kids na qual o texto é veiculado é:
a) Atualidades
b) Negócios
c) Editorial
d) Cartas
e) Entrevista
4. De acordo com Martha Pickerill, o tema em questão pode ser encontrado:
a) nesta e em duas edições posteriores.
b) em três edições posteriores a esta.
c) nesta e em duas edições anteriores.
d) em duas edições posteriores.
e) nesta e em duas edições dos próximos anos.
5. Estudos realizados em 2005, na Universidade da Califórnia, revelam que:
I. Metade dos alunos americanos já presenciou cenas de bullying.
II. Bullying é prejudicial a todos os alunos da escola.
III. Caçoar e bater são algumas das formas de bullying utilizadas.
IV. Medo e terror são gerados em consequência desse tipo de violência.
V. Los Angeles é a cidade americana que registra mais casos de bullying.
De acordo com as afirmativas acima, a alternativa correta é:
a) I, II e IV
b) I, II e V
c) II, III e IV
d) II, III e V
e) I, II e III
6. A expressão “cope with” indica a ideia de:
a) cooperar com
b) lidar com
c) livrar-se de
d) atacar
e) compartilhar