tividade dx


tividade dx
B O L E T I M E L E T R O N I C O D O D X C B - Nº 455
Técnica DX
Sergio Dória Partamian
Não sei exatamente através de qual técnica ou processo o amigo Francisco Roldão Turelli, de Angatuba SP Brasil consegue,
utilizando o programa Cool Edit Pro2, extrair imagens (spectrogramas) a partir das gravações de áudio com o objetivo a
detectar as estações mais fracas interferentes.
Vejam a comparação feita por ele entre os spectrogramas de duas escutas que realizei da Falkand Islands Radio Service
(FIRS) em 530 kHz: a primeira realizada em 01 de março de 2009 das 0532 às 0605 UTC com um receptor Sony ICF 2001D
e a segunda realizada em 29 de maio de 2009, das 0431 às 0510 UTC, com um receptor Philco Transglobe B481-3
Os comentários sobre as imagens são do próprio Turelli:
“.....duas imagens da recepção da FLK Stanley no 2001-d , para fins de comparação.
Representa que foram ouvidas em horários diferentes, assim num radio tem alguma emissora e que não aparece no outro
(sinal horizontal).
O imagem da escuta no Transglobe está melhor doque no Sony 2001-d, pois aparece mais limpa com fundo azul.
Em 531 tem uma emissora, que interfere em 530 no Transglobe. Parece ser uma radio distante. O sinal (em ambos os
radios) em 535 kHz pode ser interferência de aparelho de TV ainda que esteja distante
530 kHz - FIRS Falklands Island Radio Service
Recebido QSL Full data e a grade de programação da emissora com 3 adesivos.
85 dias
V/S: Corina Goss ( Station Manager )
Informe enviado por e-mail: [email protected]
QTH: John Street, Stanley, Falkland Islands FIQQ 1ZZ
( Anderson José Torquato, Garopaba, SC, Brasil )
680 kHz - R. Grande Rio, Petrolina – PE
Recebido: Carta, ppc (resposta preparada, assinada e carimbada).
34 dias.
V/S: Francisco Fernandes Bezerra, Gerente Geral.
QTH: Av. Sete de Setembro s/n, km 02, 56300-000
Petrolina – PE.
Escuta realizada em Aracaju – SE em julho último.
(Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, SP, Brasil)
780 kHz - R. Jornal do Comercio, Recife-PE
Confirmação recebida e divulgada na semana anterior, esqueci-me de informar que além do ppc carimbado e assinado
haviam-me enviado uma caneta com o logotipo da emissora.
(Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, SP, Brasil)
840 kHz - R. Excelsior da Bahia, Salvador-BA
Recebido Cartão-resposta preparado (ppc) assinado e carimbado.
28 dias.
V/S: Padre Aderbal Galvão de Souza, Diretor Financeiro.
QTH: Fundação Dom Avelar Brandão, Rua Martim Afonso de Souza 270, Garcia, 40100-050 Salvador-BA.
(Escuta realizada em Aracaju-SE). (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, SP, Brasil)
1120 kHz - R. Bandeirantes, São José dos Campos - SP
Recebido carta confirmatória, resposta preparada (ppc), 2 camisetas (muito boas!) da Rede Bandeirantes de Rádio.
22 dias.
V/S: Claudio Luiz Giordani, Diretor Geral.
QTH: Av. Dr. Mario Galvão 463, Jardim Bela Vista, 12209-004 São José dos Campos - SP.
(Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, SP, Brasil)
1480 - R. Canção Nova, Gravatá-PE
Recebido: e-mail confirmatório (enviada uma carta c/ informe de recepção + ppc).
28 dias.
V/S: ‘Direção’.
QTH: Rua São Francisco de Assis s/n, 55641-190 Gravatá-PE.
E-mail: [email protected] .
(Escuta efetuada em Aracaju-SE).
(Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, SP, Brasil)
4935 kHz- R. Capixaba - Vitória/ES
Recebido carta confirmatória.
10 dias.
V/S: Valdenir Saith.
QTH: Avenida Santo Antônio nº 366, Vitória/ES, CEP 29025-645
(Ivan Dias Jr., Sorocaba, SP, Brasil)
7360 WYFR (Family Radio)
Recebido bonito cartão QSL full data (o novo), 1 selo da Espanha, 1 adesivo grande, 2 calendários de bolso, boletins de
horários e freqüências, folhetos religiosos e livreto “Hablamos com Dios”.
18 dias.
V/S: Sem assinatura.
Informe enviado por e-mail: [email protected] .
QTH: Family Stations Inc, International Headquarters, 290 Hegenberger Road, Oakland, CA - 94621
(Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Bandeirantes, PR, Brasil)
9820 kHz - R. Áustria Internacional (em espanhol).
Recebido carta de agradecimento e cartão QSL.
25 dias.
V/S: ilegível.
Informe enviado por e-mail para [email protected]
(Ivandro da Cruz Neves, Martinópolis, SP, Brasil)
9865 kHz - R. Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Recebido QSL full data (retratando o prédio onde se localiza a emissora).
157 dias.
V/S: Sem assinatura.
Informe enviado para o seguinte e-mail: [email protected] .
QTH: RFE/RL Vinohradska 1 - 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
(Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Bandeirantes, PR, Brasil)
15410 kHz - CVC - A sua Voz - Santiago do Chile
Recebido dois cartões QSL do programa Rádio DX.
43 dias e pouco mais de 3 anos e 3 meses (após follow-up).
V/S: Célio Romais.
Informes enviados por e-mail: [email protected].
QTH: Programa Rádio DX, Caixa Postal 51 - CEP.: 90001-970 - Porto Alegre/RS
(Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Bandeirantes, PR, Brasil)
15410 kHz - CVC - A sua Voz - Santiago do Chile
Recebido cartão QSL.
46 dias.
V/S: Célio Romais.
Informe enviando por email: [email protected].
QTH: Caixa Postal 51, Porto Alegre/RS, CEP 90001-970.
(Ivan Dias Jr., Sorocaba, SP, Brasil)
Facilite o trabalho dos editores:
Envie seus dados de QSL com formatação próxima da publicada.
“Amigos do Radio”
Produção: DX Clube do Brasil
Apresentação: Carlos Felipe da Silva e convidados
Dias / horários local: Quartas-feiras: 12h30 - Sábados: 23h30 - Domingos: 20h30
Frequencias: 11735 kHz (25 m), 9530 kHz (31 m), 5965 kHz (49 m), 800 kHz (ondas médias)
Contato: Caixa Postal 18.113, 04626-970 São Paulo-SP, BRASIL
O programa ‘Amigos do Rádio’ e a programação geral da RTM também podem ser sintonizados
pela Internet acessando pelo link: www.transmundial.com.br (Clicar em ‘Ouça agora a RTM’).
Escutas de Marcio Martins Pontes
Registro-SP, Brasil
Rx Icom R-75, Filtro Datong FL-2, Atx Long Wire 25 metros
3325 22/08 2038 B R. Mundial, São Paulo/SP, YL talk abt “auto-ajuda” , “....como melhorar sua auto-estima. ..” 25242.
3965 22/08 2023 F R. Taiwan Internacional, Issoudun, YL SS abt lendas Taiwanesas, menção ao QTH em Taiwan e ao
e-mail [email protected]. tw 35343.
4735 22/08 2045 ? Unid, forte portadora, sem audio
4770 22/08 2048 NIG (tent.) R. Nigeria, Kaduna, portadora presente, audio muito baixo encoberto por ruídos.
4775 22/08 2050 B R. Congonhas, Congonhas/MG, advs “Supermercado Damatta”, YL “...todo mundo gosta de arroz
doce...só que este é diferente, vai meia xícara de pinga da boa...” 35333.
4780 22/08 2055 DJI (tent.) RTV Djibouti, Djibouti, cantos africanos em VV, talks em FF (??) 24232.
4800 22/08 2100 CNH China Radio 1, Geermu, OM w/ talks em mandarim 25342.
4820 22/08 2103 CHN Xinzang PBS, Lhasa, mx chinesa 25232.
4828 22/08 2108 ZWE (tent.A)Voice of Zimbabwe, Gweru, portadora forte, audio muito fraco.
4835,4 22/08 2112 ? Unid, talks audio incompreensível.
4885 22/08 2118 B R. Maria, reza católica, 35343.
4965 22/08 2122 ZNB The Voice, Lusaka, cânticos rlgx em EE 35443.
3220 25/08 0931 EQA R. HCJB, Pifo, OM talks rlgx quéchua/SS, mx rlgx 45444
3310 25/08 0111 BOL R. Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, OM w/ talk rlgx em quéchua 35333.
3320 25/08 0116 AFS R. Sonder Grense, Meyerton, YL talks afrikaner 23232.
3329,5 25/08 0120 PRU R. Ondas de Huallaga (tent.), Huánuco, portadora, mx andina perceptivel 24222.
3905 25/08 0940 PNG R. New Ireland, Kavieng, OM/YL talks em EE (nx??) 35443.
3925 25/08 0942 J R. Nikkei, Nagara, mx instrumental 35443.
3945 25/08 0946 VUT R. Vanuatu (tent.), portadora audio baixo
3985 25/08 2338 IRN R. IRIB, Teheran, longo cântico árabe, OM w/ talks em AA 24232.
4409,32 26/08 0006 BOL R. Eco, Reyes, anúncio a ouvintes “...atención al señor Pablo...espera-lo hasta ocho de la
mañana...nuevo horizon...” 45444.
4716,69 26/08 0011 BOL R. Yura, Yura, px musical, mx “...viva la patria Bolivia...” 35333.
4746,95 26/08 0016 BOL R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, OM w/ talk SS “...los familares y las vitimas de la matanza...” 24232.
4781,67 26/08 0019 BOL R. Tacana (tent.), Tumupassa, forte portadora, audio fraquíssimo
5952 25/08 0133 BOL R. Pio XII, Llallagua Siglo XX, OM talks quéchua/SS, mx andina 45433.
Escuta de Arnaldo Slaen
Buenos Aires, Argentina
9820 Beibu Bay Radio (ex Guanxi Foreign Broadcasting Station), 2300-2308, August 30, Chinese, Music, announcement
by female, news by female, 24432
Escutas de Carlos Gonçalves
Lisboa, Portugal
4950 RNA, this remains as reported, i.e. there’s either an empty carrier or no signal at all.
4835 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, 2152-2215, 19 Aug, English, chatter, “007” themes, ABC news 2203-2205, sports quiz, infos,
phone-ins; 35322; better on
20 Aug at 2150.
4910 VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 2153-2214, 19 Aug, English, cf. \\ 4835; 34321, adj. QRM de B 4915 + CHN 4920; better
on 20 Aug at 2150.
5025 VL8K, Katherine NT, 2151-2211, 19 Aug, English, talks & interviews, ABC news 2201-2206, music; not parallel to
VL8A or VL8T; 34322, QRM de CUB; better on 20 Aug at 2150.
3255 R.Educadora 6 de Agosto, Xapuri AC, 2209-2219, 25 Aug, rlgs (p) propag. prgr, not A Voz do Brasil; 14331.
4845.2 R.Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus AM, improved its audio; they were vy strong y/day’s evening... while MTN 4845
remains silent.
6009.94 R.Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, 2147-2207, 24 Aug, news until 2159 followed by A Voz do Brasil at 2200;
34432, adj. QRM, then at 2155 also de CHN.
11915 R.Gaúcha, Ptº Alegre RS, 2130-2213, 24 Aug, f/ball prgr, newscast at 2200, not a Voz do Brasil; 33442, QRM de
ARS as usual, but if one selects usb/lsb, then the b/cast is perfectly readable; \\ 6020 poor but QRM free.
5910 R.Marfil Estéreo via La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 2145-2203, 24 Aug, Castilian, pops & some Colombian
country songs; 44433, adj. QRM.
4746.9 R.Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2232-2249, 25 Aug, Castilian, rlgs propag. prgr, Indian tunes & songs, echoing audio; 25332.
4824.4 La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, 2224-2235, 25 Aug, Castilian, TCs, infos, music, advertisements and songs; 24331,
As to the “log-periodics” in the RDPi HF site, the only non-rhombic antenna type they used at least at the time of my first
visit to the place, back in April, 1981, was a curtain array beamed to Africa/142-144º which was still there when I visited
the place again, in 1996; I really can’t remember of any log-periodic. Two rhombics remain in use to this day: 81º to IND/
MEast, 261º to VEN, and as I explained more than once, they demand tx power to be stepped down from 300 to 100 kW
which explains why their schedule mentions just “100 kW” for those two bearings. The other existing antennae there are
fixed curtain arrays.
7220 R.Centrafricaine, Bimbo, 1304-1358, 20 Aug, French, news bulletin, talks; 15431; blocked by TWR in russian until
1500 when in the clear again, but hardly audible. Thi s is either rea ctivated (my belief) or being used at a vy. low power
level which enables some reception whenever propagation is good.
6250 RNGE/”R.Malabo”, Malabo, 1538-1651, 22 Aug, Vernacular, int’l. music,..., Castilian later with phone-ins & messages,
Vernacular again at 1700; 25242.
7125 R.Guinée, sonfonya, 1300-1403, 20 Aug, French, news bulletin,..., talks, music; 15431.
3325 RRI, Palangkaraya, Borneo, 2216-2228, 19 Aug, Indonesian, talks, songs; I 15231.
3995 RRI, Kendari, SEast Celebes, 2212-2220, 19 Aug, Indonesian, talks & seemingly reports (in news bulletin?), music
at 2215; 25231.
4925 RRI, Jambi, 2220-2237, 19 Aug, Indonesian, talks & into prayer; 14331, adj. QRM de CHN 4920, [avoidable] het. w/
B 4925.2.
5010 R.TV Malagasy, Ambohidrano, 1836-1851, 20 Aug, Malagasy, talks; 35241.
The same panorama as days ago: both 4845 & 7245 remain silent.
9705 La Voix du Sahel, Niamey, surely at increased power, 1440-1737, 23 Aug, Vernacular, talks & Koranic prayer,..., tribal
songs followed by what seemed to be some news bulletin at 1730; 55444.
4770 R.Nigeria, Kaduna, 1324-1420, 22 Aug, detectable carrier with audio, and a bit better later at 1400 with English prgr, f/
ball match report relay from the UK; 15341, and no better at 1600+. In the evening, it’s either audible with vy. poorly weak
audio or w/o any audio.
4940 R.San Antonio, Villa Atalaya, 2239-2250, 21 Aug, Castilian, infos, refs. to Sunday’s sports prgr; 35332.
4955 R.Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2240-2254, 21 Aug, Quechua, rlgs. (p) propag. prgr; 35332.
5915 ZNBC-Radio 1, Lusaka, 2133-2202*, 20 Aug, Vernacular, talks, phone-ins, natl. anthem at 2200 followed by a brief
tone sig.; 333432, adj. QRM de VoRUS 5920 in Portuguese to Europe till 2200, then better reception despite co-ch. QRM
de VoA in English.
6165 ZNBC-Radio 2, Lusaka, 2115-2157, 20 Aug, English, Afr. pops prgr, chatter; 35333; vy. strg. splatter de CRI
6175 at 2157.
Escutas de Manuel Mendez
Lugo, Espanha
Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW7600G, Antena de cable, 10 metros orientada WSW
Escuchas realizadas en Friol
Radio Record, Sao Paulo, 1008-1020, 25-08, portugués, comentarios. Muy débil. 14321.
9565, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Radio Tupi, Curitiba, 1005-1015, 25-08, portugués, comentario religioso. 23222.
9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1002-1012, 25-08, locutor, noticias, portugués, identificación: “Radio Río Mar”. 24322.
11725, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 1029-1047, 25-08, locutor, portugués, comentario religioso. 24322.
11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa María, 1025-1045, 25-08, locutor: “7 horas 26 minutos, bom día na Transmundial”,
comentario religioso. 34333.
11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1033-1039- 25-08, noticias, locutor, locutora, portugués. 24322.
11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0955-1022, 25-08, noticias locales de Goias, locutor, locutora: “Noticias de Goias,
bom día, informativo noticias de Goias”. A las 0700 identificación: “Onda Media, 1270 kHz, 50 kW, Onda Tropical, 10 kW,
4985 kHz, Onda curta, banda de 25 metros, 11815 kHz, 7,5 kW, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, Goias”. “Bom día, en Goiania
7 horas, O Mundo em Sua Casa, agora por Radio Brasil Central, o programa consagrado pela critica como o melhor
programa de noticias, O mundo em Sua Casa”. Noticias de Brasil y del mundo. 44444.
11855, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 1010-1012, 25-08, portugués, comentario religioso, locutor, locutora. 24322.
11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 1025-1029, 25-08, locutor, portugués, comentarios. Muy débil. 1321.
11925, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 1012-1022, 25-08, locutor, noticias, portugués. 24322.
11690, HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, Pifo, 1101-1125, 25-08, español, programa religioso, locutor, identificación: “HCJB le
acompaña a través de la onda corta”, canciones religiosas. En paralelo con 11960. 23322.
6140, Radio Gloria Internacional, 0950-1000*, 23-08, canciones, locutor, inglés, alemán, identificación, “MV Baltic Music
Radio, Radio Gloria International”. Cierre a las 1000. 35433.
15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1820-1910, 20-08, canciones argentinas, tangos,
otras canciones latinoamericanas, comentario, locutora, identificación, locutor: “Desde Base Esperanza, transmite LRA 36
Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, en español, de lunes a viernes por la frecuencia de 15476 kHz. A las 1900 comentario
por locutora sobre tratamiento de fertilidad en mujeres. 25322.
5910, Marfil Estereo, Puerto Lleras, 0701-0720, 22-08, canciones latinoamericanas, identificación: “Marfil Estereo”, “Ondas
de Paz”. 24322.
3350, Radio Exterior de España, Caiari, 0545-0600*, 21-08, programa “Paisajes y Sabores”, locutor, comentarios,a las 0555
anuncio de programas “Hispanorama”, canción, a las 0600 despedida y cierre: “Radio Exterior de España, nos despedimos
de nuestros oyentes en Centro América y sur de Norte América hasta las 12 Tiempo Universal, 6 de la mañana en Centro
América, que volveremos por las frecuencias de 5970 y 15170 kHz. Radio Exterior de España”. 25322.
También 0515-0527, 22-08, programa “Amigos de la Onda Corta”, con Antonio Buitrago, comentarios sobre el mundo
de la Radio, identificación: “Amigos de la Onda Corta, un programa que trata del apasionante mundo de la radio y las
telecomunicaciones. Pueden escribirnos a la siguiente dirección: Radio Exterior de España, Amigos de la Onda Corta, Aparta
de Correos 156202, Código Postal 28080, Madrid, España, dirección de correo electrónico: [email protected]” 25322.
3340, La Voz de Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela, 0542-0556, 21-08, locutor, comentario religioso, canciones. Muy
débil. 15321.
4790.1, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0540-0620, 21-08, locutor, comentario religioso, canciones, programa “La Voz de la
Salvación”. 15321.
6019.6, Radi Victoria Lima, 0654-0708, 22-08, locutor, religioso, español-portugués, “La Voz de la Liberación”. 24222.
Escutas de Glenn Hauser
Enid -OK, Estados Unidos
** CHINA. Firedrake check Aug 31 at 1331: poor on 9000, and barely audible/imagination level on 8400, nowhere else
except in the 12040 mix.
** INDONESIA. VOI, 9524.9, already in English news when I tuned in at 1259 August 31; fair signal and weak modulation
required straining to understand. Evidently their clock was a few minutes fast.
** OKLAHOMA. Driving around OKC Aug 29, observed that 99.7 was on the air with gospel music, but never caught an ID.
Signal was spotty and since I still don`t hear it in Enid, presumably translator or low-power test of KZLS ``Mustang``, exAlva-Enid with full power.
The pirate on 107.1, after years and years was STILL on the air, relaying ``Radio Free Austin`` wacko far-right programming,
solid signal in center city and probably from same location a couple miles N of downtown as previously spotted, or nearby. A far
greater public service would be relaying one of Austin`s excellent legal stations such as KOOP or KUT. Where is the FCC?.
** U S A. Seems that ``Wire Light``, a.k.a. Cheetah Radio, a.k.a. Your World Your Way, etc., has bought more and more time
on WRMI 9955, which is good news for paying the bills but a big yawn for listeners already bombarded with pointless or
misleading infomercials on TV and AM. No jamming heard UT Monday Aug 31, WORLD OF RADIO still airing as scheduled
at 0500, at 0530 Studio DX in Italian, but at 0600 up came YWYW again, two women conversing enthusiastically, one of
them Michelle in Connecticut where the temperature was 15 degrees (not lately!). We still don`t have a complete updated
schedule showing all the new Wire Light blox; on the Aug 8 version it was R. Prague fill all the way from 0600 to 1100
weekdays. YWYW has also replaced the second hour of QSO, UT Sundays at 06-07.
BTW, Jeff White says the unannounced music fill I enjoyed UT Sat between 05 and 06 was his own selexion of a wide variety of
music from CDs he has collected around the world, each piece representing a different country, loaded into the automation for
fill purposes, normally only in brief bits, but this week the hour-long La Rosa de Tokio had a tech problem, back next week.
** U K [non]. 9500, Aug 31 at 1344 with nice SE Asian music, 1345 recognized BBC news theme with beeping, and Burmese;
as scheduled via SINGAPORE, poor here but should be fine in Myanmar.
** U S A. WTJC, 9370v, still putting out big filthy FMy spurs, audible around 0545 UT Aug 31, and also at 1257, centered
approximately 9345 and 9395, the upper one soon obscured by super-splash WWRB 9385 with Brother Scare. Since these
spurs are abnormal and a bane of shortwave, I will keep reporting them, doubting they will be eliminated unless WTJC is
eliminated, which may require even more severe transmitter problems. Where is the FCC?.
** U S A. WWCR still testing on 15820 instead of 15825, Aug 31 at 1328, fair signal during Inspirations Across America,
the black gospel music show which replaced sex criminal evangelist Tony Alamo as soon as he was convicted. IAA was
interviewing a guest about his TV show with a website, which doesn`t connect so perhaps I miscopied it.
I have yet to hear Ask WWCR #299, where the frequency shift was discussed, as its mp3 is still Not Found, but apparently
they replayed it again UT Sunday Aug 30 at 0145 on 5070, as monitored by Terry Wilson, MI, giving the frequency as 15830
instead of 15820.
** BIAFRA [non]. VOBI via WHRI still on 15665, at quick check around 2015 UT Friday Aug 28; next week on 17520??.
** CHINA. No Firedrakes found on higher frequencies Aug 29, but good signals about equal at 1332 on 9000 and 8400, also
at 1356 on 10210.
** NETHERLANDS [non]. RN still has a secret 3-minute English broadcast never appearing on their schedules, 1327-1330
UT on 9650, as heard again Aug 29, a few words of YL in English recognizable underneath CRI via Sackville. This follows
the Dutch broadcast at 1300 via IBB, Tinang, PHILIPPINES, which we also heard in clear with IS and Dutch opening at
1259 during less than one-minute Sackville break after KBSWR and before CRI. RN relay is supposedly scheduled until
1327 only, but IBB always leaves the transmitter on another two sesquiminutes, cutting to a feed of RN in English. Is no one
paying attention in Hilversum, Washington, or Tinang? Well, they are in Enid! Speaking of paying, perhaps this is because
RN is buying 31 minutes and they are entitled to get them all, not just 28.
** RUSSIA [and non]. The 12000 transmitter at Khabarovsk is still in very bad shape, Aug 29 at 1311 with VOR Chinese
service singing ``Moscow Nights`` in Russian, then Chinese announcement. The carrier is motorboating, unstable, and the
modulation distorted. After we kept pointing this out, RHC moved off 12000 months ago, without a word of thanks, but still
keeps announcing it as one of their morning frequencies, while in reality their own distorted signal is on 11800 instead!.
** SAIPAN [and non]. 11650, Aug 29 at 1300 noted about equal level mix of CRI opening ID in Chinese, then into Esperanto;
and something in Russian. Per Aoki, CRI is via Beijing site, and Russian is KFBS, overlapping during this entire hour, the
second semihour on Sats being in Kazakh, then Kirghiz. The beams cross somewhere over China.
** SCOTLAND [non]. 9330-CUSB, WBCQ relaying radio six international, Scotland, music festival special one time only,
Aug 28 at 2003 check. Some dropouts probably from internet feed buffering, which I then went to for better direct `reception`
-- sounds like the band were enjoying a good jam session altho not my musical preference. Was scheduled to run for six
hours 1900-0100 UT.
** U S A. WTJC, 9370v, again with large filthy distorted FM spurs, during music, Aug 29 at 0506 peaking approximately
9395-9400 and 9340-9345 and covering some 15 kHz each. The higher one was even bothering BBC on 9410.
** U S A. WRMI, 9955, fair signal but not bothered by jamming for once, UT Sat Aug 29 at 0510 with very nice mix of
mostly Latin-influenced music, including Andean, Brazilian, Mexican; 0530 Sandunga on marimba, classical guitar, Up2 and
Away by Fifth Dimension, etc. No announcements at all until 0559 ID and into R. Prague English. Great going, Jeff, really
enjoyable to hear such a musical interlude on WRMI; let`s have more of them! But this was instead of La Rosa de Tokio DX
program from Argentina as in latest received program grid dated Aug 8; LRT itself is padded with a lot of musical interludes
and could be over in a semihour if it kept to the subject.
Midnight propagation on 9 MHz band varies widely from night to night, sometimes little audible from NAm, no WRMI, not
even WYFR on 9355, 9385, 9680, 9715, 9985, other occasions like this, inbooming as were WTJC and its spurs.
Also monitored WRMI 24 hours later when 9955 reception was about the same, 0550 UT Sunday Aug 30, QSO With Ted
Randall, sounds like more interview with Wayne Green, this time about Hiram Percy Maxim`s contributions to ham radio
being only a tiny fraxion of his accomplishments, as ham was barely mentioned in his long newspaper obituary. QSO is
supposed to be a two-hour show at 05-07 UT Sundays, but cut off in mid-interview at 0559 for World Baseball Today promo,
ID, and 0600 into more infomercialling from Cheetah Radio, Your World Your Way.
** VENEZUELA [non]. 11705, RNV via Cuba scheduled 1200-1300, still going well past the hour with last bit of music and a
few sex of open carrier until 1305*. Fortunately, next occupant, NHK does not start until 1315.
CHINA [and non]. Firedrake search Aug 28: at 1311 encountered on 15150, nowhere else except the usual mixture with
CNR1 jamming on 12040. Aoki currently shows 15150 as one of many 1 kW SOH 24h frequencies from Taiwan, *jammed.
Today`s variable het against DW Hausa 15410 via Rwanda, Aug 28 at 1347 was on 15412.0, no doubt V. of Tibet via
Tajikistan and/or ChiCom jamming.
17705 tuned in Aug 28 at 1314 with music, unseemed Firedrake, but had less than a minute to evaluate before it vanished
at 1315*. This matches the schedule of All India Radio`s Chinese service, 1145-1315, 500 kW, 58 degrees via Bangaluru,
per Aoki which adds that it is *jammed. More likely I was hearing CNR1 than AIR itself.
** CUBA. RHC 13680, as I tuned by Aug 28 at 1309 was advocating the restoration of democracy in Honduras. What
hypocrites! There hasn`t been any democracy in Cuba since 1959y. Hmm, not before 1959 either, but there would have
been if Cuba had simply become part of the USA after the 1898+ SpAm war, like Puerto Rico, where people are much better
off, plus have democracy. Oops!
** GERMANY [non]. 9545 with program in Russian, Aug 28 at 0527, frequent voice-over translations of someone speaking English.
Therefore, most likely Deutsche Welle where English is the primary language, not German. No ID heard, but yes, I am right as later
looked up! However, at 0529:30 cut off air abruptly in mid-word, clearing the frequency for the DentroCuban Jamming Command,
which was still running its annoying cohetes a sesquihour after the real target, Radio República, closed its transmission.
This is DW in Russian via Woofferton, UK, and somewhat better coördination is needed. Someone please tell them in the
studio that VTC is going to cut them off at 0529:30 so they need to wrap up the transmission before then, or build in some kind
of natural break. Does this DW Russian transmission continue on other frequencies? No, EiBi shows until 0530 only, also
on 5915 Rampisham and 13780 Rwanda. Via Rwanda to Russia?? A bit roundabout, but I suppose it worx propagationally
when transmitter time is available, altho you`d think they would all be occupied with morning broadcasts to Africa.
** MOROCCO [and non]. 15345 with a lo-pitched, much less than 1 kHz but definitely audible het, and the pitch varying
slightly, 2117 UT Aug 27; Arabic talk dominating, and the other signal of course RAE from Argentina which is on-frequency
only by accident or coincidence. All summer RAE has had 15345v to itself after 2100 since Morocco was on DST and closed
around 2100 instead of 2200, leaving RAE`s German hour in the clear.
But DST must be over now with Morocco still on after 2100: Yes, timeanddate.com says it ended August 20, just in time for Ramadan,
back to UT+0. Egypt also went off DST Aug 20, but that had little effect on SW scheduling. The next time change affecting an SWBC
country will not be until September 21 for Iran, after Ramadan; also should not affect SW UT scheduling, tho at IRIB studios they
were confused last spring and thought it would, even sending out notices to their audience that times would be changing!.
** RUSSIA. 5940 with Russian song and announcement in the clear Aug 28 at 1229, // 5920 a lot stronger but the latter
colliding with off-frequency WBOH. Per Aoki, 5920 is R. Rossii via Pet/Kam, 100 kW at 30 degrees, while 5940 is via
Magadan, 50 kW, 40 degrees, both until 1300.
** TAIWAN. RTI Japanese service, 9735, Aug 28 at 1349 accompanied by weak buzzy spurs of same pitch against CRI
9730 and BBC 9740.
** U S A [and non]. 9830, fair signal in some language buried by perpetual RTTY QRM, Aug 27 at 2126. Switched from the
FRG-7, to the ICF SW07 and that made all the difference. On USB the RTTY QRM was suppressed and I could easily tell it
was VOA in French, concluding a USG editorial, and signing off, carrier until 2131*. It`s São Tomé at 335 degrees, M-F only.
Hope the RTTY is not a problem in NW Africa like it is here, also for V of Turkey, English to NAm which follows at 2200-2250,
and has ignored my advice months ago when A-09 started to get off 9830 ASAP.
** U S A. Will this be a pre-log, or a non-log? FYI, WBCQ plans to relay radio six international from Scotland, a special Friday
Aug 28 only from 1900 UT until 0100 UT Aug 29 on 9330, ``live music from one of the smallest music festivals in Scotland,
the “Hydro Amnesty Bash” in aid of Amnesty international``. Details at http://www.wbcq.com and http://www.radiosix.com/
whence it is also webcast. Boo hoo, Syria.
** U S A. Surprised to find an AM ham QSO lower than the usual area on 80 m, 3663.0, Aug 28 at 1233 between strong
WA5BLQ and weaker K5BWO who also had less robust modulation. Mostly heard Louie, WA5BLQ, talking about his
gardening and yard work, 1240 on repairing an R390A where someone had put the wrong tube into a socket; and he was
going to the Joplin hamfest tomorrow. WA5BLQ is Luther L. Thomas in Ozone, Arkansas 72854, which isn`t even in the index
of my Rand McNally, but it`s in the Ozarx on Hwy 21 N of Clarxville on I-40. K5BWO is Howard A. Terhune in Kempner TX
76539, also missing from my RMcN index, geez! TG for Google: that`s on US 190 between Copperas Cove and Lampasas
near Fort Hood. At least both towns do show on the Rand McNally atlas maps themselves, once you find them.
** U S A. Re the confusing Wichita DTV channel situation reported Aug 25-26: Doug Smith and Scott Fybush explain this in
reply via DX LISTENING DIGEST 9-063, at http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld9063.txt and then search on KWCH.
UNIDENTIFIED. The beeps and noise bursts on 6130 reported last time are also heard at 0537 Aug 28, but this time there
are 13 beeps before each noise burst, instead of just three at 1208 Aug 26. I wonder if the number of beeps have some
simple significance such as identifying different sources. Also audible at 1221 Aug 28, and now there are eleven beeps
before noise, which must really be some kind of data bursts, and these are lasting longer.
Meanwhile I heard from utility DXer Jon in Florida who was also getting this at 0133 UT Aug 28, so on 6 MHz it looks as if
the transmitter is fairly close, perhaps between us if he gets it in the evening and I get it in the morning. He says it`s Tadil-A
Link-11, which means Tactical Data Information Link, used by US and NATO forces to exchange tactical data, radar tracks,
between ships, land and aircraft. Could be from a carrier task group or navy base.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TADIL-A and
Later at 0352 he refined the Link-11 frequency to 6131.0-ISB.
Whatever the details, this stuff has no business in the middle of the 49m SWBC band! But it so happens that there
is not a single SWBC scheduled on 6130 to or from the Western Hemisphere, so perhaps this is an old problem
deliberately avoided by broadcasters.
Tuning around Aug 28 at 1227 I came upon another TADIL-A on 5172, this time with 6 beeps before the data bursts.
UNIDENTIFIED. 9268.0, two-way SSB in Spanish, Aug 28 at 1351; seemed to be reasonable discussion rather than
swearing. WINB is off 9265 by 1300.
** CHINA. Unlike the day before, not a single Firedrake was heard in 8-19 MHz bandscanning Aug 26 between 1400 and
1500. Nothing much else from Asia above 12 MHz, but some signals below.
Only Firedrakes audible Aug 27 at 1340-1343, 9000 and 10210, both poor.
** CUBA. Seldom heard leapfrog from RHC on 9540, Aug 26 at 1155, // 9600 with YL reporter outro in Spanish; the fulcrum
is 9570, already on with open carrier prior to CRI relay. I vaguely recall Venezuela once used 9540 non-spuriously, so not to
be confused with that, or taken as an activation of their own new SW site, which should be imminent.
** RUSSIA [and non]. 15510 caught my ear Aug 27 at 1355 as audio in SW Asian language was breaking up, later OK.
At 1359, VOR IS, and at 1400 morphed into Deutsche Welle opening in Russian, with a few words of overlap. Per Aoki
until 1400 it`s VOR Pashto/Dari via `Krasnodar`, and from 1400, 15510 is DW via Rampisham. I could not tell when one
transmitter came on and the other went off, and could have guessed they were both via same, as levels did not change
either, but both were only poor.
** U S A. Jeff White tells me that the Cheetah Radio infomercial folx bought the 05-07 UT Wed and Fri blox on WRMI, now
using the NW antenna, accounting for the disappearance of WORLD OF RADIO UT Wed Aug 26 at 0500. Jeff says that
airing of WOR has been rescheduled to 0700 UT Wednesdays. Also bumped are two runs of Frecuencia al Día, UT Wed
0530 and Fri 0500, but I don`t know if they have been replaced.
** U S A. Is IBB Greenville DRM test still running? Aug 26 I check at 2052 UT on the DX-398 in the yard away
from computer noise: at first nothing audible on 15475, but kept stepping 15470-15475-15480 back and forth, and
soon the DRM noise fades in enough to detect it centered on 15475. And in LSB mode it shows on 15470-15475,
USB mode 15475-15480.
** U S A [non]. 17500, Aug 27 at 1403, W&M conversing in unID tonal language, seemingly Mandarin-influenced; poor signal
fading in and out, but still going at 1431. Little if any music ever heard. Never heard anything here before in almost daily
bandscans. It`s a new frequency since Aug 25 for VOA Tibetan via Lampertheim, GERMANY at 14-15, 77 degrees. And no
jamming (audible, yet)!.
UNIDENTIFIED. 6130-6135, big roaring sound Aug 26 at 1208, interrupted at irregular intervals by three beeps. At first I
was taking it for V rather than S, but the final dash morphs into a resumption of the roar. Not a chance of hearing Laos while
this is going on! Is it jamming? No likely targets listed in Aoki or Eibi; Tibet is also on 6130. Utility intruder? Similar to the
`bonker` around 11740.
** ECUADOR [non]. Monitored the Aug 22 DX Partyline via WRMI, 9955, Wed Aug 26 at 1429-1444 atop the DentroCuban
Jamming Command`s pulsing [see also USA]. This edition produced from Loja consisted of the monthly JSWC DX report;
some items from Sheldon Harvey`s Radio HF Internet Newsletter; and some logs of Aug 18 from Stewart MacKenzie.
It seems that Allen Graham makes no effort to check out those logs, as the second and third ones read were completely
wrong: ``CRI in Spanish via Brazil on 9735 and 9665 at 0433.`` In reality, it is VOR in Spanish via Guiana French on 9735
and via Moldova/Pridnestrovye on 9665! The next item also wrong with ``RHC at 0414 on 11960``, not their frequency but
really on 11690 at this hour.
As soon as Stewart posted those logs, I replied with these correxions on a few listserves and directly to him, but he never
followed up with correxions to his entire mailing list. The correct identity of the Spanish broadcasts and the relay sites used
are readily available in accurate online references Aoki and EiBi, for starters. All you have to do is consult them. It would also
not hurt to listen long enough to tell whether it is China or Russia, and proofread for transpositions.
I cannot understand what the point is of circulating, and even broadcasting worldwide, routine logs which have not been
vetted for accuracy, nor corrected later, once errors comes to light. This happens again and again. I am NOT happy about
pointing out fellow listeners` easily avoidable mistakes, and I have overlooked MANY others, but someone has to stand up
for accuracy, especially when they get quoted on a major broadcast. It appears the host is not an SWL himself, or he might
know better. Nor am I happy about criticizing fellow DX programs. And it`s really not my job to make sure DXPL is accurate.
Listener, beware, as I resume overlooking!
At first I thought there was no `Tip for Real Living` on this edition but it`s there in the middle when I recheck the audio file: I
mentally tuned it out without even trying.
** LIBYA. 17725, Aug 26 at 1400 in Swahili with strange accent, presumably Libyan-Arabic. Supposed to be in English.
Finally at 1408 ID as ``Voice of Africa, from the Great Jamahiriyah``, drumming, opening English bihour. Signal was fading
in and out, peaking only fair, and coupled with accents, undermodulation, hard to follow.
I should like to have heard their take on the Lockerbie bomber controversy, if they ever deal with current events. Another
brief reception peak around 1430. At 1445, riff from Beethoven`s Ninth introducing ``MQ`s Green Book``, still fading in and
out. Beethoven had no use for Napoleon so he certainly would not approve of another megalomaniac co-opting his music.
** SERBIA [non]. 9675, IRS loud and clear UT Aug 26 at 0030 with IS, which ran for a sesquiminute before opening English
broadcast, ``on 6100 to Europe and 9675 to the USA``. Not only do they dis Canada, but the IS has changed from what
it used to be; still a synthesizer tune, but the IS and opening theme are no longer the catchy music I used to enjoy. Why
change it; some political significance obscure to the non-Serb?.
** U S A. WRMI, 9955 has made another unexpected schedule change: WORLD OF RADIO no longer appeared Aug 26,
UT Wed at 0500 but instead ``Your World, Your Way``, one of the `Cheetah Radio` infomercials, and another one at 0530
instead of Frecuencia al Día.
So the first airing of new WORLD OF RADIO 1475 was Wednesday at 1530. Before then we were checking 9955 and
observed: at 1425 no jamming as R. Prague`s yesterday program in English was upwrapping with a report from Rosie; 1427
into usual off-topic RP schedule announcement in French and then could hear DentroCuban jamming pulses building up!
Looks like RHC has it in for competing DX programs, even those in English as at 1429 DX Partyline Aug 22 edition followed,
above the jamming but still audible [see ECUADOR [non]], 1445 Aventura Diexista.
** U S A. 17775, KVOH already on at 1451 Aug 26, despite being authorized by FCC to start at 1500; norteño-style hymn,
``rezamos, señor, con todo corazón`` followed by applause. Fundamental signal yet too weak to audiblize its parasites
around 17921 and 17631.
** U S A. We have been sitting on the edge of a huge tropospheric DX opening across the Midwest the last few days, with
FM/TV DX reported in the 800-mile range between Ontario/New York and Missouri/Oklahoma.
See the maps at http://www.dxinfocentre.com/tropo.html
This explains the enhanced area reception I have been getting, despite antenna pointed at OKC, from Wichita`s RF channel
19, virtual label says 33, KSCW. I noticed it first on analog B&W set as `brighter snow` on ch 19, then switched to DTV. I get
it only by punching in 19 which remaps to `33`, while on RF 33 itself we see OKC`s KOCB `34`. Aug 25 at 1521 UT during
Wendy Williams show, KSCW decoding in and out, including at 1556 a promo for sibling station KWCH-12. Again 24 hours
later, Aug 26 at 1520 during WW show, and after 1600 Dr Phil.
This is very confusing, as checking the Kansas listings at http://www.w9wi.com/states/KS.html we find several entries for
KWCH, the CBS affiliate, listed under Hutchinson on both channel 12 and 19, while KSCW, the CW affiliate, is under Wichita
on channels 12, 19 and 31! (NOT 33). Multiple listings for each are because of different application and license status.
Even further confusing is the recent news as in DXLD 9-062, that channel 31.1 is now on the air for Wichita from Derby with
Univisión, KDCU, and RF 31 is occupied by Enid`s only local DTV KXOK-LP. W9WI also has that one listed on channel 31 at
Derby KS. It seems that W9WI does not specify any virtual channels, which we really need to know to help unravel all this!.
UNIDENTIFIED. On Aug 22 at 0036, Liz Cameron in MI was hearing a religious broadcast in Spanish on 15780 where
nothing is scheduled. Kept meaning to check this but did not manage to do so until Aug 26 at 0030 and heard: nothing.
UNIDENTIFIED. After hearing LIBYA on 17725, I made a routine check for the listed // 21695, which occasionally pokes thru
here, but 13m dead today Aug 26 at 1446. However, I did hear a buzz around 21735, at the same familiar pitch heard after
1500 from BSKSA Saudi Arabia on 15435! SA is not scheduled on 21735; only one probably wooden registration for ADM/
UAE. It`s not a periodic noise peak from one of my household devices, as nothing like it heard anywhere between 21 and
22 MHz, but as it was a steady unfading S6, most likely still of local origin.
** CHINA. Firedrakes were back in force on August 25: at 1237, good on 9000; at 1249 on 10210, and in the usual mix on
12040. At 1255 on 13970 and 14420 (ex-14430); at 1257 poor on 15755; at 1300 listening to 10210 as it went to open carrier
at TOH; at 1337 still on 13970 and 14420 but poor; at 1342 poor and fluttery on 17470; at 1345 poor on 15150. Checked all
the other known frequencies between 8 and 19 MHz, but no more heard. All the ones I did hear were //.
** CHINA. 9750, Aug 25 at 1306, Japanese talk from NHK mixed with what sounded like SE Asian song, but must be NE
Asian, as Ron Howard has recently pinned this on PBS Nei Menggu // 7270, with V of Malaysia inactive on this frequency.
Still colliding at 1351 when both were talking.
** CUBA. RHC observations Aug 25: the secretly extended mid-day broadcast at 1501 on 11760, 11690 and distorted 11800,
live timecheck as 11 am in Habana, and announcer said this would be on until 5 pm = 2100 UT, and we were invited to listen
to as much of it as we could. Strongest 11760 dropped off the air, but back on at 1503 with same signal level. Meanwhile I
found it also // 13760, 5965 and 6000. Open carriers from the big transmitters on 13680 and 13780 were still on the air for
a few minutes. At 1504, 5965 dropped off during music, but still audible on 6000. Compared to 11760, all of the others were
an echo apart, except I did not check 13760 for that. At 1507 plugged RHC website, 1508 Efemérides = this day in history
starting with 1871y when a poet was assassinated; 1510 `news` bulletin all about the woes of Obama and the USA, not
Cuba. Anyhow, it seems that RHC is no longer replaying wholesale the 11-14 UT Despertar con Cuba show at 1500.
** INDONESIA. VOI check Aug 25 at 1303 on 9524.9: S9+18 signal, but very undermodulated; I could just barely recognize
the voice of the OM in Banjarmasin with the YL in Jakarta for another of their weekly Tuesday co-produxions. It was also
undermodulated the day before.
** KOREA NORTH [non]. Tnx to a tip from Gerry Dexter in the NASWA Flashsheet I looked for Furusato no Kaze on 9585
between strong R. Australia signals on 9580 and 9590, Aug 25 at 1352. Tuning between them I could barely hear 5 kHz hets,
so knew there was a weak carrier halfway. With BFO on, I could make out some speech which sounded like Japanese. WRTH
A-09 update has this clandestine as 1330-1400 via Tainan, TAIWAN, while Aoki says Taipei at the odd timing of 1333-1357.
** RUSSIA. The 13775 signal via Khabarovsk, the only VOR English frequency to NAm until 0600*, is beginning to lose out,
as darkness grows over this northerly path; poorly audible Aug 24 around 0530. They need to move lower by Sept 1, if they
refuse to use a Caribbean-area relay instead.
The RUVR frequency schedule http://ruvr.ru/main.php?lng=eng&w=129&p= is no longer full of asterisks denoting midseason frequency shifts, so supposedly no changes until October 25, or will they put up a new one in September?
Or so it seemed, but next night Aug 25 at 0426, VG signal again on 13775 concluding Moscow Mailbag, YL and an
American-accented guy named John ???, who no offense, is no Joe Adamov. So the signal is getting more variable at
least. see also ZAMBIA [and non]
** SUDAN [non]. 17745, Tue Aug 25 at 1514, F-G with fades, in Arabic dialect (doesn`t sound like regular Arabic), mentioning
the English phrase ``Sudan Radio Service`` and again at 1516; meanwhile with inserts off phone/internet which sounded
condensed/compacted with the pauses removed. This is via Sines, PORTUGAL, 250 kW at 114 degrees, 1500-1700. Aoki
shows the first semihour in English daily, but obviously not the case. WRTH A-09 update shows English on this frequency is
1500-1530 Sat & Sun only. Most SRS Arabic broadcasts there are labeled ``Simple`` as opposed to Darfuri.
** TAIWAN. 9735, RTI Japanese service running open carrier between the 11-12 and 13-14 broadcasts when checked at
1247 Aug 25; no spurs audible on 9730 or 9740. 1305 recheck, 9735 had resumed modulating in Japanese.
** U S A. 15470-15475-15480, DRM check from IBB/HCJB Greenville, Aug 24 at 2030: yes, it`s still there, weak but plenty
to disrupt any possible reception of LRA36 Antarctica 15476. The DRM testers kept to this frequency even after I reminded
them of LRA36. They say it will stop at some unspecified time once their tests are completed; it cannot be soon enough for
the poor Antarcticans and their would-be DX listeners.
** U S A. WTJC, 9370v with distorted FM spurs centered approximately 9397 and 9343 with preacher at 0422 Aug 25.
Before 1300 Aug 25 I was not hearing 9370, but at 1302 it was on in IRN ``news``, plus spurs around 9395 and 9345.
Meanwhile sibling WBOH 5920v with usual big het and collision from Russia around 1230.
** ZAMBIA [and non]. 13590, CVC Lusaka at 1253 Aug 25 in English about the AU, mixed with oriental language at slightly
lower level. Per Aoki, it`s VOR in Chinese until 1300, 100 kW 110 degrees from Novosibirsk, followed except Sundays by
an hour of Mongolian.
UNIDENTIFIED. DW Rwanda 15410.0 often has a het on it one side or the other, and Aug 25 at 1339 a carrier was measured
on 15408.4 while much stronger DW was in Hausa this hour.
The only reasonable explanation is clandestine V. of Tibet, in Chinese via Tajikistan, known to jump around, and/or ChiCom
jamming, but per Aoki Aug 24, VOT is now scheduled only at 1315-1330 on 15415. HFCC has Dushanbe available on 15410
between 1230 and 1400.
However, the VOT schedule in the WRTH A09 update of last May covers what we heard, in Tibetan after 1330:
kHz: 15412, 15422, 17550, 17557, 17560
Summer Schedule 2009
Chinese Days Area kHz
1230-1245 daily CHN 17557dsb±
1300-1330 daily CHN 15412dsb±
Tibetan Days Area kHz
1130-1230 daily CHN 17557dsb±
1245-1315 daily CHN 17557dsb±
1330-1400 daily CHN 15422dsb±, 17550dha
1330-1430 daily CHN 17560mdc
Key: ± Frequency variable.
** BIAFRA [non]. Sometime during the 19-20 UT Friday Aug 21 hour I tuned to 15665 for about four sesquiseconds to
reconfirm VOBI still there via WHRI, and it was. BTW, James MacDonell in NW Nigeria tells me that as of Aug 23, R. Nigeria
Enugu is gone again from 6025.
** U S A. WTJC, 9370v, still accompanied by spurs. Aug 23 at 0514 during omniscient preacher, ratchety distortion matching
9370 modulation peaks heard centred about 9340 and 9400. Correlate with strong S9+20 signal on fundamental despite
nightmiddle propagation.
** U S A. Another check of VOA Greenville 17585, Aug 23 at 1417: continuous jazz, but not // 9760 Tinang which was as
usual in news during this hour. Why isn`t that on 17585 too despite being a Sunday? Cut off without any announcement at
1430:00 as IBB has finally learned to do at Greenville to make way for Botswana`s takeover of same frequency, inaudible.
However, James MacDonell in Nigeria tells me that as of Aug 22, Botswana was still coming on at *1428 with Yankee Doodle
Dandy sign-on routine, overlapping Greenville. It takes a while for instruxions to filter down to where they are sorely needed
in the IBB bureaucracy.
** VENEZUELA [non]. Sunday Aug 23 check for Aló, Presidente via RHC: At 1401, found open carriers on 11690 making a SAH
with HCJB, and on 12010 aside the RTTY 12015. But nothing on 13750 which when on is the big signal for that service. 1413
recheck: same. 1414, also found OC on 13680, which on weekdays is regular RHC with big signal until 15. At 1416 weak OC
on 17750, which is the fifth scheduled A,P channel. So some transmitter operators are expecting something to come thru.
At 1430, however, no longer any carriers audible on any of them, nor at 1454, so word must have come down by then that
Hugo would be a no-show this week. Another check at 1539 reconfirmed nothing was on. But the secret mid-day extension
(or rather repeat) of RHC`s own programming was underway on 11760, 11800 distorted and 13760. No further chex made
past 2000, tho they could have faked me out with a later start.
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Por Célio Romais
Colaborações para:
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Todos os horários são no Tempo Universal Coordenado (UTC);
ALEMANHA – A DW quer saber um pouco mais sobre seus ouvintes. Para tanto, lançou um questionário online. Quem responder concorrerá a um Ipod e cinco mochilas da emissora. Para acessar o questionário, vá em:
ARGENTINA - A Rádio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, que transmite da Base Esperanza, na Antartida, foi captada
em Lugo, na Espanha, pelo Manuel Méndez, em 14 de agosto, às 1845, no Tempo Universal, pela frequência
de 15476 kHz, em 19 metros. A locutora enviou, naquele momento, saudações e mencionou a identificação
completa, sempre em espanhol.
BRASIL – A Super Rede Boa Vontade de Rádio, de Porto Alegre (RS), está com suas três frequências de ondas
curtas ativas. Além de 9550 e 11895 kHz, a estação também pode ser ouvida em 6160 kHz, em 49 metros. Quem
notou o reaparecimento da última frequência foi o Édison Bocorny Júnior, de Novo Hamburgo (RS). Ele ouviu a
emissora em Capão da Canoa (RS), mas com sinal muito fraco.
BRASIL – O Sistema Globo de Rádio vendeu mesmo suas freqüências de ondas curtas para a Igreja Pentecostal
Deus é Amor. As freqüências de 6120 e 9585 kHz, que eram da Rádio Globo, de São Paulo (SP), passaram para o
nome da Rádio 880 Ltda., cujo acionista majoritário é o pastor David Miranda. Já as freqüências de 6030 e 11805
kHz, que pertenciam à Rádio Globo, do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), foram parar nas mãos da Rádio Novo Milênio Ltda.,
emissora também da igreja Deus é Amor. Ambas as emissoras eram utilizadas pelo Sistema Globo de Rádio
desde a década de 1950.
BRASIL – A partir de 31 de agosto, o transmissor de 9530 kHz, em 31 metros, da Rádio Transmundial será desligado
sempre às 18h, na hora de Brasília. A emissora prossegue no ar, durante a noite e madrugada, transmitindo em
5965 kHz. Durante boa parte do dia pode ser captada também em 11735 kHz.
BRASIL - A Rádio 9 de Julho, de São Paulo (SP), dedica as manhãs de domingo para falar de Portugal. A
partir de 8h, Martins Ferreira apresenta três segmentos distintos: Açores sem Fronteiras, Ilha da Madeira em
Destaque e Heróis do Mar. Na pauta, notícias das duas ilhas portuguesas que dão nome aos programas, além
de ampla cobertura de tudo o que ocorre em Portugal continental. A Rádio 9 de Julho pode ser captada em
9820 kHz, na faixa de 31 metros.
BULGÁRIA – As emissões em espanhol da Rádio Bulgária vão ao ar no seguinte esquema: entre 0100 e 0200, em
7400 e 9400 kHz, para a América do Sul; das 0100 às 0200, em 9400 kHz, para a América Central; entre 0600 e
0630, em 11800 e 15800 kHz, para a Europa; das 1100 às 1130, em 11800 e 15800 kHz, para a Europa; das 1630
às 1700, em 11800 e 13800 kHz; das 2130 às 2230, em 6200 e 9800 kHz, para a Europa; entre 2300 e 2400, em
7400 e 9400 kHz, para a América do Sul. Todos os horários são no Tempo Universal Coordenado. A transmissão
que vai ao ar para a Europa, às 2130, tem regular sintonia, no Sul do Brasil, em 9800 kHz, conforme constatou o
colunista, em 22 de agosto. Na ocasião, o apresentador Venceslav Nikolov entrevistou o ouvinte espanhol Miguel
Ramón Balcet, que visitava a capital búlgara.
CANADÁ – As transmissões em espanhol da Rádio Canadá Internacional vão ao ar no seguinte esquema:
entre 0000 e 0100, em 11900 e 13725 kHz; das 0200 às 0300, em 9755 e 13710 kHz; das 0205 às 0305, em
6100 kHz; das 1205 às 1305, em 7325 kHz; das 2200 às 2400, em 11990 e 15455 kHz; das 2205 às 2305, em
6100 kHz. Aos domingos, a emissora apresenta o programa El Castor Mensajero, com respostas aos ouvintes,
músicas e informações do mundo da radioescuta. O Espacio DX dentro do Castor conta com as colaborações
de Omar Alfredo Ortiz Robayo, da Colômbia, Leonardo Nicolás Emmanuel e Rubén Margenet, da Argentina.
A apresentação é de Pablo Barrios. Recentemente, os programas em espanhol da RCI comemoraram 62
anos no ar, em ondas curtas.
CHINA – Para celebrar o 60º aniversário de fundação da República Popular da China, o Departamento de Espanhol
da emissora promove, valendo diversos prêmios, o concurso “Mi amor por China”. Os ouvintes deverão escrever,
até 30 de setembro, artigos retratando o amor e outros sentimentos que os une com a China. As redações deverão
ser enviadas em espanhol ou em chinês para o e-mail: [email protected].
CHINA – As transmissões em português da Rádio Internacional da China vão ao ar no seguinte esquema: entre
1900 e 2000, em 7335 e 9620 kHz, para a Europa; entre 2200 e 2300, em 6175 e 7260 kHz, para a Europa; das 1900
às 2000, em 5985, 7405, 9535 e 9765 kHz, para a África; das 1930 às 2000, em 11640 e 13630 kHz, para a África;
entre 2200 e 2300, em 9410 e 9685 kHz, para a América do Sul; das 2300 às 0000, em 9560 e 13650 kHz, para a
América do Sul; das 0000 às 0100, em 9560 e 9710 kHz, para a América do Sul. Todos os horários são no Tempo
Universal. Para entrar em contato com a Rádio Internacional da China de uma forma econômica, basta escrever
para: Rua José Linhares, 137, Apart. 401, CEP: 22430-220, Rio de Janeiro (RJ).
CROÁCIA VIA ALEMANHA – Uma das transmissões em espanhol da Voz da Croácia vai ao ar, entre 2230 e 2300,
no Tempo Universal, em 9925 kHz. A emissora foi captada, em Pindamonhangaba (SP), em 12 de agosto, com sinal
regular, pelo Glauber Peres. De acordo com ele, o noticiário Croacia Hoy teve 20 minutos de duração, enfocando as
informações daquele país dos Balcãs, encerrando com músicas pop croatas.
CUBA – Uma das edições do programa En Contacto, que é dedicado ao mundo das ondas curtas, vai ao ar, dentro
da programação em espanhol da Rádio Havana Cuba, aos domingos, às 2245, no Tempo Universal, tendo boa
sintonia, no Sul do Brasil, em 13760 kHz.
EQUADOR – 30 de setembro. Esta é a data em que a HCJB Global deixará de transmitr em ondas curtas. A emissora
enfrenta problemas financeiros e o seu parque de transmissores, localizado em Pifo, será derrubado para dar lugar
ao aeroporto de Quito. Conforme a programação em português da emissora, o escritório localizado em Curitiba (PR)
é autônomo e continuará produzindo sua programação normalmente. O escritório está procurando uma emissora
parceira, de preferência em ondas curtas, para alugar espaços. Enquanto isso não ocorre, a emissora poderá ser
ouvida sempre via Internet e em algumas emissoras de FM e AM do Brasil que retransmitem sua programação.
ESTADOS UNIDOS VIA CHILE – Mesmo que a CVC – A Sua Voz não transmite mais sua programação em português
nas ondas curtas, você pode captar a emissão em espanhol da CVC – La Voz, do mesmo grupo Christian Vision.
As transmissões ocorrem no seguinte esquema: entre 1200 e 0200, no Tempo Universal, em 17680 kHz; das
1200 às 2300, em 9635 kHz; e das 2300 às 0200, no Tempo Universal, em 6070 kHz. Uma das novidades é que a
emissora está confirmando os informes de recepção com o tradicional cartão QSL. Quem recebeu a confirmação
recentemente foi o José Moacir Portera de Melo, de Pontes e Lacerda (MT). Ele recebeu o QSL em 42 dias após
remeter o relatório para o seguinte endereço: CVC – La Voz, Casilla 395, Santiago, Chile.
IRÃ – As transmissões em espanhol da Voz do Irã vão ao ar no seguinte esquema: entre 0030 e 0227, em 9655 e
9905 kHz; das 0230 às 0327, em 9905 kHz; das 0530 às 0627, em 15530 kHz; das 2030 às 2127, em 6055 kHz, via
Sitkunai, na Lituânia, e em 7300 e em 9800 kHz.
JAPÃO VIA ANTILHAS HOLANDESAS – As transmissões em português da Rádio Japão vão ao ar entre 0230 e
0300, em 9660 kHz. Também das 0930 às 1000, pela mesma freqüência, que é via retransmissor localizado em
Bonaire, nas Antilhas Holandesas.
REPÚBLICA CHECA – Neste ano, o Departamento Ibero-Americano da Rádio Praga escolheu fotos de locomotivas
à vapor antigas para ilustrar a série anual de cartões de confirmação QSL. Será uma serie de oito cartões.
RÚSSIA – A transmissão em espanhol da Voz da Rússia que vai ao ar entre 2000 e 2100, possui excelente sintonia,
no Sul do Brasil, na freqüência de 5920 kHz.
PORTUGAL – As transmissões da RDP com destino ao Brasil podem ser captadas no esquema: de segundas a
sextas-feiras, entre 1100 e 1300, em 15575 kHz; das 1700 às 2000, em 21655 kHz; das 2000 às 2100, podem
ocorrer emissões extraordinárias em 21655 kHz; das 2100 às 2400, podem ocorrer emissões extraordinárias
em 15295 kHz. Já de terças a sábados, as transmissões ocorrem entre 0000 e 0300, em 15295 kHz. Nos
sábados e domingos, a RDP pode ser captada no seguinte esquema: entre 0800 e 1100, em 12000 kHz; das
1100 às 2100, em 21655 kHz; das 2100 às 2400, podem ocorrer emissões extraordinárias em 15295 kHz. Todos
os horários são no Tempo Universal.
TAIWAN – As transmissões em espanhol da Rádio Taiwan Internacional vão ao ar no seguinte esquema: entre 0200
e 0300, em 7570 e 9840 kHz; das 0400 às 0500, em 7570 kHz; das 0600 às 0700, em 5950 kHz; das 2000 às 2100,
em 3965 kHz; das 2300 às 2400, em 17725 kHz. Todos os horários são no Tempo Universal. A emissora utiliza relay
em outras localidades, como nos Estados Unidos e Reino Unido.
TURQUIA – A programação em espanhol da Voz da Turquia possui regular sintonia, na América do Sul, das 0100 às
0200, no Tempo Universal, em 9870 kHz.
VATICANO – O Programa Brasileiro da Rádio Vaticano vai ao ar no seguinte esquema: de segundas a sábados,
entre 1000 e 1027, em 21680 kHz; diariamente, entre 0030 e 0057, no Tempo Universal, em 7305 e 9610 kHz. Nos
domingos, às 2200, o Programa Brasileiro vai ao ar pela Rádio Aparecida, em 5035, 6135, 9630 e 11855 kHz.
VENEZUELA – A Rádio Nacional da Venezuela pretende construir um parque de transmissores de ondas curtas
no estado de Guárico, considerado estratégico por conta de seu posicionamento no centro do país. O objetivo do
governo venezuelano é atingir todo o continente americano via ondas curtas. Atualmente, a Rádio Nacional da
Venezuela pode ser sintonizada via transmissores da Rádio Havana Cuba.

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