Xenophon Anabasis


Xenophon Anabasis
Title: Anabasis
Author: Xenophon
Format: Paperback
Pages: 376
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0217067204
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 9 MB
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more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: Ciiap.i.
VOWS PAID: GAMES. 143 Draoontius, and desired him to conduct them to the place where he
had made- the course. Dracontins, pointing to the place where they were standing, said, " This
hill is an excellent place for running, in -whatever direction the men may wish." " But how will
they be able," said they, " to wrestle on ground so rough and bushy " " He that faUs," said he, "
will suffer the more." 27. Boys, most of them from among the prisoners, contended in the short
course,1 and in the long course' above sixty Cretans ran; while others were matched in
wrestling, boxing, and the pancratium. It was a fine sight; for many entered the lists, and as their
friends were spectators, there was great emulation. 28. Herses also ran; and they had to gallop
down the steep, and, turning round in the sea, to come up again to the altar.1 In the descent,
many rolled down; but in the ascent, against the exceedingly steep ground, the horses could
scarcely get up at a walking pace. There was consequently great shouting, and laughter, and
cheering from the people. BOOK Y. CHAPTER L Cheirisophns goes to Anaxibius, the Spartan
admiral, to obtain ships for the Greeks. Xenophon, meanwhile, attends to other matters, and
devises another plan for procuring; vessels, if Cheirisophus should fail in his mission, and
causing the roads to be repaired, in case the army should be obliged to proceed by land.
Treachery of Dexippus, and efficient exertions of Polycrates. 1. What the Greeks did in their
march up the country with Cyrus, and what they underwent in their journey to the Euxine Sea;
how they arrived at the Greek city of Trebi- sond, and how they offered the sacrifices which they
had vowed to offer for their safety as soon as they should reach a friendly country, has been
related in...
Insightful reviews
Shane Joubert:
When I first started reading The Persian Expedition, or, Anabasis in it's other name, I was
unsure how I would feel about the book. I had planned on reading it for a while, but had never
gotten around to it. Finally over the summer, though, I had bought it. I ferociously read through
it, completing it in about a week from when I began. The Journey of the 10,000 was captivating
and well told, with all their battles, losses of men, and trials endured along the way, alongside
the struggles of Xenophon himself in leading, crafting a truly amazing novel to read.
Xenophon's main struggle throughout the novel is the return of the 10,000 from the center of
Persia back to their homeland, Greece. All the while enemy armies and tribes plot against them,
with multiple instances of the men themselves nearly turning on him. With all the action, I
personally felt that the drawing battles to get to Anatolia's coast culminated in a sort of climax
for the book. Constantly fighting hill for hill, with harassment in multiple forms, it puts a real
struggle on both the army, and Xenophon himself. Although to be fair against most barbarians
he seems to point towards them having a low sense of unity or morale, as in most situations
once the lines meet the barbarian's flee or shatter.
When reading The Persian Expedition it serves as a good reminder as to why classics are so
revered, with their grip of pace, story telling, and drama. Even as a personal account by the
author, Xenophon, the story holds, and makes itself all the more amazing for it. Whether he
highlighted parts more, neglected areas, or glorified others is a question to be debated, but
without a doubt any bias he may have put in fails to detract from the story. With that in mind, I
would any day of the week recommend this book, as through a single reading it managed to
burn into my memory better than numerous other tales you read today. With it's struggles
although different still feeling a sense of familiarity through the feelings they invoke, it reminds
you to pay attention to the journey more than the destination, due to all that can happen along
the way.
Palmyrah: The marched and fought their way right round Turkey! And a good chunk of Iraq, too!
All the way from the Ionian coast to Mesopotamia — they got within fighting distance of Babylon
– and then all the way back to the Bosporus (here's a map). They fought the Persians, the
Kurds, the Armenians, the Thracians and anyone else who got in their way. And all they were
doing was trying to get home.
It took them fifteen months. There were ten thousand of them to begin with and eight thousand
left at the end. Some were killed in battle, some perished from cold in the high mountain
passes, some died of treachery. And when they reached the relative safety of the Black Sea
coast, they took to quarrelling amongst themselves.
An absolutely amazing story—a combination of traveller's tale, adventure story, manual of
military tactics and meditation on man's ingratitude. One of the great literary works of
civilisation, the Anabasis is also a rattling good read.
Rogerio Oleniski: Anabasis é obra do ateniense Xenofonte, historiador, militar, mercenário e
filósofo. O texto constitui-se em um relato das desventuras de dez mil mercenários gregos que
estiveram a serviço de Ciro, o jovem, contra seu irmão, o rei Artaxerxes II, e que, após a morte
do primeiro na batalha de Cunaxa, são traídos pelos persas e se vêem obrigados a atravessar
o império persa desde próximo da Babilônia até o Mar Negro para daí retornar à Grécia.
Xenofonte, assim como Platão, foi aluno de Sócrates e dedicou à memória do mestre uma série
de diálogos como a Apologia, O Banquete, Econômico e um livro sobre os ditos e feitos de
Sócrates, Memórias. É ao filósofo ateniense que ele irá consultar para saber se se une ou não
à Ciro, o jovem, em sua expedição.
O relato de Xenofonte é o de quem viveu aquela aventura, pois, após a traiçoeira execução
pelos persas do espartano Clearcus e dos outros chefes da expedição helênica, ele mesmo foi
eleito como novo líder do exército junto com Cheirisophus. A marcha de subida - por isso o
título "????????" - dos dez mil gregos partiu dos arredores da Babilônia e atravessou o que hoje
são a Armênia e a Geórgia, o Curdistão, a Macrônia, até chegar a Trapezus, colônia helênica
às margens do Mar Negro.
Durante o percurso em território inimigo, os helenos tiveram que enfrentar as forças do grande
rei persa, debelar inúmeras escaramuças e emboscadas de tribos hostis, atravessar grandes e
profundos rios, suportar a neve e o frio, tomar fortalezas e vilas e superar a constante escassez
de provisões para um tão grande exército.
Ao avistar o mar do alto de uma montanha, os gregos gritaram exclamação que ficou famosa:
"O mar! O mar!". De Trapezus o exército moveu-se até às cidades helênicas de Cerasus,
Cotyora, Sinope, Heraclea e atravessam o mar de Marmara para Bizâncio. Na Trácia, os
mercenários servem ao rei Seuthes e depois são convocados pelo general espartano Thibron
para lutar contra o sátrapa persa Tissaphernes, aquele mesmo contra quem Ciro o jovem os
havia contatado para lutar de início.
Contendo inúmeros detalhes sobre os costumes gregos e bárbaros, sobre táticas, estratégias e
armamento dos exércitos helênicos da época e sobre a forma quase democrática de sua
organização, o relato de Xenofonte é uma aventura fascinante e altamente informativa seja
para quem se interessa por façanhas militares, seja para quem estuda História Antiga.
Anabasis tornou-se célebre ainda na antiguidade e chegou a inspirar Alexandre, o grande, em
sua própria campanha contra o império persa pouco mais de um século depois da marcha dos
dez mil.
Ademais, Xenofonte é figura das mais interessantes e escreveu diversas outras obras além dos
diálogos socráticos, como manuais de cavalaria, biografias de reis espartanos, u relato sobre
os anos finais da Guerra do Peloponeso a partir de onde parara Tucídides, além de um livro
sobre a educação de Ciro, o grande, rei persa.
Jeremy: I learn this, now not as a background book, yet as a Greek translation project. what is
attention-grabbing is that the tale exhibits the power of the Democratic method of operating. No
different military might have remained in strength after their leaders have been assassinated.
And but the Greeks controlled to do it.
David: "In The Persian Expedition, Xenophon, a tender Athenian noble who sought his future
abroad, offers a captivating eyewitness account of the try out by means of a Greek mercenary
military - the 10 Thousand - to assist Prince Cyrus overthrow his brother and take the Persian
throne. whilst the Greeks have been then betrayed by way of their Persian employers, they
have been pressured to march domestic via thousands of miles of adverse terrain - adrift in a
opposed kingdom and less than consistent assault from the unforgiving Persians and warlike
neighborhood tribes."I'm inspired via the readability of this Warner translation. The quoted
negotiations in the military and between generals and their enemies is impressive. And such
info because the numerous dances of the warriors and the paths via deep snow make the
background vivid.My variation of "The Anabasis" and translated by way of Rex Warner, is a
transparent succinct heritage of this crusade among the 2 brothers Artaxerxes and Cyrus, from
Sardis (very close to Colophon) via all of Anatolia (Turkey today)and Syria into Babylonia (Iraq
at the present time -- the place Cyrus used to be killed in battle, and Xenophon turned one of
many leaders at the large military retreat -- again north via Armenia and alongside the shore of
the Black Sea to Byzantium after which all the way down to Pergamon the place Xenophon left
the army. "When the 10 Thousand begun their trip in 401 BC, Xenophon tells us that they
numbered round 10,400. on the time Xenophon left them years later, their quantity had
diminished to only below 6,000." there's no corroboration for particular info of his recognized
Todd Nemet: Picked up at Moe’s on Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley and skim as a bit holiday from
Piketty’s Capital within the twenty first Century and as a diversion from final week's numerous
information tales that have been bumming me out. Them nutty old Greeks have a manner of
cheering me up.Xenophon’s Anabasis was once presupposed to be one of many upcoming
versions within the first-class Landmark old Histories series, yet there hasn’t been a brand new
a type of in years.So while I observed a used Penguin version for $6 I figured i'll most likely
slum my approach via with just one janky map, a few footnotes, and an advent written in stilted
prose with dumb Penguin-edition-introduction-esque phrases like ‘otiose.’The Anabasis is type
like Kurdistan On 5 Staters an afternoon combined with Pulp Fiction. The plot is beautiful
simple, and I’m unlikely to think about those spoilers because they occurred 2,000 years ago:
Cyrus desires to kill his brother, the King of Persia, so he increases a mystery army, together
with approximately 10,000 Greek mercenaries. Cyrus leads his military deep into Persia and
manages to get himself killed within the first battle. After that the Persian a part of the military
kind of melts away, and the Greeks are left stranded deep within the center of adverse Persian
territory.This all occurs particularly quickly, so many of the booklet is set the 10 Thousand (as
they're called, although that quantity starts off to head down lovely quickly) hacking their as far
back as Greece, although none are literally “home” by the point the ebook ends. In fact, nearly
all of the remainder a part of the military are getting ready to set sail to move struggle the
Persians back on the end.Because it is the Greeks, there's plenty of warring by way of lots of
speechifying. sometimes there's diplomacy. it is often fascinating while Greeks catch up with
non-Greeks, since you regularly research anything new in regards to the Greeks, no matter if it
really is that they consider that a few boys are only too darn lovely to place to loss of life or that
they do not take care of dolphin fats until it truly is combined with water.When the 10 Thousand
eventually succeed in the Hellespont, issues get a bit complicated (at least for me they
did).Sparta -- lately having gained the Peloponnesian Wars -- was once accountable for the
area, and wasn't great overjoyed approximately having millions upon millions of hungry, horny,
and battle-hardened troops idling round close to a tremendous urban and port. Also, those
similar squaddies simply attempted to overthrow a huge, robust Empire correct subsequent
door, so even receiving them prompted all types of diplomatic difficulties for Sparta.So the 10
Thousand, led by way of Xenophon, hand around in Thrace and spend the wintry weather
propping up a two-bit King. extra warring; extra speechifying.Finally Sparta made up our minds
(and i will not think it became out good for them) to re-attack Persia. Xenophon correctly sells
what meager possessions he has and scoots off to Greece.The booklet works on such a lot of
levels. i am continually up for a very good conflict description, and the sly Greeks and Persian
methods are continually attention-grabbing to me. the best way Xenophon keeps command and
slips his approach out of assorted occasions is amusing, yet one has to recollect that he is the
single telling the story (and approximately 30 years after it occurred i am guessing).Xenophon is
praised for his "unadorned style," however it is a section jarring to learn stuff like "some Greeks
misplaced their noses and feet from frostbite" tossed off like an aside. that would be a little too
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