sao paulo


sao paulo
10 N OV E M B RO
Nas discussões do GRI não exitem apresentações. Elas são como um bate-papo informal após um jantar na casa de um amigo.
Todos participam das discussões de forma igualitaria, não só os discussion co-chair.
Todos falam e não há distinção. Na verdade a missão do co-chair é fazer com que todos falem e participem.
Se você acredita que conectar -se com novos parceiros é algo de seu interesse , nós o encorajamos a participar das discussões
ativamente. Dessa forma, permitirá que os demais participantes lhe conheçam e os conhecerá melhor.
Os moderadores irão questionar os participantes diretamente e não a sala em geral. Assim evitaremos o silêncio e a
desorganização. Todos são bem vindos a questionar, discordar e tecer comentários de modo apropriado.
Niguém irá lhe guiar ou determinar onde participar.
Você é livre e deve entrar nas de reuniões de sua escolha nos horários determinados.
As salas só ficam cheias após o início das discussões e não é preciso se incômodar com as salas que estiverem vazias,
elas irão ficar cheias rapidamente.
Alguns participantes falam muito baixo e isso dificulta a compreenção dos demais.
Fale claramente, e avise aos outros que não estiverem sendo compreendidos.
Evite monopolizar conversas, auto-promoção e propagandas, isso não será aceito pelos moderadores.
GRI discussions are NOT panels. They are like after-dinner conversations in one’s own living room with a few good friends under
the guidance of the moderating Chair.
Everyone participates equally, not just the Discussion (co-)Chairs. The job of the moderating Chair is to make EVERYBODY talk
and engage. Discussion co-Chairs sit scattered about the room and participate no more, no less than anyone else in the room.
If connecting with new partners can be useful, we encourage you to engage as vocally and actively as you might enjoy.
This will enable others to get to know you and you to get to know them.
The Moderating Chair will be addressing questions directly to particular participants, not just to anyone unspecified in the room
at-large, as this is usually greeted with pregnant silence.
Even so, you are encouraged to comment, question, dissent or otherwise interject.
As no one will prompt you, please join the discussion room of your choice in time.
Rooms only fill in AFTER a discussion starts and you need not be alarmed by a near empty room. It will quickly get crowded.
Some participants speak so softly as to be unheard by most. Speak up and remind others to do so if you can’t hear them.
Avoid monopolizing conversation, self-promotion or commercial pitches as the Moderating Chair has been urged to cut them off.
While journalists may sometimes take notes during discussions, they only ever do so after signing a ‘Chatham House’
confidentiality agreement under which they commit not to quote for attribution to a person or to a company, except with specific
consent from the respective parties. In addition, students or other reporters summarize most of the discussions and take notes
that are subsequently distributed to all participants.
Gustavo Favaron
A missão do co-chair no GRI não e
falar e sim fazer com que todos falem,
se realacionem e se conectem.
The mission of discussion Chairs at the
GRI is not to talk but to make others
talk, engage and connect.
Bem vindo (a) ao Brazil GRI 2010.
We are delighted to welcome you to the Brazil GRI 2010.
Como em todos os eventos do GRI, o Brazil GRI foi
criado por vários dos presentes, que contribuíram
com suas experiências de mercado, opinões, idéias,
pesquisas, recursos financeiros e com a criação
do programa que iremos participar hoje.
As with all GRI get-togethers, the Brazil GRI was created
by many present here today who have contributed
front-line expertise, intellectual brilliance, financial
resources and more to reach out to fellow leading lights
and create a program to discuss today’s issues.
We can’t thank them enough.
Se acredita que sua participação como discussion
co-chair em outros eventos do GRI seja algo útil, nós
o convidamos a nos contactar para que possamos
discutir a melhor forma de você se engajar nas
discussões. Caso entenda ainda que algum outro
nível de envolvimento conosco possa ser de seu
interesse você também é muito bem vindo.
Henri Alster
Por agora junte-se a nós e aproveite as discussões
como se você e o seu negócio fossem a atração
principal, porque eles realmente são.
If (co-)chairing one or more discussions could be useful
to you at any forthcoming GRI event, we invite you to
contact us and discuss how best to put them on the
If any other type of involvement could be useful, it is
similarly welcome.
We wish you a great GRI. Thanks for being with us!
See you in Sao Paulo.
Tenha um ótimo GRI. É um prazer tê-lo (a) conosco.
Gustavo Favaron
Director, Brazil GRI
GRI – Global Real Estate Institute
Inquiries and further information
[email protected]
UK Tel: +44.20 8445 6653
UK Fax: +44.20 8445 6633
Henri Alster
GRI – Global Real Estate Institute
All material throughout this program is subject to change without notice.
Terça-feira, 9 de Novembro
n 19.00-22.00
Private Board Dinner
(Apenas sob convite – reservado para
membros do GRI, patrocinadores e
discussion co-chairs/debatedores)
Quarta-feira, 10 de Novembro
Discurso de abertura
Keynote & Almoço
de encerramento
Tuesday, 9 November
n 19.00-22.00
Private Board Dinner
(By invitation only - reserved for GRI
attending members and Brazil GRI
Discussion (co)-Chairs).
Wednesday, 10 November
Keynote & Lunch
Closing Drinks
All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice.
... For those who think the opportunity to schedule
personal meetings with so many of the industry’s
best and brightest is too good to pass up...
Schedule your appointments early...
09.00 - 10.00
Arminio Fraga
chairman & cio
Sócio fundador da Gávea Investimentos, empresa fundada por ele em Agosto de 2003 e sediada
no Rio de Janeiro, e Presidente do Conselho de Administração da BM&F Bovespa. No período de
Março de 1999 a Dezembro de 2002, A. Fraga presidiu o Banco Central do Brasil. Anteriormente,
foi Diretor-Gerente da Soros Fund Management em Nova York, Diretor de Assuntos Internacionais
do Banco Central do Brasil, Vice-Presidente da Salomon Brothers, Nova York e Economista-Chefe
e Gerente de Operações do Banco Garantia. Foi professor do curso de mestrado da Universidade
Católica do Rio de Janeiro, da Escola de Economia da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, da School of
International Affairs da Universidade de Columbia e da Wharton School. BRASIL: NOVOS HORIZONTES
Henrique Meirelles
the Central Bank
of Brazil brazil
Henrique de Campos Meirelles has been Governor of the Central Bank of Brazil since January
2003. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of International Settlements in
Basel Switzerland. Prior to these positions, he was President of of Bank Boston Corporation and
of FleetBoston’s Corporate and Global Bank . Mr. Meirelles was a Board member of Raytheon
Corporation, Bestfoods,Champion International,Bank Boston Corporation and Fleet Boston Financial.
He was also a member of the Advisory Boards of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, the
Sloan School of Management of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Carroll School
of Management of the Boston College, as well as a member of the Board of Trustees of the New
England Conservatory of Music and of the Institute of Contemporary Arts of Boston.
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Arminio Fraga
chairman & cio
Henrique Meirelles
the Central Bank
of Brazil brazil
10.30 - 11.30
Nery &
Brasil: como será o amanhã?
Brazil: great today, what about tomorrow?
Hotéis no Brasil: margem para crescimento?
Hotels in Brazil: plenty of room for growth?
Daniela Carrera Marquis
Felipe Cavalcante
Alfredo Cotait Neto
João Crestana
Daniel Feffer
Luis Fernando Pinto Veiga
Jose Paim
Josh Pristaw
Jose Romeu Ferraz Neto
James Scott
Roberto Amorim
Helder Carneiro
Laurent de Kousemaeker
Javier Faus
Cristiano Gonçalves
Gilles Gonzalez
Peter J.F.van
Voorst Vader
Luis Mirabelli
Investidores globais & Incorporadores
locais: como construir essa ponte?
Global Investors, local Developers:
how to bridge the gap?
Investindo e incorporando no Brasil:
para além de Sao Paulo e Rio?
Investing and Developing in Brazil:
other than Sao Paulo and Rio?
James Rehlaender
Rodrigo Abbud
Daniel Citron
Caio Scantamburlo
Cristiane Mamprin de C. Guerra
Manoj Menda
Ciro Schmeil
Jana Sehnalova
Ramsey Tadros
Gilson Azevedo
Flavia Buiati
Abel Castro Jr.
Evaldo Lima
Financiamento imobiliário & IPO:
tiro certeiro ou tiro no pé?
Real Estate Funding: is IPO the silver bullet?
Habitação popular & aumento preços de
terrenos: qual estratégia adotar?
Affordable housing & Land price hike:
what is the right strategy now?
Ricardo Behar
Marcio de Oliveira
Drew Goldman
Jose Antonio Gragnani
Private Equity: is the price still right?
Sérgio Belleza Filho
Edigimar Maximiliano Jr
Christopher Meyn
Marcelo Michalua
Maximo Pinheiro Lima
Albert R. Stutz
Leonardo Zambolim
Escritórios: oferta e procura em equilíbrio?
Office market:
are supply and demand mismatched?
Walter Cardoso
Daniel Cherman
Nessim Daniel Sarfati
Roberto de Abreu Pereira
Martim Fass
Marcelo Scarabotolo
Miguel Schmidt
Claudio Tavares de Alencar
All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice.
BREAK 11.30-12.15
KEYNOTE 09.00-10.00
12.15 - 13.15
Mordejai Goldenberg
Carlos Antonio Guedes
Marco Antonio C. Mattar
Joao da Rocha Lima Jr
Milton Goldfarb
Augusto Martinez
Leonardo Sanchez
Shopping Centers:
diferentes mercados, mesmos conceitos?
Shopping Centres:
different market, same concepts?
Richard Brown
Alfred Dangoor
James Morse
Jose Tomas
Filipe Vasconcelos
Debt vs Equity Financing:
what is the right mix?
Tomas Awad
Alexandre Cabral
Luiz Franca
Paulo Gomes
Jonathan Lassers
Joao Martins Felcar
David Panico
Osmar Roncolato Pinho
Cesar Worms
AL s. pd
IN res t u
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at hec
14.45 - 15.45
16.15 - 17.15
Indústria Imobiliária Brasileira:
como ser bem sucedido?
Real Estate in Brazil:
how to make it successful?
Fundos de Pensão e setor imobiliário:
aumento real de participação?
Pension Funds in Real Estate:
are they raising the stakes?
Antonio Barbosa
Axel Chaves
Scott Koenig
Bruno Laskowsky
Jonathan Lulu
Pedro Miranda
Jaques Vieira Wanderley
Ken Wainer
Francisco de Augustinis
Carlos Garcia
Silvio Leal
Arlete Nese
Guido Oliveira
Rogerio Pedrinha Pádua
Carla Safady Meirelles
Jean Urbain Hubau
Pequenas e Médias Incorporadoras:
quão atrativas podem ser como parceiras?
Medium & Small Developers:
how attractive are they as partners?
Joint Ventures:
investidores estrangeiros são bem vindos?
JV’s: are foreign investors welcome?
Investidores estrangeiros:
como irão triunfar?
Foreign Investors in Brazil:
how will they succeed?
Residencial: classe méia e alta-crescimento
sustentável ou bolha à vista?
Middle and high-end residential:
sustainable boom or next bubble?
Ryan Hawley
Edith Bertoletti Cristina Betts Maria Luisa Cravo Wittenberg
Mark Curtis-Bennett Rupert Hayward Xavier Marceau
Susan Meaney Rodrigo Mennocchi Emilio Miguel Ken Munkacy
Michael Register Ricardo Reis John Tsui Sandor Valner
Hotéis: novas estratégias necessárias?
Hotels: innovative strategies required?
Rogerio Basso
Alinio Azevedo
Christian Charre
Daniel del Olmo
Oriol Gimenez
Rui Manuel Oliveira
Pat McCudden
Eduardo Muniz Urquiza
Javier Pimienta
Claudio Santos
Andrea Druck
Sergio Luiz dos Santos Vieira
Nilson Nóbrega
Nicholas Reade
Ricardo Telles
Oportunidades de
investimento hoteleiro: G ou Extra G?
Hospitality Investment Opportunities:
L or XXL?
Dominic Seely
Viviene Boverio
Jorge Carvallo
Guilherme Cesari
Roland de Bonadona
Alexandre Gehlen
Ricardo Mader
Jayme Neto
Jorge Perez Rivero
CLOSING DRINKS 17.15-18.15
Maxime Barkatz
Luis Bruehlmann
Jorge Chaskelmann
José Ernesto
Marino Neto
Brian Mendell
Marcio Moraes
Michael Teich
Jadwiga Wisniowska
BREAK 15.45-16.15
LUNCH 13.15-14.45 & KEYNOTE 14.00-14.30
Mari Canton
Ricardo Cuellar Amaral
Remy Dantas
Pedro Klumb
Paulo Mazzali
Nery &
Logística & Galpões: oportunidades à frente?
Logistics & Warehouse Development:
how much opportunity to come?
Carlos Barcellos
Pablo Barcos
Chris Bruneau
Thomaz Camargo
Jose Ferraz
Nick Kittredge
Gilson Schilis
Brasil – novos horizontes
Brazil – new horizons
Arminio Fraga
chairman & cio
Gavea Investimentos brazil
Di Cavalcanti
Arminio Fraga
como será o amanhã?
Daniela Carrera Marquis
chief financial markets division
Development Bank usa
great today,
what about tomorrow?
Felipe Cavalcante
Adit Brasil brazil
Nery & Milliet
Alfredo Cotait Neto
secretary international
Prefeitura de Sao Paulo
Daniela Carrera Marquis
Felipe Cavalcante
Alfredo Cotait Neto
João Crestana
Luis Fernando Pinto Veiga
Jose Paim
Josh Pristaw
Jose Romeu Ferraz Neto
James Scott
James Rehlaender
Rodrigo Abbud
Daniel Citron
Caio Scantamburlo Costa
Cristiane Mamprin De C. Guerra
Manoj Menda
Ciro Schmeil
Jana Sehnalova
Ramsey Tadros
João Crestana
SECOVI brazil
Daniel Feffer
vice-presidente corporativo
SUZANO brazil
Luis Fernando Pinto Veiga
Abrasce brazil
Jose Paim
founder and ceo
MaxCap brazil
Josh Pristaw
senior managing director,
GTIS Partners usa
Jose Romeu Ferraz Neto
presidente do conselho
SindusCon-SP brazil
James Scott
managing director - real estate
Bank Of America
merrill lynch usa
globais &
como construir
essa ponte?
Global Investors,
local Developers
how to bridge the gap?
Rodrigo Abbud
Vision Brazil brazil
Daniel Citron
member real estate group
USP brazil
Caio Scantamburlo Costa
investment banking brazil
Deutsche Bank S.A.
Banco Alemao brazil
Cristiane Mamprin
De C. Guerra
Lobo & de Rizzo brazil
Manoj Menda
managing director
RMZ Corp india
All material throughout
this brochure is subject to
change without notice.
Ongoing updates at:
James Rehlaender
managing director
European Investors usa
Ciro Schmeil
Scopel brazil
Jana Sehnalova
executive director
Forum Securities uk
Ramsey Tadros
Westfields brazil
imobiliário & IPO
tiro certeiro
ou tiro no pé?
Real Estate Funding
is IPO the silver bullet?
Ricardo Behar
managing director
Morgan Stanley brazil
Marcio De Oliveira
Investing SC brazil
Drew Goldman
md, head of americas real
estate investment banking
Deutsche Bank Securities
Ricardo Behar
Marcio De Oliveira
Drew Goldman
Jose Antonio Gragnani
Walter Cardoso
Daniel Cherman
Nessim Daniel Sarfati
Dr. Roberto De Abreu Pereira
Martim Fass
Marcelo Scarabotolo
Miguel Schmidt
Claudio Tavares De Alencar
Sérgio Belleza Filho
Edigimar Maximiliano Jr
Marcelo Michalua
Maximo Pinheiro Lima
Albert R. Stutz
Leonardo Zambolim
Jose Antonio Gragnani
chief business officer
BM&F Bovespa brazil
oferta e procura
em equilíbrio?
Office market
are supply and
demand mismatched?
Walter Cardoso
CBRE brazil
Daniel Cherman
country head for brazil
Tishman Speyer brazil
Nessim Daniel Sarfati
managing director
Cyrela Commercial
Properties brazil
Dr. Roberto
De Abreu Pereira
Etoile brazil
Martim Fass
head of real estate investments
Rio Bravo brazil
Marcelo Scarabotolo
São Carlos
Empreendimentos e
Participações S.A. brazil
Miguel Schmidt
Morro Vermelho brazil
Claudio Tavares
De Alencar
phd-dean of r.e. group
USP brazil
Private Equity
is the price still right?
Sérgio Belleza Filho
Fundo Imobiliario
Consultoria brazil
Edigimar Maximiliano Jr
Bradesco BBI brazil
Christopher Meyn
Gavea Investimentos brazil
Marcelo Michalua
managing partner
RB Capital brazil
Maximo Pinheiro Lima
Prosperitas brazil
Albert R. Stutz
managing director
Capital Dynamics switzerland
Leonardo Zambolim
vp real estate, latin am.
Goldman Sachs usa
All material throughout
this brochure is subject to
change without notice.
Ongoing updates at:
Christopher Meyn
Hotéis no Brasil
margem para
Hotels in Brazil
plenty of room for growth?
Nery & Milliet
Roberto Amorim
vice presidente de
aquisicoes e desenvolvimento
Starwood Hotels &
Resorts brazil
Helder Carneiro
Plaza Brasilia Hotéis brazil
Laurent De Kousemaeker
latin america and caribbean
Marriott International
Helder Carneiro
Laurent De Kousemaeker
Cristiano Gonçalves
Gilles Gonzalez
Peter J.F.Van Voorst Vader
Luis Mirabelli
Gilson Azevedo
Flavia Buiati
Mordejai Goldenberg
Evaldo Lima
Carlos Antonio Guedes
Marco Antonio C. Mattar
Augusto Martinez
Leonardo Sanchez
Javier Faus
Javier Faus
chairman & ceo
Meridia Capital spain
Cristiano Gonçalves
vice president development
Hilton Group brazil
Gilles Gonzalez
development direction
Accor brazil
Peter J.F.Van Voorst Vader
Brazil Hospitality Group
Luis Mirabelli
vp business development
RCI - South America
Investindo e
no Brasil
para além de
Sao Paulo e Rio?
Investing and
Developing in Brazil
other than
Sao Paulo and Rio?
Gilson Azevedo
general manager - tourism
Sec. Tur. de Pernambuco
Flavia Buiati
Rio Quente Resorts brazil
Abel Castro Jr.
new development brazil
Accor Hospitality brazil
Abel Castro Jr.
Mordejai Goldenberg
executive vice-president
Cushman & Wakefield brazil
Evaldo Lima
managing director
Carval Investors brazil
popular & aumento
preços de terrenos
qual estratégia adotar?
Affordable housing
& Land price hike
what is the right
strategy now?
All material throughout
this brochure is subject to
change without notice.
Ongoing updates at:
Carlos Antonio Guedes
CR2 brazil
Marco Antonio C. Mattar
cfo and iro
Trisul brazil
Joao Da Rocha Lima Jr
phd-dean of r.e. group
USP brazil
Milton Goldfarb
Augusto Martinez
Construtora Mudar brazil
Leonardo Sanchez
fund manager
XP brazil
Joao Da Rocha Lima Jr
Debt vs Equity Financing
what is the right mix?
Alexandre Cabral
Banco Nordeste brazil
em que
Tomas Awad
founding partner
Landix Real Estate
Investments brazil
Luiz Franca
director, real estate
Itau Unibanco brazil
Tomas Awad
Alexandre Cabral
Luiz Franca
Paulo Gomes
Jonathan Lassers
Joao Martins Felcar
Osmar Roncolato Pinho
Cesar Worms
Richard Brown
Alfred Dangoor
Jose Tomas
Filipe Vasconcelos
Paulo Gomes
vp research &
chief strategy officer
Prudential RE Latin
America usa
Jonathan Lassers
managing partner
Ariel Investment
Management uruguay
Joao Martins Felcar
general manager - real estate
Banco do Brasil brazil
David Panico
Bank of America
Merryl Lynch brazil
Osmar Roncolato Pinho
real estate director
Bradesco brazil
where all
Cesar Worms
chief financial officer
BNCORP brazil
Shopping Centers
diferentes mercados,
mesmos conceitos?
Shopping Centres
different market,
same concepts?
Richard Brown
executive vp international
Developers Diversified
Realty brazil
Alfred Dangoor
managing director
Bradesco BBI brazil
James Morse
managing director
Squarestone Brazil brazil
Jose Tomas
Sonae Sierra brazil
All material throughout
this brochure is subject to
change without notice.
Ongoing updates at:
Filipe Vasconcelos
Brookfield brazil
James Morse
OF BRAZIL brazil
Di Cavalcanti
como ser bem sucedido?
Real Estate in Brazil
how to make it successful?
Henrique Meirelles
Antonio Barbosa
HSBC Bank brazil
Axel Chaves
managing director
Paladin brazil
Scott Koenig
Antonio Barbosa
Axel Chaves
Scott Koenig
Bruno Laskowsky
Jonathan Lulu
Pedro Miranda
Jaques Vieira Wanderley
Ken Wainer
Ryan Hawley
Cristina Betts
Maria Luisa Cravo Wittenberg
Rupert Hayward
Xavier Marceau
Susan Meaney
Emilio Miguel
Ken Munkacy
Michael Register
Ricardo Reis
John Tsui
Sandor Valner
Bruno Laskowsky
WTorre Properties brazil
Jonathan Lulu
svp capital markets
Equity International usa
Nery & Milliet
Pedro Miranda
managing director
Itacare Capital Partners
Jaques Vieira Wanderley
real estate manager
Itau Unibanco brazil
Ken Wainer
founding partner &
portfolio manager
Vision Brazil brazil
como irão triunfar?
Foreign Investors
in Brazil
how will they succeed?
Maria Luisa
Cravo Wittenberg
project manager
Apex brazil
Mark Curtis-Bennett
managing partner
Aldabra Investments uk
Rupert Hayward
Salamanca Capital uk
Xavier Marceau
property op. director
L’OREAL china
Susan Meaney
managing director
Makena Capital usa
Emilio Miguel
regional commercial director
Equity Trust argentina
Ken Munkacy
senior managing director
GID International Group
Michael Register
Desires Hotels
International usa
Ricardo Reis
Engeflex brazil
All material throughout
this brochure is subject to
change without notice.
Ongoing updates at:
Ryan Hawley
Starwood Capital usa
Cristina Betts
chief financial officer
Iguatemi Shopping Centers
John Tsui
managing principal
IDA, LLC usa
Sandor Valner
Walton Street Capital
A função do
não é falar
The job
Pequenas e Médias
quão atrativas podem
ser como parceiras?
Medium & Small
how attractive are they
as partners?
Mari Canton
managing director & head of
global real estate
INTL/Provident usa
Ricardo Cuellar Amaral
RCA brazil
Remy Dantas
Habitax brazil
Mari Canton
Remy Dantas
Pedro Klumb
Paulo Mazzali
Carlos Barcellos
Pablo Barcos
Thomaz Camargo
Jose Ferraz
Nick Kittredge
Gilson Schilis
Alinio Azevedo
Rogerio Basso
Christian Charre
Daniel Del Olmo
Oriol Gimenez
Rui Manuel Oliveira
Pat Mccudden
Eduardo Muniz Urquiza
Javier Pimienta
Claudio Santos
Pedro Klumb
MSFI Finanças Imobiliárias
Paulo Mazzali
vice presidente
Construtora Mudar brazil
of the
Chairs is
not to talk.
Logística & Galpões
oportunidades à frente?
Logistics & Warehouse
how much opportunity
to come?
Carlos Barcellos
GWI Real Estate brazil
Pablo Barcos
director & senior portfolio
Prudential Real Estate
Investors Latin America
Chris Bruneau
Chris Bruneau
P Street Advisors usa
Thomaz Camargo
founding partner
RED brazil
Jose Ferraz
partner director
ARBEIT brazil
Nick Kittredge
vice president
AMB Property brazil
Gilson Schilis
Fulwood brazil
novas estratégias
innovative strategies
Alinio Azevedo
director, development
Four Seasons canada
Rogerio Basso
practice leader - latin america
Ernst & Young usa
Christian Charre
BridgeRock Capital usa
Daniel Del Olmo
sr. vice president
Wyndham Hotel Group
Oriol Gimenez
vp acquisitions
Caribbean Property usa
Rui Manuel Oliveira
senior vice president
Sol Melia Hotels & Resorts
Pat Mccudden
svp - real estate and
development, latin america
Hyatt Hotels Corporation
Eduardo Muniz Urquiza
regional manager
Fonatur mexico
All material throughout
this brochure is subject to
change without notice.
Ongoing updates at:
Javier Pimienta
managing director
Terranum Hotels colombia
Claudio Santos
Porto Bay Hotel & Resorts
Fundos de Pensão e
setor imobiliário
aumento real de
Pension Funds
in Real Estate
are they raising
the stakes?
Francisco De Augustinis
real estate investment manager
Fundacao CESP,
Pension Fund brazil
Carlos Garcia
Itajuba Investimentos brazil
Silvio Leal
executive manager
PREVI - Pension Fund brazil
Carlos Garcia
Rogerio Pedrinha Pádua
real estate investment manager
Funcef - Pension Fund brazil
Arlete Nese
Guido Oliveira
Carla Safady Meirelles
Jean Urbain Hubau
Maxime Barkatz
Luis Bruehlmann
Jorge Chaskelmann
José Ernesto Marino Neto
Brian Mendell
Marcio Moraes
Michael Teich
Jadwiga Wisniowska
Carla Safady Meirelles
real estate investment
VALIA - Pension Fund brazil
Jean Urbain Hubau
Accor brazil
Joint Ventures
investidores estrangeiros
são bem vindos?
are foreign investors
Maxime Barkatz
managing director
AUREA Real Estate france
Luis Bruehlmann
diretor de participacoes
Iberostate brazil
Jorge Chaskelmann
Aquiraz Riviera brazil
José Ernesto Marino Neto
BSH Internacional brazil
Brian Mendell
director, real estate
investment banking
Deutsche Bank Securities
Marcio Moraes
fundador e diretor presidente
RFM brazil
Michael Teich
principal and founder
Real Estate Options LLC usa
Jadwiga Wisniowska
president of the board
Dragmor Sp. Z o.o. poland
All material throughout
this brochure is subject to
change without notice.
Ongoing updates at:
Silvio Leal
Arlete Nese
investment & financial manager
Banesprev - Pension Fund
Guido Oliveira
Iguatemi Shopping Centers
Nery & Milliet
Francisco De Augustinis
É fazer com
que todos
It is to
classe méia e
sustentável ou
bolha à vista?
Middle and
high-end residential
sustainable boom
or next bubble?
Andrea Druck
Habitasul brazil
Sergio Luiz Dos
Santos Vieira
new business director
Espirito Santo brazil
Nilson Nóbrega
Prima S.A. brazil
Andrea Druck
Sergio Luiz Dos Santos Vieira
Nilson Nóbrega
Nicholas Reade
Ricardo Telles
Dominic Seely
Viviene Boverio
Jorge Carvallo
Guilherme Cesari
Roland De Bonadona
Alexandre Gehlen
Ricardo Mader
Jayme Neto
Jorge Perez Rivero
Nicholas Reade
chief executive officer
Brookfield Incorporacoes
Ricardo Telles
diretor de negocios
AGRE brazil
else talk...
de investimento
G ou Extra G?
Hospitality Investment
L or XXL?
Dominic Seely
co-founder and principal
Townhouse Capital
Viviene Boverio
acquisitions & development
Starwood Hotels &
Resorts brazil
Jorge Carvallo
general director
Grupo Posadas mexico
Guilherme Cesari
vice president of development
Marriott International
Roland De Bonadona
Accor brazil
Alexandre Gehlen
general director
Intercity Hoteis brazil
Ricardo Mader
Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels
Jayme Neto
diretor presidente
Hoteis Deville brazil
Jorge Perez Rivero
Fonatur mexico
All material throughout
this brochure is subject to
change without notice.
Ongoing updates at:
CB Richard Ellis was established in 1979 in Brazil, being proud of establishing
one of the largest business platforms in the country and of Latin America.
Our company operates with specialized departments wich are equipped to
provide the best services to all our clients throughout the National Territory.
With an aggressive international policy, through the acquisition of several other
companies around the world, the company has significantly widened its field of
activity for occupiers and users of office and industrial properties, both in Brazil
and abroad.
Danilo Monteiro
Danilo Monteiro
Investment & Development Director
Tel +55 11 5185 4688
[email protected]
Likewise, national and international investors alike have found in the company a
“safe haven” to conduct acquisitions and to analyse investments from the most
different segments.
Thus, with a vast experience of its 12 departments, CB Richard Ellis is ready to
take in investors, developers and building companies, as well as occuppiers and
landlords in general, at all stages of work, including the real estate appraisals,
through which we accomplished today, the greatest degree of reliability on the
market as a whole.
Lobo & de Rizzo Advogados
Lobo & de Rizzo Advogados provides comprehensive legal advice and assists
the strategic planning needs of domestic and foreign clients, whether they are
already operating in Brazil or exploring business and investment opportunities
in the country. We offer a wide range of legal services in corporate law, M&A, tax
consulting and litigation, civil litigation, regulatory, antitrust, environmental, real
estate, capital markets, labor law and insurance.
José Orlando A. Arrochela Lobo
Sérgio Varella Bruna
Valdo Cestari de Rizzo
Cristiane Mamprin de Castro Guerra
José Orlando A. Arrochela Lobo
Managing partner
Email: [email protected]
Valdo Cestari de Rizzo
Member of Executive Committee
Email: [email protected]
Sérgio Varella Bruna
Member of Executive Committee
Email: [email protected]
Cristiane Mamprin de Castro Guerra
Head of Real Estate
Email: [email protected]
Since its foundation in 2007, the firm has successfully continued with its
strategy of focusing on complex transactions for its premiere clienteles. This has
helped our growth despite of a very turbulent and competitive market. Our firm
began with a group of more than 30 lawyers and now it boasts a team of over
70 legal professionals who advise both Brazilian and multinational companies in
domestic and cross border transactions and disputes from offices in São Paulo
and Rio de Janeiro.
The firm works closely with leading corporations, investment banks and other
major institutions, offering the highest quality advice to meet our clients’ needs.
Our team has been working together for many years and has represented
national and international clients such as: Alstom, Braskem, Cargill, Chubb,
Coca-Cola, DHL, Dow Chemical, Ernst & Young, Globo, Inbrands, Johnson &
Johnson, Mercedes-Benz, Mosaic, Nestlé, Nivea, OAS, Odebrecht, Pearson,
StoraEnso, Tegma, ThyssenKrupp, Volkswagen.
The market has repeatedly recognized the excellence of our service, the
quality of our lawyers and the friendly and business oriented approach that
characterizes our practice. The firm has been ranked by international guides
as one of the most recommended M&A and Corporate firms in Brazil. Mr. Lobo
and Mr. de Rizzo have been selected as runners-up by Latin Lawyer’s Law Firm
Leader of the Year Award, in 2008. This selection is the result of creating a
successful firm in a such a short period of time and also in recognition of the
innovative thinking.
Rodrigo Abbud
Carlos Antonio Guedes
Vision Brazil - VBI Real Estate
Founding partner of VBI Real Estate, Rodrigo has played an
important role in the development of the majority of the Class AAA
office developments in the Faria Lima region of São Paulo. Prior to
founding VBI, Rodrigo worked as Director of the Investment Advisory
Department at CB Richard Ellis where he managed a team of 25 and
executed over 100 real estate transactions with an aggregate value in
excess of R$ 1 billion. Rodrigo received a B.A. in civil engineering from
University of São Paulo and an M.B.A. in real estate from University
of Reading in the UK. Rodrigo is a member of the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors.
Affordable housing development,
office development and retrofit and shopping
mall development
CR2 Empreendimentos Imobiliarios SA
Foco único na incorporação imobiliária.
O Sr Guedes Valente é graduado e pós graduado em Economia
pela PUC-Rio em 1982 e 1984, respectivamente. Em 1985, ingressou
no grupo BBM como assessor da presidência e tornou-se diretor
executivo em 1993, responsável pelas operações de carteira própria,
risco de preços e recursos humanos. Tornou-se sócio do Banco BBM
em 1995 e em 1997 retirou-se da diretoria do Banco para assumir
a área de ativos internacionais do Grupo BBM. Em 1999 foi sócio
co-fundador da CR2 DTVM, atualmente Banco CR2, responsável
pela gestão de recursos de terceiros. Em 2006, tornou-se sócio da
CR2 Serviços Financeiros Ltda. Atualmente, exerce o cargo de CEO e
Conselheiro na CR2 Empreendimentos Imobiliários.
Tomas Awad
Gilson Azevedo
founding partner
general manager - tourism
Landix Real Estate Investments
Secretaria de Turismo de Pernambuco
Captação de
Real Estate Funds and Separate Accounts
Asset Management
Tomás Awad is founding partner of Landix Real Estate Investments.
He has 12 years’ experience in equity research. He worked for Itaú
Corrretora in the last 7 years, where he was a Senior Vice President,
the equity strategist and responsible for the team covering the
real estate industry. Between 2006 and 2009 he took part on the
distribution effort of the IPOs and follow-on offerings of Gafisa, BR
Malls, Iguatemi, EVEN, Camargo Corrêa Desenvolvimento Imobiliário,
Tenda Construtora, São Carlos Empreendimentos, Odontoprev,
Diagnósticos da América e Banco ABC Brasil. Before this he was
responsible for the research coverage of the Brazilian financial
industry during 6 years.
Autarquia que gere as políticas públicas
para o Turismo no estado.
Bacharel em Turismo com MBA em Gestão Empreendedora, atua
há 10 anos no Turismo. Já trabalhou na VARIG, Secretaria de Turismo
do Recife, além de ser professor universitário das disciplinas de
Transportes Turísticos e Meios de Hospedagem. Atualmente é
Gerente de Planejamento da Secretaria de Turismo de Pernambuco
e tem como missão captar novos voos, cruzeiros marítimos e
investimentos turísticos para o Estado.
Alinio Azevedo
Antonio Paulo Marques Barbosa
director, development
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
A leading operator of luxury hotels and resorts, Four Seasons is
dedicated to perfecting the travel experience through continual
innovation and the highest standards of hospitality. From elegant
surroundings of the finest quality, to caring, highly personalised 24hour service, Four Seasons embodies a true home away from home
for those who know and appreciate the best. The deeply instilled
Four Seasons culture is personified in its employees – people who
share a single focus and are inspired to offer great service. Founded
in 1960, Four Seasons has followed a targeted course of expansion,
opening hotels and residences in major city centres and desirable
resort destinations around the world.
Development. Latin America and Caribbean
Antonio Paulo Barbosa, Sênior Vice-President, HSBC Banco Múltiplo
S.A, 42 years oldGraduated in Economics, MBA in Retail Developed his
career in Financial Institutions such as Bank Boston, Cargill, Thomas
Cook. Joined Banco Real in Oct 2001. At Banco Real took over the
Affinities Group with main responsibility of increase current accounts
and products sales devoted to Doctors and University Students.
Achieved great success increasing profitability of the Business Unit
in more than 100 % in three years. Also implemented the vision of
sustainability and diversity among developments.
Sérgio Belleza Filho
Carlos Barcellos
Fundo Imobiliario Consultoria de Investimentos Ltda
GWI Real Estate S.A.
Consultor de Valores Mobiliários e Agente Autônomo de
Investimentos, em ambas as qualificações com registro na CVM.
Atua no Mercado de Capitais desde 1972, onde se destacou como
especialista em Fundos Imobiliários e CEPACs.Estruturou o primeiro
Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário brasileiro, o FII MEMORIAL OFFICE.
Em 2003, estruturou e administrou o primeiro fundo imobiliário para
pessoas físicas com quotas negociadas exclusivamente na BOVESPA,
o Fundo EUROPAR. Diretor da empresa FUNDO IMOBILIÁRIO e
da TICKER; É professor-convidado do FGV-PEC no módulo de
Investimentos Imobiliários e proprietário do website fundoimobiliario. .Membro da Comissão Consultiva de Produtos Financeiros
Imobiliários do SECOVI-SP.
Consultor de
Estruturação de Fundos Imobiliários,
Consultoria em Operações de
Investimentos Mobiliários de Lastro
Imobiliário (FII e CEPACs).
Investimento, desenvolvimento e
operação de condomínios logísticos de alto
padrão no Brasil.
At GWI Real Estate since 2008, Mr. Barcellos is responsible for
managing the company’s overall business, involving the integrated
operations of development, asset and capital management. Prior
to joining GWI, he worked at media conglomerate Grupo Abril
as Director of Marketing and Business Development and as a
consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton in their São Paulo and London
offices. Mr. Barcellos received a B.S in Civil Engineering from the
Federal University of Minas Gerais and holds an MBA from Harvard
Business School. He also serves as a board member at B2W and Hana
Financial Inc.
Pablo Barcos
Maxime Barkatz
director & senior portfolio manager
managing director
Prudential Real Estate Investors
Latin America
AUREA Real Estate
Mr. Barcos is Director & Senior Portfolio Manager for PREI Latin
America and is currently responsible for the development of new
investment strategies for PREI - Latin America’s industrial program.
Prior to his current activities, Mr. Barcos was the Sr. Portfolio
Manager for PREI - Latin America’s industrial program in Mexico.
His responsibilities included managing the relationship with PREI’s
industrial joint venture partners, overseeing the acquisition and
development of industrial properties, implementing strategies
and processes focused on maximizing the value of the assets, and
performing the day-to-day management activities of the portfolio
of industrial assets.
Investment Manager
investment mgmt. business of Prudential
Financial, Inc. execution of RE investment
strategies, throughout the world, for a global
client base
Developer • Asset manager • Value-added
projects • France, Spain, Morocco and
emerging countries • €5-25M • Industrial •
Retail • Leisure
Maxime heads Aurea Real Estate offices in Paris and Madrid since
July 2009, with on-going projects in France, Spain and Morocco.
He is specialized in managing value-added projects in challenging
environments. Prior to joining Aurea, Maxime was the CEO of
Concerto European Developer, a leading developer specialized in
large logistics facilities, in the Iberian Peninsula. He has 6 years of
experience in RE investment, development and asset management,
and has successfully completed more than € 200 million worth of
transactions in France, Spain, USA, Brazil, India.
Rogerio Basso
Ricardo Behar
practice leader - latin america
managing director
Ernst & Young LLP
Morgan Stanley
Banco de
Financial due diligence and business
advisory services related to all real estate
asset classes. As Practice Leader for the Real Estate Advisory Services group of
Ernst & Young, Mr. Basso is actively involved in advising developers,
private equity funds, financial institutions and governments in all
aspects of the hospitality and leisure industry. Mr. Basso brings over
twelve years of real estate and hospitality experience across a variety
of areas including development advisory, acquisition due diligence,
restructuring, strategic planning, operator selection, tourism strategy,
valuation, litigation support, and operational diagnostics.
Assessor financeiro para empresas,
incluindo o setor de real-estate, em fusões e
aquisições e na captação de recursos
Ricardo Behar is a Managing Director in the Firm’s Investment
Banking division in Brazil. He has been working in Investment
Banking since 1996. Presently, he is responsible for client coverage
and origination efforts in real-estate, infrastructure/transportation
industries and oil field services.Prior to following the above industries,
Ricardo covered basic materials companies in the pulp and paper,
metals and mining, chemicals and cement sectors. Ricardo plays
an important role in the firm, working in equity, fixed income and
M&A assignments. He also works closely with industry bankers to
strengthen the firm´s relationship with major local and international
companies in Brazil.
Richard E. Brown
Flavia Buiati
executive vp international
Developers Diversified Realty Corp
Rio Quente Resorts
Real Estate
Shopping Center REIT
Richard Brown is the Executive Vice President of International for
Developers Diversified Realty (DDR), a U.S based shopping center
REIT. Mr. Brown is responsible for overseeing DDR’s international
business operations. Currently residing in São Paulo, he is also a
senior executive of Sonae Sierra Brasil. Mr. Brown, a 23-year shopping
center veteran, has served in a variety of senior executive positions at
DDR since 2000, including the head of Property Management, Asset
Management, Property Accounting and Information Technology. Mr.
Brown is a graduate of Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, and a
member of the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC).
Administradora formada e especializada em Economia pela
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia e MBA em Finanças pela
Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Diretora Administrativa Financeira do
Complexo Turístico Rio Quente Resorts, onde é responsável pelas
áreas Financeira, Tecnologias e Jurídico. Participou do evento The
Globe Performance Forum, na Flórida – Estados Unidos, em 2009,
se especializando em Gestão de Mudanças. É responsável pela
implementação de um projeto de Balaced Scorecard, pelo estudo
de um Fundo Imobiliário no setor turístico.Teve passagem no Grupo
Algar trabalhando na holding na área de Negócios e na American
Express do Brasil na área de Planejamento.
Alexandre Cabral
Thomaz F. Pompeo de Camargo
founding partner
Banco Nordeste
RED – Real Estate Development
Financiador de
Longo Prazo
Desenvolvimento Turístico • hotéis •
pousadas • bares • restaurantes • agências
de viagem • inclusive projetos Green fields
24 anos atuando em Banco de Desenvolvimento, que prover em
financiamento em Reais de Longo Prazo, desde que os investimentos
sejam localizados no Nordeste Brasileiro. O executivo possui MBA em
finanças pelo IBEMEC, tendo participados de diversos treinamentos
no Brasil e no exterior(Ex. Fundação Dom Cabral, Northwestern
Desenvolvimento de
empreendimentos corporativos, com forte
atuação no setor industrial/logístico.
Mr. Camargo has over 10 years experience as a high executive in
companies such as CB Richard Ellis, Hines and Bracor, where he was
responsible for the development of approximately 1.0 million m²
of industrial parks, representing investments of over R$ 1.2 billion.
His experience includes transactions for an extensive number of
companies, as well as the execution of build to suit and sale & lease
back operations. Mr. Camargo received his B.A. in Architecture
and Urban Planning from the University of São Paulo (USP) and is
concluding his MBA in real estate in the same university.
Mari Canton
Walter Cardoso
managing director & head of global real estate
CB Richard Ellis
Capital/Fund Raising; Investment Advisory; Joint Ventures, Equity/Debt Financings,
Sales . Market Focus: LatAm, Asia, US Mari Canton, Global Head-Real Estate for INTL/Provident, has 20+
years of industry experience, including 4+ billion of capital raising
expertise globally. Ms. Canton is an emerging markets expert with
significant experience in Latin America, having headed Salomon
Brothers’ and Bankers Trust’s real estate efforts in the area in the
1990s. Previously at Principal-Corporate & Realty Advisors, Ms. Canton
advised investors on Latin American investing and raised capital for
developers. Prior to CRA, as UBS Director, Real Estate Private Equity
Fundraising, she covered 200+ investors to raise funds globally. Ms.
Canton is a Harvard MBA and Duke BA. The company has over 800
employees in 11 offices worldwide (including 2 in Brazil).
Especializada em atender investidores,
incorporadores, construtoras, ocupantes e
proprietários em todas as fases de trabalho.
Walter Luiz Monteiro Cardoso é formado em Tecnologia Mecânica
e Engenharia Civil pela UNESP-SP e possui especialização em
Matemática Financeira pela FGV. Iniciou sua carreira na CB Richard
Ellis em 1985 e de 1991 a 1994 foi Diretor de Investimento. Em 1994
se tornou Managing Director e em 1998 assumiu a presidência.
Durante esses 25 anos, participou das maiores operações de
Investimento no mercado Brasileiro. Consolidou as linhas comerciais
da empresa, auxiliando na implantação de diversos departamentos.
Além disso, introduziu a empresa em diversas cidades e hoje lidera
um dos mais lucrativos e eficientes escritórios, com quase 400
Helder Carneiro
Felipe Cavalcante
Plaza Brasilia Hotéis
Adit Brasil
Investidora em propriedades
hoteleiras, flats, centros de convenções e
casas de espetáculos.
Nasceu em Sobral – Ceará, tem 62 anos, casado, duas filhas, e
reside em Brasilia-DF desde 1968. Atuou na área de construção
civil dirigindo empresa com obras públicas e de incorporação
em Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Foi Vice-Presidente do
Sinduscon-DF, e Diretor da Federação das Industrias de Brasilia. A
partir de 1990 foi Superintendente de Projetos Especiais de uma
das maiores construtoras e ncorporadoras do país, desenvolvendo
hotéis, flats e shoppings, em várias cidades do Brasil. Desde 1997
responde pela área de hotelaria da Paulo Octávio Investimentos,
composta de 1.386 unidades hoteleiras próprias , e de um Centro
de Convenções.
Atração de investimentos para o Brasil nos
setores : residencial, comercial, centros
logísticos, shopping centers, hotelaria e
imobiliário-turístico Formado em Administração de Negócios e Marketing, também
adquiriu a pós graduação em Gerenciamento de Negócios. Desde
1995, atua nos setores de construção civil e no mercado imobiliário.
É o presidente do Conselho de Administração da Associação para
o Desenvolvimento Imobiliário e Turístico do Brasil (ADIT Brasil),
uma entidade responsável para a coordenação e captação de
investimentos turísticos e imobiliários no nordeste brasileiro. Também
é o presidente do NORDESTE INVEST – uma reunião internacional
para investimentos turísticos e imobiliários no nordeste do Brasil,
o encontro mais importante no setor do país. Ele atua como o
presidente da Vivendi Empreendimentos, uma empresa focada no
mercado imobiliário-turístico.
Guilherme Cesari
Jorge Chaskelmann
vice president of development
Marriott International & Ritz-Carlton
Aquiraz Riviera
de Hotéis
Maior empresa de hospedagem
do mundo, com mais de 3.400 hotéis
(e mais de 595.000 apartamentos)
localizados em 68 países.
Atua na área de desenvolvimento de hotéis há 11 anos, tendo
sido sócio local da HVS, maior consultoria do mundo especializada
em investimentos hoteleiros. Recentemente foi responsável pelo
planejamento, implantação e gestão do Fundo de Investimento
Imobiliário com patrimônio de mais de R$ 100 milhões.Formado em
Administração de Empresas pela FGV, é pós-graduado pela mesma
instituição em Administração de Turismo e Hotelaria. Possui cursos
de especialização em investimentos imobiliários também pela FGV
e pela Universidade de Cornell nos Estados Unidos. Atualmente
e` Vice Presidente de Desenvolvimento da Marriott Brasil. Dentre as
diversas marcas sob sua responsabilidade estão Ritz-Carlton, Marriott,
Renaissance, Courtyard e Fairfield. Licenciado em gestão Hoteleira e Turistica pelo Instituto Superior de
Glion na Suiça, Professor de Marketing Turistico na Universidade do
Algarve em Portugal. Diretor geral de Hotel em cadeias hoteleiras
portuguesas e internacionais nos EUA, Cuba e Brasil. Especializado
em abertura de Hoteis resort com Spa e Golfe e uma experiência
de mais de 20 anos no turismo.Atualmente e desde há seis anos
Diretor Geral do Aquiraz Riviera no planejamento estratégico,
desenvolvimento e construção do maior resort do Brasil. Presidente
da Câmara de Comércio Brasil Portugal no Ceará com 130 associados,
a terceira maior depois de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro.
Daniel Cherman
Daniel Citron
country head for brazil
member real estate group
Tishman Speyer
Universidade de Sao Paulo
Real estate
First-class real estate owner •
developer and manager in both residential
and commercial business groups.
Mr. Cherman joined Tishman Speyer in 2001 and is the Country
head since 2009, being responsible for all the company’s activities in
Brazil. Before assuming this role, the executive led several positions
in Brazil’s team, including Chief Operating Officer, managing the
region’s acquisitions and leasing efforts, and heading both residential
and commercial development groups. In his past experiences,
Mr. Cherman worked for twelve years at Birmann S/A Comércio
e Empreendimentos, supervising large-scale commercial and
residential developments and taking positions as general manager
for Latin America operations, responsible for opening offices in
Argentina and Chile
Membro do Núcleo de Real Estate da Escola Politécnica da USP. Nos
ultimos 15 anos,atuou como CFO da Brazil Realty e Presidente da
Tishman Speyer no Brasil.
Caio Scantamburlo Costa
Alfredo Cotait Neto
director, investment banking brazil
secretary international relations
Deutsche Bank S.A. - Banco Alemao
Prefeitura de Sao Paulo
Banco de Investimento especializado em
fusões e aquisições, operações de mercado
de capital, nos mercados público e privado
Mais de dez anos de experiência em fusões e aquisições, mercado de
capitais local e internacional. Histórico de transações no Brasil e no
exterior. Administrador de empresas formado pela Unifacs e MBA pela
Darden Graduate School of Business na Universidade da Virginia.
He is currently exerting the post Vice-Senator of the Republic for Sao
Paulo State. He has worked as Businessman, Engineer and Economist. PUBLIC FUNCTIONS: He was appointed as Sao Paulo’s Deputy
Municipal Secretary of Planning in 1998; Has occupied the post of
President of the Sao Paulo’s Municipal Commission for Employment
during 1998-99; Has performed the work of President of the Sao
Paulo’s Commission of Urban Regulations – CNLU during 1998-99; He
has worked as Sao Paulo’s Municipal Secretary for Planning during
1998-1999, and more recently appointed as Sao Paulo’s Municipal
Secretary for International Relations (2006-present). João Crestana
Alfred Dangoor
managing director
Bradesco BBI
João Crestana é engenheiro de Produção pela Escola Politécnica
da USP, com mestrado em Engenharia Industrial pela Universidade
Stanford, Califórnia/EUA. Preside pela segunda vez o Secovi-SP,
entidade que há mais de 60 anos representa a indústria imobiliária,
os condomínios e síndicos do Estado de São Paulo, e desde fevereiro
de 2007 a Comissão Nacional da Indústria Imobiliária da Câmara
Brasileira da Indústria da Construção. É membro do Master Fórum –
Conselho do Fórum de Líderes Empresariais; do Conselho Consultivo
da Federação Brasileira de Bancos; do Conselho Superior da Indústria
da Construção da FIESP e do Conselho Consultivo do World Trade
Investment Bank
Reconhecido como um dos mais
atuantes e representativos sindicatos dos
condomínios e da indústria imobiliária
Investment Bank
Alfred Dangoor has more than 25 years of experience in Corporate
Finance and Investment Banking, having worked in Citibank in
London and Sao Paulo, as well as Salomons and Bradesco BBI in Sao
Paulo. He is a Managing Director with responsibility for all M&A, Equity
and Financing transactions for Brazilian companies in the Real Estate,
Construction and Commercial Properties sectors.
Remy Dantas
Roberto de Abreu Pereira
Habitax Incorporadora
Atua há aproximadamente 5 anos como investidor individual, nos
mercados financeiro e imobiliário. Com o surgimento do Programa
Minha Casa Minha Vida, constituiu a Habitax, empresa que tem como
objeto desenvolver empreendimentos horizontais para a classe C,
uma vez que encontrou nesses projetos pouca complexidade em
nível de Engenharia, desenvolveu expertise para gerar escala de
maneira rápida e eficiente, e por isso formata operações com ciclo
operacional curto e com taxas de retorno satisfatórias.
Desenvolvimento de empreendimentos
residenciais horizontais para a faixa de renda
de três salários mínimos.
Incorporação de edifícios de alto padrão
Roberto de Abreu Pereira is a partner of Etoile, witch is a real state
developer in São Paulo, Brazil. Etoile was created in 2004 and up to
now is undergoing 890.000 sq. ft. projects with 450 million of sales
value. Prior to Etoile Roberto with his partners were operating under
the brand SERPLAN witch delivered more than 40 projects with 7
million sq. ft. and over $2.5 trillion of sales value. Prior to that, he
was real state manager with UNIBANCO União de Bancos Brasileiro
supervising the real state investment projects.
Francisco Fabrini de Augustinis
Roland de Bonadona
real estate investment manager
Fundacao CESP
Francisco Fabrini De Augustinis, nascido na Cidade de São Paulo, 60
anos, formado em Economia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica
(PUC) em São Paulo em 1971. Cursou MBA pela Califórnia State
University em Los Angeles – Estados Unidos em 1977. Atuou em
fundos imobiliários no Banco Schahin como Assistente de Diretor
durante 5 anos. Ministrou curso de Investimentos Imobiliários na
Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Atualmente exerce a função de Gerente
Executivo da área de Investimentos Imobiliários da Fundação CESP,
desde 1999.
Fundo de Pensão
Gestão de Planos Previdenciários A Accor é uma empresa de administração
hoteleira, oferecendo diversas possibilidades
de parcerias com contratos de
administração, franquias e locação.
Começou sua carreira na ACCOR em 1973. Em 1989 mudou-se para
São Paulo, onde assumiu a rede de hotéis QUATRO RODAS que, em
seguida, foi convertida em SOFITEL. Desde 2003, Roland é o CEO
da Accor para a América Latina. Hoje, a Accor detém a maior e mais
completa oferta de hospedagem da região, onde opera suas redes
internacionais Sofitel, Pullman, Novotel, Mercure, ibis e Formule 1.
Juntos, os hotéis operados pela Accor somam 163 unidades com
26.384 quartos. O Brasil é bastante estratégico para as operações da
Accor. Com o apoio de recursos brasileiros, logística e know-how, a
ACCOR espera acelerar seu desenvolvimento, principalmente com as
redes Novotel e Ibis.
Laurent de Kousemaeker
Daniel del Olmo
cdo, latin america and caribbean
sr. vice president
Marriott International, Inc.
Wyndham Hotel Group
Laurent de Kousemaeker is the Chief Development Officer for
Marriott International Inc. and The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company
in Latin America and the Caribbean region. Based at Marriott
Corporate Headquarters, Mr. de Kousemaeker is responsible for hotel
development of all the brands for the Caribbean, Mexico, Central
America and South America. This responsibility spans 15 lodging
brands, including Bvlgari Hotels & Resorts, Ritz-Carlton, Edition,
JW Marriott, Marriott, Renaissance, Courtyard, Marriott Executive
Apartments, Residence Inn and Fairfield Inn. Prior to his current
position, Mr. de Kousemaeker was Senior Vice President for the same
region and, prior to that, vice president development for Spain and
Portugal, based in Madrid. Daniel del Olmo is Brand Senior Vice President of Tryp by Wyndham®
where he is responsible for overall business strategy and brand
integration, growth/development and brand performance, as well
as customer relations, design, service culture, operations and sales
and marketing. In this role, del Olmo also oversees the strategic
partnership with Tradyso, the international central reservations
systems.Del Olmo earned his bachelor’s degree in applied economics
in 1996 and his master’s degree in business administration in 1997,
both from the University of Hasselt in Belgium. In 2007 he studied
executive management at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton
School of Business as part of Wyndham Worldwide’s Global Leaders
Andrea Druck
Martim Fass
head of real estate investments
Habitasul Empreendimentos
Imobiliarios Ltda.
Rio Bravo Investimentos
Diretora Institucional do Grupo Habitasul e Presidente do Instituto
Habitasul, que articula e integra as políticas e ações das empresas
Habitasul em suas contribuições e intervenções nos âmbitos social
e ambiental. Atualmente, tem focado sua atuação na Habitasul
Empreendimentos Imobiliários, empresa do Grupo que desenvolve
o residencial e resort Jurerê Internacional (SC). Sob sua liderança
Jurerê Internacional vem conquistando importante reconhecimento,
nacional e internacionalmente, em desenvolvimento urbano e social,
preservação ambiental e estilo de vida. Andrea Druck participa
ativamente de entidades nas áreas imobiliária, de cidadania e meio
ambiente, aportando sua crença no capital social enquanto gerador
de um mundo melhor.
Gestor Fundos
Desenvolvimento de destinos
residenciais e turísticos
Estruturação, Administração e Gestão de
Fundos de Investimento Imobiliário
Martim Fass se juntou à Rio Bravo em 2004, depois de trabalhar na
área de auditoria de instituições financeiras da Deloitte. Também
teve experiências profissionais na Alemanha e Holanda, atuando
sempre na área financeira. Atualmente Martim lidera a equipe de
Investimentos Imobiliários, que tem como foco a estruturação,
administração e gestão de Fundos de Investimento Imobiliário.
Martim se formou em administração de empresas pela Universidade
Federal de Santa Catarina.
Javier Faus
Jose Ferraz
chairman & ceo
partner director
Meridia Capital
ARBEIT Desenvolvimento Imobiliario
Meridia is a private equity group focused on investing in premium
hotel properties internationally. The firm owns/asset manages hotels
in urban markets operated by the world’s leading international
hospitality brands. The first fund (€150 million) owns various hotel
properties in Europe and Latinamerica. Javier Faus is Chairman &
CEO. In 2001-06 Mr. Faus was President and minority shareholder of
Hotel Arts Barcelona. He worked as a lawyer in J&A Garrigues (New
York) and Cuatrecasas (Barcelona). He received his Law degree from
Universidad Autonoma Barcelona, a Masters in International Law from
Georgetown University and a MBA from ESADE.
Arbeit Desenvolve Empreendimentos e
Projetos de built to suit e sale lease back
Como diretor associado da unidade de desenvolvimento imobiliário
do Grupo ARBEIT e ao longo de minha trajetória de mais de duas
décadas atuando no mercado imobiliário viabilizei em parcerias com
as melhores organizações do pais mais de 1.000.000 m2 em diversos
empreendimentos comerciais, industriais, shopping Center, terminal
de carga, centro de distribuição e obras de infra-estrutura em varias
regiões do Brasil, propiciando agilidade e flexibilidade na realização
dos empreendimentos e investimentos com a participação de
instituições financeiras nacionais e internacionais, fundos de private
equity e de investimento imobiliário, consolidando sólida reputação e
geração de uma carteira de ativos de alta performance.
Carlos Garcia
Alexandre Gehlen
general director
Itajuba Investimentos
Intercity Hoteis Inteligentes
Oriol Gimenez
Distribuição de Produtos Selecionados de
Gestores de Investimentos Alternativos para
os Investidores Institucionais Brasileiros
Engenheiro Civil, formado em 1983 pela na Universidade da
Bahia, ingressou no mercado financeiro em 1985 como Analista
de Investimentos na Bradesco Seguros S.A. Em 1986 foi um dos
fundadores e, mais tarde, acionista do Grupo Icatu, onde trabalhou
nas áreas de Gestão de Renda Fixa e Variável, Fusões e Aquisições,
Mercado de Capitais, Corretagem e Distribuição e Marketing. Ocupou,
até abril de 2007, o cargo de Vice-Presidente Comercial da Icatu
Hartford Seguros e Previdência S.A, de onde saiu para montar sua
própria empresa, a Itajubá Investimentos.Trabalha com previdência
complementar no Brasil desde 1989, tendo estudado in loco os
sistemas de previdência de vários países.
Administração de hotéis voltados ao
público corporativo, a partir do conceito de
hotelaria inteligente.
Alexandre Gehlen é Administrador de Empresas com MBA em Gestão
Empresarial pela Fundação Dom Cabral e Especialização em Hotelaria
pela Escola Castelli em Canela – RS. Concluiu sua formação em
hotelaria com estágios na Áustria e Alemanha. Iniciou suas atividades
no ramo hoteleiro em 1989 e fundou a InterCity hotéis inteligentes
em 1999, na qual atua como Diretor Geral. Em 11 anos de atividades,
a InterCity está hoje entre os dez principais grupos hoteleiros
voltados para o turismo de negócios do país.
Mordejai Goldenberg
vp acquisitions
executive vice-president
Caribbean Property Group
Cushman & Wakefield
Commercial Real Estate
Acquistions & Development
Mr. Gimenez is a Vice President of Acquisitions for Caribbean Property
Group, a New York-based real estate investment, development
and asset management firm with investments in the Caribbean
and Latin America. His primary responsibilities include property
acquisition, property development, debt financing and strategic
planning. Mr. Gimenez was previously a Manager at the Hospitality
& Real Estate Advisory Group of Ernst & Young, where he specialized
in real estate development, strategic advisory, and transaction due
diligence across the Americas. Mr. Gimenez received his business
undergraduate degree from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona,
Spain, and graduated with honors from the Cornell School of Hotel
Investimento e
Hotel investor
Hospitality private equity fund; Latam and
Europe; trophy hotels in key gateway cities;
top international brands.
Melhor empresa de serviços imobiliários
de alto valor agregado na América Latina e
Brasil, segundo a revista Euromoney.
Mordejai heads the Capital Markets group including investment
brokerage services, research and valuation and advisory areas, also
has under his responsibility oversight of C&W operations. Former
COO of Eccelera an alternative asset management organization
initially sponsored by the Cisneros Group of Companies. 2 years with
AT Kearney, as a principal, and 7 with Mackinsey & Co as associateprincipal. Electrical Engineer with MBA. Mordejai is a credited and
authorized Brazilian SEC asset manager, credited real estate broker,
member of the IBEF and of non-profit organizations.
Drew Goldman
Jose Antonio Gragnani
md, head of americas real estate investment banking
chief business development officer
Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.
BM&F Bovespa
Real Estate Investment Banking
Drew Goldman joined Deutsche Bank in 1999 in the Gaming, Lodging
and Leisure group. Prior to that, he was with Sun International Hotels
Limited where he was responsible for Strategic Planning, Corporate
Finance and Investor Relations from 1997 to 1999. Before joining
Sun International, Drew spent five years in investment banking with
Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc. and Paribas Corporation. Drew has focused on
the Gaming and Leisure sectors for 14 years. He has worked in both
banking and on the client side, gaining valuable perspective from
working with a former client. The most important Brazilian institution to
intermediate equity market transactions
Bachelor’s degree in Metallurgy Engineering from Mackenzie
University, MBA in Finance from IBMEC, and M.Sc. in Finance from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He worked for Unibanco, BBA
Bank and the Creditanstalt, having held the positions of director of
Votorantim Bank, UBS Pactual Bank and Concórdia Bank. Mr. Gragnani
was Assistant Secretary at the Brazilian National Treasury between
2003 and 2006. He is currently Chief Business Development Officer
Ryan Hawley
Peter J.F.van Voorst Vader
Starwood Capital Group
Brazil Hospitality Group
Ryan Hawley joined Starwood Capital Group, a real estate private
equity fund based in Greenwich, CT, in 2006. At Starwood, Ryan
has pursued opportunities worldwide ranging from investments in
corporate entities that either develop or operate real estate to joint
ventures with developers for the development or redevelopment
of real estate projects. More recently, Ryan has focused on Brazilian
opportunities and has relocated to São Paulo to help establish the
firm’s presence in the market. Prior to joining Starwood Capital, Ryan
worked in corporate finance and M&A advisory at Bear Stearns where
he focused on real estate and hospitality.
Invest in all asset classes of
real estate including residential, hotel,
office, industrial and retail
Aquisição, Administração e Desenvolvimento
de empreendimentos hoteleiros.
Mestrado em International Business administration pela Flórida
International University e Hotel management degrees from The
Hague e FIU. Foi CEO da Brazilian Fast Food Company (BFFC) e
ocupou diversas Management posições de Marketing e Sales na
Shell International Petroleum. Atuou assessorando as empresas
Latinco Investments, Movi&Art e a empresa de construção
Pedro Klumb
Scott Koenig
MSFI Finanças Imobiliárias
Economista, formado pela Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro
em 1979, Pedro Klumb também obteve o MBA em Administração
do Instituto Administração de Empresas - COPPEAD/URFJ em 1987 e
especialização em Poupança e Empréstimo em 1983 na Northwestern
University, em Evanston, Illinois. Atua na área de crédito imobiliário há
mais de vinte anos, tendo participado em várias comissões e grupos
de trabalho relacionados à área de crédito imobiliário, organizados
pelo governo e associações de classe incluindo: Reestruturação do
Sistema Financeiro da Habitação, Seguros Imobiliários, FCVS, Letras
Hipotecárias, Criação do SFI, Fundos de Investimento Imobiliário e
Securitização de Recebíveis, entre outros.
RREEF’s Global Opportunistic Investments
group makes high-yield, opportunistic
real estate investments across the world Mr. Koenig is a Director and Head of Portfolio Management Americas for RREEF’s Global Opportunistic Investments group. He
joined RREEF in July 2001, having previously worked at Nomura
Asset Capital Corporation and Price Waterhouse. Mr. Koenig spent
over four years in RREEF’s London offices focused on Central and
Eastern Europe markets. He is now based in New York. The Global
Opportunistic Investments business of RREEF, a member of the
Deutsche Bank group, has been one of the leaders in pursuing
opportunistic real estate investment strategies since 1991. The team
has made investments in 31 countries and at 30 June 2010 had
US$5.3 billion of assets under management.
managing director
WTorre Properties
Carval Investors
Global Hedge
Evaldo Lima
(Commercial Re)
Bruno Laskowsky
Desenvolvimento e Aquisição de
Propriedades Comerciais: Prédios/Lajes
Corporativas; Parques Logísiticos e CDs
24 years of experience in the financial and real estate at Brazilian
and international companies. Has been serving as CEO of WTorre
Properties since March 2010. Before joining WTorre, Bruno was the
CEO of Cyrela Commercial Properties (CCP), in that position Bruno
led a major strategic initiative and shapes a US$ 400 MM fund to
invest in Real Estate in Brazil. Bruno had also worked at A.T. Kearney
as Latin America Vice President, Head Partner of Financial Services
for the region and has worked also at Citibank in several managerial
positions. Holds a master’s degree in business administration
(COPPEAD UFRJ and New York University) and post-grad degree of
finance at the Brazilian Institute of Capital markets (IBMEC).
CarVal Investors is a leader in managing
opportunistic value investments with approx.
$ 10 billion in assets.
Managing director for CarVal Investors, focused on managing
investments in real estate, distressed-asset portfolios and structured
products in Brazil. Prior to joining CVI in 2004, Mr. Lima was a partner
at Rio Bravo Investimentos, a Brazilian asset management company
responsible for fixed income, derivatives and fund of funds portfolios.
He began his career at Banco Pactual as controller of the fixed
income and derivatives desk, later becoming investment manager
of Asset-Backed Securities. Mr. Lima earned an MBA in Finance
and Risk Management at the University of São Paulo and holds an
Aeronautical Infrastructure Engineering degree from the Aeronautical
Institute of Technology – ITA, São Paulo.
Sergio Luiz dos Santos Vieira
Jonathan Lulu
new business director
svp capital markets
Espirito Santo Property Brasil
Equity International
Condomínios e Loteamentos Residenciais e
Industriais de Alta e Média Renda; Comercial
Alta e Média Renda; Shopping Centers.
Brasileiro, casado, engenheiro de produção, nascido em 31.05.1945.
Atua na área de desenvolvimento imobiliário desde 1974,
principalmente nos segmentos de padrão alto e médio-alto, em
condomínios residenciais, escritórios e loteamentos. É Conselheiro
do Secovi-SP e atua ou atuou nas principais entidades de classe do
setor, como a Fiabci/Brasil e a CIC/FIESP – Federação das Indústrias
do Estado de São Paulo.
Jonathan Lulu is Senior Vice President of Equity International (EI)
where he is primarily responsible for coordinating the capital markets
and investor relations activity of the firm, as well as providing strategic
direction to the capital needs of portfolio companies. Previously, Mr.
Lulu enjoyed a 15-year career in the institutional real estate industry
in roles spanning investment research, portfolio management,
product structuring and capital markets. Prior to joining EI, Mr. Lulu
worked for Presidio Partners, a boutique investment firm providing
strategic advisory and capital raising services to real estate and
infrastructure fund managers and investors located in the Americas,
Asia and Europe. Ricardo Mader
Cristiane Mamprin de C. Guerra
Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels
Lobo & de Rizzo Advogados
Executive Vice President of Advisory and Asset Management Services
for the Americas Region. Based Sao Paulo, combines extensive
hospitality and tourism experience with the global resources of
the firm to help clients to plan, develop and execute their strategic
business initiatives. With over 20 years experience in the consulting
field, has developed comprehensive expertise in the hospitality
and tourism industries throughout Latin America. His consulting
experience includes market research and analysis, facilities evaluation,
financial projections, feasibility studies, development of marketing
strategies and marketing plans, planning and development
assistance, operational evaluations and management and franchise
contract negotiations.
M&A, Financeiro e Imobiliário, estruturação
de operações e parcerias
mobiliárias, securitização de recebíveis,
fundos de investimento.
Formada pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, com
MBA em Direito da Economia e da Empresa, pela Fundação Getúlio
Vargas de São Paulo, e pós-graduação em US Law, pela New York
University. É especializada em Direito Societário e Direito Imobiliário,
assistindo e representando clientes em transações de M&A, joint
ventures, reorganizações societárias, além de operações financeiras e
societárias voltadas ao mercado imobiliário.
Rui Manuel Oliveira
José Ernesto Marino Neto
senior vice president
Sol Melia Hotels & Resorts
Com 40 anos de experiência na indústria hoteleira, Rui Oliveira é
formado em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade de
São Paulo com especialização em Administração de Hotéis pela
Universidade Americana de Cornell. Foi diretor dos hotéis Nikkey
Palace Hotel, Transamérica, Crowne Plaza - Holiday Inn e Caesar Park
Hotel. De 1988 a 1996, ocupou a Vice-Presidência de Operações para
a América do Sul da Westin Hotels and Resorts e foi o Vice-Presidente
Executivo do Caesar Park Hotels International. Ocupou durante
dois anos a Direção Geral da Rede de Hotéis Sol Meliá, Divisão
Américas em Miami, USA e desde 1996 desempenha a função de
Vice-Presidente Sênior da Sol Meliá Brasil.
Hospitality Asset
Administração Hoteleira
BSH Internacional
Conceituação, planejamento,
desenvolvimento e asset management
hoteleiro e de imobiliário turístico.
Graduado em Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo, com
especialização em Direito Empresarial, com MBA em Marketing
Turístico pela USP, mestrado em administração de empresas pela
Florida Christian University. É doutorando em Administração pela
Florida Christian University. É membro da ISHC (International Society
of Hospitality Consultants), membro emérito do conselho consultivo
do Centro de Hotelaria, Turismo e Administração de Esportes
da Universidade de Nova York, membro do conselho consultivo
Global da Hotel’s Investment Outlook e professor associado de
Investimentos Hoteleiros da EBAPE/FGV. Presidente e Fundador da
BSH International.
Joao Martins Felcar
Pat McCudden
general manager - real estate
svp - real estate and development, latin america
Banco do Brasil
Hyatt Hotels Corporation
Maior Instituição Financeira
da América Latina.
Funcionário do Banco do Brasil há 30 anos, tendo trabalhado em
agências e na Superintendência Estadual do Paraná. Atua como
gerente há mais de 16 anos e como executivo na Gerência de
Crédito Imobiliário da Diretoria de Empréstimos e Financiamentos desde 2009. Responsável pela implantação do Projeto Minha
Casa Minha Vida no Banco do Brasil. Formado em Administração de Empresas, com MBA Executivo em Negócios Financeiros e Formação Geral para Altos Executivos BB. Também cursou, em
nível de especialização o curso Theory and Operation of a Modern
Economy, ministrado pela George Washington University.
Patrick McCudden joined Hyatt in January 2007 and serves as
senior vice president of real estate and development, Latin America.
In this role, Mr. McCudden is primarily responsible for leading
efforts to pursue brand development opportunities throughout
Latin America and the Caribbean for all brands in Hyatt’s current
portfolio. He also assists with opportunities for new Hyatt Vacation
Ownership properties and other large-scale, mixed-use resort
developments across the entire Americas region. Prior to joining
Hyatt, Mr. McCudden was executive vice president at Juno Properties,
LLC, a private real estate development company specializing in the
development of private, gated golf communities. Manoj Menda
Christopher D. Meyn
managing director
RMZ Corp
Gavea Investimentos
RMZ Corp, a private real estate company founded in 2002, is
recognized as one of India’ s leading owners, developers and
operators of first-class real-estate. The company ‘s track record of
consistently delivering exceptional value for its investors and tenants
puts RMZ Corp at the forefront of the global real estate industry. RMZ
Corp’s reputation as one of the nations fore most developers and
purchasers of commercial properties is well deserved. The company
has developed a portfolio of over 13 million square feet in major
metropolitan areas in the Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune and
Kolkata. Representing approximately $2 billion in total value.
Developed over 13 Million sft of
Office Space and own approx 7 Million sft.
Expertise in Commercial, Hospitality,
Retail and Residential.
Gestao de investimentos de longo prazo em
private equity, pipes e imobiliaria
Ingressou no Gávea Investment Funds (GIF) em janeiro de 2006,
tornando-se sócio em junho de 2006, sendo atualmente o
responsável pela gestão dos fundos de Private Equity da Gávea.
Anteriormente, foi diretor e membro do comitê de investimentos da
Latinvest Asset Management e sua controladora baseada nos Estados
Unidos, Globalvest Management Co, uma das maiores empresas
independentes americanas de investimentos em ações na América
Latina. Na Globalvest, foi responsável pelas iniciativas em private
equity/venture capital na America Latina. É bacharelado com honras
em Economia pela Universidade de Stanford (1990). Atualmente,
é membro de conselhos e comitês na Arcos Dorados (McDonald’s
LatAm), Multiterminais, Santilana, Azul e CPM. CREATORS
Marcelo Michalua
Emilio Miguel
managing partner
regional commercial director
RB Capital
Equity Trust
Crédito e
A RB Capital é uma empresa independente,
especializada em operações de crédito
estruturado e investimentos imobiliários.
Marcelo Michaluá, Administrador de Empresas e Pós Graduado
pela FGV/São Paulo, e Mestre em Relações Internacionais, com
especialização em International Finance & Banking pela The Fletcher
School of Law&Diplomacy, é Sócio Gestor e membro da Diretoria
da RB Capital, responsável pela Área Corporate&Institutional e
Relações com Investidores, tendo ingressado na empresa em 2002.
Anteriormente, trabalhou como Senior Associate da área de Private
Equity da Darby Overseas Investments em Washington DC, e no
Banco Pactual, onde foi responsável pela Área de Crédito da UBF
Garantias & Seguros, uma das principais seguradoras de crédito e
finanças do Mercado brasileiro.
Emilio Miguel is Equity Trust’s Regional Commercial Director for the
Caribbean and Americas Region. Born in Argentina, Emilio studied
law at Universidad Catolica Argentina and graduated as LLM from
Duke University School of Law (NC, USA) in 2003. He is a member
of the Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners (STEP). After graduation
from Law School, Emilio worked independently for four years before
joining Estudio Beccar Varela law firm in Argentina as a corporate
lawyer where he worked until 2004.
Luis Mirabelli
Marcio Botana Moraes
vp business development
fundador e diretor presidente
RCI - South America
RCI helps Mixed Use Developers improve
their business by developing world class
Shared Ownership products and services.
He begins his career at American Express. In 1992 joined RCI and
served in several regional responsibilities roles. In 2001 he enters
Royal Holiday Club Director for South America. In 2006 re-joins RCI
with the current role of VP Business Development for South America.
Luis Mirabelli is a graduate of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, with
a degree in Industrial Engineering. RCI is the world’s largest vacation
ownership exchange network, with more than 35 years, 4 million
members and 4,000 affiliated Resorts. RCI develops solutions that
allow Mixed Use Developments tap into the benefits of the Shared
Ownership business.
Empreendimentos residenciais de
média e alta renda, edifícios comerciais,
hotelaria e hospitalares.
Brasileiro, 51 anos, especialista em Real Estate, Engenheiro
Civil formado pela Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes em 1981.
Fundador e Diretor Presidente do grupo RFM que atua nas áreas de
Desenvolvimento Imobiliário, Investimentos e Construção. Fundador
e acionista da Brazilian Hospitality Group - BHG S/A , empresa
Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Turístico de capital aberto,
a BHG foi fundada e é listada na Bovespa desde de Julho de 2007. Sr
Moraes é ainda membro do conselho administrativo do Txai Hotéis e
Resorts, responsável pela área de novos negócios e desenvolvimento.
Ken Munkacy
Arlete de Araujo Silva Nese
senior managing director
investment & financial manager
GID International Group
Banesprev Fundo Banespa
de Seguraridade Social
Pension Fund
Mr. Munkacy is the Senior Managing Director of GID International
Group, an affiliate of GID Investment Advisers LLC. Mr. Munkacy is
responsible for setting the strategic vision for GID’s international real
estate investment activities including formulating, implementing
and guiding GID’s investment strategy in emerging markets. Prior to
joining GID he served as Managing Director/Asia at Starwood Capitol
Group (Tokyo), Senior Managing Director of GE Capital Golub Europe
(Prague), and Managing Director at TrizecHahn Asia Pacific (Hong
Kong); he also served as Chief Operating Officer of the New Boston
Fund based in Boston.
Investment & Financial Manager of Banesprev – Fundo Banespa
de Seguridade Social, is responsible for allocating funds, defining
benchmarks, strategies, financial costs and respective reports
for beneficiaries and sponsors. Arlete is working on her Master
Degree in Business focused on Strategy at Insper, holds a Business
Administration degree, with a latu sensu graduation specialized
in Accounting and Financial at FGV and Executive MBA in Finance
at Ibmec São Paulo with international extension at University of
California. Previously Arlete was Investor Relation and responsible for
Structured Finance at Julio Simoes Logistics Co. As well she worked
for Santander and Banespa, in Global Banking & Markets, Companies
and Retail.
Jayme C Neto
Nilson Nóbrega
diretor presidente
Hoteis Deville
Prima S.A.
Jayme Canet Neto, 54 anos, divorciado, 2 filhos - é empresário.
Diretor-presidente da Rede de Hotéis Deville, empresa hoteleira
de origem paranaense, que possui 11 unidades, situadas em
Maringá, Cascavel, Guaíra, Porto Alegre, São Paulo, Salvador, Cuiabá,
Florianópolis e três em Curitiba. Participa também de diversas
entidades de classe como: Associação Brasileira da Indústria Hoteleira
– Paraná (ABIH-PR), Curitiba Convention & Visitors Bureau, Sindotel Pr
e Fórum de Operadores Hoteleiros do Brasil (FOHB). Formou-se em
Administração de Empresas, pela Universidade Federal do Paraná e
em Administração Hoteleira, pela School of Hotel Administration of
Cornell University.
Opera hotéis para o público de
negócios, com amplas áreas de eventos e
restaurantes próprios. Desenvolvimento turístico e imobiliário
focada em produtos de alto valor agregado
em acabamento, localização e serviços.
Diretor Geral & CEO da Prima Empreendimentos, Bacharel em Direito
e extensão em turismo e hospitalidade, especialista pós-graduado
em Administração de Empresas, Master Business Administration
em Marketing, pela ESPM, Finanças Corporativas pela Fundação
Getúlio Vargas.Ele é ex-CEO da AlphaBrazilTDM e Omegapar
Investments & Real Estate, VP de Finanças, VP de Operações, VP
de Asset Management da Costa do Sauípe, Diretor Geral da CBB e
Gerente Geral do BB S/A. Especialista no mercado, dirigiu e aportou
conhecimentos de gestão a alguns dos principais negócios do
setor no Brasil, como o Complexo Turístico e Imobiliário da Costa do
Sauípe, o Complexo Hoteleiro do Alvorada Brasília, o EcoResort do
Cabo e outros.
Jose Paim
Javier Pimienta
founder and ceo
managing director
MaxCap Real Estate Investment Advisors
Terranum Hotels
José Paim de Andrade Junior é formado em Engenheiro Civil
pela Universidade Mackenzie e Pos Graduado em Administraçao
de Empresas e Comércio Exterior pela Fundaçao Getulio Vargas.
Fundador da Rossi Residencial e CEO durante 20 anos - até 2000.
Presidente da Prudential Icatu - 2002. Em 2003 fundou a Maxcap
Real Estate Investment Advisors Ltda., que tem hoje uma jointventure com Bank Of America/Merrill Lynch através da qual tem
investimentos em 3 empresas Incorporadoras e mais de 30 projetos
imobiliarios distribuidos pelo pais. É o criador e Presidente da
Maxcasa /MaxHaus, que desenvolve empreendimentos urbanos com
design, tecnologia e escala.
Private Equity
Gestao de investimento imobiliario
Hotel Development & Investment
Javier is responsible for overseeing all of Terranum Hotels’
activities. Javier has over a decade of international real estate
investment and development experience. He was previously
Vice President of Project and Business Development at Lionstone
Development in Miami Beach, where he led all aspects of deal
sourcing, project execution and brand selection in connection
with a portfolio of hotel assets in the United States, the Caribbean
and Europe. Prior to joining Lionstone, Javier was Vice President of
Corporate Development for Patagon Bank. Javier holds a BS in Civil
Engineering from Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá and an MBA
from the University of Miami.
Josh H. Pristaw
Albert R. Stutz
senior managing director, acquisitions
managing director
GTIS Partners
Capital Dynamics AG
Josh Pristaw is a Senior Managing Director at GTIS Partners and a
member of the General Partner’s Investment Committee. Mr. Pristaw a
co-founder of GTIS with more than 13 years of real estate experience
has been responsible for the firm’s Brazil business since 2005. His
primary responsibilities include acquisitions and asset management.
Prior to joining GTIS, Mr. Pristaw was a Principal and Co-Head of
Acquisitions for Coventry Real Estate Advisors.
Client Relations
41 employees • $1.1 billion committed
equity • value-added opportunities .
residential, retail, industrial, office, hotel,
mixed-use • U.S. and Brazil
Servicing hundreds of PE investors
(L.P.s) across over 35 products and 21 billion
dollars of AUMs.
Albert is a Managing Director in the Business Development team
at Capital Dynamics. Albert has a proven track record in sales
and marketing from over 20 years of experience for international
corporations such as IBM, AT&T and UBS. More recently he was
head of sales at RMF and head of marketing at Man Investments. He
was also COO for three years at Horizon21 Alternative Investments.
Albert holds a Master’s degree in Marketing and Economics from the
University of St.Gallen.
Nicholas V. Reade
Michael Register
chief executive officer
Brookfield Incorporacoes
Desires Hotels International
Atuando nos segmentos residencial e
comercial com metade das vendas na média
renda. Mercados geográficos selecionados.
Mr. Reade holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Economics from
Cambridge University, and a post-graduate Advanced Management
degree from Harvard University. Prior to joining Brookfield, Mr.
Reade was responsible for the investment banking operations of
both SG Warburg and Bear Stearns in Brazil. More recently he was
CEO of Rio Bravo Securitizadora, where he focused on the Brazilian
real estate market. Mr. Reade was also a Managing Partner at Banco
Brascan, where he managed their corporate advisory business.
From February to August 2008, he was Chairman of the Board of
Brookfield Incorporações S.A. and is currently CEO of Brookfield
Incorporações S.A.
Michael Register is a partner in Desires Hotels International, and VP
of Development and Legal Counsel for Desires Hotels. Michael is
responsible for international and domestic business development
and legal matters. In addition, Michael works with several investment
partners to identify and source existing and new build hotel
properties for acquisition or development, with a focus on emerging
markets. Prior to Joining Desires Hotels, Michael was in charge of
business development and legal matters for Nikki Beach worldwide.
James Rehlaender
Ricardo Rosa Reis
managing director
European Investors Inc.
Fund Manager
We invest in property companies and
REITs throughout the world, primarily
equity securities
JAMES E. REHLAENDER, Managing Director, joined European Investors
in 2000. Jim is responsible for the firm’s international real estate
investment activities and is co-portfolio manager of all global REIT
accounts. Jim spent a total of twelve years at La Salle Partners where
he developed and marketed their REIT investment activities and was
intimately involved in many complex real estate project financing,
workouts and investment advisory assignments. Prior to joining
European Investors, Jim developed and founded Global Property
Advisors with one of the largest German insurance companies.
US$7.5 billion invested in real estate and real estate equities.
· Engenheiro civil CREA 24.367-D/PR com especialização em
Engenharia de Produção; MBA em Finanças, Advogado OAB 46.576/
PR, concluindo MBA/LLM em Direito Corporativo; · 29 anos de
experiência no Mercado Imobiliário; · 23 prédios incorporados,
construídos, vendidos e entregues; · Consultor, palestrante e
professor área imobiliária e sobre fundos imobiliários; · Co-fundador
do Projeto Obra Prima, Prêmio Máster Imobiliário · Codesenvolvimento da tecnologia construtiva: Concreto Celular
Jose Romeu Ferraz Neto
Carla Safady Meirelles
presidente do conselho consultivo
manager - real estate investment
Engenheiro Civil , Universidade Mackenzie ; MBA , FGV . Vice
Presidente BHG – Brazil Hospitality Group , responsável pela area de
Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Turístico
Fundos de Pensão
Entidade de
Sindicato da Construção
Engenheira Civil com MBA em Finanças Corporativas – PUC /RJ e
MBA em PDG – Programa de Desenvolvimento Gerencial do IBMEC/
RJ 30 anos de experiência atuando no segmento Imobiliário. 27 anos
de experiência administrando Carteiras Imobiliárias em Fundos de
Pensão. · Gerente de Investimentos Imobiliários da Fundação Vale do
Rio Doce de Seguridade Social – Valia ► de jun/1994 a atual. Carteira
Gerencial atual – R$ 450 MM · Coordenadora da Comissão de
Investimentos Imobiliários da ABRAPP – AH-DOC Comissão Nacional
de Investimentos; · Participação como membro efetivo nos Comitês
de Investimentos e Financeiro da Valia;
Marcelo Faria Scarabotolo
Gilson Schilis
São Carlos Empreendimentos
e Participações S.A.
Fulwood Empreendimentos Imobiliarios
O Sr. Marcelo Scarabotolo trabalha na São Carlos Empreendimentos
e Participações S.A. desde 1999, tendo já ocupado os cargos de
Superintendente de Shopping Center, Gerente AdministrativoFinanceiro e Diretor Financeiro e de Relações com Investidores.
Atualmente ocupa o cargo de Diretor de Operaçoes da
companhia, sendo responsável pelas áreas comercial e de
administração imobiliária. Ocupou anteriormente a posição de
Gerente de Projetos na DEICO Desenvolvimento Imobiliário, empresa
especializada no desenvolvimento e administração de shopping
centers. É formado em Administração Pública pela Fundação Getúlio
Vargas (FGV-SP) e pós-graduado em Negócios Imobiliários pela
Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP-SP).
Investimento em imóveis comerciais
(edifícios de escritório, centros de
distribuição e lojas de rua)
Empresa especializada no desenvolvimento,
comercialização e estruturação de imóveis
industriais e logísticos.
Formação: Administração Empresas – FAAP / Ciências Contábeis
– FEA/USP Empresas: · Ernst & Young – Auditor · Abril S/A–
Auditor Sênior · Grupo Cosmos – Diretor Superintendente ·
Injepet Embalagens – Sócio Fundador; Presidente · Amcor –
Injepet Presidente Conselho de Administração · Rhodia Ster S/A
– Membro Conselho Fiscal Experiência: · Administração de Empresas
· Excelente domínio na Análise de Balanço e Performance EconômicoFinanceira · Sólida experiência em organização e reengenharia · Sólida
experiência em Turn-Around de empresas · Experiência em Private
Equity e Venda de Empresas. Fundador da ABIPET.
Ciro Schmeil
Miguel Schmidt
Scopel Desenvolvimento Urbano
Participacoes Morro Vermelho
Ciro Schmeil, casado, 39 anos, nascido em Ponta Grossa (PR). É
formado em Arquitetura e possui MBA pela Getúlio Vargas e pela
Ohio University.Atual General Manager da Scopel Desenvolvimento
Urbano. Passou por empresas como Unibanco e Walmart, essa última
este por 13 anos onde assumiu diversos postos sendo o último cargo
o da Vice-Presidência de Desenvolvimento.
Holding familiar
Empresa de desenvolvimento urbano
especializada em loteamentos residenciais.
Holding de empresas não-financeiras,
participações em empresas, investimentos
financeiros no Brasil e no exterior
Diretor de Operações da holding familiar do Grupo Camargo Corrêa,
responsável pela gestão dos portfólios financeiro e imobiliário dos
acionistas do Grupo. Administra os diversos parceiros na condução
dos interesses e dos projetos estratégicos da empresa. Anteriormente
atuou na consultoria McKinsey & Company por 7 anos no Brasil e
nos EUA em projetos de alta relevância estratégica para seus clientes.
Previamente atuou no Banco Bozano, Simonsen no Rio de Janeiro,
nas áreas de controle de risco e crédito. Formado em Administração
de Empresas pela FGV/SP, complementado com vários cursos e
palestras no Brasil e no exterior.
James E. Scott
Dominic Seely
managing director - real estate
co-founder and principal
Bank Of America Merrill Lynch
Townhouse Capital
Mr. Scott is a Managing Director in the New York office covering
real estate, homebuilders and real estate operating companies. He
has advised on approximately $125 billion in real estate Mergers
& Acquisitions and bookran over $8 billion in capital markets
transactions during his career in real estate investment banking.
Previously, Mr. Scott was an M&A generalist at JP Morgan and an
attorney with Ropes & Gray’s New York office. Mr. Scott received his
BA from Dartmouth College and his JD from Columbia Law.
Real Estate and Homebuilding
Investment Banking
Townhouse Capital is a hotel real estate
investment management firm focused on
acquisitions in Europe and the Americas
Mr. Seely is a Principal and Co-Founder of Townhouse Capital, an
investment management firm based in Geneva and London with a
focus on acquiring hotel real estate in Europe and selectively in the
Americas. Previously, he worked in various senior positions in hotel
private equity and operations including: Kuwait’s Kharafi Group;
Nyesa Valores Corporacion, a listed Spanish conglomerate; and Stein
Hotels and Resorts (now Franklyn Hotels), a pan-European small
luxury boutique owner/operator. Before entering the hotel industry,
he worked in venture capital and also in investment banking for
Dresdner Kleinwort Benson. He is a member of the Advisory Board of
the International Hotel Investment Forum, the world’s leading hotel
investment forum. CREATORS
Jana Sehnalova
Claudio Tavares de Alencar
executive director
phd-dean of r.e. group
Forum Securities (UK) Limited
Universidade de Sao Paulo
Departamento de Engenharia de Construção
Civil da Escola Politécnica da USP
Global Real Estate Securities
Jana Sehnalova is an Executive Director and Global Portfolio Manager
at Forum Securities with nine years of real estate and equities
experience. In 2006, Mrs. Sehnalova started the pioneering work on
the launch of the emerging markets real estate securities strategy. Mrs. Sehnalova has extensively covered European, Australasian and
emerging markets real estate companies and has spent a significant
amount of her time on the ground in the US, Europe, Asia and
emerging markets. Before joining Forum Securities, Mrs Sehnalova
worked Citi Property Investors for five years and at European Investors
for three years. Mrs. Sehnalova holds an LLM in law (summa cum
laude) and an MBA degree, Mrs. Sehnalova speaks seven languages.
Professor Doutor do Departamento de Engenharia de Construção
Civil da Escola Politécnica da USP, ministrando aulas e orientando
estudantes em cursos de graduação, pós gradução e MBA. É revisor
dos journals Real Estate: Economia & Mercados, Ambiente Construído
e Construction Management & Economics (UK). Tem experiência
na área de Gerenciamento de Empresas e Empreendimentos com
ênfase em Real Estate, atuando profissionalmente e desenvolvendo
pesquisas nos seguintes temas: comportamento dos mercados
de real estate, parcerias público privadas, sistema de classificação
de empreendimentos e regiões urbanas, sistemas de funding para
empreendimentos do setor da construção civil, índices setoriais e
ferramentas para análise de riscos.
Ricardo Telles
Jose Baeta Tomas
diretor de negocios
Grupo Agre
Sonae Sierra
Engenheiro Civil, formado pela POLI/USP em 1986 com pósgraduação em tecnologia de materiais e MBA Executivo Internacional.
Resumidamente, desenvolveu carreira como gestor de grandes
empreendimentos de construção pesada na Camargo Correa durante
perto de 20 anos e posteriormente, como Diretor de Incorporações
Imobiliárias da Agre desde 2007. Atualmente é responsável pela
operação completa das incorporações da Agre na região Nordeste,
desde a compra de terrenos até a entrega das unidades, passando
pelas ações de desenvolvimento de produto, marketing, vendas e
construção propriamente dita.
Shopping Centers
Todo o processo de incorporação
imobiliária, desde a compra de terreno
até entrega das unidades
Desenvolvimento e Gestão de
Shopping Centers De 1982 a 1995 - Desempenho de funções de Gestão de topo de
empresas de varejo do Grupo Sonae em Portugal. Membro do
Conselho de Administração da empresa Modelo Continente SGPS
Portugal até março de 2003. · De 1995 a 2003 - Diretor Presidente
da Sonae Distribuição Brasil S.A. · De 2003 a 2009 - Diretor Presidente
da empresa Industrial Tafisa, S.A. · De abril de 2010 até hoje, CEO da
Sonae Sierra Brasil, S.A.
John F Tsui
Jean Urbain Hubau
managing principal
Based in Beijing and New York, John F. Tsui is President of Peninsula
House, LLC, which is a hybrid, alternative asset investment firm
engaged in direct investment of three asset classes: corporate
investments, real estate and distressed loans and securities. With
specific focus in Asia/Pacific and Greater China, Mr. Tsui is involved
in structured direct investment and financing to developers and
property owners, as well as private and public real estate operating
companies. Transactions encompass strategic buy-in and buyout
of anchored shopping malls, hotels, master planned mixed-use
developments and office buildings, as well as capitalization and
recapitalization of high growth industrial enterprises.
Uma empresa de adminsitração
hoteleira, que oferece diversas
possibilidades de parcerias com contratos de
administração, franquias e locação.
ET COMMERCIALES (ESSEC), começou sua carreira no grupo Accor
em 2000 na área de Sistemas de Informação. Em 2004 foi nomeado
controlador financeiro na sede da Accor Ásia Pacifico em Sydney,
Austrália. Em 2006 voltou para Paris e foi nomeado, em 2007, Diretor
da Consolidação do grupo Accor worldwide. Desde outubro de
2009 é Diretor Administrativo e Financeiro, TI e Compras da Accor
América Latina.
Sandor Valner
Filipe Vasconcelos
principal & ceo
Walton Street Capital
Mexico and Latin America
Sandor Valner is Principal and CEO of Walton Street Capital Mexico
where he is responsible for the Latin American investments of
Walton Street Capital, a global real estate private equity firm. Prior to
Walton, he was CEO of VALOR, a real estate merchant banking firm
he founded in 2001. Mr. Valner headed Credit Suisse First Boston’s
operations in Mexico and was part of the Latin America executive
committee in New York. Sandor Valner received an MBA degree and
an MS degree in Engineering from Stanford University. He obtained
his BS in Engineering Summa Cum Laude from the UAM University
in Mexico. Gestão de
shopping centers
Diversified Private Equity Real Estate Fund
Desenvolvimento, gestão e
comercialização de shopping centers e
empreendimentos comerciais com atuação
nos estados do Sudeste.
Filipe é CEO da Brookfield Gestão de Empreendimentos. Com mais
de 20 anos de experiência em empresas de varejo e de shopping
centers, como JHSF, Starbucks, EGEC, McDonald’s e Shell Brasil, onde
ocupou diversos cargos executivos. Tem vivência internacional
em vários países, entre eles Itália, Portugal e Argélia e experiência
profissional nos Estados Unidos e em países da América Latina. Filipe
é graduado em Economia pela Universidade Candido Mendes, no
Rio de Janeiro.
Jaques Vieira Wanderley
Ken Wainer
real estate manager
founding partner & portfolio manager
Itau Unibanco Private Bank
Vision Brazil - VBI Real Estate
Formado em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade Paulista,
com cursos de pós-graduação em Economia Financeira pela
Universidade Mackenzie e Banking pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas e
MBA em Gestão Empresarial também pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
Iniciou sua carreira no Unibanco há 22 anos passando pelas áreas de
Administração de Recursos de Terceiros, Sales and Distribution, Asset
Management (AUM) e Relações com Investidores (RI). Atualmente
no Private Bank do Itaú Unibanco como gestor responsável pela
administração de patrimônio de famílias de alta renda. Forte atuação
na área de Real State Advisory (REA) – Projetos de Desenvolvimento
Imobiliário e Investimento em Ativos Imobiliários.
Affordable housing development,
office development and retrofit and shopping
mall development.
Co-founded Vision Brazil Investments and was responsible for
establishing the real estate private equity practice. In 2008 Ken
became dedicated fulltime to the management of the real estate
private equity business of Vision Brazil Investments. Prior to cofounding it, Ken’s professional experience has included 16 years
of investment management, mergers and acquisitions advisory,
and corporate finance work based in New York and São Paulo for
companies such as Violy, Byorum & Partners, Bear Stearns & Co.,
Inc., and Hellmold Associates, Inc. Ken received a B.A. from Harvard
College and an M.B.A. from the MIT Sloan School of Management and
has been living in São Paulo, Brazil, for the past 13 years.
Jadwiga Wisniowska
Cesar Worms
president of the board
chief financial officer
Dragmor Sp. Z o.o.
For last 14 years Jadwiga Wisniowska’s been involved in GREMI Group
activity. Gremi Group is Private Equity Fund operating in Poland and
on international market. During this period of time she was managing
processes of companies’ privatization and restructuring, real estate
revitalizing and investments of other types. Presently she manages
several companies belonging to the GREMI Group and related with
Dragmor sp. z o.o. which carry out real estate investments companies’
acquisitions and other type of financial investments, mainly on
foreign markets, among them in Brazil. Cesar Worms has more than 25 years of experience in Financial
Merkets and real estate investments, having worked in Cargill
Financial Services, JP Morgan and Bunge. Presently Mr Worms is the
CFO of BNCORP a JV between Bueno Neto and Bank of America/
MaxCap for commercial development in Brazil.
GRI 2011
Tel +44. 20 8492 2641
[email protected]
New Europe
new europe GRi 2010
Prague, 23 November
turkey gri 2011
Istanbul, 18 January
gri europe chairmen’s
retreat 2011
St Moritz, 20-23 January
GRI 2011
asia GRi 2011
Singapore, 16 February
USA GRi 2011
New York, 2 March
deutsche GRi 2011
Frankfurt, 3-4 May
BRItish gri 2011
London, 11 May
CHINA 2011
China GRi 2011
Beijing, 2 June
GRi europe summit 2011
Paris, 12-13 September
russia gri 2011
Moscow, 20 September
[email protected]
Tel: +44 20 8492 2634
Fax: +44 20 8445 6633
india gri 2011
Mumbai, 5 October
MENA gri 2011
Cairo, 3 November
Sao Paulo, 9 November
All information herein is subject to change without notice.
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