Caderno de textos -


Caderno de textos -
Introdução / Introduction
Texto 1 : Alexander, Jeffrey C. ([1987] 1996), “The Centrality of the Classics”,
in: Stephen Turner (ed.), Social Theory and Sociology – The
Classics and Beyond, Oxford, Blackwell, 1996, pp. 21-38 (+ bibl. :
pp. 274-294) (republicação; versão original, mais desenvolvida, em
Anthony Giddens e Jonathan Turner (eds.), Social Theory Today,
Cambridge, Polity Press, 1987: pp. 11-57)
[Bibl. ISCTE A.110*Soc]
O estrutural-funcionalismo / Structural-Functionalism
O lugar da teoria na investigação sociológica / The Position of Theory in
Sociological Research
Texto 2 : Parsons, Talcott (1948), “The Position of Sociological Theory”,
American Sociological Review XIII, pp. 156-164.
Texto 3 : Merton, Robert K. (1948), “Discussion” American Sociological Review
XIII, pp. 164-168 (Comentário ao texto de Talcott Parsons).
Texto 4 : Merton, Robert K. (1968), “On Sociological Theories of the Middle
Range”, in: Idem, Social Theory and Social Structure, Glencoe,
Free Press, 1968, cap. II, pp. 39-72 [S.111 MER*Soc]; ed. orig. do
livro : 1949, que, naquela primeira edição, não continha ainda este
texto; texto introduzido por “Preface to the 1968 Enlarged
Edition” [pp. vii-ix], “Preface to the 57 Revised Edition” [pp. xixii], “Acknowledgments” [pp. xiii-xiv])
Teorias sociológicas – As grandes escolas (2015-2016) – Caderno de textos – Índice – p. 2
A “grande teoria”e a sua aplicação / The “Grand Theory” and its implementation
Texto 5:
Parsons, Talcott (1961), “An Outline of the Social System”, in:
Talcott Parsons, E. Shils, K. Naegele, J. Pitts (eds.) (1961), Theories
of Society, New York, Free Press, pp. 30-79 [S.111 The].
Texto 5bis: Parsons, Talcott (1971), “Social Interaction”, in: AA. VV.,
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, London et al.,
MacMillan et al., vol. 7, pp. 429-441.
A codificação de teorias de alcance intermédio / The Codification of Middle
Range Theories
Texto 6 : Merton, Robert K. (1949), “Manifest and Latent Functions”, in: Idem,
Social Theory and Social Structure, New York, Free Press, 1968
(ed. orig. : 1949), pp. 73-138 [S.111 MER*Soc].
As teorias do conflito / Conflict Theories
Funções do conflito / The Functions of Conflict
Texto 7 : Coser, Lewis A. (1956), The Functions of Social Conflict, Glencoe /
Londres, Free Press / Macmillan), pp. 7-110 / 151-182
(Partes introdutórias; capítulos I-V; conclusão; referências)
[PS.132 COS*Fun].
Superar o funcionalismo / Beyond Functionalism
Texto 8 : Dahrendorf, Ralf (1958), “Out of Utopia – Toward a reorientation of
Sociological Analysis”, in: Idem, Essays in the Theory of Society,
Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1968, pp. 107-128
[S.111 DAH*ess] (publ. orig.: American Journal of Sociology
LXIV, 1958) [+ notas: pp. 285-286].
Teorias sociológicas – As grandes escolas (2015-2016) – Caderno de textos – Índice – p. 3
III. O interaccionismo simbólico – Erving Goffman /
Symbolic Interactionism – Erving Goffman
Da identidade reflexiva à sociedade como interacção simbólica / From
Reflexive Identity to Society as Symbolic Interaction
Texto 9: Mead, George Herbert (1930), “Cooley’s Contribution to American
Sociological Thought”, American Journal of Sociology, XXXV,
1930, pp. 693-706, reed. in: Plummer, Ken (ed.), Symbolic
Interactionism. Vol. 1. Foundations and History, Aldershot, Edward
Elgar Publishing (col. Schools of Thought in Sociology nº 7), 1991,
pp. 44-57 [S.111 Sym V1.].
Texto 10: Mead, George Herbert (1924), “The Genesis of the Self and Social
Control”, in: Id., Selected Writings (ed. Andrew J. Reck), Chicago /
London, Chicago University Press, 1964, pp. 267-293
[S.101 MEA*Sel] (publ. orig.: International Journal of Ethics,
XXXV, 1924-1925, pp. 251-277).
Texto 11: Blumer, Herbert (1981), “George Herbert Mead”, in: Rhea, B., The
Future of Sociological Classics, London, Allan & Unwin, 1981,
pp. 143-169, reed. in: PLUMMER, Ken (ed.), Symbolic
Interactionism. Vol. 1. Foundations and History, Aldershot, Edward
Elgar Publishing (col. ‘Schools of Thought in Sociology’ nº 7),
1991, pp. 143-175 [S.111 Sym V1.].
Da dramaturgia da vida quotidiana à teoria da interacção / From the
Dramaturgy of Everyday Life to the Theory of Interaction
Goffman, Erving ([1959] 1993), “Introdução” e “Conclusão”, in: Idem,
A apresentação do eu na vida de todos os dias, Lisboa, Relógio
d’Agua, 1993, pp. 11-27 e 279-297 [PS.131 GOF*Pre trd.por];
publicação orig. : The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Garden
City, NY, Doubleday, 1959 [PS.131 GOF*Pre]) [não incluído,
existindo edição comercial em Portugal].
Texto 12 : Goffman, Erving (1983), “The Interaction Order”, American
Sociological Review, 48, pp. 1-17 (trad. portuguesa em Idem, Os
momentos e os seus homens, Lisboa, Relógio d’Agua, 1999, pp.
190-235 [S.111 GOF*Mom trd por]).
Teorias sociológicas – As grandes escolas (2015-2016) – Caderno de textos – Índice – p. 4
As teorias críticas / Critical Theories
Texto 13 : Horkheimer, Max ([1937] 1974), “Traditional and Critical Theory” in:
Idem, Critical Theory, New York, The Continuum Publishing
Company, 2002, pp. 188-243 (publ. orig. em alemão na revista
Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung em 1937).
Texto 14 : Marcuse, Herbert (1941), “Some Social Implications of Modern
Technology”, Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung / Studies in
Philosophy and Social Sciences, 9, 3 (New York), pp. 414-439.
Texto 15 : Marcuse, Herbert (1964), “Introduction to the First Edition – The
Paralysis of Criticism: Society without Opposition”; “The New
Forms of Control”, in: Idem, One-Dimensional Man, London,
Routledge & Kegan, 1991 (1a edição: 1964), pp. XXXIX-XLVIII;
3-20 [S.182 MAR*One].
Texto 16 : Habermas, Jürgen ([1981] 1987), “Tendencies toward Juridification”,
in: Idem, The Theory of Communicative Action, Cambridge, Polity
Press, 1987, pp. 356-373 [S.111 HAB*The V.2 trd.eng] (trad. de
“Tendenzen der Verrechtlichung”, in: Id., Theorie des
kommunikativen Handelns, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, 1981
(2 vols), Vol. II, pp. 522-547.

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TEORIAS SOCIOLÓGICAS 2 (2008 Texto 10: MEAD, George Herbert (1924), “The Genesis of the Self and Social Control”, in: ID., Selected Writings (ed. Andrew J. Reck), Chicago / London, Chicago University Press, 1964, pp. 267-293 (...

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