
 Usar somente caneta esferográfica (azul ou preta)  Não usar calculadora  Não fazer perguntas
 Não usar corretivo nem rasurar A interpretação das questões faz parte da prova
01. Justifique o uso do ‘s na frase abaixo: A justificativa deve ser dada em português.
She’s done the best she can to help the poor people in her country.
O ‘s na frase acima significa HAS, pois antecede um verbo que está na forma de passado particípio.
Read the following text and answer questions 02 and 03 in Portuguese.
The year is 1907 - one-hundred and one years ago.
Here are some statistics for that year
– The average life expectancy was forty-seven.
– Only fourteen percent of the homes had a bathtub and only eight percent had a telephone.
– There were only 8,000 cars and only one hundred and forty-four miles of paved roads.
– The maximum speed limit in most cities was ten miles per hour.
– The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower.
– The average wage was twenty-two cents per hour.
– More than ninety-five percent of all births took place at home.
– Sugar cost four cents a pound; eggs were fourteen cents a dozen and coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
– Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
– Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.
– Five leading causes of death were: 1. Pneumonia and influenza; 2. Tuberculosis; 3. Diarrhea; 4. Heart disease; 5. Stroke.
– The American flag had forty-five stars.
– The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was only thirty.
– Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and ice-tea were yet to be invented.
– There was no Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.
– Two out of every ten adults couldn’t read or write.
– Only six percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.
– Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstores.
– Eighteen percent of the households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.
– There were about two-hundred and thirty reported murders in the entire U.S.A.!
Source: adapted from a text received by e-mail
02. How fast could the cars go in the most cities?
Os carros poderiam chegar a 10 quilômetros por hora ou 16 milhas por hora na maioria das cidades.
03. Explain the expression available over the counter.
A expressão available over the counter é utilizada para descrever medicamentos que poderiam ser
vendidos sem prescrição médica.
04. Qual é o tipo de mensagem dada aos pais no cartaz acima? Responda em português.
A mensagem dada aos pais é para quem não deixem seus filhos desacompanhados.
The Use of Abbreviations in Text Messages
I want to do this! What’s This?
The trend of thumb-typing text messages onto a tiny cell phone screen has given rise to a whole new system
of abbreviations and altered grammar. Parents, teachers, and adults in general, do not approve it. Teachers complain
that students are using abbreviations in schoolwork, too. However, reality is there and many adults have come across
these abbreviations without having a clue as to their meaning. To many people, the SMS-speak is intuitively simple.
For others, though, learning and using the system can take some time. The following steps will help you to use and
understand text message abbreviations.
Step 1: Substitute single letters for words. The simplest abbreviations are the very obvious substitutions of
letters for words that have the same sound as the letter’s name. You can substitute “b” for the word “be”, “c” for
“see”, “n” for “in” and “y” for “why.” There are many other possible substitutions, so use your imagination to start
abbreviating SMS messages.
Step 2: Use numbers instead of words or letters. Text message senders found that numbers such as 8, 4 and
2 are excellent abbreviations for words and syllables. You can use the number 4 instead of “for” and the number 2 in
place of “to” or “too.” The number 8 can stand in for “ate” or as parts of words, as in “18” to mean “late.”
Step 3: Try some digital speak. A few basic abbreviations are used universally for electronic communications.
“Lol” is a common abbreviation that stands for “laughing out loud.” “Brb,” or “be right back,” is another frequently
used abbreviation. Check out some other general abbreviations that are used by the speakers of digital and Internet
Step 4: Look up or translate what you don’t know. Fortunately, there are a number of online resources to help
you fill in the blanks of what you don’t know. The SMS glossary at Environmental Studies is a good place to look up
text message terms.
Internet: </> (adapted).
05. O que uma pessoa que não entende o significado das palavras pode fazer para conseguir ler as abreviações em uma
mensagem SMS? Responda em português.
Uma pessoa que não entende o significado das palavras abreviadas em uma mensagem SMS pode
pesquisá-las ou traduzi-las na internet usando glossários online.
Mammogram Magic
No question, the test saves lives. So why don’t more women go? Judith Mandelbaum
FEW INTERVALS in a woman’s life are more unnerving than the ten minutes she spends
with her breasts squeezed between heavy plates of plastic, trying not to move or breathe. Imagining
what the high-tech equipment might reveal or fail to can be even worse.
Dignity and discomfort aside, mammograms do save lives. But too many women continue
to question the test’s reliability and safety.
Bottom line: breast cancer is highly curable, if caught early. But in order to be treated, it
must3 be detected. And while4 mammography doesn’t have a 100-percent accuracy rate, it still is
a woman’s best defense. (...)
Ensino Médio e Pré-vestibular
06. Releia o texto acima e encontre palavras/expressões com o mesmo significado de. Responda em inglês.
a) Although 
b) A verb which shows necessity 
c) Frightened 
d) Moments 
e) A verb which shows possibility 
07. Complete as orações a seguir com os pronomes relativos (who, whom, which, whose):
a) The scientist ____________
discovered the penicillin was Fleming.
who/whom I saw at the club.
b) That is the boy ____________
c) Mary is the girl about ____________
whom I talked to you yesterday.
d) I can’t find the book ____________
I bought last Monday.
e) Did you see the car ____________
whose owner is a millionaire?
08. Built one sentence out of the two given. If it is possible show the omission marking an X.
a) Swimming is a very good sport. We should practice it more often.
Swimming is a very good sport which we should practice more often
b) That is a beautiful car. It costs more than $ 250,000.
That is beautiful car which costs more than $250,000.
c) Lucy is a cousin of mine. Her sister has had a bad accident.
Lucy is a cousin of mine whose sister has had a bad accident.
d) Nobody saw the thief. He broke into the store.
Nobody saw the thief who broke into the store.
e) Tiago is a new baby. You can see him on FaceBook.
Tiago is a new baby who/whom you can see on Facebook.
Ensino Médio e Pré-vestibular