Singer Jorge Martinez - Portuguese Social Club


Singer Jorge Martinez - Portuguese Social Club
Clube Social Portugues Perth
Data/e: 20/06/2015
Hora/Time: 7:00pm till late
Stirling Bowling Club
78 Jones Street Stirling
Caros Portugueses, o clube vai mais uma vez celebrar o
Dia de Portugal
Vamos servir Caldo Verde, Chourico Assado, Bacalhau a Braz
Vitela assada, Batatas no forno, Salada de Alface
We will be serving Caldo Verde, Grilled Chourico, Bacalhau a Braz
Beef Roast, Roast Potatoes, Lettuce Salad
Tea/Coffee/Dessert will be served
Music by DJ Paulo &
Singer Jorge Martinez
all the way from Portugal
Cash bar provided at club prices
Prices / Precos
Socios / Members
Nao Socios / Non Members
Criancas / Children 12 and under
Bank details- Commonwealth Bank
BSB 066166
Acc. No.10481775
Like us on Facebook “Portuguese Social Club Perth”
For Reservations Please Contact
Mary Baptista
0425 304 018
Paulo Forjaz
0400 229 991
Cindy Jorge
0431 941 411
Romeo Marcos
0439 963 397
Joe Lopes
0430 424 982

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