
Thermal Energy
Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential building
energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Novos desenvolvimentos da geotermia e da acumulação
de energia térmica para Climatização em Edifícios
III Jornadas Técnicas da Primavera da EFRIARC
Luís Coelho – Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (IPS)
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
 Dar a conhecer as investigações efetuadas pelo IPS nas área de:
 Geotermia;
 Armazenamento de Energia Térmica;
 Apresentar o projeto Europeu TESSe2b
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Energia Geotérmica
O termo Energia Geotérmica é utilizado para indicar a porção de calor do interior da terra que
pode ser utilizada e explorada pelo homem como fonte energética renovável.
As bombas de calor utilizam a chamada
energia geotérmica superficial.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Bombas de Calor Geotérmicas (GSHP):
• É uma tecnologia fiável e provada, mas ainda com forte potencial de desenvolvimento;
• Novos fluidos; novos equipamentos; associadas a outras fontes renováveis (ex. solar); etc;
• Reduz os custos de aquecimento e arrefecimento, podendo variar entre 25% a 75%; Reduz
significativamente as emissões de CO2;
• Aumenta o valor do ciclo de vida do edifício;
• Promove o conforto nos edifícios (menor ruído, menor impacto visual);
• Protege o ambiente;
• Promove o desenvolvimento sustentável da utilização energética.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
• Vantagens das GSHP (eficiência)
Temperatura da água:
• Estável na maior parte do ano;
• Desvantagens das GSHP
• Custos de instalação mais elevados
• Furos geotérmicos: 35 - 45 euros/m
(ex. Setúbal, 17-19 ºC);
• Ponto critico:
– Permite:
• Eficiência no aquecimento ambiente,
• Eficiência no arrefecimento ambiente,
• Eficiência na preparação de AQS.
– Estudo de viabilidade económico baseado
numa análise energética detalhada:
• Mais vantajoso em edifícios com
ocupação prolongada como hotéis,
hospitais, residenciais permanentes e
em climas mais frios.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
• Circuito Primário:
Circuitos abertos:
Furos para extracção e para injecção de água (10 – 50 m);
Água de minas ou túneis
– Circuitos fechados:
Permutadores enterrados, circuitos verticais (60 - 250 m);
Circuitos horizontais (1,2 – 1,5 m);
Fundações termo-ativas.
Rohre in Graben
Source: Heinz Brandl, Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz 13/220-2,1040 Vienna, Austria
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
 Pontos importantes a ter em conta:
 Potência de aquecimento e arrefecimento necessária;
 Perfil das necessidades de energia útil de aquecimento e arrefecimento;
 Equilíbrio entre necessidades de arrefecimento e de aquecimento;
 Evolução da temperatura do solo ao longo do tempo de vida (ex. 25 anos);
 Condutividade térmica do solo e resistência térmica do furo;
 Existência ou não de lençóis de água no subsolo.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Courtesy: UBeG
3 furos
TRT 2- Teste nº2
Temperatura [ºC]
Courtesy: EGEC
Teste de Resposta Térmica (TRT)
Tempo (h)
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
• Evolução da temperatura ao longo de 25 anos.
Simple coaxial Complex coaxial
Coaxial simples
25-32 mm
“Duplo U”
Simple coaxial
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
Coaxial complexos
Complex coaxial
25-32 mm
“Simples U”
Simple coaxial
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
• Material de Enchimento.
Bentonite + Cimento
Imagem recolhida de
“ENATE – Energias
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Armazenamento de Energia Térmica:
Solução clássica: Bancos de Gelo; Acumulação de Água Arrefecida ou
Novas Soluções: Materiais de Mudança de Fase (PCM); Materiais
Source: Cristopia
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
-100 ºC
0 ºC
32 ºC
+90 ºC
+7 ºC
-34 ºC
-100 ºC
Eutectic Solutions
“ L”
Alcohol Range
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
+885 ºC
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
-22 ºC
0 ºC
+1 ºC
High Temperature
Hydrated Salts
Organic Solutions
+40 ºC
Temperature Range
+885 ºC
+117 ºC
+167 ºC
“X ”
Solid-Slid PCM
+180 ºC
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Flat Containers Tubes
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
• The project objectives are to research, demonstrate and disseminate ground coupled heat
pumps of high technology for heating and cooling by:
 Develop a ground source heat pump prototype of improved energy efficiency
 Develop a ground source heat pump prototype that can deliver 80ºC (for use in high
temperature heating systems)
GSHP #1: Setúbal -Portugal
 Develop a warm groundwater source heat pump prototype (evaporator water envelop
20- 40ºC) of improved energy efficiency (COP=7.0)
Total budget: 3,586,070 €
EC contribution: 1,677,182 € (46,77%)
Project duration: 4 years; June 2004 – May 2008
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
Demo Sites:
GSHP #2: Graz - Áustria
GSHP #3: Salónica - Grécia
11 partners; 7 countries
ex. CIAT
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Advanced ground source heat pump systems for heating and cooling in Mediterranean climate
(Sistemas avançados de bombas de calor geotérmicas para aquecimento e arrefecimento em
Demo Sites (7):
clima mediterrânico).
24 Partners
13 Countries
ex. CIAT
The global aim is to demonstrate integrated ground source heat pump systems of :
 Annual SPF for both heating and cooling higher than 5,0;
 Payback time of less than 7 years compared with a system comprising natural
gas boiler of 0.04 €/kWh for heating and air source heat pumps of COP=3.5 for
 High system durability expressed as at least 20 years life span.
Project budget: 7.247.686 €
– EC contribution: 4.299.695 or 59,3%
Duration: 5 years Jan 2009 to Dec 2013
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Project Title
Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings. An integrated
solution for residential building energy storage by solar and geothermal
- TESSe2b Project –
Project number: 680555
Call identifier: H2020-EeB-2015 Call for EeB – Energy-efficient Buildings
EeB 6 – 2015: Integrated solutions of thermal energy storage for building
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Context of the project
TESSe2b Project
Type of action: RIA - Research & Innovation Actions (defined in the call)
Activities expected to focus on Technology Readiness Levels 4-6.
Budget: 4.311.700 euros;
Number of participants: 10
Number of countries: 8
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Context of the project
• Proposals deadline: 04/02/2015;
• Results communication: 27/04/2015
• Signature of the Grant Agreement: 20/07/2015
• Starting data of the project: 01/10/2015; Duration: 48 months
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
General Objectives
• Increasing energy efficiency in buildings, enhance green
technologies and promote advance thermal energy storage
• The target of TESSe2b is to design, develop, validate and
demonstrate a modular and low cost thermal storage technology
based on solar collectors and highly efficient heat pumps for
heating, cooling and domestic hot water (DHW) production.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
General Objectives
Latent Thermal Energy Storage
Heating and Cooling Tanks (NEPCM)
Enhanced PCM BHEs
Renewable Energy Sources
Solar (Thermal Panels)
Heating and DHW
Geothermal - GSHP
Cooling, Heating and DHW
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Specific Objectives
• OBJ1 - Selection and characterization of candidate PCM to ensure
optimum design and performance for high efficiency PCM TES tank
and enhanced PCM borehole heat exchangers.
• OBJ2 - Exploit nanotechnology to develop a new nano-composite
enhanced paraffin PCM (NEPCM).
• OBJ3 - Development of a protective thin film coating against the
corrosivity of salt-hydrates to the heat exchanger (HE).
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Specific Objectives
• OBJ4 - Design optimization and development of compact modular
TES tanks including a high performance HE.
• OBJ5 - Development of a smart model-based control system for
efficient TESSe2b operation and integration into a robust working
• OBJ6 - Demonstration, on-site monitoring and technology validation
of prototypes of a single building in three pilot sites.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Specific Objectives
• OBJ7 - Cost-effectiveness analysis of TESSe2b solution to evaluate
the return-on-investment period.
• OBJ8 - To design an effective exploitation strategy and business
plan to demonstrate the overall benefits in the several levels of the
TESSe2b solution adoption.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Consortium overview and organisation
Demo Sites
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
R&D legal statuses
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal - IPS
Higher education
Centre For Renewable Energy Sources and Saving
Fondation - CRES
Research organisation
Technologiko Ekpedeftiko Idrima Stereas Elladas TEISTE
Higher education
Geoteam Technisches Buro Fur Hydrogeologie,
Geothermie Und Umwelt Gmbh - GEOTEAM
Panepistimio Ioanninon - UOI
Higher education
Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego - SGGW
Higher education
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum - RUB
Higher education
Asociacion Ecoserveis - ECOSERVEIS
Non-profit org.
Phase Change Material Products Ltd – PCM Produc
Z & X Mechanical Installations Limited – Z&X
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Expected results
1) By improving storage, volume of storage is reduced to a significant proportion,
and of course its weight when for the same energy needs the capacity of the
DWH tank is reduced by more than 40%;
2) The second target is the solar thermal system efficiency optimization which
reached the 18%, i.e., instead of 20m2 of flat type solar collectors are just
sufficient 16m2 This causes a significant increase in the solar thermal system
3) The smart self-learning control algorithm will optimize the operation on a
system-wide basis increasing the overall efficiency by another 5%.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Expected results
4) For cooling and heating TESSe2b propose to increase the efficiency of the GSHPs
(Geothermal HP). TESSe2b solution will lead to increased thermal efficiency of the
BHEs using PCMs, resulting in significantly reduced size, and cost. The TESSe2b
solution will offer a 22% efficiency optimization which leads to the BHE size
reduction, of example, from 100 m to 78m.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Expected results
• The TESSe2b solution will reduce the building energy consumption at
least 15% could be reached 25-30% with a corresponding reduction in
operating costs.
• The estimated payback period is expected to reach 8-9 years.
• TESSe2b project and its exploitable products have the potential not
only to be included as a market opportunity but also to enhance the
development of TES systems in the EU market.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Website and Project Video
TEESe2b Video
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Some work carried out
Study of the tank geometry (Finite Elements Structural Analysis of designs)
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Some work carried out
Optimization of the HE inside the tank (Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation)
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
Melting 0-4188s
(midplane slice)
3D time evolution of
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Some work carried out
Optimization of the PCM in the BHE (Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation)
Liquid mass fraction vs Time
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
Temperature vs Time
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Outro projeto aprovado na mesma call:
The main aim of CREATE is to develop and demonstrate a heat battery, i.e.
an advanced thermal storage system based on Thermo-Chemical Materials
(TCMs), that enables economically affordable, compact and loss-free storage
of heat in existing buildings.
The heart of the system consists of a vessel that contains a salt that is
hydrated and dehydrated, which generates an energy effect. In the time
between de-hydration and hydration the energy is stored in the salt.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
• A geotermia é uma solução de eficiência energética importante, mas a sua
implementação deverá ser cuidadosamente estudada.
• Existem novos desenvolvimentos tecnológicos que permitirão tirar cada
vez mais partido desta fonte de energia.
• Existem desenvolvimentos de novos materiais e novas tecnologias que
permitirão aumentar possibilidades de utilização do armazenamento
térmico a diferentes temperaturas.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thermal Energy Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential
building energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
• A Comissão Europeia tem se mostrado muito interessada na promoção do
desenvolvimento tecnológico da geotermia e do armazenamento e
energia térmica, através de financiamento de projetos I&D.
• A conjugação destas duas tecnologias permitirá alcançar níveis de
eficiência energética importantes na climatização dos edifícios.
• O projeto TESSe2b é um exemplo do esforço que está a ser feito para
desenvolver o armazenamento térmico ligado a fontes de energia
geotérmica e solar térmica.
Tektonica, Lisboa, Portugal, 6 de Maio 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage
Thank for your attention
Thermal Energy
Storage Systems
for energy efficient building an integrated solution for residential building
energy storage by solar and geothermal resources
First Progress Meeting, Setúbal, Portugal, 7th – 8th April, 2016
TESSe2b - the smart energy storage

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