Nas Águas Verdes do Mar In the Green Waters of the Sea Nas


Nas Águas Verdes do Mar In the Green Waters of the Sea Nas
Nas Águas Verdes do Mar
In the Green Waters of the Sea
Nas águas verdes do mar,
Vi um batuque (de) bonito.
In the Green Waters of the Sea
I saw a beautiful batuque
Quando o farol deu sinal,
Eu avistei Porto Rico.
When the lighthouse gave the signal,
I spotted Porto Rico
Baque De Guerra
War Beat
Se meu povo está em guerra
Iansã vem me salvar.
Salve o povo de Olorún,
Êpahe! chegou Oba.
If my people are at war,
Iansã come save me.
Save the people of Olorún,
Êpahe! Oba arrived.
Atotô a Omulú,
Pra curar todos os feridos
A yêyê, Mamãe Oxum,
Com o seu encanto e muito brilho.
Atotô (?) Omulú,
To heal all the wounded
A yêyê, Mother Oxum,
With her charm and much brilliance.
É Ogum nosso guerreiro,
É Oxóssi o caçador.
Esse é o baque de guerra,
Salve o povo de Olorún
Ogum is our warrior,
Oxóssi is the hunter.
This is the war beat,
Save the people of Olorún.
batuque: festive community drumming (and dancing)
Porto Rico: Name of the Maracatu group (Maracatu Nação Porto Rico) that composed and sang
this song
Iansã: Warrior Orixa of the wind and sudden change; also has dominion over the underworld
Orixa: Yoruba deity
Olorún: A/the supreme orixa, ruler of the heavens
Êpahe: "The shout" for Oba, to summon / acknowledge / greet the orixa's presence.
Oba: Orixa of marriage and domesticity
Atotô: Shout for Omulú
Omulú: Orixa of sickness and healing
A yêyê: Shout for Oxum
Oxum: Orixa of fresh water, beauty, love, sex, and diplomacy
Ogum: Warrior Orixa of iron, politics, and war
Oxóssi: Warrior Orixa of hunting and the forest