Sofia Marques da Silva


Sofia Marques da Silva
Sofia Marques da Silva
Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, Rua do Dr.
Manuel Pereira da Silva, 4200-392 Porto - PORTUGAL Faculty of Psychology and Educational
Sciences, University of Porto
[email protected]
Sex Female | Nationality Portuguese
Faculty of Psychology and Educational, University of Porto
Effective member of CIIE
Educational Research and Intervention Centre
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto
PhD. Educational Sciences
University of Porto, Portugal
Title: Exuberâncias e (trans)figurações de si numa casa da juventude: etnografia de fragilidades e de
estratégias juvenis para o reconhecimento e para a dignidade (Exuberances and self (trans)
figurations in a Youth Centre: ethnography of young people frailties and strategies for recognition and
dignity). Supervised by Professor Manuel Matos (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences,
University of Porto) and Helena Costa Araújo (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences,
University of Porto)
MA in Educational Sciences
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
Title: Figuras e Configurações da Estranheza na escola: uma etnografia sobre as estratégias e os
compromissos de jovens entre grandezas em conflito (Figures and configurations of strangeness in
School: ethnography on young people strategies and compromises between conflitual demands.
Supervised by Professor Manuel Matos (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University
of Porto)
1st Degree in Educational Sciences
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
1st Degree in History
Faculty of Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal
Organisational / managerial skills
October 2008 – October 2010 – Elected Member of the Executive Board of the Faculty of Psychology
and Educational Sciences of U.Porto.
October 2008 - October 2010 – Co-ordinator of the Communication Office of the Faculty of
Psychology and Educational Sciences of U.Porto.
October 2008 – October 2010 – As member of the Executive Board was responsible for international
2003 – 2008 – Elected member of the Commission of Educational Sciences Department.
Research Experience
At individual level
2010-2012 – On-line and Off-line Ethnography of young people educational experiences in a rural
area in Portugal
2005-2008 – Ethnography of young people fears and frailties in a Youth Centre in Portugal (for PhD
2002-2004 – Ethnography of young people strategies in a school in Portugal (for Master Degree)
As member of research project teams
2010-2013 – Researcher in the project “Building local networking in education? Decision-makers´
discourses and strategies on school achievement and drop-out”, coordinated by Prof. Doutora Helena
Costa Araújo and with a grant by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology).
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2009-2011 – Reseacher in the project “Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and
Participation”, coordinated locally by Prof. Isabel Menezes, 7ºPQ / COOPERATION - Socio-economic
Sciences and Humanities.
2007-2010 – Researcher in the project “Mediação na Comunidade” (Mediation in Local Communities),
coordinated by Prof. Tiago Neves and with a grant by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
(Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology).
2004-2007 – Researcher in the project “Life histories in School and communities of youth - revisiting
school drop out”, coordinated by Prof. Helena Costa Araújo and with a grant by Fundação para a
Ciência e Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology).
2004-2006 – Researcher in the project “Polifonia na Educação, cidadania e biografia de mulheres
jovens e adultas” (Poliphony in education, citizenship and biographies of young and adult women)
coordinated by Prof. Helena Costa Araújo and with a grant by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
(Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology).
2003-2006 – Researcher in the Project JOVALES “Jovens, Alunos e Ensino Secundário” (Young
people, students and secondary education), coordinated by Prof. Manuel Santos e Matos and with a
grant by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and
2000-2002 – Researcher in the project “AAutonomia Visível das Raparigas e a Desafectação dos
Rapazes da Escola?” (Girls visible authonomy and boys disafection from school), coordinated by Prof.
Helena Costa Araújo and with a grant by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology).
Teaching Experience
Undergraduate teaching in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto
2002 – continues – Sociology of Education (Assistant and after 2008 co-convenor)
2003 - continues – Research Methodologies in Education (Assistant and after 2008 Co-convenor)
2007 – continues - Epistemology and History of Science (Convenor)
2008/2009 – Introduction to Social Sciences (Assistant)
Post-Graduate teaching in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto
2008 – continues – Research Methodologies in Education (Master) (Co-convenor)
2009 – continues – Intervention Methodologies in Education (Co-convenor)
2009 – continues – Structure and Dynamic of a Research (PhD) Co-convenor)
Other teaching experiences
International Master programme 2008 - European Master of Development Studies in Social and
Educational Sciences
Teaching Erasmus mobility
2009 - University of Lower Silesia (Wroclaw –Poland) – Research Methodologies in Education
Intensive Programmes
2010 - Teacher at LLP Erasmus IP CHALID - Challenges to Identity in the Context of Globalization:
Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Perspectives at Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius) (grant
agreement No. LLP-ERA-IP-2009-LT-0264) – May, 2010
Other skills
Experience as Co-convenor/chair
2005 – continues - Co-convenor of Network 19 – Ethnography of the European Conference on
Educational Research (ECER).
2010 – continues - Co-convenor of Network 5 – Children and Youth at Risk in Urban Education of the
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER).
Experience in International Networks
2008 – continues - Member of the International Childhood and Youth Research Network
2006- continues – Member of the EDUC8 GROUP - AN INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH GROUP ON
2005-continues - Co-convenor of ECER – European Conference on Educational research
Member of Journal’s editorial Board of journals or book collection
2010 – Member of the editorial board of the Journal Ethnography & Education, Taylor & Francis.
2012 - Deputy Editor of the Journal Ethnography & Education (Taylor & Francis)
2012 – Member of the editorial board of the NEW International Journal of School Disaffection
2012 - Co-editor of the book collection of Ethnography & Education Tufnell Press e E&E Publishing.
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2013- Silva, Sofia Marques da (2013) "Dis-inheriting the heritage and the case of Pauliteiras: young
girls as newcomers in a traditional dance from the northeast of Portugal", Mediterranean Journal of
Educational Studies (in print).pp
2012 - Silva, Sofia Marques da (2012) "Young People and Sensitive Information: Managing Protection
And Dignity". In Brooks, Rachel; te Riele, Kitty (Eds.) Negotiating Ethical Challenges in Youth
Research. London: Routledge, Pp. 96-108.ISBN-9780415808460.
2012 - Sofia Marques da Silva, Cristina Queirós (2012) “University students' investment in developing
skills through participation in volunteering programs: experiences from the University of Porto,
Portugal”. In Bohuslav Kuzsin, Viera Zozul'aková, Volunteering in 21 century: intensive programme,
Presov University, pp.23-42.
2012 - Neves, Tiago; Fonseca, Laura; Ferreira, Pedro; Araújo, Helena C.; Silva, Sofia Marques;
Coimbra, Joaquim Luís (2012) “Comentários e reflexões”. In Menezes, Isabel, Malafaia, Carla;
Fernandes-Jesus, Maria; Ribeiro, Norberto; Ferreira, (Orgs.) Agência e Participação Cívica e Política:
jovens e imigrantes na construção da democracia. FPCEUP: Livpsic, pp.145-165.
Silva, Sofia Marques (2011). Da Casa Da Juventude aos Confins do Mundo. Etnografia de
Fragilidades, Medos e Estratégias Juvenis. Porto: Afrontamento.
2011 - Jeffrey, Bob; Beach, Dennis; Landri, Paolo; Silva, Sofia Marques da; Landri, Paolo (2011)
"Introduction". Silva, Sofia Marques da & Landri, Paolo (Eds.) Rethinking Educational
Ethnography.Researching on-line communities and interactions. Porto: CIIE/FPCEUP (, pp.46.
2011 - Silva, Sofia Marques da (2011) "Getting closer to the stranger? Methodological and conceptual
challenges in educational contexts". In Tobias Werler (Ed.) Heterogeneity: General Didatics Meets the
Stranger. Munster: Maxmann, 55-64.
2010 – Silva, Sofia Marques (2010) “Mulheres e feminilidade em culturais ocupacionais de
hegemonia masculina”. In Ferreira, Virgínia (Org.) A Igualdade de Mulheres e Homens no Trabalho e
no Emprego em Portugal: políticas e circunstâncias. Lisboa: Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho
e no Emprego (CITE). Pp. 293-332.
2010 – Silva, Sofia Marques da «Eu tenho um feeling!»: Diana, seguindo as pegadas de Antígona» (I
get a feeling! Diana, following Antigona footsteps) 146-163. HUMUS (forthcoming)
2010 – Tura, Maria de Lourdes Rangel; Silva, Sofia Marques (2010) «Etnografias da prática
pedagógica e da relação com o currículo escolar em contextos de diversidade: o caso de uma Escola
do Rio de Janeiro e de uma Escola do Porto» In Tura, Maria de Lourdes Rangel e Leite, Carlinda
(Orgs.) Questões de Currículo e Trabalho Docente. Rio de Janeiro: Quartet Editora.
2010 – Silva, Sofia Marques da, «Qui a peur de l'ethnographie?: refléxions sur dix années de pratique
ethnographique dans le domaine de l'éducation», Revue Européenne d'Ethnographie de l'Education,
7, 195-206.
2008 Silva, Sofia Marques da, «Estratégias juvenis para "fintar" fragilidades: A construção da pertença
a uma casa da juventude no norte de Portugal (Juvenile Strategies to “trap” frailties: constructing
belongings in a youth centre in the North of Portugal)», Educação, Sociedade, & Culturas, 27, 27-49.
2008 Silva, Sofia Marques da, «Figuras e configurações da estranheza: O mundo da vida e o mundo
da escola» (Figures and configurations of strangeness: the world of life and the world of school). Ecadernos CES, 1, 141-159.
2007- Silva, Sofia Marques da; Araújo, Helena Costa «Interrogando as Masculinidades em Contexto
Escolar: mudança anunciada? (Questioning Masculinities in School Context: some changes?)»,
Revista ex aequo, 15, 89-117
2007 – Silva, Sofia Marques da; Rocha, Cristina. «Rapazes e Raparigas no Ensino Superior em
Portugal no Final dos Anos 90 (Boys and Girls in Higher Education in Portugal in the late 90’s)» (coauthor with Cristina Rocha), Educação, Sociedade e Culturas, 25, 169-182.
(2006) Silva, Sofia Marques da, «Engenheiras Civis na Execução de Obra. Identificação, Conciliação
Biográfica e Negociação de «Zonas de Conforto» (Women Civil Engineers in the construction site:
identification, biographical conciliation and Confort-zones negotiation)», Fórum Sociológico, 15/16, 83102;
(2006) Silva, Sofia Marques da, «Custos ao Nível da Educação (Costs at Educational Level» (coauthor with António Nóvoa), in Manuel Lisboa (Coord.), Prevenir ou Remediar: os Custos Sociais e
Económicos da Violência Contra as Mulheres (To Prevent or to Remediate: Social and Economic
Costs of Violence against women). Lisboa: Edições Colibri/SociNova. Pp. 111-119;
2004 - Silva, Sofia Marques da (2004). No argumento da estranheza, o desejo das imperfeições:
compromissos de raparigas na escola. Ex aequo, 11, 59-79.
(2004) “Doubts and Intrigues on Ethnographic Research”, European Educational Research Journal, 3,
Vol.3, 566-581;
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Books edition
2011 - Silva, Sofia Marques da; Landri, Paolo (eds.) (2011) Rethinking Educational Ethnography:
Researching On-line Communities and Interactions. Porto: CIIE/FPCEUP.
2013/2014 - Silva, Sofia Marques da; Borgnakke, Karen; Dovemark, Marianne (eds.) (2014) The
process of professionalization - Tendencies, dilemmas and perspectives. (Este livro está em
preparação para submissão à editora Routledge -Taylor & Francis, no âmbito da coleção de livros da
Ethnography & Education e tem a contribuição de cerca de 8 autores/as de diferentes países
Journal Special Issues edition
2013 - Webster, Joan; Silva, Sofia Marques da (Eds.) (2013) “Doing Educational Ethnography in an
Online World: Methodological Challenges, Choices and Innovations” (Special Issue), Ethnography
and Education. London: Routledge-Taylor & Francis. (aguarda impressão).
2011 – Gobbo, Francesca; Silva, Sofia Marques da (Eds.) Ethnographies in countries with Portuguese
as spoken language (provisional title). (Forthcoming)
2012 - Silva, Sofia Marques da; Jarkovská, Lucie; Gutiérrez Esteban, Prudencia; Jarkowska, Lucie
(Eds.) (2012) Gender, education and social justice: Linking theories, methods, practices and agendas,
Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 35. Porto: Edições Afrontamento. 208 páginas.
2011 – Silva, Sofia Marques da (2010) Da casa da juventude aos confins do mundo: etnografia de
fragilidades, medos e estratégias juvenis (From the Youth Centre to the end of the world: ethnography
of youth frailties, fears and strategies. Porto: Edições Afrontamento (Forthcoming)
2003 - Marques, Carmo, Nogueira, Conceição, Magalhães, Maria José, & Silva, Sofia Marques da
(Coords.) (2003). Um olhar sobre os feminismos: Pensar a democracia no mundo da vida. UMAR:
Selection of recent conference papers/ presentations to seminars
Papers by invitation
2011 – Feminismo e Educação em Portugal (Feminism and Education in Portugal), Paper to be
presented in the open session of the X Semana da Mulher “Educação, gênero e movimentos sociais”,
29 a 31 de March, 2011, at Unesp - Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências – Câmpus de Marília, Marília,
São Paulo, Brasil (forthcoming).
2010 – “Gendered politics in doing ethnography, Seminar at the Institute of Education, University of
London, 1st Of March”.
2005 - «L'école devant l'incertitude et face a des catégories dépasses. Le phénomène de la violence
a l'école au Portugal», Colloque International sur la Violence Scolaire, UNICEF and Tunisian Ministère
de l’éducation et de la formation in Tunis (Org.), April 14 to 16 (by invitation).
2013 – “Sharing knowledge between generations: local cultures visibility through online practices”,
Rethinking Educational Ethnography, Third Annual Conference – Naples, June 6th – 7th.
2012 – “Transitions From on Offline to Online Contexts and Back Again. Discussions About Doing
Ethnography in a Rural Setting”, ECER, Cádiz.
2010 – “Crisscrossing between Online and Offline Spaces: Challenges For Ethnography” part of the
Symposium «Virtual Ethnography: possibilities, issues and problems» –Bob Jeffrey (Org.), Network 19
(Ethnography) at ECER, 25 - 27 August at the University of Helsinki.
2010 – “Getting closer to the Stranger: methodological challenges”, for the workshop Heterogeneity General Didactics meets the Stranger, Tobias Werler (Org.), June 14, 15 at Volda University, Norway.
2009 – “Crossroads for ethnography: studying the space between real and virtual experiences”, 9th
Conference of the European Sociological Association European Society or European Societies?
Lisbon, September 2 and 5 (co-author with Mafalda Guedes).
2009 – “Lives on hold: youth transitions in contemporary hostile contexts”, Network 5 – Children and
Youth at Risk in Urban Education, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), University
of Vienna, September 28 to 30.
2009 – “Learning to live with paradoxes: an ethnographic account of young people’s strategies for
recognition and dignity”, Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference: September, 22 and 23.
2009 – “Youth transitions and the exuberance of fragility: an ethnographic study in a Youth Centre in
Portugal”, Midterm Conference of RN30 Youth and Generation, European Sociological Association
Estonia, 8-11th January 2009.
2008 – “Institutional culture and youth cultures: mediation between performativity and creativity
demands”, part of the Symposium «Creativity and Performativity Policies, Programmes and Practices
Europe» -Bob Jeffrey (Org.), Network 19 (Ethnography) of the European Conference on Educational
Research (ECER) at the Universityof Gothenburg, September 10 to 12.
2007 – “The Banality Of Hard Lives: Young People Living In Exclusion And Risk Trajectories”, Network
5 – Children and Youth at Risk in Urban Education, European Conference on Educational Research
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(ECER), University of Ghent, September 19 to 22.
2007 – “Gender Relations and Politics of Fieldwork”,part of the Symposium «From researcher
problems and positioning through analysis to representation: An ethnographic narrative» – Bob Jeffrey
(Org.), no Network 19 (Ethnography),European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) at the
University of Ghent, September 19 to 22.
2006 –“Exuberances and enormities in a Youth House in Portugal: ethnography contributions for
unfinished and transforming knowledge”, Network 19 (Ethnography), European Conference on
Educational Research (ECER), University of Geneva, September 13 to 16.
2005 - “Figures and configurations of Strangeness at School: ethnography on youth strategies and
compromises", Network 19 (Ethnography), European Conference on Educational Research (ECER),
at the University College Dublin, September 6 to 10.
2005 – “Women Engineers in the Territory of Civil Engineering”, 37th World Congress International
Institute of Sociology(Frontiers of Sociology), Stockholm, July 5 to 9.
Honours and awards
2001 - Award Eng. António de Almeida, for graduated with grade 18 (in 20) in Educational Sciences at
the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto.
2001 – Award D. Dinis, in the field of Educational Sciences, to support the research for accomplishing
the Master thesis.
2009- continues - Member of the Commission for Voluntariat of the University of Porto
2004-2006 - Member of the Direction of the Portuguese Association of Women Studies
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